NE Legislation | 2013-2014 | 103rd Legislature | Passed

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StanceBillStatusSummary/TitleLast Actionsort icon
LB383PassProvide for Military Honor Plates and change certain license plate fee provisions
Provisions/portions of LB378 amended into LB383 by AM1169
LB923APassAppropriation Bill
Approved by Governor on April 22, 2014
LB814PassRedefine all-terrain vehicle, utility-type vehicle, and sales price, change sales and use tax provisions relating to ATV's and UTV's, and change duties of sellers in the distribution of sales tax revenue to provide funding to the Game and Parks Commi...
Provisions/portions of LB982 amended into LB814 by AM2248
LB923PassProvide for the position of state school security director and require training on school security, suicide awareness and prevention, and tornado preparedness for school personnel and provide for a concussion protocol
Provisions/portions of LB872 amended into LB923 by AM1977
LB768PassChange provisions of the Livestock Brand Act and estray provisions
Provisions/portions of LB846 amended into LB768 by AM1945
LB998PassChange provisions relating to disposition of human remains, offenses related to the person, sexual exploitation, labor and sex trafficking, the Sex Offender Registration Act, and driving under the influence
Provisions/portions of LB1034 amended into LB998 by AM2460
LB901PassProvide for psychology internships and change duties of the Behavioral Health Education Center and adopt the Nebraska Mental Health First Aid Training Act
Provisions/portions of LB931 amended into LB901 by AM2233
LB174PassChange penalties for violation of ordinances or regulations and provisions on load contents and spillage in cities of the metropolitan class
Provisions/portions of LB161 amended into LB174 by AM1765
LB474PassChange provisions relating to occupation taxes
Provisions/portions of LB488 amended into LB474 by AM1815
LB961PassProvide for a fire fighting compact, change workers' compensation provisions and require coverage for volunteer firefighters, change provisions of the Nebraska Hospital-Medical Liability Act, the Nebraska Construction Prompt Pay Act, and the Employme...
Provisions/portions of LB951 amended into LB961 by AM2626
LB1067PassChange sales and use tax refund provisions, extend sunset dates under certain tax incentive laws, and change provisions of the Angel Investment Tax Credit Act
Provisions/portions of LB475 amended into LB1067 by AM2540
LB946PassChange provisions relating to bond elections, county surveyor elections, school board elections, administration and conduct of elections, vacancies, presidential electors, and threshold amounts under the Nebraska Political Accountability and Disclosu...
Provisions/portions of LB1084 amended into LB946 by AM2047
LB867PassChange provisions relating to distribution of, exemptions from, and review of taxes and tax information
Provisions/portions of LB1043 amended into LB867 by AM2223
LB390PassChange provisions relating to unlawful possession of a firearm at a school and Emergency Management Act provisions
Provisions/portions of LB772 amended into LB390 by AM2663
LB983PassChange licensing provisions and operating restrictions for commercial motor vehicles, farm vehicles, and other vehicles as prescribed
Provisions/portions of LB981 amended into LB983 by AM1820
LB986PassChange homestead exemption income limitations and provide a homestead exemption for individuals with developmental disabilities
Provisions/portions of LB850 amended into LB986 by AM2060
LB700PassAdopt the Risk Management and Own Risk and Solvency Assessment Act, provide requirements for certain health care sharing ministries, and change provisions relating to insurance rules and regulations, definitions, cease and desist orders, and risk-bas...
Provisions/portions of LB993 amended into LB700 by AM2721
LB759PassRequire reports, define terms, change investment provisions, and provide powers and duties relating to retirement systems
Provisions/portions of LB977 amended into LB759 by AM2140
LB526PassChange provisions relating to use of pharmaceutical agents by optometrists
Approved by Governor on April 22, 2014
LB853PassChange and rename acts, a register, and an advisory committee relating to children and young adults and require case manager training as prescribed
Provisions/portions of LB790 amended into LB853 by AM2397
LB974PassChange state government provisions relating to special education funding, preaudits, planning duties, reporting requirements, contracts, warrants, and vehicles
Provisions/portions of LB1023 amended into LB974 by AM2025
LB863PassChange provisions relating to cemeteries and alcohol sales, prohibit sales to and use of vapor products and alternative nicotine products by minors, prohibit certain sales of tobacco products, and adopt by reference provisions of the National Electri...
