Bill Text: NY S07508 | 2019-2020 | General Assembly | Introduced

NOTE: There are more recent revisions of this legislation. Read Latest Draft
Bill Title: Enacts into law major components of legislation necessary to implement the state transportation, economic development and environmental conservation budget for the 2020-2021 state fiscal year; relates to consolidated local highway assistance payments (Part A); relates to penalties for commercial vehicles on parkways and penalties for over-height vehicles (Part B); relates to the display of amber and blue lights on safety service patrol vehicles (Part C); relates to the maximum dimension of certain vehicles proceeding to and from the New York state thruway authority (Part E); relates to agreements for fiber optics (Part F); relates to penalties for unlicensed operation of ground transportation to and from airports (Part H); relates to setting the aggregate principal amount of bonds the Metropolitan transit authority, the Triborough bridge and tunnel authority and the New York city transit authority can issue (Part I); relates to the New York transit authority and the metropolitan transportation authority, in relation to extending authorization for tax increment financing for the metropolitan transportation authority (Part K); relates to permitting the secretary of state to provide special handling for all documents filed or issued by the division of corporations and to permit additional levels of such expedited service (Part R); relates to prohibiting pricing of goods and services on the basis of gender (Part S); relates to making changes to the arms of the state (Part U); relates to qualifications for appointment and employment (Part V); relates to home inspection professional licensing (Part W); authorizes utility and cable television assessments that provide funds to the department of health from cable television assessment revenues and to the department of agriculture and markets, department of environmental conservation, department of state, and the office of parks, recreation and historic preservation from utility assessment revenues (Part Y); relates to the powers and duties of the dormitory authority of the state of New York relative to the establishment of subsidiaries for certain purposes (Part CC); amends the infrastructure investment act, in relation to requiring certain contracts to comply with service-disabled veteran-owned business enterprises, negotiating prices in certain lump-sum contracts, referencing certain sections of law and providing for a date of repeal (Part DD); extends the authority of the New York state urban development corporation to administer the empire state economic development fund (Part EE); relates to the powers of the New York state urban development corporation to make loans, in relation to extending the general loan powers of the New York state urban development corporation (Part FF); relates to economic transformation program eligibility (Part GG); authorizes the New York state energy research and development authority to finance a portion of its research, development and demonstration, policy and planning, and Fuel NY program, as well as climate change related expenses of the department of environmental conservation and the department of agriculture and markets' Fuel NY program, from an assessment on gas and electric corporations (Part HH); relates to the definition of farm laborer and labor practices for farm laborers (Part II); relates to procurement procedures for school districts in relation to New York state products (Part JJ); relates to the water pollution control revolving fund and the drinking water revolving fund (Part KK); relates to student debt consultants (Part MM); relates to expanded polystyrene foam container and polystyrene loose fill packaging ban; relates to moneys collected for violations of the expanded polystyrene foam container and polystyrene loose fill packaging ban (Part PP); authorizes the creation of state debt in the amount of three billion dollars, in relation to creating the environmental bond act of 2020 "restore mother nature" for the purposes of environmental improvements that preserve, enhance, and restore New York's natural resources and reduce the impact of climate change; provides for the submission to the people of a proposition or question therefor to be voted upon at the general election to be held in November, 2020 (Part QQ); relates to the implementation of the environmental bond act of 2020 "restore mother nature" (Part RR); authorizes the county of Nassau, to permanently and temporarily convey certain easements and to temporarily alienate certain parklands (Subpart A); authorizes the village of East Rockaway, county of Nassau, to permanently and temporarily convey certain easements and to temporarily alienate certain parklands (Subpart B); authorizes the village of Rockville Centre, county of Nassau, to permanently and temporarily convey certain easements and to temporarily alienate certain parklands (Subpart C)(Part UU); relates to banning fracking (Part WW); relates to bicycles with electric assist and electric scooters (Part XX); relates to increasing certain motor vehicle transaction fees; relates to the costs of the department of motor vehicles (Part YY); relates to the acceptance of applications for accident prevention and pre-licensing internet courses; establishes the accident prevention course internet technology pilot program (Part ZZ); amends the New York Buy American Act, in relation to the report to be provided and to making such provisions permanent (Part EEE); relates to prevailing wage requirements (Part FFF); amends the New York state urban development corporation act, in relation to the corporations' authorization to provide financial and technical assistance to community development financial institutions (Part III); accelerates the growth of renewable energy facilities to meet critical state energy policy goals (Part JJJ); extends the application deadline for businesses to participate in the START-UP NY program (Part KKK); authorizes the metropolitan transportation authority to borrow money and issue negotiable notes, bonds or other obligations to offset decreases in revenue (Part LLL); relates to the central business district tolling lockbox fund (Part MMM); relates to admission to residential treatment facilities (RTF) for children and youth (Part NNN); authorizes the transfer of certain office of mental health employees to the secure treatment rehabilitation center (Part OOO); relates to the amount of time an individual may be held for emergency observation, care, and treatment in CPEP and the implementation of satellite sites; relates to comprehensive psychiatric emergency programs (Part PPP); relates to penalties relating to mental health and substance use disorder parity compliance requirements; establishes the behavioral health parity compliance fund (Part QQQ); relates to providers of service (Part RRR); relates to applied behavior analysis (Part SSS); relates to the closure or transfer of a state-operated individualized residential alternative (Part TTT); provides funding for the Metropolitan Transportation Authority 2020-2024 capital program and paratransit operating expenses (Part UUU); relates to acquisitions or transfers of property for transit projects (Part VVV); relates to decoupling from certain federal tax changes (Part WWW); relates to installment loans and obligations evidencing installment loans (Item A); relates to statutory installment bonds (Item B); relates to refunding bonds (Item C); relates to the special powers of the New York state environmental facilities corporation (Item D); extends the authority of the department of environmental conservation to manage Atlantic and shortnose sturgeon (Item E); extends the authority of the department of environmental conservation to manage Atlantic Cod (Item F); extends the authority of the department of environmental conservation to manage Atlantic herring (Item G); extends the authority of the department of environmental conservation to manage black sea bass (Item H); extends the authority of the department of environmental conservation to manage blueback herring (Item I); extends the authority of the department of environmental conservation to manage crabs (Item J); extends the authority of the department of environmental conservation to restrict the taking of fish, shellfish and crustacea in special management areas (Item K); extends the authority of the department of environmental conservation to manage of fluke-summer flounder (Item L); extends the authority of the department of environmental conservation to manage scup (Item M); extends the authority of the department of environmental conservation to manage sharks (Item N); extends the authority of the department of environmental conservation to manage squid (Item O); extends the authority of the department of environmental conservation to manage whelk and conch (Item P); extends the authority of the department of environmental conservation to manage winter flounder (Item Q); relates to commercial fishing licenses (Item R)(Subpart A); authorizes certain health care professionals licensed to practice in other jurisdictions to practice in this state in connection with an event sanctioned by the World Triathlon Corporation (Item A); authorizes the city of Middletown to enter into a contract to sell or pledge as collateral for a loan some or all of the delinquent liens held by such city to a private party or engage a private party to collect some or all of the delinquent tax liens held by it (Item B); redistributes bond volume allocations made pursuant to section 146 of the federal tax reform act of 1986, relating to allocation of the unified state bond volume ceiling, enacts the private activity bond allocation act of 2020 (Item C); relates to the upstate flood mitigation task force (Item D); authorizes a pilot residential parking permit system in the city of Albany (Item K); relates to charging a fee for admission to the New York Botanical Garden (Item L); creates the radon task force, in relation to the reporting date and effectiveness thereof (Item M); relates to defining spearguns and allowing recreational spearfishing in New York's marine and coastal waters (Item N); relates to aquatic invasive species, spread prevention, and penalties (Item O); relates to the September 11th worker protection task force act (Item P); relates to extending time limitations for certain actions (Item Q); authorizes New York city marshals to exercise the same functions, powers and duties as sheriffs with respect to the execution of money judgments (Item R); relates to limits on certain supplementary insurance (Item S); relates to the sale of municipal obligations by the county of Erie (Item T); relates to payment in lieu of taxes for property acquired for park or recreational purposes (Item U); relates to payment in lieu of taxes for property acquired for park or recreational purposes by the town of Hempstead (Item V); relates to the provision of physical therapy assistant services in public and private primary and secondary schools (Item W); relates to the membership composition of the metropolitan transportation authority board (Item X); establishes the New York telecommunications relay service center (Item Y); relates to the tax abatement and exemption for rent regulated and rent controlled property occupied by senior citizens; relates to the tax abatement and exemption for rent regulated and rent controlled property occupied by persons with disabilities (Item Z); relates to the creation of a state information technology innovation center (Item AA); creates a presumption relating to certain lung disabilities incurred by volunteer firefighters (Item BB); relates to disability due to disease or malfunction of the heart or coronary arteries (Item CC); relates to certified school psychologists and special education services and programs for preschool children with handicapping conditions (Item DD); authorizes certain health care professionals licensed to practice in other jurisdictions to practice in this state in connection with an event sanctioned by New York Road Runners (Item EE); relates to paperwork reduction (Item FF); relates to bonds and notes of the city of Yonkers (Item GG); relates to the sale of bonds and notes of the city of Buffalo (Item HH); relates to assessment and review of assessments in the county of Nassau (Item II); extends provisions of the property/casualty insurance availability act (Item JJ); relates to certain tuition waivers for police officer students of the city university of New York (Item KK); requires regulations to permit tuition waivers for certain firefighters and fire officers for CUNY (Item LL); relates to repair of damaged pesticide containers (Item MM); relates to pesticide registration time frames and fees; relates to pesticide product registration timetables and fees (Item NN); relates to temporary investments by local governments (Item OO); authorizes services for non-residents in adult homes, residences for adults and enriched housing programs Item PP); relates to the sale of bonds and notes of the city of New York, the issuance of bonds or notes with variable rates of interest, interest rate exchange agreements of the city of New York, the refunding of bonds, and the down payment for projects financed by bonds; amends the New York state financial emergency act for the city of New York, in relation to a pledge and agreement of the state; relates to interest rate exchange agreements of the city of New York and refunding bonds of such city (Item QQ); relates to certain payments to the horsemen's organization (Item RR); relates to use of electronic means for the commencement and filing of papers in certain actions and proceedings (Item SS); establishes certain water charges for hospitals and charities in New York city (Item TT); relates to the boarding of out of state inmates at local correctional facilities (Item UU); relates to the adoption of the interstate compact for juveniles by the state of New York (Item VV); grants the chief administrator of the courts the authority to allow referees to determine applications for orders of protection during the hours family court is in session (Item WW); relates to an advisory panel on employee-owned enterprises within the division of small business services; relates to establishing an advisory panel on employee-owned enterprises within the division of small business services (Item XX); establishes the underground facilities safety training account (Item YY); authorizes the hunting of big game in the county of Albany with rifles (Item ZZ); relates to liquidator's permits and temporary retail permits (Item AAA); relates to the New York state thoroughbred breeding and development fund; relates to permitted deductions from wages (Item CCC) establishes the digital currency task force (Item DDD); authorizes the city of New York to sell to abutting property owners real property owned by such city, consisting of tax lots that cannot be independently developed due to the size, shape, configuration and topography of such lots and the zoning regulations applicable thereto (Item EEE); requires certain agencies to submit regulatory agendas for publication in the state register (Item FFF); relates to the taking of sharks (Item GGG); authorizes owners of residential real property in high risk brush fire areas in the borough of Staten Island to cut and remove reeds from their property, in relation to extending the expiration and repeal date thereof for an additional year (Item HHH); creates a temporary state commission to study and investigate how to regulate artificial intelligence, robotics and automation (Item III); relates to the determination of adjusted base proportions in special assessing units which are cities (Item JJJ); extends limitations on the shift between classes of taxable property in the town of Orangetown, county of Rockland (Item KKK); extends limitations on the shift between classes of taxable property in the town of Clarkstown, county of Rockland (Item LLL); allows certain special assessing units other than cities to adjust their current base proportions, adjusted base proportions for assessment rolls, and the base proportion in approved assessing units in Nassau county (Item MMM); increases certain special accidental death benefits (Item NNN); relates to the home based primary care for the elderly demonstration project (Item OOO); relates to the residential parking system in the village of Dobbs Ferry in the county of Westchester (Item PPP); relates to the incorporation of the New York Zoological Society, in relation to extending the expiration date of free one day admission to the zoological park (Item QQQ); increases the average assessed value threshold and to eligibility for J-51 tax abatements (Item RRR); relates to fees and expenses in unemployment insurance proceedings (Item SSS); extends authorization for certain exemptions from filing requirements (Item TTT); extends the tax rate reduction under the New York state real estate transfer tax and the New York city real property transfer tax for conveyances of real property to existing real estate investment funds (Item UUU)(Subpart B); relates to the imposition of sales and compensating use taxes by the county of Albany (Item A); extends the expiration of the provisions authorizing the county of Allegany to impose an additional one and one-half percent sales and compensating use taxes (Item B); extends the authorization of the county of Broome to impose an additional one percent of sales and compensating use taxes (Item C); extends the expiration of provisions authorizing the county of Cattaraugus to impose an additional one percent of sales and compensating use tax (Item D); extends the authorization of the county of Cayuga to impose an additional one percent of sales and compensating use taxes (Item E); authorizes Chautauqua county to impose an additional one percent rate of sales and compensating use taxes (Item F); extends the authorization of the county of Chemung to impose an additional one percent of sales and compensating use taxes (Item G); extends the authority of Chenango county to impose additional taxes (Item H); extends the expiration of the authorization granted to the county of Clinton to impose an additional rate of sales and compensating use tax (Item I); relates to sales and compensating use tax in Columbia county (Item J); extends the authorization for imposition of additional sales tax in the county of Cortland (Item K); extends the authorization of the county of Delaware to impose an additional one percent of sales and compensating use taxes (Item L); relates to sales and compensating use tax in Dutchess county (Item M); relates to the imposition of additional rates of sales and compensating use taxes by Erie county (Item N); extends the authorization granted to the county of Essex to impose an additional one percent of sales and compensating use taxes (Item O); extends the expiration of the authority granted to the county of Franklin to impose an additional one percent of sales and compensating use taxes (Item P); relates to the imposition of additional sales and compensating use tax in Fulton county (Item Q); extends the expiration of the authorization to the county of Genesee to impose an additional one percent of sales and compensating use taxes (Item R); extends the authorization for imposition of additional sales and compensating use taxes in Greene county (Item S); extends the authorization of the county of Hamilton to impose an additional one percent of sales and compensating use taxes (Item T); extends the period during which the county of Herkimer is authorized to impose additional sales and compensating use taxes (Item U); authorizes the county of Jefferson to impose additional sales tax (Item V); authorizes the county of Lewis to impose an additional one percent of sales and compensating use taxes (Item W); authorizes the county of Livingston to impose an additional one percent sales tax (Item X); extends the authorization of the county of Madison to impose an additional rate of sales and compensating use taxes (Item Y); relates to the imposition of sales and compensating use taxes by the county of Monroe (Item Z); relates to the imposition of sales and compensating use taxes in Montgomery county (Item AA); extends the authority of the county of Nassau to impose additional sales and compensating use taxes, and extending local government assistance programs in Nassau county (Item BB); relates to continuing to authorize Niagara county to impose an additional rate of sales and compensating use taxes (Item CC); authorizes Oneida county to impose additional rates of sales and compensating use taxes and providing for allocation and distribution of a portion of net collections from such additional rates (Item DD); extends the authorization of the county of Onondaga to impose an additional rate of sales and compensating use taxes (Item EE); extends the authorization for Ontario county to impose additional rates of sales and compensating use taxes (Item FF); extends the authority of the county of Orange to impose an additional rate of sales and compensating use taxes (Item GG); extends the period during which the county of Orleans is authorized to impose additional rates of sales and compensating use taxes (Item HH); extends authorization for an additional one percent sales and compensating use tax in the county of Oswego (Item II); extends the authorization for imposition of additional sales tax in the county of Otsego (Item JJ); relates to the imposition of sales and compensating use taxes in the county of Putnam (Item KK); extends the authorization of the county of Rensselaer to impose an additional one percent of sales and compensating use taxes (Item LL); authorizes the county of Rockland to impose an additional rate of sales and compensating use taxes (Item MM); extends the authority of St. Lawrence county to impose sales tax (Item NN); relates to the imposition of sales and compensating use tax in Schenectady county (Item OO); extends the authorization for imposition of additional sales tax in the county of Schoharie (Item PP); extends the authorization of the county of Schuyler to impose an additional one percent of sales and compensating use taxes (Item QQ); extends the expiration of the authorization to the county of Seneca to impose an additional one percent sales and compensating use tax (Item RR); extends the authorization of the county of Steuben to impose an additional one percent of sales and compensating use taxes (Item SS); extends the authority of the county of Suffolk to impose an additional one percent of sales and compensating use tax (Item TT); extends authorization to impose certain taxes in the county of Sullivan (Item UU); extends the authorization of the county of Tioga to impose an additional one percent of sales and compensating use taxes (Item VV); extends the authorization of the county of Tompkins to impose an additional one percent of sales and compensating use taxes (Item WW); extends the authority of the county of Ulster to impose an additional 1 percent sales and compensating use tax (Item XX); extends the additional one percent sales tax for Wayne county (Item YY); extends the expiration of the authorization to the county of Wyoming to impose an additional one percent sales and compensating use tax (Item ZZ); extends the authorization of the county of Yates to impose an additional one percent of sales and compensating use taxes (Item AAA); extends the authorization of the city of Oswego to impose an additional tax rate of sales and compensating use taxes (Item BBB); authorizes the city of Yonkers to impose additional sales tax (Item CCC); extends the authorization of the city of New Rochelle to impose an additional sales and compensating use tax (Item DDD); revises the period of authorization for the county of Westchester's additional one percent rate of sales and compensating use tax and the expiration of the Westchester county spending limitation act; relates to the method of disposition of sales and compensating use tax revenue in Westchester county and enacting the Westchester county spending limitation act, in relation to revising the period of authorization for the county of Westchester's additional one percent rate of sales; authorizes the county of Westchester to impose an additional rate of sales and compensating use tax, in relation to extending the authorization for the county of Westchester impose an additional tax rate of sales and compensating use taxes (Item EEE)(Subpart C); extends the authority of the county of Nassau to impose hotel and motel taxes in Nassau county; relates to hotel and motel taxes in Nassau county and a surcharge on tickets to places of entertainment in such county (Item A); increases hotel/motel taxes in Chautauqua county (Item B); extends the expiration of the authority granted to the county of Suffolk to impose hotel and motel taxes (Item C); relates to enabling the county of Albany to impose and collect taxes on occupancy of hotel or motel rooms in Albany county relating to revenues received from the collection of hotel or motel occupancy taxes (Item D) (Subpart D); authorizes the county of Schoharie to impose a county recording tax on obligation secured by a mortgage on real property (Item A); authorizes the county of Hamilton to impose a county recording tax on obligations secured by mortgages on real property (Item B); relates to the mortgage recording tax in the county of Fulton (Item C); extends the expiration of the mortgage recording tax imposed by the city of Yonkers (Item D); authorizes the county of Cortland to impose an additional mortgage recording tax (Item E); authorizes the county of Genesee to impose a county recording tax on obligation secured by a mortgage on real property (Item F); authorizes the county of Yates to impose a county recording tax on obligations secured by a mortgage on real property (Item G); relates to the mortgage recording tax in the county of Steuben (Item H); authorizes the county of Albany to impose a county recording tax on obligations secured by a mortgage on real property (Item I); authorizes the county of Greene to impose an additional mortgage recording tax (Item L); authorizes the county of Warren to impose an additional mortgage recording tax (Item M); authorizes the county of Herkimer to impose a county recording tax on obligation secured by a mortgage on real property (Item N)(Subpart E); imposes an additional real estate transfer tax within the county of Columbia (Subpart F); relates to the imposition of certain taxes in the city of New York, in relation to postponing the expiration of certain tax rates and taxes in the city of New York (Subpart G); relates to exemptions from sales and use taxes, in relation to extending certain provisions thereof; extends certain provisions relating to specially eligible premises and special rebates; extends certain provisions relating to exemptions and deductions from base rent; extends certain provisions relating to eligibility periods and requirements; extends certain provisions relating to eligibility periods and requirements, benefit periods and applications for abatements; extends certain provisions relating to a special reduction in determining the taxable base rent (Item A); extends the expiration of the solar electric generating system and the electric energy storage equipment tax abatement (Item B); authorizes reimbursements for expenditures made by or on behalf of social services districts for medical assistance for needy persons and administration thereof (Item C); repeals certain provisions of the state finance law relating to the motorcycle safety fund (Item D); relates to catastrophic or reinsurance coverage issued to certain small groups, relates to catastrophic or reinsurance coverage issued to certain small groups (Item E)(Subpart H)(Part XXX); relates to the disclosure of certain records by the commissioner of motor vehicles (Part YYY); relates to public financing for state office; establishes the New York state campaign finance fund; establishes the NYS campaign finance fund check-off (Part ZZZ)

Spectrum: Committee Bill

Status: (Passed) 2020-04-03 - SIGNED CHAP.58 [S07508 Detail]

Download: New_York-2019-S07508-Introduced.html

                STATE OF NEW YORK

            S. 7508                                                  A. 9508

                SENATE - ASSEMBLY

                                    January 22, 2020

        IN  SENATE -- A BUDGET BILL, submitted by the Governor pursuant to arti-
          cle seven of the Constitution -- read twice and ordered  printed,  and
          when printed to be committed to the Committee on Finance

        IN  ASSEMBLY  --  A  BUDGET  BILL, submitted by the Governor pursuant to
          article seven of the Constitution -- read once  and  referred  to  the
          Committee on Ways and Means

        AN  ACT to amend the highway law and the transportation law, in relation
          to consolidated local highway assistance payments (Part A);  to  amend
          the  vehicle  and  traffic law in relation to penalties for commercial
          vehicles on parkways and penalties for over-height vehicles (Part  B);
          to  amend  the  vehicle and traffic law, in relation to the display of
          amber and blue lights on safety service patrol vehicles (Part  C);  to
          amend  the  penal  law and the vehicle and traffic law, in relation to
          highway worker safety (Subpart A); to amend the  vehicle  and  traffic
          law and the highway law, in relation to highway clearance (Subpart B);
          and  to  amend  the  vehicle and traffic law, in relation to increased
          fines for injury to pedestrians (Subpart C) (Part  D);  to  amend  the
          vehicle  and  traffic  law,  in  relation  to the maximum dimension of
          certain vehicles proceeding to and from the  New  York  state  thruway
          authority  (Part  E); to amend the public authorities law, in relation
          to agreements for fiber optics (Part F); to amend the public  authori-
          ties  law and the highway law, in relation to consolidation of the New
          York state bridge authority with the New York state thruway authority;
          and to repeal title 2 of article  3  of  the  public  authorities  law
          relating  thereto  (Part  G); to amend the vehicle and traffic law, in
          relation to penalties for unlicensed operation of  ground  transporta-
          tion  to  and  from airports (Part H); to amend the public authorities
          law, in relation to setting the aggregate principal  amount  of  bonds
          the  Metropolitan  transit authority, the Triborough bridge and tunnel
          authority and the New York city transit authority can issue (Part  I);
          to  amend  the  public  authorities  law,  in relation to procurements
          conducted by the New York City transit authority and the  metropolitan
          transportation  authority;  to amend part OO of chapter 54 of the laws
          of 2016, amending the public authorities law relating to  procurements
          by  the New York City transit authority and the metropolitan transpor-
          tation authority, in relation to the  effectiveness  thereof;  and  to

         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        S. 7508                             2                            A. 9508

          repeal certain provisions of the public authorities law relating ther-
          eto  (Part  J);  to  amend chapter 54 of the laws of 2016 amending the
          general municipal law relating to the New York transit  authority  and
          the  metropolitan  transportation  authority, in relation to extending
          authorization for tax increment financing for the metropolitan  trans-
          portation  authority (Part K); to amend the public authorities law, in
          relation to providing the metropolitan transit authority the right  to
          enter  private  property  to  trim  trees  and  vegetation  for safety
          purposes (Part L); to amend the penal law, in  relation  to  including
          the  intentional  use  of  any  toll highway, parkway, road, bridge or
          tunnel or entry  into  or  remaining  in  a  tolled  central  business
          district  without  payment  of the lawful toll or charge as a theft of
          services; and to amend the vehicle and traffic law, in relation to the
          penalty imposed upon the operator of a  vehicle  with  an  altered  or
          obscured license plate while on a toll highway, bridge or tunnel (Part
          M);  to amend the penal law, in relation to assaulting certain employ-
          ees of a transit agency or authority (Part N); to amend the penal law,
          in relation to harassing certain employees  of  a  transit  agency  or
          authority  (Part O); to amend the penal law and the public authorities
          law, in relation to transit crimes and prohibition orders relating  to
          such crimes (Part P); to amend the business corporation law, the coop-
          erative  corporations law, the executive law, the general associations
          law, the general business law, the limited liability company law,  the
          not-for-profit corporation law, the partnership law, the private hous-
          ing  finance law, the arts and cultural affairs law, the real property
          law and the tax law, in relation to streamlining the process by  which
          service  of process is served against a corporate or other entity with
          the secretary of state; and to repeal certain provisions of  the  real
          property  law  relating  thereto  (Part Q); to amend chapter 21 of the
          laws of 2003, amending the executive law relating  to  permitting  the
          secretary of state to provide special handling for all documents filed
          or  issued  by  the  division of corporations and to permit additional
          levels of such expedited service, in relation to extending the  effec-
          tiveness  thereof  (Part  R);  to  amend  the general business law, in
          relation to prohibiting gender discrimination within  the  pricing  of
          consumer  goods  and  services (Part S); to amend the general business
          law, in relation to telemarketing and to provide for caller  identifi-
          cation  transparency, call authentication, and call blocking services;
          and to repeal certain provisions of such law  relating  thereto  (Part
          T);  to amend the state law, in relation to making changes to the arms
          of the state (Part U); to amend the executive law, the  real  property
          law  and  the  general business law, in relation to qualifications for
          appointment and employment (Part V); to amend the real  property  law,
          in  relation  to  home  inspection professional licensing (Part W); to
          amend the business corporation law, the  executive  law,  the  limited
          liability  company  law,  the  not-for-profit corporation law, and the
          partnership law, in  relation  to  filing  of  certificates  with  the
          department  of  state; and repealing provisions of the business corpo-
          ration law, the limited liability company law and the tax law  related
          thereto  (Part  X);  to authorize utility and cable television assess-
          ments that provide funds to the department of health from cable  tele-
          vision  assessment  revenues  and to the department of agriculture and
          markets,  department  of  environmental  conservation,  department  of
          state,  and  the office of parks, recreation and historic preservation
          from utility assessment revenues (Part Y); to amend the public service
          law, in relation to strengthening the oversight and enforcement  mech-

        S. 7508                             3                            A. 9508

          anisms  of the public service commission (Part Z); to amend the public
          service law, the state finance law, the public authorities law and the
          general business law, in  relation  to  prohibiting  internet  service
          providers from preventing access to certain internet content or appli-
          cations  or  requiring users to pay to access certain internet content
          or applications (Part AA); to amend  the  general  municipal  law,  in
          relation  to  authorizing municipal corporations to charge for use and
          occupancy of fiber-optic lines on municipally owned rights of way  and
          establish  a  uniform  process  for  the siting of small cell wireless
          facilities; and to amend the highway law,  in  relation  to  statewide
          master  license agreements (Part BB); to amend chapter 584 of the laws
          of 2011, amending the public authorities law relating  to  the  powers
          and  duties  of the dormitory authority of the state of New York rela-
          tive to the establishment of subsidiaries  for  certain  purposes,  in
          relation  to the effectiveness thereof (Part CC); to amend the infras-
          tructure investment act, in relation to requiring certain contracts to
          comply with service-disabled veteran-owned business enterprises, nego-
          tiating prices in  certain  lump-sum  contracts,  referencing  certain
          sections of law and providing for a date of repeal (Part DD); to amend
          the  New  York state urban development corporation act, in relation to
          extending the authority of the New York state urban development corpo-
          ration to administer the empire state economic development fund  (Part
          EE);  to  amend  chapter 393 of the laws of 1994 amending the New York
          state urban development corporation act, relating to the powers of the
          New York  state  urban  development  corporation  to  make  loans,  in
          relation  to  extending  the general loan powers of the New York state
          urban development corporation (Part FF); to amend the economic  devel-
          opment law, in relation to economic transformation program eligibility
          (Part  GG); to authorize the New York state energy research and devel-
          opment authority to finance a portion of its research, development and
          demonstration, policy and planning, and Fuel NY program,  as  well  as
          climate  change  related  expenses  of the department of environmental
          conservation and the department of agriculture and  markets'  Fuel  NY
          program,  from  an  assessment  on gas and electric corporations (Part
          HH); to amend the labor law, in relation to the definitions of employ-
          er and immediate family member (Part II); to amend the general munici-
          pal law, in relation to discretionary spending and procurement  proce-
          dures  for  school  districts  in  relation to New York state products
          (Part JJ); to amend the public authorities law,  in  relation  to  the
          water  pollution control revolving fund and the drinking water revolv-
          ing fund (Part KK); to amend the banking law and  the  civil  practice
          law and rules, in relation to licensing consumer debt collectors (Part
          LL);  to  amend  the  financial services law, in relation to licensing
          student debt relief consultants; and to  amend  the  banking  law,  in
          relation  to  requiring  fingerprinting for applications for a student
          loan servicer license (Part MM); to amend the financial  services  law
          and  the  insurance  law, in relation to protecting New York consumers
          from unfair and abusive practices (Part NN); to amend the banking law,
          in relation to fighting elder financial fraud (Part OO); to amend  the
          environmental  conservation  law,  in relation to expanded polystyrene
          foam container and polystyrene loose fill  packaging  ban  (Part  PP);
          authorizing  the creation of state debt in the amount of three billion
          dollars, in relation to creating the environmental bond  act  of  2020
          "restore mother nature" for the purposes of environmental improvements
          that  preserve,  enhance, and restore New York's natural resources and
          reduce the impact of climate change by restoring habitats and reducing

        S. 7508                             4                            A. 9508

          flood risk; improving water quality; protecting open space and invest-
          ing in recreational infrastructure; expanding  the  use  of  renewable
          energy to mitigate climate change; and providing for the submission to
          the  people  of a proposition or question therefor to be voted upon at
          the general election to be held in November, 2020 (Part QQ); to  amend
          the  environmental  conservation  law  and  the  state finance law, in
          relation to the implementation of the environmental bond act  of  2020
          "restore  mother nature" (Part RR); to amend the environmental conser-
          vation law, in relation to a product stewardship program; and to amend
          the state finance law, in relation  to  establishing  the  stewardship
          organization  fund  (Part SS); to amend the environmental conservation
          law, in  relation  to  freshwater  wetlands;  and  to  repeal  certain
          provisions  of  such  law relating thereto (Part TT); to authorize the
          county of Nassau, to permanently and temporarily convey certain  ease-
          ments  and  to  temporarily alienate certain parklands (Subpart A); to
          authorize the village of East Rockaway, county of  Nassau,  to  perma-
          nently  and  temporarily  convey  certain easements and to temporarily
          alienate certain parklands (Subpart B); and to authorize  the  village
          of  Rockville Centre, county of Nassau, to permanently and temporarily
          convey certain easements and to temporarily alienate certain parklands
          (Subpart C) (Part UU); to amend the environmental conservation law, in
          relation to financial security for the plugging and  site  reclamation
          of  regulated wells (Part VV); to amend the environmental conservation
          law, in relation to banning fracking (Part WW); to amend  the  vehicle
          and  traffic  law,  in relation to bicycles with electric assist (Part
          XX); to amend chapter 62 of the laws of 2003, amending the vehicle and
          traffic law and other laws relating to increasing certain motor  vehi-
          cle transaction fees, in relation to the effectiveness thereof; and to
          amend  chapter  84 of the laws of 2002, amending the state finance law
          relating to the costs of the department of motor vehicles, in relation
          to the effectiveness thereof (Part YY); to amend chapter  751  of  the
          laws  of  2005, amending the insurance law and the vehicle and traffic
          law relating to establishing the accident prevention  course  internet
          technology  pilot  program, in relation to extending the effectiveness
          thereof (Part ZZ); to amend the vehicle and traffic law,  in  relation
          to the regulation of the use of electric scooters (Part AAA); to amend
          the  public  authorities  law, in relation to the centers for advanced
          technology program; and to repeal section 410 of the economic develop-
          ment law relating to the centers for excellence program (Part BBB); to
          amend the insurance law, the public authorities law and the  tax  law,
          in  relation  to  authorizing  the power authority of the state of New
          York to form a pure captive insurance company (Part CCC); to amend the
          Hudson river park act, in relation to Pier 76 (Part DDD); to amend the
          New York Buy American Act, in relation to the report  to  be  provided
          and to making such provisions permanent (Part EEE); to amend the labor
          law,  in  relation  to prevailing wage requirements (Part FFF); and to
          amend the labor law, in relation to classification of digital  market-
          place workers; and to establish the New York digital marketplace work-
          er classification task force (Part GGG)

          The  People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:

     1    Section 1. This act enacts into law major  components  of  legislation
     2  which are necessary to implement the state fiscal plan for the 2020-2021

        S. 7508                             5                            A. 9508

     1  state  fiscal  year.  Each  component  is wholly contained within a Part
     2  identified as Parts A through GGG. The effective date for  each  partic-
     3  ular  provision  contained  within  such  Part  is set forth in the last
     4  section  of  such  Part. Any provision in any section contained within a
     5  Part, including the effective date of the Part, which makes a  reference
     6  to a section "of this act", when used in connection with that particular
     7  component,  shall  be  deemed  to  mean  and  refer to the corresponding
     8  section of the Part in which it is found. Section three of this act sets
     9  forth the general effective date of this act.

