CT Legislation | 2021 | General Assembly

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SB00264PassTo ensure fair reimbursement to retail dealers of power equipment regarding certain warranty claims.
Signed by the Governor
SB01081PassTo revise the interest rate relating to adjustments of cost-of-living allowances under the teachers' retirement system and reserve certain Lottery Fund revenue for payment to the Connecticut Teachers' Retirement Fund Bonds Special Capital Reserve Fun...
Signed by the Governor
SB00941PassTo (1) limit the assignment of unpaid property tax, water and sewer liens, and (2) ensure that persons responsible for the payment of such liens are notified of any such assignment.
Signed by the Governor
SB00856PassTo increase representation on the energy conservation management board, including low-income residential customers and municipalities.
Signed by the Governor
SB01080PassTo revise and update the teachers' retirement system statutes to align with current practices.
Signed by the Governor
SB00363PassTo clarify the Attorney General's authority to (1) investigate allegations that an individual's civil rights are being violated, and (2) initiate legal proceedings in response to such allegations.
Signed by the Governor
HB06203PassTo facilitate the repatriation of Native American remains and artifacts by enabling state institutions to keep confidential any records provided as evidence that ancestral remains or artifacts were affiliated with a particular tribe.
Signed by the Governor
SB00945PassTo implement the recommendations of the Department of Education.
Signed by the Governor
SB00102PassTo expand the organizations that may certify mental health first aid training programs.
Signed by the Governor
SB00683PassTo (1) restrict (A) the amount that a hospital or collection agent may recover from an uninsured or underinsured patient for the unpaid cost of health care, and (B) the manner in which a hospital or collection agent may secure or recover payment for ...
Signed by the Governor
SB01071PassTo implement the recommendations of the Auditors of Public Accounts contained in their 2020 annual report.
Signed by the Governor
SB00919PassTo provide immunity from criminal prosecution for a minor who possesses alcohol when the minor seeks emergency assistance to prevent the death or serious injury of another person.
Signed by the Governor
SB00763PassTo make paratransit vehicle drivers mandatory reporters of suspected abuse of elderly persons.
Signed by the Governor
SB00909PassTo change co-pay requirements for HUSKY B and eliminate the HUSKY Plus program.
Signed by the Governor
HB06510PassTo require (1) the Behavioral Health Partnership Oversight Council to develop a document describing the resources available to children with psychiatric disabilities and behavioral health disorders, and (2) hospital emergency departments to provide s...
Signed by the Governor
HB05597PassTo combat the opioid epidemic in the state.
Signed by the Governor
HB06526PassTo mandate provisions in new electric supplier contracts and prohibit the assignment or transfer of customers without approval.
Signed by the Governor
HB06441PassTo implement the Governor's budget recommendations.
Signed by the Governor
HB06527PassTo increase the total output of Class III sources to five per cent between January 1, 2022, and January 1, 2025.
Signed by the Governor
HB06646PassTo (1) permit any owner of a residential building with a foundation made with defective concrete to obtain a reassessment of such building which shall remain valid until such foundation is repaired or replaced, (2) eliminate the termination date of t...
Signed by the Governor
HB06666PassTo implement the recommendations of the Department of Public Health regarding various revisions to the public health statutes.
Signed by the Governor
HB06607PassTo incentivize the adoption of cybersecurity standards for businesses by allowing businesses that adopt certain cybersecurity framework to plead an affirmative defense to any cause of action that alleges that a failure to implement reasonable cyberse...
Signed by the Governor
SB01201PassAn Act Concerning Responsible And Equitable Regulation Of Adult-use Cannabis.
Transmitted to the Secretary of State
SB01202PassAn Act Concerning Provisions Related To Revenue And Other Items To Implement The State Budget For The Biennium Ending June 30, 2023.
Transmitted to the Secretary of State
SB01059VetoTo (1) establish the Correction Accountability Commission, (2) enhance correction ombuds services, (3) restrict the use of isolated confinement and restraints in correctional facilities, (4) increase transparency concerning restrictive housing measur...
Vetoed by the Governor
HB06534PassTo require public and nonpublic schools to develop and implement emergency action plans for responding to serious and life-threatening sports-related injuries that occur during interscholastic and intramural athletic events.
