Nevada Legislature | 2025 | 83rd Legislature

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Active Nevada Bills (Introduced, Engrossed, Enrolled, Passed)

AB171AN ACT relating to eggs; authorizing the State Quarantine Officer to take certain actions relating to the sale, offer or exposing for sale or transport for sale of egg products or shell eggs under certain circumstances; authorizing the State Quaranti...2025-02-11
SB200AN ACT relating to taxation; authorizing, under certain circumstances, the reimbursement of costs incurred by certain smaller counties related to certain activities provided by a tax-exempt organization or nonprofit corporation that are subject to th...2025-02-11
AB231AN ACT relating to insurance; requiring a service contract to impose certain duties upon the provider of the service contract; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.2025-02-11
SB197AN ACT relating to criminal procedure; establishing various requirements relating to the placement of certain persons on a Brady-Giglio list; providing certain rights to certain law enforcement officers and employees of a law enforcement agency; and ...2025-02-11
SB196AN ACT relating to taxation; providing for the imposition, administration, collection and enforcement of a recovery fee to offset property taxes levied on certain heavy equipment; providing penalties; and providing other matters properly relating the...2025-02-11
SB199AN ACT relating to artificial intelligence systems; providing for the registration and regulation of artificial intelligence companies by the Bureau of Consumer Protection in the Office of the Attorney General; imposing certain requirements and restr...2025-02-11
AB233AN ACT relating to courts; revising provisions relating to the jurisdiction of justice courts in certain criminal cases; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.2025-02-11
AB230AN ACT relating to health care; ratifying and entering into the Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology Interstate Compact; authorizing the sharing of certain information with data systems created by the Compact; providing audiologists and speech-lan...2025-02-11
SB193AN ACT relating to housing; requiring the Housing Division of the Department of Business and Industry to establish a pilot program to buy down the interest rate on mortgage loans for certain eligible families; making an appropriation for the pilot pr...2025-02-11
AB232AN ACT relating to public employees; revising the computation of credit for service for certain members of the Public Employees' Retirement System who are employed by a school district; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.2025-02-11

Most Viewed Nevada Bills

SB78AN ACT relating to governmental administration; revising in skeleton form the powers and duties of the Office of Nevada Boards, Commissions and Councils Standards of the Department of Business and Industry; making various changes in skeleton form to ...Bill Text
AB74AN ACT relating to insurance; making various changes to the Nevada Insurance Code; revising provisions governing examinations of insurers and other persons subject to regulation under the Code; revising certain powers and duties of the Commissioner o...Bill Text
SB63AN ACT relating to social media platforms; requiring each social media platform to establish a system to verify the age of prospective users of the platform in this State; prohibiting a social media platform from allowing certain minors in this State...Bill Text
SB34AN ACT relating to health care; entering into interstate compacts that authorize the multistate practice of certain providers of health care under certain conditions; providing professionals practicing in this State under those compacts with the same...Bill Text
SB76AAN ACT relating to hazardous materials; prohibiting, with certain exceptions, the sale and distribution of certain products containing intentionally added perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances; requiring, with certain exceptions, manufacturer...Bill Text
AB56AN ACT relating to providers of health care; revising requirements for continuing education and training for certain providers of health care; requiring the Board of Medical Examiners to require a physician assistant on inactive status to pay a bienn...Bill Text
AB49AN ACT relating to educational personnel; authorizing a person who holds a license to teach in certain states to be hired as a teacher in this State if he or she satisfies certain requirements; authorizing a person to simultaneously enroll in multipl...Bill Text
AB91AN ACT relating to parole; authorizing the State Board of Parole Commissioners to grant second look parole to certain persons; making certain persons convicted of certain crimes committed when the person was less than 25 years of age eligible for par...Bill Text
AB76AN ACT relating to cannabis; revising provisions relating to the confidentiality of certain information relating to cannabis; revising provisions governing certain disciplinary proceedings; prohibiting certain transportation of cannabis and cannabis ...Bill Text
SB8AN ACT relating to disability services; revising the categories of persons who receive certain services from the Aging and Disability Services Division of the Department of Health and Human Services; renaming the Attorney for the Rights of Older Pers...Bill Text

Most Monitored Nevada Bills

AB74AN ACT relating to insurance; making various changes to the Nevada Insurance Code; revising provisions governing examinations of insurers and other persons subject to regulation under the Code; revising certain powers and duties of the Commissioner o...Bill Text
AB6AN ACT relating to fetal alcohol spectrum disorders; establishing the Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder Treatment Assistance Program within the Aging and Disability Services Division of the Department of Health and Human Services; and providing other m...Bill Text
SB34AN ACT relating to health care; entering into interstate compacts that authorize the multistate practice of certain providers of health care under certain conditions; providing professionals practicing in this State under those compacts with the same...Bill Text
SB76AAN ACT relating to hazardous materials; prohibiting, with certain exceptions, the sale and distribution of certain products containing intentionally added perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances; requiring, with certain exceptions, manufacturer...Bill Text
SB171AN ACT relating to health care; prohibiting health care licensing boards from disqualifying from licensure or disciplining a person for providing or assisting in the provision of medically necessary gender-affirming health care services; prohibiting ...Bill Text
SB112AN ACT relating to athletics; requiring certain schools and institutions of higher education to designate by sex the athletic teams and sports sponsored by the schools or institutions; prohibiting male or female athletes from competing on teams desig...Bill Text
AB52AN ACT relating to insurance; requiring the Commissioner of Insurance to establish programs to inform providers of health care and insureds under health insurance policies of certain information relating to the payment of claims; revising provisions ...Bill Text
SB186AN ACT relating to health care; requiring a medical facility or a provider of health care who uses generative artificial intelligence to generate certain communications to ensure that those communications include certain information; and providing ot...Bill Text
SB173AN ACT relating to the environment; establishing requirements governing the provision of disposable foodware and standard condiments when using a food delivery service platform; prohibiting the sale, offer for sale or distribution of certain products...Bill Text
AB78AN ACT relating to alcoholic beverages; revising provisions governing the review and approval of applications for certain licenses related to the distribution of alcoholic beverages; authorizing the Department of Taxation to conduct certain investiga...Bill Text

Nevada Sessions

202583rd Legislature5069BrowseSearchDownload
202335th Special Session55BrowseSearchDownload
202334th Special Session55BrowseSearchDownload
202382nd Legislature1096571BrowseSearchDownload
202133rd Special Session1313BrowseSearchDownload
202181st Legislature1035605BrowseSearchDownload
202032nd Special Session2215BrowseSearchDownload
202031st Special Session2219BrowseSearchDownload
201980th Legislature1179686BrowseSearchDownload
201779th Legislature1156655BrowseSearchDownload
201630th Special Session1010BrowseSearchDownload
201529th Special Session1111BrowseSearchDownload
201578th Legislature1093590BrowseSearchDownload
201428th Special Session1111BrowseSearchDownload
201327th Special Session1212BrowseSearchDownload
201377th Legislature1124608BrowseSearchDownload
201176th Legislature1087532BrowseSearchDownload
200975th Legislature999498BrowseSearchDownload