IN Legislation | 2015 | Regular Session | Bills

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StanceBillStatusSummary/TitleLast Actionsort icon
SB0476PassSchool capital projects fund tax rate. Provides that when calculating the maximum rate for a school corporation's capital projects fund for taxes due and payable in calendar year 2016, the first step in the calculation (the previous year's maximum ra...
Public Law 232
SB0500PassEducation deregulation. Makes comprehensive revisions to the Indiana Code relating to all aspects of the administration of schools and school corporations and the education of students from pre-kindergarten through grade 12. Repeals various obsolete ...
Public Law 233
SB0174PassSentence modification. Makes a person who commits an offense before July 1, 2014, eligible for sentence modification on the same terms as a person sentenced on or after that date. Provides that a violent criminal, as defined, may file one petition fo...
Public Law 164
SB0423PassProperty tax issues. Provides that, following a petition for review contesting the assessed value of tangible property, a taxpayer and a township or county official may enter into an agreement in which both parties: (1) agree to waive a determination...
Public Law 248
SB0027PassObstructions at railroad-highway grade crossings. Imposes a minimum judgment of $200 for blocking a railroad-highway grade crossing. Deposits funds collected as judgments in the industrial rail service fund. Urges the legislative council to assign to...
Public Law 162
SB0508PassAnimals and agriculture. Defines "equine massage therapy". Provides that equine massage therapy is not included in the practice of veterinary medicine. Provides that an individual may not immunize an animal for a fee unless the individual is a vetera...
Public Law 211
SB0460PassComprehensive care health facilities. Prohibits the state department of health from approving: (1) the licensure of comprehensive care health facilities; (2) new or converted comprehensive care beds; or (3) the certification of new or converted compr...
Public Law 257
HB1044PassFood and beverage taxes. Authorizes the fiscal body of the town of Rockville to adopt a town food and beverage tax. Provides that the tax rate may not exceed 1%. Specifies the purposes for which the Rockville food and beverage tax may be used. Author...
Public Law 254
HB1540PassVarious gaming matters. Specifies the process for entering into tribal-state compacts concerning Indian gaming. Authorizes riverboats to move inland to adjacent properties meeting certain requirements. Makes the promotional play deduction for riverbo...
Public Law 255
SB0098PassLawsuits against gun manufacturers. Prohibits a person from bringing certain actions against a firearms manufacturer, ammunition manufacturer, trade association, or seller, and makes the prohibition effective upon passage. Prohibits awards for attorn...
Public Law 106
SB0252PassHorse racing matters. Requires the Indiana horse racing commission (IHRC) to promote the horse racing industry in Indiana, including its simulcast product. Provides that promotional costs may be paid from the breed development funds. Increases the am...
Public Law 256
SB0369VetoPublication and Internet posting of information. Requires local governments and school corporations to provide information for posting on the Indiana transparency Internet web site as follows: (1) Expenditures categorized by personal services, other ...
Vetoed by the Governor
SB0327PassCharity gaming. Provides that the prize for a progressive bingo game may not exceed $2,000. Provides that the total prizes for one pull tab, punchboard, or tip board game may not exceed $10,000. (Current law provides that the total prizes may not exc...
Public Law 253
HB1270VetoHorse racing matters. Provides that the minimum salary per diem for a member of the Indiana horse racing commission equals the maximum per diem amount that an employee of the executive branch of the federal government receives. Changes the appointmen...
Vetoed by the Governor
HB1009PassInnovation network schools. Provides for innovation network school programs in school corporations. Establishes the career pathways pilot program. Establishes the innovation network school pilot grant. Repeals the article relating to the establishmen...
Public Law 214
SB0566PassEducation. Requires the attorney general in consultation with the Indiana education employment relations board (IEERB) to draft and disseminate a letter by first class mail to teachers providing a summary of the teacher's rights and protections under...
Public Law 239
SB0267PassDual language immersion; biliteracy. Establishes the dual language immersion pilot program to provide grants to school corporations and charter schools that establish dual language immersion programs in certain foreign languages. Creates the state ce...
Public Law 226
HB1635PassVarious education matters. Allows grants from the safe schools fund to provide school wide programs to improve school climate and professional development and training in alternatives to suspension and expulsion and evidence based practices that cont...
Public Law 220
SB0522PassSerious sex offenders. Defines "serious sex offender". Makes entry on school property by a serious sex offender a Level 6 felony. Provides that a serious sex offender is entitled to vote by mail. Requires the department of correction to inform a seri...
Public Law 235
SB0524PassTax deeds and conveyance documents. Provides that when a county auditor sends out certain notices for a tax sale by certified mail, the notices must be sent by certified mail, return receipt requested. Requires that a verified petition for a tax deed...
Public Law 236
HB1637PassVarious education issues. Reduces the number of members of the governing body of the school city of East Chicago from nine to five, beginning January 1, 2017. Provides that if a vacancy occurs on the governing body before January 1, 2017, the vacancy...
Public Law 222
HB1483PassVarious education issues. Adds "school psychologist" to the definition of "teacher" for the purposes of teacher preparation and licensing. Requires an election for a student to have legal settlement in the school corporation whose attendance area con...
Public Law 219
SB0370PassState emblems. Designates the Republic Aviation P-47 Thunderbolt as the official state aircraft of Indiana.
Public Law 229
HB1333PassHigher education financial assistance. Removes Indiana residency requirements for scholarships under the National Guard tuition supplement program and the National Guard scholarship extension program. Requires applicants for the National Guard tuitio...
