| OK | HB2196 | Intro 25% | Education; Larry Dickerson Education Flexible Benefits Allowance Act; school employee dependents; effective date; emergency. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-02-17 To House Rules Committee |
| OK | HB1263 | Intro 25% | Wind energy facilities; requiring Oklahoma Water Resource Board conduct certain study; effective date. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-02-13 To House Rules Committee |
| OK | HB2463 | Intro 25% | Labor; state-issued licenses; automatic renewal; effective date. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-02-13 To House Rules Committee |
| OK | HB2016 | Intro 25% | Evidence; artificial intelligence expert testimony; effective date. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-02-12 To House Rules Committee |
| OK | HB2883 | Intro 25% | Crimes and punishments; creating the Utility Worker Protection Act of 2025; establishing assault or battery of a utility worker as a felony; effective date. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-02-12 To House Rules Committee |
| OK | HB2884 | Intro 25% | Parental rights in health care; minor child's health care consultations; parental abuse exception; Attorney General enforcement; relief; immunity; physician and psychotherapist patient privilege; minor cannot refuse to disclose information to their p... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-02-12 To House Rules Committee |
| OK | HB2886 | Intro 25% | Railroads; defining terms; providing for type of identification required to be shown following a railroad accident or incident; emergency. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-02-12 To House Rules Committee |
| OK | HB1499 | Intro 25% | Motorcycle safety; creating the Motorcycle Safety Reform Act of 2025; effective date. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-02-12 To House Rules Committee |
| OK | HB2035 | Intro 25% | Professions and occupations; Funeral Services Licensing Act; definitions; effective date. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-02-11 To House Rules Committee |
| OK | HB1241 | Intro 25% | elections; officers of county election boards; secretary; voting; effective date. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-02-10 To House Rules Committee |
| OK | HB2410 | Intro 25% | Revenue and taxation; affordable housing tax credit; effective date. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-02-10 To House Rules Committee |
| OK | HB2243 | Intro 25% | State government; antisemitism; definitions; discrimination; effective date. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-02-10 To House Rules Committee |
| OK | HB1545 | Intro 25% | County fairs; County Fair Modernization Act; Board of Directors; attendance requirement; recommended training course; effective date. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-02-10 To House Rules Committee |
| OK | HB1395 | Intro 25% | Schools; Oklahoma Parental Choice Tax Credit Act; website requirements; effective date. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-02-10 To House Rules Committee |
| OK | HB2234 | Intro 25% | Professions and occupations; Massage Therapy Act; oversight committee; effective date. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-02-10 To House Rules Committee |
| OK | HB1026 | Intro 25% | Crimes and punishments; making certain acts unlawful; codification; effective date [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-02-10 To House Rules Committee |
| OK | HB2018 | Intro 25% | Schools; definitions; granting physical and occupational therapists certified teacher benefits; effective date; emergency. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-02-10 To House Rules Committee |
| OK | HB2246 | Intro 25% | Special education; State Department of Education; develop standards; effective date. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-02-10 To House Rules Committee |
| OK | HB2920 | Intro 25% | Oklahoma Historical Society; Office of Tribal Relations; format; sources; material; effective date. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-02-10 To House Rules Committee |
| OK | HB1762 | Intro 25% | Children; covered entities; data protection impact assessment; personal data of children; Attorney General; effective date. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-02-10 To House Rules Committee |
| OK | HB1852 | Intro 25% | Definitions and general provisions; discrimination; definitions; antisemitism; effective date. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-02-10 To House Rules Committee |
| OK | HB1018 | Intro 25% | Health care; unauthorized pelvic examinations; exceptions; effective date. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-02-06 To House Rules Committee |
| OK | HB2890 | Intro 25% | Schools; student communications; opt-out exception; effective date; emergency. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-02-06 To House Rules Committee |
| OK | HB1944 | Intro 25% | Schools; requiring certain students to be assigned grade levels based on their earned course credits; report card requirements; effective date; emergency. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-02-06 To House Rules Committee |
| OK | HB1879 | Intro 25% | Public retirement systems; Oklahoma Pension Legislation Actuarial Analysis Act; Oklahoma Public Employees Retirement System; defined contribution plan; defined benefit plan; effective dates. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-02-06 To House Rules Committee |
