VA Legislation | 2016 | Regular Session | House

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HR101PassCommending Calvary Baptist Church.
Bill text as passed House (HR101ER)
HB402PassCommonwealth's tax code; conformity with federal law; emergency. Advances conformity with the federal tax code from December 31, 2014, to December 31, 2015, and repeals the expiration date for conforming with enhancements to the federal earned income...
Governor: Acts of Assembly Chapter text (CHAP0002)
HR119PassCommending Dennis Riddick.
Bill text as passed House (HR119ER)
HR114PassCommending Lauren Osborn.
Bill text as passed House (HR114ER)
HJR22PassCelebrating the life of John Waller Maloney.
Bill text as passed House and Senate (HJ22ER)
HJR194PassCommending Daniel Hillenburg.
Bill text as passed House and Senate (HJ194ER)

Sine Die
Enforcement of traffic or motor vehicle laws; marked law-enforcement vehicles. Requires that any law-enforcement vehicle used by an officer for enforcing traffic or motor vehicle laws be (i) marked in some distinctive manner that identifies the law-e...
Tabled in Militia, Police and Public Safety by voice vote
HJR23PassCelebrating the life of Ernest B. Vanarsdall, Sr.
Bill text as passed House and Senate (HJ23ER)
HJR209PassCommending the Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology.
Bill text as passed House and Senate (HJ209ER)

Sine Die
Out-of-state concealed handgun permits; photo identification. Removes certain requirements for an out-of-state concealed handgun permit or license to be recognized and accepted in Virginia and instead requires an out-of-state permit or license holder...
Incorporated by Militia, Police and Public Safety
HR105PassCommending the Emporia Rotary Club.
Bill text as passed House (HR105ER)
HJR172PassCelebrating the life of Caroline Jean Stalker.
Bill text as passed House and Senate (HJ172ER)
HJR183PassCommending Saunders Brothers, Inc.
Bill text as passed House and Senate (HJ183ER)
HR113PassCelebrating the life of Joseph Charles King.
Bill text as passed House (HR113ER)
HJR208PassCommending Deborah D. Pettit.
Bill text as passed House and Senate (HJ208ER)
HJR201PassCommending the Virginia Breast Cancer Foundation.
Bill text as passed House and Senate (HJ201ER)
HR102PassCommending Abram Baer.
Bill text as passed House (HR102ER)

Sine Die
Redevelopment and housing authority; compensation of commissioners. Increases from $150 to $500 per month the maximum compensation that may be paid to a redevelopment and housing authority commissioner.
Engrossment refused by House

Sine Die
Consumer finance companies; motor vehicle title loans. Prohibits any consumer finance company from making loans secured by a non-purchase money security interest in a motor vehicle at any location where a motor vehicle title lender is authorized to c...
To House Commerce and Labor Committee

Sine Die
HOT lanes enforcement and notification by a HOT lanes operator and the Department of Transportation. Requires a HOT lanes operator to notify the registered owner of a vehicle that entered or used HOT lanes without payment of the toll. Such notificati...
Incorporated by Transportation

Sine Die
Special license plates; OVARIAN CANCER AWARENESS. Authorizes the issuance of special license plates for supporters of curing ovarian cancer bearing the legend OVARIAN CANCER AWARENESS.
Stricken from docket by Transportation by voice vote

Sine Die
Certificate of relief from collateral criminal consequences. Creates a procedure whereby a person who has been convicted of certain crimes can petition the court for a certificate of relief that will remove collateral consequences of the conviction. ...
Stricken from docket by Courts of Justice by voice vote

Sine Die
Cover sheets; multiple deeds or instruments concerning the same interest in real property; certificates of satisfaction. Allows one cover sheet to be used for multiple deeds or instruments filed concerning the same interest in real property. The bill...
To House Courts of Justice Committee

Sine Die
Void provisions of contracts for sale or lease of consumer goods or services. Prohibits a contract for sale or lease of consumer goods or services from containing a provision requiring a consumer to waive his right to make a statement regarding the g...
To House Courts of Justice Committee

Sine Die
Parenting time. Replaces "visitation" with "parenting time" in statutory language relating to the custody and visitation of minor children. The bill has a delayed effective date of July 1, 2017.
To House Courts of Justice Committee

Sine Die
Requests for medical records; fee limits and penalty for failure to provide. Provides that when documents are requested or subpoenaed, the requester or subpoenaing party has the option of specifying that the documents are to be produced by the health...
To House Courts of Justice Committee

Sine Die
Length of the school term; waiver; early course mastery. Permits the Board of Education to waive, on a course-by-course basis, the requirement that the length of the school term be at least 180 teaching days or 990 teaching hours in any school year i...
Stricken from docket by Education by voice vote

Sine Die
Standards for guardians ad litem appointed in custody and visitation cases; certification form; substitute judges in custody and visitation proceedings. The bill requires a guardian ad litem appointed in a custody or visitation case to submit to the ...
To House Courts of Justice Committee