Public Law 217
SB0532PassHuman trafficking, promoting prostitution, and adult entertainment performers. Provides that, for purposes of the law concerning actions for indecent nuisances, an indecent nuisance includes a public place in or upon which human trafficking is conduc...
Public Law 237
SB0509PassScholarships and grants. Provides that at the end of each state fiscal year, the commission for higher education (commission) may order the auditor of state to transfer money among certain funds if the commission determines that the remaining appropr...
Public Law 234
HB1638PassState intervention in failing schools. Changes the timeline, from six years to four years, for state intervention for a school initially placed in the lowest category or designation of school improvement after June 30, 2016. Makes various changes to ...
Public Law 223
HB1438PassAdult high schools. Provides that the department of education shall distribute funding for adult high schools to the adult high school's organizer. Provides that an adult high school may be authorized by the executive of a consolidated city. Provides...
Public Law 218
SB0330PassAnnexation. Provides the following for annexations for which an annexation ordinance is adopted after June 30, 2015: (1) Remonstrance petitions are filed with the county auditor (instead of a court). (2) An annexation ordinance does not proceed if at...
Public Law 228
HB1108PassDyslexia. Defines "dyslexia". Requires teacher training programs to prepare teachers to recognize that a student who is not progressing at a normal rate related to reading may need to be referred to the school's multidisciplinary team to determine th...
Public Law 215
HB1139PassVarious election law matters. Provides that the procedure for removing election inspectors and judges also applies to poll clerks, assistant poll clerks, and election sheriffs. Exempts certain statutorily protected residence addresses from the requir...
Public Law 216
SB0393PassPublic official surety bonds. Requires that copies of political subdivision personnel bonds must be filed with the county auditor or fiscal officer of the political subdivision and with the state board of accounts. Requires the state board of account...
Public Law 230
SB0001PassState board of education governance. Adds a statement of legislative intent regarding the roles of the general assembly, the state board of education (state board), and the department of education (department) relating to education. Makes changes, be...
Signed by the Governor
HB1636PassCharter schools. Provides that a governing body of a school corporation, a state educational institution, and a nonprofit college or university must register with the state board of education (state board) if it has not previously issued a charter fo...
Public Law 221
SB0033PassWorker's compensation. Allows an officer of a corporation who is also an owner of any interest in the corporation to elect not to be an employee of the corporation under worker's compensation. Urges the legislative council to assign to an interim stu...
Public Law 225
SB0559PassVarious criminal law matters. Adds unlawful possession of a firearm by a serious violent felon to the definition of "crimes of violence". Establishes new caps for consecutive sentences that result from a single episode of criminal conduct. Defines "e...
Public Law 238
SB0307PassConsumer protection. Amends the statute concerning telephone solicitations of consumers (Indiana's "do not call" law) to provide that a person may not provide substantial assistance or support to a telephone solicitor, a supplier, or a caller if the ...
Public Law 227
HB1001PassState biennial budget. Appropriates money for capital expenditures, the operation of the state, the delivery of Medicaid and other services, and various other distributions and purposes. Specifies higher education capital projects authorized to be co...
Public Law 213
SB0463PassCigarettes and tobacco sales. Prohibits the sale at retail of an electronic cigarette without a valid tobacco sales certificate issued by the alcohol and tobacco commission (commission) and includes electronic cigarettes in the certification regulati...
Public Law 231
SB0374PassProperty tax assessment date trailer. Corrects references to the property tax assessment date to make the law consistent with the change of the assessment date from March 1 to January 1. Makes corresponding changes in certain filing dates. Specifies ...
Public Law 245
HB1303PassState registration of privately certified individuals. Establishes a pilot project under which individuals who practice a certain occupation that is not a regulated profession under Indiana law can become "state registered" and be listed as practitio...
Public Law 240
HB1485PassLocal taxation. Provides for a transition from the county adjusted gross income tax (CAGIT), the county option income tax (COIT), the county economic development income tax (CEDIT), and the various local income taxes for special purposes and special ...
Public Law 243
SB0441PassVarious tax matters. Eliminates the World War I veteran property tax deduction for property taxes imposed for an assessment date after 2015. Provides that the equipment eligible for the double direct sales tax exemption includes material handling equ...
Public Law 250
SB0436PassState and local taxation. Provides that if a taxpayer has personal property subject to assessment in more than one township in a county or has personal property that is subject to assessment and that is located in two or more taxing districts within ...
Public Law 249
HB1466PassVarious pension matters. Provides that an employer that is eligible but not required to participate in the public employees' retirement fund (PERF) must pay the employer's share of the unfunded liability attributable to the employer's current and for...
Public Law 241
HB1403PassRegional cities. Establishes the Indiana regional city fund (fund) to provide grants and loans to regional development authorities. Provides that the Indiana economic development corporation administers the fund. Broadens the definition of "project" ...
Public Law 178
SB0531PassVarious tax sale matters. Makes numerous changes to the tax sale statute, including the following: (1) Provides that a purchaser of real property by an installment land contract may request notice of the tax sale list. (2) Adds an alternative provisi...
Public Law 251
HB1603PassProperty tax appeals. Provides that when a deadline imposed upon a political subdivision, the department of local government finance, or the Indiana board in the property tax statutes is not a business day, the last day for the political subdivision,...
Public Law 244
HB1019PassCommon construction wage and public works. Repeals the common construction wage statute. Repeals related statutes superseded by the repeal of the common construction wage statute. Increases the "small project" cap for a public works project from $150...
Public Law 252
HB1472PassSpecifies that an attorney employed by a state agency is subject to the attorney-client and work product privileges. Permits a county council to impose a local service fee on each person that has business personal property exempt from taxation becaus...
Public Law 242
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