Provisions/portions of LB1052 amended into LB863 by AM2131
LB191PassAdopt the Nebraska Job Creation and Mainstreet Revitalization Act, provide tax credits, and change certain valuation provisions as prescribed
Provisions/portions of LB885 amended into LB191 by AM2602
LB906PassTransfer funds and create and eliminate funds
Provisions/portions of LB1046 amended into LB906 by AM2175
LB560PassChange provisions of the Nebraska Wage Payment and Collection Act
Provisions/portions of LB903 amended into LB560 by AM2131
LB470PassAdopt the Superintendent Pay Transparency Act
Provisions/portions of LB274 amended into LB470 by AM444
LB383APassAppropriation Bill
Approved by Governor on April 22, 2014
LB359PassChange asset and income limitations for certain programs of public assistance and change eligibility redeterminations relating to a child care subsidy
Provisions/portions of LB732 amended into LB359 by AM2030
LB851PassChange land bank, tax sales, liens and security interests, nonresident vehicle registration, ethanol facilities, Department of Revenue powers and duties, and taxation provisions
Provisions/portions of LB979 amended into LB851 by AM2611
LB811PassChange provisions relating to controlled substances, prescriptions, and certain assault provisions
Provisions/portions of LB869 amended into LB811 by AM2567
LB967PassChange provisions relating to accountant licensing examination accreditation, education funding, compensation of members of the Board of Educational Lands and Funds, education regulation, teaching, early childhood education programs, distance educati...
Provisions/portions of LB1069 amended into LB967 by AM2199
LB907PassAdd, change, and eliminate provisions relating to criminal justice, incarceration, probation, parole, and legal education financial assistance
Provisions/portions of LB932 amended into LB907 by AM2376
LB699PassChange hunting permit and hunter education provisions, provide reports to a firearm database, and eliminate certain firearm provisions
Provisions/portions of LB1035 amended into LB699 by AM2234
LB254PassEliminate a termination date for insurance coverage for anticancer medication and provide insurance coverage for autism spectrum disorder and funding for amino acid-based elemental formulas
Provisions/portions of LB883 amended into LB254 by AM2901
LB1042PassChange school retirement provisions and duties of the Public Employees Retirement Board
Provisions/portions of LB1041 amended into LB1042 by AM2132
LB276PassChange provisions of the Early Intervention Act, the Medical Assistance Act, the Tax Equity and Educational Opportunities Support Act, and the Special Education Act
Approved by Governor on April 22, 2014
LB905PassProvide for deficit appropriations
Provisions/portions of LB1094 amended into LB905 by AM2019
LB987PassAdjust individual income tax brackets for inflation and exempt social security and military retirement benefits from income taxation
Provisions/portions of LB75 amended into LB987 by AM2458
LB719PassRequire a report and change complaint procedures regarding rules and regulations
Provisions/portions of LB720 amended into LB719 by AM2066
LB788PassChange provisions relating to real estate loans, fiduciary accounts, decedents' estates, hearsay exceptions, mortgages, trust deeds, and safe deposit boxes
Provisions/portions of LB988 amended into LB788 by AM2930
LB1098PassAdopt and change provisions relating to water, irrigation, and natural resources
Provisions/portions of LB1074 amended into LB1098 by AM2594
LB464PassChange provisions relating to the juvenile justice system, arraignment, court jurisdiction, services for juveniles and families, and truancy
Provisions/portions of LB1093 amended into LB464 by AM2687
LB1076PassChange provisions relating to the Nebraska Telehealth Act
Provisions/portions of LB1078 amended into LB1076 by AM2305
LB276APassAppropriation Bill
Approved by Governor on April 22, 2014
LB1098APassAppropriation Bill
Approved by Governor on April 16, 2014
LB907APassAppropriation Bill
Approved by Governor on April 16, 2014
LB464APassAppropriation Bill
Approved by Governor on April 15, 2014
LR617PassCongratulate Michael Barth on winning first place in Poetry Interpretation at the 2014 Class C-1 state speech championsip
President/Speaker signed
LB994APassAppropriation Bill
Approved by Governor on April 15, 2014
LB565PassChange provisions relating to registering to vote and requesting a ballot for early voting at the same time
Approved by Governor on April 15, 2014
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