US Legislation | 2019-2020 | 116th Congress

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BillStatusSummary/TitleLast Actionsort icon
SB5076PassA bill to authorize the Sergeant at Arms and Doorkeeper of the Senate to delegate authority to approve payroll and personnel actions.
Became Public Law No: 116-344.
HB5472PassRedesignates the Jimmy Carter National Historic Site in Georgia as the Jimmy Carter National Historical Park.
Became Public Law No: 116-341.
HB5126PassAddresses the use of descending devices to release reef fish in the Gulf of Mexico. (A descending device is an instrument that will release fish at a depth sufficient for the fish to be able to recover from the effects of barotrauma.) Specifically, t...
Became Public Law No: 116-340.
HB4704PassDirects the National Science Foundation (NSF) to award competitive, merit-reviewed grants to institutions of higher education (or their consortia) to support multidisciplinary, fundamental research with potential relevance to suicide, including poten...
Became Public Law No: 116-339.
HB4508PassRequires the U.S. Agency for International Development to award at least 50% of the number of scholarships under the Merit and Needs-Based Scholarship Program to Pakistani women for each of the calendar years 2020-2022.
Became Public Law No: 116-338.
HB4044PassReauthorizes for FY2022-FY2026 and revises the National Estuary Program, which provides grants to protect or restore estuaries of national significance. Specifically, the bill expands the types of projects that qualify for grants under the program, s...
Became Public Law No: 116-337.
HB3250PassDirects the Department of the Interior to study the sites associated with the life and legacy of Julius Rosenwald, a part owner and President of Sears, Roebuck and Company and a noted philanthropist who helped finance construction of 5,357 schools in...
Became Public Law No: 116-336.
HB3153PassDirects the National Science Foundation to support merit-reviewed and competitively awarded research on the science of opioid addiction.
Became Public Law No: 116-335.
HB2744PassAuthorizes the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) to use various markings, including USAID logos and the U.S. flag, to identify overseas USAID programs. The USAID Inspector General shall submit to Congress an audit of compliance with U...
Became Public Law No: 116-334.
HB2502PassRequires the General Services Administration (GSA) to make available to the public on its website all prospectuses submitted by the GSA to Congress concerning certain proposed public building projects and associated information, subject to requiremen...
Became Public Law No: 116-333.
SB1310PassDirects the Department of State to report to Congress a strategy for supporting the anti-corruption and human rights promotion efforts of the Organization of American States (OAS), including (1) an assessment of U.S. activities with the OAS to addres...
Became Public Law No: 116-343.
HB2444PassAuthorizes the President to make direct loans to countries that joined the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) after March 1, 1999, for the purchase of U.S. defense articles. The President may (1) make such loans with lower interest rates than ...
Became Public Law No: 116-332.
HB1925PassDesignates the Manhattan Campus of the New York Harbor Health Care System of the Department of Veterans Affairs in New York, New York, as the Margaret Cochran Corbin Campus of the New York Harbor Health Care System or the Margaret Cochran Corbin VA C...
Became Public Law No: 116-331.
HB1923PassRequires the Department of the Treasury to mint and issue quarter-dollar coins in commemoration of the ratification of the Nineteenth Amendment granting women the right to vote. The design on the reverse of each coin shall be emblematic of the accomp...
Became Public Law No: 116-330.
HB1492PassAuthorizes the Department of the Interior to acquire, by donation, the approximately 160 acres of land and any interests in such land that is identified as the Yucca House National Monument Proposed Boundary Addition. Upon acquisition of the addition...
Became Public Law No: 116-329.
HB1418PassDeclares that nothing in the McCarran-Ferguson Act modifies, impairs, or supersedes the operation of antitrust laws with respect to the business of health insurance, including the business of dental insurance. This declaration does not apply to a con...
Became Public Law No: 116-327.
HB1472PassRedesignates the Homestead National Monument of America in Nebraska as the Homestead National Historical Park.
Became Public Law No: 116-328.
SB371PassAllows nonprofit organizations offering mortgage loans for charitable purposes to use certain alternative forms to satisfy disclosure requirements.
Became Public Law No: 116-342.
HB221PassEstablishes the Special Envoy for Monitoring and Combating anti-Semitism as an ambassador-rank official, appointed by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, who leads the Office to Monitor and Combat anti-Semitism within the...
Became Public Law No: 116-326.
SB4996PassModifies administrative provisions related to the bankruptcy trustee system. Specifically, the bill (1) provides for the distribution of bankruptcy fees made to the U.S. Trustee System Fund for the costs of administering payments and trustee compensa...
Became Public Law No: 116-325.
HB8906PassReauthorizes through FY2024 and revises the Lifespan Respite Care Program, which supports state lifespan respite care services (i.e., services for family caregivers of children and adults with special needs). The bill requires each state agency that ...
Became Public Law No: 116-324.
HB8810PassTo establish a national program to identify and reduce losses from landslide hazards, to establish a national 3D Elevation Program, and for other purposes.
Became Public Law No: 116-323.
HB8611PassDesignates the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 4755 Southeast Dixie Highway in Port Salerno, Florida, as the "Joseph Bullock Post Office Building."
Became Public Law No: 116-322.
HB8354PassEstablishes the Servicemembers and Veterans Initiative within the Civil Rights Division of the Department of Justice (DOJ). The initiative shall serve as legal and policy advisor on DOJ's efforts to enforce criminal and civil laws that impact service...
