VA Legislation | 2022 | Regular Session | Bills | Introduced

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Sine Die
Moratorium on fossil fuel projects. Establishes a moratorium, effective January 1, 2023, on any approval by any state agency or political subdivision required for (i) electric generating facilities that generate fossil fuel energy through the combust...
To House Commerce and Energy Committee

Sine Die
Substance abuse services providers; assessment; tobacco use. Requires every provider licensed by the Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services who provides services to individuals with substance use disorder to assess each individual...
To House Health, Welfare and Institutions Committee

Sine Die
Workers' compensation; domestic service employees. Provides that individuals who are engaged in providing domestic service, defined in the bill, are not excluded from the Virginia Workers' Compensation Act.
To House Commerce and Energy Committee

Sine Die
Conducting charitable gaming; location requirement. Removes the requirement, with regard to the sale of instant bingo, pull tabs, or seal cards and the conduct of bingo games, that a qualified organization conduct such forms of charitable gaming in t...
To House General Laws Committee

Sine Die
Retail sale of cannabis products by certain pharmaceutical processors and industrial hemp processors; sunset. Allows certain pharmaceutical processors and industrial hemp processors to sell, under the oversight of the Board of Directors of the Virgin...
Stricken from Senate calendar (38-Y 2-N)

Sine Die
Elections; campaign finance; contribution limits; penalty. Imposes contribution limits on individuals giving to campaigns, political action committees and political party committees and on campaign committees contributing to other campaign committees...
To House Privileges and Elections Committee

Sine Die
Victim of sex trafficking; affirmative defense; writ of vacatur; minors. Makes changes to the definitions of victim of sex trafficking used for the purposes of the issuance of a writ of vacatur and the affirmative defense available to victims of sex ...
To House Courts of Justice Committee

Sine Die
Virginia Residential Landlord and Tenant Act; terms and conditions of rental agreement; automatic renewal; notice of rent increase. Requires a landlord that owns more than four rental dwelling units to, in the case of any rental agreement that provid...
To House General Laws Committee

Sine Die
School boards; unexpended local funds; capital projects. Permits any school board to finance capital projects with any funds appropriated to it by the local governing body that are unexpended by the school board in any year. The bill is a recommendat...
To House Education Committee

Sine Die
Health insurance; coverage for donated human breast milk. Requires health insurers, corporations providing health care coverage subscription contracts, and health maintenance organizations to provide coverage for expenses incurred in the provision of...
To House Appropriations Committee

Sine Die
Comprehensive children's health care Comprehensive children's health care coverage program. Directs the Department of Medical Assistance Services (the Department) to establish a program to provide state-funded comprehensive health care coverage for i...
To House Health, Welfare and Institutions Committee

Sine Die
Health insurance; association health plans. Provides Health insurance; association health plans. Provides that a licensed insurer may issue a policy of group accident and sickness insurance to an association, which association shall be deemed the pol...
To House Commerce and Energy Committee

Sine Die
Powers and duties of Governor; limitation on duration of executive orders. Limits the duration of any executive rule, regulation, or order issued by the Governor to the completion of the Governor's term in office. Under current law, once issued, such...
To House Rules Committee

Sine Die
Exhaust systems; excessive noise. Prohibits any individual from operating a motor vehicle with a gross weight of 10,000 pounds or less with an exhaust system that emits noise equivalent to noise in excess of 85 decibels measured from a distance of 50...
To House Transportation Committee

Sine Die
Community service work in lieu of payment of fines and costs; underpaid work. Provides that in the program established by a court to provide an option to any person upon whom a fine and costs have been imposed to discharge all or part of the fine or ...
To House Courts of Justice Committee

Sine Die
Campaign finance; prohibited personal use of campaign funds; complaints, hearings, civil penalty, and advisory opinions. Prohibits any person from converting contributions to a candidate or a candidate's campaign committee for their personal use. Cur...
To House Privileges and Elections Committee

