IN Legislation | 2020 | Regular Session

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StanceBillStatusSummary/TitleLast Actionsort icon
SB0406PassSurvivor benefits. Provides that if a public safety officer enters a deferred retirement option plan (DROP) for the public safety officer's respective pension plan and the public safety officer dies before the public safety officer's DROP exit date, ...
Public Law 145
SB0430PassReservoir conservancy districts. Allows a conservancy district to be established as a "reservoir conservancy district" if: (1) the conservancy district will be established for certain purposes; (2) the boundaries will encompass part or all of a reser...
Public Law 148
SB0409PassEmployment of minors. Moves provisions on employment of students from Title 20 (Education) to Title 22 (Labor and Safety). Provides that a minor who is at least 14 years of age and less than 16 years of age: (1) may not work before 7 a.m. or after 7 ...
Public Law 147
SB0335PassCriminal law issues. Provides that, if certain criminal penalties are increased (or, in the case of an infraction, imposed) due to a prior conviction or infraction committed by a defendant, the new offense must have been committed not later than 12 y...
Public Law 142
SB0334PassElection matters. Allows (current law requires) the secretary of state and election division to assist a prosecuting attorney in prosecuting certain actions and allow the use of an attorney retained by the secretary of state or election division. Req...
Public Law 141
SB0424PassAddress confidentiality program. Allows a victim of harassment, human trafficking, intimidation, or invasion of privacy to participate in the address confidentiality program (program) of the office of the attorney general (office). (Currently the law...
Public Law 149
SB0256PassCourts and judicial officers. Provides that the interim study committee on courts and the judiciary (committee) shall review, consider, and make recommendations concerning requests for new courts, new judicial officers, and changes in jurisdiction of...
Public Law 138
SB0269PassWorker's compensation. Provides that for worker's compensation and occupational diseases compensation, not later than 14 days from the date that the first installment of compensation is due, an employer or the employer's insurance carrier must file w...
Public Law 139
SB0020PassPlan commissions. Allows a county agricultural extension educator (educator) serving on a county plan commission or an area plan commission who is not a resident of the county to continue to serve on the county plan commission or area plan commission...
Public Law 53
SB0241PassPharmacy benefit managers. Requires a pharmacy benefit manager to obtain a license issued by the department of insurance and sets forth requirements of the pharmacy benefit manager. Provides for the commissioner of the department of insurance to adop...
Public Law 68
SB0194PassDrug scheduling. Adds new scheduled drugs (including emergency scheduled drugs) to the statutory drug schedules. Defines "isomer". Defines "narcotic" to include opium esters, ethers, and salts of isomers, esters, and ethers. Makes other changes and c...
Public Law 61
SB0237PassCare of city police officers and firefighters. Provides that a city shall pay for the care of a police officer or firefighter who suffers an injury while performing the person's duty or while the person is on duty or who contracts illness caused by t...
Public Law 66
SB0346PassStudents with disabilities. Provides that the department of education (department) must submit any guidance or recommendation to a school corporation or school that attempts to affect in any manner based on statewide assessment accommodations which i...
Public Law 82
SB0005PassHealth provider contracts. Requires hospitals, ambulatory outpatient surgical centers, and urgent care facilities to post certain information on their Internet web sites about health care services they provide, including the weighted average negotiat...
Public Law 50
SB0177PassAdministration of the broadband ready program. Provides that the office of community and rural affairs, rather than the Indiana economic development corporation, administers the broadband ready communities development center.
Public Law 59
SB0132PassDepartment of homeland security. Renames the "safety first" license plate as the "first responder" license plate. Provides that the department of homeland security (department) may require a person to submit information, a document, or an application...
Public Law 57
SB0230PassLeasing of local unit property. Provides that a political subdivision may lease real property of the political subdivision that is located between the curb of a street and the front of commercial property, including a parkway strip, tree row, verge, ...
Public Law 65
SB0395PassUniform Consumer Credit Code. Amends the Uniform Consumer Credit Code (UCCC) as follows: (1) Changes: (A) from July 1 of each even-numbered year to January 1 of each odd-numbered year the effective date for the adjustment, based on changes in the Con...
Public Law 85
SB0258PassFirefighter safety. Requires the board of firefighting personnel standards and education to establish best practices to improve safety and health outcomes for firefighters. Establishes the best practices fund for the purpose of providing matching gra...
Public Law 72
SB0340PassPrivate property matters. Requires a conveyance, a mortgage, or an instrument of writing to be recorded to be: (1) acknowledged by the grantor; and (2) proven before certain specified individuals; in certain instances. Requires the summons accompanyi...
Public Law 80
SB0383PassReporting on MBE and WBE contracting goals. Requires each state educational institution in Indiana to submit an annual report to the state budget committee regarding the state educational institution's progress in achieving the goals established by t...
Public Law 84
SB0343PassRural communications cooperatives. Changes the rural telephone cooperative act to the rural communications cooperative act, allowing the formation of nonprofit cooperative corporations for the purposes of providing telecommunications service and info...
Public Law 81
SB0273PassIndiana behavioral health commission. Establishes the Indiana behavioral health commission (commission). Specifies the membership of the commission. Requires the commission to prepare: (1) an interim report not later than October 1, 2020; and (2) a f...
Public Law 75
SB0267PassAdministration of 211 services. Transfers responsibility for the 211 human services information dialing code from the Indiana housing and community development authority (authority) to the office of the secretary of family and social services (offic...
Public Law 73
SB0025PassMental health disability review panels. Establishes mental health disability review panels (review panel) for evaluation of members of the 1977 police officers' and firefighters' pension and disability fund (1977 fund) who have been determined to hav...
