Rhode Island Representative Brandon Voas [D]

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StanceStateBillStatusSummary/TitleLast Actionsort icon
RIH7109PassTOWNS AND CITIES -- REDEVELOPMENT PROJECTS - Adds the city of Central Falls as exempt from taxation for property acquired by an agency for redevelopment purposes.
Effective without Governor's signature
RIH7787PassCOMMERCIAL LAW -- GENERAL REGULATORY PROVISIONS -- RHODE ISLAND DATA TRANSPARENCY AND PRIVACY PROTECTION ACT - Creates the Rhode Island Data Transparency and Privacy Protect Act for data privacy protections for the personal data of the citizens of Rh...
Effective without Governor's signature
RIH8061PassTOWNS AND CITIES -- CITY HOUSING AUTHORITIES - Establishes the composition of the housing authority for the city of Central Falls.
Effective without Governor's signature
RIH7505PassFOOD AND DRUGS -- THE RHODE ISLAND CANNABIS ACT - Permits hybrid cannabis cultivators to advertise regarding cannabis products during the transitional period.
Signed by Governor
RIH7561PassEDUCATION -- CURRICULUM - Enables cities and towns to enact enabling legislation authorizing a partner program to assist students with an IEP for specially designed physical education classes.
Signed by Governor
RIH7559PassEDUCATION -- DISTRICT CHARTER SCHOOL - Requires that certain quarterly reports required to be filed by district charter schools, mayoral academies and independent charter schools be submitted to the commissioner of elementary and secondary education.
Signed by Governor
RIH8076PassTAXATION -- PROPERTY SUBJECT TO TAXATION -- LIFE ESTATE - Entitles holders of a life estate to real property to use any veteran's tax exemptions available to them.
Signed by Governor
RIH7171PassLABOR AND LABOR RELATIONS -- TEMPORARY DISABILITY INSURANCE -- BENEFITS - Makes care recipients eligible for temporary caregiver benefits and increase the maximum temporary caregiver benefit weeks from six (6) to eight (8) weeks over of period of two...
Signed by Governor
RIH7350PassBUSINESSES AND PROFESSIONS -- SOCIAL WORK LICENSURE COMPACT - Adopts model legislation facilitating the interstate practice of regulated social workers.
Signed by Governor
RIH7537PassSTATE AFFAIRS AND GOVERNMENT -- SMALL BUSINESS ADVOCACY COUNCIL - Amends the composition of the small business advisory council.
Signed by Governor
RIH7534PassTOWNS AND CITIES -- CITY HOUSING AUTHORITIES - Allows RIHMFC and related organization to administer allocations of funds for low-income housing.
Signed by Governor
RIH7647PassPROPERTY -- RESIDENTIAL LANDLORD AND TENANT ACT - Requires landlords to list all mandatory fees when advertising any residential property for rent in the same section of the agreement as the rent disclosure.
Signed by Governor
RIH7948PassTOWNS AND CITIES -- ZONING ORDINANCES - Provides amendments to the requirements of the inclusionary zoning law for affordable housing development.
Signed by Governor
RIH7304PassPROPERTY -- RESIDENTIAL LANDLORD AND TENANT ACT - Requires landlords of residential properties give tenants notice of rent increase at least 90 days prior to increase and requires notice requirement for rent increases for month to month tenants who a...
Signed by Governor
RIH7944PassINSURANCE -- DENTAL INSURANCE LOSS RATIO REPORTING AND STUDY ACT - Requires dental health insurance carriers to file an actuarial memorandum disclosing its incurred claims/earned premiums, to assist the health insurance commissioner with respect to a...
Signed by Governor
RIH7867PassPROPERTY -- CONDOMINIUM LAW - Requires the recording of the bylaws and rules of the association in the land evidence records of the city or town the condominium is located in and require amendments to the original filings to be certified by 2 or more...
Signed by Governor
RIH8055PassCORPORATIONS, ASSOCIATIONS, AND PARTNERSHIPS -- RHODE ISLAND BUSINESS CORPORATION ACT - Allows the sharing of certain information between the division of taxation and the secretary of state's office regarding an entity's tax status as compliant or no...
Signed by Governor
RIH7560PassEDUCATION -- SHEILA C. "SKIP" NOWELL ACADEMY - Provides for changes to the operating structure of the Nowell Academy establishing a cooperative agreement among school districts.
Signed by Governor
RIH7940PassCOMMERCIAL LAW -- GENERAL REGULATORY PROVISIONS -- SENIOR SAVINGS PROTECTION ACT - Prohibits the charging of any fees to a senior citizen who is 65 years of age or older for a hard-copy paper bill, invoice or statement. The violation of this provisio...
Signed by Governor
RIH8095PassANIMALS AND ANIMAL HUSBANDRY -- DOGS - Increases the penalty for violations of the care of dogs statute to a minimum fine of one hundred dollars ($100) and a maximum fine of one thousand dollars ($1,000) per violation.
Signed by Governor