    10                                   PART A

    11    Section 1. Paragraph (e) of subdivision 4 of section 10-c of the high-
    12  way law, as amended by section 2 of subpart B of part C of chapter 97 of
    13  the laws of 2011, is amended to read as follows:
    14    (e) Funds allocated for local street or highway  projects  under  this
    15  subdivision shall be used to undertake work on a project either with the
    16  municipality's own forces or by contract, provided however, that whenev-
    17  er  the  estimate for the construction contract work exceeds one hundred
    18  thousand dollars but does not exceed [two] seven hundred fifty  thousand
    19  dollars  such  work must be performed either with the municipality's own
    20  forces or by contract let by competitive  bid  in  accordance  with  the
    21  provisions of section one hundred three of the general municipal law and
    22  provided   further,   however,   that  whenever  the  estimate  for  the
    23  construction contract work exceeds [two] seven  hundred  fifty  thousand
    24  dollars  such  work must be performed by contract let by competitive bid
    25  in accordance with the provisions of section one hundred  three  of  the
    26  general municipal law.
    27    §  2.  Subdivision  6  of  section  234  of the transportation law, as
    28  amended by chapter 369 of the laws  of  1979,  is  amended  to  read  as
    29  follows:
    30    6.  for local street or highway projects, to undertake the work of the
    31  project either with its own forces or by contract, however, whenever the
    32  estimate for the construction contract work exceeds seven hundred  fifty
    33  thousand  dollars  such  work  must  be performed by contract let by the
    34  competitive bid process.
    35    § 3. This act shall take effect immediately.

    36                                   PART B

    37    Section 1. Subdivisions (g) and (h) of section 1800 of the vehicle and
    38  traffic law, as added by chapter 221 of the laws of 2008, are amended to
    39  read as follows:
    40    (g) Notwithstanding the provisions of subdivisions (b) and (c) of this
    41  section, a person convicted of a traffic infraction for a  violation  of
    42  any  ordinance, order, rule, regulation or local law adopted pursuant to
    43  one or more of the following provisions of this chapter: paragraphs  two
    44  and  nine  of  subdivision  (a)  of  section sixteen hundred twenty-one;
    45  subdivision three of section sixteen hundred thirty; or subdivision five
    46  of section seventy-one of the transportation law, prohibiting the opera-
    47  tion on a highway or parkway of a motor vehicle registered as a  commer-
    48  cial  vehicle  and  having  a  gross  vehicle weight rating of less than
    49  [twenty-six] ten thousand pounds shall, for a first conviction  thereof,
    50  be  punished  by a fine of not more than two hundred fifty dollars or by
    51  imprisonment of not more than fifteen days or  by  both  such  fine  and
    52  imprisonment; for a conviction of a second violation, both of which were

        S. 7508                             6                            A. 9508

     1  committed  within  a  period  of  eighteen  months, such person shall be
     2  punished by a fine of not more than five hundred dollars or by imprison-
     3  ment for not more than forty-five days or by both such fine  and  impri-
     4  sonment;  upon  a  conviction of a third or subsequent violation, all of
     5  which were committed within a period of  eighteen  months,  such  person
     6  shall be punished by a fine of not more than seven hundred fifty dollars
     7  or by imprisonment of not more than ninety days or by both such fine and
     8  imprisonment.  Provided,  however,  the  provisions  of this subdivision
     9  shall not apply to a commercial motor vehicle as such term is defined in
    10  paragraph (a) of subdivision four of section five hundred one-a of  this
    11  chapter.
    12    (h) Notwithstanding the provisions of subdivisions (b) and (c) of this
    13  section,  a  person convicted of a traffic infraction for a violation of
    14  any ordinance, order, rule, regulation or local law adopted pursuant  to
    15  one or more of the following provisions of this chapter:  paragraphs two
    16  and  nine  of  subdivision  (a)  of  section sixteen hundred twenty-one;
    17  subdivision three of section sixteen hundred thirty; or subdivision five
    18  of section seventy-one of the transportation law, prohibiting the opera-
    19  tion on a highway or parkway of a motor vehicle registered as a  commer-
    20  cial  vehicle  and  having a gross vehicle weight rating of at least ten
    21  thousand pounds but no more than twenty-six thousand pounds shall, for a
    22  first conviction thereof, be punished by a fine of  not  more  than  one
    23  thousand  dollars or by imprisonment of not more than fifteen days or by
    24  both such fine and imprisonment; for a conviction of a second violation,
    25  both of which were committed within a period of  eighteen  months,  such
    26  person  shall  be  punished  by  a fine of not more than fifteen hundred
    27  dollars or by imprisonment for not more than forty-five days or by  both
    28  such  fine  and imprisonment; upon a conviction of a third or subsequent
    29  violation, all of which were  committed  within  a  period  of  eighteen
    30  months,  such  person  shall  be punished by a fine of not more than two
    31  thousand five hundred dollars or by imprisonment of not more than ninety
    32  days or by both such  fine  and  imprisonment;  provided,  however,  the
    33  provisions  of  this  subdivision  shall not apply to a commercial motor
    34  vehicle as such term is defined in paragraph (a) of subdivision four  of
    35  section five hundred one-a of this chapter.
    36    (i) Notwithstanding the provisions of subdivisions (b) and (c) of this
    37  section,  a  person convicted of a traffic infraction for a violation of
    38  any ordinance, order, rule, regulation or local law adopted pursuant  to
    39  one  or more of the following provisions of this chapter: paragraphs two
    40  and nine of subdivision  (a)  of  section  sixteen  hundred  twenty-one;
    41  subdivision three of section sixteen hundred thirty; or subdivision five
    42  of section seventy-one of the transportation law, prohibiting the opera-
    43  tion on a highway or parkway of a commercial motor vehicle as defined in
    44  paragraph  (a) of subdivision four of section five hundred one-a of this
    45  chapter, for a first conviction thereof, be punished by a  fine  of  not
    46  more than [three hundred fifty] five thousand dollars or by imprisonment
    47  of not more than fifteen days or by both such fine and imprisonment; for
    48  a  conviction of a second violation, both of which were committed within
    49  a period of eighteen months, such person shall be punished by a fine  of
    50  not more than seven thousand five hundred dollars or by imprisonment for
    51  not  more  than  forty-five  days or by both such fine and imprisonment;
    52  upon a conviction of a third or subsequent violation, all of which  were
    53  committed  within  a  period  of  eighteen  months, such person shall be
    54  punished by a fine of not more than [one] ten  thousand  dollars  or  by
    55  imprisonment  of  not  more  than  ninety  days or by both such fine and
    56  imprisonment. In addition to the penalties provided for in this subdivi-

        S. 7508                             7                            A. 9508

     1  sion, the registration of the vehicle may be suspended for a period  not
     2  to  exceed one year whether at the time of the violation the vehicle was
     3  in charge of the owner or his agent.  The  provisions  of  section  five
     4  hundred  ten  of  this  chapter shall apply to such suspension except as
     5  otherwise provided herein.
     6    § 2. Subdivision 18 of section 385 of the vehicle and traffic law,  as
     7  amended by chapter 549 of the laws of 1985, is amended, and a new subdi-
     8  vision 18-a is added, to read as follows:
     9    18.  Except  as provided in subdivision eighteen-a or nineteen of this
    10  section, the violation of the provisions of  this  section  including  a
    11  violation  related  to  the operation, within a city not wholly included
    12  within one county, of a vehicle which exceeds the  limitations  provided
    13  for  in  the rules and regulations of the city department of transporta-
    14  tion of such city, shall be punishable by a fine of not  less  than  two
    15  hundred  nor  more than five hundred dollars, or by imprisonment for not
    16  more than thirty days, or by both such fine and  imprisonment,  for  the
    17  first offense; by a fine of not less than five hundred nor more than one
    18  thousand dollars, or by imprisonment for not more than sixty days, or by
    19  both  such  fine and imprisonment, for the second or subsequent offense;
    20  provided that a sentence or execution thereof for  any  violation  under
    21  this  subdivision  may  not  be  suspended.  For  any  violation  of the
    22  provisions of this section, including a violation related to the  opera-
    23  tion,  within a city not wholly included within one county, of a vehicle
    24  which exceeds the limitations provided for in the rules and  regulations
    25  of  the city department of transportation of such city, the registration
    26  of the vehicle may be suspended for a period  not  to  exceed  one  year
    27  whether  at  the  time of the violation the vehicle was in charge of the
    28  owner or his agent. The provisions of section five hundred ten  of  this
    29  chapter  shall  apply  to  such  suspension except as otherwise provided
    30  herein.
    31    18-a. A violation of the provisions of subdivision two or fourteen  of
    32  this  section, where the violation relates to the height of the vehicle,
    33  including a violation related to the operation, within a city not wholly
    34  included within one county, of a vehicle which exceeds  the  limitations
    35  provided  for  in  the  rules  and regulations of the city department of
    36  transportation of such city, shall be punishable by a fine of  not  more
    37  than  five thousand dollars, or by imprisonment for not more than thirty
    38  days, or by both such fine and imprisonment, for the first offense; by a
    39  fine of not more than seven thousand five hundred dollars, or by  impri-
    40  sonment for not more than sixty days, or by both such fine and imprison-
    41  ment,  for the second or subsequent offense; provided that a sentence or
    42  execution thereof for any violation under this subdivision  may  not  be
    43  suspended.  For any violation of the provisions of this section, includ-
    44  ing  a  violation  related  to  the  operation, within a city not wholly
    45  included within one county, of a vehicle which exceeds  the  limitations
    46  provided  for  in  the  rules  and regulations of the city department of
    47  transportation of such city, the registration  of  the  vehicle  may  be
    48  suspended for a period not to exceed one year whether at the time of the
    49  violation  the  vehicle  was  in  charge  of the owner or his agent. The
    50  provisions of section five hundred ten of this chapter  shall  apply  to
    51  such suspension except as otherwise provided herein.
    52    § 3. This act shall take effect immediately.

    53                                   PART C

        S. 7508                             8                            A. 9508

     1    Section  1.  The  vehicle  and  traffic law is amended by adding a new
     2  section 141-c to read as follows:
     3    §  141-c.  Safety  service patrol vehicle. A vehicle designated by the
     4  commissioner of transportation to provide  highway  incident  management
     5  and  motorist  assistance  by,  among other things, clearing highways of
     6  disabled and damaged  vehicles;  permanently  or  temporarily  repairing
     7  disabled or damaged vehicles; clearing small debris resulting from minor
     8  accidents  or  vehicle  repair;  and assisting emergency responders with
     9  traffic control at highway incidents.
    10    § 2. Subparagraphs a and c of paragraph 4 of subdivision 41 of section
    11  375 of the vehicle and traffic law, as amended by  chapter  465  of  the
    12  laws of 2010, are amended to read as follows:
    13    a.  One  blue  light  may  be  affixed to any motor vehicle owned by a
    14  volunteer member of a fire department or on a motor vehicle owned  by  a
    15  member  of  such  person's family residing in the same household or by a
    16  business enterprise in which such person has a proprietary  interest  or
    17  by  which he or she is employed, provided such volunteer firefighter has
    18  been authorized in writing to so affix a blue light by the chief of  the
    19  fire department or company of which he or she is a member, which author-
    20  ization  shall  be  subject  to  revocation at any time by the chief who
    21  issued the same or his or her successor in office. Such blue  light  may
    22  be displayed exclusively by such volunteer firefighter on such a vehicle
    23  only  when  engaged in an emergency operation. The use of blue lights on
    24  vehicles shall be restricted for use only  by  a  volunteer  firefighter
    25  except  as  otherwise provided for in [subparagraph] subparagraphs b and
    26  b-1 of this paragraph.
    27    c. The commissioner is authorized to promulgate rules and  regulations
    28  relating  to  the  use, placement, power and display of blue lights on a
    29  police vehicle [and], fire vehicle and safety patrol vehicle.
    30    § 3. Paragraph 4 of subdivision 41 of section 375 of the  vehicle  and
    31  traffic  law  is  amended  by  adding  a new subparagraph b-1 to read as
    32  follows:
    33    b-1. In addition to the amber light authorized to be displayed  pursu-
    34  ant  to  paragraph three of this subdivision, one or more blue lights or
    35  combination blue and amber lights may be affixed  to  a  safety  service
    36  patrol  vehicle  provided  that  such  blue  light  or  lights  shall be
    37  displayed for rear projection only. Such blue light  or  lights  may  be
    38  displayed  on  a safety service patrol vehicle when such vehicle is also
    39  displaying amber light or lights pursuant to  paragraph  three  of  this
    40  subdivision.  Nothing  contained in this subparagraph shall be deemed to
    41  authorize the use of blue lights on a  safety  service  patrol  vehicles
    42  unless  such  safety  service  patrol  vehicles also display one or more
    43  amber lights as otherwise authorized in this subdivision.
    44    § 4. Subdivision (b) of section 1144-a of the vehicle and traffic law,
    45  as amended by chapter 458 of the laws of 2011, is amended to to read  as
    46  follows:
    47    (b) Every operator of a motor vehicle shall exercise due care to avoid
    48  colliding  with a hazard vehicle which is parked, stopped or standing on
    49  the shoulder or on any portion of such highway and such  hazard  vehicle
    50  is  displaying  one  or  more amber lights pursuant to the provisions of
    51  paragraph three of subdivision forty-one of section three hundred seven-
    52  ty-five of this chapter or, if such hazard vehicle is a  safety  service
    53  patrol  vehicle,  such vehicle is displaying one or more amber lights or
    54  one or more blue or combination blue and amber lights  pursuant  to  the
    55  provisions  of paragraph three or subparagraph b-1 of paragraph four, as
    56  applicable, of subdivision forty-one of section three  hundred  seventy-

        S. 7508                             9                            A. 9508

     1  five  of  this  chapter.  For operators of motor vehicles on parkways or
     2  controlled access highways, such due care  shall  include,  but  not  be
     3  limited to, moving from a lane which contains or is immediately adjacent
     4  to  the  shoulder  where  (i) such hazard vehicle displaying one or more
     5  amber lights pursuant to the provisions of paragraph three  of  subdivi-
     6  sion  forty-one of section three hundred seventy-five of this chapter or
     7  (ii) such safety service patrol vehicle displaying  one  or  more  amber
     8  lights  or  one or more blue or combination and amber lights pursuant to
     9  the provisions of paragraph three or subparagraph b-1 of paragraph four,
    10  as applicable, of subdivision forty-one of section three hundred  seven-
    11  ty-five of this chapter, is parked, stopped or standing to another lane,
    12  provided  that such movement otherwise complies with the requirements of
    13  this chapter including, but not limited to, the provisions  of  sections
    14  eleven hundred ten and eleven hundred twenty-eight of this title.
    15    § 5. This act shall take effect on the one hundred eightieth day after
    16  it shall have become a law.

    17                                   PART D

    18    Section  1.  This  act enacts into law components of legislation which
    19  are necessary to implement legislation relating  to  enacting  the  slow
    20  down  and look out for highway workers and pedestrians act of 2020. Each
    21  component is wholly contained within a Subpart identified as Subparts  A
    22  through  C.  The  effective date for each particular provision contained
    23  within such Subpart is set forth in the last section  of  such  Subpart.
    24  Any  provision  in any section contained within a Subpart, including the
    25  effective date of the Subpart, which makes a reference to a section  "of
    26  this act", when used in connection with that particular component, shall
    27  be  deemed to mean and refer to the corresponding section of the Subpart
    28  in which it is found. Section three of this act sets forth  the  general
    29  effective date of this act.

    30                                  SUBPART A

    31    Section  1.  Subdivisions 3 and 11 of section 120.05 of the penal law,
    32  subdivision 3 as amended by chapter 267 of the laws of 2016, and  subdi-
    33  vision  11  as separately amended by chapters 268 and 281 of the laws of
    34  2016, are amended to read as follows:
    35    3. With intent to prevent a peace officer, a police officer,  prosecu-
    36  tor as defined in subdivision thirty-one of section 1.20 of the criminal
    37  procedure law, registered nurse, licensed practical nurse, public health
    38  sanitarian,  New York city public health sanitarian, sanitation enforce-
    39  ment agent, New York city sanitation worker, a firefighter, including  a
    40  firefighter acting as a paramedic or emergency medical technician admin-
    41  istering  first  aid  in the course of performance of duty as such fire-
    42  fighter, an emergency medical service  paramedic  or  emergency  medical
    43  service  technician, or medical or related personnel in a hospital emer-
    44  gency department, a city marshal,  a  school  crossing  guard  appointed
    45  pursuant  to section two hundred eight-a of the general municipal law, a
    46  traffic enforcement officer, traffic enforcement agent, a highway worker
    47  as defined in section one hundred eighteen-a of the vehicle and  traffic
    48  law, a motor vehicle inspector and motor carrier investigator as defined
    49  in  section  one  hundred  eighteen-b of the vehicle and traffic law, or
    50  employee of any entity governed by the public service law in the  course
    51  of  performing  an  essential service, from performing a lawful duty, by
    52  means including releasing or failing to control an animal under  circum-

        S. 7508                            10                            A. 9508

     1  stances  evincing the actor's intent that the animal obstruct the lawful
     2  activity of such peace officer, police officer, prosecutor as defined in
     3  subdivision thirty-one of section 1.20 of the  criminal  procedure  law,
     4  registered  nurse,  licensed  practical nurse, public health sanitarian,
     5  New York city public health sanitarian,  sanitation  enforcement  agent,
     6  New  York  city  sanitation  worker, firefighter, paramedic, technician,
     7  city marshal, school crossing guard appointed pursuant  to  section  two
     8  hundred  eight-a of the general municipal law, traffic enforcement offi-
     9  cer, traffic enforcement agent, highway worker as defined by section one
    10  hundred eighteen-a of the vehicle and traffic law, motor vehicle inspec-
    11  tor and motor carrier investigator as defined  in  section  one  hundred
    12  eighteen-b  of  the  vehicle  and  traffic law, or employee of an entity
    13  governed by the public service law, he or she causes physical injury  to
    14  such peace officer, police officer, prosecutor as defined in subdivision
    15  thirty-one  of  section  1.20  of the criminal procedure law, registered
    16  nurse, licensed practical nurse, public health sanitarian, New York city
    17  public health sanitarian, sanitation enforcement agent,  New  York  city
    18  sanitation  worker,  firefighter,  paramedic,  technician  or medical or
    19  related personnel in a  hospital  emergency  department,  city  marshal,
    20  school  crossing guard, traffic enforcement officer, traffic enforcement
    21  agent, highway worker as defined by section eighteen-a  of  the  vehicle
    22  and  traffic law, motor vehicle inspector and motor carrier investigator
    23  as defined in section one hundred eighteen-b of the vehicle and  traffic
    24  law, or employee of an entity governed by the public service law; or
    25    11.  With  intent to cause physical injury to a train operator, ticket
    26  inspector, conductor, signalperson, bus operator, station agent, station
    27  cleaner or terminal cleaner employed by any transit agency, authority or
    28  company, public or private, whose operation is authorized  by  New  York
    29  state  or  any  of  its political subdivisions, a city marshal, a school
    30  crossing guard appointed pursuant to section two hundred eight-a of  the
    31  general  municipal  law, a traffic enforcement officer, traffic enforce-
    32  ment agent, a highway worker as defined in  section  one  hundred  eigh-
    33  teen-a  of  the  vehicle  and traffic law, a motor vehicle inspector and
    34  motor carrier investigator as defined in section one hundred  eighteen-b
    35  of  the  vehicle  and  traffic law, prosecutor as defined in subdivision
    36  thirty-one of section 1.20 of the  criminal  procedure  law,  sanitation
    37  enforcement  agent, New York city sanitation worker, public health sani-
    38  tarian, New  York  city  public  health  sanitarian,  registered  nurse,
    39  licensed  practical nurse, emergency medical service paramedic, or emer-
    40  gency medical service technician, he or she causes  physical  injury  to
    41  such  train  operator,  ticket  inspector,  conductor, signalperson, bus
    42  operator, station agent,  station  cleaner  or  terminal  cleaner,  city
    43  marshal, school crossing guard appointed pursuant to section two hundred
    44  eight-a of the general municipal law, traffic enforcement officer, traf-
    45  fic  enforcement agent, highway worker as defined in section one hundred
    46  eighteen-a of the vehicle and traffic law, motor vehicle  inspector  and
    47  motor  carrier investigator as defined in section one hundred eighteen-b
    48  of the vehicle and traffic law, prosecutor  as  defined  in  subdivision
    49  thirty-one  of  section  1.20  of the criminal procedure law, registered
    50  nurse, licensed practical nurse, public health sanitarian, New York city
    51  public health sanitarian, sanitation enforcement agent,  New  York  city
    52  sanitation  worker,  emergency  medical  service paramedic, or emergency
    53  medical  service  technician,  while  such  employee  is  performing  an
    54  assigned  duty  on,  or directly related to, the operation of a train or
    55  bus, including the cleaning of a train or bus station  or  terminal,  or
    56  such  city  marshal, school crossing guard, traffic enforcement officer,

        S. 7508                            11                            A. 9508

     1  traffic enforcement agent, highway worker  as  defined  by  section  one
     2  hundred eighteen-a of the vehicle and traffic law, motor vehicle inspec-
     3  tor  and  motor  carrier  investigator as defined in section one hundred
     4  eighteen-b  of  the  vehicle  and  traffic law, prosecutor as defined in
     5  subdivision thirty-one of section 1.20 of the  criminal  procedure  law,
     6  registered  nurse,  licensed  practical nurse, public health sanitarian,
     7  New York city public health sanitarian,  sanitation  enforcement  agent,
     8  New York city sanitation worker, emergency medical service paramedic, or
     9  emergency medical service technician is performing an assigned duty; or
    10    §  2.  The penal law is amended by adding a new section 120.19 to read
    11  as follows:
    12  § 120.19 Menacing a highway worker.
    13    A person is guilty of menacing a highway worker when he or she  inten-
    14  tionally places or attempts to place a highway worker in reasonable fear
    15  of  death,  imminent  serious  physical  injury  or physical injury. For
    16  purposes of this section, a highway worker shall have the  same  meaning
    17  as  defined by section one hundred eighteen-a of the vehicle and traffic
    18  law.
    19    Menacing a highway worker is a class E felony.
    20    § 3. The vehicle and traffic law is amended by adding two new sections
    21  118-a and 118-b to read as follows:
    22    § 118-a. Highway worker. Any person employed by or on  behalf  of  the
    23  state,  a  county,  city,  town  or village, a public authority, a local
    24  authority, or a public utility company, or the agent  or  contractor  of
    25  any  such  entity,  who  has been assigned to perform work on a highway,
    26  including maintenance, repair,  flagging,  utility  work,  construction,
    27  reconstruction  or  operation of equipment on public highway infrastruc-
    28  ture and associated rights-of-way in highway work areas, and shall  also
    29  include  any  flagperson  as defined in section one hundred fifteen-b of
    30  this article.
    31    § 118-b. Motor vehicle inspector and motor carrier  investigator.  Any
    32  person  employed  by the New York state department of transportation who
    33  has been assigned to perform inspections of any motor vehicles or inves-
    34  tigation of any carriers regulated by the commissioner of the department
    35  of transportation.
    36    § 4. Paragraph b of subdivision 2 of section 510 of  the  vehicle  and
    37  traffic  law  is amended by adding a new subparagraph (xviii) to read as
    38  follows:
    39    (xviii) for a period of six months where the holder  is  convicted  of
    40  the  crime  of assault in the first, second, or third degree, menacing a
    41  highway worker, or menacing in the first, second, or  third  degree,  as
    42  defined  by  article  one  hundred  twenty  of the penal law, where such
    43  offense was committed against a highway worker.
    44    § 5. The vehicle and traffic law is amended by adding  a  new  section
    45  1221-a to read as follows:
    46    §  1221-a. Intrusion into an active work zone. 1. No driver of a vehi-
    47  cle shall enter or intrude into an active work zone except  upon  direc-
    48  tion  from  a  flagperson,  police  officer, or other visibly designated
    49  person in charge of traffic control or upon  direction  from  a  traffic
    50  control  device  regulating entry therein. For purposes of this section,
    51  the term "active work zone" shall mean the physical area of  a  highway,
    52  street,  or  private road on which construction, maintenance, or utility
    53  work is being conducted, which is marked by signs,  channeling  devices,
    54  barriers,  pavement  markings,  or  work vehicles, and where workers are
    55  physically present.

        S. 7508                            12                            A. 9508

     1    2. A violation of subdivision one of this section shall  constitute  a
     2  class  B  misdemeanor  punishable by a fine of not less than two hundred
     3  fifty dollars, nor more than five hundred dollars  or  by  a  period  of
     4  imprisonment not to exceed three months, or by both such fine and impri-
     5  sonment.
     6    §  6.  The  vehicle and traffic law is amended by adding a new section
     7  1221-b to read as follows:
     8    § 1221-b. Work zone safety and outreach. The governor's traffic safety
     9  committee, upon consultation with the  commissioner  of  transportation,
    10  the  superintendent  of  state police, the commissioner, the chairman of
    11  the New York state thruway authority, local  law  enforcement  agencies,
    12  and  representatives  for  contractors  and  laborers,  shall design and
    13  implement a public education and outreach program to  increase  motorist
    14  awareness  of  the importance of highway work zone safety, to reduce the
    15  number of work zone incidents, including speeding,  unauthorized  intru-
    16  sions  into work zones, and any conduct resulting in threats or injuries
    17  to highway workers, and to increase and promote work zone safety.
    18    § 7. This act shall take effect on the one hundred eightieth day after
    19  it shall have become a law.

    20                                  SUBPART B

    21    Section 1. Subdivision 1 of section 600 of the vehicle and traffic law
    22  is amended by adding a new paragraph c to read as follows:
    23    c. Any person operating a motor vehicle involved in  an  accident  not
    24  involving  personal injury or death who moves such vehicle to a location
    25  off the roadway but as near as possible to the place  where  the  damage
    26  occurred,  so  as not to obstruct the regular flow of traffic, shall not
    27  be construed to be in violation of  this  subdivision  because  of  such
    28  movement.
    29    §  2.  Subdivision  2  of section 15 of the highway law, as amended by
    30  chapter 1110 of the laws of 1971, is amended to read as follows:
    31    2. The commissioner [of transportation],  a  police  officer,  or  any
    32  person  acting at the discretion of the commissioner or a police officer
    33  shall have the power to cause the immediate removal, from the  right  of
    34  way  of  any  state  highway,  of  any  vehicle,  cargo, or debris which
    35  obstructs or interferes with the use of such a highway for public  trav-
    36  el;  or  which  obstructs  or  interferes  with the construction, recon-
    37  struction or maintenance of such a highway; or which obstructs or inter-
    38  feres with the clearing or removal of snow or ice from such  a  highway;
    39  or which obstructs or interferes with any operation of the department of
    40  transportation  during  a public emergency.   The commissioner, a police
    41  officer, or any person acting at the discretion of the commissioner or a
    42  police officer, shall not be liable for  any  damage  to  such  vehicle,
    43  cargo,  or  debris, unless such removal was carried out in a reckless or
    44  grossly negligent manner. For the purposes of this subdivision, the term
    45  "police officer" shall have the same meaning as defined  by  subdivision
    46  thirty-four of section 1.20 of the criminal procedure law.
    47    § 3. This act shall take effect immediately.

    48                                  SUBPART C

    49    Section 1. Paragraph 1 of subdivision (b) of section 1146 of the vehi-
    50  cle  and  traffic law, as amended by chapter 333 of the laws of 2010, is
    51  amended to read as follows:

        S. 7508                            13                            A. 9508

     1    1. A driver of a motor vehicle who causes physical injury  as  defined
     2  in article ten of the penal law to a pedestrian or bicyclist while fail-
     3  ing  to  exercise  due  care  in  violation  of  subdivision (a) of this
     4  section, shall be guilty of a traffic infraction punishable by a fine of
     5  not more than [five hundred] one thousand dollars or by imprisonment for
     6  not more than fifteen days or by both such fine and imprisonment.
     7    § 2. Paragraph 1 of subdivision (c) of section 1146 of the vehicle and
     8  traffic  law,  as amended by chapter 333 of the laws of 2010, is amended
     9  to read as follows:
    10    1. A driver of a motor vehicle who causes serious physical  injury  as
    11  defined  in  article  ten  of the penal law to a pedestrian or bicyclist
    12  while failing to exercise due care in violation of  subdivision  (a)  of
    13  this  section,  shall  be guilty of a traffic infraction punishable by a
    14  fine of not more than [seven hundred fifty] one  thousand  five  hundred
    15  dollars or by imprisonment for not more than fifteen days or by required
    16  participation  in a motor vehicle accident prevention course pursuant to
    17  paragraph (e-1) of subdivision two of section 65.10 of the penal law  or
    18  by  any combination of such fine, imprisonment or course, and by suspen-
    19  sion of a license or registration pursuant to subparagraph (xiv) or (xv)
    20  of paragraph b of subdivision two of section five hundred  ten  of  this
    21  chapter.
    22    § 3. This act shall take effect on the one hundred eightieth day after
    23  it shall have become a law.
    24    § 2. Severability clause. If any clause, sentence, paragraph, subdivi-
    25  sion,  section, subpart or part of this act shall be adjudged by a court
    26  of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, such judgment shall not affect,
    27  impair, or invalidate the remainder thereof, but shall  be  confined  in
    28  its  operation to the clause, sentence, paragraph, subdivision, section,
    29  subpart or part thereof directly involved in the  controversy  in  which
    30  such  judgment shall have been rendered. It is hereby declared to be the
    31  intent of the legislature that this act would have been enacted even  if
    32  such invalid provisions had not been included herein.
    33    §  3.  This act shall take effect immediately, provided, however, that
    34  the applicable effective date of Subparts A through C of this act  shall
    35  be as specifically set forth in the last section of such Subparts.

