Trending Kansas Legislation

Kansas Legislation - Kansas Dashboard - Kansas Datasets - National Trending

Current trends in Kansas legislation over the last 72 hours as measured by public interest and activity.

#1HB2100PassedEnacting the Kansas public investments and contracts protection act concerning environmental, social and governance (ESG) criteria, prohibiting the state and political subdivisions from giving preferential treatment to or discriminating against compa...
House Will become law without Governor's signature
#2SB28PassedMaking and concerning supplemental appropriations for fiscal years 2024 and 2025 and appropriations for fiscal years 2025, 2026, 2027 and 2028 for various state agencies.
House Motion to override line item veto prevailed; Line item veto 112a,116a overridden; Yea: 97 Nay: 28
#3SB155FailedSubstitute for SB 155 by Committee on Ways and Means - Making and concerning appropriations for fiscal years 2023, 2024, 2025 and 2026 for various state agencies.
House Died in House Committee
#4HB2184PassedMaking and concerning appropriations for fiscal years 2023, 2024, 2025, 2026, 2027 and 2028 for various state agencies.
Senate Motion to override line item veto prevailed; Line item veto 143 overridden; Yea: 28 Nay: 11
#5SB346FailedRestricting who can propose rezoning amendments to city and county zoning regulations.
Senate Died in Committee
#6SB491PassedStandardizing criminal history record check fingerprinting language and defining who may be fingerprinted for a criminal history record check.
Senate Approved by Governor on Thursday, April 4, 2024
#7SB345PassedEnacting the commercial financing disclosure act.
Senate Approved by Governor on Friday, April 12, 2024
#8SB26VetoedCreating a civil cause of action against a physician who performs childhood gender reassignment service and requiring revocation of a physician's license who performs childhood gender reassignment service.
Senate Motion to override veto failed; Veto sustained; Yea: 26 Nay: 14
#9SB12FailedEnacting the Kansas child mutilation prevention act to criminalize performing gender reassignment surgery or prescription of hormone replacement therapy on certain persons and providing grounds for unprofessional conduct for healing arts licensees.
Senate Died in Committee
#10HB2273FailedSubstitute for HB 2273 by Committee on Appropriations - Making and concerning certain supplemental appropriations for fiscal years 2024 and 2025 and appropriations for fiscal years 2025 and 2026 for various state agencies.
Senate Died in Senate Committee
#11HB2802FailedMaking and concerning certain supplemental appropriations for fiscal years 2024 and 2025 and appropriations for fiscal years 2025 and 2026 for various state agencies.
House Died in Committee
#12HB2298PassedDesignating a portion of interstate 435 as the Officer Donald Burton Gamblin Jr memorial highway and a portion of United States highway 69 as the Robert Lessen memorial highway.
House Approved by Governor on Monday, April 24, 2023
#13SB233VetoedHouse Substitute for SB 233 by Committee on Health and Human Services - Enacting the forbidding abuse child transitions act, restricting use of state funds to promote gender transitioning, prohibiting healthcare providers from treating children whose...
House Motion to override veto failed; Veto sustained; Yea: 82 Nay: 43
#14HB2105PassedProhibiting postsecondary educational institutions from taking certain actions regarding admission applicants, applicants for employment and faculty concerning diversity, equity or inclusion, exceptions, providing for civil remedies and penalties, su...
House Will become law without Governor's signature
#15HB2446VetoedProhibiting cities and counties from regulating plastic and other containers designed for the consumption, transportation or protection of merchandise, food or beverages.
House No motion to reconsider vetoed bill; Veto sustained
#16HB2561PassedAuthorizing domestic credit unions to operate outside of the state, providing civil penalties for certain violations, allowing the administrator to enter into informal agreements, removing requirements regarding duplicate filings, establishing appeal...
House Approved by Governor on Friday, March 29, 2024
#17HB2618VetoedProhibiting the use of funds provided by the United States government for the conduct of elections and election-related activities unless approved by the legislature and requiring specific intent as an element of the crime of false representation of ...
Senate Motion to override veto failed; Veto sustained; Yea: 26 Nay: 11
#18HB2427FailedRequiring school districts to provide separate accommodations for students of each biological sex on overnight school sponsored trips.
House Died on Calendar
#19SB1FailedProhibiting internet social media terms of service that permit censorship of speech and making violations subject to civil fines under the Kansas consumer protection act.
Senate Died in Committee
#20SB51FailedAuthorizing the state bank commissioner to accept state and national criminal history record checks from private entities.
Senate Died in Committee
#21SB115PassedEstablishing the office of the child advocate as an independent state agency and prescribing certain powers, duties and functions thereof.
Senate Approved by Governor on Monday, April 22, 2024
#22SB204FailedReplacing the definition of "charitable beneficiaries" with "qualified charities" in the technology-enabled fiduciary financial institutions act.
Senate Died in Committee
#23SB262FailedRequiring voting and vote tabulation by hand and prohibiting electronic poll books or electronic or electromechanical voting or tabulation systems after January 1, 2024, mandating legislative approval of certain election matters and providing for the...
