US Legislation | 2013-2014 | 113th Congress | House | Passed

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HB4275PassCooperative and Small Employer Charity Pension Flexibility Act - (Sec. 2) Declares that: (1) defined benefit pension plans are a cost-effective way for cooperative associations and charities to provide their employees with economic security in retire...
Became Public Law No: 113-97.
HB2019PassGabriella Miller Kids First Research Act - Amends the Internal Revenue Code to terminate the entitlement of any major or minor political party to a payment from the Presidential Election Campaign Fund for a presidential nominating convention. Transfe...
Became Public Law No: 113-94.
HB4302PassProtecting Access to Medicare Act of 2014 - Title I: Medicare Extenders - (Sec. 101) Amends title XVIII (Medicare) of the Social Security Act (SSA) with respect to physician payment update to: (1) extend the update currently scheduled for January thr...
Became Public Law No: 113-93.
HB3771PassPhilippines Charitable Giving Assistance Act - Treats cash contributions made after the enactment of this Act and before April 15, 2014, for the relief of victims in areas affected by Typhoon Haiyan as having been made on December 31, 2013, for purpo...
Became Public Law No: 113-92.
HB4076PassHome Heating Emergency Assistance Through Transportation Act of 2014 or HHEATT Act of 2014 - Declares that a covered emergency exemption from federal motor carrier safety regulations issued by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) s...
Became Public Law No: 113-90.
HB3370PassHomeowner Flood Insurance Affordability Act of 2014 - (Sec. 3) Amends the National Flood Insurance Act of 1968 (NFIA) to repeal the prohibition against any extension by the Administrator of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) of flood insu...
Became Public Law No: 113-89.
HB2650PassAuthorizes the Fond du Lac Band of Lake Superior Chippewa in Minnesota to lease, sell, convey, warrant, or otherwise transfer all or any portion of its interest in any real property that is not held in trust by the United States for the Band's benefi...
Became Public Law No: 113-88.
HB2431PassNational Integrated Drought Information System Reauthorization Act of 2014 - Amends the National Integrated Drought Information System Act of 2006 to specify that the National Integrated Drought Information System (NIDIS) Program's purpose shall be t...
Became Public Law No: 113-86.
HB2860PassOPM IG Act - Authorizes funding for the cost of audits, investigations, and oversight activities conducted by the Inspector General of the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) of the OPM revolving fund and activities financed by the fund. Requires OP...
Became Public Law No: 113-80.
HB2642PassAgricultural Act of 2014 - Title I: Commodities - Subtitle A: Repeals and Reforms - Part I: Repeals - (Sec. 1101) Repeals: (1) direct payments under the Food, Conservation, and Energy Act of 2008; and (2) countercyclical payments and the average crop...
Became Public Law No: 113-79.
HB3527PassPoison Center Network Act - Amends the Public Health Service Act to reauthorize through FY2019: (1) a poison control nationwide-toll free phone number; and (2) a national media campaign to educate the public and health care providers about poison pre...
Became Public Law No: 113-77.
HB3547PassConsolidated Appropriations Act, 2014 - (Sec. 5) Makes appropriations for FY2014. (Sec. 6) Declares that each amount designated in this Act for Overseas Contingency Operations/Global War on Terrorism pursuant to the Balanced Budget and Emergency Defi...
Became Public Law No: 113-76.
HB667PassRedesignates: (1) the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Hugh L. Dryden Flight Research Center in Edwards, California, as the "NASA Neil A. Armstrong Flight Research Center," and (2) the National Aeronautics and Space Administration...
Became Public Law No: 113-75.
HJR106PassAmends the Continuing Appropriations Act, 2014 (P.L. 113-46) to extend through January 18, 2014, specified continuing appropriations for FY2014.
Became Public Law No: 113-73.
HB3487Pass(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.) Amends the Federal Election Campaign Act of 1971 to extend through December 31, 2018, the authority of the Federal Election Commission (FEC) t...
Became Public Law No: 113-72.
HB3343PassAmends the District of Columbia Home Rule Act with respect to the compensation of the District of Columbia's Chief Financial Officer (CFO). Prohibits the CFO's total compensation (including allowances, differentials, bonuses, awards, or other similar...
Became Public Law No: 113-71.
