Bills Pending Virginia House Courts of Justice Committee | House | Introduced

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Sine Die
Localities; liability for owning or operating vehicle. Provides that in any case in which a locality is the owner of, or operator through medium of a driver of, or otherwise is the insured under the policy upon a vehicle involved in an accident, or i...
To House Courts of Justice Committee

Sine Die
Unlawful picketing or parading to obstruct or influence justice; penalty. Provides that any person who, with the intent of interfering with, obstructing, or impeding the administration of justice, or with the intent of influencing or intimidating in ...
To House Courts of Justice Committee

Sine Die
Sex offenses prohibiting working on school property; penalty. Adds certain offenses involving children, including kidnapping, trafficking, sex crimes, and prostitution and commercial sex crimes, to the list of offenses that would prohibit an adult if...
To House Courts of Justice Committee

Sine Die
Disorderly conduct; penalty. Removes the prohibition on the applicability of the offense of disorderly conduct in public place to any elementary or secondary school student if the disorderly conduct occurred on the property of any elementary or secon...
To House Courts of Justice Committee

Sine Die
Civil causes of action; social media platforms; complying with certain requests for information. Requires the owner or operator of a social media platform, as defined in the bill, to comply with requests from a party to a civil action concerning (i) ...
To House Courts of Justice Committee

Sine Die
Contributing to the delinquency of a minor; sex offenders; penalty. Creates a Class 6 felony for any person 18 years of age or older who engages in consensual sexual intercourse or anal intercourse with or performs cunnilingus, fellatio, or anilingus...
To House Courts of Justice Committee

Sine Die
Law-enforcement officers; protected personal information. Provides that any full-time or part-time law-enforcement officer who provides information relative to a criminal investigation or in proceedings preliminary to a criminal prosecution may refus...
To House Courts of Justice Committee

Sine Die
Sexual extortion; penalty. Makes it a Class 5 felony for any person to maliciously threaten eviction, loss of housing, property damage, or any financial loss with the intent to cause the complaining witness to engage in sexual intercourse, cunnilingu...
To House Courts of Justice Committee

Sine Die
Possession of controlled substances unlawful; second or subsequent conviction; mandatory minimum. Provides that the sentence of any person convicted of possession of any controlled substance classified in Schedule I or II of the Drug Control Act for ...
To House Courts of Justice Committee

Sine Die
Protective order in case of family abuse; parents; minors. Prohibits the parent of a minor from filing a petition for a family abuse protective order against such minor, or from filing as next friend on behalf of his minor child against another of hi...
To House Courts of Justice Committee

Sine Die
Computer trespass; elementary and secondary schools; school board; penalty. Makes it a Class 6 felony for the offense of computer trespass when such offense is committed against any elementary or secondary school or school board.
To House Courts of Justice Committee

Sine Die
Felony homicide; certain drug offenses; penalty. Provides that a person is guilty of felony homicide, which constitutes second degree murder and is punishable by confinement of not less than five nor more than 40 years, if the underlying felonious ac...
To House Courts of Justice Committee

Sine Die
Magistrates; appointment and supervision.
To House Courts of Justice Committee

Sine Die
Provision of abortion; abortion based on the sex or ethnicity of unborn child prohibited; penalties. Provides that, except in a medical emergency, a physician or an advanced practice registered nurse shall not perform, induce, or attempt to perform o...
To House Courts of Justice Committee

Sine Die
Certification of ancillary traffic infractions and civil offenses. Allows the court to certify any ancillary traffic infraction or civil offense to the clerk of the circuit court upon certification of any felony offense, provided that the attorney fo...
To House Courts of Justice Committee

Sine Die
Civil jurisdiction of general district courts and circuit courts; transfer. Provides that while a matter is pending in general district court, upon motion of either the plaintiff or defendant seeking to increase the amount of the claim, the court is ...
To House Courts of Justice Committee

Sine Die
Department of Criminal Justice Services; certification and regulation of charitable bail organizations. Provides for certification and regulation by the Department of Criminal Justice Services of charitable bail organizations, defined in the bill as ...
To House Courts of Justice Committee

