Top Legislative Searches

Legislative trends for all state and federal legislative bodies across the entire United States over the last 72 hours as measured by public interest and bill activity.

RankSimple SearchesRankComplex Searches
1pfas1alcohol OR beer OR wine OR distilled spirits OR alcoholic OR beverages OR liquor
2baby food2"intellectual property" AND "assign"
3artificial intelligence3assignment AND invention
4abortion4marijuana OR marihuana OR cannabis
5cryptocurrency5utility AND cost AND recover AND bond AND securitize
6digital assets6PFAS OR Perfluoroalkyl OR Polyfluoroalkyl OR Per-fluoroalkyl OR Polyfluoroalkyl OR "forever chemicals"
7blockchain7Medicaid dental coverage AND (IDD OR intellectual Disability OR Autism OR ASD OR developmental disability) AND Adults
8virtual currency8utility AND cost AND recover AND bond
9renewable9"Health policies" OR "Health regulations" OR Immunization OR Liability OR Mandate OR Mask OR "Mask mandate" OR "Pandemic response" OR "Parental consent " OR "Parental rights" OR Patient OR Preclude OR "Public health" OR "Public health authority" OR "Public health emergency" OR "Public safety" OR Quarantine OR "State of emergency" OR Stricter OR Vaccination OR Vaccine OR Visitation
10cannabis10"cement" OR "concrete" OR "carbon" OR "greenhouse" OR "climate" OR "GHG" OR "emissions" OR "carbon price" OR "cap-and-trade" OR "cap AND trade" OR "ccs" OR "ccus" OR "carbon capture" OR "geological" OR "sequestration" OR "Extended Producer Responsibility" OR "geothermal" OR "carbon tax" OR "EITE" OR "net zero" OR "net-zero" OR "hydrogen" OR "coal ash"
12heartbeat12"court rule" AND status: engross
13cosmetic13"PFAS" OR "Perfluoroalkyl" OR "Polyfluoroalkyl" OR "Per-fluoroalkyl" OR "Polyfluoroalkyl" OR "forever chemicals"
14ticket14"product liability" AND status: engross
15healthcare15"assignment" AND invention
16health16"Amends the Freedom of Information Act" AND status: engross
17education17utilities AND "recovery bond"
18privacy18religion OR religious
19governor19homeless OR unhoused OR unsheltered
20china20("third-party administrator" OR "third party administrator" OR (administrator AND insurance))
21prescription drug affordability21(invention AND assignment) OR (assign AND invention) OR ("intellectual property" AND assign) OR ("intellectual property" AND assignment)
22Stem teachers22fish AND commission
23kratom23utilities AND cost recovery AND bond
24cosmetics24"Medicaid benefits" AND (adults AND disabilities)
25mental health25Medicaid AND Dental AND disability
26financial exploitation26university AND trustee
27safe routes to school27transgender OR gender
28stem28"Transgender" AND "gender reassignment" OR "gender ideology" "drag performance" OR "drag show" OR "gender experimentation" OR "gender affirming" OR "SAFE Act" OR "Title IX Preservation" OR "Youth Health Protection Act" OR "Save Women's Sports" OR "Children's Innocence Act" OR "Let Them Grow Act" OR "nonambiguous sex organs" AND "coed participation" AND -"budget" AND -"appropriations"
29nursing29pfas OR pfoa OR genx OR fluor OR perfluoroalkyl OR polyfluoroalkyl OR "Forever chemical" OR "ethylene oxide" OR microplastic OR "halogenated flame retardant" OR "organohalogen"
30immigration30neglect OR exploitation
31drug testing31("family caregiver" OR "direct care work" OR "home health aide" OR "personal care aide" OR "personal care attendant" OR "direct care professional" OR "home AND community-based services") AND ("training" OR "supports" OR "care team" OR "communication" OR "advance" OR "data collection" OR "respite" OR "matching service registry" OR "care transition" OR "gray market" OR "technology" OR "research" OR "evaluation")
32"artificial intelligence"32((reform OR repeal) AND "Affordable Care Act") AND (exchange OR connector OR benefit OR Medicaid) AND (health care)
33data33transportation OR bus lane camera OR bus arm camera OR red light camera OR speed zone OR school zone OR rfp speed OR school zone camera OR school zone speed camera OR speed camera OR speed monitoring OR speed violation OR speed violation monitoring system OR automatic license plate reader
34dentist vaccine34(transgender OR transsexual OR transvestite OR crossdresser OR "gender identity" OR "sex change" OR "sex reassignment" OR "gender ideology") -budget AND -appropriations
35veteran35sex OR orientation OR gender
36sick leave36Medicaid AND Dental
37esg37"gender transitioning" OR "adult cabaret" OR "Gender-affirming" AND "health care" OR "gender expression" OR "instruction on gender" OR "biological male" OR "school student's sex" OR "Participating In Women's" OR "Gender-specific" OR "Nonbinary" OR "instruction related to sexual" OR "instruction related to gender identity" OR "gender ideology" OR "identity is different than the sex" OR "identity in the curriculum" OR "Cross-sex hormones" OR "pronoun" AND -"budget" AND -"appropriations"
38social media38"Civil Code" AND status: passed
39climate disclosure39Pharmacy OR white bagging OR white-bagging OR shipping OR nabp OR abortion OR abortifacient OR pdmp OR usp OR compound OR compounding OR gender OR temperature OR shipping
40biomarker40observation AND hospital AND patient -mental
41xylazine41"Evidence Code" AND status: passed
42phthalate42"Biological sex" OR "puberty" OR "hormone" OR "gender marker" OR "sex marker" OR "sex designation" OR "gender affirming" Or "drag" OR "gender change" OR "gender ideology" AND "transgender" -budget AND -appropriations
43pharmacy43abortion OR (pregnancy NEAR termination)
44foreign adversary44"restricted housing" OR "segregated housing" OR "solitary" OR "solitary confinement" OR "disciplinary segregation" OR "special housing unit" OR "administrative segregation" OR "disciplinary confinement" OR "restrictive housing" OR "room confinement" OR "isolated confinement" OR "segregated confinement" OR "keeplock" OR "isolation" OR "segregation" OR "protective custody" OR "punitive confinement"
45domestic violence45personal information OR privacy OR personal data OR consumer
46elections46"medical gender transitioning" OR "adult cabaret" OR "Gender-affirming health care" OR "gender expression" OR "instruction on gender" OR "biological male" OR "gender ideology" OR "student's sex" OR "Participating In Women's" OR "Gender-specific" OR "Nonbinary" OR "instruction related to sexual" OR "instruction related to gender identity" OR "identity is different than the sex" OR "identity in the curriculum" OR "Cross-sex hormones" OR "pronoun" AND -"budget" AND -"appropriations"
47reparations47homeless OR unsheltered OR unhoused
48landlord48"health AND safety code"
49battery49"Civil Code" AND status: enrolled
50sexual assault50"social media" AND (licens! OR regist!)