Senate Died in Committee
#24SB260FailedProhibiting remote ballot boxes, providing for reporting and publication of voting results and public access to voting records and materials, limiting advance voting provisions and requiring receipt of advance voting ballots by election day, limiting...
Senate Died in Committee
#25HCR5014FailedDirecting the joint committee on fiduciary financial institutions oversight to study and draft legislation relating to environmental, social and governance standards.
House Died in Committee
#26SB339PassedProhibiting the state department of education from distributing or expending state foundation aid moneys in fiscal year 2025 to a school district that has no students enrolled in and attending school in such school district in school year 2024-2025.
Senate Approved by Governor on Thursday, May 9, 2024
#27HB2528FailedRestricting residential homestead property taxes to not more than the established base year amount for individuals 65 years of age and older.
House Died in Committee
#28SR1730FailedAmending the rules of the Senate, 2021-2024.
Senate Died in Committee
#29HB2551PassedMaking and concerning appropriations for fiscal years 2024, 2025, 2026, 2027 and 2028 for various state agencies; constituting the omnibus reconciliation spending limit bill for the 2024 regular session; payment of certain claims against the state.
House No motion to reconsider line item vetoes; Vetoes sustained
#30HB2338FailedDesignating sickle cell disease awareness week and requiring KDHE to study and report on topics related to sickle cell disease.
Senate Died on Senate Calendar
#31HB2388FailedRequiring that licensing bodies provide paper-based and verified electronic credentials to credential holders, including military servicemembers and others receiving Kansas credentials based on their credentials from other jurisdictions, that the sec...
Senate Died in Senate Committee
#32HB2560PassedEnacting the Kansas money transmission act and the Kansas earned wage access services act, providing when applications under the state banking code are considered abandoned or expired, allowing an originating trustee to have such trustee's principal ...
House Approved by Governor on Friday, April 19, 2024
#33SCR1603PassedUrging the President of the United States to restore energy independence in the United States.
Senate Enrolled and presented to Secretary of State on Friday, April 14, 2023
#34SB87FailedRequiring a duly ordained minister of religion to report certain abuse and neglect of children.
Senate Died in Committee
#35HB2401FailedDefining "benefit year" and "temporary unemployment" in the employment security law, allowing the extension of temporary unemployment; requiring electronic report filing by certain employers, permitting discretion in appointments and terms for the te...
Senate Died in Senate Committee
#36SB555FailedCreating the medical cannabis pilot program act to establish the medical cannabis pilot program for limited cultivation, processing and dispensing of medical cannabis and medical cannabis products.
Senate Died in Committee
#37HB2787PassedUpdating certain definitions, terms, conditions and provisions related to the Kansas insurance guaranty association act and Kansas life and health insurance guaranty association act.
House Approved by Governor on Monday, April 22, 2024
#38SB180PassedEstablishing the women's bill of rights to provide a meaning of biological sex for purposes of statutory construction.
House Motion to override veto prevailed; Yea: 84 Nay: 40
#39HB2349FailedAbolishing the death penalty and creating the crime of aggravated murder.
House Died in Committee
#40SCR1601PassedInforming the Governor that the two houses of the Legislature are organized and ready to receive communications.
Senate Enrolled and presented to Secretary of State on Thursday, January 12, 2023
#41HB2015PassedAuthorizing the designee of an employing agency or entity to petition the court for an order requiring infectious disease testing.
House Approved by Governor on Tuesday, April 18, 2023
#42HB2128FailedCreating definitions of "intimate partner" and "intimate partner violence" in the Kansas criminal code and requiring certain considerations be made in determining bond when a crime is committed against an intimate partner.
House Died in Committee
#43SB105FailedAuthorizing the Kansas department of wildlife and parks to purchase land in Jewell county.
Senate Died in Committee
#44HB2206FailedAmending the campaign finance act's definition of expressly advocating for a candidate by adding a reasonable person standard to the definition.
House Died in Committee
#45SB120PassedAuthorizing the secretary of health and environment to adopt rules and regulations for an annual certification program for the replacement of distribution systems segments and increasing the amortization period on loans from the Kansas water pollutio...
Senate Approved by Governor on Monday, April 10, 2023
#46SB145FailedRequiring statutory due process procedures for a school district's non-renewal or termination of a teacher contract.
Senate Died in Committee
#47SB165FailedPermitting workers compensation benefits for first responders who suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder.
Senate Died in Committee
#48SB181FailedAuthorizing establishment of city or county child death review boards and permitting disclosure of records and information related to child deaths.
Senate Died in Committee
#49HB2370FailedDefining consent in the Kansas criminal code for sexual offenses.
House Died in Committee
#50HB2362FailedRemoving state fire marshal approval as a requirement for licensure or renewal of licensure for disability service providers and facilities.
House Died in Committee