| OK | HB1788 | Intro 25% | Revenue and taxation; individual income tax; rates; brackets; standard deduction amounts; effective date. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-02-06 To House Rules Committee |
| OK | HB2733 | Intro 25% | Criminal procedure; providing time limitation for bail hearings; effective date. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-02-05 To House Rules Committee |
| OK | HB1175 | Intro 25% | Charitable organizations; Oklahoma Solicitation of Charitable Contributions Act; registration fee; effective date. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-02-05 To House Rules Committee |
| OK | HB1141 | Intro 25% | Marriage; Child Protection Act of 2025; exception; effective date. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-02-05 To House Rules Committee |
| OK | HB1573 | Intro 25% | Department of Human Services; term; task; effective date. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-02-05 To House Rules Committee |
| OK | HB1866 | Intro 25% | Property; disclosures; polybutylene pipes; effective date. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-02-05 To House Rules Committee |
| OK | HB2090 | Intro 25% | State Auditor and Inspector; requiring the State Auditor and Inspector perform a special audit of the Oklahoma Turnpike Authority by certain date; effective date; emergency. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-02-05 To House Rules Committee |
| OK | HB1264 | Intro 25% | Food dyes; adulterated foods; statutory references; effective date. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-02-05 To House Rules Committee |
| OK | HB1121 | Intro 25% | Public nuisance; definition; remedies; cause of action; effective date. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-02-05 To House Rules Committee |
| OK | HB1140 | Intro 25% | Driver licenses; authorizing addition of certain designation to driver license; effective date. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-02-05 To House Rules Committee |
| OK | HB1119 | Intro 25% | Oklahoma Right to Shop Act; definitions; shared savings incentive program and insurance carrier obligations; effective date. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-02-05 To House Rules Committee |
| OK | HB1301 | Intro 25% | Elections; Task Force on Young Voter Engagement; effective date. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-02-05 To House Rules Committee |
| OK | HB1606 | Intro 25% | Professions of occupations; Massage Therapy Act; Oklahoma Massage Therapy Board; effective date. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-02-05 To House Rules Committee |
| OK | HB1867 | Intro 25% | Revenue and taxation; sales tax; sales-tax-free weekend; school supplies; exemptions; effective date; emergency. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-02-05 To House Rules Committee |
| OK | HB2835 | Intro 25% | Counties and county officers; election; district attorney; county sheriffs; nonpartisan; effective date. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-02-05 To House Rules Committee |
| OK | HB2091 | Intro 25% | Revenue and taxation; income tax credit; rent; procedures; effective date. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-02-05 To House Rules Committee |
| OK | HB1780 | Intro 25% | Firearms; deleting certain restriction; effective date. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-02-05 To House Rules Committee |
| OK | HB1109 | Intro 25% | Truancy; prohibiting detention for failure to attend school; waiver of certain fines; requiring written notice for certain absences; requiring school districts to create and adopt progressive truancy intervention plans; prohibiting suspension; permit... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-02-05 To House Rules Committee |
| OK | HB1260 | Intro 25% | Consumer credit; discounts; cash; check; charges; credit card; debit card; line item; effective date. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-02-05 To House Rules Committee |
| OK | HB1025 | Intro 25% | Prisons and reformatories; creating the Oklahoma Department of Corrections Prison Rodeo Revolving Fund; codification; effective date [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-02-05 To House Rules Committee |
| OK | HB1568 | Intro 25% | Criminal procedure; providing limitations on the use of grand jury transcripts; effective date. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-02-05 To House Rules Committee |
| OK | HB1537 | Intro 25% | Amusements and sports; Supporting Affordability and Fairness with Every Bet Act of 2025; SAFE Bet Act; terms; prohibition; exceptions; Attorney General; civil action; jury; civil penalties; jurisdiction; application; information; notice; renew; stand... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-02-05 To House Rules Committee |
| OK | HB2734 | Intro 25% | Crimes and punishments; clarifying scope of certain prohibited act; effective date. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-02-05 To House Rules Committee |
| OK | HB1334 | Intro 25% | Public retirement systems; insurance benefits; monthly premium amount; effective date. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-02-04 To House Rules Committee |
| OK | HB1565 | Intro 25% | Department of Human Services; Department of Human Services Referral Act of 2025; effective date. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-02-04 To House Rules Committee |