ID Legislation | 2021 | Regular Session

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H0252PassPROPERTY ASSESSMENTS -- Amends existing law to revise provisions regarding the assessment of certain property actively devoted to agriculture.
Reported Signed by Governor on April 22, 2021 Session Law Chapter 270 Effective: 07/01/2021
H0191PassDOMESTIC RELATIONS -- Adds to existing law to provide for a delegation of parental powers to a temporary caregiver through a power of attorney and to provide requirements for temporary care assistance programs.
Reported Signed by Governor on April 22, 2021 Session Law Chapter 269 Effective: 07/01/2021
H0171PassSALES TAX -- Amends existing law to revise provisions regarding sales tax exemption certificates and resale certificates.
Reported Signed by Governor on April 22, 2021 Session Law Chapter 282 Effective: 07/01/2021
S1086PassANTI-BOYCOTT AGAINST ISRAEL ACT -- Adds to existing law to prohibit a public entity from entering into certain contracts with companies that boycott Israel.
Session Law Chapter 284 Effective: 07/01/2021
S1062PassELECTIONS -- Amends existing law to revise provisions regarding write-in candidates and signature verifications.
Session Law Chapter 272 Effective: 07/01/2021
S1107PassTRANSPORTATION -- Amends existing law to provide that a highway district shall be financially responsible for certain urban renewal projects if it reaches an agreement with the urban renewal agency.
Session Law Chapter 273 Effective: 07/01/2021
SJR102PassLEGISLATURE -- States findings of the Legislature and proposes an amendment to the Constitution of the state of Idaho to establish provisions regarding convening the Legislature for special or organizational sessions.
Reported signed by the Speaker & ordered delivered to Secretary of State
S1051PassPERSONNEL SYSTEM -- Amends existing law to provide that certain information be included in an annual report submitted to the Governor and Legislature by the administrator of the Division of Human Resources.
Session Law Chapter 271 Effective: 07/01/2021

Sine Die
INCOME TAXES -- Amends existing law to revise provisions regarding income tax rates and the Tax Relief Fund and to provide for a onetime income tax rebate.
To Senate Local Government and Taxation Committee
S1168PassELECTIONS -- Adds to existing law to prohibit the use of private moneys for the administration of elections.
Session Law Chapter 275 Effective: 07/01/2021
S1198PassAPPROPRIATIONS -- STATE TAX COMMISSION -- Relates to the appropriation to the State Tax Commission for fiscal year 2022.
Session Law Chapter 279 Effective: 07/01/2021
S1196PassAPPROPRIATIONS -- DEPARTMENT OF LABOR -- Relates to the appropriation to the Department of Labor for fiscal year 2022.
Session Law Chapter 277 Effective: 07/01/2021
S1197PassAPPROPRIATIONS -- BOARD OF TAX APPEALS -- Relates to the appropriation to the Board of Tax Appeals for fiscal year 2022.
Session Law Chapter 278 Effective: 07/01/2021
S1199PassAPPROPRIATIONS -- DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE -- Relates to the appropriation to the Department of Commerce for fiscal year 2021 and fiscal year 2022.
Session Law Chapter 280 Effective: 04/22/2021 SECTION 1-5 & 8; 07/01/2021 SECTION 6 & 7

Sine Die
LEGISLATIVE SESSION -- EFFECTIVE DATES -- Adds to existing law to clarify the effective dates for certain acts or sections of acts enacted by the First Regular Session of the Sixty-sixth Idaho Legislature.
To Senate State Affairs Committee
S1195PassAPPROPRIATIONS -- DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE -- Relates to the appropriation to the Department of Commerce for fiscal year 2022.
Session Law Chapter 276 Effective: 07/01/2021
H0315PassPUBLIC FUNDS -- Adds to existing law to establish the state-directed opioid settlement fund.
Reported Signed by Governor on April 21, 2021 Session Law Chapter 268 Effective: 04/21/2021
S1143PassINSURANCE -- Amends existing law to revise provisions regarding standards for Medicare supplement policies and certificates.
Session Law Chapter 274 Effective: 07/01/2021

Sine Die
CRIMES -- Amends existing law to prohibit offering pecuniary benefits to public servants under certain circumstances.
To House Ways and Means Committee
H0298PassIMMUNIZATIONS -- Amends existing law to provide that school officials shall provide parents and guardians with certain information in communications regarding student immunizations.
Reported Signed by Governor on April 19, 2021 Session Law Chapter 263 Effective: 07/01/2021
H0338PassAPPROPRIATIONS -- STATE CONTROLLER -- Relates to the appropriation to the Office of the State Controller for fiscal year 2022.
Reported Signed by Governor on April 19, 2021 Session Law Chapter 266 Effective: 07/01/2021
H0346PassAPPROPRIATIONS -- DIVISION OF OCCUPATIONAL AND PROFESSIONAL LICENSES -- Relates to the appropriation to the Division of Occupational and Professional Licenses for fiscal year 2022.
Reported Signed by Governor on April 19, 2021 Session Law Chapter 264 Effective: 07/01/2021
S1177PassAPPROPRIATIONS -- OITS -- Relates to the appropriation to the Office of Information Technology Services for fiscal year 2022.
Session Law Chapter 267 Effective: 07/01/2021
H0357PassAPPROPRIATIONS -- PUBLIC SCHOOLS -- FACILITIES DIVISION -- Relates to the appropriation to the Public Schools Educational Support Program's Division of Facilities for fiscal year 2022.
Reported Signed by Governor on April 19, 2021 Session Law Chapter 265 Effective: 07/01/2021
H0102PassREAL ESTATE LICENSE LAW -- Amends existing law to remove obsolete language.
Reported Signed by Governor on April 19, 2021 Session Law Chapter 261 Effective: 07/01/2021
H0290PassELECTIONS -- Amends existing law to revise provisions regarding verification of signatures of electors and petition signers.
Reported Signed by Governor on April 19, 2021 Session Law Chapter 262 Effective: 04/19/2021