Sine Die
Authority of Attorney General; criminal cases; human and sex trafficking. Authorizes the Attorney General to prosecute violations of criminal law relating to human and sex trafficking offenses in connection with racketeering.
To House Courts of Justice Committee

Sine Die
Prostitution; solicitation; penalties. Increases from a Class 1 misdemeanor to a Class 6 felony the penalty for a third or subsequent offense of solicitation of prostitution from an adult. The bill also makes it a Class 5 felony to solicit prostituti...
To House Courts of Justice Committee

Sine Die
Reimbursement of expenses incurred in responding Reimbursement of expenses incurred in responding to terrorism hoax incident, bomb threat, malicious activation of fire alarm, or false emergency communication to emergency personnel. Allows a locality ...
To House Courts of Justice Committee

Sine Die
Prohibiting purchase or possession of tobacco products, etc.; persons under 21 years of age; civil penalties. Increases the civil penalty from $100 to $500 for a first violation, $200 to $1,000 for a second violation, and $500 to $2,500 for a third o...
To House Courts of Justice Committee

Sine Die
Attorney General; instituting or conducting criminal prosecutions for violations of criminal sexual assault and commercial sex trafficking committed against children. Authorizes the Attorney General to institute or conduct criminal prosecutions in ca...
To House Courts of Justice Committee

Sine Die
Controlled substances; manufacturing, selling, giving, distributing, etc.; adulterated or misbranded drugs; penalties. Makes it a Class 6 felony for any person, except for permitted manufacturers, to possess, purchase, sell, give, distribute, or poss...
To House Courts of Justice Committee

Sine Die
Smoking with a minor under the age of 15 present; penalty. Creates a Class 3 misdemeanor for any person who smokes, as defined in the bill, in the presence of a minor under the age of 15 and directly exposes such minor to secondhand smoke. The bill a...
To House Courts of Justice Committee

Sine Die
Threats to members of the General Assembly; obstruction of justice; penalties. Makes it a Class 6 felony to knowingly and willfully send, deliver or convey, or cause to be sent, delivered, or conveyed, to a current member of the General Assembly or h...
To House Courts of Justice Committee

Sine Die
Marijuana presumption; driving or operating a motor vehicle, etc., while intoxicated; penalty. Establishes a presumption of intoxication if a person has a blood concentration equal to or greater than 0.003 milligrams of delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol p...
To House Courts of Justice Committee

Sine Die
Firearms-related offenses; mandatory minimum sentences; penalty. Increases from five to 10 years for a second or subsequent offense the mandatory minimum sentences for use or display of a firearm during the commission of certain felonies.
To House Courts of Justice Committee

Sine Die
Enhanced earned sentence credits; exemptions; firearm-related offense; felony conviction while a prisoner. Removes any person convicted of a felony offense involving a firearm from eligibility for enhanced earned sentence credits and restricts any pe...
To House Courts of Justice Committee

Sine Die
Sexual abuse of certain children; penalty. Raises the penalty for sexual abuse of a child who is 13 or 14 years of age from a Class 1 misdemeanor to a Class 6 felony.
To House Courts of Justice Committee

Sine Die
Drug Treatment Court Act; name change. Renames the Drug Treatment Court Act as the Recovery Court Act. The bill also directs the Supreme Court of Virginia to rename the state Drug Treatment Court Advisory Committee as the Recovery Court Advisory Comm...
To House Courts of Justice Committee

Sine Die
Premarital agreements; enforcement. Provides that a premarital agreement executed on or after July 1, 2024, shall not be enforceable against a person who proves that the other party to the agreement was convicted of criminal sexual assault of the per...
To House Courts of Justice Committee

Sine Die
Enhanced earned sentence credits; exemptions; felony drug offenses. Removes any person convicted of a second or subsequent felony drug offense from being eligible to earn enhanced earned sentence credits.
To House Courts of Justice Committee

Sine Die
Service Member Sentencing Act. Creates the Service Member Sentencing Act to provide service members, defined in the bill, a service member sentencing option, defined in the bill, if such service member satisfies the eligibility criteria. The bill exp...
To House Courts of Justice Committee

