Trending New York Legislation

New York Legislation - New York Dashboard - New York Datasets - National Trending

Current trends in New York legislation over the last 72 hours as measured by public interest and activity.

#1A04840IntroducedRelates to the educational and examination requirements for certification as a certified interior designer; provides an exemption from the education requirements for architects licensed under article one hundred forty-seven of the education law.
#2S01767IntroducedProhibits the manufacture, sale, and use of cookware containing polytetrafluoroethylene.
#3A03418IntroducedRelates to providing access to the workers' compensation system, timely and meaningful wage replacement benefits, and medical treatment; relates to improving efficiency of the system and cost savings.
#4S00620IntroducedRelates to the practice of professional geology.
#5A04348IntroducedRequires that curricula and educational programs provide incarcerated individuals the opportunity to earn educational or vocational credits which shall be transferable to an educational institution upon the release of the incarcerated individual.
#6A02695IntroducedRequires certain health insurance plans cover annual electrocardiograms for covered children under the age of nineteen.
#7A01778IntroducedGrants members of the city of New York's police force eligibility for retirement and pension based on previous service as traffic enforcement agents.
#8S03355IntroducedIncludes digital health care service platforms in the definition of temporary health care services agency; includes the connection of health care personnel to services at a health care entity in the term assign.
#9A02696IntroducedRequires minimum wage for state and municipal employees.
#10S03113IntroducedProhibits certain sex offenders from residing within 1,350 feet of school grounds, except that in cities having a population of one million or more, no such sex offender may reside within 500 feet of school grounds; establishes a violation thereof sh...
#11A04097IntroducedRequires the use of canines trained to detect drugs and firearms during inspections of day care facilities or premises.
#12A04169IntroducedProhibits level 2 and 3 sex offenders from residing within 1,500 feet of their victim or school grounds; prohibits such offenders from attending or participating in school sponsored activities.
#13A04245IntroducedAuthorizes the New York state and local employees' retirement system to accept an application for disability retirement benefits from Andrew Reilly, Jr.
#14A03725IntroducedRequires the registration of electric scooters and bicycles with electric assist; requires the commissioner of motor vehicles, in consultation with the commissioner of transportation, to create a public outreach and education campaign informing the p...
#15S04407IntroducedRelates to the number of signatures needed for designating petitions in counties with a population of two hundred fifty thousand or fewer.
#16S03757IntroducedAuthorizes the empire state development corporation to rescind any approved general project plan for non-compliance with any agreements made as part of such general project plan, including, but not limited to, community benefits agreements.
#17S01829IntroducedEstablishes the office of flooding prevention and mitigation to manage and coordinate the work of task forces, commissions, and other bodies and programs tasked with examining issues related to flooding, to review and assess best practices and make r...
#18S03356IntroducedEnacts the lab services accessibility act.
#19S03618IntroducedRelates to monies appropriated and received each year by the state as a portion of the negotiated percentage of the net drop from electronic gaming devices the state receives.
#20A03943IntroducedEstablishes the offense of aggravated reckless driving and allows for the seizure and forfeiture of vehicles used in connection with reckless driving or aggravated reckless driving.
#21A04307IntroducedEnacts the "Count Every Vote Act of New York" which amends the procedure for the recanvass of votes in election districts; defines margin of victory for the purpose of triggering a hand recount of ballots.
#22S04451IntroducedEstablishes the New York state preceptor stipend program to be administered by the office of the professions, under which qualified preceptor clinicians shall receive a $5,000 stipend; provides for such funds to be distributed from the office of the ...
#23S04485IntroducedGrants retroactive membership with Tier 1 status in the New York state teachers' retirement system to James J. DeMarco.
#24A04795IntroducedDirects the commissioner of health and the president of the New York state energy research and development authority (NYSERDA) to study and make recommendations on the impacts of electric vehicles on personal medical devices.
#25A04859IntroducedProhibits the banning of books or other materials by libraries or library systems; provides that no library or library system shall receive state aid unless such entity adopts the American Library Association's Library Bill of Rights that indicates m...
#26A04608IntroducedExpands the eligibility period for indigent legal service attorneys to receive certain loan forgiveness.
#27A02552IntroducedExcepts violations pertaining to mufflers and exhaust systems for cars, motorcycle exhaust devices without internal baffles and motorcycle exhaust devices that are intentionally designed to allow for the internal baffling to be fully or partially rem...
#28A03512IntroducedRelates to crimes against a child; makes endangering the welfare of a child in the first degree a crime.
#29A04331IntroducedDoubles the penalties for use of mobile telephones and use of portable electronic devices when such violations arise out of the same incident as a conviction for failure to move over and when such violations occurred in a work zone.
#30A04596IntroducedRelates to criminal history records of maintenance employees in adult residential health and assisted living facilities.
#31S04540IntroducedProvides that consent to sexual contact is a knowing, voluntary, and mutual decision among all participants; makes related provisions.
#32A04398IntroducedAllows taxpayers to register to vote upon paying their taxes or changing their address.
#33A02316IntroducedLimits the application of the "safe act" to the counties of Kings, Queens, Richmond, New York and Bronx.
#34A01816IntroducedIncludes animal fighting as a criminal act for purposes of enterprise corruption crimes.
#35S03836IntroducedAuthorizes the sale of non-alcoholic versions of alcoholic beverages by licensees and wholesalers; defines non-alcoholic versions of alcoholic beverages.
#36A03822IntroducedEnacts the child custody reform act to provide uniform statewide standards for the litigation and mediation of child custody disputes; provides for an initial planning conference between the judge and all parties to attempt a settlement; provides for...
#37A04305IntroducedProhibits grass clippings from being thrown or deposited upon any highway.
#38A01096IntroducedRequires the clear and conspicuous disclosure of pricing changes for online grocery delivery and online pick-up services; imposes a fine of not more than one hundred dollars for the first offense and not more than two hundred fifty dollars for a seco...
#39A03053IntroducedRelates to an individual's right to request a hearing regarding an unemployment insurance benefits claim; provides such a hearing can be requested if benefits or a written notice of determination denying their claim are not received within thirty day...
#40A03596IntroducedEnacts "the prison minimum wage act" relating to payment for labor performed by incarcerated individuals.
#41S03968IntroducedRequires certain notices in communications by mercantile establishments attempting to settle civil actions deriving from larceny prosecutions.
#42A04363IntroducedEstablishes a tax credit for Gold Star children in the amount of $1,500.
#43A04322IntroducedRelates to aggravated harassment in the first degree; includes the display of a swastika in public view in aggravated harassment in the first degree.
#44A04642IntroducedRequires certain state owned and operated parking facilities to install and maintain charging stations for plug-in electric vehicles.
#45S03669IntroducedProvides that director of the budget, the commissioners of the office of mental health, office for people with developmental disabilities, office of addiction services and supports, office of temporary and disability assistance, office of children an...
#46S01648IntroducedAuthorizes bail for principals charged with aggravated cruelty to animals.
#47S04547IntroducedRelates to judicial diversion programs; establishes a diversion part in each county; repeals certain provisions of law relating thereto.
#48S04045IntroducedRequires the installation of intelligent speed assistance devices if a driver accumulates eleven or more points on their driving record during a 24 month period, or receives 6 speed camera or red light camera tickets during a twelve month period.
#49S03127IntroducedProvides that a license to possess a pistol or revolver shall permit the licensee to carry such weapon concealed.
#50S04217IntroducedRequires the state division of housing and community renewal to verify there are no class B or C housing code violations or no more than 30 class A housing code violations on the property prior to authorizing a rent increase for major capital improve...