    36                                   PART E

    37    Section  1.  Subdivision  16 of section 385 of the vehicle and traffic
    38  law is amended to add fourteen new paragraphs (v), (w), (x),  (y),  (z),
    39  (aa),  (bb),  (cc),  (dd),  (ee),  (ff),  (gg), (hh) and (ii) to read as
    40  follows:
    41    (v) Within a distance of approximately one  mile  from  the  New  York
    42  state  thruway  interchange  24  traveling  along interstate route 90 to
    43  interchange 2 Washington avenue,  and  to  Washington  avenue  traveling
    44  westbound to Fuller road in a northerly direction to interstate route 90
    45  traveling  to  interchange  24  of the New York state thruway, where the
    46  commissioner of transportation determines that the vehicle  or  combina-
    47  tion  of  vehicles  could  operate safely along the designated route and
    48  that no applicable federal law, regulation or other requirement  prohib-
    49  its  the  operation  of  such vehicle or combination of vehicles on such
    50  route.
    51    (w) Within a distance of approximately .25 miles  from  the  New  York
    52  state  thruway interchange 25A, traveling in a westbound direction along
    53  interstate route 88 to exit 25 to route 7, and to a left on Becker  road
    54  traveling  in a southbound direction on Becker road for approximately .2

        S. 7508                            14                            A. 9508

     1  miles to the New York state thruway interchange 25A  tandem  lot  access
     2  road, where the commissioner of transportation determines that the vehi-
     3  cle or combination of vehicles could operate safely along the designated
     4  route  and  that no applicable federal law, regulation or other require-
     5  ment prohibits the operation of such vehicle or combination of  vehicles
     6  on such route.
     7    (x)  Within  a  distance  of approximately 2.2 miles from the New York
     8  state thruway interchange 34A traveling in a southbound direction  along
     9  interstate route 481 to interstate 481 exit 5E Kirkville road east along
    10  state  route  53  Kirkville road in an eastbound direction to interstate
    11  route 481 traveling northbound to exit 6 to interchange 34A of  the  New
    12  York  state thruway, where the commissioner of transportation determines
    13  that the vehicle or combination of vehicles could operate  safely  along
    14  the  designated  route and that no applicable federal law, regulation or
    15  other requirement prohibits the operation of such vehicle or combination
    16  of vehicles on such route.
    17    (y) Within a distance of approximately .8  miles  from  the  New  York
    18  state  thruway  interchange  35, traveling approximately 200 feet around
    19  Carrier circle to traveling northbound on Thompson road for approximate-
    20  ly 1000 feet, or traveling southbound on Thompson road approximately 100
    21  feet, to traveling westbound on Tarbell road for approximately .5  miles
    22  to  reenter  at  the  Dewitt  service area of the New York state thruway
    23  where the commissioner of transportation determines that the vehicle  or
    24  combination  of vehicles could operate safely along the designated route
    25  and that no applicable federal  law,  regulation  or  other  requirement
    26  prohibits  the  operation  of such vehicle or combination of vehicles on
    27  such route.
    28    (z) Within a distance of approximately one  mile  from  the  New  York
    29  state  thruway  interchange  36  traveling  in a southbound direction on
    30  interstate 81 to interstate 81 exit 25 7th North street,  and  traveling
    31  eastbound on 7th North street to interstate 81 traveling in a northbound
    32  direction  to  interchange  36  of the New York state thruway, where the
    33  commissioner of transportation determines that the vehicle  or  combina-
    34  tion  of  vehicles  could  operate safely along the designated route and
    35  that no applicable federal law, regulation or other requirement  prohib-
    36  its  the  operation  of  such vehicle or combination of vehicles on such
    37  route.
    38    (aa) Within a distance of approximately .6 miles  from  the  New  York
    39  state  thruway  interchange  39 traveling eastbound on interstate 690 to
    40  interstate 690 exit 2 Jones road in  a  northbound  direction  to  state
    41  route  690  north to interchange 39 of the New York state thruway, where
    42  the commissioner of transportation determines that the vehicle or combi-
    43  nation of vehicles could operate safely along the designated  route  and
    44  that  no applicable federal law, regulation or other requirement prohib-
    45  its the operation of such vehicle or combination  of  vehicles  on  such
    46  route.
    47    (bb)  Within  a  distance  of approximately .5 miles from the New York
    48  state thruway interchange 45, traveling on interstate 490 to  interstate
    49  490  exit 29, in a southwesterly direction along New York state route 96
    50  to the point where New York state route 96 intersects with the  entrance
    51  ramp to the New York state thruway interchange 45, and for approximately
    52  .2  miles  along this entrance ramp to the New York state thruway inter-
    53  change 45, where the commissioner of transportation determines that  the
    54  vehicle or combination of vehicles could operate safely along the desig-
    55  nated  route  and  that  no  applicable federal law, regulation or other

        S. 7508                            15                            A. 9508

     1  requirement prohibits the operation of such vehicle  or  combination  of
     2  vehicles on such route.
     3    (cc)  Within  a  distance  of approximately .6 miles from the New York
     4  state thruway interchange 46, traveling in a northeasterly direction  on
     5  the  ramp  from  the New York state thruway interchange 46 to interstate
     6  390 north exit to New York state route 253, Lehigh Station road,  for  a
     7  distance  of  approximately  .5 miles along the ramp from interstate 390
     8  north exit to New York state route  253,  Lehigh  Station  road,  for  a
     9  distance  of  approximately  .6  miles in a westerly direction along New
    10  York state route 253, Lehigh Station road, to the  intersection  of  New
    11  York  state  route 253 with New York state route 15, then for a distance
    12  of approximately .6 miles in a southerly direction along New York  state
    13  route  15,  to  the  New  York  state thruway interchange 46 maintenance
    14  facility entrance, where the commissioner of  transportation  determines
    15  that  the  vehicle or combination of vehicles could operate safely along
    16  the designated route and that no applicable federal law,  regulation  or
    17  other requirement prohibits the operation of such vehicle or combination
    18  of vehicles on such route.
    19    (dd)  Within  a  distance  of approximately .3 miles from the New York
    20  state thruway interchange 47, traveling on interstate 490 to  interstate
    21  490  exit 1, to a distance of approximately .2 miles along the ramp from
    22  interstate 490 exit 1, for a distance of approximately  .4  miles  in  a
    23  southwesterly direction to the entrance ramp of the New York state thru-
    24  way  interchange 47, where the commissioner of transportation determines
    25  that the vehicle or combination of vehicles could operate  safely  along
    26  the  designated  route and that no applicable federal law, regulation or
    27  other requirement prohibits the operation of such vehicle or combination
    28  of vehicles on such route.
    29    (ee) Within a distance of approximately .6 miles  from  the  New  York
    30  state  thruway  interchange 19, traveling in a westbound direction along
    31  route 28 to route 209, and traveling in a southbound direction on  route
    32  209  for  approximately  .1 miles to route 28, and traveling in an east-
    33  bound direction on route 28 for approximately .8 miles to the  New  York
    34  state  thruway  interchange  19 where the commissioner of transportation
    35  determines that the vehicle or combination  of  vehicles  could  operate
    36  safely  along  the  designated route and that no applicable federal law,
    37  regulation or other requirement prohibits the operation of such  vehicle
    38  or combination of vehicles on such route.
    39    (ff)  Within  a  distance  of approximately .5 miles from the New York
    40  state thruway interchange 31, traveling onto the ramp to Genesee  street
    41  south  for  approximately 2800 feet to Genesee street north for approxi-
    42  mately 275 feet to interchange 31 of the New York  state  thruway  where
    43  the commissioner of transportation determines that the vehicle or combi-
    44  nation  of  vehicles could operate safely along the designated route and
    45  that no applicable federal law, regulation or other requirement  prohib-
    46  its  the  operation  of  such vehicle or combination of vehicles on such
    47  route.
    48    (gg) Within a distance of approximately .2 miles  from  the  New  York
    49  state  thruway interchange 33 traveling westbound on state route 365 for
    50  approximately 900 feet to interchange 33 of the New York  state  thruway
    51  where  the commissioner of transportation determines that the vehicle or
    52  combination of vehicles could operate safely along the designated  route
    53  and  that  no  applicable  federal  law, regulation or other requirement
    54  prohibits the operation of such vehicle or combination  of  vehicles  on
    55  such route.

        S. 7508                            16                            A. 9508

     1    (hh)  Within  a  distance of approximately .15 miles from the New York
     2  state thruway interchange 42 traveling on state route  14  for  approxi-
     3  mately 750 feet for travel to and from the thruway tandem lot and inter-
     4  change  42  where the commissioner of transportation determines that the
     5  vehicle or combination of vehicles could operate safely along the desig-
     6  nated  route  and  that  no  applicable federal law, regulation or other
     7  requirement prohibits the operation of such vehicle  or  combination  of
     8  vehicles on such route .
     9    (ii)  Within  a  distance  of approximately .1 miles from the New York
    10  state interchange 43 traveling on state route 21 for  approximately  600
    11  feet  for  travel  to and from the thruway tandem lot and interchange 43
    12  where the commissioner of transportation determines that the vehicle  or
    13  combination  of vehicles could operate safely along the designated route
    14  and that no applicable federal  law,  regulation  or  other  requirement
    15  prohibits  the  operation  of such vehicle or combination of vehicles on
    16  such route.
    17    § 2. This act shall take effect immediately.

    18                                   PART F

    19    Section 1. Paragraph a of subdivision 6 of section 2897 of the  public
    20  authorities law, as added by chapter 766 of the laws of 2005, is amended
    21  and a new paragraph f is added to read as follows:
    22    a.  All  disposals  or  contracts for disposal of property of a public
    23  authority made or authorized by the contracting officer  shall  be  made
    24  after  publicly  advertising  for bids except as provided in [paragraph]
    25  paragraphs c and f of this subdivision.
    26    f. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this section, disposals
    27  for use of the thruway authority's fiber optic system, or any part ther-
    28  eof, may be made  through  agreements  that  shall  not  require  public
    29  auction, provided that the thruway authority has determined the disposal
    30  of such property complies with all applicable provisions of this chapter
    31  and  such  shall not require the explanatory statements required by this
    32  section.
    33    § 2. This act shall take effect immediately.

    34                                   PART G

    35    Section 1. Section 351 of the public authorities  law  is  amended  by
    36  adding a new subdivision 11 to read as follows:
    37    11. The term "Cross-Hudson bridge system" shall mean collectively: (a)
    38  the Franklin Delano Roosevelt Mid-Hudson bridge, constructed pursuant to
    39  chapter  nine  hundred  of the laws of nineteen hundred twenty-three, as
    40  amended; (b) the Rip Van Winkle bridge, constructed  across  the  Hudson
    41  river  north of the village of Catskill and south of the city of Hudson;
    42  (c) the Bear Mountain bridge, constructed by the  Bear  Mountain  Hudson
    43  River  Bridge  Company, pursuant to chapter three hundred fifty-eight of
    44  the  laws  of  nineteen  hundred  twenty-two;  (d)  the  Hamilton   Fish
    45  Newburgh-Beacon  bridge,  including both spans of the bridge constructed
    46  across the Hudson river between a location in the vicinity of  the  city
    47  of  Newburgh  and  a location in the vicinity of the city of Beacon; (e)
    48  the Kingston-Rhinecliff bridge,  constructed  across  the  Hudson  river
    49  within  five miles of the city of Kingston; and (f) the walkway over the
    50  Hudson bridge, the  Poughkeepsie-Highland  railroad  bridge,  which  was
    51  constructed  across the Hudson river north of the Franklin Delano Roose-
    52  velt Mid-Hudson bridge.

        S. 7508                            17                            A. 9508

     1    § 2. Section 356 of the public authorities law is amended by adding  a
     2  new subdivision 10 to read as follows:
     3    10.  The  Cross-Hudson bridge system. Including collectively:  (a) the
     4  Franklin Delano Roosevelt Mid-Hudson  bridge,  constructed  pursuant  to
     5  chapter  nine  hundred  of the laws of nineteen hundred twenty-three, as
     6  amended; (b) the Rip Van Winkle bridge, constructed  across  the  Hudson
     7  river  north of the village of Catskill and south of the city of Hudson;
     8  (c) the Bear Mountain bridge, constructed by the  Bear  Mountain  Hudson
     9  River  Bridge  Company, pursuant to chapter three hundred fifty-eight of
    10  the  laws  of  nineteen  hundred  twenty-two;  (d)  the  Hamilton   Fish
    11  Newburgh-Beacon  bridge,  including both spans of the bridge constructed
    12  across the Hudson river between a location in the vicinity of  the  city
    13  of  Newburgh  and  a location in the vicinity of the city of Beacon; (e)
    14  the Kingston-Rhinecliff bridge,  constructed  across  the  Hudson  river
    15  within  five miles of the city of Kingston; and (f) the walkway over the
    16  Hudson bridge, the  Poughkeepsie-Highland  railroad  bridge,  which  was
    17  constructed  across the Hudson river north of the Franklin Delano Roose-
    18  velt Mid-Hudson bridge.
    19    § 3. Section 356-a of the public authorities law is amended by  adding
    20  a new subdivision 6 to read as follows:
    21    6.  All that portion of touring route one hundred ninety-nine connect-
    22  ing Ulster and Dutchess counties which is identified and  known  as  the
    23  Kingston-Rhinecliff  bridge shall be designated and known as the "George
    24  Clinton Kingston-Rhinecliff bridge".
    25    § 4. Section 349-a of the highway law  is  amended  by  adding  a  new
    26  subdivision 10 to read as follows:
    27    10.  The  Cross-Hudson  bridge system. Including collectively: (a) the
    28  Franklin Delano Roosevelt Mid-Hudson  bridge,  constructed  pursuant  to
    29  chapter  nine  hundred  of the laws of nineteen hundred twenty-three, as
    30  amended; (b) the Rip Van Winkle bridge, constructed  across  the  Hudson
    31  river  north of the village of Catskill and south of the city of Hudson;
    32  (c) the Bear Mountain bridge, constructed by the  Bear  Mountain  Hudson
    33  River  Bridge  Company, pursuant to chapter three hundred fifty-eight of
    34  the  laws  of  nineteen  hundred  twenty-two;  (d)  the  Hamilton   Fish
    35  Newburgh-Beacon  bridge,  including both spans of the bridge constructed
    36  across the Hudson river between a location in the vicinity of  the  city
    37  of  Newburgh  and  a location in the vicinity of the city of Beacon; (e)
    38  the Kingston-Rhinecliff bridge;  constructed  across  the  Hudson  river
    39  within  five miles of the city of Kingston; and (f) the walkway over the
    40  Hudson bridge, the  Poughkeepsie-Highland  railroad  bridge,  which  was
    41  constructed  across the Hudson river north of the Franklin Delano Roose-
    42  velt Mid-Hudson bridge.
    43    § 5. Section 373 of the public authorities law is amended by adding  a
    44  new subdivision 3 to read as follows:
    45    3.  Upon abolishment of the New York state bridge authority, the state
    46  of New York does pledge to and agree with the holders of  any  bonds  or
    47  notes   of   the  authority  that  the  state  will  not  authorize  the
    48  construction or maintenance of  any  additional  highway  crossings  for
    49  vehicular  traffic  over, under or across the waters of the Hudson river
    50  in addition to the bridges and crossings constituting  the  Cross-Hudson
    51  bridge  system  authorized  by this title which will be competitive with
    52  the bridges and crossings constituting the Cross-Hudson  bridge  system,
    53  nor  will it limit or alter the rights hereby vested in the authority to
    54  establish and collect such charges and tolls as  may  be  convenient  or
    55  necessary  to  produce sufficient revenue to meet the expense of mainte-
    56  nance and operation and to fulfill the terms of any agreement made  with

        S. 7508                            18                            A. 9508

     1  the  holders  of the bonds or notes, or in any way impair the rights and
     2  remedies of bondholders or  noteholders,  until  the  bonds  and  notes,
     3  together  with  interest,  and all costs and expenses in connection with
     4  any  actions  or proceedings by or on behalf of the bondholders or note-
     5  holders, are fully met and discharged. For the purposes of this subdivi-
     6  sion, any such bridge or crossing shall  be  considered  as  competitive
     7  only  if it shall form a connection for vehicular traffic over, under or
     8  across the Hudson river south of a line drawn across  the  Hudson  river
     9  fifteen  miles north of the Rip Van Winkle bridge, and north of the Bear
    10  Mountain bridge.
    11    § 6. The public authorities law is amended by adding a new section 389
    12  to read as follows:
    13    § 389. Additional powers of the authority  to  undertake  and  finance
    14  certain  projects  in connection with the Cross-Hudson bridge system and
    15  the New York state bridge authority. The authority is hereby  authorized
    16  as  an  additional corporate purpose thereof, to assume jurisdiction for
    17  its corporate purposes of  the  Cross-Hudson  bridge  system,  with  all
    18  rights  and  powers  with  respect to such system as established in this
    19  title with respect to any thruway section or connection, including,  but
    20  not  limited  to,  the power to operate and maintain said system, to fix
    21  and collect such fees, rentals and charges for the use thereof, to issue
    22  its bonds, notes and other obligations  in  conformity  with  applicable
    23  provisions  of  the uniform commercial code for purposes of the acquisi-
    24  tion, design, construction, reconstruction, repair,  rehabilitation  and
    25  improvement  of  the  Cross-Hudson  bridge  system,  to provide funds on
    26  behalf of the state within the meaning of the provisions of  subdivision
    27  four  of  former  section  five  hundred  thirty-two  of this chapter to
    28  defease, redeem or refund the bonds, notes and other obligations of  the
    29  New York state bridge authority and to discharge and pay any other obli-
    30  gations whatsoever of the New York state bridge authority.
    31    §  7.  The  public  authorities law is amended by adding a new section
    32  355-a to read as follows:
    33    § 355-a. New York state bridge authority. 1. The New York state bridge
    34  authority created by former section five hundred  twenty-seven  of  this
    35  chapter  shall  be  abolished  upon  the  date upon which all covenants,
    36  agreements and obligations to the holders of bonds, notes or other obli-
    37  gations issued or incurred under any bond resolution  of  the  New  York
    38  state bridge authority have been paid in full or otherwise fully met and
    39  discharged.
    40    2.  Upon  abolishment  of  the  New  York  state bridge authority, all
    41  rights, functions,  powers,  duties,  obligations,  covenants,  pledges,
    42  undertakings,  properties,  debts, agreements, assets and liabilities of
    43  the New York state bridge authority shall be  transferred  and  assigned
    44  to, assumed by and devolved upon the New York state thruway authority.
    45    3. Upon abolishment of the New York state bridge authority, all rules,
    46  regulations, acts, orders, determinations, and decisions of such author-
    47  ity  in  force  at  the time of such transfer, assignment, assumption or
    48  devolution, shall continue in force and effect  as  rules,  regulations,
    49  acts, orders, determinations and decisions of the New York state thruway
    50  authority until duly modified or abrogated by the New York state thruway
    51  authority.
    52    4. Upon abolishment of the New York state bridge authority, the Cross-
    53  Hudson  bridge  system, as defined in section three hundred fifty-one of
    54  this title shall be added to, and included in,  the  thruway  system  as
    55  defined in such section three hundred fifty-one.

        S. 7508                            19                            A. 9508

     1    5. Upon abolishment of the New York state bridge authority, all books,
     2  papers,  records  and property of such authority shall be transferred as
     3  assigned to the New York state thruway authority. All  employees  trans-
     4  ferred  from  the  New York state bridge authority to the New York state
     5  thruway  authority  shall  be transferred without further examination or
     6  qualification and such employees shall  retain  their  respective  civil
     7  service  classifications,  status  and collective bargaining unit desig-
     8  nations and be governed by applicable collective bargaining agreements.
     9    6. Upon abolishment of the New York state bridge authority, any  busi-
    10  ness  or  other  matters  undertaken  or commenced by the New York state
    11  bridge authority and pending on the date of abolishment may be conducted
    12  and completed by the New York state thruway authority in the same manner
    13  and under the same terms and conditions and with the same effect  as  if
    14  conducted by the New York state bridge authority.
    15    7.  Upon  abolishment of the New York state bridge authority, whenever
    16  the New York state bridge authority, or the chairman  or  the  executive
    17  director or other officer, member or employee thereof, is referred to or
    18  designated  in  any  law, contract or document, such reference or desig-
    19  nation shall be deemed to refer to the New York state thruway authority.
    20    8. No existing right  or  remedy  of  any  character  shall  be  lost,
    21  impaired or affected by reason of this section.
    22    9.  No  action pending at the time the New York state bridge authority
    23  is abolished, brought by or against the New York state bridge authority,
    24  or the chairman or executive director thereof, shall be affected by  any
    25  provision of this section, but the same may be prosecuted or defended in
    26  the name of the New York state thruway authority or the executive direc-
    27  tor or chairman thereof, and the proper party shall, upon application to
    28  the court, be substituted as a party.
    29    10.  Upon  abolishment of the New York state bridge authority act, the
    30  rights and remedies of bondholders, other creditors  or  persons  having
    31  claims  or  contracts with the New York state bridge authority shall not
    32  be limited, impaired or otherwise altered by the merger of the New  York
    33  state bridge authority facilities and operations into the New York state
    34  thruway authority.
    35    § 8. Title 2 of article 3 of the public authorities law is REPEALED.
    36    § 9. Notwithstanding any provision of this act or any other provisions
    37  of  law,  general, special or local, the New York state bridge authority
    38  shall from time to time, after all contract provisions with  respect  to
    39  any  bonds, notes or other obligations issued or incurred under any bond
    40  resolution of the New York state bridge authority have been provided for
    41  and discharged, take any action necessary and proper to assist  the  New
    42  York state thruway authority in effecting such discharge, including, but
    43  not  limited  to directing the trustee under its agreement with New York
    44  state bridge authority bondholders  to  apply  available  and  necessary
    45  funds  to such discharge and otherwise take such actions consistent with
    46  such agreement to effectuate such discharge, and transfer and  pay  over
    47  to  the  New  York  state thruway authority all remaining funds; and may
    48  accept and use any moneys transferred and paid over to  it  by  the  New
    49  York state thruway authority to implement such discharge.
    50    §  10.  Subdivision 1 of section 352 of the public authorities law, as
    51  amended by chapter 766 of the laws 2005, is amended to read as follows:
    52    1. A board to be known as "New York state thruway authority" is hereby
    53  created. Such board shall be a body corporate and politic constituting a
    54  public corporation. It shall consist of [seven] eight members  appointed
    55  by  the  governor  by and with the advice and consent of the senate. One
    56  member shall be, at the time of appointment, a resident of  one  of  the

        S. 7508                            20                            A. 9508

     1  following  counties:    Orange, Rockland, Westchester, Putnam, Dutchess,
     2  Ulster, Greene or Columbia. The members first appointed shall serve  for
     3  terms  ending three, six and nine years, respectively from January first
     4  next  succeeding  their  appointment.  Provided, however, that two board
     5  members first appointed on or after the effective date of the chapter of
     6  the laws of two thousand five which amended this subdivision shall serve
     7  an initial term of two years; provided  further  that  two  other  board
     8  members first appointed on or after the effective date of the chapter of
     9  the laws of two thousand five which amended this subdivision shall serve
    10  an  initial term of three years. Their successors shall be appointed for
    11  terms of nine years each. A member to be designated as chairman  in  his
    12  or her appointment as a member shall be chairman of such board until his
    13  or  her term as member expires. The chairman and the other members shall
    14  serve without salary or other compensation, but  shall  be  entitled  to
    15  reimbursement  for  their  actual and necessary expenses incurred in the
    16  performance of their official duties.
    17    § 11. Nothing contained in this act shall be deemed to limit or  alter
    18  in  any  way  the  rights  and  obligations of the New York state bridge
    19  authority or after the abolishment of the New York state bridge authori-
    20  ty, the New York state thruway authority, to establish and collect  such
    21  fees,  rentals  and  other  charges  as  may be necessary or required to
    22  produce sufficient revenues  to  meet  and  to  fulfill  the  terms  and
    23  provisions  of the contracts made with the holders and registered owners
    24  of the bonds, notes or other  obligations  or  in  any  way  impair  the
    25  constitutional rights of the holders and registered owners of the bonds,
    26  notes or other obligations.
    27    §  12.  This  act, being necessary for the prosperity of the state and
    28  its inhabitants, shall be liberally construed to effect the purposes and
    29  secure the beneficial intents hereof.
    30    § 13. If any provision of any section of this act or  the  application
    31  thereof  to  any  person  or circumstance shall be adjudged invalid by a
    32  court of  competent  jurisdiction,  such  order  or  judgment  shall  be
    33  confined  in  its operation to the controversy in which it was rendered,
    34  and shall not affect or invalidate the remainder of any provision of any
    35  section of this act or the application thereof to any  other  person  or
    36  circumstance  and to this end the provisions of each section of this act
    37  are hereby declared to be severable.
    38    § 14. This act shall take effect immediately, provided, however,  that
    39  section  nine  of  this act shall take effect when all covenants, agree-
    40  ments and obligations to the holders of  bonds,  notes  or  other  obli-
    41  gations  issued  or  incurred  under any bond resolution of the New York
    42  state bridge authority are fully  discharged  and  satisfied;  provided,
    43  that  the  New York state thruway authority shall notify the legislative
    44  bill drafting commission when all covenants, agreements and  obligations
    45  to  the  holders  of  bonds,  notes or other obligations of the New York
    46  state bridge authority are fully discharged and satisfied in order  that
    47  the  commission  may maintain an accurate and timely effective data base
    48  of the official text of the laws of the state of New York in furtherance
    49  of effectuating the provisions of section 44 of the legislative law  and
    50  section 70-b of the public officers law.

    51                                   PART H

    52    Section 1. Section 1220-b of the vehicle and traffic law is amended by
    53  adding four new subdivisions 5, 6, 7 and 8 to read as follows:

        S. 7508                            21                            A. 9508

     1    5.  As  an  alternative to the penalties provided for the violation of
     2  the provisions of this section:
     3    (a)  Any  person who operates, or attempts to operate, a motor vehicle
     4  in violation of the provisions of this section  shall  be  guilty  of  a
     5  traffic  infraction  and,  for the first violation, be required to pay a
     6  mandatory civil penalty of three thousand dollars and, upon notice,  the
     7  commissioner  shall  suspend  for  a  period of thirty days the driver's
     8  license or privilege to operate a motor vehicle of any person that oper-
     9  ated, or attempted to operate, a motor  vehicle  in  violation  of  this
    10  section;  and  for  the second violation, be required to pay a mandatory
    11  civil penalty of five thousand dollars and, upon notice, the commission-
    12  er shall suspend for a period of ninety days such  driver's  license  or
    13  privilege  to  operate;  and  for  a  third  or subsequent violation, be
    14  required to pay a mandatory civil penalty of ten thousand  dollars  and,
    15  upon  notice, the commissioner shall suspend for a period of one hundred
    16  eighty days such driver's license or privilege to operate.  In  addition
    17  to  the  foregoing,  where such person is the owner of the motor vehicle
    18  operated in violation of the provisions of this section, for  the  first
    19  violation  the  commissioner, upon notice, shall suspend for a period of
    20  thirty days the registration of any motor vehicle so operated;  and  for
    21  the  second  violation  the commissioner, upon notice, shall suspend the
    22  registration of any motor vehicle so operated for  a  period  of  ninety
    23  days;  and  for  a third or subsequent violation, the commissioner, upon
    24  notice, shall suspend the registration of any motor vehicle so  operated
    25  for a period of one hundred eighty days.
    26    (b)  Any  person who knowingly solicits or attempts to solicit another
    27  person for the unlicensed provision of any business, trade or commercial
    28  transaction in violation of this  section  involving  the  rendering  to
    29  another  person  of ground transportation services from an airport shall
    30  be guilty of a traffic infraction  and,  for  the  first  violation,  be
    31  required to pay a mandatory civil penalty of three thousand dollars; and
    32  for  the  second violation, be required to pay a mandatory civil penalty
    33  of five thousand dollars; and for a third or  subsequent  violation,  be
    34  required to pay a mandatory civil penalty of ten thousand dollars.
    35    6. The commissioner shall have the authority to deny a registration or
    36  renewal  application  for  a motor vehicle where a current or previously
    37  registered owner of such motor vehicle has been found  in  violation  of
    38  this  section,  section 19-506 of the administrative code of the city of
    39  New York, or other provision establishing civil  or  criminal  liability
    40  for  unlicensed  ground transportation service, or unlicensed operation,
    41  and may also deny a registration or renewal application  for  any  other
    42  motor  vehicle  registered  in the name of such owner, where the commis-
    43  sioner determines that the applicant's intent in applying for  registra-
    44  tion  or  renewal  has likely been to evade the purposes of this section
    45  and where the commissioner has reasonable grounds to believe  that  such
    46  registration  or  renewal  will have the effect of tending to defeat the
    47  purposes of this section.
    48    7. (a) A special proceeding may be commenced in supreme court or coun-
    49  ty court by a petitioner, whom shall be either the attorney general,  or
    50  by  the  agency,  authority,  bi-state authority, county, or city having
    51  jurisdiction over the airport  where  the  alleged  violation  occurred,
    52  alleging that a motor vehicle owner has committed a second or subsequent
    53  traffic infraction in violation of this section. A petitioner establish-
    54  ing  by  clear  and  convincing  evidence that a motor vehicle owner has
    55  committed a second or subsequent violation  of  this  section  shall  be
    56  entitled  to judgment of forfeiture of all right, title or interest held

        S. 7508                            22                            A. 9508

     1  by the owner in any motor vehicle used in the commission of  the  second
     2  or subsequent violation.
     3    (b)  Any  judgment  of  forfeiture issued pursuant to this subdivision
     4  shall include provisions for the disposal of the property found to  have
     5  been  forfeited.  Such provisions shall include, but are not limited to,
     6  an order directing that the property, right, title, or interest shall be
     7  sold in accordance with the provisions of article fifty-one of the civil
     8  practice law and rules, unless good cause is shown. Net proceeds of  the
     9  sale shall be paid to the petitioner.
    10    8.  (a)  A  police officer shall be permitted to seize a motor vehicle
    11  that may be subject to legal forfeiture pursuant to subdivision seven of
    12  this section if the officer has probable cause to believe the  owner  of
    13  the  motor  vehicle  is  operating,  or attempting to operate, the motor
    14  vehicle in violation of this section and the owner has  previously  been
    15  convicted in any court or administrative tribunal of a violation of this
    16  section. A police officer effectuating a seizure pursuant to this subdi-
    17  vision  may do so within twenty-four hours of providing the owner of the
    18  motor vehicle with a  traffic  summons  for  the  second  or  subsequent
    19  violation of this section and a notice of motor vehicle seizure contain-
    20  ing  the  date,  time,  and  place of the court hearing pursuant to this
    21  subdivision, as well as a concise statement concerning the nature of the
    22  legal forfeiture action. Within five business days of  such  seizure,  a
    23  supreme or county court, upon the filing of a petition for legal forfei-
    24  ture,  shall  conduct  a  hearing  pursuant to subdivision seven of this
    25  section and shall promptly determine  whether  a  motor  vehicle  seized
    26  pursuant  to this subdivision is subject to legal forfeiture and whether
    27  it is necessary that the motor vehicle  remain  impounded  in  order  to
    28  ensure its availability to effectuate legal forfeiture.
    29    (b) Upon a determination by a court that a motor vehicle is subject to
    30  legal  forfeiture,  the  court will issue an order that petitioner shall
    31  retain the seized motor vehicle during the pendency of the legal forfei-
    32  ture action and proceed in accordance with article  four  of  the  civil
    33  practice law and rules to resolve any remaining issues prior to entering
    34  judgment.    If the seized motor vehicle is not subject to legal forfei-
    35  ture, but a violation of this section is found, then the  motor  vehicle
    36  shall  be  released  to  the owner upon the payment of all penalties and
    37  suspension termination fees associated with such violation. If a  charge
    38  for  violating  this  section  is dismissed and the motor vehicle is not
    39  otherwise subject to  legal  forfeiture,  the  motor  vehicle  shall  be
    40  released to the owner within twenty-four hours of such dismissal.
    41    §  2.  Paragraph  b of subdivision 2 of section 510 of the vehicle and
    42  traffic law is amended by adding two new subparagraphs (xviii) and (xix)
    43  to read as follows:
    44    (xviii) until such time as all penalties  and  all  suspension  termi-
    45  nation  fees  are  paid, or where a default judgment is reopened and all
    46  suspension fees are paid, where the holder receives a  default  judgment
    47  for  a violation of section twelve hundred twenty-b of this chapter as a
    48  result of a failure to appear in response to a  summons,  or  appearance
    49  ticket received pursuant to such section.
    50    (xix)  until such time as all penalties and all suspension termination
    51  fees are paid where the holder is convicted of a  violation  of  section
    52  twelve  hundred  twenty-b of this chapter and to pay any penalty imposed
    53  pursuant to such section.
    54    § 3. Notwithstanding the provisions of any other law to the  contrary,
    55  the port authority of New York and New Jersey (the "port authority") and
    56  its  police  officers  may  enforce  any  local  law, rule or regulation

        S. 7508                            23                            A. 9508

     1  related to ground transportation service as defined  by  section  twelve
     2  hundred-twenty-b  of  the  vehicle and traffic law at airports leased by
     3  the port authority within the city of New  York  ("city")  to  the  same
     4  extent as the City or any of its subdivisions.
     5    §  4. The commissioner of motor vehicles shall be authorized to estab-
     6  lish rules or regulations and take all other actions  deemed  reasonably
     7  necessary to effectuate this act.
     8    § 5. This act shall take effect immediately.

     9                                   PART I

    10    Section  1.  Subdivision  12 of section 1269 of the public authorities
    11  law, as amended by section 4 of part NN of chapter 54  of  the  laws  of
    12  2016, is amended to read as follows:
    13    12.  The  aggregate  principal  amount  of bonds, notes or other obli-
    14  gations issued after the first day of January, nineteen hundred  ninety-
    15  three  by  the authority, the Triborough bridge and tunnel authority and
    16  the New York city transit authority to fund projects contained in  capi-
    17  tal  program  plans  approved  pursuant to section twelve hundred sixty-
    18  nine-b of this title for the period nineteen hundred ninety-two  through
    19  two thousand [nineteen] twenty-four shall not exceed [fifty-five] ninety
    20  billion  [four]  one hundred [ninety-seven] million dollars. Such aggre-
    21  gate principal amount of  bonds,  notes  or  other  obligations  or  the
    22  expenditure  thereof shall not be subject to any limitation contained in
    23  any other provision of law on the principal amount of  bonds,  notes  or
    24  other  obligations or the expenditure thereof applicable to the authori-
    25  ty, the Triborough bridge and tunnel authority  or  the  New  York  city
    26  transit authority. The aggregate limitation established by this subdivi-
    27  sion  shall  not  include  (i)  obligations  issued to refund, redeem or
    28  otherwise repay, including by purchase or tender,  obligations  thereto-
    29  fore issued either by the issuer of such refunding obligations or by the
    30  authority,  the New York city transit authority or the Triborough bridge
    31  and tunnel authority, (ii) obligations issued to fund any  debt  service
    32  or other reserve funds for such obligations, (iii) obligations issued or
    33  incurred  to fund the costs of issuance, the payment of amounts required
    34  under bond and note facilities, federal  or  other  governmental  loans,
    35  security  or credit arrangements or other agreements related thereto and
    36  the payment of other financing,  original  issue  premiums  and  related
    37  costs  associated  with  such  obligations,  (iv) an amount equal to any
    38  original issue discount from the principal amount of such obligations or
    39  to fund capitalized  interest,  (v)  obligations  incurred  pursuant  to
    40  section  twelve  hundred  seven-m  of  this  article,  (vi)  obligations
    41  incurred to fund the acquisition of certain buses for the New York  city
    42  transit  authority  as  identified  in  a  capital program plan approved
    43  pursuant to chapter fifty-three of the laws of nineteen hundred  ninety-
    44  two,  (vii) obligations incurred in connection with the leasing, selling
    45  or transferring of equipment, and  (viii)  bond  anticipation  notes  or
    46  other obligations payable solely from the proceeds of other bonds, notes
    47  or  other obligations which would be included in the aggregate principal
    48  amount specified in the first sentence of this subdivision,  whether  or
    49  not  additionally  secured  by  revenues of the authority, or any of its
    50  subsidiary corporations, New York city transit authority, or any of  its
    51  subsidiary corporations, or Triborough bridge and tunnel authority.
    52    § 2. This act shall take effect immediately.