Sine Die
Wrongful death; death of parent or guardian of child resulting from driving under the influence; child support. Provides that in any action for death by wrongful act where the defendant, as a result of driving a motor vehicle or operating a watercraf...
To House Courts of Justice Committee

Sine Die
Selling, giving, or distributing a substance containing fentanyl; penalties. Provides that any person who sells, gives, or distributes a substance he knows contains two milligrams or more of any mixture or substance containing a detectable amount of ...
To House Courts of Justice Committee

Sine Die
Obscene materials; restrictions on purchase, distribution, exhibition, or loan; exceptions; libraries and schools. Modifies the exceptions to restrictions on the purchase, distribution, exhibition, or loan of obscene materials by providing that schoo...
To House Courts of Justice Committee

Sine Die
Threats of death or bodily injury to persons on school property; penalty. Makes it a Class 1 misdemeanor for any person to orally make a threat to kill or do serious bodily injury to any person, regarding that person, while that person is (i) on the ...
To House Courts of Justice Committee

Sine Die
Law-enforcement officers; protected personal information. Provides that any law-enforcement officer who provides information relative to a criminal investigation or in proceedings preliminary to a criminal prosecution may refuse, unless ordered by a ...
To House Courts of Justice Committee

Sine Die
Civil cases; payment of jurors. Provides that Civil cases; payment of jurors. Provides that jurors in all civil cases shall be paid by one or both of the parties at the discretion of the presiding judge. Under current law, such payment is made by the...
To House Courts of Justice Committee

Sine Die
Manufacturing, selling, giving, distributing, etc., fentanyl; mandatory minimum. Provides that any person who (i) manufactures, sells, gives, distributes, or possesses with intent to manufacture, sell, give or distribute fentanyl and (ii) does so wit...
To House Courts of Justice Committee

Sine Die
Special justice fees; emergency custody and voluntary and involuntary civil admissions. Increases the fee that a special justice receives for presiding over emergency custody and voluntary and involuntary civil admissions hearings from $86.25 to $143...
To House Courts of Justice Committee

Sine Die
Manufacturing, selling, giving, distributing, etc., of fentanyl; weight-based penalties. Creates a penalty structure based on the weight of fentanyl, its salts, isomers, or salts of its isomers, or of a mixture or substance containing a detectable am...
To House Courts of Justice Committee

Sine Die
Sale of nicotine vapor product, alternative nicotine product, hemp product intended for smoking, or tobacco product; civil penalties. Increases the civil penalties for the sale, distribution, purchase for, or permitting of the purchase by persons les...
To House Courts of Justice Committee

Sine Die
Interference with commercial fishing vessel; penalties. Provides that a person who comes within 50 feet of a commercial fishing vessel without the consent of the owner or person in charge of such vessel with the intent to coerce, intimidate, or haras...
To House Courts of Justice Committee

Sine Die
Law-enforcement officers; Internet publication of personal information; exemption. Prohibits publication of the personal information of active and retired law-enforcement officers on the statewide geographic information system (GIS) if a request to r...
To House Courts of Justice Committee

Sine Die
Abortion prohibited; exception; life of the mother; penalty. Provides that if any person administer to, or cause to be taken by a woman, any drug or other thing, or use means, with intent to destroy her unborn child, or to produce abortion or miscarr...
To House Courts of Justice Committee

Sine Die
Sentencing guidelines; violent felony offenses; purchasing or selling of minors. Adds the crime of purchasing or selling of minors to the list of violent felony offenses.
To House Courts of Justice Committee

Sine Die
Live or recorded threats over public airways or by other means; penalty. Clarifies that, for the offense of using profane, threatening, or indecent language over public airways or by other methods, "over any telephone" includes any electronically tra...
To House Courts of Justice Committee

Sine Die
Actions against real estate appraisers or appraisal management companies; statute of limitations. Provides that no action for damages or other relief alleging that a certified general real estate appraiser, a certified residential real estate apprais...
To House Courts of Justice Committee

Sine Die
Punishment for conviction of second or subsequent misdemeanor larceny; penalties. Provides that any person convicted of a second larceny offense shall be confined in jail not less than 30 days nor more than 12 months and that for a third or any subse...
To House Courts of Justice Committee
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