Trending West Virginia Legislation

West Virginia Legislation - West Virginia Dashboard - West Virginia Datasets - National Trending

Current trends in West Virginia legislation over the last 72 hours as measured by public interest and activity.

#1HB5690PassedCreating a West Virginia Task Force on Artificial Intelligence
Chapter 43, Acts, Regular Session, 2024
#2HB5698EngrossedRelating to the Consumer Data Protection Act
#3HB5084PassedThe purpose of this bill is to require that a valid driver's license, state identification card, or military identification card be presented to verify the minimum age of eighteen for the purchase or acceptance of tobacco related products.
Chapter 223, Acts, Regular Session, 2024
#4HB4823IntroducedThe purpose of this bill is to create the "West Virginia Public Adjuster Professional Standards Reform Act." The bill providing a title. The bill creates the application for licensure. The bill details the public adjuster and insured contract require...
#5SB17PassedThe purpose of this bill is to authorize the Department of Health to promulgate a legislative rule relating to public water systems operators.This section is new; therefore,
Chapter 173, Acts, Regular Session, 2024
#6SB546IntroducedThe purpose of this bill is to transform the engineering, science, and technology scholarship into the science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) scholarship; and to remove and update obsolete language.
Referred to Rules on 2nd reading
#7SB667PassedThe purpose of this bill relates to the creation of the Physicians Licensure Compact. The bill provides for a purpose. The bill creates definitions. The bill provides for state participation in the compact. The bill creates the compact privilege. The...
Chapter 197, Acts, Regular Session, 2024
#8SB850PassedThe purpose of this bill is to define terms, remove commercial tort claims exclusion from definition of litigation financing, and exclude certain non-profit organizations from the definition of litigation financing.
Chapter 56, Acts, Regular Session, 2024
#9HR3PassedCreating a Select Committee on Artificial Intelligence
Completed legislative action
#10HB4951PassedThe purpose of this bill is to enact the Interstate Compact for School Psychologists.
Chapter 114, Acts, Regular Session, 2024
#11SB568PassedThe purpose of this bill is to change the focus from truancy and unexcused absences to a multi-tiered system of support and all absences, both excused and unexcused; limit the number of parental excuses that can be accepted each school year as docume...
Chapter 105, Acts, Regular Session, 2024
#12SB720IntroducedThe purpose of this bill is to create the Stop Non-Consensual Distribution of Intimate Deep Fake Media Act.
#13HB4531IntroducedThe purpose of this bill concerns forfeiture of contraband. The bill establishes criminal forfeiture and the items and property subject to forfeiture. The bill sets forth additional procedures for forfeiture. The bill establishes dates. The bill perm...
#14HB4720IntroducedThe purpose of this bill is to provide a waiver of tuition and fees at state institutions of higher education and community and technical colleges for military veterans, their spouses, and dependents, when that veteran has a service-related disabilit...
#15HB5666IntroducedThe purpose of this bill is to establish the Forming Open and Robust University Minds (FORUM) Act through strengthening existing free expression on campus laws. The bill provides for legislative findings regarding the exercise of First Amendment righ...
#16SB331PassedThe purpose of this bill is to allow counties to save excess funds.
Chapter 226, Acts, Regular Session, 2024
#17SB704PassedThe purpose of this supplemental appropriation bill is to supplement, amend, and increase existing items of appropriation in the aforesaid accounts for the designated spending unit for expenditure during the fiscal year 2024.
Chapter 33, Acts, Regular Session, 2024
#18HB4086PassedThe purpose of this bill is to authorize the Division of Forestry to promulgate a legislative rule relating to sediment control during commercial timber-harvesting operations - licensing.This section is new; therefore,
Chapter 180, Acts, Regular Session, 2024
#19HJR3IntroducedThe purpose of this resolution is to propose an amendment to the State Constitution that would legalize cannabis possession; allow for the manufacture and sale of cannabis to be authorized by the Legislature; and allow the expungement and dismissal o...
#20HB4706EngrossedThe purpose of this bill is to create the utility pole rights-of-way and easement mapping initiative; to require pole owners to provide information to the Department of Economic Development to map the poles; required the Department of Economic Develo...
#21HB4769EngrossedThe purpose of this bill is to clarify appropriate and inappropriate duties for school counselors while also providing the definition of a school counselor.
#22HB4911PassedThe purpose of this bill is to permit the sale of raw milk in West Virginia.
Chapter 6, Acts, Regular Session, 2024
#23HB5510PassedThe purpose of this bill is to provide penalties for crimes against public justice, criminal offenses and penalties for intimidation, retaliation against public officers and employees, jurors, and witnesses; fraudulent official proceedings and legal ...
