VA Legislation | 2016 | Regular Session | House

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Sine Die
Judicial authorization of treatment. Removes from the requirements that must be met prior to issuance of a court order for treatment of a mental or physical disorder on behalf of an adult who is incapable of making or communicating an informed decisi...
Stricken from docket by Courts of Justice by voice vote

Sine Die
Mineral mining; bonding program; reclamation. Grants the Commonwealth a lien on land reclaimed by the Director of the Division of Mines, Minerals and Energy (the Director) for the amount of the increase in the value of former mining land that results...
Tabled in Agriculture, Chesapeake and Natural Resources by voice vote

Sine Die
Capital outlay plan. Creates a six-year capital outlay plan for projects to be funded entirely or partially from general fund-supported resources and to repeal Chapters 499 and 500 of the Acts of Assembly of 2015.
To House Appropriations Committee

Sine Die
Imitation controlled substances; maximum disciplinary action. Sets the maximum disciplinary action for any student found by the school board to have brought an imitation controlled substance, as that term is defined in §18.2-247, onto school pro...
Tabled in Education by voice vote

Sine Die
New public school buildings; plans or blueprints; indoor active shooter gunshot detection and alerting system. Requires the plans or blueprints for the construction of a new public school building to include an indoor active shooter gunshot detection...
Failed to report (defeated) in Education (9-Y 13-N)

Sine Die
Conservation of ground water. Directs the State Water Control Board to establish a voluntary ground water conservation incentive program. The program is designed to provide incentives to those ground water permittees who agree to adopt measures that ...
To House Agriculture, Chesapeake and Natural Resources Committee

Sine Die
Composite index of local ability-to-pay; use value of real estate in certain localities. Requires, for the purpose of determining the state and local shares of basic aid funding, that the composite index of local ability-to-pay or "local composite in...
Tabled in Education by voice vote

Sine Die
Physical evidence recovery kits. Establishes a comprehensive procedure for the collection and analysis of physical evidence recovery kits for victims of sexual assault, including those who elect at the time of the exam not to report a sexual assault ...
Incorporated by Courts of Justice

Sine Die
Nuisance; property where breach of peace recurs. Defines as a "nuisance" any property where repeated breaches of the peace occur and authorizes any person to maintain a civil action to enjoin the maintenance of the nuisance. The bill provides that a ...
Stricken from docket by Courts of Justice by voice vote

Sine Die
Composite index of local ability to pay; additional factors. Requires the state and local funding share formula, the composite index of local ability to pay, to take into consideration the population of the relevant locality, the number of enrolled E...
Tabled in Education by voice vote

Sine Die
Virginia Freedom of Information Act; record exclusion for trade secrets submitted to the Department of Mines, Minerals and Energy. Excludes from the mandatory disclosure provisions of FOIA trade secrets, as defined in the Uniform Trade Secrets Act (&...
To House General Laws Committee

Sine Die
Local license tax and state contractor's license; certificate of workers' compensation compliance. Removes the requirement that contractors verify workers' compensation compliance before receiving a local license to do business and makes such require...
To House General Laws Committee

Sine Die
Child day programs; exemptions from licensure. Exempts from the child day program licensure requirements any martial arts program operated during the summer months if children under the age of five do not attend, the program operates between the hour...
To House Health, Welfare and Institutions Committee

Sine Die
Public procurement; requirements for certain construction projects; use of construction management. Restricts the use of construction management procurements by public bodies to contracts of $50 million or more, provided that such contracts involve p...
Stricken from docket by General Laws by voice vote

Sine Die
Practice of chiropractic; scope. Expands the scope of the practice of chiropractic to include performing the physical examinations required of applicants for a new commercial driver's license or commercial learner's permit or a renewal of such licens...
To House Health, Welfare and Institutions Committee