Sine Die
Possession of controlled substances; penalties. Reduces the penalty for possession of a Schedule I or II controlled substance from a Class 5 felony to a Class 1 misdemeanor and the penalty for possession of a Schedule IV or V controlled substance fro...
To House Courts of Justice Committee

Sine Die
Guardianship; procedures for restriction of communication, visitation, or interaction. Provides that a guardian shall not restrict an incapacitated person's ability to communicate with, visit, or interact with other persons with whom the incapacitate...
To House Appropriations Committee

Sine Die
Special license plates; United States Air Force. Authorizes the issuance of special license plates with a design that incorporates the emblem of the United States Air Force to active members and certain veterans of the United States Air Force. The bi...
To House Transportation Committee

Sine Die
Maximum number of judges in each judicial district. Increases from two to three the maximum number of authorized general district court judges in the Twenty-second Judicial District.
To House Courts of Justice Committee

Sine Die
Sales and use tax; agricultural exemptions. Provides a sales and use tax exemption for structural construction materials and environmental control systems to be affixed or integrated into a commercial greenhouse structure, so long as such materials a...
To House Finance Committee

Sine Die
Larceny and certain property crimes; penalties. Decreases Larceny and certain property crimes; penalties. Decreases from $1,000 to $500 the threshold amount of money taken or value of goods or chattel taken at which the crime rises from petit larceny...
To House Courts of Justice Committee

Sine Die
Emergency custody and temporary detention; transportation and custody. Amends numerous sections governing emergency custody and temporary detention of minors and adults to clarify duties of law-enforcement agencies and mental health facilities with r...
To House Appropriations Committee

Sine Die
Custodial interrogations; inauthentic replica documents prohibited. Prohibits law-enforcement officers from using inauthentic replica documents during a custodial interrogation to secure a person's cooperation or confession or to secure a conviction....
To House Courts of Justice Committee

Sine Die
Nutrient credit trading; adjacent hydrologic unit code. Removes authority for a Virginia Stormwater Management Program or Virginia Erosion and Stormwater Management Program to allow compliance with stormwater nonpoint nutrient runoff water quality cr...
To House Agriculture, Chesapeake and Natural Resources Committee

Sine Die
Arrest and prosecution of individual experiencing a mental health emergency; assault or assault and battery against a law-enforcement officer. Provides that no individual shall be subject to arrest or prosecution for an assault or assault and battery...
To House Courts of Justice Committee

Sine Die
Voter registration; registration permitted up to and including the day of the election. Repeals a provision that would permit any person who is qualified to register to vote to register to vote in person up to and including the day of the election, n...
To House Privileges and Elections Committee

Sine Die
Probation, revocation, and suspension of sentence; penalty. Repeals the limitations on the amount of active incarceration a court can impose as a result of a revocation hearing for a probation violation or violation of the terms and conditions of a s...
To House Courts of Justice Committee

Sine Die
Supplementing compensation of public defender. Requires the governing body of any county or city that elects to supplement the compensation of the attorney for the Commonwealth, or any of his deputies or employees, above the salary of any such attorn...
To House Counties, Cities and Towns Committee

Sine Die
Workers' compensation; failure to market residual capacity. Provides that an employee is not barred from receiving workers' compensation benefits due to a failure to market residual work capacity if credible evidence supports that the employee (i) is...
To House Commerce and Energy Committee

Sine Die
Issuing citations; marijuana and certain traffic offenses; exclusion of evidence. Removes provisions that no law-enforcement officer may lawfully stop a motor vehicle for operating (i) with an expired safety inspection or registration sticker until t...
To House Courts of Justice Committee

Sine Die
Local government; employment of grant writer. Requires all counties and cities to employ a grant writer to assist individuals and organizations with (i) researching and identifying public and private grant opportunities; (ii) developing, writing, and...
To House Counties, Cities and Towns Committee

Sine Die
Constitutional amendment (voter referendum); qualifications of voters and the right to vote; persons not entitled to vote. Provides for a referendum at the November 8, 2022, general election to approve or reject an amendment that would provide for th...
To House Privileges and Elections Committee

