| SB454 | Pass | Colleges, Alabama State University, membership of board of trustees increased, terms decreased from 12 to 6 year terms, nominating committee established, electronic meeting participation provided, compensation, Secs. 16-50-20, 16-50-26, 16-50-28 am'd... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2015-06-04 Assigned Act No. 2015-487. |
| SB421 | Pass | District Attorneys and circuit clerks, retirement system, Legislature authorized to provide, const. amend. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2015-06-04 Assigned Act No. 2015-342. |
| SB241 | Pass | Fair Campaign Practices Act, revised, State Campaign Finance Commission, created, Secs. 17-5-7.2, 17-5-19.1, 17-5-19.2, 17-5-21, 36-14-18 added; Secs.17-5-2, 17-5-4 to 17-5-10, inclusive, 17-5-19, 36-25-3, 36-25-4, 36-25-14, 36-25-15 am'd. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2015-06-04 Assigned Act No. 2015-495. |
| SB287 | Pass | Taxation, income tax refund check-off for contributions to USS Alabama Battleship Commission, Sec. 40-18-140 am'd. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2015-06-04 Assigned Act No. 2015-443. |
| SB298 | Pass | Employees' Retirement System, retirees and beneficiaries, one-time lump-sum additional payment [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2015-06-04 Assigned Act No. 2015-444. |
| SB220 | Pass | Energy efficiency projects, financing by local governments authorized, non ad valorem tax assessments, liens, bonds authorized, Property Insurance and Energy Reduction Act of Alabama [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2015-06-04 Assigned Act No. 2015-494. |
| SB216 | Pass | State agencies, fees levied which are retained to fund agency, increases based on Consumer Price Index authorized to be adopted by rule, periodic fees thereafter every five years [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2015-06-04 Assigned Act No. 2015-441. |
| SB270 | Pass | Vision care, services provided by optometrists and ophthalmologists, contracts with insurers, restrictions on [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2015-06-04 Assigned Act No. 2015-481. |
| SB226 | Pass | Wallace-Folsom College Savings Investment Plan, named changed to Wallace-Folsom Savings Investment Plan, provide the Achieving a Better Life Experience (ABLE) program, definitions relating to ABLE, provide tax exemptions, appropriations for developme... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2015-06-04 Assigned Act No. 2015-442. |
| SB307 | Pass | Plumbers, Gas Fitters Board, definition, board disciplinary powers, meeting, reciprocity fee, Home Builders Foundation, prohibited activities, permitted activities, Sec. 34-37-17.1 added; Secs. 34-37-10, 34-37-13 repealed; Secs. 34-37-1, 34-37-2, 34-... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2015-06-04 Assigned Act No. 2015-496. |
| SB229 | Pass | Business entities, filing requirements, electronic process established for counties [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2015-06-04 Assigned Act No. 2015-479. |
| SB232 | Pass | General contractor regulation, exemptions for residence and private dwellings may not be restricted by municipal governing or regulatory bodies, Sec. 34-8-7 am'd. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2015-06-04 Assigned Act No. 2015-480. |
| SJR73 | Pass | Senior Services Department, urged to establish a study committee on family caregiving [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2015-06-04 Assigned Act No. 2015-423. |
| SB296 | Pass | Dental services, certain health insurance policies and health maintenance organizations plans, setting fees for services not covered by the plan, prohibited [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2015-06-04 Assigned Act No. 2015-483. |
| SB327 | Pass | Debtors, homestead exemption and personal property exemption, increased, Secs. 6-10-2, 6-10-6, 6-10-11, 43-8-110, 43-8-111, 43-8-113, 43-8-115 am'd. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2015-06-04 Assigned Act No. 2015-484. |
| SB292 | Pass | Property and casualty insurance, electronic delivery to address consented to, paper copy available upon request without charge [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2015-06-04 Assigned Act No. 2015-482. |
| SJR101 | Pass | Monrovia Volunteer Fire Department, 50th anniversary, commended [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2015-06-04 Assigned Act No. 2015-428. |
| SJR102 | Pass | Green, Norris, professional achievement, commended [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2015-06-04 Assigned Act No. 2015-429. |
| SB437 | Pass | Non-nexus sellers use tax, method for remittance on behalf of customer, provided, Non-Nexus Use Tax Remittance Act, Secs. 40-23-191 to 40-23-199, inclusive, added [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2015-06-04 Assigned Act No. 2015-448. |
| SB160 | Pass | State agencies, report to Executive Budget officer re: federal funding required, submission of reports to Joint Fiscal Committee for consideration, recommendations [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2015-06-04 Assigned Act No. 2015-438. |
| SB142 | Pass | Parents or legal guardian, authorize treatment for medical, dental, health, or mental health service, including commitment to mental health facility, where minor refused [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2015-06-04 Assigned Act No. 2015-476. |
| SB212 | Pass | State employees, exempt positions, added, state employees classified service, resumption of position, clarifed, Secs. 36-26-10, 36-26-32.1 am'd. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2015-06-04 Assigned Act No. 2015-478. |
| SB354 | Pass | Conservation and Natural Resources, liability for using traps or other similar devices, liability only applies on public land, Sec. 9-11-264 am'd. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2015-06-04 Assigned Act No. 2015-485. |
| SB154 | Pass | Transportation Department, director authorized to appoint assistant counsel subject to State Merit System, Sec. 23-1-26 am'd. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2015-06-04 Assigned Act No. 2015-437. |
| SB51 | Pass | Animals, animal shelters, animal control, animal shelter owner, operator, manager, or director required to compile monthly report detailing number of animals entering facility and the disposition, report made available to public upon request, require... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2015-06-04 Assigned Act No. 2015-433. |