    53                                   PART J

        S. 7508                            24                            A. 9508

     1    Section  1.  Subdivisions  1,  2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 of section 1209 of the
     2  public authorities law are REPEALED.
     3    §  2.  Paragraph  (a)  of  subdivision 7 of section 1209 of the public
     4  authorities law, as amended by section 3 of subpart C  of  part  ZZZ  of
     5  chapter  59  of  the laws of 2019, is amended and a new paragraph (c) is
     6  added to read as follows:
     7    (a) Except  as  otherwise  provided  in  this  section,  all  purchase
     8  contracts  for  supplies,  materials or equipment involving an estimated
     9  expenditure in excess of one  million  dollars  and  all  contracts  for
    10  public  work involving an estimated expenditure in excess of one million
    11  dollars shall be awarded by the  authority  to  the  lowest  responsible
    12  bidder  after obtaining sealed bids in the manner hereinafter set forth.
    13  The aforesaid shall not apply to contracts for personal,  architectural,
    14  engineering  or  other  professional  services,  nor  to  contracts  for
    15  projects using the design build contracting  method  which  may  in  the
    16  authority's  discretion  be  solicited and awarded pursuant to a process
    17  for competitive request for proposals. The authority may reject all bids
    18  and obtain new bids in the manner provided by this section  when  it  is
    19  deemed  in  the  public interest to do so or, in cases where two or more
    20  responsible bidders submit identical bids which  are  the  lowest  bids,
    21  award  the  contract to any of such bidders or obtain new bids from such
    22  bidders.  In the event that the authority receives no responsive bids or
    23  only a single bid in response to an invitation for bids, it may  negoti-
    24  ate  with  any  firm capable of providing the goods or work that was the
    25  subject of the bid. In the event that, after opening bids, it is  deter-
    26  mined  to  be  in the best interest of the authority to make a change to
    27  the specifications or other terms or requirements of the bid,  new  bids
    28  may be solicited from those firms that submitted bids without additional
    29  public  advertisements.  In the event that a low bid contains a non-con-
    30  formity or is otherwise non-compliant with the solicitation, the author-
    31  ity may permit such bid to be corrected without increase to the low  bid
    32  price  or  may reject such bid. Nothing in this paragraph shall obligate
    33  the authority to seek new bids after the  rejection  of  bids  or  after
    34  cancellation  of  an  invitation  to  bid. Nothing in this section shall
    35  prohibit the evaluation of bids on the basis of costs or savings includ-
    36  ing life cycle costs  of  the  item  to  be  purchased,  discounts,  and
    37  inspection  services  so  long  as the invitation to bid reasonably sets
    38  forth the criteria to be used in evaluating such costs or savings.  Life
    39  cycle  costs  may  include  but shall not be limited to costs or savings
    40  associated with installation, energy  use,  maintenance,  operation  and
    41  salvage or disposal.
    42    (c)  To  assist the authority in the development, testing and adoption
    43  of new and innovative technology, the authority may award contracts  for
    44  goods or services not to exceed five million dollars to qualified emerg-
    45  ing  technology companies as defined in section thirty-one hundred two-e
    46  of this chapter pursuant to a  process  established  by  the  board.  In
    47  screening  and  selecting emerging technology firms for such awards, the
    48  authority may cooperate with the New York city partnership foundation or
    49  other such nonprofit organizations.
    50    § 3. Paragraph (a) of subdivision 8 of  section  1209  of  the  public
    51  authorities  law,  as  amended  by  chapter  725 of the laws of 1993, is
    52  amended to read as follows:
    53    (a) Advertisement for bids, when required by this  section,  shall  be
    54  published  [at  least  once in a newspaper of general circulation in the
    55  area served by the authority and in the procurement opportunities  news-
    56  letter  published pursuant to article four-C of the economic development

        S. 7508                            25                            A. 9508

     1  law provided that,] on  the  authority's  website,  notwithstanding  the
     2  provisions of article four-C of the economic development law[, an adver-
     3  tisement  shall only be required when required by this section. Publica-
     4  tion  in a newspaper of general circulation in the area served or in the
     5  procurement opportunities newsletter shall not be required if  bids  for
     6  contracts  for  supplies, materials or equipment are of a type regularly
     7  purchased by the authority and are to be solicited from a list of poten-
     8  tial suppliers, if such list is or has been  developed  consistent  with
     9  the  provisions  of subdivision eleven of this section]. Any such adver-
    10  tisement shall contain a statement of: (i) the time and place where bids
    11  received pursuant to any notice requesting sealed bids will be  publicly
    12  opened  and  read;  (ii)  the  name of the contracting agency; (iii) the
    13  contract identification number; (iv) a brief description of  the  public
    14  work,  supplies, materials, or equipment sought, the location where work
    15  is to be performed, goods are to be delivered or services  provided  and
    16  the  contract  term;  (v)  the address where bids or proposals are to be
    17  submitted; (vi) the date  when  bids  or  proposals  are  due;  (vii)  a
    18  description  of  any eligibility or qualification requirement or prefer-
    19  ence; (viii) a statement as to whether the contract requirements may  be
    20  fulfilled  by a subcontracting, joint venture, or co-production arrange-
    21  ment; (ix) any other information deemed useful to potential contractors;
    22  and (x) the name, address, and telephone number  of  the  person  to  be
    23  contacted  for  additional information. At least [fifteen business] five
    24  days shall elapse between the first publication of such advertisement or
    25  the solicitation of bids, as the case may be, and the  date  of  opening
    26  and reading of bids.
    27    §  4.  Paragraphs  (f) and (g) of subdivision 9 of section 1209 of the
    28  public authorities law are relettered paragraphs (e) and (f)  and  para-
    29  graphs  (c),  (d)  and (e), as added by chapter 929 of the laws of 1986,
    30  are amended to read as follows:
    31    (c) [the authority receives  no  responsive  bids  or  only  a  single
    32  responsive bid in response to an invitation for competitive bids;
    33    (d)]  the  authority  wishes  to  experiment with or test a product or
    34  technology or new source for such product or technology or evaluate  the
    35  service or reliability of such product or technology;
    36    [(e)] (d) the item is available through an existing contract between a
    37  vendor and (i) any department, office, agency, or instrumentality of the
    38  United States government or department, agency, office, political subdi-
    39  vision, or instrumentality of any state within the United States or (ii)
    40  another  public  authority provided that such other authority utilized a
    41  process of competitive bidding or a process of competitive requests  for
    42  proposals  to  award such contract or [(ii)] (iii) the state of New York
    43  or the city of New York, provided that in any case  when  the  authority
    44  under  this  paragraph determines that obtaining such item thereby would
    45  be in the public interest and sets forth the reasons for  such  determi-
    46  nation.  The  authority shall accept sole responsibility for any payment
    47  due the vendor as a result of the authority's order; or
    48    § 5. Subdivision 10 of section 1209 of the public authorities law,  as
    49  added by chapter 929 of the laws of 1986, is amended to read as follows:
    50    10.  Upon  the  adoption of a resolution by the authority stating, for
    51  reasons of efficiency, economy, compatibility or  maintenance  reliabil-
    52  ity,  that there is a need for standardization, the authority may estab-
    53  lish procedures whereby particular supplies, materials or equipment  are
    54  identified  on  a qualified products list. Such procedures shall provide
    55  for products or vendors to be added to or deleted  from  such  list  and
    56  shall include provisions for public advertisement of the manner in which

        S. 7508                            26                            A. 9508

     1  such  lists  are  compiled. The authority shall review such list no less
     2  than [twice] once a year for the purpose of making modifications  there-
     3  to.    Contracts for particular supplies, materials or equipment identi-
     4  fied on a qualified products list may be awarded by the authority to the
     5  lowest responsible bidder after obtaining sealed bids in accordance with
     6  this  section  or  without competitive sealed bids in instances when the
     7  item is available from only a single source, except that  the  authority
     8  may dispense with advertising provided that it mails copies of the invi-
     9  tation  to  bid  to  all vendors of the particular item on the qualified
    10  products list.
    11    § 6. Subdivision 1 of section 1265-a of the public authorities law  is
    12  REPEALED.
    13    §  7.  Paragraph  (a) of subdivision 2 of section 1265-a of the public
    14  authorities law, as amended by section 3-a of subpart C of part  ZZZ  of
    15  chapter 59 of the laws of 2019, is amended to read as follows:
    16    (a)  Except  as  otherwise  provided  in  this  section,  all purchase
    17  contracts for supplies, materials or equipment  involving  an  estimated
    18  expenditure  in  excess  of  one  million  dollars and all contracts for
    19  public work involving an estimated expenditure in excess of one  million
    20  dollars  shall  be  awarded  by  the authority to the lowest responsible
    21  bidder after obtaining sealed bids in the manner hereinafter set  forth.
    22  For  purposes  hereof, contracts for public work shall exclude contracts
    23  for personal, engineering and architectural, or  professional  services,
    24  and  contracts  for  projects  using the design build contracting method
    25  which may, in the  authority's  discretion,  be  solicited  and  awarded
    26  pursuant  to  a  process  for  competitive  request for proposals.   The
    27  authority may reject all bids and obtain new bids in the manner provided
    28  by this section when it is deemed in the public interest to do so or, in
    29  cases where two or more responsible bidders submit identical bids  which
    30  are the lowest bids, award the contract to any of such bidders or obtain
    31  new bids from such bidders.  In the event that the authority receives no
    32  responsive  bids  or  only a single bid in response to an invitation for
    33  bids, it may negotiate with any firm capable of providing the  goods  or
    34  work  that  was the subject of the bid. In the event that, after opening
    35  bids, it is determined to be in the best interest of  the  authority  to
    36  make  a  change  to the specifications or other terms or requirements of
    37  the bid, new bids may be solicited from those firms that submitted  bids
    38  without  additional  public  advertisements. In the event that a low bid
    39  contains a non-conformity or is otherwise non-compliant with the  solic-
    40  itation,  the  authority  may  permit  such  bid to be corrected without
    41  increase to the low bid price or may reject such bid.  Nothing  in  this
    42  paragraph  shall  obligate  the  authority  to  seek  new bids after the
    43  rejection of bids or after cancellation of an invitation to bid.   Noth-
    44  ing  in  this section shall prohibit the evaluation of bids on the basis
    45  of costs or savings including  life  cycle  costs  of  the  item  to  be
    46  purchased,  discounts, and inspection services so long as the invitation
    47  to bid reasonably sets forth the criteria to be used in evaluating  such
    48  costs  or savings. Life cycle costs may include but shall not be limited
    49  to costs or savings associated with installation,  energy  use,  mainte-
    50  nance, operation and salvage or disposal.
    51    §  8. Subdivision 2 of section 1265-a of the public authorities law is
    52  amended by adding a new paragraph (d) to read as follows:
    53    (d) To assist the authority in the development, testing  and  adoption
    54  of  new and innovative technology, the authority may award contracts for
    55  goods or services not to exceed five million dollars to qualified emerg-
    56  ing technology companies as defined in section thirty-one hundred  two-e

        S. 7508                            27                            A. 9508

     1  of  this  chapter  pursuant  to  a  process established by the board. In
     2  screening and selecting emerging technology firms for such  awards,  the
     3  authority may cooperate with the New York city partnership foundation or
     4  other such nonprofit organizations.
     5    §  9.  Paragraph  (a) of subdivision 3 of section 1265-a of the public
     6  authorities law, as amended by chapter 494  of  the  laws  of  1990,  is
     7  amended to read as follows:
     8    (a)  Advertisement  for  bids, when required by this section, shall be
     9  published [at least once in a newspaper of general  circulation  in  the
    10  area  served by the authority and in the procurement opportunities news-
    11  letter published pursuant to article four-C of the economic  development
    12  law  provided  that,]  on  the  authority's  website notwithstanding the
    13  provisions of article four-C of the economic development law[, an adver-
    14  tisement shall only be required for a purchase  contract  for  supplies,
    15  materials  or  equipment when required by this section. Publication in a
    16  newspaper of general circulation in the area served or in  the  procure-
    17  ment  opportunities  newsletter  shall  not  be  required  if  bids  for
    18  contracts for supplies, materials or equipment are of a  type  regularly
    19  purchased by the authority and are to be solicited from a list of poten-
    20  tial  suppliers,  if  such list is or has been developed consistent with
    21  the provisions of subdivision six of this section]. Any such  advertise-
    22  ment  shall  contain  a  statement of: (i) the time and place where bids
    23  received pursuant to any notice requesting sealed bids will be  publicly
    24  opened  and  read;  (ii)  the  name of the contracting agency; (iii) the
    25  contract identification number; (iv) a brief description of  the  public
    26  work,  supplies, materials, or equipment sought, the location where work
    27  is to be performed, goods are to be delivered or services  provided  and
    28  the  contract  term;  (v)  the address where bids or proposals are to be
    29  submitted; (vi) the date  when  bids  or  proposals  are  due;  (vii)  a
    30  description  of  any eligibility or qualification requirement or prefer-
    31  ence; (viii) a statement as to whether the contract requirements may  be
    32  fulfilled  by a subcontracting, joint venture, or co-production arrange-
    33  ment; (ix) any other information deemed useful to potential contractors;
    34  and (x) the name, address, and telephone number  of  the  person  to  be
    35  contacted  for  additional information. At least [fifteen business] five
    36  days shall elapse between the first publication of such advertisement or
    37  the solicitation of bids, as the case may be, and the  date  of  opening
    38  and reading of bids.
    39    § 10. Paragraphs (f) and (g) of subdivision 4 of section 1265-a of the
    40  public  authorities  law are relettered paragraphs (e) and (f) and para-
    41  graphs (c), (d) and (e), as added by chapter 929 of the  laws  of  1986,
    42  are amended to read as follows:
    43    (c)  [the  authority  receives  no  responsive  bids  or only a single
    44  responsive bid in response to an invitation for competitive bids;
    45    (d)] the authority wishes to experiment with  or  test  a  product  or
    46  technology  or new source for such product or technology or evaluate the
    47  service or reliability of such product or technology;
    48    [(e)] (d) the item is available through an existing contract between a
    49  vendor and (i) any department, office, agency, or instrumentality of the
    50  United States government or department, agency, office, political subdi-
    51  vision, or instrumentality of any state within the United States or (ii)
    52  another public authority provided that such other authority  utilized  a
    53  process  of competitive bidding or a process of competitive requests for
    54  proposals to award such contracts or  [(ii)]  (iii)  Nassau  county,  or
    55  [(iii)]  (iv)  the state of New York or [(iv)] (v) the city of New York,
    56  provided that in any case when under this paragraph the authority deter-

        S. 7508                            28                            A. 9508

     1  mines that obtaining such item thereby would be in the  public  interest
     2  and  sets  forth the reasons for such determination. The authority shall
     3  accept sole responsibility for any payment due the vendor as a result of
     4  the authority's order; or
     5    §  11.  Subdivision 5 of section 1265-a of the public authorities law,
     6  as added by chapter 929 of the laws of  1986,  is  amended  to  read  as
     7  follows:
     8    5.  Upon  the  adoption  of a resolution by the authority stating, for
     9  reasons of efficiency, economy, compatibility or  maintenance  reliabil-
    10  ity,  that there is a need for standardization, the authority may estab-
    11  lish procedures whereby particular supplies, materials or equipment  are
    12  identified  on  a qualified products list. Such procedures shall provide
    13  for products or vendors to be added to or deleted  from  such  list  and
    14  shall include provisions for public advertisement of the manner in which
    15  such  lists  are  compiled. The authority shall review such list no less
    16  than [twice] once a year for the purpose of making  such  modifications.
    17  Contracts  for particular supplies, materials or equipment identified on
    18  a qualified products list may be awarded by the authority to the  lowest
    19  responsible  bidder  after obtaining sealed bids in accordance with this
    20  section or without competitive sealed bids in instances when the item is
    21  available from only a single  source,  except  that  the  authority  may
    22  dispense  with  advertising provided that it mails copies of the invita-
    23  tion to bid to all vendors of  the  particular  item  on  the  qualified
    24  products list.
    25    §  12. Section 15 of part OO of chapter 54 of the laws of 2016, amend-
    26  ing the public authorities law relating to procurements by the New  York
    27  City transit authority and the metropolitan transportation authority, is
    28  amended to read as follows:
    29    § 15. This act shall take effect immediately[, and shall expire and be
    30  deemed repealed April 1, 2021].
    31    §  13. This act shall take effect immediately, provided, however, that
    32  the amendments to paragraph (a) of subdivision 2 of  section  1265-a  of
    33  the  public  authorities law made by section seven of this act shall not
    34  affect the expiration of such paragraph and shall be  deemed  to  expire
    35  therewith.

    36                                   PART K

    37    Section  1.  Section  3  of part PP of chapter 54 of the laws of 2016,
    38  amending the general municipal law relating  to  the  New  York  transit
    39  authority  and  the metropolitan transportation authority, is amended to
    40  read as follows:
    41    § 3. This act shall take effect immediately; provided that the  amend-
    42  ments  to  subdivision  1  of section 119-r of the general municipal law
    43  made by section two of this act shall  expire  and  be  deemed  repealed
    44  [April 1, 2021] December 31, 2024, and provided further that such repeal
    45  shall  not  affect the validity or duration of any contract entered into
    46  before that date pursuant to paragraph f of such subdivision.
    47    § 2. This act shall take effect immediately.

    48                                   PART L

    49    Section 1. Section 1266 of the public authorities law  is  amended  by
    50  adding a new subdivision 19 to read as follows:
    51    19. Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, the Long Island Rail Road
    52  Company  and the Metro-North Commuter Railroad Company or their contrac-

        S. 7508                            29                            A. 9508

     1  tors may without the need for any license, permit, permission,  approval
     2  or  order  from any court, administrative tribunal or other governmental
     3  agency, bureau or department enter upon any  private  property  abutting
     4  their respective rights of way, for the purpose of removing, trimming or
     5  cutting  back any tree, shrub or other vegetation to preserve the safety
     6  and efficiency of commuter rail operations, subject to the following:
     7    (a) except in cases of imminent threat of harm to persons or property,
     8  a request has been made to  the  owner  of  such  private  property  for
     9  permission  to  enter upon such property for such purpose, which request
    10  has been denied or has been granted subject to  unreasonable  terms  and
    11  conditions;
    12    (b)  the  removal,  trimming or cutting back of trees, shrubs or other
    13  vegetation is limited to that needed to preserve the  safety  and  effi-
    14  ciency of commuter rail operations by (i) preventing the deposit of leaf
    15  debris  from such trees, shrubs or other vegetation on rail tracks so as
    16  to avoid slip-slide conditions during the  annual  leaf-off  season,  or
    17  (ii)  removing  trees, shrubs or other vegetation, or branches, limbs or
    18  other parts of  such  trees,  shrubs  or  other  vegetation,  which  are
    19  damaged,  diseased  or situated in such a manner so that they are likely
    20  to break or fall off during high winds or  extreme  weather  conditions,
    21  posing  a risk to commuter railroad facilities, employees or the general
    22  public; and
    23    (c) except in the case of  invasive  species,  or  species  which  are
    24  poisonous  or  noxious,  or where an entire tree is removed, due care is
    25  taken to avoid any trimming or cutting back which would damage the  main
    26  support  systems  of  such  trees,  shrubs or other vegetation, with the
    27  subject railroad being liable to  the  property  owner  for  the  actual
    28  damage  done  if  such trimming or cutting back does in fact damage such
    29  main support systems.
    30    Nothing contained in this subdivision shall be construed to  eliminate
    31  or limit any rights the Long Island Rail Road Company or the Metro-North
    32  Commuter  Railroad  Company may otherwise have under law with respect to
    33  the removal, trimming or cutting back of trees, shrubs  or  other  vege-
    34  tation on private property abutting their rights of way.
    35    § 2. This act shall take effect immediately.

    36                                   PART M

    37    Section 1. Subdivision 3 of section 165.15 of the penal law is amended
    38  to read as follows:
    39    3. With intent to obtain railroad, subway, bus, air, taxi or any other
    40  public transportation service or to use any toll highway, parkway, road,
    41  bridge  or  tunnel  or to enter or remain in the tolled central business
    42  district described in section seventeen hundred four of the vehicle  and
    43  traffic law without payment of the lawful charge or toll therefor, or to
    44  avoid  payment  of  the  lawful  charge  or toll for such transportation
    45  service which has been rendered to him or her or for  such  use  of  any
    46  toll  highway,  parkway,  road, bridge or tunnel or for such entering or
    47  remaining in such tolled central business district, he or she obtains or
    48  attempts to obtain such service or to use  any  toll  highway,  parkway,
    49  road,  bridge  or tunnel or to enter or remain in a tolled central busi-
    50  ness district or avoids or attempts to avoid payment therefor by  force,
    51  intimidation, stealth, deception or mechanical tampering, or by unjusti-
    52  fiable failure or refusal to pay; or

        S. 7508                            30                            A. 9508

     1    §  2. Paragraph (b) of subdivision 1 of section 402 of the vehicle and
     2  traffic law, as amended by chapter 109 of the laws of 2005,  is  amended
     3  and a new paragraph (c) is added to read as follows:
     4    (b)  Number  plates shall be kept clean and in a condition so as to be
     5  easily readable and shall not be covered by glass or any plastic materi-
     6  al, and shall not be knowingly covered or coated with any artificial  or
     7  synthetic  material  or  substance that conceals or obscures such number
     8  plates or that distorts a recorded or photographic image of such  number
     9  plates,  and  the  view of such number plates shall not be obstructed by
    10  any part of the vehicle or by anything carried thereon[,  except  for  a
    11  receiver-transmitter  issued  by  a  publicly  owned tolling facility in
    12  connection with electronic toll collection when such  receiver-transmit-
    13  ter  is affixed to the exterior of a vehicle in accordance with mounting
    14  instructions provided by the tolling facility].
    15    (c) It shall be unlawful for any person to operate, drive  or  park  a
    16  motor  vehicle on a toll highway, bridge and/or tunnel facility or enter
    17  or remain in the tolled central business district described  in  section
    18  seventeen  hundred  four  of this chapter, under the jurisdiction of the
    19  tolling authority, if such number plate  is  not  easily  readable,  nor
    20  shall  any number plate be covered by glass or any plastic material, and
    21  shall not be knowingly covered or coated with any artificial or synthet-
    22  ic material or substance that conceals or obscures such  number  plates,
    23  or that distorts a recorded or photographic image of such number plates,
    24  and  the  view of such number plates shall not be obstructed by any part
    25  of the vehicle or by anything carried thereon, except  for  a  receiver-
    26  transmitter  issued  by a publicly owned tolling authority in connection
    27  with  electronic  toll  collection  when  such  receiver-transmitter  is
    28  affixed  to  the  exterior  of  a  vehicle  in  accordance with mounting
    29  instructions provided by the tolling authority.   For purposes  of  this
    30  paragraph,  "tolling  authority" shall mean every public authority which
    31  operates a toll highway, bridge and/or  tunnel  or  a  central  business
    32  district  tolling  program as well as the Port Authority of New York and
    33  New Jersey, a bi-state agency created by compact set  forth  in  chapter
    34  one  hundred  fifty-four  of the laws of nineteen hundred twenty-one, as
    35  amended.
    36    § 3. Subdivision 8 of section 402 of the vehicle and traffic  law,  as
    37  amended  by  chapter 61 of the laws of 1989 and as renumbered by chapter
    38  648 of the laws of 2006, is amended to read as follows:
    39    8. The violation of this section shall be punishable by a fine of  not
    40  less  than  twenty-five  nor  more  than  two hundred dollars except for
    41  violations of paragraph (c) of subdivision one  of  this  section  which
    42  shall be punishable by a fine of not less than one hundred nor more than
    43  five hundred dollars.
    44    §  4.   This act shall take effect on the ninetieth day after it shall
    45  have become a law.

    46                                   PART N

    47    Section 1. Subdivision 11 of section 120.05 of the penal law, as sepa-
    48  rately amended by chapters 268 and 281 of the laws of 2016,  is  amended
    49  to read as follows:
    50    11.  With  intent to cause physical injury to a train operator, ticket
    51  inspector, conductor, signalperson, bus operator, station agent, station
    52  cleaner [or], terminal cleaner, station customer assistant; person whose
    53  official duties include the  sale  or  collection  of  tickets,  passes,
    54  vouchers,  or  other  fare  payment  media for use on a  train or bus; a

        S. 7508                            31                            A. 9508

     1  person  whose  official  duties   include   the   maintenance,   repair,
     2  inspection,  troubleshooting,  testing  or  cleaning of a transit signal
     3  system, elevated or underground subway tracks,  transit  station  struc-
     4  ture,  train yard, revenue train in passenger service, or a train or bus
     5  station or terminal; or a supervisor of such personnel, employed by  any
     6  transit agency, authority or company, public or private, whose operation
     7  is  authorized by New York state or any of its political subdivisions, a
     8  city marshal, a school crossing guard appointed pursuant to section  two
     9  hundred  eight-a  of  the  general  municipal law, a traffic enforcement
    10  officer, traffic enforcement agent, prosecutor as defined in subdivision
    11  thirty-one of section 1.20 of the  criminal  procedure  law,  sanitation
    12  enforcement  agent, New York city sanitation worker, public health sani-
    13  tarian, New  York  city  public  health  sanitarian,  registered  nurse,
    14  licensed  practical nurse, emergency medical service paramedic, or emer-
    15  gency medical service technician, he or she causes  physical  injury  to
    16  such  train  operator,  ticket  inspector,  conductor, signalperson, bus
    17  operator, station agent, station cleaner [or], terminal cleaner, station
    18  customer assistant; person whose official duties  include  the  sale  or
    19  collection  of tickets, passes, vouchers or other fare payment media for
    20  use on a  train or bus; a person whose official duties include the main-
    21  tenance, repair, inspection, troubleshooting, testing or cleaning  of  a
    22  transit  signal  system,  elevated or underground subway tracks, transit
    23  station structure, train yard, revenue train in passenger service, or  a
    24  train  or  bus  station  or terminal; or a supervisor of such personnel,
    25  city marshal, school crossing guard appointed pursuant  to  section  two
    26  hundred  eight-a of the general municipal law, traffic enforcement offi-
    27  cer, traffic enforcement agent, prosecutor  as  defined  in  subdivision
    28  thirty-one  of  section  1.20  of the criminal procedure law, registered
    29  nurse, licensed practical nurse, public health sanitarian, New York city
    30  public health sanitarian, sanitation enforcement agent,  New  York  city
    31  sanitation  worker,  emergency  medical  service paramedic, or emergency
    32  medical  service  technician,  while  such  employee  is  performing  an
    33  assigned  duty  on,  or directly related to, the operation of a train or
    34  bus, [including the] cleaning of a train or bus station or  terminal  or
    35  maintenance  of  a  train  or  bus  station  or terminal, signal system,
    36  elevated or underground subway tracks, transit station structure,  train
    37  yard or revenue train in passenger service, or such city marshal, school
    38  crossing  guard, traffic enforcement officer, traffic enforcement agent,
    39  prosecutor as defined in subdivision thirty-one of section 1.20  of  the
    40  criminal  procedure  law,  registered  nurse,  licensed practical nurse,
    41  public health sanitarian, New York city public health sanitarian,  sani-
    42  tation  enforcement  agent,  New  York city sanitation worker, emergency
    43  medical service paramedic, or emergency medical  service  technician  is
    44  performing an assigned duty; or
    45    §  2.  This  act shall take effect on the ninetieth day after it shall
    46  have become a law.

    47                                   PART O

    48    Section 1. Section 240.30 of the penal law is amended by adding a  new
    49  subdivision 3-a to read as follows:
    50    3-a.  He  or she strikes, shoves, kicks, or otherwise subjects another
    51  person to physical  contact,  which  includes  spitting  on  such  other
    52  person,  and  such  other  person  is  an on-duty train operator; ticket
    53  inspector; conductor; signalperson; bus operator; station agent; station
    54  cleaner; terminal cleaner;  station  customer  assistant;  person  whose

        S. 7508                            32                            A. 9508

     1  official  duties  include  the  sale  or  collection of tickets, passes,
     2  vouchers or other fare payment media for use on a train or  bus;  person
     3  whose official duties include the maintenance, repair, inspection, trou-
     4  bleshooting, testing or cleaning of a transit signal system, elevated or
     5  underground subway tracks, transit station structure, train yard, reven-
     6  ue train in passenger service, or train or bus station or terminal; or a
     7  supervisor  of such personnel, employed by any transit agency, authority
     8  or company, public or private, whose operation is authorized by New York
     9  state or any of its political subdivisions.
    10    § 2. This act shall take effect on the ninetieth day  after  it  shall
    11  have become a law.

    12                                   PART P

    13    Section  1. The penal law is amended by adding a new title Y-3 to read
    14  as follows:
    15                                  TITLE Y-3
    16                               TRANSIT CRIMES

    17                                 ARTICLE 498
    18                               TRANSIT CRIMES
    19  Section 498.05 Order of protection of public transit riders.
    20          498.10 Transit trespass.
    21  § 498.05 Order of protection of public transit riders.
    22    1. When any criminal action is pending  against  a  defendant  charged
    23  with  a  crime  involving  unlawful sexual conduct committed against any
    24  metropolitan transportation authority passenger, customer,  or  employee
    25  or  an assault-related crime or offense against a metropolitan transpor-
    26  tation authority employee committed in or on any of the subways, trains,
    27  buses, or other conveyances or facilities of the metropolitan  transpor-
    28  tation  authority  or  its  subsidiaries or of the New York city transit
    29  authority or its subsidiaries, the  court,  in  addition  to  the  other
    30  powers  conferred  upon it by this chapter, may as a condition of a pre-
    31  trial release, or as a condition of release on bail or an adjournment in
    32  contemplation of dismissal, issue a temporary  order  of  protection  of
    33  public  transit  riders  to  ensure the public safety. Such an order may
    34  require that the defendant refrain from entering, remaining in or  using
    35  the facilities or conveyances of the metropolitan transportation author-
    36  ity  or its subsidiaries and the New York city transit authority and its
    37  subsidiaries. A temporary order of protection of public  transit  riders
    38  shall  remain  in  effect until the final disposition of the case unless
    39  revoked by the court.
    40    2. Upon sentencing on a conviction  for  a  crime  involving  unlawful
    41  sexual conduct committed against any metropolitan transportation author-
    42  ity  passenger,  customer,  or  employee  or an assault-related crime or
    43  offense against a metropolitan transportation authority employee commit-
    44  ted in or on any facility or conveyance of the metropolitan  transporta-
    45  tion  authority  or  its  subsidiaries  or  of the New York city transit
    46  authority or its subsidiaries, the court may, in addition to  any  other
    47  disposition,  enter an order of protection of public transit riders. The
    48  duration of such an order shall be three years.
    49    3. In any proceeding in which an order of protection of public transit
    50  riders or temporary order of protection of  public  transit  riders  has
    51  been  issued  under  this section, the clerk of the court shall issue to
    52  the defendant and defense counsel and  the  metropolitan  transportation

        S. 7508                            33                            A. 9508

     1  authority, a copy of the order of protection of public transit riders or
     2  temporary order of protection of public transit riders.
     3  § 498.10 Transit trespass.
     4    A person is guilty of transit trespass when, being a person subject to
     5  a  prohibition order issued by the metropolitan transportation authority
     6  pursuant to section twelve hundred sixty-four-b of the  public  authori-
     7  ties law or an order of protection of public transit riders or temporary
     8  order  of  protection  of public transit riders issued by a court, he or
     9  she knowingly enters or remains in or uses any facility or conveyance of
    10  the metropolitan transportation authority or its subsidiaries or of  the
    11  New York city transit authority or its subsidiaries.
    12    Transit trespass is a class A misdemeanor.
    13    §  2.  The  public  authorities law is amended by adding a new section
    14  1264-b to read as follows:
    15    § 1264-b. Prohibition orders. 1. The authority may issue a prohibition
    16  order to any person if it determines that:
    17    (a) the person: (i) has been issued a summons, an  appearance  ticket,
    18  or  a notice of violation for committing a violation of any of the rules
    19  and regulations governing the conduct and safety of  the  public  estab-
    20  lished  by  the New York city transit authority, the Manhattan and Bronx
    21  surface transit operating authority, the  Staten  Island  rapid  transit
    22  operating  authority, MTA bus company, the Metro-North commuter railroad
    23  company, or the Long Island Rail Road company; and  (ii)  the  violation
    24  was  related  to  a  sexual  offense  committed against any metropolitan
    25  transportation  authority  passenger,  customer,  or  employee   or   an
    26  assault-related  crime  or offense against a metropolitan transportation
    27  authority employee; and (iii) the person was previously  issued  two  or
    28  more  summonses, appearance tickets, or notices of violation for commit-
    29  ting a violation of any of  the  rules  and  regulations  governing  the
    30  conduct and safety of the public established by the New York city trans-
    31  it authority, the Manhattan and Bronx surface transit operating authori-
    32  ty,  the  Staten  Island  rapid transit operating authority, the MTA bus
    33  company, the Metro-North commuter railroad company, or the  Long  Island
    34  Rail  Road company for a violation related to a sexual offense committed
    35  against any metropolitan transportation authority  passenger,  customer,
    36  or  employee  or an assault-related crime or offense against a metropol-
    37  itan transportation authority employee; or
    38    (b) the person has been designated a level three sex offender pursuant
    39  to the procedures set forth in article six-C of the correction law.
    40    2. A person subject to a prohibition order may not use or enter any of
    41  the authority's subways, trains, buses, or other conveyances or  facili-
    42  ties as specified in the order for a period of three years following the
    43  issuance of the prohibition order.
    44    3.  No prohibition order shall be effective unless the authority first
    45  affords the person notice and an opportunity to contest the  authority's
    46  proposed  action  in accordance with procedures adopted by the authority
    47  for this purpose. The authority's procedures shall provide, at  a  mini-
    48  mum, for the notice and other protections set forth in this section, and
    49  the authority shall provide reasonable notification to the public of the
    50  availability of such procedures.
    51    4.  (a)  A  notice  of  a proposed prohibition order shall set forth a
    52  description of the listed crimes or conduct giving rise to the  prohibi-
    53  tion order, including reference to the applicable statutory provision or
    54  ordinance violated, the dates of the listed conduct, the locations where
    55  such  conduct was committed and the scope of the prohibition. The notice
    56  shall include a clear and conspicuous statement indicating the procedure