Chapter 90, Acts, Regular Session, 2024
#24HB5559IntroducedAuthorizing sheriffs who are members of the public retirement system to retire upon attaining the age of sixty-two with eight or more years of services
#25HB5674IntroducedThe purpose of this bill is to permit deputy sheriffs to retire after 20 years of honorable and actual service, with full benefits.
#26HB4867EngrossedThe purpose of this bill is to create liability for publishers and distributors of material harmful to minors. The bill provides definitions. The bill requires any commercial entity that provides pornography and other materials defined as being harmf...
Communicated to Senate
#27HB4914IntroducedThe purpose of this bill is to establish the food waste task force.
#28HB5323IntroducedThe purpose of this bill is to prohibit inaccurate signage along interstates. The bill provides for a penalty.
#29SB685IntroducedThe purpose of this bill is to continue and reconstitute the membership of the Board of Risk and Insurance Management.
Referred to Rules on 3rd reading
#30HCR80IntroducedTwin Branch Motorsports Complex Resolution
#31SB656PassedThe purpose of this supplemental appropriation bill is to add items of appropriation in the aforesaid account for the designated spending unit for expenditure during the fiscal year 2024.
Chapter 18, Acts, Regular Session, 2024
#32HB4552PassedThe purpose of this bill is to require immediate verification of partisan election candidates' party affiliation.
Chapter 125, Acts, Regular Session, 2024
#33SB665PassedThe purpose of this supplemental appropriation bill is to add items of appropriation in the aforesaid account for the designated spending unit for expenditure during the fiscal year 2024.
Chapter 23, Acts, Regular Session, 2024
#34SB866PassedThe purpose of this bill is to, effective July 1, 2025, designate the State Treasurer as the chairperson of the West Virginia Investment Management Board and to require said chairperson to appoint a chief executive officer subject to board approval.
Chapter 229, Acts, Regular Session, 2024
#35SB868PassedThe purpose of this supplemental appropriation bill is to supplement, amend, and increase an existing item of appropriation in the aforesaid account for the designated spending unit for expenditure during the fiscal year 2024.
Chapter 39, Acts, Regular Session, 2024
#36SB222PassedExempting WV veterans from certain fees and charges at state parks
Chapter 265, Acts, Regular Session, 2024
#37SB482PassedThe purpose of this bill is to make changes regarding Ethics Commission's rulemaking requirements; modify the definition of lobbying; remove ability of commission to promulgate rule regarding registration of persons exempt from lobbying requirements;...
Chapter 143, Acts, Regular Session, 2024
#38SB583PassedThe purpose of this bill is to provide a streamlined process for evaluating an employer's liability for personal injury and wrongful death claims involving operators of commercial motor vehicles and to limit noneconomic damages in such actions to $1 ...
Chapter 1, Acts, Regular Session, 2024
#39HB5334IntroducedThe purpose of this bill is to provide a personal income tax credit for homestead water wells.
#40SB864PassedThe purpose of this bill is related to the Grant Transparency and Accountability Act; clarifying what grants are subject to reporting requirements; defining terms; and making technical clarifications.
Chapter 228, Acts, Regular Session, 2024
#41SB551PassedThe purpose of this bill generally relates to business improvement districts. The bill also modifies requirements related to levy of service fees.
Chapter 67, Acts, Regular Session, 2024
#42HB5537IntroducedRelating to sheriff’s commission for collection of taxes
#43SB85IntroducedThe purpose of this bill is to authorize the State Election Commission to promulgate a legislative rule relating to application and approval process for Secretary of State expenditures from the County Assistance Voting Equipment Fund.This section is ...
#44HB4185IntroducedThe purpose of this bill is to increase certain fees collected by county sheriffs and add these increased amounts to the Deputy Sheriff Retirement Fund to provide modest increases in benefits for retired deputies.
#45SB441EngrossedThe purpose of this bill is to provide for the regulation of driving in the left lane on four-lane interstate highways in West Virginia. The bill provides for the purpose and intent. The bill creates definitions and provides for the prohibition. The ...
House Message received
#46HB4723IntroducedThe purpose of this bill is to reduce the amount paid to the Tax Commissioner for the annual licensure fees to volunteer fire departments for charitable raffles.
#47SCR19PassedUS Army PFC Henry W. Baldwin Memorial Bridge
House Message received
#48SB810IntroducedThe purpose of this bill is to increase the penalty for voluntary manslaughter.
#49SB683VetoedThe purpose of this bill is to amend the definition of "alternative fuel" under the Motor Fuel Excise Tax.
Vetoed by Governor 3/27/24 - House Journal
#50HB4807EngrossedThe purpose of this bill is to establish limitations on billing practices of Internet or telecommunications providers that fail to provide subscribed customers service for five or more days (120 hours) to automatically credit the customer's account f...