RI Legislation | 2016 | Regular Session

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BillStatusSummary/TitleLast Actionsort icon
S2118PassPermits city and town councils, at their options, to enter into agreements with police departments of colleges and universities, to permit such police to cooperate in responding to emergency situations.
Signed by Governor
S2294PassRequires insurers, nonprofit medical corporations and organizations to give 30 days notice before making changes in preferred or tiered cost sharing status of covered drug. Any drug deemed unsafe may be removed immediately without prior notice.
Signed by Governor
H7240PassIncreases fines for motor vehicle operators who block box at traffic signal controlled intersections; authorizes state traffic commission to allow for the painting by a municipality of a four-sided box at dangerous intersections. FINAL VERSION LC4438...
Effective without Governor's signature
H8058PassEstablishes a procedure to consider a reduction of the premium tax rate for qualifying insurers that have added new, full-time qualifying jobs in this state.
Signed by Governor
H8294PassJoint Resolution Approving The Issuance Of Not To Exceed $45,000,000 Revenue Bonds By The Rhode Island Convention Center Authority To Finance Construction Of A Public Parking Garage At The Garrahy Courthouse Parking Lot Site And Authorizing The State...
Signed by Governor
S2534PassEliminates the requirement that a notary public be a resident of Rhode Island.
Effective without Governor's signature
H7078PassAmends certain provisions in the agreement forming the Exeter-West Greenwich School District regarding the required quorum to transact business, referenda for the District's annual budget and timing for the payment of apportioned costs.
Effective without Governor's signature
S2424PassAuthorizes MV dealers to issue guaranteed asset protection waivers consumers along with consumer protections for waivers effective 1/1/17.
Effective without Governor's signature
S2787PassExempts taxicabs from the prohibitions regarding stopping and parking enumerated in §31-21-4, when momentarily stopped to admit or discharge passengers.
Effective without Governor's signature
S2457PassExtends the moratorium on nursing facilities and prohibit the licensing of new facilities through July 1, 2019.
Effective without Governor's signature
H8193PassExpands the penalties which public works contractors can be assessed for failing to properly pay persons for the services they provide to them.
Effective without Governor's signature
H7570PassMakes discretionary the formerly mandatory requirement that civil investigative demands of alleged deceptive practices be filed in the Superior Court.
Effective without Governor's signature
H7817PassAllows production of raw milk cheese in accordance with US FDA standards and under a permit issued by the director of the department of health.
Effective without Governor's signature
S2392PassAdds a performance-based component to the state funding formulas for CCRI, RIC and URI.
Signed by Governor
S2829PassAmends the provisions of the law pertaining to subdivisions and zoning ordinances to provide for unified development review.
Signed by Governor
S2872PassEstablishes an advisory council to review locally administered pension funds.
Signed by Governor
H7097PassCreates a non-trade apprenticeship incentive program for board approved industries.
Signed by Governor
H7841PassChanges the title of the "division of racing and athletics" to the "division of gaming and athletics licensing".
Signed by Governor
H7458PassProvides that title examiners, attorney, and members of a legally incorporated genealogical society would be allowed to examine death certificates filed with the department of health.
Signed by Governor
S2541PassPermits title examiners, attorneys, and members of genealogical societies to examine death certificates. No fees would be charged for searching or viewing the examination of said records.
Signed by Governor
H7657PassModifies types of healthy foods/beverages sold to students per federal law with exceptions for career/technical schools with culinary arts/food service programs based on new definitions.
Signed by Governor
S2554PassRequires the board of education to adopt a state goal of closing the achievement gaps in third grade reading and math.
Signed by Governor
S2297PassIncludes family members who are 62 years or older as a reasonable accommodation in an accessory family dwelling unit.
Signed by Governor
H7472PassProhibits commercial motor trucks or tractors with a gross weight exceeding four (4) tons from traveling on that portion of Route 116 known as Smith Avenue in the town of Smithfield.
Effective without Governor's signature
H7748PassRequires E-911 system division to update system by allowing user access by text or internet.
Effective without Governor's signature
H8165PassCorrects a technical error in the penalty provision of the act adopting the Federal Secure and Fair Enforcement for Mortgage Licensing Act of 2009.
