OK Legislation | 2021 | Regular Session | Bills

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HB1620PassAgriculture; prohibiting the banning of the right of Oklahomans to engage in agritourism; regulation; effective date.
Approved by Governor 05/10/2021
HB1032PassPublic health and safety; Home Bakery Act of 2013; home food establishments; homemade food products; Department of Agriculture, Food, and Forestry; beekeepers; effective date.
Approved by Governor 05/10/2021
HB2311PassOklahoma Juvenile Code; adult facilities; youthful offenders; effective date.
Approved by Governor 05/07/2021
HB2028PassPublic health and safety; underground facilities; marking; notice; notification center; exemptions; states of emergency; effective date.
Approved by Governor 05/10/2021
HB2805PassRevenue and taxation; ad valorem tax exemption for livestock employed in support of the family; deleting primary purpose of language; deleting definitions; effective date.
Approved by Governor 05/07/2021
HB2396PassHigher education; allowing certain nonprofit organizations to present sex trafficking and exploitation prevention and education programs for students; effective date.
Approved by Governor 05/10/2021
HB2236PassWorkers' compensation; fraud; income reporting; law enforcement officers; effective date.
Approved by Governor 05/07/2021
HB1935PassRevenue and taxation; sales tax exemption; nonprofits; construction of affordable housing; disaster repair; effective date.
Approved by Governor 05/10/2021
HB1135PassCrimes and punishment; modifying trespassing offenses; effective date.
Approved by Governor 05/10/2021
HB2689PassCourts; court reporters; salary; effective date; emergency.
Approved by Governor 05/10/2021
HB1875PassOpen records; educational records; directory information; emergency.
Approved by Governor 05/10/2021
HB1992PassOklahoma Juvenile Code; requiring the Office of Juvenile Affairs to provide certain report; effective date; emergency.
Approved by Governor 05/07/2021
HB2122PassAlcoholic beverages; Oklahoma Cocktails To Go Act of 2021; cocktails or mixed drinks to go; effective date; emergency.
Approved by Governor 05/07/2021
HB1770PassPublic safety; defining terms; providing certain exceptions for bicyclists at traffic-control devices; effective date.
Approved by Governor 05/10/2021
SB999PassTransportation; creating the Oklahoma Courier Application Services Act. Effective date.
Approved by Governor 05/10/2021
HB1775PassEducation; prohibiting certain training for students; prohibiting courses from including certain concept; effective date; emergency.
Approved by Governor 05/07/2021
HB2202PassOklahoma Vehicle License and Registration Act; prohibiting the issuance of a citation for delinquent registration during certain time period; effective date.
Approved by Governor 05/10/2021
HB2726PassAlcoholic beverages; bottle service; definitions; certain license authorities; exception to prohibited acts; emergency.
Approved by Governor 05/10/2021
HB2326PassAbstractors; Abstractors Board; allowing for certain reappointment; modifying qualifications to serve on Board; effective date.
Approved by Governor 05/10/2021
HB2367PassChildren; permitting certain child to enter into housing contracts; effective date.
Approved by Governor 05/10/2021
HB2178PassRevenue and taxation; income tax; Oklahoma taxable income; Oklahoma adjusted gross income; OK Able Accounts; effective date.
Approved by Governor 05/07/2021
HB2225PassCities and towns; modifying process for disposing of certain property or money; effective date.
Approved by Governor 05/10/2021
HB1151PassChild custody; allowing court to consider certain evidence to make determination on shared parenting; requiring findings of fact and conclusions of law after final hearing; effective date.
Approved by Governor 05/10/2021
HB2687PassHospitals; creating the No Patient Left Alone Act; providing for certain visitation rights, policies and safety protocols; prohibiting certain termination, suspension or waiver of visitation rights; prohibiting certain action against hospital; effect...
Approved by Governor 05/10/2021
HB1147PassProfessions and occupations; modifying the State Architectural and Registered Interior Designers Act; re-creating Board of Governors of the Licensed Architects, Landscape Architects and Registered Commercial Interior Designers; emergency.