Public Law 54
SB0398PassVarious education matters. Provides that, upon request by certain youth membership organizations (organization), a public school shall provide, at least one time each school year, a day and time, which may be during the school day as approved by the ...
Public Law 86
SB0427PassProvisional occupational license. Allows a person who: (1) is the spouse of an active duty member of the armed forces assigned to Indiana; (2) affirms certain information concerning the person's licensure in the other state; (3) submits verification ...
Public Law 89
SB0209PassSearch warrants. Provides that a warrant authorizing a search, testing, or other analysis of an item is deemed executed when the item is seized. Provides that a warrant return is sufficient if the return contains a statement indicating that the item ...
Public Law 63
SB0246PassMental health services. Requires a school corporation, charter school, or accredited nonpublic school to certify to the department of homeland security that the school corporation, charter school, or accredited nonpublic school has a memorandum of un...
Public Law 69
SB0410PassLibraries. Makes changes to statutes applicable to the review of budgets of certain public libraries. Establishes a procedure for public libraries to identify the applicable city, town, or county fiscal body to receive a public library's proposed bud...
Public Law 88
SB0249PassExploitation of dependents and endangered adults. Defines "person in a position of trust" and "self-dealing". Provides that a: (1) person commits exploitation of a dependent or an endangered adult if the person recklessly uses or exerts control over ...
Public Law 70
SB0047PassExpungement issues. Defines "protection order records" and requires companies that provide background checks to periodically review their records and remove records relating to expunged protection orders (in the same manner as expunged convictions ar...
Public Law 55
SB0050PassVarious trust and probate issues. Makes various changes to trust and probate laws concerning proof of title affidavits, small estate affidavits, execution of a trust by a third party, silent trusts, nonjudicial settlements of accounts, and legacy tru...
Public Law 56
SB0438PassRegulation of pesticide use and application. Makes various changes to the statutes governing pesticide registration and pesticide use and application. Requires the pesticide review board (board) to establish a working group to review civil penalties ...
Public Law 91
SB0299PassFetal remains. Requires the state department of health (state department) to develop forms that provide: (1) that a pregnant woman has a right after a surgical abortion to dispose of the remains by interment or cremation or have the provider dispose ...
Public Law 77
SB0010PassPension matters. Provides that a member of the public employees' retirement fund (PERF), the Indiana state teachers' retirement fund (TRF), or the legislators' defined contribution plan who meets certain age and service requirements may withdraw all ...
Public Law 51
SB0001PassTobacco and vaping smoking age. Prohibits a person who is less than 21 years of age from buying or possessing: (1) tobacco; (2) e-liquids; or (3) electronic cigarettes. Makes conforming changes regarding enforcement provisions, sales certificates, pr...
Public Law 49
SB0146PassSexual assault victims' rights. Provides rights to sexual assault victims, including the right to: (1) speak with a victim advocate or victim service provider, if available, and a victims assistance or a social worker, if a victim advocate or victim ...
Public Law 58
SB0019PassElectronic technology for ophthalmic prescriptions. Removes the restriction on the prescribing of ophthalmic devices through telemedicine and sets conditions on when a provider may, through telemedicine, prescribe medical devices. Establishes conditi...
Public Law 52
SB0272PassIndiana economic development corporation. Provides that the secretary of commerce or the secretary's designee is a member of the Indiana defense task force and a member of the governor's workforce cabinet. Abolishes the Indiana office of defense deve...
Public Law 74
SB0206PassDeposition of a child victim. Defines "child victim" as a child less than 16 years of age who is the victim of a sex offense, and specifies that a child victim has the right to confer with a representative of the prosecuting attorney's office before ...
Public Law 62
SB0216PassDisclosure of personal information to offender. Amends the access to public records act to provide that personal information regarding a correctional officer, probation officer, community corrections officer, law enforcement officer, judge, crime vic...
Public Law 64
SB0405PassExemptions from design release requirements. Provides that the design release requirements for certain projects do not apply to certain construction that is exempted even if the construction is: (1) a part of; (2) supplemental to; or (3) an accessory...
Public Law 87
SB0295PassVarious education matters. Extends the date by which public schools, including charter schools, and accredited nonpublic schools must provide age appropriate research and evidence based or research or evidence based instruction on child abuse and chi...
Public Law 76
SB0331PassNational guard license plates. Extends eligibility for National Guard license plates to former members of the National Guard.
Public Law 79
SB0319PassPractitioner or accomplished practitioner license. Provides that 15 of the professional growth experience points required to renew a practitioner license or accomplished practitioner license may be obtained through one or more of certain professional...
Public Law 78
SB0433PassStructures in floodways. Prohibits the director of the department of natural resources (department) from exercising the authority to remove an abode or residence from a floodway if: (1) the abode or residence was constructed before January 1, 2020; (...
Public Law 90
SB0257PassAviation safety. Provides that INDOT shall not issue a permit for construction or alteration of an energy facility that will result in a structure that is more than 200 feet above ground level at its site unless the applicant for the permit submits t...
Public Law 71
SB0190PassControlled projects. Amends the definition of a "controlled project" to exclude projects exclusively for engineering, land and right-of-way acquisition, construction, resurfacing, maintenance, restoration, and rehabilitation of: (1) local road and st...
Public Law 60
SB0239PassCoverage for breast prostheses. Provides that a state employee health plan providing coverage for a mastectomy must also provide coverage for: (1) reconstructive surgery incident to the mastectomy, including all stages of reconstruction of the breast...
Public Law 67
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