Sine Die
CRIMINAL OFFENSES -- FRAUD AND FALSE DEALING - Criminalizes the filing of a false lien, instrument, or encumbrance against a federal, state, or municipal judge or magistrate or his or her immediate family, and permits the court to take action to miti...
To Senate Judiciary Committee

Sine Die
TOWNS AND CITIES -- ZONING ORDINANCES - Amends the provisions relative to permitted uses within residential, industrial and commercial zoning use districts.
Committee recommended Substitute A as amended be held for further study
RIH7603PassPUBLIC UTILITIES AND CARRIERS -- RESIDENTIAL SOLAR ENERGY DISCLOSURE AND HOMEOWNERS BILL OF RIGHTS ACT - Repeals the "Residential Solar Energy Disclosure and Homeowners Bill of Rights Act." Amends title 5 "Businesses and Professions" to include a new...
Signed by Governor
RIH8351PassHouse Resolution Celebrating The 214th Anniversary Of Colombian Independence Day On July 20th Of 2024
House read and passed

Sine Die
TAXATION -- PROPERTY SUBJECT TO TAXATION - Increases the minimum veterans’ exemption from one thousand dollars ($1,000) to five thousand dollars ($5,000) with respect to municipal taxes.
To Senate Finance Committee
RIH8333PassHouse Resolution Joyously Celebrating The 75th Anniversary Of Nbc 10 Wjar On July 10, 2024
House read and passed

Sine Die
EDUCATION -- ATTENDANCE FOR SUCCESS ACT - Establishes the "Attendance for Success Act" that mandates requirements for attendance policies, and provides for multiple plans, reporting requirements and supports to address student absenteeism from school...
To Senate Education Committee

Sine Die
BUSINESSES AND PROFESSIONS -- HAWKERS AND PEDDLERS - Expands the definition of door-to-door salespersons to include those who sell services and authorize the town of Cumberland to license and regulate door-to-door salespersons in the same manner as h...
To House Municipal Government & Housing Committee

Sine Die
EDUCATION -- EDUCATION ACCOUNTABILITY ACT - Incorporates the department of elementary and secondary education's SurveyWorks school climate indicators for evaluating the performance of LEAs and individual public schools.
To Senate Education Committee

Sine Die
TAXATION -- PERSONAL INCOME TAX - Allows a deduction from federal adjusted gross income for interest payments on outstanding student loans.
To House Finance Committee

Sine Die
Joint Resolution Making An Appropriation Of $20,000,000 For The Housing Down Payment Assistance Program (this Resolution Would Authorize The Appropriation Of The Sum Of $20,000,000 To Support The Down Payment Assistance Program.)
To House Finance Committee
RIH7244PassTOWNS AND CITIES -- GENERAL POWERS - Authorizes the town of Cumberland to require the registration of certain business entities not registered with the secretary of state that are situated in Cumberland.
Effective without Governor's signature
RIH7245PassANIMALS AND ANIMAL HUSBANDRY -- DOGS - Increases the fines for dog ordinance violations in the town of Cumberland.
Effective without Governor's signature