        S. 7508                            34                            A. 9508

     1  for contesting the proposed  prohibition  order.  The  notice  shall  be
     2  served  upon  the  person who is the subject of the proposed prohibition
     3  order in the manner set forth in paragraph (b) of this subdivision.  The
     4  notice  of  prohibition  order, or a copy thereof, shall be considered a
     5  record kept in the ordinary course of  business  of  the  authority  and
     6  shall  be  prima  facie  evidence  of  the facts contained in the notice
     7  establishing a rebuttable presumption affecting the burden of  producing
     8  evidence.  For purposes of this paragraph, "clear and conspicuous" means
     9  in larger type than the surrounding text, or in contrasting type,  font,
    10  or  color  to  the surrounding text of the same size or set off from the
    11  surrounding text of the same size by symbols or other  marks  that  call
    12  attention to the language.
    13    (b) A proposed prohibition order may be served by:
    14    (1) in-person delivery; or
    15    (2)  delivery by any form of mail providing for delivery confirmation,
    16  postage prepaid, to the most recent address provided by the person being
    17  served in government records, including, but not limited to, the address
    18  set forth in a citation or court records; or
    19    (3) any alternate method approved in writing by the authority and  the
    20  person being served.
    21    (c)  For  purposes  of  this section, delivery shall be deemed to have
    22  been made on the following date, as applicable:
    23    (1) on the date of delivery, if delivered in person; or
    24    (2) on the date of confirmed delivery, if delivered by mail.
    25    (d) Proof of service of the notice shall be filed with the authority.
    26    (e) If a person contests a notice of prohibition order, the  authority
    27  shall proceed in accordance with subdivision six of this section. If the
    28  notice  of  prohibition  order is not contested within ten calendar days
    29  following service of the notice, the prohibition order shall  be  deemed
    30  final  and  shall  be effective, without further action by the authority
    31  for three years.
    32    (f) Prohibition orders shall be subject to an automatic stay and shall
    33  not take effect until the latest of the following:
    34    (1) eleven calendar days  following  service  of  the  notice  of  the
    35  proposed prohibition order if the order is not contested;
    36    (2)  eleven  calendar  days  following  service  of the results of the
    37  review if an initial review is timely requested and the proposed  prohi-
    38  bition order is upheld on review; or
    39    (3) the date the hearing officer's decision is served on the person if
    40  an  administrative  hearing  is timely requested and the hearing officer
    41  upheld the order.
    42    5. (a) For a period of ten days  from  the  service  of  the  proposed
    43  prohibition  order,  the  person  may  request  an initial review of the
    44  prohibition order by the authority. The request may  be  made  by  tele-
    45  phone,  in  writing,  or  in  person.  There shall be no charge for this
    46  review. In conducting its  review  and  reaching  a  determination,  the
    47  authority  shall  determine  whether  the  prohibition  order  meets the
    48  requirements of subdivision one  of  this  section.  If,  following  the
    49  initial  review,  based on these findings, the authority determines that
    50  the proposed prohibition order  is  not  adequately  supported  or  that
    51  extenuating circumstances make dismissal of the prohibition order appro-
    52  priate  in  the  interest  of  justice,  the  authority shall cancel the
    53  notice. If, following the initial review, based on these  findings,  the
    54  authority  determines  that  the  prohibition  order should be upheld in
    55  whole or in part, the authority shall issue a written statement to  that
    56  effect,  including any modification to the period or scope of the prohi-

        S. 7508                            35                            A. 9508

     1  bition order. The authority shall  serve  the  results  of  the  initial
     2  review  to  the person contesting the notice as set forth in subdivision
     3  four of this section.
     4    (b) The authority may in its discretion modify or cancel a prohibition
     5  order in the interest of justice at any time. If the person depends upon
     6  the  authority's subways, trains, buses, or other conveyances or facili-
     7  ties for trips of necessity, including, but not limited to, travel to or
     8  from medical or legal appointments, school or training classes, or plac-
     9  es of employment; obtaining  food,  clothing,  and  necessary  household
    10  items;  or  rendering care to family members, the authority may modify a
    11  prohibition order to allow for a trip or trips as in its discretion  are
    12  necessary.  A person requesting that a prohibition order be cancelled or
    13  modified in the interest of justice shall have the burden of  establish-
    14  ing the qualifying circumstances by a preponderance of the evidence.
    15    (c)  If  the  person  is  dissatisfied with the results of the initial
    16  review, the person may request an administrative hearing of the prohibi-
    17  tion order no later than ten days  after  the  results  of  the  initial
    18  review  are  serviced. The request may be made by telephone, in writing,
    19  or in person. An administrative hearing shall be held within thirty days
    20  after the receipt of a request for an administrative hearing. The person
    21  requesting the hearing may request one continuance, not to exceed  seven
    22  calendar days.
    23    6. The administrative hearing process shall include all of the follow-
    24  ing:
    25    (a) The person requesting the hearing shall have the choice of a hear-
    26  ing by mail or in person. An in-person hearing shall be conducted by the
    27  transit adjudication bureau established by section twelve hundred nine-a
    28  of this article.
    29    (b)  The  administrative hearing shall be conducted in accordance with
    30  written procedures established  by  the  authority.  The  hearing  shall
    31  provide  an  independent,  objective,  fair, and impartial review of the
    32  prohibition order.
    33    (c) The administrative review shall  be  conducted  before  a  hearing
    34  officer.  In addition to any other requirements, a hearing officer shall
    35  demonstrate the qualifications, training, and objectivity as are  neces-
    36  sary to fulfill and that are consistent with the duties and responsibil-
    37  ities set forth in this subdivision.
    38    (d) In issuing a decision, the hearing officer shall determine whether
    39  the  prohibition order meets the requirements of subdivision one of this
    40  section. Based upon these findings, the hearing officer may  uphold  the
    41  prohibition  order in whole, determine that the prohibition order is not
    42  adequately supported by a preponderance of the evidence,  or  cancel  or
    43  modify  the  prohibition order in the interest of justice. If the person
    44  depends upon the authority's subways, trains, buses, or other conveyanc-
    45  es or facilities for trips of necessity, including, but not limited  to,
    46  travel  to  or  from  medical  or legal appointments, school or training
    47  classes, or places of employment; obtaining food, clothing,  and  neces-
    48  sary  household  items; or rendering care to family members, the hearing
    49  officer may in their discretion modify a prohibition order to allow  for
    50  such  trips.  A  person requesting a cancellation or modification in the
    51  interest of justice shall have the burden of establishing the qualifying
    52  circumstances by a preponderance of the evidence.
    53    (e) The hearing officer's decision following the administrative  hear-
    54  ing shall be served as set forth in subdivision four of this section.
    55    (f)  A  person  aggrieved by the final decision of the hearing officer
    56  may seek judicial review of the decision within ninety days  of  service

        S. 7508                            36                            A. 9508

     1  of  the decision pursuant to article seventy-eight of the civil practice
     2  law and rules.
     3    7.  A  person  issued  a prohibition order may, within ten days of the
     4  date the order becomes effective, request a refund for any prepaid  fare
     5  amounts  rendered  unusable in whole or in part by the prohibition order
     6  including, but not limited to, monthly passes.
     7    8. The provisions of this section shall not be construed to limit  the
     8  power of any court to issue additional restrictions on a person's abili-
     9  ty  to use or enter the authority's facilities or conveyances, including
    10  but not limited to as a condition of bail or  probation  or  conditional
    11  discharge or as a part of any criminal sentence.
    12    §  3.  This  act shall take effect on the ninetieth day after it shall
    13  have become a law.  Effective immediately, the metropolitan  transporta-
    14  tion  authority may adopt any rules, regulations, policies or procedures
    15  necessary to implement this act prior to the effective date of this act.

    16                                   PART Q

    17    Section 1. Paragraph (d) of section 304 of  the  business  corporation
    18  law is amended to read as follows:
    19    (d)  Any designated post office address maintained by the secretary of
    20  state as agent of a domestic corporation or foreign corporation for  the
    21  purpose  of  mailing process shall be the post office address, within or
    22  without the state, to which a person shall  mail  process  against  such
    23  corporation  as  required  by this article. Any designated [post-office]
    24  post office address to which the secretary of state or  a  person  shall
    25  mail  a  copy of any process served upon [him] the secretary of state as
    26  agent of a domestic corporation or a foreign corporation, shall continue
    27  until the filing of a certificate under this chapter directing the mail-
    28  ing to a different [post-office] post office address.
    29    § 2. Paragraph (a) of section 305 of the business corporation law,  as
    30  amended  by  chapter  131  of  the  laws  of 1985, is amended to read as
    31  follows:
    32    (a) In addition to such designation of the secretary of  state,  every
    33  domestic  corporation  or authorized foreign corporation may designate a
    34  registered agent in this state upon whom  process  against  such  corpo-
    35  ration may be served. The agent shall be a natural person who is a resi-
    36  dent  of or has a business address in this state [or], a domestic corpo-
    37  ration or foreign corporation of any type or kind formed, or  authorized
    38  to  do  business  in this state[,] under this chapter or under any other
    39  statute of this state,  or  a  domestic  limited  liability  company  or
    40  foreign limited liability company formed or authorized to do business in
    41  this state.
    42    §  3.  Subparagraph  1 of paragraph (b) of section 306 of the business
    43  corporation law, as amended by chapter 419  of  the  laws  of  1990,  is
    44  amended to read as follows:
    45    (1)  Service of process on the secretary of state as agent of a domes-
    46  tic or authorized foreign corporation, or other business entity that has
    47  designated the secretary of state as agent for service of process pursu-
    48  ant to article nine of this chapter, shall be made by [personally deliv-
    49  ering to and leaving with the secretary of state or a  deputy,  or  with
    50  any person authorized by the secretary of state to receive such service,
    51  at  the  office of the department of state in the city of Albany, dupli-
    52  cate copies of such process together with the statutory fee,  which  fee
    53  shall  be  a  taxable  disbursement]  mailing  the process and notice of
    54  service thereof by certified mail, return  receipt  requested,  to  such

        S. 7508                            37                            A. 9508

     1  corporation or other business entity, at the post office address on file
     2  in  the department of state specified for this purpose. If a domestic or
     3  authorized foreign corporation has  no  such  address  on  file  in  the
     4  department  of state, the process and notice of service thereof shall be
     5  mailed, in the case of a domestic corporation, in care of  any  director
     6  named  in  its  certificate  of  incorporation at the director's address
     7  stated therein or, in the case of an authorized foreign corporation,  to
     8  such  corporation at the address of its office within this state on file
     9  in the department. On the same day that such process is mailed, a dupli-
    10  cate copy of such process and proof of mailing together with the  statu-
    11  tory fee, which fee shall be a taxable disbursement, shall be personally
    12  delivered  to  and left with the secretary of state or a deputy, or with
    13  any person authorized by the secretary of state to receive such service,
    14  at the office of the department of state in the city of Albany. Proof of
    15  mailing shall be by affidavit of compliance with this  section.  Service
    16  of  process  on  such  corporation  or  other  business  entity shall be
    17  complete when the secretary of state is so  served.  [The  secretary  of
    18  state  shall  promptly send one of such copies by certified mail, return
    19  receipt requested, to such corporation, at the post office  address,  on
    20  file  in the department of state, specified for the purpose. If a domes-
    21  tic or authorized foreign corporation has no such address on file in the
    22  department of state, the secretary of state shall so mail such copy,  in
    23  the case of a domestic corporation, in care of any director named in its
    24  certificate  of  incorporation  at the director's address stated therein
    25  or, in the case of an authorized foreign  corporation,  to  such  corpo-
    26  ration  at  the  address  of its office within this state on file in the
    27  department.]
    28    § 4. Subparagraphs 2 and 3 of paragraph (a) of section  306-A  of  the
    29  business  corporation  law, as added by chapter 469 of the laws of 1997,
    30  are amended to read as follows:
    31    (2) That the address of the party has been designated  by  the  corpo-
    32  ration  as  the  post office address to which [the secretary of state] a
    33  person shall mail a copy of any process served on the secretary of state
    34  as agent for such corporation, specifying such address,  and  that  such
    35  party wishes to resign.
    36    (3) That at least sixty days prior to the filing of the certificate of
    37  resignation  for  receipt  of  process  with the department of state the
    38  party has sent a copy of the certificate of resignation for  receipt  of
    39  process by registered or certified mail to the address of the registered
    40  agent of the designating corporation, if other than the party filing the
    41  certificate of resignation[,] for receipt of process, or if the [resign-
    42  ing]  designating  corporation has no registered agent, then to the last
    43  address of the designating corporation known to  the  party,  specifying
    44  the  address to which the copy was sent. If there is no registered agent
    45  and no known address of the designating  corporation,  the  party  shall
    46  attach  an  affidavit  to  the  certificate  stating that a diligent but
    47  unsuccessful search was made by the party  to  locate  the  corporation,
    48  specifying what efforts were made.
    49    §  5.  Subparagraph  7 of paragraph (a) of section 402 of the business
    50  corporation law is amended to read as follows:
    51    (7) A designation of the secretary of state as  agent  of  the  corpo-
    52  ration  upon  whom  process against it may be served and the post office
    53  address, within or without this state, to which [the secretary of state]
    54  a person shall mail a copy of any process against it served  upon  [him]
    55  the secretary of state.

        S. 7508                            38                            A. 9508

     1    §  6.  Subparagraph  (c) of paragraph 1 of section 408 of the business
     2  corporation law, as amended by section 3 of part S of chapter 59 of  the
     3  laws of 2015, is amended to read as follows:
     4    (c)  The  post  office address, within or without this state, to which
     5  [the secretary of state] a person shall  mail  a  copy  of  any  process
     6  against  it  served  upon  [him  or  her] the secretary of state.   Such
     7  address shall supersede any previous address on file with the department
     8  of state for this purpose.
     9    § 7. Subparagraph 4 of paragraph (b) of section 801  of  the  business
    10  corporation law is amended to read as follows:
    11    (4) To  specify or change the post office address to which [the secre-
    12  tary of state] a person shall mail a copy of  any  process  against  the
    13  corporation served upon [him] the secretary of state.
    14    §  8.  Subparagraph  2 of paragraph (b) of section 803 of the business
    15  corporation law, as amended by chapter 803  of  the  laws  of  1965,  is
    16  amended to read as follows:
    17    (2) To  specify or change the post office address to which [the secre-
    18  tary of state] a person shall mail a copy of  any  process  against  the
    19  corporation served upon [him] the secretary of state.
    20    §  9.  Paragraph (b) of section 805-A of the business corporation law,
    21  as added by chapter 725 of the laws of  1964,  is  amended  to  read  as
    22  follows:
    23    (b) A certificate of change which changes only the post office address
    24  to  which  [the  secretary  of  state] a person shall mail a copy of any
    25  process against a corporation served upon  [him  or]  the  secretary  of
    26  state  and/or the address of the registered agent, provided such address
    27  being changed is the address of a person, partnership, limited liability
    28  company or other corporation whose address, as agent, is the address  to
    29  be  changed  or  who  has  been  designated as registered agent for such
    30  corporation, may be signed[, verified] and delivered to  the  department
    31  of  state  by  such agent. The certificate of change shall set forth the
    32  statements required under subparagraphs [(a)] (1), (2) and (3) of  para-
    33  graph  (a)  of  this  section;  that a notice of the proposed change was
    34  mailed to the corporation by the party signing the certificate not  less
    35  than  thirty  days  prior  to the date of delivery to the department and
    36  that such corporation has not objected thereto; and that the party sign-
    37  ing the certificate is the agent of such corporation  to  whose  address
    38  [the  secretary of state] a person is required to mail copies of process
    39  served on the secretary of state or the registered agent, if such be the
    40  case. A certificate signed[, verified] and delivered  under  this  para-
    41  graph  shall  not be deemed to effect a change of location of the office
    42  of the corporation in whose behalf such certificate is filed.
    43    § 10. Subparagraph 8 of paragraph (a) of section 904-a of the business
    44  corporation law, as amended by chapter 177  of  the  laws  of  2008,  is
    45  amended to read as follows:
    46    (8)  If  the surviving or resulting entity is a foreign corporation or
    47  other business entity, a designation of the secretary of  state  as  its
    48  agent upon whom process against it may be served in the manner set forth
    49  in  paragraph  (b)  of section three hundred six of this chapter, in any
    50  action or special proceeding, and a post office address, within or with-
    51  out this state, to which [the secretary of state] a person shall mail  a
    52  copy of any process against it served upon [him] the secretary of state.
    53  Such post office address shall supersede any prior address designated as
    54  the address to which process shall be mailed;

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     1    §  11. Clause (G) of subparagraph 2 of paragraph (e) of section 907 of
     2  the business corporation law, as amended by chapter 494 of the  laws  of
     3  1997, is amended to read as follows:
     4    (G)  A  designation  of  the secretary of state as its agent upon whom
     5  process against it may be served in the manner set  forth  in  paragraph
     6  (b)  of  section  306  (Service  of  process),  in any action or special
     7  proceeding, and a post office address, within or without this state,  to
     8  which [the secretary of state] a person shall mail a copy of any process
     9  against  it  served  upon [him] the secretary of state. Such post office
    10  address shall supersede any prior address designated as the  address  to
    11  which process shall be mailed.
    12    §  12. Subparagraph 6 of paragraph (a) of section 1304 of the business
    13  corporation law, as amended by chapter 684 of the laws of  1963  and  as
    14  renumbered  by  chapter  590  of the laws of 1982, is amended to read as
    15  follows:
    16    (6) A designation of the secretary of state as  its  agent  upon  whom
    17  process  against it may be served and the post office address, within or
    18  without this state, to which [the secretary of  state]  a  person  shall
    19  mail a copy of any process against it served upon [him] the secretary of
    20  state.
    21    §  13. Subparagraph 7 of paragraph (a) of section 1308 of the business
    22  corporation law, as amended by chapter 725 of the laws of  1964  and  as
    23  renumbered  by  chapter  186  of the laws of 1983, is amended to read as
    24  follows:
    25    (7) To specify or change the post office address to which [the  secre-
    26  tary  of  state]  a  person  shall mail a copy of any process against it
    27  served upon [him] the secretary of state.
    28    § 14. Subparagraph 2 of paragraph (a) and  paragraph  (c)  of  section
    29  1309-A  of the business corporation law, subparagraph 2 of paragraph (a)
    30  as added by chapter 725 of the laws of 1964 and paragraph (c) as amended
    31  by chapter 172 of the laws of 1999, are amended to read as follows:
    32    (2) To specify or change the post office address to which [the  secre-
    33  tary  of  state]  a  person  shall mail a copy of any process against it
    34  served upon [him] the secretary of state.
    35    (c) A certificate of change of application for authority which changes
    36  only the post office address to which [the secretary of state] a  person
    37  shall  mail  a  copy of any process against an authorized foreign corpo-
    38  ration served upon [him or which] the secretary of state and/or  changes
    39  the  address  of  its  registered  agent,  provided  such address is the
    40  address of a person, partnership, limited  liability  company  or  other
    41  corporation whose address, as agent, is the address to be changed or who
    42  has  been  designated  as  registered  agent for such authorized foreign
    43  corporation, may be signed and delivered to the department of  state  by
    44  such agent. The certificate of change of application for authority shall
    45  set  forth the statements required under subparagraphs (1), (2), (3) and
    46  (4) of paragraph (b) of this section; that  a  notice  of  the  proposed
    47  change was mailed by the party signing the certificate to the authorized
    48  foreign  corporation  not  less  than  thirty  days prior to the date of
    49  delivery to the department and that such corporation  has  not  objected
    50  thereto; and that the party signing the certificate is the agent of such
    51  foreign  corporation  to whose address [the secretary of state] a person
    52  is required to mail copies of process served on the secretary  of  state
    53  or  the  registered agent, if such be the case. A certificate signed and
    54  delivered under this paragraph shall not be deemed to effect a change of
    55  location of the office of the corporation in whose behalf  such  certif-
    56  icate is filed.

        S. 7508                            40                            A. 9508

     1    §  15.  Subparagraphs  1 and 6 of paragraph (a) of section 1310 of the
     2  business corporation law, subparagraph 1 as amended by  chapter  590  of
     3  the laws of 1982, are amended to read as follows:
     4    (1)  The name of the foreign corporation as it appears on the index of
     5  names of existing domestic and authorized foreign  corporations  of  any
     6  type  or kind in the department of state, division of corporations [or,]
     7  and the fictitious name, if any, the corporation has agreed  to  use  in
     8  this  state  pursuant to paragraph (d) of section 1301 of this [chapter]
     9  article.
    10    (6) A post office address, within or without this state, to which [the
    11  secretary of state] a person shall mail a copy of any process against it
    12  served upon [him] the secretary of state.
    13    § 16. Subparagraph 4 of paragraph (d) of section 1310 of the  business
    14  corporation law is amended to read as follows:
    15    (4)  The changed post office address, within or without this state, to
    16  which [the secretary of state] a person shall mail a copy of any process
    17  against it served upon [him] the secretary of state.
    18    § 17. Section 1311 of the business  corporation  law,  as  amended  by
    19  chapter 375 of the laws of 1998, is amended to read as follows:
    20  § 1311. Termination of existence.
    21    When  an  authorized foreign corporation is dissolved or its authority
    22  or existence is otherwise terminated or cancelled in the jurisdiction of
    23  its incorporation or when such foreign corporation  is  merged  into  or
    24  consolidated  with  another  foreign  corporation,  a certificate of the
    25  secretary of state, or official performing the equivalent function as to
    26  corporate records, of the jurisdiction of incorporation of such  foreign
    27  corporation attesting to the occurrence of any such event or a certified
    28  copy of an order or decree of a court of such jurisdiction directing the
    29  dissolution  of  such foreign corporation, the termination of its exist-
    30  ence or the cancellation of its authority  shall  be  delivered  to  the
    31  department  of  state.  The  filing  of the certificate, order or decree
    32  shall have the same effect as the filing of a certificate  of  surrender
    33  of  authority under section 1310 (Surrender of authority). The secretary
    34  of state shall continue as agent of the foreign  corporation  upon  whom
    35  process  against  it  may be served in the manner set forth in paragraph
    36  (b) of section 306 (Service  of  process),  in  any  action  or  special
    37  proceeding  based  upon  any  liability  or  obligation  incurred by the
    38  foreign corporation within this  state  prior  to  the  filing  of  such
    39  certificate,  order  or  decree and [he] the person serving such process
    40  shall [promptly cause a copy of  any  such]  send  the  process  [to  be
    41  mailed]  by  [registered]  certified  mail, return receipt requested, to
    42  such foreign corporation at the post office address on file in [his] the
    43  office of the secretary of state specified for such  purpose  and  shall
    44  provide  the secretary of state with proof of such mailing in the manner
    45  set forth in paragraph (b) of section 306 (Service  of  process).    The
    46  post  office  address  may  be  changed by signing and delivering to the
    47  department of state a certificate of change setting forth the statements
    48  required under section  1309-A  (Certificate  of  change;  contents)  to
    49  effect  a  change in the post office address under subparagraph seven of
    50  paragraph (a) [(4)] of section 1308 (Amendments or changes).
    51    § 18. Subparagraph 6 of paragraph (a) of section 1530 of the  business
    52  corporation law, as added by chapter 505 of the laws of 1983, is amended
    53  to read as follows:
    54    (6)  A  designation  of  the secretary of state as its agent upon whom
    55  process against it may be served and the post office address, within  or
    56  without  this  state,  to  which [the secretary of state] a person shall

        S. 7508                            41                            A. 9508

     1  mail a copy of any process against it served upon [him] the secretary of
     2  state.
     3    §  19.  Subdivision  10  of section 11 of the cooperative corporations
     4  law, as added by chapter 97 of the laws of 1969, is amended to  read  as
     5  follows:
     6    10. A  designation  of  the  secretary of state as agent of the corpo-
     7  ration upon whom process against it may be served and  the  post  office
     8  address, within or without this state, to which [the secretary of state]
     9  a  person  shall mail a copy of any process against it served upon [him]
    10  the secretary of state.
    11    § 20. Subdivision 10 of section 96 of the executive law, as amended by
    12  chapter 39 of the laws of 1987, is amended to read as follows:
    13    10. For service of process on the secretary of state, acting as  agent
    14  for  a  third  party  pursuant  to law, except as otherwise specifically
    15  provided by law, forty dollars. No fee shall be  collected  for  process
    16  served  on  behalf of [a] any state official, department, board, agency,
    17  authority, county, city, town or village or other political  subdivision
    18  of  the  state.  The fees paid the secretary of state shall be a taxable
    19  disbursement.
    20    § 21. The opening paragraph of subdivision  2  and  subdivision  3  of
    21  section  18 of the general associations law, as amended by chapter 13 of
    22  the laws of 1938, are amended and two new subdivisions 5 and 6 are added
    23  to read as follows:
    24    Every association doing business within this state shall file  in  the
    25  department  of  state  a  certificate in its associate name, signed [and
    26  acknowledged] by its president, or a vice-president,  or  secretary,  or
    27  treasurer,  or  managing director, or trustee, designating the secretary
    28  of state as an agent upon whom  process  in  any  action  or  proceeding
    29  against  the  association  may  be served within this state, and setting
    30  forth an address to which [the secretary of state] a person shall mail a
    31  copy of any process against the association which  may  be  served  upon
    32  [him]  the  secretary  of state pursuant to law.  Annexed to the certif-
    33  icate of designation shall be a statement, executed in the  same  manner
    34  as  the certificate is required to be executed under this section, which
    35  shall set forth:
    36    3.  Any association, from time to time,  may  change  the  address  to
    37  which  [the  secretary  of state] a person is directed to mail copies of
    38  process served on the secretary of state, by filing a statement to  that
    39  effect,  executed[,]  and  signed [and acknowledged] in like manner as a
    40  certificate of designation as herein provided.
    41    5.  Any designated post office address maintained by the secretary  of
    42  state  as  agent in any action or proceeding against the association for
    43  the purpose of mailing process shall be the post office address,  within
    44  or  without the state, to which a person shall mail process against such
    45  association as required by this article.  Such  address  shall  continue
    46  until the filing of a certificate under this chapter directing the mail-
    47  ing to a different post office address.
    48    6.  "Process"  means judicial process and all orders, demands, notices
    49  or other papers required or permitted by law to be personally served  on
    50  an  association, for the purpose of acquiring jurisdiction of such asso-
    51  ciation in any action or proceeding, civil or  criminal,  whether  judi-
    52  cial,  administrative, arbitrative or otherwise, in this state or in the
    53  federal courts sitting in or for this state.
    54    § 22. Section 19 of the general associations law, as amended by  chap-
    55  ter 166 of the laws of 1991, is amended to read as follows:

        S. 7508                            42                            A. 9508

     1    §  19.    Service of process. 1. Service of process against an associ-
     2  ation upon the secretary of state shall be made by mailing  the  process
     3  and  notice  of  service  thereof  by  certified  mail,  return  receipt
     4  requested, to such corporation or other business  entity,  at  the  post
     5  office  address  on  file  in the department of state specified for this
     6  purpose. On the same day that such process is mailed, a  duplicate  copy
     7  of  such  process  and proof of mailing shall be personally [delivering]
     8  delivered to and [leaving] left with [him] the secretary of state  or  a
     9  deputy  [secretary of state or an associate attorney, senior attorney or
    10  attorney in the corporation division of the department of state,  dupli-
    11  cate  copies of such process at the office of the department of state in
    12  the city of Albany] so designated. At  the  time  of  such  service  the
    13  plaintiff  shall  pay  a fee of forty dollars to the secretary of state,
    14  which shall be a taxable disbursement. [If the cost of  registered  mail
    15  for  transmitting  a  copy  of  the process shall exceed two dollars, an
    16  additional fee equal to such excess shall be paid at  the  time  of  the
    17  service  of such process. The secretary of state shall forthwith send by
    18  registered mail one of such copies to the  association  at  the  address
    19  fixed for that purpose, as herein provided.]
    20    2.  Proof  of  mailing  shall  be by affidavit of compliance with this
    21  section. Service of process on such association shall be  complete  when
    22  the  secretary  of  state  is  so served. If the action or proceeding is
    23  instituted in a court of limited jurisdiction, service of process may be
    24  made in the manner provided in this section if the cause of action arose
    25  within the territorial jurisdiction of the court and the office  of  the
    26  defendant, as set forth in its statement filed pursuant to section eigh-
    27  teen of this [chapter] article, is within such territorial jurisdiction.
    28    §  23.  Subdivision 2 of section 352-b of the general business law, as
    29  amended by chapter 252 of the laws  of  1983,  is  amended  to  read  as
    30  follows:
    31    2.  Service  of such process upon the secretary of state shall be made
    32  by personally delivering to and leaving with [him or] the  secretary  of
    33  state,  a  deputy secretary of state, or with a person authorized by the
    34  secretary of state to receive such service, a copy thereof at the office
    35  of the department of state in the city of Albany, and such service shall
    36  be sufficient service provided that notice of such service and a copy of
    37  such process are forthwith sent by the attorney general to such  person,
    38  partnership,  corporation,  company, trust or association, by registered
    39  or certified mail with return receipt requested, at  [his  or  its]  the
    40  office  as  set  forth  in  the "broker-dealer's statement", "salesman's
    41  statement" or "investment advisor's statement" filed in  the  department
    42  of  law  pursuant to section three hundred fifty-nine-e or section three
    43  hundred fifty-nine-eee of this article, or in default of the  filing  of
    44  such  statement,  at  the  last  address  known to the attorney general.
    45  Service of such process shall be complete on  receipt  by  the  attorney
    46  general  of a return receipt purporting to be signed by the addressee or
    47  a person qualified to receive [his or its] registered or certified mail,
    48  in accordance with the rules and customs of the post office  department,
    49  or,  if  acceptance  was  refused by the addressee or [his or its] their
    50  agent, on return to the attorney general of the original envelope  bear-
    51  ing  a  notation  by  the  postal  authorities  that receipt thereof was
    52  refused.
    53    § 24. Section 686 of the general business law, as added by chapter 730
    54  of the laws of 1980, is amended to read as follows:
    55    § 686. Designation of secretary of state as agent for service of proc-
    56  ess; service of process. Any person who shall offer to sell  or  sell  a

        S. 7508                            43                            A. 9508

     1  franchise  in  this  state  as  a franchisor, subfranchisor or franchise
     2  sales agent shall be deemed to have irrevocably appointed the  secretary
     3  of  state as his or [its] her agent upon whom may be served any summons,
     4  complaint,  subpoena, subpoena duces tecum, notice, order or other proc-
     5  ess directed to such person, or any partner, principal, officer,  sales-
     6  man or director thereof, or his or [its] her successor, administrator or
     7  executor, in any action, investigation, or proceeding which arises under
     8  this article or a rule hereunder, with the same force and validity as if
     9  served  personally  on  such  person.  Service  of such process upon the
    10  secretary of state shall be made by personally delivering to and leaving
    11  with [him or] the secretary of state, a deputy secretary  of  state,  or
    12  with  any  person  authorized  by the secretary of state to receive such
    13  service, a copy thereof at the office of the department  of  state,  and
    14  such  service  shall  be sufficient provided that notice of such service
    15  and a copy of such process are sent forthwith by the department to  such
    16  person,  by  registered or certified mail with return receipt requested,
    17  at [his] the address [as] set forth in the application for  registration
    18  of his or her offering prospectus or in the registered offering prospec-
    19  tus itself filed with the department of law pursuant to this article, or
    20  in  default of the filing of such application or prospectus, at the last
    21  address known to the  department.  Service  of  such  process  shall  be
    22  complete  upon  receipt by the department of a return receipt purporting
    23  to be signed by the addressee or a person qualified to receive  [his  or
    24  its]  registered  or  certified  mail,  in accordance with the rules and
    25  customs of the post office department, or, if acceptance was refused  or
    26  unclaimed by the addressee or his or [its] her agent, or if the address-
    27  ee  moved  without  leaving  a  forwarding  address,  upon return to the
    28  department of the original envelope bearing a  notation  by  the  postal
    29  authorities  that  receipt  thereof  was  refused  or that such mail was
    30  otherwise undeliverable.
    31    § 25. Paragraph 4 of subdivision (e) of section  203  of  the  limited
    32  liability  company  law, as added by chapter 470 of the laws of 1997, is
    33  amended to read as follows:
    34    (4) a designation of the secretary of state as agent  of  the  limited
    35  liability  company  upon  whom  process against it may be served and the
    36  post office address, within or without this state, to which [the  secre-
    37  tary  of  state]  a  person shall mail a copy of any process against the
    38  limited liability company served upon [him  or  her]  the  secretary  of
    39  state;
    40    §  26.  Paragraph  4  of subdivision (a) of section 206 of the limited
    41  liability company law, as amended by chapter 44 of the laws of 2006,  is
    42  amended to read as follows:
    43    (4)  a  statement  that  the secretary of state has been designated as
    44  agent of the limited liability company upon whom process against it  may
    45  be  served and the post office address, within or without this state, to
    46  which [the secretary of state] a person shall mail a copy of any process
    47  against it served upon [him or her] the secretary of state;
    48    § 27. Paragraph 6 of subdivision (d) of section  211  of  the  limited
    49  liability company law is amended to read as follows:
    50    (6)  a  change  in  the post office address to which [the secretary of
    51  state] a person shall mail a copy of any  process  against  the  limited
    52  liability  company  served  upon  [him or her] the secretary of state if
    53  such change is made other than pursuant to section three hundred one  of
    54  this chapter;
    55    §  28. Section 211-A of the limited liability company law, as added by
    56  chapter 448 of the laws of 1998, is amended to read as follows:

        S. 7508                            44                            A. 9508

     1    § 211-A. Certificate of change. (a) A limited  liability  company  may
     2  amend  its  articles of organization from time to time to (i) specify or
     3  change the location of the  limited  liability  company's  office;  (ii)
     4  specify  or  change  the  post office address to which [the secretary of
     5  state]  a  person  shall  mail a copy of any process against the limited
     6  liability company served upon [him] the secretary of  state;  and  (iii)
     7  make, revoke or change the designation of a registered agent, or specify
     8  or  change  the  address  of  the registered agent. Any one or more such
     9  changes may be accomplished by filing  a  certificate  of  change  which
    10  shall  be  entitled  "Certificate  of Change of ....... (name of limited
    11  liability company) under section 211-A of the Limited Liability  Company
    12  Law"  and  shall  be signed and delivered to the department of state. It
    13  shall set forth:
    14    (1) the name of the limited liability company,  and  if  it  has  been
    15  changed, the name under which it was formed;
    16    (2) the date the articles of organization were filed by the department
    17  of state; and
    18    (3) each change effected thereby.
    19    (b) A certificate of change which changes only the post office address
    20  to  which  [the  secretary  of  state] a person shall mail a copy of any
    21  process against a limited liability company served  upon  [him  or]  the
    22  secretary  of state and/or the address of the registered agent, provided
    23  such address being changed is the  address  of  a  person,  partnership,
    24  limited liability company or corporation whose address, as agent, is the
    25  address to be changed or who has been designated as registered agent for
    26  such  limited  liability  company  may  be  signed  and delivered to the
    27  department of state by such agent. The certificate of change  shall  set
    28  forth  the  statements  required  under subdivision (a) of this section;
    29  that a notice of the proposed change was mailed to the domestic  limited
    30  liability  company  by  the  party signing the certificate not less than
    31  thirty days prior to the date of delivery to the department of state and
    32  that such domestic limited liability company has not  objected  thereto;
    33  and  that the party signing the certificate is the agent of such limited
    34  liability company to whose address [the secretary of state] a person  is
    35  required  to  mail copies of process served on the secretary of state or
    36  the registered agent, if such be the  case.  A  certificate  signed  and
    37  delivered  under this subdivision shall not be deemed to effect a change
    38  of location of the office of the  limited  liability  company  in  whose
    39  behalf such certificate is filed.
    40    §  29.  Paragraph  2  of subdivision (b) of section 213 of the limited
    41  liability company law is amended to read as follows:
    42    (2) to change the post office  address  to  which  [the  secretary  of
    43  state]  a  person  shall  mail a copy of any process against the limited
    44  liability company served upon [him or her] the secretary of state; and
    45    § 30. Subdivisions (c) and (e) of section 301 of the limited liability
    46  company law, subdivision (e) as amended by section 5 of part S of  chap-
    47  ter 59 of the laws of 2015, are amended to read as follows:
    48    (c)  Any designated post office address maintained by the secretary of
    49  state as agent of a domestic limited liability company or foreign limit-
    50  ed liability company for the purpose of mailing  process  shall  be  the
    51  post  office  address,  within  or  without the state, to which a person
    52  shall mail process against such limited liability company as required by
    53  this article. Any designated post office address to which [the secretary
    54  of state] a person shall mail a copy of process served upon [him or her]
    55  the secretary of state as agent of a domestic limited liability  company
    56  or  a  foreign limited liability company shall continue until the filing

        S. 7508                            45                            A. 9508

     1  of a certificate under this chapter directing the mailing to a different
     2  post office address.
     3    [(e)]  (d) (1) Except as otherwise provided in this subdivision, every
     4  limited liability company to which this chapter applies, shall biennial-
     5  ly in the calendar month during which its articles  of  organization  or
     6  application for authority were filed, or effective date thereof if stat-
     7  ed,  file  on  forms  prescribed  by the secretary of state, a statement
     8  setting forth the post office address within or without  this  state  to
     9  which [the secretary of state] a person shall mail a copy of any process
    10  accepted  against  it  served  upon [him or her] the secretary of state.
    11  Such address shall supersede any  previous  address  on  file  with  the
    12  department of state for this purpose.
    13    (2)  The  commissioner  of  taxation  and finance and the secretary of
    14  state may agree to allow limited  liability  companies  to  include  the
    15  statement  specified in paragraph one of this subdivision on tax reports
    16  filed with the department of taxation and finance in  lieu  of  biennial
    17  statements  and  in  a manner prescribed by the commissioner of taxation
    18  and finance.  If this agreement is made,  starting  with  taxable  years
    19  beginning  on or after January first, two thousand sixteen, each limited
    20  liability company required to file the statement specified in  paragraph
    21  one  of  this  subdivision  that is subject to the filing fee imposed by
    22  paragraph three of subsection (c) of section six hundred fifty-eight  of
    23  the  tax  law  shall  provide  such statement annually on its filing fee
    24  payment form filed with the department of taxation and finance  in  lieu
    25  of  filing  a statement under this section with the department of state.
    26  However, each limited liability company required  to  file  a  statement
    27  under this section must continue to file the biennial statement required
    28  by this section with the department of state until the limited liability
    29  company  in fact has filed a filing fee payment form with the department
    30  of taxation and finance that includes all  required  information.  After
    31  that time, the limited liability company shall continue to provide annu-
    32  ally the statement specified in paragraph one of this subdivision on its
    33  filing  fee  payment  form in lieu of the biennial statement required by
    34  this subdivision.
    35    (3) If the agreement described in paragraph two of this subdivision is
    36  made, the department of  taxation  and  finance  shall  deliver  to  the
    37  department  of  state  the  statement specified in paragraph one of this
    38  subdivision contained on filing fee payment  forms.  The  department  of
    39  taxation  and  finance  must,  to  the extent feasible, also include the
    40  current name of the limited liability company, department of state iden-
    41  tification number for such limited liability company, the  name,  signa-
    42  ture  and  capacity  of  the  signer  of  the statement, name and street
    43  address of the filer of the statement, and the email address, if any, of
    44  the filer of the statement.
    45    § 31. Paragraphs 2 and 3 of  subdivision  (a),  subparagraph  (ii)  of
    46  paragraph  2  and subparagraph (ii) of paragraph 3 of subdivision (e) of
    47  section 301-A of the limited liability company law, as added by  chapter
    48  448 of the laws of 1998, are amended to read as follows:
    49    (2)  that  the address of the party has been designated by the limited
    50  liability company as the post office address to which [the secretary  of
    51  state] a person shall mail a copy of any process served on the secretary
    52  of  state  as agent for such limited liability company, such address and
    53  that such party wishes to resign.
    54    (3) that at least  sixty days prior to the filing of  the  certificate
    55  of  resignation  for receipt of process with the department of state the
    56  party has sent a copy of the certificate of resignation for  receipt  of

        S. 7508                            46                            A. 9508

     1  process by registered or certified mail to the address of the registered
     2  agent  of  the  designated  limited liability company, if other than the
     3  party filing the certificate of resignation[,] for receipt  of  process,
     4  or  if  the  [resigning]  designating  limited  liability company has no
     5  registered agent, then to the last address  of  the  designated  limited
     6  liability  company  known  to the party, specifying the address to which
     7  the copy was sent. If there is no registered agent and no known  address
     8  of  the designating limited liability company, the party shall attach an
     9  affidavit to the certificate stating that a  diligent  but  unsuccessful
    10  search  was  made  by the party to locate the limited liability company,
    11  specifying what efforts were made.
    12    (ii) sent by or on behalf of the plaintiff to such  limited  liability
    13  company by registered or certified mail with return receipt requested to
    14  the  last  address of such limited liability company known to the plain-
    15  tiff.
    16    (ii) Where service of a copy of process was  effected  by  mailing  in
    17  accordance  with this section, proof of service shall be by affidavit of
    18  compliance with this section filed, together with  the  process,  within
    19  thirty  days  after  receipt of the return receipt signed by the limited
    20  liability company or other official proof of delivery or of the original
    21  envelope mailed. If a copy of the process is mailed in  accordance  with
    22  this  section,  there  shall  be  filed with the affidavit of compliance
    23  either the return receipt signed by such limited  liability  company  or
    24  other  official  proof of delivery, if acceptance was refused by it, the
    25  original envelope with a notation by the postal authorities that accept-
    26  ance was refused. If acceptance was refused a copy  of  the  notice  and
    27  process  together  with notice of the mailing by registered or certified
    28  mail and refusal to accept  shall  be  promptly  sent  to  such  limited
    29  liability company at the same address by ordinary mail and the affidavit
    30  of  compliance  shall so state. Service of process shall be complete ten
    31  days after such papers are filed  with  the  clerk  of  the  court.  The
    32  refusal  to  accept  delivery  of the registered or certified mail or to
    33  sign the return receipt shall not affect the validity of the service and
    34  such limited liability company refusing to  accept  such  registered  or
    35  certified mail shall be charged with knowledge of the contents thereof.
    36    §  32. Subdivision (a) of section 303 of the limited liability company
    37  law, as relettered by chapter 341 of the laws of  1999,  is  amended  to
    38  read as follows:
    39    (a)  Service of process on the secretary of state as agent of a domes-
    40  tic limited liability company [or], authorized foreign limited liability
    41  company, or other business entity that has designated the  secretary  of
    42  state  as  agent  for service of process pursuant to article ten of this
    43  chapter, shall be made by mailing the  process  and  notice  of  service
    44  thereof  by  certified  mail,  return receipt requested, to such limited
    45  liability company or other business entity, at the post  office  address
    46  on  file  in  the department of state specified for this purpose. On the
    47  same day as such process is mailed, a duplicate copy of such process and
    48  proof of mailing shall be [made by] personally [delivering] delivered to
    49  and [leaving] left with the secretary of state or his or her deputy,  or
    50  with  any  person  authorized  by the secretary of state to receive such
    51  service, at the office of the department of state in the city of Albany,
    52  [duplicate copies of such process]  together  with  the  statutory  fee,
    53  which fee shall be a taxable disbursement.  Proof of mailing shall be by
    54  affidavit  of  compliance  with this section. Service of process on such
    55  limited liability company or other business  entity  shall  be  complete
    56  when  the secretary of state is so served. [The secretary of state shall

        S. 7508                            47                            A. 9508

     1  promptly send one of such  copies  by  certified  mail,  return  receipt
     2  requested,  to such limited liability company at the post office address
     3  on file in the department of state specified for that purpose.]
     4    §  33.  Section 305 of the limited liability company law is amended to
     5  read as follows:
     6    § 305. Records of process served on  the  secretary  of  state.    The
     7  [secretary  of  state]  department  of state shall keep a record of each
     8  process served upon the secretary of state under this chapter, including
     9  the date of such service [and the action of the secretary of state  with
    10  reference thereto]. It shall, upon request made within ten years of such
    11  service, issue a certificate under its seal certifying as to the receipt
    12  of  the  process  by  an  authorized  person, the date and place of such
    13  service and the receipt of the statutory fee. Process  served  upon  the
    14  secretary  of state under this chapter shall be destroyed by the depart-
    15  ment of state after a period of ten years from such service.
    16    § 34. Paragraph 4 of subdivision (a) of section  802  of  the  limited
    17  liability company law, as amended by chapter 470 of the laws of 1997, is
    18  amended to read as follows:
    19    (4)  a  designation  of  the secretary of state as its agent upon whom
    20  process against it may be served and the post office address, within  or
    21  without  this  state,  to  which [the secretary of state] a person shall
    22  mail a copy of any process against it  served  upon  [him  or  her]  the
    23  secretary of state;
    24    §  35. Section 804-A of the limited liability company law, as added by
    25  chapter 448 of the laws of 1998, is amended to read as follows:
    26    § 804-A. Certificate of change. (a) A foreign limited liability compa-
    27  ny may amend its application for authority from  time  to  time  to  (i)
    28  specify  or  change  the  location  of  the  limited liability company's
    29  office; (ii) specify or change the post office  address  to  which  [the
    30  secretary  of  state]  a person shall mail a copy of any process against
    31  the limited liability company served upon [him] the secretary of  state;
    32  and  (iii)  to  make,  revoke  or change the designation of a registered
    33  agent, or to specify or change the address of a  registered  agent.  Any
    34  one  or more such changes may be accomplished by filing a certificate of
    35  change which shall be entitled "Certificate of Change of ........  (name
    36  of limited liability company) under section 804-A of the Limited Liabil-
    37  ity  Company Law" and shall be signed and delivered to the department of
    38  state. It shall set forth:
    39    (1) the name of the foreign limited liability company and, if applica-
    40  ble, the fictitious name the limited liability company has agreed to use
    41  in this state pursuant to section eight hundred two of this article;
    42    (2) the date its application for authority was filed by the department
    43  of state; and
    44    (3) each change effected thereby[,].
    45    (b) A certificate of change which changes only the post office address
    46  to which [the secretary of state] a person shall  mail  a  copy  of  any
    47  process against a foreign limited liability company served upon [him or]
    48  the  secretary  of  state  and/or  the  address of the registered agent,
    49  provided such address being changed is the address of a person, partner-
    50  ship [or], corporation or other limited liability company whose address,
    51  as agent, is the address to be  changed or who has  been  designated  as
    52  registered  agent  for  such limited liability company may be signed and
    53  delivered to the department of state by such agent. The  certificate  of
    54  change  shall set forth the statements required under subdivision (a) of
    55  this section; that a notice of the proposed change  was  mailed  to  the
    56  foreign  limited  liability company by the party signing the certificate

        S. 7508                            48                            A. 9508

     1  not less than thirty days prior to the date of delivery to  the  depart-
     2  ment  of  state  and that such foreign limited liability company has not
     3  objected thereto; and that the party  signing  the  certificate  is  the
     4  agent  of  such  foreign limited liability company to whose address [the
     5  secretary of state] a person is  required  to  mail  copies  of  process
     6  served on the secretary of state or the registered agent, if such be the
     7  case.  A  certificate  signed and delivered under this subdivision shall
     8  not be deemed to effect a change  of  location  of  the  office  of  the
     9  foreign  limited  liability  company in whose behalf such certificate is
    10  filed.
    11    § 36. Paragraph 6 of subdivision (b) of section  806  of  the  limited
    12  liability company law is amended to read as follows:
    13    (6) a post office address, within or without this state, to which [the
    14  secretary of state] a person shall mail a copy of any process against it
    15  served upon [him or her] the secretary of state.
    16    §  37.  Paragraph 11 of subdivision (a) of section 1003 of the limited
    17  liability company law, as amended by chapter 374 of the laws of 1998, is
    18  amended to read as follows:
    19    (11) a designation of the secretary of state as its  agent  upon  whom
    20  process  against  it  may  be  served in the manner set forth in article
    21  three of this chapter in any action or special proceeding,  and  a  post
    22  office address, within or without this state, to which [the secretary of
    23  state]  a  person  shall  mail a copy of any process served upon [him or
    24  her] the secretary of state. Such post office  address  shall  supersede
    25  any  prior  address  designated as the address to which process shall be
    26  mailed;
    27    § 38. Clause (iv) of subparagraph (A) of paragraph  2  of  subdivision
    28  (c)  of section 1203 of the limited liability company law, as amended by
    29  chapter 44 of the laws of 2006, is amended to read as follows:
    30    (iv) a statement that the secretary of state has  been  designated  as
    31  agent  of  the  professional service limited liability company upon whom
    32  process against it may be served and the post office address, within  or
    33  without  this  state,  to  which [the secretary of state] a person shall
    34  mail a copy of any process against it  served  upon  [him  or  her]  the
    35  secretary of state;
    36    §  39.  Paragraph 6 of subdivision (a) and subparagraph 5 of paragraph
    37  (i) of subdivision (d) of section 1306 of the limited liability  company
    38  law,  subparagraph  5  of paragraph (i) of subdivision (d) as amended by
    39  chapter 44 of the laws of 2006, are amended to read as follows:
    40    (6) a designation of the secretary of state as  its  agent  upon  whom
    41  process  against it may be served and the post office address, within or
    42  without this state, to which [the secretary of  state]  a  person  shall
    43  mail  a  copy  of  any  process  against it served upon [him or her] the
    44  secretary of state; and
    45    (5) a statement that the secretary of state  has  been  designated  as
    46  agent of the foreign professional service limited liability company upon
    47  whom process against it may be served and the post office address, with-
    48  in  or  without  this  state, to which [the secretary of state] a person
    49  shall mail a copy of any process against it served upon [him or her] the
    50  secretary of state;
    51    § 40. Paragraph (d) of section 304 of the  not-for-profit  corporation
    52  law,  as  amended by chapter 358 of the laws of 2015, is amended to read
    53  as follows:
    54    (d) Any designated post office address maintained by the secretary  of
    55  state  as agent of a domestic not-for-profit corporation or foreign not-
    56  for-profit corporation for the purpose of mailing process shall  be  the

        S. 7508                            49                            A. 9508

     1  post  office  address,  within  or  without the state, to which a person
     2  shall mail process against such corporation as required by this article.
     3  Any designated [post-office] post office address to which the  secretary
     4  of  state  or  a person shall mail a copy of process served upon [him or
     5  her] the secretary of state as agent of a  domestic  corporation  formed
     6  under article four of this chapter or foreign corporation, shall contin-
     7  ue  until  the  filing of a certificate under this chapter directing the
     8  mailing to a different [post-office] post office address.
     9    § 41. Paragraph (a) of section 305 of the  not-for-profit  corporation
    10  law,  as  amended by chapter 549 of the laws of 2013, is amended to read
    11  as follows:
    12    (a) Every domestic corporation or authorized foreign  corporation  may
    13  designate  a  registered  agent  in this state upon whom process against
    14  such corporation may be served. The agent shall be a natural person  who
    15  is  a  resident of or has a business address in this state or a domestic
    16  corporation or foreign corporation of any kind formed[,]  or  authorized
    17  to  do  business  in this state[,] under this chapter or under any other
    18  statute of this state, or a domestic  limited  liability  company  or  a
    19  foreign  limited  liability  company  authorized  to do business in this
    20  state.
    21    § 42. Paragraph (b) of section 306 of the  not-for-profit  corporation
    22  law, as amended by chapter 23 of the laws of 2014, is amended to read as
    23  follows:
    24    (b)  Service of process on the secretary of state as agent of a domes-
    25  tic corporation formed under article four of this chapter or an  author-
    26  ized foreign corporation shall be made by mailing the process and notice
    27  of  service thereof by certified mail, return receipt requested, to such
    28  corporation or other business entity, at the post office address on file
    29  in the department of state specified for this purpose. On the  same  day
    30  that  such process is mailed, a duplicate copy of such process and proof
    31  of mailing shall be personally [delivering] delivered to  and  [leaving]
    32  left  with  the  secretary  of  state  or his or her deputy, or with any
    33  person authorized by the secretary of state to receive such service,  at
    34  the  office of the department of state in the city of Albany, [duplicate
    35  copies of such process] together with the statutory fee, which fee shall
    36  be a taxable disbursement.  Proof of mailing shall be  by  affidavit  of
    37  compliance  with this section. Service of process on such corporation or
    38  other business entity shall be complete when the secretary of  state  is
    39  so  served.    [The  secretary  of state shall promptly send one of such
    40  copies by certified mail, return receipt requested, to such corporation,
    41  at the post office address, on file in the department of  state,  speci-
    42  fied  for  the  purpose.] If a domestic corporation formed under article
    43  four of this chapter or an authorized foreign corporation  has  no  such
    44  address  on  file  in  the  department of state, the [secretary of state
    45  shall so mail such] duplicate copy of the process  shall  be  mailed  to
    46  such  corporation at the address of its office within this state on file
    47  in the department.
    48    § 43. Subparagraph 6 of paragraph (a) of section 402 of  the  not-for-
    49  profit  corporation law, as added by chapter 564 of the laws of 1981 and
    50  as renumbered by chapter 132 of the laws of 1985, is amended to read  as
    51  follows:
    52    (6)  A  designation  of  the secretary of state as agent of the corpo-
    53  ration upon whom process against it may be served and  the  post  office
    54  address, within or without this state, to which [the secretary of state]
    55  a  person  shall mail a copy of any process against it served upon [him]
    56  the secretary of state.

        S. 7508                            50                            A. 9508

     1    § 44. Subparagraph 7 of paragraph (b) of section 801 of  the  not-for-
     2  profit  corporation  law, as amended by chapter 438 of the laws of 1984,
     3  is amended to read as follows:
     4    (7)  To specify or change the post office address to which [the secre-
     5  tary of state] a person shall mail a copy of  any  process  against  the
     6  corporation served upon [him] the secretary of state.
     7    §  45.  Subparagraph 2 of paragraph (c) of section 802 of the not-for-
     8  profit corporation law, as amended by chapter 186 of the laws  of  1983,
     9  is amended to read as follows:
    10    (2)  To specify or change the post office address to which [the secre-
    11  tary of state] a person shall mail a copy of  any  process  against  the
    12  corporation served upon [him] the secretary of state.
    13    §  46.  Subparagraph 6 of paragraph (a) of section 803 of the not-for-
    14  profit corporation law, as amended by chapter 23 of the laws of 2014, is
    15  amended to read as follows:
    16    (6) A designation of the secretary of state as  agent  of  the  corpo-
    17  ration  upon  whom  process against it may be served and the post office
    18  address,   within or without this state,  to  which  [the  secretary  of
    19  state]  a person shall mail a copy of any process against it served upon
    20  the secretary of state.
    21    § 47. Paragraph (b) of section 803-A of the not-for-profit corporation
    22  law, as amended by chapter 172 of the laws of 1999, is amended  to  read
    23  as follows:
    24    (b) A certificate of change which changes only the post office address
    25  to  which  [the  secretary  of  state] a person shall mail a copy of any
    26  process against the corporation served upon [him or]  the  secretary  of
    27  state  and/or the address of the registered agent, provided such address
    28  being changed is the address of a person, partnership, limited liability
    29  company or other corporation whose address, as agent, is the address  to
    30  be  changed  or  who  has  been  designated as registered agent for such
    31  corporation, may be signed and delivered to the department of  state  by
    32  such  agent.  The  certificate  of change shall set forth the statements
    33  required under subparagraphs (1), (2) and (3) of paragraph (a)  of  this
    34  section;  that  a notice of the proposed change was mailed to the corpo-
    35  ration by the party signing the certificate not less  than  thirty  days
    36  prior  to  the  date  of delivery to the department and that such corpo-
    37  ration has not objected thereto; and that the party signing the  certif-
    38  icate  is  the agent of such corporation to whose address [the secretary
    39  of state] a person is required to mail copies of any process against the
    40  corporation served upon [him] the secretary of state or  the  registered
    41  agent,  if  such  be  the case. A certificate signed and delivered under
    42  this paragraph shall not be deemed to effect a change of location of the
    43  office of the corporation in whose behalf such certificate is filed.
    44    § 48. Clause (E) of subparagraph 2 of paragraph (d) of section 906  of
    45  the  not-for-profit  corporation  law, as amended by chapter 1058 of the
    46  laws of 1971, is amended to read as follows:
    47    (E) A designation of the secretary of state as  its  agent  upon  whom
    48  process  against  it  may be served in the manner set forth in paragraph
    49  (b) of section 306 (Service  of  process),  in  any  action  or  special
    50  proceeding  described  in [subparagraph] clause (D) of this subparagraph
    51  and a post office address, within or without this state, to  which  [the
    52  secretary  of  state]  a person shall mail a copy of the process in such
    53  action or special proceeding served upon the secretary of state.
    54    § 49. Clause (F) of subparagraph 2 of paragraph (d) of section 908  of
    55  the not-for-profit corporation law is amended to read as follows:

        S. 7508                            51                            A. 9508

     1    (F)  A  designation  of the secretary of state as [his] its agent upon
     2  whom process against it may be served in the manner set forth  in  para-
     3  graph  (b) of section 306 (Service of process), in any action or special
     4  proceeding described in [subparagraph] clause (D) of  this  subparagraph
     5  and  a  post  office address, within or without the state, to which [the
     6  secretary of state] a person shall mail a copy of the  process  in  such
     7  action or special proceeding served upon by the secretary of state.
     8    §  50. Subparagraph 6 of paragraph (a) of section 1304 of the not-for-
     9  profit corporation law, as renumbered by chapter  590  of  the  laws  of
    10  1982, is amended to read as follows:
    11    (6)  A  designation  of  the secretary of state as its agent upon whom
    12  process against it may be served and the post office address, within  or
    13  without  this  state,  to  which [the secretary of state] a person shall
    14  mail a copy of any process against it served upon [him] the secretary of
    15  state.
    16    § 51. Subparagraph 7 of paragraph (a) of section 1308 of the  not-for-
    17  profit  corporation  law,  as  renumbered  by chapter 186 of the laws of
    18  1983, is amended to read as follows:
    19    (7) To specify or change the post office address to which [the  secre-
    20  tary  of  state]  a  person  shall mail a copy of any process against it
    21  served upon [him] the secretary of state.
    22    § 52. Subparagraph 2 of paragraph (a) and  paragraph  (c)  of  section
    23  1310  of the not-for-profit corporation law, paragraph (c) as amended by
    24  chapter 172 of the laws of 1999, are amended to read as follows:
    25    (2) To specify or change the post office address to which [the  secre-
    26  tary  of  state]  a  person  shall mail a copy of any process against it
    27  served upon [him] the secretary of state.
    28    (c) A certificate of change of application for authority which changes
    29  only the post office address to which [the secretary of state] a  person
    30  shall  mail  a  copy of any process against an authorized foreign corpo-
    31  ration served upon [him or] the secretary of state and/or which  changes
    32  the  address  of  its  registered  agent,  provided  such address is the
    33  address of a person, partnership, limited  liability  company  or  other
    34  corporation whose address, as agent, is the address to be changed or who
    35  has  been  designated  as  registered  agent for such authorized foreign
    36  corporation, may be signed and delivered to the department of  state  by
    37  such agent. The certificate of change of application for authority shall
    38  set  forth the statements required under subparagraphs (1), (2), (3) and
    39  (4) of paragraph (b) of this section; that  a  notice  of  the  proposed
    40  change was mailed by the party signing the certificate to the authorized
    41  foreign  corporation  not  less  than  thirty  days prior to the date of
    42  delivery to the department and that such corporation  has  not  objected
    43  thereto; and that the party signing the certificate is the agent of such
    44  foreign  corporation  to whose address [the secretary of state] a person
    45  is required to mail copies of process served on the secretary  of  state
    46  or  the  registered agent, if such be the case. A certificate signed and
    47  delivered under this paragraph shall not be deemed to effect a change of
    48  location of the office of the corporation in whose behalf  such  certif-
    49  icate is filed.
    50    §  53. Subparagraph 6 of paragraph (a) and subparagraph 4 of paragraph
    51  (d) of section 1311 of the not-for-profit corporation law are amended to
    52  read as follows:
    53    (6) A post office address, within or without this state, to which [the
    54  secretary of state] a person shall mail a copy of any process against it
    55  served upon [him] the secretary of state.

        S. 7508                            52                            A. 9508

     1    (4) The changed post office address, within or without this state,  to
     2  which [the secretary of state] a person shall mail a copy of any process
     3  against it served upon [him] the secretary of state.
     4    §  54.  Section 1312 of the not-for-profit corporation law, as amended
     5  by chapter 375 of the laws of 1998, is amended to read as follows:
     6  § 1312. Termination of existence.
     7    When an authorized foreign corporation is dissolved or  its  authority
     8  or existence is otherwise terminated or cancelled in the jurisdiction of
     9  its  incorporation  or  when  such foreign corporation is merged into or
    10  consolidated with another foreign  corporation,  a  certificate  of  the
    11  secretary of state, or official performing the equivalent function as to
    12  corporate  records, of the jurisdiction of incorporation of such foreign
    13  corporation attesting to the occurrence of any such event or a certified
    14  copy of an order or decree of a court of such jurisdiction directing the
    15  dissolution of such foreign corporation, the termination of  its  exist-
    16  ence  or  the  cancellation  of  its authority shall be delivered to the
    17  department of state.  The filing of the  certificate,  order  or  decree
    18  shall  have  the same effect as the filing of a certificate of surrender
    19  of authority under section 1311 (Surrender of authority).  The secretary
    20  of state shall continue as agent of the foreign  corporation  upon  whom
    21  process  against  it  may be served in the manner set forth in paragraph
    22  (b) of section 306 (Service  of  process),  in  any  action  or  special
    23  proceeding  based  upon  any  liability  or  obligation  incurred by the
    24  foreign corporation within this  state  prior  to  the  filing  of  such
    25  certificate,  order  or  decree and [he] the person serving such process
    26  shall promptly cause a copy of any such process to be mailed by  [regis-
    27  tered]  certified mail, return receipt requested, to such foreign corpo-
    28  ration at the post office address on  file  [in  his  office]  with  the
    29  department  specified  for such purpose.  The post office address may be
    30  changed by signing and delivering to the department of state  a  certif-
    31  icate of change setting forth the statements required under section 1310
    32  (Certificate  of change, contents) to effect a change in the post office
    33  address under subparagraph [(a) (4)] (7) of  paragraph  (a)  of  section
    34  1308 (Amendments or changes).
    35    §  55.  Subdivision  (c) of section 121-104 of the partnership law, as
    36  added by chapter 950 of the laws of 1990, is amended to read as follows:
    37    (c) Any designated post office address maintained by the secretary  of
    38  state  as  agent  of  a  domestic limited partnership or foreign limited
    39  partnership for the purpose of mailing process shall be the post  office
    40  address, within or without the state, to which a person shall mail proc-
    41  ess  against  such  limited partnership as required by this article. Any
    42  designated post office address to which the  secretary  of  state  or  a
    43  person  shall  mail a copy of process served upon [him] the secretary of
    44  state as agent of a domestic  limited  partnership  or  foreign  limited
    45  partnership  shall continue until the filing of a certificate under this
    46  article directing the mailing to a different post office address.
    47    § 56. Paragraphs 1, 2 and 3 of subdivision (a) of section 121-104-A of
    48  the partnership law, as added by chapter 448 of the laws  of  1998,  are
    49  amended to read as follows:
    50    (1)  the  name of the limited partnership and the date that its [arti-
    51  cles of organization] certificate of limited partnership or  application
    52  for authority was filed by the department of state.
    53    (2)  that  the address of the party has been designated by the limited
    54  partnership as the post office address to which [the secretary of state]
    55  a person shall mail a copy of any process served  on  the  secretary  of

        S. 7508                            53                            A. 9508

     1  state  as agent for such limited partnership, and that such party wishes
     2  to resign.
     3    (3) that at least sixty days prior to the filing of the certificate of
     4  resignation  for  receipt  of  process  with the department of state the
     5  party has sent a copy of the certificate of resignation for  receipt  of
     6  process by registered or certified mail to the address of the registered
     7  agent of the [designated] designating limited partnership, if other than
     8  the  party filing the certificate of resignation[,] for receipt of proc-
     9  ess, or if the [resigning] designating limited partnership has no regis-
    10  tered agent, then to the last address of  the  [designated]  designating
    11  limited partnership, known to the party, specifying the address to which
    12  the  copy was sent. If there is no registered agent and no known address
    13  of the designating limited partnership the party shall attach an affida-
    14  vit to the certificate stating that a diligent but  unsuccessful  search
    15  was made by the party to locate the limited partnership, specifying what
    16  efforts were made.
    17    §  57.  Subdivision  (a) of section 121-105 of the partnership law, as
    18  added by chapter 950 of the laws of 1990, is amended to read as follows:
    19    (a) In addition to the designation of the  secretary  of  state,  each
    20  limited partnership or authorized foreign limited partnership may desig-
    21  nate  a  registered agent upon whom process against the limited partner-
    22  ship may be served. The agent must be (i) a  natural  person  who  is  a
    23  resident  of  this  state  or has a business address in this state, [or]
    24  (ii) a domestic corporation or a foreign corporation  authorized  to  do
    25  business in this state, or (iii) a domestic limited liability company or
    26  a  foreign  limited  liability company authorized to do business in this
    27  state.
    28    § 58. Subdivisions (a) and (c) of section 121-109 of  the  partnership
    29  law,  as  added  by chapter 950 of the laws of 1990 and as relettered by
    30  chapter 341 of the laws of 1999, are amended to read as follows:
    31    (a) Service of process on the secretary of state as agent of a  domes-
    32  tic  or authorized foreign limited partnership, or other business entity
    33  that has designated the secretary of state as agent for service of proc-
    34  ess pursuant to this chapter, shall be made [as follows:
    35    (1) By] by mailing the process and notice of service of process pursu-
    36  ant to this section by certified mail, return receipt requested, to such
    37  domestic or authorized foreign limited  partnership  or  other  business
    38  entity,  at  the  post office address on file in the department of state
    39  specified for this purpose. On the same day as the process is mailed,  a
    40  duplicate  copy of such process and proof of mailing shall be personally
    41  [delivering] delivered to and [leaving]  left  with  [him  or  his]  the
    42  secretary  of  state  or  a deputy, or with any person authorized by the
    43  secretary of state to receive such service, at the office of the depart-
    44  ment of state in the city of Albany, [duplicate copies of such  process]
    45  together  with the statutory fee, which fee shall be a taxable disburse-
    46  ment. Proof of mailing shall be by affidavit  of  compliance  with  this
    47  section.  Service  of process on such limited partnership or other busi-
    48  ness entity shall be complete when the secretary of state is so served.
    49    [(2) The service on the  limited  partnership  is  complete  when  the
    50  secretary of state is so served.
    51    (3)  The  secretary of state shall promptly send one of such copies by
    52  certified mail, return receipt requested, addressed to the limited part-
    53  nership at the post office address, on file in the department of  state,
    54  specified for that purpose.]
    55    (c)  The  [secretary of state] department of state shall keep a record
    56  of all process served upon [him] it under this section and shall  record

