VA Legislation | 2011 | Regular Session | Senate | Introduced

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Sine Die
Transient Occupancy Tax; Washington County. Adds Washington County to those localities authorized to impose a transient occupancy tax not to exceed five percent, with any excess over two percent to be spent solely on tourism. Under current law, any c...
House: Incorporated by Finance (SB984-Lucas) by voice vote

Sine Die
Ground water withdrawal permit fees. Increases the maximum amount that the State Water Control Board can charge for a permit to withdraw ground water from $6,000 to $12,000. The term of a ground water permit is up to 10 years. The State Water Control...
House: Failed to report (defeated) in Agriculture, Chesapeake and Natural Resources (8-Y 14-N)

Sine Die
Department of Planning and Budget; reestimate of agency needs. Provides that within five business days after the preliminary close of the Commonwealth's accounts at the end of each fiscal year, each of the several state agencies and other agencies a...
To Senate Finance and Appropriations Committee

Sine Die
Regulation of trespassing vehicles; localities. Provides that, when a local governing body regulates towing by ordinance, such ordinance shall permit the towing company to tow the vehicle at least 10 miles from the origination of the tow.
To Senate Transportation Committee

Sine Die
DUI maiming; penalty. Raises the penalty for DUI maiming, causing permanent impairment, from a Class 6 to a Class 4 felony and creates a Class 6 felony when the offense causes serious bodily injury without maiming.
To Senate Finance and Appropriations Committee

Sine Die
Waiver of payment of interest on fines and costs; incarcerated defendant. Provides for the purging of interest on fines and costs for an incarcerated defendant when such fines and costs have accrued on cases other than the one for which the defendant...
To Senate Courts of Justice Committee

Sine Die
Allocations to certain homeowners' associations; highway maintenance and maintenance replacement. Requires the Commonwealth Transportation Board annually to set aside from all funds available for highway maintenance and construction $50 million to b...
To Senate Finance and Appropriations Committee

Sine Die
Corporate income tax. Eliminates Virginia's corporate income tax for taxable years beginning on or after July 1, 2013.
To Senate Finance and Appropriations Committee

Sine Die
Primary elections; costs. Provides that the political party shall pay the costs of the primary. The bill provides that the party must post bond in advance of the primary to cover those costs. Currently the costs of the primary are paid by the localit...
To Senate Privileges and Elections Committee

Sine Die
Sex offender registry. Requires registration when a person 18 years of age or older is convicted of engaging in consensual sexual intercourse with a child 15 years of age or older. Registration will also be required for someone convicted of the feder...
To Senate Finance and Appropriations Committee

Sine Die
State Corporation Commission; discovery. Provides that staff of the State Corporation Commission shall be treated as a party for purposes of the Commission's rules governing discovery and hearing preparation procedures. The measure applies to matters...
To Senate Commerce and Labor Committee

Sine Die
Manufacturing, selling, giving, possessing with intent to manufacture methamphetamine; penalties. Provides that, notwithstanding any other provision of law, any person who manufactures, sells, gives, distributes, or possesses with intent to manufactu...
To Senate Finance and Appropriations Committee

Sine Die
Electric utilities; integrated resource plans. Provides that an electric utility's integrated resource plan should take into consideration environmental impacts, externalities, and price stability. Externalities are defined as including the costs, be...
To Senate Commerce and Labor Committee

Sine Die
Alcoholic beverage control; retail privatization. Provides for the full implementation of retail privatization of distilled spirits by January 1, 2013. Under the provisions of the bill the ABC Board is to develop a plan for the discontinuation of gov...
To Senate Rehabilitation and Social Services Committee

Sine Die
Elections; voter identification requirements; absentee voting eligibility and procedures. Revises the list of items that a voter may show to prove identification at the polls. The bill adds to the list several items now allowed to prove the identity ...
To Senate Privileges and Elections Committee

Sine Die
Constitutional amendment (first resolution); right to work. Provides that any agreement or combination between any employer and any labor union or labor organization whereby persons not members of such union or organization shall be denied the right ...
To Senate Privileges and Elections Committee

Sine Die
Threats of death or bodily injury; penalty. Provides that any person who knowingly communicates, in a writing, a threat to kill or do bodily harm to a person or class of persons, regardless of whether the person or a member of the class of persons wh...
To Senate Finance and Appropriations Committee