Sine Die
Practical design standards for projects. Requires the Department of Transportation to employ practical design standards for any highway system project, including all projects costing more than $5 million. "Practical design standards" are defined in t...
Stricken from docket by Transportation by voice vote

Sine Die
Study; JLARC; early childhood development programs; report. Directs the Joint Legislative Audit and Review Commission to study specific early childhood development programs, prenatal to age five, in the Commonwealth in order for the General Assembly ...
Tabled in Rules by voice vote

Sine Die
Consumer finance companies. Eliminates the requirement that the location at which a consumer finance company is licensed to conduct business be within the Commonwealth. A licensed consumer finance lender may change the location of its place of busine...
Stricken from docket by Commerce and Labor by voice vote

Sine Die
Use of restroom facilities; penalty. Requires the Director of the Department of General Services and local school board to develop and implement policies that require, respectively, that every restroom designated for public use in any public building...
Failed to report (defeated) in General Laws (8-Y 14-N)

Sine Die
Virginia High-Demand Occupation Forecast Advisory Committee; annual high-demand occupations forecast report. Creates the Virginia High-Demand Occupation Forecast Advisory Committee (the Committee) to compile and disseminate official information on th...
Tabled in Commerce and Labor by voice vote

Sine Die
Child care providers; criminal history background checks. Requires all applicants for licensure as a family day system, registration as a family day home, and approval as a family day home by a family day system, all child day centers that are exempt...
To House Health, Welfare and Institutions Committee
HJR268PassCommending Charles Haley.
Bill text as passed House and Senate (HJ268ER)

Sine Die
Board for Contractors; exemptions from licensure. Exempts from licensure any person who performs the construction, removal, repair, or improvement of real property retained by a licensed contractor, provided that (i) such person (a) is authorized to ...
Stricken from docket by General Laws by voice vote

Sine Die
Fire Programs Fund. Increases the rate of the assessment for the Fire Programs Fund from one to 1.4 percent of the total direct gross premium income for fire and related lines of insurance.
To House Commerce and Labor Committee

Sine Die
Academic credit; industry credentials. Requires the State Board for Community Colleges to adopt a policy for the award of academic credit to any student enrolled in a comprehensive community college who has successfully completed a third-party indust...
Tabled in Commerce and Labor by voice vote

Sine Die
Commonwealth Transportation Board; regional membership. Increases from 17 to 19 the membership of the Commonwealth Transportation Board by the addition of two nonlegislative citizen members: one from the Hampton Roads Transportation Accountability Co...
To House Transportation Committee

Sine Die
Palliative Care Information and Education Program. Directs the Board of Health to include in its regulations a requirement that every hospital, nursing home, and certified nursing facility licensed by the Board (i) establish a system for identifying ...
To House Health, Welfare and Institutions Committee

Sine Die
Board of Medicine; licensure of laser hair removal technicians. Requires individuals who practice laser hair removal to be licensed by the Board of Medicine. The bill defines "laser hair removal" and establishes the Advisory Board on Laser Hair Remov...
To House Health, Welfare and Institutions Committee

Sine Die
Onsite sewage systems. Clarifies that designs for treatment works from individuals licensed as professional engineers shall comply with horizontal setback requirements applicable to public and private drinking water sources, lakes and other impounded...
To House Health, Welfare and Institutions Committee

Sine Die
Virginia Public Procurement Act; requirements for use of construction management. Restricts the use of construction management procurements by public bodies unless (i) the total project cost is $50 million or more, (ii) a written determination is pro...
To House General Laws Committee

Sine Die
Study; Department of Education; effect of local use value assessment of certain real estate on the Composite Index of Local Ability to Pay; report. Requests the Department of Education to (i) determine, for each of the 95 localities that have adopted...
To House Rules Committee

Sine Die
Workers' compensation; cost of living supplements. Provides that cost of living supplements shall be payable to claimants who are receiving disability benefits under the Virginia Workers' Compensation Act but are not receiving federal disability bene...
To House Commerce and Labor Committee

