Montana Legislature | 2025 | Regular Session

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Active Montana Bills (Introduced, Engrossed, Enrolled, Passed)

SB221Generally revise the Montana environmental policy act2025-02-12
(S) Scheduled for 2nd Reading
SB261Generally revise endangering the welfare of children2025-02-12
HB83Establish state special revenue account for Montana Missing Indigenous Persons Task Force2025-02-12
(S) Scheduled for 3rd Reading
SB134Generally revise laws relating to gifts and endowments2025-02-12
(S) Scheduled for 2nd Reading
SB233Adopting the interstate massage compact2025-02-12
(S) Scheduled for 2nd Reading
HB214Provide for prosecution of state crimes for persons subject to federal immigration detention2025-02-12
(H) Scheduled for 3rd Reading
HB289Revise crime laws2025-02-12
(H) Scheduled for 3rd Reading
HB342Revise civil liability laws to provide a statutory duty of care for certain actions2025-02-12
(H) Scheduled for 2nd Reading
HB312Revise speed limit laws2025-02-12
(H) Scheduled for 3rd Reading
HB17Revise terms for forest lands taxation advisory committee2025-02-12
(S) Scheduled for 2nd Reading

Top Montana Sponsors

House Sponsors# BillsRSS
Rep. Steve Fitzpatrick [R]18Syndicate content
Rep. Braxton Mitchell [R]15Syndicate content
Rep. Edward Buttrey [R]14Syndicate content
Rep. David Bedey [R]14Syndicate content
Rep. Gary Parry [R]13Syndicate content
Senate Sponsors# BillsRSS
Sen. Greg Hertz [R]28Syndicate content
Sen. Daniel Emrich [R]24Syndicate content
Sen. Jeremy Trebas [R]17Syndicate content
Sen. Michael Yakawich [R]14Syndicate content
Sen. Forrest Mandeville [R]14Syndicate content

Most Viewed Montana Bills

HB121Provide privacy in certain restrooms, changing rooms, and sleeping quartersBill Text
HB13State Employee Pay PlanBill Text
SB139Eliminate clergy exemption in mandatory reporting of child abuse and neglectBill Text
SB94Generally revise public sector unions lawBill Text
HB371Ban mRNA vaccinations in Montana for humansBill Text
SB164Revise offense of endangering the welfare of childrenBill Text
SB90Redistribute certain state tax revenue to primary residence property tax reliefBill Text
HB82Generally revise laws related to crimes against childrenBill Text
SB114Provide for display of Ten Commandments in public schoolsBill Text
SB146Creating the private property protection actBill Text

Most Monitored Montana Bills

HB121Provide privacy in certain restrooms, changing rooms, and sleeping quartersBill Text
SB164Revise offense of endangering the welfare of childrenBill Text
SB146Creating the private property protection actBill Text
SB218Provide for private right of action for injuries caused by certain medical interventions to treat gender dysphoriaBill Text
SB114Provide for display of Ten Commandments in public schoolsBill Text
SB18Revise the definition of child abuse or neglectBill Text
SB62Provide for phaseout of Medicaid expansion programBill Text
HB30Requiring the Supreme Court to apply a burden of proof for challenge to constitutionality of legislative actBill Text
HB230Generally revise Medicaid lawsBill Text
HB133Require hunter reporting of hunting activityBill Text

Montana Sessions

2025Regular Session7844BrowseSearchDownload
2023Regular Session1699880BrowseSearchDownload
2021Regular Session1314706BrowseSearchDownload
2019Regular Session1309597BrowseSearchDownload
20171st Special Session244BrowseSearchDownload
2017Regular Session1188544BrowseSearchDownload
2015Regular Session1187539BrowseSearchDownload
2013Regular Session1201525BrowseSearchDownload
2011Regular Session1179484BrowseSearchDownload
2009Regular Session1316569BrowseSearchDownload