Sine Die
Courts of record; courts not of record; judicial circuits and districts; number of judges. Establishes new boundaries for the various judicial circuits and districts of the Commonwealth and reallocates the number of judges serving such circuits and d...
To Senate Courts of Justice Committee

Sine Die
Commonwealth's lien for payment of medical services; limitations. Provides that a lien granted to the Commonwealth against any recovery from a third party obtained by an injured person whose medical costs were paid pursuant to the Virginia Medical As...
To Senate Finance and Appropriations Committee

Sine Die
Revenues of the Commonwealth; transportation funding. Creates additional sources of revenue for transportation by increasing the motor vehicle sales and use tax by one-half percent and the motor vehicle rental tax by one percent and by imposing a fiv...
To Senate Finance and Appropriations Committee

Sine Die
Barrier crimes; listing of crimes. Clarifies the individual crimes included in the various barrier crime statutes.
To Senate Courts of Justice Committee

Sine Die
Study; recycling education in public schools; report. Requests the Department of Education to study recycling education in the public schools. In conducting its study, the Department of Education shall (i) evaluate the feasibility of requiring or pro...
To Senate Finance and Appropriations Committee

Sine Die
Publication of unlawful photographs; penalty. Provides that it is a Class 6 felony for a person to publish on the Internet a photograph or video made in violation of the current law prohibiting photographing, etc., a nonconsenting person in certain s...
To Senate Finance and Appropriations Committee

Sine Die
Pole attachments. Authorizes a telecommunications service provider or cable television system that is unable to arrive at a mutually agreeable contract with an electric cooperative for pole attachments to the electric cooperative's facilities to peti...
To Senate Commerce and Labor Committee

Sine Die
Constitutional amendment (first resolution); Transportation Funds. Requires the General Assembly to maintain permanent and separate Transportation Funds to include the Commonwealth Transportation Fund, Transportation Trust Fund, Highway Maintenance a...
To Senate Privileges and Elections Committee

Sine Die
Constitutional amendment (first resolution); charter schools. Grants the Board of Education authority to establish charter schools within the school divisions of the Commonwealth.
To Senate Privileges and Elections Committee

Sine Die
Constitutional amendment (first resolution); limitation on debt. Provides that in any ten fiscal year period beginning with fiscal years of the Commonwealth starting on or after July 1, 2012, no more than the amount computed by first multiplying each...
To Senate Privileges and Elections Committee

Sine Die
Uniform Statewide Building Code; building permit fees; incentives for energy-efficient buildings. Authorizes a locality to reduce permit fees levied for construction, rehabilitation, renovation, or improvement of a building by up to 10 percent of the...
To Senate General Laws and Technology Committee

Sine Die
Fuels taxes; indexing of tax rates. Increases or decreases each year the rates of Virginia's fuels taxes using a fuel efficiency index. The bill would define the fuel efficiency index as the quotient that is obtained when using as the numerator the t...
To Senate Finance and Appropriations Committee

Sine Die
Recordation of certificate of assignment of debt secured by deed of trust. Requires the assignee of a debt or other obligation that is secured by a deed of trust, mortgage, or vendor's lien on real estate to record a certificate of assignment in the ...
Senate: Defeated by Senate (14-Y 26-N)

Sine Die
Electric utilities; inclining block rate schedules. Requires the State Corporation Commission, in any proceeding in which an electric utility asks to modify an existing residential retail rate structure, or to offer a new residential retail rate stru...
To Senate Commerce and Labor Committee

Sine Die
Judicial review of school board decision; aggrieved person. Provides that, for the purpose of judicial review, any parent, custodian, or legal guardian of a school-age child eligible to attend a school directly affected by an action of the local scho...
To Senate Education and Health Committee

Sine Die
Virginia Life, Accident and Sickness Insurance Guaranty Association. Increases the maximum amount of coverage provided by the Virginia Life, Accident and Sickness Insurance Guaranty Association for life insurance death benefits from $300,000 to $500,...
To Senate Commerce and Labor Committee