Sine Die
Discrimination; ordinances or regulations prohibiting. Prohibits any political subdivision of the Commonwealth, including a locality or school board, from enacting an ordinance or adopting a regulation prohibiting discrimination on any basis other th...
Failed to report (defeated) in General Laws (10-Y 11-N)

Sine Die
Workers' compensation; recovering damages from other party. Expands the type of persons against whom an injured employee may bring a cause of action to recover damages for injury, occupational disease, or death to include statutory coemployees. The m...
Stricken from docket by Commerce and Labor by voice vote

Sine Die
Comprehensive community colleges; noncredit workforce credentials; Virginia Pathway to the Middle Class: Noncredit Workforce Credentials Act. Establishes the Virginia Pathway to the Middle Class: Noncredit Workforce Credentials Program (Program), to ...
Tabled in Commerce and Labor by voice vote

Sine Die
Local license tax; staffing firms. Provides that a staffing firm may deduct from otherwise taxable gross receipts salaries, wages, and other benefits it pays to independent contractors hired to provide professional employer organization services or t...
To House Finance Committee

Sine Die
Standard deduction; adjusted for inflation. Adjusts the individual income tax standard deduction annually beginning with the 2017 taxable year by the percentage increase in the Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U), for all items, from...
To House Finance Committee

Sine Die
Research and development expenses tax credit; refundability. Provides that any credit earned in excess of the taxpayer's income tax liability will not be refunded by the Tax Commissioner but may be carried forward to apply against the income taxes of...
Stricken from docket by Finance by voice vote

Sine Die
Educational improvement scholarships tax credit program. Modifies the educational improvement scholarships tax credit program by increasing the tax credit beginning in taxable year 2017 from 65 percent to 90 percent of the value of donations made to ...
Failed to report (defeated) in Finance (9-Y 13-N)

Sine Die
Local meals and food and beverage taxes; exemption. Provides that the exemption from local meals taxes for sales of meals for fundraising purposes by certain organizations applies when the revenues are used by an entity exempt from income tax pursuan...
To House Finance Committee

Sine Die
Motor vehicle fuels sales tax in certain transportation districts; price floor. Places a floor on the 2.1 percent tax imposed on motor vehicle fuels sold in Northern Virginia and Hampton Roads by ensuring that the average sales price be no less than ...
Stricken from docket by Finance by voice vote

Sine Die
Solar thermal system tax credit. Establishes beginning in 2016 an individual and corporate income tax credit for solar energy space heating, water heating, space cooling, and industrial or commercial process heating systems placed in service. The cre...
Stricken from docket by Finance by voice vote

Sine Die
Virginia Electronic Communications Privacy Act; report. Prohibits a state or local government agency from taking certain actions relating to access to electronic communication information from a service provider, access to electronic device informati...
To House Science and Technology Committee

Sine Die
Income tax subtraction for National Guard pay. Increases from $3,000 to $5,000 the maximum individual income tax subtraction for National Guard pay. Under current law, the annual subtraction for wages or salary received for service in the National Gu...
To House Finance Committee

Sine Die
Individual income tax; medical care itemized deductions. Provides that beginning with taxable year 2017 if an individual or his spouse has attained the age of 65, the Virginia itemized deduction for unreimbursed medical care expenses will equal the e...
Stricken from docket by Finance by voice vote
HJR180PassCelebrating the life of H. William Greenup.
Bill text as passed House and Senate (HJ180ER)
HJR53PassCelebrating the life of Thomas S. Herbert VII.
Bill text as passed House and Senate (HJ53ER)
HJR164PassCommending Ronnie D. Crockett.
Bill text as passed House and Senate (HJ164ER)
HR106PassCommending Louise Thornton.
Bill text as passed House (HR106ER)
HJR198PassCommending Little Bethel Baptist Church.
Bill text as passed House and Senate (HJ198ER)
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