Became Public Law No: 116-288.
HB7898PassAddresses health information technology provisions concerning cybersecurity practices and information blocking. The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) may reduce fines and penalties for violations of certain federal privacy standards for h...
Became Public Law No: 116-321.
HB7810PassDesignates the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 3519 East Walnut Street in Pearland, Texas, as the "Tom Reid Post Office Building."
Became Public Law No: 116-320.
HB7502PassDesignates the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 101 South 16th Street in Clarinda, Iowa, as the "Jessie Field Shambaugh Post Office Building."
Became Public Law No: 116-319.
HB7460PassExtends through January 24, 2028, the authority of the Peace Corps Commemorative Foundation to establish a commemorative work on federal land in the District of Columbia and its environs to commemorate the mission of the Peace Corps and the ideals on...
Became Public Law No: 116-318.
HB7347PassDesignates the medical center of the Department of Veterans Affairs in Ann Arbor, Michigan, as the Lieutenant Colonel Charles S. Kettles Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center or the Lieutenant Colonel Charles S. Kettles VA Medical Center.
Became Public Law No: 116-317.
HB7259PassAuthorizes the holder of an acceleration certificate awarded under the Patents for Humanity program to transfer the certificate to another party. (The Patents for Humanity program recognizes patent owners, applicants, and licensees that use their inv...
Became Public Law No: 116-316.
HB7105PassAddresses the employment and retraining of veterans and the administration of Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) programs and benefits for homeless veterans, specifically during the COVID-19 (i.e., coronavirus disease 2019) public health emergency. ...
Became Public Law No: 116-315.
HB7088PassDesignates the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 111 James Street in Reidsville, Georgia, as the "Senator Jack Hill Post Office Building."
Became Public Law No: 116-314.
HB6535PassExtends federal torts claim coverage for certain personal injury claims (i.e., medical malpractice liability protection) to urban Indian organizations and their employees by deeming them as part of the Public Health Service. Currently, such coverage ...
Became Public Law No: 116-313.
HB6435PassRequires the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), in consultation with relevant agencies, to inform the public about mail, telemarketing, and internet scams related to COVID-19 (i.e., coronavirus disease 2019). The FTC must establish a national database f...
Became Public Law No: 116-287.
HB6418PassDesignates the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 509 Fairhope Avenue in Fairhope, Alabama, as the "William 'Jack' Jackson Edwards III Post Office Building."
Became Public Law No: 116-312.
HB6237PassSpecifies that the Department of Veterans Affairs or the Department of Defense must reimburse the Indian Health Service (IHS), tribes, or tribal organizations for health care services provided to American Indian and Alaska Native veterans, regardless...
Became Public Law No: 116-311.
HB6192Pass(Sec. 3) The Department of the Treasury shall mint and issue $1 coins in recognition of the 100th anniversary of completion of coinage of the Morgan dollar and the 100th anniversary of commencement of coinage of the Peace dollar. (Sec. 5) Treasury ma...
Became Public Law No: 116-286.
HB6161PassDesignates the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 1585 Yanceyville Street, Greensboro, North Carolina, as the "J. Howard Coble Post Office Building."
Became Public Law No: 116-310.
HB6100PassTo amend title 18, United States Code, to clarify the criminalization of female genital mutilation, and for other purposes.
Became Public Law No: 116-309.
HB6016PassDesignates the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 14955 West Bell Road in Surprise, Arizona, as the "Marc Lee Memorial Post Office Building."
Became Public Law No: 116-308.
HB5983PassDesignates the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 4150 Chicago Avenue in Riverside, California, as the "Woodie Rucker-Hughes Post Office Building."
Became Public Law No: 116-307.
HB5972PassDesignates the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 500 Delaware Avenue, Suite 1, in Wilmington, Delaware, as the "Mary Ann Shadd Cary Post Office."
Became Public Law No: 116-306.
HB5852PassRedesignates the Weir Farm National Historic Site in Connecticut as the Weir Farm National Historical Park.
Became Public Law No: 116-305.
HB5663PassTo amend the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act to give authority to the Secretary of Health and Human Services, acting through the Commissioner of Food and Drugs, to destroy counterfeit devices.
Became Public Law No: 116-304.
HB5597PassDesignates the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 305 Northwest 5th Street in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, as the "Clara Luper Post Office Building."
Became Public Law No: 116-303.
HB5451PassDesignates the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 599 East Genesse [sic] Street in Fayetteville, New York, as the "George H. Bacel Post Office Building."
Became Public Law No: 116-300.
HB5458PassAuthorizes the Department of the Interior to acquire, by donation, approximately 40 acres of specified nonfederal land for inclusion in Rocky Mountain National Park in Colorado. Upon acquisition, Interior shall (1) modify the boundary of the park to ...
Became Public Law No: 116-301.
HB5459PassDirects the Department of the Interior to convey specified federal land to the owner of specified nonfederal land if the owner of the nonfederal land offers to exchange the land. The values of the federal and nonfederal land to be exchanged shall be ...
Became Public Law No: 116-302.
HB5273PassRequires the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to report to Congress a plan to expeditiously scan all commercial and passenger vehicles entering the United States at a land port of entry using large-scale non-intrusive inspection systems, such as...
Became Public Law No: 116-299.
HB5123PassDesignates the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 476 East Main Street in Galesburg, Illinois, as the "Senior Airman Daniel Miller Post Office Building."
Became Public Law No: 116-298.
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