Sine Die
Health insurance; mandated coverage for autism spectrum disorder. Requires health insurers, health care subscription plans, and health maintenance organizations to provide coverage for the diagnosis and treatment of autism spectrum disorder in indivi...
Stricken from docket by Commerce and Labor by voice vote

Sine Die
Certified nurse aides; continuing education. Provides that the Board of Nursing shall require every certified nurse aide to complete 80 hours of continuing education within 120 days of certification.
Tabled in Health, Welfare and Institutions by voice vote

Sine Die
Student loan servicers; student loan ombudsman. Prohibits any person from acting as a student loan servicer without first obtaining a license from the State Corporation Commission (SCC) and establishes procedures pertaining to such licenses. Banks an...
To House Commerce and Labor Committee

Sine Die
Humane Cosmetics Act; civil penalties. Prohibits testing cosmetics on animals in the Commonwealth effective July 1, 2017. The bill also prohibits the sale in the Commonwealth effective July 1, 2019, of any cosmetic that was developed or manufactured ...
Tabled in Commerce and Labor by voice vote

Sine Die
Medicaid nonemergency transportation providers; background checks. Requires every provider with whom the Department of Medical Assistance Services enters into a contract for the provision of nonemergency transportation services to individuals eligibl...
To House Health, Welfare and Institutions Committee

Sine Die
Virginia Student Loan Refinancing Authority established. Establishes the Virginia Student Loan Refinancing Authority, to be governed by a 10-member board, for the purpose of developing and implementing a program by which each individual who incurred ...
To House Commerce and Labor Committee

Sine Die
Medicare supplement policies for individuals under age 65. Requires insurers offering Medicare supplement policies in the Commonwealth to individuals age 65 or older to offer such policies to individuals who are under 65 years of age and who are elig...
Stricken from docket by Commerce and Labor by voice vote

Sine Die
Limited liability companies; series. Authorizes an operating agreement of a limited liability company (LLC) to establish or provide for the establishment of a designated series of members, managers, or interests having separate rights, powers, or dut...
To House Commerce and Labor Committee

Sine Die
Voluntary listing of certain family day homes. Provides for the voluntary inclusion of certain family day homes that provide care for fewer than five children on a list of family day homes maintained by the Department of Social Services (the Departme...
To House Health, Welfare and Institutions Committee

Sine Die
Private well permits; validity. Provides that permits for the construction of private wells, other than express well construction permits, shall be valid for the same time period and subject to the same limitations as permits for septic tanks.
Tabled in Health, Welfare and Institutions by voice vote

Sine Die
Step therapy protocols; disclosures. Requires health insurers that limit coverage for prescription drugs through the use of a step therapy protocol to have in place a process for a prescribing provider to request an override of the protocol for a pat...
To House Commerce and Labor Committee

Sine Die
Security of government information; creation of the position of Chief Information Security Officer. Creates the position of the Chief Information Security Officer of the Commonwealth (CISO). The full-time, classified position is appointed by the Gove...
Stricken from docket by Science and Technology by voice vote

Sine Die
Retail sales and transient occupancy taxes on room rentals. Provides that retail sales and hotel taxes on transient room rentals are computed based upon the total charges or the total price paid for the use or possession of the room. For those cases ...
Stricken from docket by Finance by voice vote

Sine Die
Qualified equity and subordinated debt investments tax credit. Raises the cap on the total amount of credits that may be issued under the qualified equity and subordinated debt investment tax credit from $5 million to $9 million for calendar years be...
Stricken from docket by Finance by voice vote
HJR229PassExpressing appreciation for the hospitality extended by the Colonial Williamsburg Foundation.
Bill text as passed House and Senate (HJ229ER)

Sine Die
Membership in Multistate Tax Commission. Requires the Tax Commissioner to take such steps as are necessary for Virginia to become an associate member of the Multistate Tax Commission and to participate in Multistate Tax Commission discussions and mee...
Stricken from docket by Finance by voice vote

Sine Die
Vapor products taxes. Creates a state tax on vapor products, including a vapor cartridge or other container of nicotine in a solution or other form that is intended to be used with or in an electronic cigarette, electronic cigar, electronic cigarillo...
Stricken from docket by Finance by voice vote

Sine Die
Elderly care savings trust accounts established; administered by the Virginia College Savings Plan. Establishes elderly care savings trust accounts to be administered by the Virginia College Savings Plan to facilitate the saving of private funds to d...
To House Finance Committee

Sine Die
School property; priority use by youth groups federally listed as patriotic and national organizations. Requires school boards to give priority in the use of school property to any youth group listed as a patriotic and national organization in 36 U.S...
Stricken from docket by Education by voice vote
HR95PassCommending the United States Colored Troops Descendants.
Bill text as passed House (HR95ER)
HR91PassCommending the Virginia Living Museum.
Bill text as passed House (HR91ER)
HR76PassCelebrating the life of Irvine Byrd Hill.
Bill text as passed House (HR76ER)
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