| RI | S3144 | Intro
Sine Die | HEALTH AND SAFETY -- BEVERAGE CONTAINER DEPOSIT RECYCLING ACT - Establishes beverage container recycling to be regulated by DEM. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2024-06-06 To Senate Environment and Agriculture Committee |
| RI | S2955 | Intro
Sine Die | TOWNS AND CITIES -- HOUSING MAINTENANCE AND OCCUPANCY CODE - Permits the department of environmental management and local municipalities to drain, remove, and replace an overflowing septic tank or system. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2024-05-08 To Senate Environment and Agriculture Committee |
| RI | S2953 | Intro
Sine Die | FISH AND WILDLIFE -- COMMERCIAL FISHERIES - Creates commercial dock space for businesses subject to being reviewed by the DEM. Would also include commercial fishers to be eligible for a grant program. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2024-05-08 To Senate Environment and Agriculture Committee |
| RI | S2294 | Intro
Sine Die | Senate Resolution Respectfully Requesting The Department Of Administration To Conduct A Study On The Technical And Economic Outcomes Of Decarbonizing Rhode Island By 2030 [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2024-05-01 To Senate Environment and Agriculture Committee |
| RI | S2303 | Intro
Sine Die | HEALTH AND SAFETY -- HIGH HEAT WASTE FACILITY ACT - Provides for a prohibition on the licensing of any new high-heat waste facility. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2024-05-01 To Senate Environment and Agriculture Committee |
| RI | S2535 | Intro
Sine Die | STATE AFFAIRS AND GOVERNMENT -- ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE ACT - Establishes requirements which would have to be met by an applicant prior to the issuing of permits for an activity that would have an environmental impact on or would increase the cumulativ... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2024-05-01 To Senate Environment and Agriculture Committee |
| RI | S2306 | Intro
Sine Die | PUBLIC UTILITIES AND CARRIERS -- VEGETATION MANAGEMENT FOR ELECTRIC SYSTEM RELIABILITY - Requires an electric distribution company to develop and act pursuant to a vegetation management plan approved by the DPUC to carry out vegetation management act... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2024-05-01 To Senate Environment and Agriculture Committee |
| RI | S2545 | Intro
Sine Die | STATE AFFAIRS AND GOVERNMENT -- ENERGY FACILITY SITING ACT - Increases the membership of the energy facility siting board from 3 to 5 members and would revise the process of energy facility siting to mandate inclusion/participation of the host commun... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2024-05-01 To Senate Environment and Agriculture Committee |
| RI | S2956 | Intro
Sine Die | PUBLIC UTILITIES AND CARRIERS -- PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION - Amends several provisions relative the powers and duties of the PUC and requires the submission by utilities of integrated distribution system plans identifying solutions to reduce greenh... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2024-05-01 To Senate Environment and Agriculture Committee |
| RI | S2848 | Intro
Sine Die | HEALTH AND SAFETY -- THE RHODE ISLAND CLEAN HEAT STANDARD ACT - Created the Rhode Island clean heat standards act to implement a system of tradeable clean heat credits earned from the delivery of clean heat measures that reduce greenhouse gas emissio... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2024-05-01 To Senate Environment and Agriculture Committee |
| RI | S2299 | Intro
Sine Die | AGRICULTURE AND FORESTRY -- OLD GROWTH FOREST PROTECTION ACT - Creates a statutory framework designed to protect our forests and biodiversity, also prohibits logging in old growth forests and in the natural area preserves when they are created. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2024-04-10 To Senate Environment and Agriculture Committee |
| RI | S2295 | Intro
Sine Die | FOOD AND DRUGS -- MILK SANITATION CODE - Permits and legalize the sale of raw milk. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2024-04-10 To Senate Environment and Agriculture Committee |
| RI | S2537 | Intro
Sine Die | AGRICULTURE AND FORESTRY -- ORGANIC FARMING AND CERTIFICATION PROGRAM - Establishes the organic farming and certification program to be administered by the department of environmental management. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2024-04-10 To Senate Environment and Agriculture Committee |
| RI | S2812 | Intro
Sine Die | INSURANCE -- PET INSURANCE ACT - Enacts a chapter to regulate pet insurance. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2024-04-10 To Senate Environment and Agriculture Committee |
| RI | S2304 | Intro
Sine Die | WATERS AND NAVIGATION -- COASTAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT COUNCIL - Requires that a super majority of three-fifths (3/5) of the duly appointed council is required to override a recommendation by the CRMC staff. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2024-04-03 To Senate Environment and Agriculture Committee |
| RI | S2746 | Intro
Sine Die | WATERS AND NAVIGATION -- COASTAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT COUNCIL - Requires that any lease of tidal lands, or any license issued to use those lands, be approved by the general assembly, and that the coastal resources management council review all reques... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2024-04-03 To Senate Environment and Agriculture Committee |
| RI | S2534 | Intro