        S. 7508                            54                            A. 9508

     1  therein  the  date of such service [and his action with reference there-
     2  to]. It shall, upon request made within ten years of such service, issue
     3  a certificate under its seal certifying as to the receipt of the process
     4  by  an  authorized  person,  the  date and place of such service and the
     5  receipt of the statutory fee. Process served upon the secretary of state
     6  under this chapter shall be destroyed by the department after  a  period
     7  of ten years from such service.
     8    §  59.  Paragraph 3 of subdivision (a) and subparagraph 4 of paragraph
     9  (i) of subdivision (c) of section 121-201 of the partnership law,  para-
    10  graph  3  of  subdivision  (a)  as amended by chapter 264 of the laws of
    11  1991, and subparagraph 4 of paragraph (i) of subdivision (c) as  amended
    12  by chapter 44 of the laws of 2006, are amended to read as follows:
    13    (3)  a  designation  of the secretary of state as agent of the limited
    14  partnership upon whom process against it may  be  served  and  the  post
    15  office address, within or without this state, to which [the secretary of
    16  state]  a person shall mail a copy of any process against it served upon
    17  [him] the secretary of state;
    18    (4) a statement that the secretary of state  has  been  designated  as
    19  agent  of  the  limited  partnership upon whom process against it may be
    20  served and the post office address, within or  without  this  state,  to
    21  which [the secretary of state] a person shall mail a copy of any process
    22  against it served upon [him or her] the secretary of state;
    23    §  60.  Paragraph 4 of subdivision (b) of section 121-202 of the part-
    24  nership law, as amended by chapter 576 of the laws of 1994,  is  amended
    25  to read as follows:
    26    (4)  a  change  in the name of the limited partnership, or a change in
    27  the post office address to which [the secretary of state] a person shall
    28  mail a copy of any process against the  limited  partnership  served  on
    29  [him]  the secretary of state, or a change in the name or address of the
    30  registered agent, if such change is made other than pursuant to  section
    31  121-104 or 121-105 of this article.
    32    §  61.  Section  121-202-A of the partnership law, as added by chapter
    33  448 of the laws of 1998, paragraph 2 of subdivision (a)  as  amended  by
    34  chapter 172 of the laws of 1999, is amended to read as follows:
    35    § 121-202-A. Certificate of change. (a) A certificate of limited part-
    36  nership  may be changed by filing with the department of state a certif-
    37  icate of change entitled "Certificate of Change of ..... (name of limit-
    38  ed  partnership)  under  Section  121-202-A  of  the   Revised   Limited
    39  Partnership  Act" and shall be signed and delivered to the department of
    40  state. A certificate of change may (i) specify or change the location of
    41  the limited partnership's office; (ii) specify or change the post office
    42  address to which [the secretary of state] a person shall mail a copy  of
    43  process  against the limited partnership served upon [him] the secretary
    44  of state; and (iii) make, revoke or change the designation of  a  regis-
    45  tered  agent,  or  to  specify  or  change the address of its registered
    46  agent. It shall set forth:
    47    (1) the name of the limited partnership, and if it has  been  changed,
    48  the name under which it was formed;
    49    (2)  the  date its certificate of limited partnership was filed by the
    50  department of state; and
    51    (3) each change effected thereby.
    52    (b) A certificate of change which changes only the post office address
    53  to which [the secretary of state] a person shall  mail  a  copy  of  any
    54  process against a limited partnership served upon [him or] the secretary
    55  of  state  and/or  the  address  of  the registered agent, provided such
    56  address being changed is the address of a person,  partnership,  limited

        S. 7508                            55                            A. 9508

     1  liability  corporation  or  corporation  whose address, as agent, is the
     2  address to be changed or who has been designated as registered agent for
     3  such limited partnership shall be signed and delivered to the department
     4  of  state  by  such agent. The certificate of change shall set forth the
     5  statements required under subdivision (a) of this section; that a notice
     6  of the proposed change was mailed to the domestic limited partnership by
     7  the party signing the certificate not less than thirty days prior to the
     8  date of delivery to the department  of  state  and  that  such  domestic
     9  limited partnership has not objected thereto; and that the party signing
    10  the  certificate  is  the  agent  of  such  limited partnership to whose
    11  address [the secretary of state] a person is required to mail copies  of
    12  process  served  on  the  secretary of state or the registered agent, if
    13  such be the case. A certificate signed and delivered under this subdivi-
    14  sion shall not be deemed to effect a change of location of the office of
    15  the limited partnership in whose behalf such certificate is filed.
    16    § 62. Paragraph 4 of subdivision (a) and subparagraph 5  of  paragraph
    17  (i)  of subdivision (d) of section 121-902 of the partnership law, para-
    18  graph 4 of subdivision (a) as amended by chapter 172 of the laws of 1999
    19  and subparagraph 5 of paragraph (i) of subdivision  (d)  as  amended  by
    20  chapter 44 of the laws of 2006, are amended to read as follows:
    21    (4)  a  designation  of  the secretary of state as its agent upon whom
    22  process against it may be served and the post office address, within  or
    23  without  this  state,  to  which [the secretary of state] a person shall
    24  mail a copy of any process against it served upon [him] the secretary of
    25  state;
    26    (5) a statement that the secretary of state has been designated as its
    27  agent upon whom process against it may be served  and  the  post  office
    28  address, within or without this state, to which [the secretary of state]
    29  a person shall mail a copy of any process against it served upon [him or
    30  her] the secretary of state;
    31    §  63.  Section  121-903-A of the partnership law, as added by chapter
    32  448 of the laws of 1998, is amended to read as follows:
    33    § 121-903-A. Certificate of change. (a) A foreign limited  partnership
    34  may  change  its application for authority by filing with the department
    35  of state  a  certificate  of  change  entitled  "Certificate  of  Change
    36  of ........ (name of limited partnership) under Section 121-903-A of the
    37  Revised  Limited  Partnership  Act" and shall be signed and delivered to
    38  the department of state. A certificate of  change  may  (i)  change  the
    39  location  of  the  limited  partnership's  office;  (ii) change the post
    40  office address to which [the secretary of state] a person shall  mail  a
    41  copy  of  process  against the limited partnership served upon [him] the
    42  secretary of state; and (iii) make, revoke or change the designation  of
    43  a  registered  agent,  or to specify or change the address of its regis-
    44  tered agent. It shall set forth:
    45    (1) the name of the foreign limited partnership  and,  if  applicable,
    46  the fictitious name the foreign limited partnership has agreed to use in
    47  this state pursuant to section 121-902 of this article;
    48    (2) the date its application for authority was filed by the department
    49  of state; and
    50    (3) each change effected thereby.
    51    (b) A certificate of change which changes only the post office address
    52  to  which  [the  secretary  of  state] a person shall mail a copy of any
    53  process against a foreign limited partnership served upon [him  or]  the
    54  secretary  of state and/or the address of the registered agent, provided
    55  such address being changed is the  address  of  a  person,  partnership,
    56  limited liability company or corporation whose address, as agent, is the

        S. 7508                            56                            A. 9508

     1  address to be changed or who has been designated as registered agent for
     2  such  foreign  limited  partnership shall be signed and delivered to the
     3  department of state by such agent. The certificate of change  shall  set
     4  forth  the  statements  required  under subdivision (a) of this section;
     5  that a notice of the proposed change was mailed to the  foreign  limited
     6  partnership  by  the  party signing the certificate not less than thirty
     7  days prior to the date of delivery to the department of state  and  that
     8  such  foreign limited partnership has not objected thereto; and that the
     9  party signing the certificate is the agent of such foreign limited part-
    10  nership to whose address [the secretary of state] a person  is  required
    11  to mail copies of process served on the secretary of state or the regis-
    12  tered  agent,  if  such  be the case. A certificate signed and delivered
    13  under this subdivision shall  not  be  deemed  to  effect  a  change  of
    14  location  of  the office of the limited partnership in whose behalf such
    15  certificate is filed.
    16    § 64. Paragraph 6 of subdivision (b) of section 121-905 of  the  part-
    17  nership  law, as added by chapter 950 of the laws of 1990, is amended to
    18  read as follows:
    19    (6) a post office address, within or without this state, to which [the
    20  secretary of state] a person shall mail a copy of any process against it
    21  served upon [him] the secretary of state.
    22    § 65. Paragraph 7 of subdivision (a) of section 121-1103 of the  part-
    23  nership  law, as added by chapter 950 of the laws of 1990, is amended to
    24  read as follows:
    25    (7) A designation of the secretary of state as  its  agent  upon  whom
    26  process  against  it  may  be  served in the manner set forth in section
    27  121-109 of this article in any action or special proceeding, and a  post
    28  office address, within or without this state, to which [the secretary of
    29  state]  a  person shall mail a copy of any process served upon [him] the
    30  secretary of state.  Such post office address shall supersede any  prior
    31  address designated as the address to which process shall be mailed.
    32    §  66. Subparagraphs 2 and 4 of paragraph (I) and clause 4 of subpara-
    33  graph (A) of paragraph (II) of subdivision (a) of  section  121-1500  of
    34  the partnership law, subparagraph 2 of paragraph (I) as added by chapter
    35  576  of  the laws of 1994, subparagraph 4 of paragraph (I) as amended by
    36  chapter 643 of the laws of 1995 and such paragraph  as  redesignated  by
    37  chapter  767  of  the  laws  of 2005 and clause 4 of subparagraph (A) of
    38  paragraph (II) as amended by chapter 44 of the laws of 2006, are amended
    39  to read as follows:
    40    (2) the address, within this state, of the  principal  office  of  the
    41  partnership without limited partners;
    42    (4)  a  designation of the secretary of state as agent of the partner-
    43  ship without limited partners upon whom process against it may be served
    44  and the post office address, within or without this state, to which  the
    45  [secretary  of  state] a person shall mail a copy of any process against
    46  it or served [upon it] on the secretary of state;
    47    (4) a statement that the secretary of state  has  been  designated  as
    48  agent  of the registered limited liability partnership upon whom process
    49  against it may be served and the post office address, within or  without
    50  this state, to which [the secretary of state] a person shall mail a copy
    51  of  any  process  against  it  served upon [him or her] the secretary of
    52  state;
    53    § 67. Paragraphs (ii) and (iii) of subdivision (g) of section 121-1500
    54  of the partnership law, as amended by section 8 of part S of chapter  59
    55  of the laws of 2015, are amended to read as follows:

        S. 7508                            57                            A. 9508

     1    (ii)  the  address,  within this state, of the principal office of the
     2  registered limited liability partnership, (iii) the post office address,
     3  within or without this state, to which [the secretary of state] a person
     4  shall mail a copy of any process accepted against it served upon [him or
     5  her]  the secretary of state, which address shall supersede any previous
     6  address on file with the department of state for this purpose, and
     7    § 68. Subdivision (j-1) of section 121-1500 of the partnership law, as
     8  added by chapter 448 of the laws of 1998, is amended to read as follows:
     9    (j-1) A certificate of change  which  changes  only  the  post  office
    10  address  to which [the secretary of state] a person shall mail a copy of
    11  any process against a registered limited  liability  partnership  served
    12  upon  [him]  the secretary of state and/or the address of the registered
    13  agent, provided such address being changed is the address of  a  person,
    14  partnership,  limited liability company or corporation whose address, as
    15  agent, is the address to be changed or who has been designated as regis-
    16  tered agent for such registered limited liability partnership  shall  be
    17  signed  and  delivered  to  the  department  of state by such agent. The
    18  certificate of change shall set forth: (i) the name  of  the  registered
    19  limited  liability  partnership  and,  if  it has been changed, the name
    20  under which it was originally filed with the department of  state;  (ii)
    21  the  date  of  filing  of  its initial registration or notice statement;
    22  (iii) each change effected thereby; (iv) that a notice of  the  proposed
    23  change  was  mailed  to  the  limited liability partnership by the party
    24  signing the certificate not less than thirty days prior to the  date  of
    25  delivery  to  the  department  of  state and that such limited liability
    26  partnership has not objected thereto; and (v) that the party signing the
    27  certificate is the agent of such limited liability partnership to  whose
    28  address  [the secretary of state] a person is required to mail copies of
    29  process served on the secretary of state or  the  registered  agent,  if
    30  such be the case. A certificate signed and delivered under this subdivi-
    31  sion shall not be deemed to effect a change of location of the office of
    32  the  limited  liability  partnership in whose behalf such certificate is
    33  filed. The certificate of change shall be accompanied by a fee  of  five
    34  dollars.
    35    §  69.  Subdivision (a) of section 121-1502 of the partnership law, as
    36  amended by chapter 643 of the laws of 1995, paragraph (v) as amended  by
    37  chapter 470 of the laws of 1997, is amended to read as follows:
    38    (a)  In  order for a foreign limited liability partnership to carry on
    39  or conduct or transact business or activities as a New  York  registered
    40  foreign limited liability partnership in this state, such foreign limit-
    41  ed  liability  partnership  shall  file  with  the department of state a
    42  notice which shall set forth: (i)  the  name  under  which  the  foreign
    43  limited liability partnership intends to carry on or conduct or transact
    44  business  or  activities  in  this state; (ii) the date on which and the
    45  jurisdiction in which it registered as a limited liability  partnership;
    46  (iii)  the  address,  within  this state, of the principal office of the
    47  foreign  limited  liability  partnership;   (iv)   the   profession   or
    48  professions  to  be practiced by such foreign limited liability partner-
    49  ship and a statement that it is a foreign limited liability  partnership
    50  eligible  to  file a notice under this chapter; (v) a designation of the
    51  secretary of state as agent of the foreign limited liability partnership
    52  upon whom process against it may be served and the post  office  address
    53  within or without this state, to which [the secretary of state] a person
    54  shall  mail  a  copy of any process against it [or] served upon [it] the
    55  secretary of state; (vi) if the foreign limited liability partnership is
    56  to have a registered agent, its name and address in  this  state  and  a

        S. 7508                            58                            A. 9508

     1  statement  that  the  registered agent is to be the agent of the foreign
     2  limited liability partnership  upon  whom  process  against  it  may  be
     3  served;  (vii)  a statement that its registration as a limited liability
     4  partnership is effective in the jurisdiction in which it registered as a
     5  limited  liability partnership at the time of the filing of such notice;
     6  (viii) a statement that the foreign  limited  liability  partnership  is
     7  filing  a  notice  in  order  to  obtain status as a New York registered
     8  foreign limited liability partnership; (ix) if the registration  of  the
     9  foreign limited liability partnership is to be effective on a date later
    10  than  the  time  of  filing, the date, not to exceed sixty days from the
    11  date of filing, of  such  proposed  effectiveness;  and  (x)  any  other
    12  matters  the foreign limited liability partnership determines to include
    13  in the notice. Such notice shall be accompanied by either (1) a copy  of
    14  the  last  registration  or renewal registration (or similar filing), if
    15  any, filed by the foreign limited liability partnership with the  juris-
    16  diction  where it registered as a limited liability partnership or (2) a
    17  certificate, issued by the jurisdiction where it registered as a limited
    18  liability partnership, substantially to the  effect  that  such  foreign
    19  limited  liability  partnership  has  filed  a registration as a limited
    20  liability partnership which is effective on the date of the  certificate
    21  (if  such  registration,  renewal  registration  or  certificate is in a
    22  foreign language, a translation thereof under  oath  of  the  translator
    23  shall  be  attached thereto). Such notice shall also be accompanied by a
    24  fee of two hundred fifty dollars.
    25    § 70. Subparagraphs (ii) and (iii) of paragraph (I) of subdivision (f)
    26  of section 121-1502 of the partnership law, as amended by section  9  of
    27  part  S  of  chapter  59  of  the  laws  of 2015, are amended to read as
    28  follows:
    29    (ii) the address, within this state, of the principal  office  of  the
    30  New  York  registered  foreign  limited liability partnership, (iii) the
    31  post office address, within or without this state, to which [the  secre-
    32  tary  of  state]  a  person  shall  mail  a copy of any process accepted
    33  against it served upon [him  or  her]  the  secretary  of  state,  which
    34  address shall supersede any previous address on file with the department
    35  of state for this purpose, and
    36    §  71.  Clause  5 of subparagraph (A) of paragraph (II) of subdivision
    37  (f) of section 121-1502 of the partnership law, as amended by chapter 44
    38  of the laws of 2006, is amended to read as follows:
    39    (5) a statement that the secretary of state  has  been  designated  as
    40  agent  of  the  foreign  limited liability partnership upon whom process
    41  against it may be served and the post office address, within or  without
    42  this state, to which [the secretary of state] a person shall mail a copy
    43  of  any  process  against  it  served upon [him or her] the secretary of
    44  state;
    45    § 72. Subdivision (i-1) of section 121-1502 of the partnership law, as
    46  added by chapter 448 of the laws of 1998, is amended to read as follows:
    47    (i-1) A certificate of change  which  changes  only  the  post  office
    48  address  to which [the secretary of state] a person shall mail a copy of
    49  any process against a New  York  registered  foreign  limited  liability
    50  partnership  served upon [him] the secretary of state and/or the address
    51  of the registered agent, provided such  address  being  changed  is  the
    52  address  of  a  person, partnership, limited liability company or corpo-
    53  ration whose address, as agent, is the address to be changed or who  has
    54  been  designated  as registered agent of such registered foreign limited
    55  liability partnership shall be signed and delivered to the department of
    56  state by such agent. The certificate of change shall set forth: (i)  the

        S. 7508                            59                            A. 9508

     1  name  of  the New York registered foreign limited liability partnership;
     2  (ii) the date of filing of its initial registration or notice statement;
     3  (iii) each change effected thereby; (iv) that a notice of  the  proposed
     4  change  was  mailed  to  the  limited liability partnership by the party
     5  signing the certificate not less than thirty days prior to the  date  of
     6  delivery  to  the  department  of  state and that such limited liability
     7  partnership has not objected thereto; and (v) that the party signing the
     8  certificate is the agent of such limited liability partnership to  whose
     9  address  [the secretary of state] a person is required to mail copies of
    10  process served on the secretary of state or  the  registered  agent,  if
    11  such be the case. A certificate signed and delivered under this subdivi-
    12  sion shall not be deemed to effect a change of location of the office of
    13  the  limited  liability  partnership in whose behalf such certificate is
    14  filed. The certificate of change shall be accompanied by a fee  of  five
    15  dollars.
    16    §  73.  Subdivision (a) of section 121-1505 of the partnership law, as
    17  added by chapter 470 of the laws of 1997, is amended and two new  subdi-
    18  visions (d) and (e) are added to read as follows:
    19    (a)  Service of process on the secretary of state as agent of a regis-
    20  tered limited liability  partnership  or  New  York  registered  foreign
    21  limited  liability partnership under this article shall be made by mail-
    22  ing the process and notice of service thereof by certified mail,  return
    23  receipt  requested,  to such registered limited liability partnership or
    24  New York registered foreign limited liability partnership, at  the  post
    25  office  address  on  file  in the department of state specified for such
    26  purpose. On the same date that such process is mailed, a duplicate  copy
    27  of  such  process  and proof of mailing together with the statutory fee,
    28  which fee shall be a taxable disbursement, shall be personally [deliver-
    29  ing] delivered to and [leaving] left with the secretary of  state  or  a
    30  deputy,  or  with  any  person  authorized  by the secretary of state to
    31  receive such service, at the office of the department of  state  in  the
    32  city  of  Albany,  [duplicate  copies of such process] together with the
    33  statutory fee, which fee shall be a taxable disbursement. Proof of mail-
    34  ing shall be by affidavit of compliance with this  section.  Service  of
    35  process  on  such  registered  limited liability partnership or New York
    36  registered foreign limited liability partnership shall be complete  when
    37  the  secretary  of  state  is  so  served. [The secretary of state shall
    38  promptly send one of such  copies  by  certified  mail,  return  receipt
    39  requested, to such registered limited liability partnership, at the post
    40  office  address  on  file  in the department of state specified for such
    41  purpose.]
    42    (d) The department of state shall keep a record of each process served
    43  upon the secretary of state under this chapter, including  the  date  of
    44  such  service.  It  shall,  upon  request  made within ten years of such
    45  service, issue a certificate under its seal certifying as to the receipt
    46  of the process by an authorized person,  the  date  and  place  of  such
    47  service  and  the receipt of the statutory fee.  Process served upon the
    48  secretary of state under this chapter shall be destroyed by the  depart-
    49  ment of state after a period of ten years from such service.
    50    (e)  Any designated post office address maintained by the secretary of
    51  state as agent of a registered limited liability partnership or New York
    52  registered foreign limited liability  partnership  for  the  purpose  of
    53  mailing  process shall be the post office address, within or without the
    54  state, to which a person shall mail process against such limited liabil-
    55  ity company as required by this article.  Such  address  shall  continue

        S. 7508                            60                            A. 9508

     1  until the filing of a certificate under this chapter directing the mail-
     2  ing to a different post office address.
     3    §  74.  Subdivision (b) of section 121-1506 of the partnership law, as
     4  added by chapter 448 of the laws of 1998,  paragraph  4  as  amended  by
     5  chapter 172 of the laws of 1999, is amended to read as follows:
     6    (b)  The party (or the party's legal representative) whose post office
     7  address has been supplied by a  limited  liability  partnership  as  its
     8  address  for  process may resign. A certificate entitled "Certificate of
     9  Resignation for Receipt of Process  under  Section  121-1506(b)  of  the
    10  Partnership  Law"  shall  be  signed  by such party and delivered to the
    11  department of state. It shall set forth:
    12    (1) The name of the limited liability partnership and  the  date  that
    13  its certificate of registration was filed by the department of state.
    14    (2)  That  the address of the party has been designated by the limited
    15  liability partnership as the post office address to which [the secretary
    16  of state] a person shall mail a copy of any process served on the secre-
    17  tary of state as agent for such limited liability partnership  and  that
    18  such party wishes to resign.
    19    (3) That at least sixty days prior to the filing of the certificate of
    20  resignation  for  receipt  of  process  with the department of state the
    21  party has sent a copy of the certificate of resignation for  receipt  of
    22  process by registered or certified mail to the address of the registered
    23  agent  of the [designated] designating limited liability partnership, if
    24  other than the party filing the certificate of resignation, for  receipt
    25  of process, or if the [resigning] designating limited liability partner-
    26  ship  has  no  registered agent, then to the last address of the [desig-
    27  nated] designating limited liability partnership, known  to  the  party,
    28  specifying the address to which the copy was sent. If there is no regis-
    29  tered  agent  and  no known address of the designating limited liability
    30  partnership the party shall attach an affidavit to the certificate stat-
    31  ing that a diligent but unsuccessful search was made  by  the  party  to
    32  locate  the  limited liability partnership, specifying what efforts were
    33  made.
    34    (4) That the [designated] designating limited liability partnership is
    35  required to deliver to the department of state a certificate  of  amend-
    36  ment  providing for the designation by the limited liability partnership
    37  of a new address and that upon its failure to file such certificate, its
    38  authority to do business in this state shall be suspended.
    39    § 75. Paragraph 16 of subdivision 1 of  section  103  of  the  private
    40  housing  finance  law,  as  added  by chapter 22 of the laws of 1970, is
    41  amended to read as follows:
    42    (16) A designation of the secretary of state as agent  of  the  corpo-
    43  ration  upon  whom  process against it may be served and the post office
    44  address, within or without this state, to which [the secretary of state]
    45  a person shall mail a copy of any process against it served  upon  [him]
    46  the secretary of state.
    47    § 76. Subdivision 15 of section 20.03 of the arts and cultural affairs
    48  law,  as added by chapter 656 of the laws of 1991, is amended to read as
    49  follows:
    50    15. "Non-institutional portion" shall mean the part or  portion  of  a
    51  combined-use  facility other than the institutional portion. If the non-
    52  institutional portion, or any part thereof, consists of  a  condominium,
    53  the  consent  of the trust which has developed or approved the developer
    54  of such condominium shall be required prior  to  any  amendment  of  the
    55  declaration  of such condominium pursuant to subdivision [nine] eight of
    56  section three hundred thirty-nine-n of the real property law  and  prior

        S. 7508                            61                            A. 9508

     1  to  any  amendment  of the by-laws of such condominium pursuant to para-
     2  graph (j) of subdivision one of section three hundred  thirty-nine-v  of
     3  the  real property law, and whether or not such trust is a unit owner of
     4  such  condominium,  it  may exercise the rights of the board of managers
     5  and an aggrieved unit owner under section three hundred thirty-nine-j of
     6  the real property law in the case of a failure of any unit owner of such
     7  condominium to comply with the by-laws of such condominium and with  the
     8  rules, regulations, and decisions adopted pursuant thereto.
     9    §  77.  Subdivision  7  of  section  339-n of the real property law is
    10  REPEALED and subdivisions 8 and 9 are renumbered subdivisions 7 and 8.
    11    § 78. Subdivision 2 of section 339-s of  the  real  property  law,  as
    12  added by chapter 346 of the laws of 1997, is amended to read as follows:
    13    2.  [Each  such  declaration,  and any amendment or amendments thereof
    14  shall be filed with the department of state] (a) The board  of  managers
    15  for  each condominium subject to this article shall file with the secre-
    16  tary of state a certificate, in writing, signed, designating the  secre-
    17  tary  of  state  as  agent  of  the  board of managers upon whom process
    18  against it may be served and the post office address to which  a  person
    19  shall mail a copy of such process.  The certificate shall be accompanied
    20  by a fee of sixty dollars.
    21    (b)  Any  board  of  managers may change the address to which a person
    22  shall mail a copy of process served upon  the  secretary  of  state,  by
    23  filing  a  signed certificate of amendment with the department of state.
    24  Such certificate shall be accompanied by a fee of sixty dollars.
    25    (c) Service of process on the secretary of state as agent of  a  board
    26  of  managers  shall be made by mailing the process and notice of service
    27  of process pursuant to this section by certified  mail,  return  receipt
    28  requested, to such board of managers, at the post office address on file
    29  in  the  department of state specified for this purpose. On the same day
    30  that such process is mailed, a duplicate copy of such process and  proof
    31  of  mailing shall be personally delivered to and left with the secretary
    32  of state or a deputy, or with any person authorized by the secretary  of
    33  state  to receive such service, at the office of the department of state
    34  in the city of Albany, a duplicate copy of such process  with  proof  of
    35  mailing  together  with  the  statutory  fee,  which  shall be a taxable
    36  disbursement. Proof of mailing shall be by affidavit of compliance  with
    37  this  section.  Service  of  process  on  a  board  of managers shall be
    38  complete when the secretary of state is so served.
    39    (d) As used in this article, "process" shall mean judicial process and
    40  all orders, demands, notices or other papers required  or  permitted  by
    41  law  to  be personally served on a board of managers, for the purpose of
    42  acquiring jurisdiction of such  board  of  managers  in  any  action  or
    43  proceeding,  civil  or criminal, whether judicial, administrative, arbi-
    44  trative or otherwise, in this state or in the federal courts sitting  in
    45  or for this state.
    46    (e) Nothing in this section shall affect the right to serve process in
    47  any other manner permitted by law.
    48    (f) The department of state shall keep a record of each process served
    49  under  this  section,  including  the  date  of  service. It shall, upon
    50  request, made within ten years of  such  service,  issue  a  certificate
    51  under  its seal certifying as to the receipt of process by an authorized
    52  person, the date and place of such service and the receipt of the statu-
    53  tory fee. Process served on the secretary of state  under  this  section
    54  shall  be  destroyed  by  the  department of state after a period of ten
    55  years from such service.

        S. 7508                            62                            A. 9508

     1    (g) Any designated post office address maintained by the secretary  of
     2  state as agent of the board of managers for the purpose of mailing proc-
     3  ess  shall  be  the post office address, within or without the state, to
     4  which a person shall mail process against such board as required by this
     5  article.  Such  address shall continue until the filing of a certificate
     6  under this chapter directing the mailing  to  a  different  post  office
     7  address.
     8    §  79. Subdivisions 3 and 4 of section 442-g of the real property law,
     9  as amended by chapter 482 of the laws of 1963, are amended  to  read  as
    10  follows:
    11    3.  Service  of such process upon the secretary of state shall be made
    12  by personally delivering to and leaving with [him or his] the  secretary
    13  of  state or a deputy, or with any person authorized by the secretary of
    14  state to receive such service, at the office of the department of  state
    15  in  the  city  of  Albany, [duplicate copies] a copy of such process and
    16  proof of mailing together with a fee of five dollars if  the  action  is
    17  solely  for  the recovery of a sum of money not in excess of two hundred
    18  dollars and the process is so endorsed, and a fee of ten dollars in  any
    19  other  action  or proceeding, which fee shall be a taxable disbursement.
    20  If such process is served  upon  behalf  of  a  county,  city,  town  or
    21  village, or other political subdivision of the state, the fee to be paid
    22  to  the  secretary  of  state shall be five dollars, irrespective of the
    23  amount involved or the nature of the action on  account  of  which  such
    24  service  of  process is made. [If the cost of registered mail for trans-
    25  mitting a copy of the process shall exceed two  dollars,  an  additional
    26  fee  equal  to  such  excess shall be paid at the time of the service of
    27  such process.] Proof of mailing shall be by affidavit of compliance with
    28  this section. Proof of service shall be by affidavit of compliance  with
    29  this  subdivision  filed  by or on behalf of the plaintiff together with
    30  the process, within ten days after such service, with the clerk  of  the
    31  court  in  which  the  action or special proceeding is pending.  Service
    32  made as provided in this section shall be complete ten days  after  such
    33  papers  are  filed  with  the clerk of the court and shall have the same
    34  force and validity as if served on him personally within the  state  and
    35  within  the territorial jurisdiction of the court from which the process
    36  issues.
    37    4. The [secretary of state] person serving such process shall [prompt-
    38  ly] send [one of] such [copies] process by [registered] certified  mail,
    39  return  receipt  requested,  to  the  nonresident  broker or nonresident
    40  salesman at the post office address of his main office as set  forth  in
    41  the last application filed by him.
    42    § 80. Subdivision 2 of section 203 of the tax law, as amended by chap-
    43  ter 100 of the laws of 1964, is amended to read as follows:
    44    2.    Every  foreign  corporation  (other  than a moneyed corporation)
    45  subject to the provisions of this article, except a corporation having a
    46  certificate of authority [under section two hundred twelve of the gener-
    47  al corporation law] or having authority to  do  business  by  virtue  of
    48  section  thirteen  hundred  five  of the business corporation law, shall
    49  file in the department of state a  certificate  of  designation  in  its
    50  corporate  name, signed and acknowledged by its president or a vice-pre-
    51  sident or its secretary or treasurer, under its corporate  seal,  desig-
    52  nating  the  secretary  of  state  as its agent upon whom process in any
    53  action provided for by this article may be served within this state, and
    54  setting forth an address to which [the  secretary  of  state]  a  person
    55  shall  mail a copy of any such process against the corporation which may
    56  be served upon [him] the secretary of state.   In case any  such  corpo-

        S. 7508                            63                            A. 9508

     1  ration  shall  have  failed  to file such certificate of designation, it
     2  shall be deemed to have designated the secretary of state as  its  agent
     3  upon whom such process against it may be served; and until a certificate
     4  of  designation shall have been filed the corporation shall be deemed to
     5  have directed [the secretary of state] a person serving process to  mail
     6  copies of process served upon [him] the secretary of state to the corpo-
     7  ration  at  its  last  known office address within or without the state.
     8  When a certificate of designation has been  filed  by  such  corporation
     9  [the  secretary  of state] a person serving process shall mail copies of
    10  process thereafter served upon [him]  the  secretary  of  state  to  the
    11  address  set forth in such certificate.  Any such corporation, from time
    12  to time, may change the address to which  [the  secretary  of  state]  a
    13  person is directed to mail copies of process, by filing a certificate to
    14  that  effect  executed,  signed  and  acknowledged  in  like manner as a
    15  certificate of designation as herein provided.  Service of process  upon
    16  any  such  corporation  or  upon any corporation having a certificate of
    17  authority [under section two hundred twelve of the  general  corporation
    18  law]  or  having  authority to do business by virtue of section thirteen
    19  hundred five of the business corporation law, in any action commenced at
    20  any time pursuant to the provisions of this  article,  may  be  made  by
    21  either  (1)  personally  delivering to and leaving with the secretary of
    22  state, a deputy secretary of state or with any person authorized by  the
    23  secretary  of  state  to  receive such service [duplicate copies] a copy
    24  thereof at the office of the department of state in the city of  Albany,
    25  in  which  event  [the secretary of state] a person serving such process
    26  shall forthwith send by  [registered]  certified  mail,  return  receipt
    27  requested,  [one  of such copies] a duplicate copy to the corporation at
    28  the address designated by it or at its last known office address  within
    29  or  without  the state, or (2) personally delivering to and leaving with
    30  the secretary of state, a deputy secretary of state or with  any  person
    31  authorized  by  the  secretary  of state to receive such service, a copy
    32  thereof at the office of the department of state in the city  of  Albany
    33  and  by  delivering  a  copy thereof to, and leaving such copy with, the
    34  president, vice-president, secretary,  assistant  secretary,  treasurer,
    35  assistant  treasurer,  or  cashier  of  such corporation, or the officer
    36  performing corresponding functions under another name, or a director  or
    37  managing agent of such corporation, personally without the state.  Proof
    38  of such personal service without the state shall be filed with the clerk
    39  of  the  court  in  which the action is pending within thirty days after
    40  such service, and such service shall be complete ten  days  after  proof
    41  thereof is filed.
    42    §  81. Section 216 of the tax law, as added by chapter 415 of the laws
    43  of 1944, the opening paragraph as amended by chapter 100 of the laws  of
    44  1964  and redesignated by chapter 613 of the laws of 1976, is amended to
    45  read as follows:
    46    § 216. Collection of taxes. Every foreign corporation  (other  than  a
    47  moneyed corporation) subject to the provisions of this article, except a
    48  corporation having a certificate of authority [under section two hundred
    49  twelve  of  the general corporation law] or having authority to do busi-
    50  ness by virtue of section thirteen hundred five of the  business  corpo-
    51  ration  law,  shall  file  in  the  department of state a certificate of
    52  designation in its corporate name, signed and acknowledged by its presi-
    53  dent or a vice-president or its secretary or treasurer, under its corpo-
    54  rate seal, designating the secretary of state as  its  agent  upon  whom
    55  process  in any action provided for by this article may be served within
    56  this state, and setting forth an address  to  which  [the  secretary  of