Approved by Governor 05/10/2021
SB487PassOklahoma Science and Technology Research and Development Board; modifying board of directors. Emergency.
Approved by Governor 05/10/2021
SB828PassCounties and county officers; allowing certain employees to receive salary in excess of county officer; pay structure. Effective date.
Approved by Governor 05/10/2021
HB1892PassHuman trafficking and child exploitation; creating the Advisory Task Force on Prevention of Human Trafficking and Child Exploitation; effective date; emergency.
Approved by Governor 05/07/2021
HB1709PassChildren; Successful Adulthood Act; services; custody; emergency.
Approved by Governor 05/10/2021
SB862PassMedical marijuana; designating certain property as smoke-free; specifying certain method of measurement. Effective date.
Approved by Governor 05/10/2021
HB2564PassElections; recounts by electronic voting devices; exception for recounts of certain issues and questions; creating the State Question Recount Revolving Fund; effective date.
Approved by Governor 05/10/2021
HB1651PassSentencing; post-imprisonment supervision; effective date.
Approved by Governor 05/10/2021
HB1149PassMotor vehicles; requiring certain employees to have certificates of registration; effective date.
Approved by Governor 05/10/2021
SB1022PassWater and water rights; authorizing Executive Director to issue certain permits. Effective date.
Approved by Governor 05/10/2021
SB601PassIncome tax; interest accrual and due dates of certain reports or returns; emergency declaration; modifying period of underpayment for corporations. Effective date. Emergency.
Approved by Governor 05/07/2021
SB683PassTeacher retirement; modifying requirement for nonclassified optional personnel to join system; specifying procedures to join or opt out of System; specifying certain required contributions be made by certain employees and employers. Effective date. E...
Approved by Governor 05/07/2021
SB392PassPharmacists; requiring insurers to directly compensate a pharmacist in certain circumstances. Effective date.
Approved by Governor 05/07/2021
SB809PassLaw enforcement officers; modifying inclusions for retirement sidearms and badges; leave accruals based on emergency conditions. Effective date. Emergency.
Approved by Governor 05/07/2021
SB998PassOklahoma Vehicle License and Registration Act; directing the Tax Commission to implement a program for electronic title and lien. Effective date.
Approved by Governor 05/07/2021
SB868PassMilitary Department; allowing certain federal programs to be regarded as individual purchasing entity under certain conditions. Emergency.
Approved by Governor 05/07/2021
SB385PassAlcoholic beverages; authorizing certain samples of beer, wine and spirits in retail spirit licensee premises. Effective date.
Approved by Governor 05/07/2021
SB500VetoLocal Development Act; requiring report for tax increment financing. Effective date.
Vetoed 05/07/2021
SB706PassPersonal delivery devices; authorizing certain use; limiting certain jurisdictional powers. Effective date.
Approved by Governor 05/05/2021
SB659PassAircraft and airports; creating the Unmanned Aircraft Systems Development Act of 2021. Effective date.
Approved by Governor 05/05/2021

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Prevention and control of disease; prohibiting certain vaccination mandates and discrimination; creating exceptions; establishing immunity from liability for certain entities from certain actions; emergency.
Coauthored by Representative Gann
SB456PassOffenders; modifying eligibility for electronic monitoring. Effective date.
Approved by Governor 05/05/2021
HB1568PassSchools; creating Maria's Law; adding mental health instruction to health education curriculum; effective date.
Approved by Governor 05/05/2021
SB347PassElections; prohibiting scheduling of regular or special election by certain entities for specified time period. Emergency.
Approved by Governor 05/05/2021
SB674PassTelemedicine; requiring certain coverage and reimbursement of health care services; prohibiting certain exclusions, limits, restrictions and utilization review. Effective date.
Approved by Governor 05/05/2021
SB619PassSchools; allowing certain students to participate in apprenticeships, internships and mentorships. Effective date. Emergency.
Approved by Governor 05/05/2021
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