VA Legislation | 2016 | Regular Session | House

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HB30PassBudget Bill. Appropriations of the Budget submitted by the Governor of Virginia in accordance with the provisions of §2.2-1509, Code of Virginia, and to provide a portion of revenues for the two years ending respectively on the thirtieth day of ...
(View Keeper of the Rolls' explanation for details)
HB685VetoDirect primary care agreements. Provides that the Commonwealth's insurance laws do not apply to direct primary care agreements. The measure further provides that (i) a direct primary care practice is not subject to the jurisdiction of the State Corpo...
Governor: Vetoed by Governor
HB577VetoInterpleader; earnest money deposits. Allows the general district court, in an interpleader case involving an earnest money deposit held in escrow by a real estate broker, to escheat the funds to the Commonwealth to be credited to the Virginia Housin...
Governor: Vetoed by Governor
HB1362PassLobbyist reporting, the State and Local Government Conflict of Interests Act, and the General Assembly Conflicts of Interests Act; annual filing of required disclosures; definition of gift; separate report of gifts; definition of procurement transact...
Governor: Acts of Assembly Chapter text (CHAP0773)
HB846PassVirginia Collaborative Economic Development Act. Creates the Virginia Collaborative Economic Development Performance Grant Fund (the Fund). The Fund will be administered by the Go Virginia Board. Two or more localities that collaborate and adopt a co...
Governor: Acts of Assembly Chapter text (CHAP0777)
HB1343PassVirginia Research Investment Committee and Fund established; report. Establishes the Virginia Research Investment Committee (the Committee) to administer grants and loans from the Virginia Research Investment Fund (the Fund), created by this bill, to...
Governor: Acts of Assembly Chapter text (CHAP0775)
HB834PassVirginia Growth and Opportunity Act; report. Establishes the Virginia Growth and Opportunity Board to administer grants from the Virginia Growth and Opportunity Fund for regional economic and workforce development projects. The bill provides that reg...
Governor: Acts of Assembly Chapter text (CHAP0779)
HJR452PassCommending Saving Sweet Briar, Inc.
Introduced bill reprinted 12105150D
HJR394PassCommending Katie Ruth Langley Williams.
Introduced bill reprinted 16105848D
HB47PassMixed-Delivery Preschool Fund and Grant Program established. Establishes the Mixed-Delivery Preschool Fund and Grant Program for the purpose of awarding grants on a competitive basis to urban, suburban, and rural community applicants to field-test in...
Governor: Acts of Assembly Chapter text (CHAP0738)
HB1250PassVirginia Erosion and Stormwater Management Act; consolidation of programs; opt-out for certain localities; penalties. Combines existing statutory programs relating to soil erosion and stormwater management, directing the State Water Control Board (th...
Governor: Acts of Assembly Chapter text (CHAP0758)
HB1096VetoRegulation of firearms by state entities. Prohibits any state entity from adopting or enforcing any rule, regulation, policy, or administrative action governing the purchase, possession, transfer, ownership, carrying, storage, or transporting of fire...
Requires 67 afirmative votes to override Governor's veto
HB90PassPossession of handguns by members of the Virginia National Guard. Allows a member of the Virginia National Guard to possess a concealed handgun owned by him at National Guard facilities and facilities under contract with the National Guard if such me...
Governor: Acts of Assembly Chapter text (CHAP0740)
HB52PassStructured settlements. Amends the Structured Settlement Protection Act (the Act) to provide that the structured settlement obligor and the annuity issuer may rely on a court order approving a transfer of structured settlement payment rights in redir...
Governor: Acts of Assembly Chapter text (CHAP0739)
HB1108PassVirginia Public Procurement Act (VPPA) and contracting generally; use of experience modification factor in contracting prohibited. Prohibits the use of any experience modification factor as a condition of any bidder's or offeror's eligibility to part...
Governor: Acts of Assembly Chapter text (CHAP0754)
HB516VetoBoard of Education; policy on sexually explicit instructional material. Requires the Board of Education to establish a policy to require each public elementary or secondary school to (i) notify the parent of any student whose teacher reasonably expec...
Requires 67 afirmative votes to override Governor's veto
HB1234VetoSchool security officers; carrying a firearm. Authorizes a school security officer to carry a firearm in the performance of his duties if he is a retired law-enforcement officer who meets the firearms training standards for active law-enforcement off...