Effective without Governor's signature
H8251PassExempts from taxation the real and tangible personal property belonging to Habitat for Humanity of Rhode Island-Greater Providence, Inc., a Rhode Island nonprofit corporation, located in Providence, Rhode Island.
Effective without Governor's signature
H7072PassRequires RI DOT to report annually to the general assembly regarding compliance with the United States District Court's consent decree regarding compliance with laws related to drainage systems.
Effective without Governor's signature
H7305PassProhibits home inspectors or associate home inspectors from entering into contracts limiting their liability to less than $500,000.
Effective without Governor's signature
H7674PassProvides personal property used as a residence qualifies for a homestead exemption. Further, a homestead exemption is subordinate to mortgage signed by all of the property's owners.
Effective without Governor's signature
H7200PassMakes a number of technical amendments to the general laws, prepared at the recommendation of the Law Revision Office. Article I of the act includes the statutory construction bill. Article II of the act contains reenactments of selected general laws...
Effective without Governor's signature
H7176PassGrants a "Police Chief Emeritus" license plate to North Providence Police Chief (Retired) Ernest Spaziano.
Effective without Governor's signature
H7201PassMakes a number of technical amendments to the general laws, prepared at the recommendation of the Law Revision Office. Article I of the act includes the statutory construction bill. Article II of the act contains reenactments of selected general laws...
Effective without Governor's signature
H8302PassProvides that firefighters who die as victims of homicide while still members, although not in the performance of active duty, be eligible for the same benefits as those killed on duty.
Effective without Governor's signature
S3056PassPermits the Providence board of licenses to authorize a retailer's Class BV license at 230 Dean Street, notwithstanding that such property is located within two hundred feet (200') of a school.
Effective without Governor's signature
H7254PassPrevents unauthorized deductions from employee wages.
Signed by Governor
H8308PassAuthorizes the expenditure of funds to conduct a comprehensive study on a unified approach to statewide education.
Signed by Governor
H7456PassIncludes family members who are 62 years or older as a reasonable accommodation in an accessory family dwelling unit.
Signed by Governor
H8197PassProhibits the use of bullhooks or similar devices designed to inflict pain for the purpose of training or controlling the behavior of elephants utilized in traveling shows.
Signed by Governor
H7257PassPermits dogs in outdoor dining areas of restaurants under certain circumstances.
Signed by Governor
H7734PassDirects the department of transportation to set up a pothole report toll-free telephone line.
Signed by Governor
H8008PassAuthorizes the creation of a special license plate for the Dorian J. Murray Foundation. Revenue generated would be split between the foundation and the state.
Signed by Governor
S2688PassSupports participation of micro businesses in the economic activity in the state, including state-directed public construction projects and in-state purchases. It requires DOA to compile data and submit an annual report to the governor/general assemb...
Signed by Governor
H7203PassProhibits a recipient of direct cash assistance on electronic benefit cards from utilizing the card to purchase certain items and sanctions businesses accepting the cards for non-authorized products.
Effective without Governor's signature
S2801PassRaises the level of care required for animals being offered for sale and in facilities holding stray animals. It would increase penalties for those who mistreat animals in such facilities.
Effective without Governor's signature
H7831PassRaises the level of care required for animals being offered for sale and in facilities holding stray animals. It would increase penalties for those who mistreat animals in such facilities.
Effective without Governor's signature
S2828PassEmpowers the health insurance commissioner to establish payor guidelines to develop and maintain a system allowing patients electronic access to their health claims information pursuant to federal regulations by 7/1/17.
Effective without Governor's signature
H8309PassAmends various sections of law relating to the certification, training and licensing of barbers, hairdressers, cosmeticians, manicurists and estheticians.
Effective without Governor's signature
H7786PassEmpowers the health insurance commissioner to establish payor guidelines to develop and maintain a system allowing patients electronic access to their health claims information pursuant to federal regulations by 7/1/17.
Effective without Governor's signature
S3036PassAmends various sections of law relating to the certification, training and licensing of barbers, hairdressers, cosmeticians, manicurists and estheticians.
Effective without Governor's signature
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