Sine Die
Sales and use tax exemption; certain computer equipment and enabling software. Expands the sales and use tax exemption for the purchase or lease of computer equipment or enabling software by data centers. There is no longer a requirement for the crea...
To Senate Finance and Appropriations Committee

Sine Die
Virginia Fusion Intelligence Center. Allows the Virginia Fusion Intelligence Center to receive and integrate criminal-related intelligence information, not just terrorist-related intelligence, to assist in preventing and deterring criminal activity g...
To Senate Courts of Justice Committee

Sine Die
Contraband and unstamped cigarettes; penalties. Decreases from 3,000 packs to 500 packs the threshold possession amount of contraband cigarettes that triggers a mandatory jail time. Currently, if an offender is found guilty of possessing 3,000 or mor...
To Senate Finance and Appropriations Committee

Sine Die
Alcoholic beverage control; privatization of ABC stores. Provides for the auction of "package store" licenses to authorize the retail sale of alcoholic beverages for off-premises consumption. The bill also requires the ABC Board to sell or ...
To Senate Rehabilitation and Social Services Committee

Sine Die
Department of Minority Business Enterprise; small, women-owned, and minority-owned businesses; enhancement or remedial measures. Requires state contracts awarded pursuant to enhancement or remedial measures implemented to enhance participation by sma...
To Senate General Laws and Technology Committee

Sine Die
Income tax credits; electric energy facility producing electricity primarily from agricultural livestock waste nutrients. Establishes individual and corporate income tax credits for energy property under §48(a) of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code ...
To Senate Finance and Appropriations Committee

Sine Die
Nursing homes; notice of liability insurance coverage. Requires nursing homes, certified nursing facilities, and assisted living facilities to inform patients and residents about liability insurance available to pay claims of the patient or resident...
To Senate Education and Health Committee

Sine Die
Prison printing shops. Provides that state institutions of higher education may, but are not required to, purchase the products of print shops in state correctional facilities.
To Senate Finance and Appropriations Committee

Sine Die
Possession of certain substances with intent to manufacture methamphetamines. Refines the list of substances involved in the manufacture of methamphetamine, the possession of two of which, coupled with the intent to manufacture methamphetamine, is pu...
To Senate Finance and Appropriations Committee

Sine Die
United States Constitution; amendment. Makes application to the United States Congress to call a constitutional convention for the purpose of proposing an amendment that permits the repeal of any federal law or regulation by the vote of two-thirds o...
To Senate Privileges and Elections Committee

Sine Die
Assignment of year-end surplus. Provides that if the total amount of general fund revenues actually disbursed or expended at the end of the fiscal year is less than the total amount of general fund revenues actually disbursed or expended for the imme...
To Senate Finance and Appropriations Committee

Sine Die
Virginia Sickness and Disability Program; open-enrollment period. Opens enrollment into the Virginia Sickness and Disability Program between October 1, 2011, and January 1, 2012, for eligible employees not currently participating in the program. Any...
To Senate Finance and Appropriations Committee

Sine Die
Private institutions of higher education; credit enhancement. Allows the Virginia College Building Authority to issue or acquire credit enhancements to secure payment of bonds issued by the Authority. Credit enhancements include, without limitation, ...
To Senate Finance and Appropriations Committee

Sine Die
Universal broadband deployment. Establishes a process for the State Corporation Commission to certify priority rural broadband suppliers. Applicants for certification are required to identify the rural counties in which they commit to provide univers...
To Senate Commerce and Labor Committee

Sine Die
Rail Transportation Development Authority. Establishes the Rail Transportation Development Authority. The Authority is to be responsible for identifying needed construction, reconstruction, improvements, or repairs to railroads and their facilities ...
To Senate Transportation Committee

Sine Die
Constitutional amendment (first resolution); the right to a secret ballot. Adds a provision to the Bill of Rights to preserve and protect the right to a secret ballot in elections for office, votes on ballot measures, and votes to designate or author...
To Senate Privileges and Elections Committee

Sine Die
Crimes against incapacitated or elder adults; penalty. Provides that any person who commits an offense set forth in Chapter 4 (crimes against the person), Chapter 5 (crimes against property), or Chapter 6 (crimes involving fraud) of Title 18.2, knowi...
To Senate Finance and Appropriations Committee
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