Signed by the Governor
HB06494PassTo (1) require the Connecticut Housing Finance Authority to establish certain guidelines under the down payment assistance program, (2) allow the Connecticut Housing Finance Authority to establish affordability incentive zones under the down payment ...
Signed by the Governor
HB06402PassTo require the Office of Higher Education to study issues related to higher education.
Signed by the Governor
HB06302PassTo (1) provide incentives for public safety answering points to consolidate and (2) establish a working group to study the consolidation of public safety answering points.
Signed by the Governor
HB06690PassAn Act Authorizing And Adjusting Bonds Of The State For Capital Improvements, Transportation And Other Purposes, Establishing The Community Investment Fund 2030 Board, Authorizing State Grant Commitments For School Building Projects And Making Revisi...
Signed by the Governor
SB01023PassTo amend various statutes relating to the responsibilities of the Commission on Human Rights and Opportunities with respect to the provision of sexual harassment training, the filing of discriminatory practice complaints, the approval of affirmative ...
Signed by the Governor
HB05088PassTo recognize and compensate Ms. Patricia "Pidgie" D'Allessio for her role in the identification, arrest and conviction of serial predator Robert Nelson Malm, who sexually assaulted Ms. D'Allessio and sexually assaulted and murdered eleven-year-old Ir...
Signed by the Governor
SB00660PassTo expand workers' compensation benefits for certain mental or emotional impairments suffered by health care providers in connection with COVID-19.
Signed by the Governor
SB01011PassTo (1) require a law enforcement unit to train its police officers in the use of opioid antagonists and epinephrine cartridge injectors, and (2) permit such trained officers to carry and administer opioid antagonists and epinephrine cartridge injecto...
Signed by the Governor
HB06657PassTo (1) adjust the membership in the Trafficking in Persons Council, (2) allow certain testimony in the case of a delinquency proceeding to be compelled, (3) establish an affirmative defense for trafficking in persons in the case of a victim of traffi...
Signed by the Governor
SB00759PassTo establish a commission to review the text of the Constitution of the state to recommend the removal of all gendered language.
Signed by the Governor
HB06594PassTo (1) permit the state to depose persons seventy-five years of age and older in criminal matters; (2) change "patronizing a prostitute" to "soliciting sexual acts"; (3) transfer the requirement for a state's attorney to investigate a town clerk/trea...
Signed by the Governor
HB05737PassTo create a Veterans and Military Tourism Trail linking museums, memorials, battleground sites and historic sites in the state relating to veterans and the United States armed forces.
Signed by the Governor
SB00261PassTo implement the recommendations of the Department of Motor Vehicles.
Signed by the Governor
HB06547PassTo require the Commissioner of Economic and Community Development to convene a working group to develop a plan to support and facilitate historic preservation efforts by municipalities, historical societies and other nonprofit entities.
Signed by the Governor
HB06505PassTo: (1) Make various changes to statutes that facilitate the continuation of ongoing court processes without requiring a person to appear in court; (2) update terminology relating to "juvenile residential centers"; (3) update provisions relating to t...
Signed by the Governor
HB06420PassTo increase the property tax exemption for certain municipal volunteers from one thousand dollars to two thousand dollars.
Signed by the Governor
HB06492PassTo require exertional heat illness training for coaches, students, parents and guardians.
Signed by the Governor
SB01091PassTo require a study of the criminal laws of this state.
Signed by the Governor
HB06356PassTo adopt the Uniform Commercial Real Estate Receivership Act.
Signed by the Governor
HB06506PassTo revise procedures of the Office of the Claims Commissioner, including authorizing claimants to file a certificate of merit for claims seeking permission to sue the state, allowing the Office of the Claims Commissioner to grant permission to sue th...
Signed by the Governor
SB00959PassTo make various changes concerning Probate Court processes and procedures.
Signed by the Governor
SB00904PassTo specify the executive director of the Labor Department's Employment Security Division shall be in the classified service and shall be devoted full-time to the duties of his or her office.
Signed by the Governor
SB00920PassTo revise the requirements regarding the utilization of public-private partnerships to design, develop, finance, construct, operate or maintain projects.
Signed by the Governor
HB06422PassTo require the Secretary of the Office of Policy and Management to conduct a study regarding the obstacles to merging or consolidating the fire districts or fire departments of two or more municipalities.
Signed by the Governor
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