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Sine Die
Toll relief; maximum charges. Limits to $200 per month the tolls charged to residents of the Commonwealth via electronic toll collection devices for the use of toll bridges, toll ferries, toll tunnels, or toll roads in the Commonwealth. The bill proh...
To House Transportation Committee

Sine Die
Study; JLARC; Department of Juvenile Justice; report. Directs the Joint Legislative Audit and Review Commission, in conjunction with the Office of the Secretary of Public Safety and Homeland Security and the Office of the Secretary of Health and Huma...
To House Rules Committee

Sine Die
Conveyance of easement. Authorizes the Department of Conservation and Recreation to grant and convey a temporary construction and ingress and egress easement over Neabsco Road at Leesylvania State Park to the Newport Estates Homeowners Association, I...
To House Agriculture, Chesapeake and Natural Resources Committee

Sine Die
Insurrections; elections; prohibition from serving in position of public trust; civil penalty. Prohibits any person from serving in any position of public trust within the Commonwealth for life if such person is convicted of certain offenses related ...
To House Privileges and Elections Committee

Sine Die
Health insurance; coverage option for fertility services; essential health benefits benchmark plan. Requires health insurance policies, subscription contracts, and health care plans to offer and make available coverage for the diagnosis and treatment...
To House Appropriations Committee

Sine Die
Fetal and Infant Mortality Review Team established; penalty; report. Establishes the Fetal and Infant Mortality Review Team to develop and implement procedures to ensure that fetal and infant deaths occurring in the Commonwealth are analyzed in a sys...
To House Rules Committee

Sine Die
School meals; availability at no cost to students. Provides that each school board shall require each public elementary and secondary school in the local school division to participate in the federal National School Lunch Program and the federal Scho...
To House Appropriations Committee

Sine Die
Home Visiting Program established; report. Establishes the Home Visiting Program within the Department of Social Services to support pregnant people and parents with young children who face greater risks and barriers to achieving positive maternal an...
To House Appropriations Committee
VAHR27PassCommending the Honorable Dr. Luke E. Torian.
Bill text as passed House (HR27ER)
VAHR77PassCommending the Virginia Black Chamber of Commerce.
Bill text as passed House (HR77ER)
VAHR79PassCommending the Stafford County Public Schools Teachers of the Year.
Bill text as passed House (HR79ER)
VAHR100PassCommending the Northern Virginia Mental Health Foundation.
Bill text as passed House (HR100ER)
VAHR96PassCommending the Suffolk Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.
Bill text as passed House (HR96ER)

Sine Die
Parental access to minor's medical records; consent by certain minors to treatment of mental or emotional disorder. Adds an exception to the right of parental access to a minor child's health records if the furnishing to or review by the requesting p...
To House Health and Human Services Committee
VAHR89PassCommending Dr. Willis L. Lonzer III.
Bill text as passed House (HR89ER)
VAHR62PassCommending Masjid Aliya.
Bill text as passed House (HR62ER)

Sine Die
Paid sick leave; health care providers and grocery store workers. Requires employers to provide paid sick leave to health care providers and grocery store workers. Under current law, employers are only required to provide paid sick leave to certain h...
Incorporated by Labor and Commerce

Sine Die
Recognition of the Wolf Creek Cherokee Tribe of Virginia. Extends state recognition to the Wolf Creek Cherokee Tribe of Virginia within the Commonwealth.
To House Rules Committee

Sine Die
Task Force on Maternal Health Data and Quality Measures; report. Directs the State Health Commissioner to reestablish the Task Force on Maternal Health Data and Quality Measures for the purpose of evaluating maternal health data collection processes ...
To House Rules Committee

Sine Die
Commissioner of Health; work group to study the occurrence of microplastics in the Commonwealth's public drinking water; report. Directs the Commissioner of Health to convene a work group to study the occurrence of microplastics in the Commonwealth's...
To House Rules Committee

Sine Die
Commission on Legislature Modernization; report. Establishes the Commission on Legislature Modernization in the legislative branch for the purpose of studying the operation and functionality of the General Assembly and identifying ways to make the le...
To House Rules Committee

Sine Die
Sales tax exemption; certain baby products.
To House Finance Committee

Sine Die
Board of Medicine; continuing education; implicit bias and cultural competency in health care. Requires the Board of Medicine to adopt and implement policies that require each practitioner licensed by the Board who has direct contact with persons who...
Incorporated by Health and Human Services
VAHR25PassCommending the Freedom High School football team.
Bill text as passed House (HR25ER)
VAHR24PassCommending Freedom High School.
Bill text as passed House (HR24ER)
VAHJR69PassCommending Sandra Gioia Treadway.
Bill text as passed House and Senate (HJ69ER)

