New Jersey Subject | Bills and Joint Resolutions Signed by the Governor

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NJA5117PassModifies number of signatures required for candidates to be placed on primary, general, nonpartisan municipal, and school election ballots; requires Secretary of State to publish certain nominating petition forms by January 1 of each year.
Approved P.L.2025, c.20.
NJA3894PassAmends certain fire safety statutes to update licensure and equipment requirements and liability, fee, and penalty provisions; expands membership of Fire Protection Equipment Advisory Committee.
Approved P.L.2025, c.19.
NJA1899PassExpands authority of pharmacy technician in administering drugs and vaccines and permits certain pharmacists and pharmacy interns, externs, and technicians to administer COVID-19 vaccine.
Approved P.L.2025, c.17.
NJA3414PassModifies regulation of student permits by NJ State Board of Cosmetology and Hairstyling and establishes oversight of individuals seeking employment as shampoo technicians.
Approved P.L.2025, c.18.
NJS2331Pass"Equitable Outcomes in Child Support Collection Act"; establishes procedures regarding collection of child support on behalf of children in custody of DCPP.
Approved P.L.2025, c.5.
NJS720PassRequires DCPP to consult with Division of Developmental Disabilities following finding of child abuse or neglect to create services plan for person with developmental disability under certain circumstances.
Approved P.L.2025, c.4.
NJA4571PassMakes various changes to powers and duties of NJ Infrastructure Bank.
Approved P.L.2025, c.14.
NJA5121PassAppropriates $49.5 million from constitutionally dedicated CBT revenues to DEP for State acquisition of lands for recreation and conservation purposes, including Blue Acres projects, and Green Acres Program administrative costs.
Approved P.L.2025, c.16.
NJS3880PassAmends list of hazard mitigation and resilience projects approved for funding by NJ Infrastructure Bank under FY2025 Community Hazard Assistance Mitigation Program.
Approved P.L.2025, c.9.
NJS684PassRequires telecommunications, cable television, and Internet service providers to allow for service contracts to be paused or canceled following service recipients's admission to long-term care facility.
Approved P.L.2025, c.3.
NJS3179PassConcerns certain emergency operations plans required to be submitted to law enforcement agencies.
Approved P.L.2025, c.6.
NJS3921PassReallocates standardbred horse racing purse subsidies from Freehold Raceway to Meadowlands Racetrack under certain circumstances.
Approved P.L.2025, c.11.
NJS3308PassRequires electric public utilities to implement certain improvements to interconnection process for certain grid supply solar facilities and energy storage facilities.
Approved P.L.2025, c.7.
NJS3922PassAppropriates $18,518,738 from constitutionally dedicated CBT revenues to NJ Historic Trust for grants for certain historic preservation projects and associated administrative expenses.
Approved P.L.2025, c.12.
NJSJR76PassDesignates second Friday in December of each year as "PSRPs in Our Schools Day" in New Jersey to recognize contributions of paraprofessionals and school-related personnel (PSRPs).
Approved P.L.2025, JR-1.
NJS3936PassAppropriates $60 million from constitutionally dedicated CBT revenues for recreation and conservation purposes to DEP for State capital and park development projects.
Approved P.L.2025, c.13.
NJS3881PassAmends lists of environmental infrastructure projects approved for long-term funding by DEP under FY2025 environmental infrastructure funding program.
Approved P.L.2025, c.10.
NJA4968PassModifies list of transportation infrastructure projects eligible to receive loans from NJ Infrastructure Bank for FY2025.
Approved P.L.2025, c.15.
NJS3879PassAmends lists of projects eligible to receive loans for environmental infrastructure projects from NJ Infrastructure Bank for FY2025.
Approved P.L.2025, c.8.
NJS1323PassRevises various provisions concerning New Jersey Aspire Program and surrender of tax credits issued under New Jersey Economic Recovery Act of 2020.
Approved P.L.2025, c.2.
NJS715PassRequires AG to establish rape kit tracking system.
Approved P.L.2025, c.1.
NJA1476PassEstablishes "New Jersey Target Zero Commission."
Approved P.L.2024, c.109.