Sine Die
Solar projects and energy storage projects; siting agreements with host localities. Permits a host locality in which an applicant is seeking to install a solar project or energy storage project to establish certain requirements in the siting agreemen...
To House Commerce and Energy Committee

Sine Die
Magistrates; appointment and supervision. Gives supervisory control over the magistrate system to the chief circuit court judge and the Committee on District Courts and abolishes magisterial regions. Under current law, the Executive Secretary of the ...
To House Courts of Justice Committee

Sine Die
Unemployment compensation; invalid claims. Provides that a claim for unemployment benefits that has been determined invalid by the Virginia Employment Commission as a result of the claimant's monetary ineligibility is not eligible for appeal through ...
To House Commerce and Energy Committee

Sine Die
Charitable gaming; exemptions from certain requirements for specified organizations. Exempts qualified organizations that reasonably expect, on the basis of prior charitable gaming annual results or any other quantifiable method, to realize gross rec...
To House General Laws Committee

Sine Die
Local regulation of gas-powered leaf blowers; civil penalty. Provides that any locality may by ordinance regulate the use of gas-powered leaf blowers. Prior to enactment of such ordinance, a public hearing is required. The ordinance may include provi...
To House Counties, Cities and Towns Committee

Sine Die
Public institutions of higher education; admission, in-state tuition, and tuition waivers; members of certain American Indian tribes. Requires each public institution of higher education to establish and implement an admissions policy whereby a certa...
To House Education Committee

Sine Die
Absentee voting; application requirements; absentee ballot requirements. Requires an applicant for an absentee ballot to provide the last four digits of his social security number on the application regardless of whether he is completing the applicat...
To House Privileges and Elections Committee

Sine Die
Death of the parent or guardian of a child resulting from driving under the influence; child support. Provides that in any case where a person was convicted of involuntary manslaughter as a result of driving a motor vehicle or operating a watercraft ...
To House Courts of Justice Committee

Sine Die
Possession of controlled substances; barrier crimes. Removes from the definition of barrier crime a felony violation of possession of a controlled substance.
To House Health, Welfare and Institutions Committee

Sine Die
Barrier crimes. Eliminates Barrier crimes. Eliminates certain crimes from the definition of "barrier crime" and requires the State Board of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services, the Board of Education, the State Board of Health, and the State...
To House Health, Welfare and Institutions Committee

Sine Die
Elimination of daylight saving time in Virginia. Exempts Virginia from observing daylight saving time, thereby making Eastern Standard Time the standard time in Virginia year-round.
To House General Laws Committee

Sine Die
Powers of local government; trees during development process; replacement and conservation. Expands to all localities provisions that currently allow only certain localities to adopt an ordinance providing for the planting and replacement of trees du...
To House Counties, Cities and Towns Committee

Sine Die
Affordable dwelling unit ordinances in certain localities. Provides that any project may be required, outside of an affordable housing dwelling unit program, to contribute to a county or city housing fund but not for density covered by the program. T...
To House Counties, Cities and Towns Committee

Sine Die
Peer Recovery Support Fund. Establishes the Peer Recovery Support Fund (the Fund) to provide payment for the cost of peer-to-peer substance abuse recovery support services provided by individuals other than state or local government employees. The bi...
To House Appropriations Committee

Sine Die
Assault and battery; penalties. Provides that a simple assault or an assault and battery committed against a judge, magistrate, law-enforcement officer, correctional officer, person directly involved in the care, treatment, or supervision of inmates,...
To House Courts of Justice Committee

Sine Die
Discovery in criminal cases; copies of discovery for the accused. Provides that for any discovery materials or evidence that the accused is permitted to inspect and review, the accused may request the Commonwealth to copy or photograph such discovery...
To House Courts of Justice Committee

Sine Die
Income tax; indexing brackets and exemptions. Starting with taxable year 2022, indexes income tax brackets, the personal exemption, and the additional personal exemption for the blind or the aged. The bill requires the indexing ratio to be based on a...
To House Finance Committee
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