Sine Die
Stillbirth Support Grant Program. Establishes the Stillbirth Support Grant Program for the purpose of providing grants to individuals who delivered a stillborn child, as defined by the bill, to assist with out-of-pocket costs associated with such del...
Stricken from docket by Health and Human Services (22-Y 0-N)
VAHR15PassCommending Michael Charles Huntley II.
Bill text as passed House (HR15ER)
VAHR621PassCommending the Reverend Henry Godwin.
Bill text as passed House (HR621ER)
VAHR602PassCommending Albert White.
Bill text as passed House (HR602ER)
VAHR641PassCommending the Stafford County Public Schools 2022-2023 Staff of the Year award winners.
Bill text as passed House (HR641ER)
VAHR624PassCommending the Old Dominion Chapter of The Links, Inc.
Bill text as passed House (HR624ER)
VAHR632PassCommending Mondelez International.
Bill text as passed House (HR632ER)
VAHR642PassCommending Jack and Jill of America, Inc.
Bill text as passed House (HR642ER)
VAHR643PassCommending Tara Funches.
Bill text as passed House (HR643ER)
VAHB2222PassSurgical assistants; practice prior to licensure. Allows persons who have successfully completed an accredited surgical assistant training program to practice under certain conditions prior to licensure. The bill allows such person to practice as a s...
Governor: Acts of Assembly Chapter text (CHAP0792)
VAHB1702PassVirginia Residential Landlord and Tenant Act; terms and conditions of rental agreement; rent increase; notice. Requires a landlord who owns more than four rental dwelling units or more than a 10 percent interest in more than four rental dwelling unit...
Governor: Acts of Assembly Chapter text (CHAP0706)
VAHB1567PassDepartment of Health; perinatal health hub work group; report. Directs the Department of Health, in collaboration with the Virginia Neonatal Perinatal Collaborative, the Virginia Maternal Quality Care Alliance, and Urban Baby Beginnings, to convene a...
Governor: Acts of Assembly Chapter text (CHAP0654)
VAHB1419PassBrown v. Board of Education Scholarship Program; extension of eligibility. Extends eligibility for the Brown v. Board of Education Scholarship Program to the lineal and collateral descendants of persons who were residing in jurisdictions in Virginia ...
Governor: Acts of Assembly Chapter text (CHAP0605)
VAHB2330PassAssault and battery; public transportation service vehicle operators; penalty. Makes it a Class 1 misdemeanor for a person to commit a battery against another knowing or having reason to know that such individual is an operator of a vehicle operated ...
Governor: Acts of Assembly Chapter text (CHAP0549)
VAHB2082PassVirginia Residential Landlord and Tenant Act; employees of the landlord; rental dwelling unit keys and electronic key codes. Requires a landlord who owns more than 200 rental dwelling units that are attached to the same piece of real property to requ...
Governor: Acts of Assembly Chapter text (CHAP0432)
VAHB2033PassAudiology and Speech-Language Pathology Interstate Compact. Authorizes Virginia to become a signatory to the Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology Interstate Compact. The Compact increases public access to audiology and speech-language pathology se...
Governor: Acts of Assembly Chapter text (CHAP0337)
VAHB2034PassJoint transportation meeting; National Capital Region Transportation Planning Board. Directs the Commonwealth Transportation Board to invite a Virginia representative of the National Capital Region Transportation Planning Board Steering Committee to ...
Governor: Acts of Assembly Chapter text (CHAP0316)
VAHB1510PassLocal incentives for urban green space. Authorizes localities to establish programs to provide regulatory flexibility to encourage the preservation, restoration, or development of urban green space, defined in the bill. The regulatory flexibility may...
Governor: Acts of Assembly Chapter text (CHAP0427)
VAHB1759PassCommissioner of the Department of Veterans Services; workgroup; statewide strategic plan; report. Directs the Commissioner of the Department of Veterans Services to convene a workgroup to study and develop recommendations for implementing a statewide...
Governor: Acts of Assembly Chapter text (CHAP0407)
VAHB1512PassState plan for medical assistance services; durable medical equipment; complex rehabilitation technology. Directs the Board of Medical Assistance Services to amend the state plan for medical assistance services to include a provision for payment of m...
Governor: Acts of Assembly Chapter text (CHAP0266)
VAHB2038PassState employees; health insurance coverage; incapacitated adult children. Provides that the plan established by the Department of Human Resource Management for the provision of health insurance coverage for state employees shall allow for an incapaci...
Governor: Acts of Assembly Chapter text (CHAP0182)
VAHB2387PassFirearm safety device tax credit. Establishes a nonrefundable income tax credit for taxable years 2023 through 2027 for individuals who purchase one or more firearm safety devices, as defined in the bill, in an eligible transaction, as defined in the...
Governor: Acts of Assembly Chapter text (CHAP0220)
VAHB2104PassSchool crossing zones. Increases the maximum boundaries of a school crossing zone from 600 feet to 750 feet from the limits of school property. School crossing zones. Increases the maximum boundaries of a school crossing zone from 600 feet to 750 fe...
Governor: Acts of Assembly Chapter text (CHAP0084)
VAHB1514PassDeceased high school seniors; waiver of graduation requirements and award of posthumous high school diplomas. Requires the Board of Education, in establishing high school graduation requirements, to provide for the waiver of certain graduation requir...
Governor: Acts of Assembly Chapter text (CHAP0007)
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