NJS3969PassExtends economic recovery term under "Municipal Rehabilitation and Economic Recovery Act."
Approved P.L.2024, c.108.
NJA5151PassAllows public bodies to continue using newspapers for required public notices and legal advertisements until certain specified date regardless of format.
Approved P.L.2024, c.106.
NJA3853PassExtends certain pay parity regarding telemedicine and telehealth until July 1, 2026.
Approved P.L.2024, c.105.
NJA5152PassReschedules June 2025 primary election date; provides for adjustment of certain election related deadlines.
Approved P.L.2024, c.107.
NJS2864PassEstablishes working hours for certain minors employed as professional athletes.
Approved P.L.2024, c.104.
NJS1430PassProvides for expanded use of affordable housing voucher program funding.
Approved P.L.2024, c.98.
NJA4148PassRequires DOH to develop informational materials on type 1 diabetes and DOE to distribute to parents and guardians of enrolled students.
Approved P.L.2024, c.103.
NJA4047PassRevises unemployment compensation law.
Approved P.L.2024, c.102.
NJSJR71PassDesignates first week of May of each year as Wounded Warrior Appreciation Week.
Approved P.L.2024, JR-5.
NJSJR29PassDesignates August of each year as "Professional Engineers Month" in NJ and first Wednesday in August of each year as "Professional Engineering Day."
Approved P.L.2024, JR-4.
NJSJR103PassDeclares NJ "Purple Heart State."
Approved P.L.2024, JR-6.
NJS871PassEstablishes eligibility for enrollment in PERS and subsequent retirement benefits for certain county fire instructors under certain conditions.
Approved P.L.2024, c.97.
NJA4043PassRedirects portion of worker's unemployment compensation trust fund contribution to unemployment compensation administration fund.
Approved P.L.2024, c.101.
NJS3611PassProvides grant to study and map mental health care resources for children; makes appropriation.
Approved P.L.2024, c.100.
NJS1433PassDesignates bridge over Crosswicks Creek on Interstate Highway Route 295 North as "Benjamin Moore and the 693rd Sapper Company Memorial Highway."
Approved P.L.2024, c.99.
NJA3446Pass"Freedom to Read Act"; establishes requirements for library material in public school libraries and public libraries; protects school library staff members and librarians.
Approved P.L.2024, c.96.
NJS3608PassPermits restaurants and certain alcoholic beverage retailers and manufacturers to conduct business within designated outdoor space or on public sidewalk.
Approved P.L.2024, c.95.
NJS1325PassAuthorizes electronic delivery of documents relating to portable electronics insurance.
Approved P.L.2024, c.90.
NJS2652PassRevises statutory terms pertaining to sexual exploitation or abuse of children.
Approved P.L.2024, c.92.
NJS2310PassRequires transparency concerning compensation with promotional opportunities and in employment listings.
Approved P.L.2024, c.91.
NJS3201PassUpgrades certain penalties for assaulting law enforcement officer and requires offender to be tested for communicable diseases in certain instances.
Approved P.L.2024, c.94.
NJS912PassEstablishes requirements concerning provision of postpartum care, pregnancy loss, and stillbirth information and development of personalized postpartum care plans.
Approved P.L.2024, c.89.
NJS2962PassRequires contractor subject to prevailing wage law to provide orientation meeting to new employee on prevailing wage project.
Approved P.L.2024, c.93.
NJSJR14PassDesignates third Sunday of November of each year as "World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims" in NJ.
Approved P.L.2024, JR-3.
NJA4706PassRevises statutes implementing certain property tax relief programs pursuant to recommendations promulgated by Stay NJ Task Force.
Approved P.L.2024, c.88.
NJA4447PassAllows certain health care practitioners referrals to pharmacies to be made in accordance with certain professional standards.
Approved P.L.2024, c.87.
NJS3670PassProvides for mortgage payment relief and foreclosure protection for certain homeowners impacted by remnants of Hurricane Ida.
Approved P.L.2024, c.85.
NJAJR46PassDesignates October of each year as "Hindu Heritage Month" in New Jersey.
Approved P.L.2024, JR-2.
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