Oklahoma Legislature | 2025 | Regular Session

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Active Oklahoma Bills (Introduced, Engrossed, Enrolled, Passed)

SB179Information technology; directing state agencies to manage information technology services. Effective date. Emergency.2025-02-17
SB971Railroads; requiring certain railroad trains to have two certified crew members aboard. Effective date. Emergency.2025-02-17
SB711Schools; directing grades of school sites to include certain surveys; allowing bonus points to be granted. Effective date. Emergency.2025-02-17
Coauthored by Representative Johns (principal House author)
SB854Schools; requiring display of the motto of the United States in certain locations in schools. Effective date. Emergency.2025-02-17
SB380Public grounds; requiring display of certain monument; specifying requirements for certain funding; creating felony offense. Emergency.2025-02-17
SB456Abortion; creating the Abolition of Abortion Act; modifying applicability of provisions related to homicide and wrongful death. Emergency.2025-02-17
SB491Oklahoma Open Meeting Act; authorizing executive session for discussion of certain sale, lease, or acquisition; limiting parties allowed to participate in executive session for certain purposes. Effective date.2025-02-17
SB368Oklahoma Vessel and Motor Registration Act; modifying certain definition. Effective date.2025-02-17
SB221Income tax credit; Oklahoma Rural Jobs Act; providing expanded annual credit limitation for certain applications. Effective date. Emergency.2025-02-17
SB523Sheriffs; authorizing certain resolution to request additional resources. Effective date.2025-02-17
Coauthored by Representative Manger (principal House author)

Top Oklahoma Sponsors

House Sponsors# BillsRSS
Rep. Kyle Hilbert [R]303Syndicate content
Rep. Brian Hill [R]104Syndicate content
Rep. Anthony Moore [R]66Syndicate content
Rep. Trey Caldwell [R]63Syndicate content
Rep. Nicole Miller [R]56Syndicate content
Senate Sponsors# BillsRSS
Sen. Micheal Bergstrom [R]91Syndicate content
Sen. Shane Jett [R]90Syndicate content
Sen. David Bullard [R]88Syndicate content
Sen. Dusty Deevers [R]70Syndicate content
Sen. Avery Frix [R]70Syndicate content

Most Viewed Oklahoma Bills

HB1343Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services; duties; powers; responsibilities; State Department of Corrections; real and personal property; effective date; emergency.Bill Text
SB158Weather tracking licensure; creating the Oklahoma Emergency Weather Response and Tracking Regulatory Act. Effective date. Emergency.Bill Text
SB484Municipalities; prohibiting certain municipalities from maintaining certain services. Effective date.Bill Text
SB228Covenant marriage; creating the Covenant Marriage Act of Oklahoma; establishing requirements for entering covenant marriage; providing tax credit for covenant marriage. Effective date. Emergency.Bill Text
SB1017State Medicaid program; allowing coverage of educationally necessary school-based services; prohibiting certain acts by the Oklahoma Health Care Authority. Effective date. Emergency.Bill Text
SB593Obscenity and child sexual abuse material; creating felony offenses and providing penalties. Effective date.Bill Text
SB328Income tax; creating the Promote Child Thriving Act; providing credit for certain married individuals with dependents. Effective date.Bill Text
SB201Schools; establishing minimum salary schedule for teachers. Effective date. Emergency.Bill Text
HB1006Schools; Ten Commandments; display; procedures; effective date; emergency.Bill Text
SB3Department of Environmental Quality; establishing moratorium on permitting and land application of sludge and biosolid material. Emergency.Bill Text

Most Monitored Oklahoma Bills

HB1343Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services; duties; powers; responsibilities; State Department of Corrections; real and personal property; effective date; emergency.Bill Text
SB1017State Medicaid program; allowing coverage of educationally necessary school-based services; prohibiting certain acts by the Oklahoma Health Care Authority. Effective date. Emergency.Bill Text
SB228Covenant marriage; creating the Covenant Marriage Act of Oklahoma; establishing requirements for entering covenant marriage; providing tax credit for covenant marriage. Effective date. Emergency.Bill Text
SB484Municipalities; prohibiting certain municipalities from maintaining certain services. Effective date.Bill Text
SB328Income tax; creating the Promote Child Thriving Act; providing credit for certain married individuals with dependents. Effective date.Bill Text
SB593Obscenity and child sexual abuse material; creating felony offenses and providing penalties. Effective date.Bill Text
SB277Paid leave; creating the Oklahoma State Paid Family and Medical Leave Insurance Act; providing for eligibility and duration of benefits; specifying qualifications. Effective date.Bill Text
SB151Cities and towns; creating the Oklahoma Neighborhood Revitalization Act. Effective date. Emergency.Bill Text
HB1006Schools; Ten Commandments; display; procedures; effective date; emergency.Bill Text
SB268Biosolids; prohibiting land application, spreading, sale, and distribution of certain materials; requiring reporting; requiring remediation. Emergency.Bill Text

Oklahoma Sessions

2025Regular Session31104BrowseSearchDownload
2024Fourth Special Session11BrowseSearchDownload
2024Third Special Session40BrowseSearchDownload
2024Regular Session5433942BrowseSearchDownload
2023Second Special Session201BrowseSearchDownload
2023First Special Session9655BrowseSearchDownload
2023Regular Session3275425BrowseSearchDownload
2022Third Special Session241BrowseSearchDownload
20222nd Special Session12510BrowseSearchDownload
2022Regular Session56381120BrowseSearchDownload
20211st Special Session137BrowseSearchDownload
2021Regular Session3215652BrowseSearchDownload
2020First Special Session52BrowseSearchDownload
2020Regular Session5295741BrowseSearchDownload
2019Regular Session2946550BrowseSearchDownload
20182nd Special Session5818BrowseSearchDownload
2018Regular Session4572791BrowseSearchDownload
20171st Special Session1991BrowseSearchDownload
2017Regular Session2525439BrowseSearchDownload
2016Regular Session4235950BrowseSearchDownload
2015Regular Session2292470BrowseSearchDownload
2014Regular Session51061028BrowseSearchDownload
2013Special Session4826BrowseSearchDownload
2013Regular Session2682506BrowseSearchDownload
2012Regular Session4575904BrowseSearchDownload
2011Regular Session2391460BrowseSearchDownload
2010Regular Session36901148BrowseSearchDownload