Sine Die
GOVERNMENT -- Amends existing law to provide that certain entities shall be considered state agencies when the entity has the discretion to spend or grant federal funds.
To House Ways and Means Committee
H0302PassABORTION -- Amends existing law to provide that certain printed material regarding Down syndrome be made available to physicians, hospitals, or other facilities providing abortion and abortion-related services.
Reported Signed by Governor on April 20, 2021 Session Law Chapter 258 Effective: 07/01/2021

Sine Die
APPROPRIATIONS -- LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR -- Relates to the appropriation to the Office of the Lieutenant Governor for fiscal year 2022.
U.C. to be returned to Appropriations Committee
S1045PassEDUCATION -- Adds to existing law to provide advanced opportunities funding for nonpublic school students, subject to appropriation.
Session Law Chapter 259 Effective: 07/01/2021
S1139PassHEALTH AND WELFARE -- Amends existing law to define terms, to revise definitions, and to revise the powers and duties of the director of the Department of Health and Welfare.
Session Law Chapter 257 Effective: 07/01/2021

Sine Die
ARPA FUNDS -- States findings of the Legislature and creates a legislative interim study committee to study and make recommendations regarding the expenditure of federal funds received for water infrastructure purposes under the American Rescue Plan ...
Retained on calendar

Sine Die
ARPA FUNDS -- States findings of the Legislature and creates a legislative interim committee to study and make recommendations regarding the expenditure of federal funds for sewer and broadband infrastructure under the American Rescue Plan Act of 202...
Retained on calendar

Sine Die
ELECTIONS -- Amends existing law to revise provisions regarding certain election deadlines.
Filed in the office of the Secretary of the Senate
H0343PassAPPROPRIATIONS -- SUPREME COURT -- Relates to the appropriation to the Supreme Court for fiscal year 2022.
Reported Signed by Governor on April 16, 2021 Session Law Chapter 251 Effective: 07/01/2021
H0239PassPHOSPHATE -- Repeals and amends existing law to revise construction requirements and to provide for certain fees.
Reported Signed by Governor on April 16, 2021 Session Law Chapter 246 Effective: 07/01/2021
H0286PassPUBLIC SHOOTING RANGES -- Amends existing law to revise distribution provisions regarding certain fines and forfeitures.
Reported Signed by Governor on April 16, 2021 Session Law Chapter 249 Effective: 07/01/2021
H0264PassEDUCATION -- Amends existing law to revise provisions regarding public charter school facilities funds.
Reported Signed by Governor on April 16, 2021 Session Law Chapter 247 Effective: 07/01/2021

Sine Die
FEDERALISM PROCEDURE -- Adds to existing law to provide for a procedure regarding nonrecognition of certain federal actions.
To Senate State Affairs Committee

Sine Die
MASK MANDATES -- Adds to existing law to establish provisions regarding the prohibition of mask mandates.
To Senate Health and Welfare Committee
H0266PassWATER -- Adds to existing law to provide for cloud seeding in Idaho.
Reported Signed by Governor on April 16, 2021 Session Law Chapter 256 Effective: 07/01/2021

Sine Die
FETAL HEARTBEAT PREBORN CHILD PROTECTION ACT -- Adds to existing law to prohibit an abortion following detection of a fetal heartbeat.
Motion to return to State Affairs Committee; return to committee
H0126PassINDUSTRIAL HEMP -- Amends and adds to existing law to establish provisions regarding industrial hemp.
Reported Signed by Governor on April 16, 2021 Session Law Chapter 242 Effective: 04/16/2021
H0142PassEMPLOYMENT SECURITY -- Amends existing law to clarify eligibility requirements.
Reported Signed by Governor on April 16, 2021 Session Law Chapter 243 Effective: 07/01/2021

Sine Die
PROTECTING CRITICAL THINKING IN HIGHER EDUCATION -- Adds to existing law to establish the Protecting Critical Thinking in Higher Education Act.
To Senate Education Committee
H0143PassBUILDING CODE ACT -- Adds to existing law to require the Building Code Board to adopt certain International Building Code provisions allowing for the use of mass timber.
Reported Signed by Governor on April 16, 2021 Session Law Chapter 244 Effective: 04/16/2021

Sine Die
SCHOOL TRUSTEE ELECTIONS -- Amends existing law to revise provisions regarding appointments and elections to fill vacant school trustee positions after a recall or resignation following a recall petition.
To Senate State Affairs Committee
S1192PassAPPROPRIATIONS -- PUBLIC CHARTER SCHOOL COMMISSION -- Relates to the appropriation to the Public Charter School Commission for fiscal year 2022.
Session Law Chapter 260 Effective: 07/01/2021
H0265PassEDUCATION -- Amends existing law to provide for the state share of the Transportation Support Program following an emergency.
Reported Signed by Governor on April 16, 2021 Session Law Chapter 248 Effective: Retroactive to 07/01/2020
H0359PassAPPROPRIATIONS -- PUBLIC SCHOOLS -- EDUCATIONAL SERVICES FOR THE DEAF AND THE BLIND -- Relates to the appropriation to the Public Schools Educational Support Program's Division of Educational Services for the Deaf and the Blind for fiscal year 2022.
Reported Signed by Governor on April 16, 2021 Session Law Chapter 252 Effective: 07/01/2021
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