| SB388 | Pass | Taxation, income tax refund check-off for contributions to Children's First Trust Fund, Sec. 40-18-140 am'd. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2015-06-04 Assigned Act No. 2015-447. |
| SB4 | Pass | Motor vehicles, overtaking and passing bicycles, must maintain safe distance of at least three feet from bicycle, definition of safe distance, Sec. 32-5A-82 am'd. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2015-06-04 Assigned Act No. 2015-473. |
| SB148 | Pass | Voting, presidential elections, nominating petitions must be filed with Secretary of State no later than 82 days preceeding the elections, petitions filed with party chair 116 days before elections, names withdrawn within 76 days of elections, Secs. ... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2015-06-04 Assigned Act No. 2015-477. |
| SB342 | Pass | Corrections Department, Investigation and Intelligence Division, search warrants, execution, investigations further provided for, Sec. 14-3-9 am'd. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | No Action History Available |
| SB311 | Pass | Manufactured Housing Commission Advisory Board, further provided for, Sec. 24-6-3 am'd. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2015-06-04 Assigned Act No. 2015-497. |
| SJR96 | Pass | Brown, Jennifer, selection as Alabama Teacher of the Year, commended [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2015-06-04 Assigned Act No. 2015-425. |
| SB210 | Pass | Alcoholic beverages, wet-dry referendum, expands time during which elections may be held, Sec. 28-2-1 am'd. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2015-06-04 Assigned Act No. 2015-440. |
| SJR97 | Pass | Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), urged to remove Birmingham's 35th Avenue Site from National Priority List (NPL), urging EPA to abandon "air deposition" theory and enforce Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (C... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2015-06-04 Assigned Act No. 2015-426. |
| SB411 | Pass | District attorneys and circuit clerks, elected court officials retirement plan established in Judicial Retirement System, preretirement death benefit applicable to, contingent on const. amend., Sec. 36-27B-1 am'd. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2015-06-04 Assigned Act No. 2015-498. |
| SB486 | Pass | Macon Co., gasoline and motor fuel tax, co. comm. auth. to levy, collection, distrib., enforcement, penalties [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2015-06-04 Assigned Act No. 2015-449. |
| SB200 | Pass | Motor fuels, consigned, taking without consent of owner of consignor or written agreement constitutes theft, penalties, Secs. 13A-8-75 to 13A-8-77, inclusive, added [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2015-06-04 Assigned Act No. 2015-439. |
| SB49 | Pass | Transportation Department, junkyard, regulation, adjacent to national highway system, primary system defined, Sec. 23-1-241 am'd. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2015-06-04 Assigned Act No. 2015-474. |
| SB76 | Pass | Finance Department, Divisions of Facilities, Leasing, Construction and Energy Management created, duties, certain duties of state Building Commission transferred to, Secs. 41-4-2, 41-4-3, 41-4-261, 41-9-141 am'd; Secs. 41-4-183, 41-6A-4(10), 41-9-140... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2015-06-04 Assigned Act No. 2015-435. |
| SB182 | Pass | Appropriations, supplemental appropriations for fiscal year ending September 30, 2015, from Education Trust Fund to the Legislature, Department of Veterans' Affairs, and Department of Human Resources [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2015-06-04 Assigned Act No. 2015-381. |
| SB341 | Pass | Home Medical Equipment Services Providers Board, insulin infusion pumps or glucose monitors, manufacturers and distributors exempt under certain conditions, Sec. 34-14C-5 am'd. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2015-06-04 Assigned Act No. 2015-445. |
| SB71 | Pass | Accountability Act of 2013, revised to clarify intent of educational choice, define academic year, define family, further provide for tax credits, limits amount of administrative and operating expenses paid from revenue, annual reporting to Departmen... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2015-06-04 Assigned Act No. 2015-434. |
| SB455 | Pass | Harvesting of shrimp, Department of Conservation and Natural Resources authorized to establish areas that are closed to the commercial and recreational harvesting of shrimp, emergency ruling authority [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2015-06-04 Assigned Act No. 2015-488. |
| SJR100 | Pass | McDonald, Sidney Leighton, death mourned [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2015-06-04 Assigned Act No. 2015-427. |
| SB243 | Pass | Taxation, business privilege taxes, compliance certificate substituted for a good standing certificate, Sec. 40-2A-10 am'd. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2015-06-03 Assigned Act No. 2015-382. |
| SB34 | Pass | Courts, circuit and districts, witnesses, video testimony authorize for members of Armed Services on active duty, requirements, Armed Services Accommodation Act, Sec. 12-21-135.1 added [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2015-06-03 Assigned Act No. 2015-432. |
| SJR76 | Pass | Excavation, One-Call Notification System Study Commission, created [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2015-06-03 Assigned Act No. 2015-424. |
| SB21 | Pass | Alabama Open Meetings Act, prohibit serial meetings, to clarify Open Meetings Act applies to meeting of the Legislature, committees, or subcommittees of governmental bodies, penalties, Secs. 36-25A-1, 36-25A-2, 36-25A-3, 36-25A-9 am'd. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2015-06-03 Assigned Act No. 2015-340. |
| SB122 | Pass | General Fund Budget, line item established for Navigable Waters Dredging Fund [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2015-06-03 Assigned Act No. 2015-436. |
| SB250 | Pass | Mining, regulation of, Sec. 9-16-79 am'd. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2015-06-03 Assigned Act No. 2015-383. |
| SB365 | Pass | Alcoholic beverages, powdered alcohol prohibited to possess, purchase, sell, or use, penalties [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2015-06-03 Assigned Act No. 2015-385. |