Sine Die
MOTOR AND OTHER VEHICLES -- SUSPENSION OR REVOCATION OF LICENSES -- VIOLATIONS - Eliminates the requirement of paying reinstatement fees to restore a person's right to drive.
To House Finance Committee

Sine Die
TAXATION -- BUSINESS CORPORATION TAX - Reduces the corporate minimum tax to three hundred fifty dollars ($350).
To House Finance Committee

Sine Die
HEALTH AND SAFETY -- MATERNAL AND CHILD HEALTH SERVICES FOR CHILDREN WITH SPECIAL HEALTH CARE NEEDS - Directs the executive office of health and human services to increase Medicaid rates for the Early Intervention and First Connections programs allow...
To House Finance Committee

Sine Die
Joint Resolution Making An Appropriation Of $250,000 To The Hospital Care Transitions Initiative (hcti) (this Resolution Would Authorize The Appropriation Of The Sum Of $250,000 To The Hospital Care Transitions Initiative.)
To House Finance Committee

Sine Die
EDUCATION -- THE EDUCATION EQUITY AND PROPERTY TAX RELIEF ACT - Amends the term "extraordinary costs" for the purposes of excess costs associated with special education students. The new definition of extraordinary costs would be educational costs th...
To House Finance Committee
RIH8185PassHouse Resolution Commemorating "national Infertility Awareness Week" On April 21-27, 2024, In The State Of Rhode Island
House read and passed
RIH8186PassHouse Resolution Expressing Condolences On The Passing Of Walter R. Bienieki
House read and passed

Sine Die
CRIMINAL PROCEDURE -- CRIMINAL INJURIES COMPENSATION - Permits hit and run victims suffering serious bodily injury to recover under the crime victim compensation program.
To House Finance Committee

Sine Die
PUBLIC FINANCE -- RHODE ISLAND BABY BOND TRUST - Creates the Rhode Island baby bond trust to provide investment funds to children born to families with public health insurance or no insurance living in Rhode Island.
To House Finance Committee

Sine Die
STATE AFFAIRS AND GOVERNMENT -- COUNCIL ON THE ARTS - Establishes a Rhode Island creative futures fund in the amount of eighteen million dollars ($18,000,000).
To House Finance Committee

Sine Die
TOWNS AND CITIES -- STATE AID - Includes municipal detention facility corporations as exempt from taxation, and requires that an amount equal to twenty-seven percent (27%) of all tax that would have been collected if the property was taxable be paid ...
To House Finance Committee

Sine Die
DELINQUENT AND DEPENDENT CHILDREN -- PROCEEDINGS IN FAMILY COURT - Prohibits any questioning of a juvenile who is suspected of delinquent or criminal behavior, unless the parent of guardian of the juvenile is present, or unless an attorney is present...
To House Judiciary Committee

Sine Die
CRIMINAL PROCEDURE -- DOMESTIC VIOLENCE PREVENTION ACT - Includes animal cruelty offenses to the domestic violence crimes committed by a family or household members against another.
To House Judiciary Committee
RIH8140PassHouse Resolution Proclaiming April 4th Of 2024, To Be "community College Of Rhode Island Day"
House read and passed
RIH8136PassHouse Resolution Proclaiming April Of 2024, To Be "alcohol Awareness Month" In The State Of Rhode Island
House read and passed

Sine Die
LABOR AND LABOR RELATIONS -- LABOR RELATIONS ACT - Allows governmental employee union contracts to contain specific references to specific health insurance companies.
To House Labor Committee

Sine Die
EDUCATION -- COMPULSORY ATTENDANCE - Directs each local education agency adopt a program to monitor absenteeism data to identify students who are at risk for chronic absenteeism before it becomes a chronic situation.
To House Education Committee
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