Connecticut Legislature | 2025 | General Assembly

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Active Connecticut Bills (Introduced, Engrossed, Enrolled, Passed)

HB06993To allow certain special taxing districts to apportion costs for the maintenance of such district on an equal basis.2025-02-19
HB07003To clarify certain publication requirements of actions or decisions of a planning commission.2025-02-19
SB01276To (1) authorize municipalities to disregard already-published grand lists for the assessment years commencing October 1, 2024, for purposes of adjusting and republishing said grand lists, (2) make several changes to the veterans' property tax exempt...2025-02-19
Filed with Legislative Commissioners' Office
SB01341To clarify certain responsibilities of the civil service board.2025-02-19
SB00013To protect senior citizens from financial fraud schemes.2025-02-19
HB06992To establish the "Homes for CT" loan program to assist eligible borrowers to obtain funding necessary for the construction of residential buildings.2025-02-19
HB06442To make minor and technical changes in a statute related to military affairs.2025-02-19
Filed with Legislative Commissioners' Office
HB06984To increase the fee schedule effective July 1, 2025, for adult day care services by ten per cent over the fee schedule for adult day care services for the previous fiscal year for the purpose of providing increased funding for adult day care transpor...2025-02-19
HB06997To permit the recovery of reasonable attorney's fees in successful actions for wrongful property tax assessment.2025-02-19
HB06989To require the Department of Banking to conduct a study and submit a report concerning financial institutions in the state.2025-02-19

Top Connecticut Sponsors

House Sponsors# BillsRSS
Rep. Anne Dauphinais [R]304Syndicate content
Rep. Craig Fishbein [R]280Syndicate content
Rep. Mark Anderson [R]139Syndicate content
Rep. Gale Mastrofrancesco [R]123Syndicate content
Rep. Nick Gauthier [D]113Syndicate content
Senate Sponsors# BillsRSS
Sen. Robert Sampson [R]271Syndicate content
Sen. Saud Anwar [D]227Syndicate content
Sen. Jeff Gordon [R]144Syndicate content
Sen. Heather Bond Somers [R]120Syndicate content
Sen. Catherine Osten [D]115Syndicate content

Most Viewed Connecticut Bills

SJ00035Resolution Proposing A State Constitutional Amendment Concerning Discrimination On The Basis Of Sex Under The Equal Protection Clause.Bill Text
SB00523To protect state residents by prohibiting public and school libraries from censoring books and providing librarians and other library staff members with legal protections, including immunity from criminal and civil liability, for carrying out work-re...Bill Text
SB00002To protect consumers in this state from the risks of algorithmic discrimination and unfair treatment posed by artificial intelligence.Bill Text
SB00417To protect public safety, health and the environment from any unreasonably risky weather modification activities.Bill Text
SB01271To require public and school libraries to develop a (1) collection development and maintenance policy, (2) library program and display policy, and (3) library material review and reconsideration policy.Bill Text
HB06440To enable the Governor's Guards to transition from the organized militia to a private military force.Bill Text
SB00887To exempt certain cookware from the statutory PFAS requirements applicable to consumer goods.Bill Text
SB01235To (1) prohibit lottery ticket resales and ticket courier services, (2) modify the Commissioner of Consumer Protection's disciplinary authority concerning certain gaming licensees, (3) require vendor and affiliate licensees to provide books and recor...Bill Text
SB00003To protect the privacy, safety and financial security of Connecticut residents and to protect infrastructure in the state.Bill Text
HB05625To provide aid in dying to terminally ill patients.Bill Text

Most Monitored Connecticut Bills

SB00523To protect state residents by prohibiting public and school libraries from censoring books and providing librarians and other library staff members with legal protections, including immunity from criminal and civil liability, for carrying out work-re...Bill Text
SJ00035Resolution Proposing A State Constitutional Amendment Concerning Discrimination On The Basis Of Sex Under The Equal Protection Clause.Bill Text
SB00002To protect consumers in this state from the risks of algorithmic discrimination and unfair treatment posed by artificial intelligence.Bill Text
HB05112To provide that no pet shop licensee shall purchase or otherwise procure any dog, cat or rabbit for the purpose of auctioning, bartering, selling, leasing or transferring, or offering to auction, barter, sell, lease or transfer, such dog, cat or rabb...Bill Text
SB00157To require any person doing business in this state to obtain written consent from a consumer before storing the consumer's credit card or other payment information.Bill Text
SB00246To study the viability of allowing naturopathic doctors to serve as primary care doctors to ease the shortage of primary care providers in the state.Bill Text
SB00003To protect the privacy, safety and financial security of Connecticut residents and to protect infrastructure in the state.Bill Text
SB00690To provide civil immunity for interscholastic athletic organizations and the sanctioning bodies of private youth organizations when such entities adopt policies that require an athletic participant to compete on a team that matches the gender identit...Bill Text
HB06832To authorize municipalities to adopt ordinances to prohibit the sale of dogs, cats and rabbits in pet shops.Bill Text
HB06057To authorize businesses to require consumers to bear the cost of credit card fees and surcharges.Bill Text

Connecticut Sessions

2025General Assembly347857BrowseSearchDownload
2024General Assembly1471283BrowseSearchDownload
2023General Assembly3628411BrowseSearchDownload
2022General Assembly1250334BrowseSearchDownload
2021General Assembly3279374BrowseSearchDownload
2020General Assembly125791BrowseSearchDownload
2019General Assembly3886236BrowseSearchDownload
2018General Assembly1402208BrowseSearchDownload
2017General Assembly3629265BrowseSearchDownload
2016General Assembly1386234BrowseSearchDownload
2015General Assembly3206269BrowseSearchDownload
2014General Assembly1091250BrowseSearchDownload
2013General Assembly2872327BrowseSearchDownload
2012General Assembly1015209BrowseSearchDownload
2011General Assembly2896267BrowseSearchDownload
2010General Assembly1039187BrowseSearchDownload