Requires 67 afirmative votes to override Governor's veto
HB818PassVirginia Freedom of Information Act (FOIA); designation of FOIA officer; posting of FOIA rights and responsibilities. Requires certain local public bodies to post a FOIA rights and responsibilities document on their respective public government websi...
Governor: Acts of Assembly Chapter text (CHAP0748)
HB895PassBoard of Education; high school graduation requirements. Removes existing provisions related to standard and advanced studies diplomas and standard and verified units of credit and requires the Board of Education, in establishing high school graduati...
Governor: Acts of Assembly Chapter text (CHAP0750)
HB814PassSecretary of the Commonwealth; powers and duties; creation of a Virginia Indian advisory board. Authorizes the Secretary of the Commonwealth to establish a Virginia Indian advisory board to assist the Secretary in reviewing applications seeking recog...
Governor: Acts of Assembly Chapter text (CHAP0746)
HB264VetoProhibiting certain local government practices that would require contractors to provide certain compensation or benefits. Prohibits local governing bodies from establishing provisions related to procurement of goods, professional services, or constr...
Passed by for the day - Governor's veto sustained
HB560VetoBrandishing a firearm; intent; penalty. Requires that a person pointing, holding, or brandishing a firearm or similar weapons must have the intent to induce fear in the mind of another or know or reasonably should know that his conduct would induce s...
Requires 67 afirmative votes to override Governor's veto
HB1224PassBank franchise tax. Sets a cap of $18 million on the total annual bank franchise tax liability per taxpayer. The cap will increase to $20 million if at least five taxpayers pay the $18 million cap for three consecutive years. After two years at $20 m...
Governor: Acts of Assembly Chapter text (CHAP0755)
HB1069PassToll collection procedures, fees, and penalties; period of nonpayment; notice of unpaid tolls; reciprocity agreements and enforcement. Requires the Department of Transportation to allow E-ZPass account holders to provide an email or phone number and ...
Governor: Acts of Assembly Chapter text (CHAP0753)
HB1231PassDogs injuring or killing poultry. Allows the district court to order that any dog that has been found to have injured or killed only poultry be microchipped and either confined securely or transferred to another owner whom the court deems appropriate...
Governor: Acts of Assembly Chapter text (CHAP0757)
HB1344PassBonds; certain capital projects. Authorizes the Virginia Public Building Authority and the Virginia College Building Authority to issue bonds in a total aggregate amount not to exceed $2,235,432,677 plus costs to fund certain capital projects.
Governor: Acts of Assembly Chapter text (CHAP0759)
HB815PassMethod of execution. Authorizes the Director of the Department of Corrections to enter into contracts with a pharmacy or outsourcing facility for the compounding of drugs necessary to carry out an execution by lethal injection and provides that the c...
Governor: Acts of Assembly Chapter text (CHAP0747)
HB1090VetoDepartment of Health; restrictions on expenditure of funds related to abortions and family planning services. Prohibits the Department of Health from spending any funds on an abortion that is not qualified for matching funds under the Medicaid progra...
Requires 67 afirmative votes to override Governor's veto
HB382VetoControl of firearms by state agencies; rights of employees. Prohibits state agencies other than the Department of Corrections, Department of Juvenile Justice, and Virginia Port Authority and institutions of higher education from adopting any regulati...
Requires 67 afirmative votes to override Governor's veto
HB858PassVirginia International Trade Corporation. Establishes the Virginia International Trade Corporation (the Corporation) in the executive branch of state government to promote international trade in the Commonwealth. The bill (i) authorizes the Chief Exe...
Governor: Acts of Assembly Chapter text (CHAP0749)
HB587VetoProtection of monuments and memorials. Provides that existing provisions related to the protection of certain monuments and memorials shall apply to all such monuments and memorials, regardless of when erected.
Governor's veto sustained
HB36PassHigh school Virginia and U.S. Government course; civics portion of the U.S. Naturalization Test. Requires each local school board to implement a program of instruction in the high school Virginia and U.S. Government course on all information and conc...
Governor: Acts of Assembly Chapter text (CHAP0737)
HB735PassLandlord and tenant laws. Provides under the landlord and tenant law and the Virginia Residential Landlord and Tenant Act (VRLTA) that unless a tenant is at fault in cases of mold needing remediation, the landlord is obliged to pay all costs associat...