Sine Die | WATERS AND NAVIGATION -- COASTAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT COUNCIL - Requires that the appointment of public members to the coastal resources management council to include an active, licensed fisher, a representative from Save the Bay and from an organiza... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2024-04-03 To Senate Environment and Agriculture Committee |
| RI | S2307 | Intro
Sine Die | PUBLIC PROPERTY AND WORKS -- LITTER CONTROL AND RECYCLING - Changes the fine for any person convicted of a first violation of this chapter from $85 to $200, and increases the period of time that the violator may be ordered to pick up litter. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2024-03-27 To Senate Environment and Agriculture Committee |
| RI | S2543 | Intro
Sine Die | PUBLIC PROPERTY AND WORKS -- STATE PURCHASES -- LEAD BY EXAMPLE ACT - Bans state purchases of plastic bottles and also requires state funds to be used to lease or purchase electric vehicles and renewable energy efficient technologies for use on state... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2024-03-27 To Senate Environment and Agriculture Committee |
| RI | S2412 | Intro
Sine Die | WATERS AND NAVIGATION -- DAM PERMITS - Renames 46-19.1, allows existing docks on ponds with 1400 normal storage feet of water per DEM, allows property owner to commence work on property without pond owner authorization. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2024-03-27 To Senate Environment and Agriculture Committee |
| RI | S2296 | Intro
Sine Die | HEALTH AND SAFETY -- PESTICIDE CONTROL - Prohibits the application of lawn care pesticides on the grounds of any public or private pre-school or public or private school with students in grade twelve (12) or lower, except in an emergency situation. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2024-03-20 To Senate Environment and Agriculture Committee |
| RI | S2540 | Intro
Sine Die | HEALTH AND SAFETY -- THE RHODE ISLAND CLEAN AIR PRESERVATION ACT - Establishes regulations to prohibit stratospheric aerosol injection (SAI), solar radiation modification (SRM) experimentation, and other hazardous weather engineering activities. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2024-03-20 To Senate Environment and Agriculture Committee |
| RI | S2745 | Intro
Sine Die | HEALTH AND SAFETY -- PESTICIDE CONTROL - Precludes the use of second generation anticoagulant rodenticide products which contain brodifacoum, bromadiolone, difenacoum, or difethialone, except in certain circumstances. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2024-03-20 To Senate Environment and Agriculture Committee |
| RI | S2300 | Intro
Sine Die | HEALTH AND SAFETY -- MICROPLASTICS REDUCTION ACT - Prohibits a manufacturer from selling, offering for sale, or distributing into commerce any product containing synthetic polymer micro particles beginning January 1, 2028. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2024-03-20 To Senate Environment and Agriculture Committee |
| RI | S2305 | Intro
Sine Die | ANIMALS AND ANIMAL HUSBANDRY -- CRUELTY TO ANIMALS - Provides that the trapping and subsequent release of any unowned feral or free roaming cat for the purpose of spaying or neutering of the cat would not be considered abandonment. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2024-03-13 To Senate Environment and Agriculture Committee |
| RI | S2301 | Intro
Sine Die | FOOD AND DRUGS -- FORCE-FED POULTRY PRODUCTS - Prohibits force-feeding to create a force-fed poultry product nor hire another to engage in force feeding of a poultry product. Violations would be subject to a civil penalty of $500. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2024-03-13 To Senate Environment and Agriculture Committee |
| RI | S2302 | Intro
Sine Die | CRIMINAL OFFENSES -- TRADE IN ANIMAL FUR PRODUCTS ACT - Prohibits the sale/offer of sale/trade/distribution of fur products. Makes 3 violations of this chapter civil infractions punishable by civil penalty and the 4th violation a misdemeanor punishab... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2024-03-13 To Senate Environment and Agriculture Committee |
| RI | S2155 | Intro
Sine Die | TOWNS AND CITIES -- STATEWIDE MUNICIPAL SOLAR PERMIT - Requires as part of the solar permit application an assessment on carbon-neutral, a solar permit would only be approved if it was carbon neutral based on the assessment. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2024-03-06 To Senate Environment and Agriculture Committee |
| RI | S2542 | Intro
Sine Die | PUBLIC UTILITIES AND CARRIERS -- AFFORDABLE CLEAN ENERGY SECURITY ACT - Makes several amendments relative to the affordable clean energy security act establishing the act's priority over chapter 6.2 of title 42 (the "2021 act on climate"). [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2024-03-01 To Senate Environment and Agriculture Committee |
| RI | S2292 | Intro
Sine Die | STATE AFFAIRS AND GOVERNMENT -- THE GREEN JUSTICE ZONE ACT - Establishes the first Green Justice Zone, a model that may be replicated in future years to ensure that all communities throughout the state have clean air and clean water. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2024-02-12 To Senate Environment and Agriculture Committee |
| RI | S2044 | Intro
Sine Die | STATE AFFAIRS AND GOVERNMENT -- 2021 ACT ON CLIMATE - Incorporates ethical energy standards to the 2021 Act on Climate. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2024-01-12 To Senate Environment and Agriculture Committee |