HB3304PassNational Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2014 - Division A: Department of Defense Authorizations - Title I: Procurement - Subtitle A: Authorization of Appropriations - (Sec. 101) Authorizes appropriations for FY2014 for the Department of De...
Became Public Law No: 113-66.
HJR59PassDivision A: Bipartisan Budget Agreement - Bipartisan Budget Act of 2013 - Division A [sic]: Budget Enforcement and Deficit Reduction - Title I: Budget Enforcement - Subtitle A: Amendments to the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act - (Se...
Became Public Law No: 113-67.
HB2319PassNative American Veterans' Memorial Amendments Act of 2013 - Amends the Native American Veterans' Memorial Establishment Act of 1994 to authorize the construction of the National Native American Veterans' Memorial on the property under the jurisdictio...
Became Public Law No: 113-70.
HB767PassAmends the Energy Policy Act of 2005 to revise the list of Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Federal Permit Streamlining Pilot Project offices. Replaces the Miles City, Montana, field office with the Montana/Dakotas State Office, Montana (Billings). Re...
Became Public Law No: 113-69.
HB623PassAlaska Native Tribal Health Consortium Land Transfer Act - Directs the Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS) to convey by warranty deed to the Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium (ANTHC) specified property in Anchorage, Alaska, for use in c...
Became Public Law No: 113-68.
HB3588PassCommunity Fire Safety Act of 2013 - Amends the Safe Drinking Water Act to exempt fire hydrants from certain prohibitions against the use of lead pipes, solder, and flux. Directs the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to: (1) c...
Became Public Law No: 113-64.
HB3458PassFallen Firefighters Assistance Tax Clarification Act of 2013 - Treats payments made on or after December 24, 2012, and before the later of January 1, 2014, or 30 days after the enactment of this Act, by a tax-exempt organization to any firefighter wh...
Became Public Law No: 113-63.
HB2922PassExtends through December 29, 2019, the authority of the Marshal of the Supreme Court and the Supreme Court Police to protect, in any state, the Justices of the Supreme Court, any official guest of the Supreme Court, and any officer or employee of the...
Became Public Law No: 113-62.
HB2871PassAmends the federal judicial code to realign the southern judicial district of Mississippi into four (currently, five) divisions with court to be held for: the Northern Division at Jackson, the Southern Division at Gulfport, the Eastern Division at...
Became Public Law No: 113-61.
HB2251PassDesignates the U.S. courthouse and federal building located at 118 South Mill Street, Fergus Falls, Minnesota, as the "Edward J. Devitt United States Courthouse and Federal Building."
Became Public Law No: 113-60.
HB1402PassVA Expiring Authorities Extension Act of 2013 - (Sec. 4) Extends through FY2015 the authorization of appropriations to the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) for: (1) payment by the VA Secretary of a monthly assistance allowance to disabled veterans...
Became Public Law No: 113-59.
HB185PassDesignates the U.S. courthouse located at 101 East Pecan Street in Sherman, Texas, as the "Paul Brown United States Courthouse."
Became Public Law No: 113-58.
HB3626PassExtends the Undetectable Firearms Act of 1988 for 10 years (the Act prohibits the manufacture or possession of firearms that are not detectable by the types of x-ray machines commonly used at airports).
Became Public Law No: 113-57.
HB3204PassDrug Quality and Security Act - Title I: Drug Compounding - Compounding Quality Act - (Sec. 102) Amends the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FFDCA) with respect to the regulation of compounding drugs. Exempts compounded drugs from new drug requi...
Became Public Law No: 113-54.
HB1848PassSmall Airplane Revitalization Act of 2013 - Directs the Administrator of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to issue a final rule to advance the safety and continued development of small airplanes by reorganizing the certification requirements...
Became Public Law No: 113-53.
HB2747PassStreamlining Claims Processing for Federal Contractor Employees Act - Transfers authority from the Government Accountability Office (GAO) to the Department of Labor for processing claims for wages due to laborers and mechanics hired by contractors on...
Became Public Law No: 113-50.
HB3302PassDesignates the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) medical center in Bay Pines, Florida, as the "C.W. Bill Young Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center."
Became Public Law No: 113-49.