Governor: Acts of Assembly Chapter text (CHAP0744)
HB1371VetoProhibition on certain local government mandates upon employers. Provides that a locality shall not enact any policy that requires an employer within the locality to provide an employee with a wage or employment benefit that exceeds the requirements ...
Passed by for the day - Governor's veto sustained
HB70VetoIssuance of warrants by magistrates. Provides that a magistrate may not issue an arrest warrant for a misdemeanor offense where the accused is a law-enforcement officer and the alleged offense arises out of the performance of his public duties upon t...
Requires 67 afirmative votes to override Governor's veto
HB2VetoClean Power Plan; state implementation plan; General Assembly approval. Requires the Department of Environmental Quality to receive approval from the General Assembly for a state implementation plan to regulate carbon dioxide emissions from existing ...
Passed by for the day - Governor's veto sustained
HB389VetoParental Choice Education Savings Accounts. Permits the parents of certain students with disabilities to apply to their resident school division for a Parental Choice Education Savings Account, to consist of the student's Standards of Quality per pup...
Passed by for the day - Governor's veto sustained
HB8VetoVirginia Virtual School established. Establishes the Board of the Virginia Virtual School (the Board) as a policy agency in the executive branch of state government for the purpose of governing the full-time virtual school programs offered to student...
Passed by for the day - Governor's veto sustained
HB9VetoVoter registration; application; form and required information. Specifies in greater detail the information that applicants for voter registration are required to provide on the voter registration application form. The bill also requires the general ...
Requires 67 afirmative votes to override Governor's veto
HB752PassStalking; penalty. Provides that contacting or following or attempting to contact or follow the person at whom stalking conduct is directed after being given actual notice that the person does not want to be contacted or followed is prima facie evide...
Governor: Acts of Assembly Chapter text (CHAP0745)
HB485PassAssault; family or household member. Provides that a first offense of simple assault against a family or household member may be subject to deferral and dismissal. Under current law, first offender status is only available to a person who commits ass...
Governor: Acts of Assembly Chapter text (CHAP0742)
HB1228PassDepartment of Professional and Occupational Regulation; boxing and wrestling events; sanctioning organizations. Enhances the conflict of interest provisions for sanctioning organizations required for approval by the Director of the Department of Pro...
Governor: Acts of Assembly Chapter text (CHAP0756)
HB481VetoCompliance with detainers; U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement. Prohibits the Director of the Department of Corrections, sheriff, or other official in charge of a facility from releasing an incarcerated alien for whom a lawful detainer order has...
Requires 67 afirmative votes to override Governor's veto
HB97PassInterstate 95 corridor traffic congestion evaluation. Directs the Department of Transportation (the Department) to conduct an evaluation with the Fredericksburg Area Metropolitan Planning Organization of traffic congestion on the Interstate 95 corrid...
Governor: Acts of Assembly Chapter text (CHAP0741)
HB145VetoVirginia Public Procurement Act; public works contracts; prevailing wage provisions. Prohibits state agencies from requiring bidders, offerors, contractors, or subcontractors to pay, or require the payment of, wages, salaries, benefits, or other remu...
Passed by for the day - Governor's veto sustained
HB18VetoEmployees; franchisees excluded. Clarifies that neither a franchisee nor any employee of the franchisee shall be deemed to be an employee of the franchisee's franchisor for any purpose to which the amended section of the Code of Virginia applies, not...
Requires 67 afirmative votes to override Governor's veto
HB298VetoCoal tax credits. Limits the aggregate amount of credits that may be allocated or claimed for the coal employment and production incentive tax credit to $7.3 million in each fiscal year. An electricity generator must file an application with the Depa...
Senate sustained Governor's veto
HB1030PassOfficers of election; required training. Requires each officer of election to receive training before the first election in which he will be serving as an officer of election. Such requirement applies to each term for which he is appointed. Each offi...
Governor: Acts of Assembly Chapter text (CHAP0752)
HB1017PassEducation improvement scholarships tax credit; reporting and other requirements. Modifies the tax credit by (i) making the current required report based upon donations qualifying for the credit and scholarships awarded from such donations as of June ...
Governor: Acts of Assembly Chapter text (CHAP0751)
HB653PassConsent to organ donation. Eliminates the requirement that a person indicate his willingness to make an anatomical gift every time he renews or replaces his license.
Governor: Acts of Assembly Chapter text (CHAP0743)
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