AR Legislation | 2015 | 90th General Assembly 1st Special

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SB2PassTo Amend Arkansas Law Concerning Certain Engrossment Errors Arising From The 2015 Regular Session Of The Ninetieth General Assembly; And To Declare An Emergency.
Notification that SB2 is now Act 3
HB1003PassTo Declare A Qualified Amendment 82 Project; To Authorize The Amendment 82 Agreement And The Issuance Of General Obligation Bonds In Connection With A Project For Gvab And Additional Facilities; And To Declare An Emergency.
Notification that HB1003 is now Act 10
HB1005PassConcerning The Travel On Certain Highways By Motor Vehicles Used For Farm Purposes; And To Declare An Emergency.
Notification that HB1005 is now Act 11
HCMR1001PassTo Honor The Memory Of Deputy Sonny Smith.
Approved by the Governor
HB1001PassTo Transfer The Arkansas Building Authority, The Arkansas Science And Technology Authority, The Department Of Rural Services, And The Division Of Land Surveys; And To Amend A Portion Of Initiated Act 1 Of 2000.
Notification that HB1001 is now Act 7
SB6PassTo Declare A Qualified Amendment 82 Project; To Authorize The Amendment 82 Agreement And The Issuance Of General Obligation Bonds In Connection With A Project For Gvab And Additional Facilities; And To Declare An Emergency.
Notification that SB6 is now Act 9
SB8PassTo Amend Arkansas Law Concerning The Dates Of The General Primary Election And Preferential Primary Election; To Amend The Time Period For Filing As A Candidate For A Primary Election; And To Declare An Emergency.
Notification that SB8 is now Act 4
SB1PassTo Transfer The Arkansas Building Authority, The Arkansas Science And Technology Authority, The Department Of Rural Services, And The Division Of Land Surveys; And To Amend A Portion Of Initiated Act 1 Of 2000.
Notification that is now Act 8
SB5PassTo Amend Arkansas Law Concerning The Time For The General Assembly To Meet In Fiscal Session.
Notification that SB5 is now Act 5
SB4PassConcerning The Offenses Of Driving While Intoxicated, Underage Driving Under The Influence, Driving Or Boating While Intoxicated, And Driving Or Boating Under The Influence While Underage; And To Declare An Emergency.
Notification that SB4 is now Act 6
SB3PassConcerning The Travel On Certain Highways By Motor Vehicles Used For Farm Purposes; And To Declare An Emergency.
Notification that SB3 is now Act 12
HB1007PassTo Amend The Law On Contribution And Expenditure Reports To Address The Effects Of Moving The Primary Elections To March; And To Amend Arkansas Law Resulting From Initiated Act 1 Of 1990 And Initiated Act 1 Of 1996.
Notification that HB1007 is now Act 1
HB1004PassTo Amend Arkansas Law Concerning Certain Engrossment Errors Arising From The 2015 Regular Session Of The Ninetieth General Assembly; And To Declare An Emergency.
Notification that HB1004 is now Act 2
SB7FailTo Amend Arkansas Law Concerning Expense Reimbursement Payable To Certain State Officials And Employees.
Died in Senate Committee at Sine Die adjournment.
HB1002FailTo Amend The Law Concerning Primary Elections; To Move The Dates Of The Preferential Primary Election And The General Primary Election; And To Provide For A Study Of Holding The Preferential Primary Election In March.
Died in House Committee at Sine Die adjournment.
HB1009FailTo Reconcile Conflicts Between Acts Of The General Assembly Enacted During The 2015 Regular Session; And To Declare An Emergency.
Died in House at Sine Die adjournment.
SMR1PassTo Honor The Memory Of Senator Alvin Scott Dwiggins.
Read the third time and adopted.
SB9FailTo Reconcile Conflicts Between Acts Of The General Assembly Enacted During The 2015 Regular Session; And To Declare An Emergency.
Died in the House at Sine Die Adjournment
HB1008FailTo Amend Arkansas Law Concerning The Time For The General Assembly To Meet In Fiscal Session.
Died on House Calendar at Sine Die adjournment.
HB1006FailTo Amend Arkansas Law Concerning The Dates Of The General Primary Election And Preferential Primary Election; To Amend The Time Period For Filing As A Candidate For A Primary Election; And To Declare An Emergency.
Died on House Calendar at Sine Die adjournment.
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