HB2094PassSchool Access to Emergency Epinephrine Act - Amends the Public Health Service Act, with respect to asthma-related grants for child health services, to give an additional preference to a state that allows self-administration of asthma and anaphylaxis ...
Became Public Law No: 113-48.
HB3190PassUnited States Parole Commission Extension Act of 2013 - Extends the United States Parole Commission for five years. Directs the Commission, within 180 days after enactment of this Act, to report the following, for FY2012-FY2013, with regard to each ...
Became Public Law No: 113-47.
HB2775PassContinuing Appropriations Act, 2014 - Division A: Continuing Appropriations Act, 2014 - Makes continuing appropriations for FY2014. (Sec. 101) Appropriates amounts for continuing operations, projects, or activities which were conducted in FY2013 and ...
Became Public Law No: 113-46.
HB3095PassAuthorizes the Secretary of Transportation (DOT) to implement or enforce a requirement providing for the screening, testing, or treatment of individuals operating commercial motor vehicles for sleep disorders (including obstructive sleep apnea) only ...
Became Public Law No: 113-45.
HJR91PassDepartment of Defense Survivor Benefits Continuing Appropriations Resolution, 2014 - Makes appropriations, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, for death gratuities and related benefits for survivors of deceased military servi...
Became Public Law No: 113-44.
HB3233PassAmends the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2008 to provide that the total number of aliens eligible for special immigrant status (Iraqis who were employed by or on behalf of the U.S. government in Iraq) during the first three month...
Became Public Law No: 113-42.
HB527PassHelium Stewardship Act of 2013 - (Sec. 3) Amends the Helium Act to require that all proceeds received by the Secretary of the Interior (Secretary) from the sale or disposition of helium on federal land from sale or auction be credited to the Helium P...
Became Public Law No: 113-40.
HB3210PassPay Our Military Act - Appropriates for FY2014, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, for any period during which interim or full-year appropriations for FY2014 are not in effect, such sums as are necessary to provide pay and a...
Became Public Law No: 113-39.
HB3092PassE. Clay Shaw, Jr. Missing Children's Assistance Reauthorization Act of 2013 - (Sec. 2) Amends the Missing Children's Assistance to declare that many missing children are runaways. Requires the Administrator of the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delin...
Became Public Law No: 113-38.
HB1412PassDepartment of Veterans Affairs Expiring Authorities Act of 2013 - (Sec. 2) Authorizes specified appropriations for the period October 1-December 31, 2013, to pay a monthly assistance allowance to a veteran with a disability invited by the United Stat...
Became Public Law No: 113-37.
HB2611PassDesignates the Coast Guard headquarters building on the campus located at 2701 Martin Luther King, Jr., Avenue, S.E., in the District of Columbia as the "Douglas A. Munro Coast Guard Headquarters Building."
Became Public Law No: 113-31.
HB2576PassRevises certain minimum pipeline safety standards requirements to delay from January 3, 2012, to January 3, 2015, the requirement that the Secretary of Transportation (DOT) issue a regulation that incorporates by reference any pipeline safety regulat...
Became Public Law No: 113-30.
HB2167Pass(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.) Reverse Mortgage Stabilization Act of 2013 - Amends the National Housing Act, with respect to mortgage insurance for home equity conversion mo...
Became Public Law No: 113-29.
HB1911PassBipartisan Student Loan Certainty Act of 2013 - (Sec. 2) Amends title IV (Student Assistance) of the Higher Education Act of 1965 (HEA) to set the annual interest rate on Direct Stafford loans and Direct Unsubsidized Stafford loans issued to undergra...
Became Public Law No: 113-28.
HB1344PassHelping Heroes Fly Act - Directs the Assistant Secretary of Homeland Security (Transportation Security Administration [TSA]) to develop and implement a process to ease travel and to the extent possible provide expedited passenger screening services f...
Became Public Law No: 113-27.
HB1171PassFormerly Owned Resources for Veterans to Express Thanks for Service Act of 2013 or the FOR VETS Act of 2013 - Authorizes the transfer of federal surplus property to a state agency for distribution through donation within the state for purposes of edu...
Became Public Law No: 113-26.
HB1092PassDesignates the air route traffic control center located in Nashua, New Hampshire, as the "Patricia Clark Boston Air Route Traffic Control Center."
Became Public Law No: 113-25.
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