        S. 7508                            64                            A. 9508

     1  state] a person shall mail a copy of any such process against the corpo-
     2  ration  which  may  be served upon [him] the secretary of state. In case
     3  any such corporation shall have  failed  to  file  such  certificate  of
     4  designation,  it  shall  be  deemed  to have designated the secretary of
     5  state as its agent upon whom such process against it may be served;  and
     6  until a certificate of designation shall have been filed the corporation
     7  shall  be  deemed  to have directed [the secretary of state] a person to
     8  mail [copies] a copy of process served upon [him] the secretary of state
     9  to the corporation at its last known office address  within  or  without
    10  the  state.    When  a certificate of designation has been filed by such
    11  corporation [the secretary of state] a person serving such process shall
    12  mail [copies] a copy of process thereafter served upon  [him]  a  person
    13  serving  such process to the address set forth in such certificate.  Any
    14  such corporation, from time to time, may change  the  address  to  which
    15  [the secretary of state] a person is directed to mail copies of process,
    16  by filing a certificate to that effect executed, signed and acknowledged
    17  in  like  manner  as  a  certificate  of designation as herein provided.
    18  Service of process upon any such corporation  or  upon  any  corporation
    19  having  a  certificate of authority [under section two hundred twelve of
    20  the general corporation law] or  having  authority  to  do  business  by
    21  virtue of section thirteen hundred five of the business corporation law,
    22  in  any  action commenced at any time pursuant to the provisions of this
    23  article, may be made by either (1) personally delivering to and  leaving
    24  with  the  secretary  of  state, a deputy secretary of state or with any
    25  person authorized by the secretary of  state  to  receive  such  service
    26  [duplicate  copies]  a  copy  thereof at the office of the department of
    27  state in the city of Albany, in which event [the secretary of  state]  a
    28  person  serving such process shall forthwith send by [registered] certi-
    29  fied mail, return receipt requested, [one of such  copies]  a  duplicate
    30  copy  to  the corporation at the address designated by it or at its last
    31  known office address within or without  the  state,  or  (2)  personally
    32  delivering  to  and leaving with the secretary of state, a deputy secre-
    33  tary of state or with any person authorized by the secretary of state to
    34  receive such service, a copy thereof at the office of the department  of
    35  state  in  the  city  of Albany and by delivering a copy thereof to, and
    36  leaving  such  copy  with,  the  president,  vice-president,  secretary,
    37  assistant  secretary, treasurer, assistant treasurer, or cashier of such
    38  corporation, or the officer  performing  corresponding  functions  under
    39  another  name,  or  a  director  or  managing agent of such corporation,
    40  personally without the state.  Proof of such  personal  service  without
    41  the state shall be filed with the clerk of the court in which the action
    42  is pending within thirty days after such service, and such service shall
    43  be complete ten days after proof thereof is filed.
    44    § 82. Subdivisions (a) and (b) of section 310 of the tax law, as added
    45  by chapter 400 of the laws of 1983, are amended to read as follows:
    46    (a)  Designation  for  service  of  process.--Every petroleum business
    47  which is a corporation,  except  such  a  petroleum  business  having  a
    48  certificate of authority [under section two hundred twelve of the gener-
    49  al  corporation  law]  or  having  authority to do business by virtue of
    50  section thirteen hundred five of the  business  corporation  law,  shall
    51  file  in  the  department  of  state a certificate of designation in its
    52  corporate name, signed and acknowledged by its president or  vice-presi-
    53  dent  or its secretary or treasurer, under its corporate seal, designat-
    54  ing the secretary of state as its agent upon whom process in any  action
    55  provided  for  by  this  article  may  be  served within this state, and
    56  setting forth an address to which [the  secretary  of  state]  a  person

        S. 7508                            65                            A. 9508

     1  shall  mail  a  copy of any such process against such petroleum business
     2  which may be served upon [him] the secretary of state. In case any  such
     3  petroleum  business shall have failed to file such certificate of desig-
     4  nation,  it shall be deemed to have designated the secretary of state as
     5  its agent upon whom such process against it may be served; and  until  a
     6  certificate  of designation shall have been filed such a petroleum busi-
     7  ness shall be deemed to have directed [the secretary of state] a  person
     8  to  mail  copies  of process served upon [him] the secretary of state to
     9  such petroleum business at its last known office address within or with-
    10  out the state. When a certificate of designation has been filed by  such
    11  a  petroleum  business [the secretary of state] a person serving process
    12  shall mail copies of process thereafter served upon [him] the  secretary
    13  of state to the address set forth in such certificate. Any such petrole-
    14  um  business,  from  time  to time, may change the address to which [the
    15  secretary of state] a person is directed to mail copies of  process,  by
    16  filing a certificate to that effect executed, signed and acknowledged in
    17  like manner as a certificate of designation as herein provided.
    18    (b)  Service  of process.--Service of process upon any petroleum busi-
    19  ness which is a  corporation  (including  any  such  petroleum  business
    20  having  a  certificate of authority [under section two hundred twelve of
    21  the general corporation law] or  having  authority  to  do  business  by
    22  virtue  of  section  thirteen  hundred  five of the business corporation
    23  law), in any action commenced at any time pursuant to the provisions  of
    24  this  article,  may  be  made by either (1) personally delivering to and
    25  leaving with the secretary of state, a deputy secretary of state or with
    26  any person authorized by the secretary of state to receive such  service
    27  [duplicate  copies]  a  copy  thereof at the office of the department of
    28  state in the city of Albany, in which event [the secretary of  state]  a
    29  person  serving  process  shall forthwith send by [registered] certified
    30  mail, return receipt requested, [one of such copies] a duplicate copy to
    31  such petroleum business at the address designated by it or at  its  last
    32  known  office  address  within  or  without the state, or (2) personally
    33  delivering to and leaving with the secretary of state, a  deputy  secre-
    34  tary of state or with any person authorized by the secretary of state to
    35  receive  such service, a copy thereof at the office of the department of
    36  state in the city of Albany and by delivering a  copy  thereof  to,  and
    37  leaving  such  copy  with,  the  president,  vice-president,  secretary,
    38  assistant secretary, treasurer, assistant treasurer, or cashier of  such
    39  petroleum  business,  or  the officer performing corresponding functions
    40  under another name, or a director or managing agent  of  such  petroleum
    41  business,  personally  without the state. Proof of such personal service
    42  without the state shall be filed with the clerk of the  court  in  which
    43  the  action  is  pending within thirty days after such service, and such
    44  service shall be complete ten days after proof thereof is filed.
    45    § 83. This act shall take effect on  the  one  hundred  twentieth  day
    46  after it shall have become a law.

    47                                   PART R

    48    Section  1.  Section 2 of chapter 21 of the laws of 2003, amending the
    49  executive law relating to permitting the secretary of state  to  provide
    50  special  handling  for  all documents filed or issued by the division of
    51  corporations and to permit additional levels of such expedited  service,
    52  as  amended by section 1 of part R of chapter 58 of the laws of 2019, is
    53  amended to read as follows:

        S. 7508                            66                            A. 9508

     1    § 2. This act shall take effect immediately,  provided  however,  that
     2  section  one  of this act shall be deemed to have been in full force and
     3  effect on and after April 1, 2003 and  shall  expire  March  31,  [2020]
     4  2021.
     5    §  2.  This  act  shall take effect immediately and shall be deemed to
     6  have been in full force and effect on and after March 31, 2020.

     7                                   PART S

     8    Section 1. The general business law is amended by adding a new section
     9  390-d to read as follows:
    10    § 390-d.  Gender  pricing  discrimination.  1.  Definitions.  For  the
    11  purposes  of  this section, the following terms shall have the following
    12  meanings:
    13    (a) "Consumer products" shall mean any goods used, bought or  rendered
    14  primarily for personal, family or household purposes;
    15    (b)  "Consumer  services"  shall  mean  any  services  used, bought or
    16  rendered primarily for personal, family or household purposes;
    17    (c) "Substantially similar" shall mean (i) two consumer products  that
    18  exhibit  no substantial differences in the materials used in production,
    19  the intended use of the product, and the functional design and  features
    20  of  the  product, or (ii) two consumer services that exhibit no substan-
    21  tial difference in the amount of  time  to  provide  the  services,  the
    22  difficulty  in  providing  the  services,  or  the cost of providing the
    23  services. A difference in coloring among any consumer product shall  not
    24  be  construed as a substantial difference for the purposes of this para-
    25  graph.
    26    2. No person, firm, partnership, company, corporation, or other  busi-
    27  ness  entity shall sell or offer for sale any two consumer products from
    28  the same manufacturer or distributor that are substantially similar,  if
    29  such  products are priced differently based on the gender of the persons
    30  for whom the products are marketed and intended.
    31    3. No person, firm, partnership, company, corporation or  other  busi-
    32  ness  entity shall sell or offer for sale any consumer services that are
    33  substantially similar if such services are priced differently based upon
    34  the gender of the individuals  for  whom  the  services  are  performed,
    35  offered, or marketed.
    36    4.  Nothing  in  this  section prohibits price differences in consumer
    37  products or consumer services based  specifically  upon  the  amount  of
    38  time,  difficulty  or  cost  incurred  in  manufacturing such product or
    39  offering such service.
    40    5.  (a)  The  following  business  establishments  shall  clearly  and
    41  conspicuously  disclose  to the customer in writing the pricing for each
    42  standard service provided:
    43    (i) tailors or businesses providing aftermarket clothing alterations;
    44    (ii) barbers or hair salons;
    45    (iii) dry cleaners and laundries providing  services  to  individuals;
    46  and
    47    (iv) such other business establishments as may be identified and added
    48  to this list by regulation.
    49    (b)  The  price list shall be posted in an area conspicuous to custom-
    50  ers.  Posted price lists shall be in no less than  fourteen-point  bold-
    51  face  type and clearly and completely display pricing for every standard
    52  service offered by the business.
    53    (c) The business establishment  shall  provide  the  customer  with  a
    54  complete written price list upon request.

        S. 7508                            67                            A. 9508

     1    (d) The business establishment shall display in a conspicuous place at
     2  least  one  clearly  visible  sign,  printed in no less than twenty-four
     3  point boldface type, which reads: "NEW YORK LAW PROHIBITS  ANY  BUSINESS
     7    (e) For the purposes of this subdivision, "standard service" means the
     8  fifteen most frequently requested services provided by the business.
     9    6. (a) The attorney general may issue a notice directing the cessation
    10  of any conduct by a person, firm, partnership, company, corporation,  or
    11  other  business  entity which the attorney general has reason to believe
    12  has violated this section. If any person,  firm,  partnership,  company,
    13  corporation,  or  other  business entity fails to submit evidence demon-
    14  strating differences in the amount of time, difficulty or cost  incurred
    15  in manufacturing such product or offering such service within five busi-
    16  ness  days  after  service  of  such  notice, or if the attorney general
    17  determines that such evidence fails  to  demonstrate  legally  excusable
    18  differences provided for in subdivision four of this section, the attor-
    19  ney  general may bring an action in the name and on behalf of the people
    20  of the state of New York to enjoin such acts and to  obtain  restitution
    21  of  any  moneys  or property obtained directly or indirectly by any such
    22  unlawful acts. In such action preliminary relief may  be  granted  under
    23  article  sixty-three  of  the  civil practice law and rules. In any such
    24  proceeding, the court shall impose a civil penalty in an amount  not  to
    25  exceed twenty-five thousand dollars.
    26    (b) Before any violation of this section is sought to be enjoined, the
    27  attorney  general shall be required to give the person against whom such
    28  proceeding is contemplated notice by certified mail and  an  opportunity
    29  to show in writing within five business days after receipt of notice why
    30  proceedings  should  not  be instituted against him, unless the attorney
    31  general shall find, in any case in which he  seeks  preliminary  relief,
    32  that to give such notice and opportunity is not in the public interest.
    33    (c) In addition to the right of action granted to the attorney general
    34  pursuant  to  this section, any person who has been injured by reason of
    35  any violation of this section may bring an action in such  person's  own
    36  name to enjoin such unlawful act or practice, an action to recover actu-
    37  al damages or fifty dollars, whichever is greater, or both such actions.
    38  The  court  may,  in its discretion, increase the award of damages to an
    39  amount not to exceed three times the actual damages up to  one  thousand
    40  dollars,  if  the  court  finds  the  defendant  willfully  or knowingly
    41  violated this section. The court may award reasonable attorneys' fees to
    42  a prevailing plaintiff.
    43    (d) The attorney  general  shall  have  power  at  all  times,  either
    44  personally  or  by his or her deputies, to subpoena witnesses, to compel
    45  their attendance, to administer an oath, to  examine  any  person  under
    46  oath and to require the production of any relevant books or papers. Such
    47  examination  may  be  conducted  on  any  subject relating to the duties
    48  imposed upon, or the powers vested in, the attorney  general  under  the
    49  provisions  of  this  section.  Any  person, firm, partnership, company,
    50  corporation, or other business entity which fails to obey the command of
    51  a subpoena without reasonable  excuse  or  refuses,  without  reasonable
    52  cause,  to  be  sworn  or  to  be examined or to answer a question or to
    53  produce a book or paper when ordered  so  to  do  by  the  officer  duly
    54  conducting  such inquiry, or fails to perform any act required hereunder
    55  to be performed, shall be guilty of a  misdemeanor  and  shall  also  be
    56  subject to the compulsions provided by the civil practice law and rules.

        S. 7508                            68                            A. 9508

     1  Any  officer  participating in such inquiry and any person examined as a
     2  witness upon such inquiry who shall disclose to any  person  other  than
     3  the  attorney  general  the  name  of  any witness examined or any other
     4  information obtained upon such inquiry, except as directed by the attor-
     5  ney general, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.
     6    (e)  Notwithstanding  any law to the contrary, all monies recovered or
     7  obtained under this article by a  state  agency  or  state  official  or
     8  employee  acting in their official capacity shall be subject to subdivi-
     9  sion eleven of section four of the state finance law.
    10    7. The attorney general may adopt  and  promulgate  rules  as  may  be
    11  necessary in carrying out the provisions of this section.
    12    §  2.  Separability  clause; construction. If any part or provision of
    13  this act or the application thereof to any person  or  circumstances  be
    14  adjudged  invalid  by any court of competent jurisdiction, such judgment
    15  shall be confined in its operation to the part, provision or application
    16  directly involved in the controversy in which such judgment  shall  have
    17  been rendered and shall not affect or impair the validity of the remain-
    18  der  of  this  act  or  the  application  thereof to other provisions or
    19  circumstances.
    20    § 3. This act shall take effect on the one hundred eightieth day after
    21  it shall have become a law. Effective immediately, the addition,  amend-
    22  ment and/or repeal of any rule or regulation necessary for the implemen-
    23  tation  of  this act on its effective date are authorized to be made and
    24  completed on or before such effective date.

    25                                   PART T

    26    Section 1. The general business law is amended by adding a new article
    27  40 to read as follows:
    28                                 ARTICLE 40
    29                       TELEPHONE CALL ABUSE PREVENTION
    30  Section 900. Short title.
    31          901. Definitions.
    32          902. Telemarketing sales calls mandates,  prohibitions,  and  Do
    33                 Not Call registry.
    34          903. Telephone call authentication framework.
    35          904. Telephone call blocking.
    36          905. Use of automatic telephone dialing systems and placement of
    37                 consumer telephone calls.
    38          906. Telemarketing and consumer fraud and abuse prevention act.
    39    §  900.  Short title. This article may be cited as the "telephone call
    40  abuse prevention act".
    41    § 901. Definitions. Unless otherwise indicated, as used in this  arti-
    42  cle, the following terms shall have the following meanings:
    43    1. "Department" means the department of state.
    44    2. "Secretary" means the secretary of state.
    45    3.  "Customer"  means  any natural person who is or may be required to
    46  pay for or to exchange consideration  for  goods  and  services  offered
    47  through telemarketing.
    48    4.  "Doing  business  in this state" means conducting telephonic sales
    49  calls: a. from a location in this state; or b. from a  location  outside
    50  of this state to consumers residing in this state.
    51    5.  "Goods  and  services" means any goods and services, and such term
    52  shall include any real property or any  tangible  personal  property  or
    53  services of any kind.

        S. 7508                            69                            A. 9508

     1    6.  "Negative  option feature" means, in an offer or agreement to sell
     2  or provide any goods or services, a provision under which the customer's
     3  silence or failure to take an affirmative action to reject such goods or
     4  services or to cancel the agreement is  interpreted  by  the  seller  as
     5  acceptance of the offer.
     6    7.  "Person" means any natural person, association, partnership, firm,
     7  or corporation and its affiliates or  subsidiaries,  or  other  business
     8  entity.
     9    8.  "Telemarketer"  means  any  person  who,  for  financial profit or
    10  commercial purposes in connection with telemarketing, a. makes  telemar-
    11  keting  sales calls or electronic messaging texts to a customer when the
    12  customer is in this  state,  b.  directly  controls  or  supervises  the
    13  conduct  of  a  telemarketer, or c. intentionally aids a telemarketer to
    14  engage in telemarketing. For the purposes of this  article,  "commercial
    15  purposes" shall mean the sale or offer for sale of goods or services.
    16    9.  "Telemarketing"  means  any  plan,  program  or  campaign  that is
    17  conducted to induce payment or the exchange of any  other  consideration
    18  for  any goods or services, that involves one or more telephone calls or
    19  electronic messaging texts by a telemarketer in which  the  customer  is
    20  located  within  the  state at the time of the call.  Telemarketing also
    21  includes the acceptance or collection of information obtained from tele-
    22  phone calls or electronic messaging texts with the intent  of  providing
    23  it to a third party who accepts or collects the information to engage in
    24  telemarketing.  Telemarketing does not include the solicitation of sales
    25  through media other than by telephone calls or electronic messaging text
    26  and does not include calls or electronic  messaging  texts  intended  to
    27  implement or complete a transaction to which the customer has previously
    28  consented.
    29    10.  "Telemarketing  sales  call" means a telephone call or electronic
    30  messaging text, made directly or indirectly by a telemarketer or by  any
    31  outbound  telephone  calling  technology  that  delivers  a  prerecorded
    32  message to a customer or to a customer's voicemail or answering  machine
    33  service,  in  which  such telephone call or electronic messaging text is
    34  for the purpose of inducing payment or the exchange of any other consid-
    35  eration for any goods or services.
    36    11. "Unsolicited telemarketing sales  call"  means  any  telemarketing
    37  sales call other than a call made:
    38    a.  in response to an express written or verbal request by the custom-
    39  er; or
    40    b. in connection with an established business relationship, which  has
    41  not  been terminated by either party, unless such customer has stated to
    42  the telemarketer that such customer no  longer  wishes  to  receive  the
    43  telemarketing sales calls of such telemarketer.
    44    12.  "Caller identification information" means information provided by
    45  a caller identification service regarding the telephone number and  name
    46  of the person calling.
    47    13.  "Caller  identification  service"  means  a service that allows a
    48  telephone subscriber to have the telephone number, and, where available,
    49  name of the calling party transmitted contemporaneously with  the  tele-
    50  phone  call,  and  that  is displayed on a device in or connected to the
    51  subscriber's telephone.
    52    14. "Electronic messaging text"  means  real-time  or  near  real-time
    53  non-voice  messages  in  text  form  over  communications  networks, and
    54  includes the transmission of  writing,  signs,  signals,  pictures,  and
    55  sounds  of  all  kinds  by  aid  of wire, cable or other like connection
    56  between the points of origin and reception of such transmission.

        S. 7508                            70                            A. 9508

     1    15. "Area code" means the first three digits of  the  ten-digit  tele-
     2  phone number.
     3    16.  "Entity  specific 'do-not-call' list" means the list of telephone
     4  numbers provided directly to the telemarketer by the owners of the tele-
     5  phone numbers for the purpose of being removed from any future  telemar-
     6  keting calls.
     7    17. "Automatic number identification" means any data message, protocol
     8  or  part thereof which communicates the telephone number to be displayed
     9  on the caller identification of the telephone call recipient.  Automatic
    10  number  identification  includes a calling party number, initial address
    11  message, and calling line identification.
    12    18. "New York state automatic number identification" means  any  auto-
    13  matic  number  identification  with an area code designated by the North
    14  American numbering plan to cover locations in New York state.
    15    19. "North American numbering plan" has the meaning ascribed to it  by
    16  federal  communications  commission  regulations,  defined  in 47 C.F.R.
    17  section 52.5(d).
    18    20. "Public switched telephone network" means all  telephones,  mobile
    19  telephones  and  devices  assigned phone numbers from the North American
    20  numbering plan.
    21    21. "Voice service" has the meaning  ascribed  to  such  term  by  the
    22  federal Telephone Robocall Abuse Criminal Enforcement and Deterrence Act
    23  (TRACED)  (Public  Law  No.116-105),  or any successive federal law that
    24  amends such term.
    25    22. "Voice service provider"  means  any  person  who  provides  voice
    26  services  to  subscribers in the state utilizing any technology, regard-
    27  less of whether such  provider  is  regulated  pursuant  to  the  public
    28  service law.
    29    23. "Automatic telephone dialing system" means equipment, software, or
    30  other  technology  used to make pre-recorded calls, except for equipment
    31  that requires a human to dial or place each individual call one call  at
    32  a time and requires such human to then remain on each call.
    33    24.  "Auto-dialed call" means any telephone call initiated by an auto-
    34  matic telephone dialing system.
    35    25. "SHAKEN" means signature-based handling  of  asserted  information
    36  using toKENs.
    37    26. "STIR" means secure telephone identity revisited.
    38    27.  "STIR/SHAKEN  authentication framework" means the digital certif-
    39  icate scheme to verify and authenticate caller identification for  calls
    40  carried  over  an  internet  protocol (IP) network, based upon standards
    41  developed by stakeholders of the information and communications technol-
    42  ogy industry, as referenced in the notice  of  inquiry  of  the  federal
    43  communications commission, 32 FCC Rcd 5988.
    44    28. "Pooling administrator" means the thousands-block pooling adminis-
    45  trator as identified in 47 C.F.R. § 52.20.
    46    29.  "Consumer"  means  a natural person who is solicited to purchase,
    47  lease or receive a good or service for  personal,  family  or  household
    48  use.
    49    30.  "Consumer telephone call" means a call made to a telephone number
    50  by a telephone solicitor, whether  by  device,  live  operator,  or  any
    51  combination thereof, for the purpose of soliciting a sale of any consum-
    52  er  goods  or services for personal, family or household purposes to the
    53  consumer called, or for the purpose of soliciting an extension of credit
    54  for consumer goods or services  to  the  consumer  called,  or  for  the
    55  purpose of obtaining information that will or may be used for the direct
    56  solicitation  of  a  sale  of consumer goods or services to the consumer

        S. 7508                            71                            A. 9508

     1  called or an extension of credit for such purposes;  provided,  however,
     2  that  "consumer telephone call" shall not include a call made by a tele-
     3  phone corporation, as defined by subdivision seventeen of section two of
     4  the public service law, in response to a specific inquiry initiated by a
     5  consumer  regarding  that  consumer's  existing  or  requested telephone
     6  service.
     7    31. "Telephone solicitor" means a person who makes  or  causes  to  be
     8  made a consumer telephone call.
     9    32.  "Applicant"  means a person seeking a certificate of registration
    10  or to renew a certificate of registration under this section.
    11    33. "Investment opportunity" means anything  tangible  or  intangible,
    12  that  is  offered  for  sale, sold, or traded based wholly or in part on
    13  representations, either express or  implied,  about  past,  present,  or
    14  future income, profit, or appreciation.
    15    34.  "Premium" means anything offered or given, independent of chance,
    16  to customers as an incentive to purchase or otherwise contract for goods
    17  or services offered through telemarketing.
    18    35. "Principal" means any person participating in or  responsible  for
    19  the management of a telemarketer's business, whether or not the position
    20  is  compensated,  including but not limited to an owner in the case of a
    21  sole proprietorship, an officer, director or  stockholder  holding  more
    22  than  ten percent of the outstanding stock in the case of a corporation,
    23  a partner in the case of a partnership, and a manager or member  in  the
    24  case of a limited liability company.
    25    36. "Prize" means anything offered or purportedly offered and given or
    26  purportedly  given  to  a  person  by chance. For purposes of this defi-
    27  nition, chance exists if a person is guaranteed to receive an item  and,
    28  at  the  time of the offer or purported offer, the telemarketer does not
    29  identify the specific item that the person will receive.
    30    37. "Prize promotion" means a sweepstakes or other game of  chance  or
    31  an  oral or written, express or implied representation that a person has
    32  won, has been selected to receive or is eligible or may be  eligible  to
    33  receive a prize or purported prize.
    34    §  902.  Telemarketing  sales calls mandates, prohibitions, and Do Not
    35  Call registry. 1. No telemarketer or seller shall engage in  telemarket-
    36  ing  at  any  time  other  than  between  8:00 A.M. and 9:00 P.M. at the
    37  location of the customer unless  the  customer  has  given  his  or  her
    38  express  consent  to  the  call at a different time. Telemarketers shall
    39  provide, in a clear and coherent manner  using  words  with  common  and
    40  everyday meanings, at the beginning of each telemarketing sales call all
    41  of the following information:
    42    a.  the  telemarketer's name and the person on whose behalf the solic-
    43  itation is being made, if other than the telemarketer;
    44    b. the purpose of the telephone call;
    45    c. the identity of the goods or services  for  which  a  fee  will  be
    46  charged; and
    47    d. whether the call is being recorded.
    48    2.  It  shall  be unlawful for any telemarketer or seller to knowingly
    49  cause any voice service providing caller identification service to tran-
    50  smit misleading, inaccurate, or false caller identification information,
    51  provided that it shall not be a violation to substitute  (for  the  name
    52  and  phone  number  used in, or billed for, making the call) the name or
    53  telephone number of the person or seller on behalf of which  a  telemar-
    54  keting call is placed.
    55    3.  Prior  to the purchase of any good or service, telemarketers shall
    56  disclose to the customer the cost of the goods or services that are  the

        S. 7508                            72                            A. 9508

     1  subject of the call and if the offer includes a negative option feature,
     2  all  material  terms  and  conditions  of  the  negative option feature,
     3  including, but not limited to the fact that the customer's account  will
     4  be  charged unless the customer takes an affirmative action to avoid the
     5  charges, the dates the charges will be submitted for  payment,  and  the
     6  specific steps the customer must take to avoid the charge.
     7    4.  a. The department is authorized to establish, manage, and maintain
     8  a no telemarketing sales calls statewide registry which shall contain  a
     9  list  of  customers who do not wish to receive unsolicited telemarketing
    10  sales calls. The department may contract with a private vendor to estab-
    11  lish, manage and maintain such registry, provided the private vendor has
    12  maintained national no telemarketing sales  calls  registries  for  more
    13  than  two  years, and the contract requires the vendor to provide the no
    14  telemarketing sales calls registry in a printed hard copy format and  in
    15  any other format as prescribed by the department.
    16    b.  The  department  is  authorized  to  have the national Do Not Call
    17  registry established,  managed  and  maintained  by  the  federal  trade
    18  commission  pursuant  to  15  U.S.C.  6151,  and referenced by 16 C.F.R.
    19  section 310.4 (b)(1)(iii)(B), to serve as the New York state no telemar-
    20  keting sales calls statewide registry provided for by this section.  The
    21  department is further authorized to take whatever administrative actions
    22  may  be  necessary or appropriate for such transition including, but not
    23  limited to, providing the telephone numbers of New York customers regis-
    24  tered on the no telemarketing sales  calls  statewide  registry  to  the
    25  federal  trade  commission,  for  inclusion on the national  Do Not Call
    26  registry.
    27    5. No telemarketer or seller may make or cause to be made any unsolic-
    28  ited telemarketing sales call to any customer when that customer's tele-
    29  phone number has been on the national  Do Not Call registry, established
    30  by the federal trade commission, for a period of thirty-one  days  prior
    31  to   the   date  the  call  is  made,  pursuant  to  16  C.F.R.  section
    32  310.4(b)(1)(iii)(B).
    33    6. It shall be unlawful for any telemarketer doing  business  in  this
    34  state to make an unsolicited telemarketing sales call to any person in a
    35  county,  city, town or village knowingly under a declared state of emer-
    36  gency or disaster emergency as described in section twenty-four or twen-
    37  ty-eight of the executive law.
    38    7. No telemarketer or seller shall initiate  any  telemarketing  sales
    39  call  by  means  of  a  technology that delivers a pre-recorded message,
    40  unless the telemarketer or seller has  obtained  from  the  customer  an
    41  express  agreement,  in  writing.  No such agreement shall authorize any
    42  telemarketing sales calls more than thirty days after execution  of  the
    43  agreement, and the agreement must provide that:
    44    a. the telemarketer or seller obtained only after a clear and conspic-
    45  uous  disclosure,  using plain language and printed in type no less than
    46  twelve-point type, that the purpose of the agreement is to authorize the
    47  seller to make telemarketing sales calls to such customer;
    48    b. the telemarketer or seller obtained without requiring, directly  or
    49  indirectly,  that the agreement be executed as a condition of purchasing
    50  any good or service;
    51    c. evidences the willingness of the customer to receive  telemarketing
    52  sales calls by or made on behalf of a specific seller;
    53    d. includes such customer's telephone number and signature;
    54    e. is displayed before any mechanism offered to the customer to verify
    55  or acknowledge consent; and
    56    f. contains the following language:

        S. 7508                            73                            A. 9508

     1    (i)  "This express agreement applies only between the customer and the
     2  specific entity offering the agreement, and any named partner or  affil-
     3  iate entity."
     4    (ii)  "By  clicking or otherwise acknowledging agreement, I understand
     5  that I consent to and may receive telemarketing sales calls  even  if  I
     6  have  previously entered my number on the national Do Not Call  registry
     7  maintained by the federal trade commission."
     8    8. No telemarketer or seller may initiate any telephone call using  an
     9  automatic  telephone  dialing  system  or  an artificial or pre-recorded
    10  voice, without prior express and  verifiable  consent  from  the  person
    11  receiving the call.
    12    9. In the case of any telemarketing sales call delivered by means of a
    13  technology  that  delivers a pre-recorded message that could be received
    14  by a customer who can use an automated interactive voice and/or keypress
    15  activated opt-out mechanism to assert a Do Not Call request,  such  call
    16  shall  include a mechanism that allows the customer to automatically add
    17  the number called to the seller's entity specific do not call list,  and
    18  which mechanism, once invoked, immediately ends the call.
    19    10.  In the case of any telemarketing sales call delivered by means of
    20  a technology that delivers a pre-recorded message that could be answered
    21  by an answering machine or voicemail service, that the  call  include  a
    22  toll-free number that must connect the customer directly to an automated
    23  interactive  voice  or  keypress activated opt-out mechanism that allows
    24  the consumer to automatically add the  number  called  to  the  seller's
    25  entity  specific  do  not  call list, and which mechanism, once invoked,
    26  immediately ends the call.
    27    11. In the case of any telemarketing sales  call  made  by  a  natural
    28  person,  the telemarketer or seller shall inform the customer that he or
    29  she may request that his or her telephone number be added to  the  sell-
    30  er's  entity  specific  do not call list. If the customer opts to do so,
    31  the telemarketer or seller shall immediately end the call and shall  add
    32  the number called to such list or cause the number called to be added to
    33  such list.
    34    12. No telemarketer or seller shall transmit, share, or otherwise make
    35  available  any customer's contact information, including name, telephone
    36  number, or email address, which has been provided to  such  telemarketer
    37  or  seller by such customer, to any person, corporation, or other entity
    38  without the express agreement of the consumer in writing or in electron-
    39  ic format, unless otherwise required by law, or  pursuant  to  a  lawful
    40  subpoena or court order. No such agreement shall authorize a telemarket-
    41  er  or  seller  to  transmit,  share,  or  otherwise make available such
    42  consumer's contact information for more than thirty days after execution
    43  of such agreement.
    44    13. Telemarketers and sellers shall keep for a period  of  twenty-four
    45  months from the date the record is created records relating to its tele-
    46  marketing activities.
    47    14.  a. The department shall provide notice to customers of the estab-
    48  lishment of the national Do Not Call registry. Any customer  who  wishes
    49  to  be  included on such registry shall notify the federal trade commis-
    50  sion as directed by relevant federal regulations.
    51    b. Any company that provides local telephone directories to  customers
    52  in  this  state  shall  inform  its  customers of the provisions of this
    53  section by means of publishing a notice in such local telephone directo-
    54  ries and on any website and social media page owned, operated or  other-
    55  wise authorized by such company.

        S. 7508                            74                            A. 9508

     1    15.  When the department has reason to believe a person has engaged in
     2  repeated unlawful acts in violation of this section, or when a notice of
     3  hearing has been issued pursuant to subdivision sixteen of this section,
     4  the department may request in writing the production of  relevant  docu-
     5  ments  and records as part of its investigation. If the person upon whom
     6  such request was made fails to produce the documents or  records  within
     7  fourteen  days  after  the date of the request, the department may issue
     8  and serve subpoenas to compel  the  production  of  such  documents  and
     9  records.  If  any  person  shall refuse to comply with a subpoena issued
    10  under this section, the department may petition  a  court  of  competent
    11  jurisdiction to enforce the subpoena, and to request a civil penalty not
    12  to  exceed  one  thousand  dollars  per day, actual damages sustained by
    13  reason of the failure to comply and such  sanctions  as  the  court  may
    14  direct.
    15    16.  a. Where it is determined after an opportunity for a hearing that
    16  any person has violated one or more  provisions  of  this  section,  the
    17  secretary,  or  any person deputized or so designated by him or her, may
    18  assess a fine  not  to  exceed  twenty-two  thousand  dollars  for  each
    19  violation.
    20    b.  Any  proceeding conducted pursuant to paragraph a of this subdivi-
    21  sion shall be subject to the state administrative procedure act.
    22    c. Nothing in this subdivision shall  be  construed  to  restrict  any
    23  right  which  any  person  may have under any other statute or at common
    24  law.
    25    17. The department shall prescribe rules and regulations to administer
    26  this section.
    27    18. If any clause, sentence, paragraph or part of this  section  shall
    28  be  adjudged  by any court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, such
    29  judgment shall not affect, impair or invalidate the  remainder  thereof,
    30  but  shall  be  confined in its operation to the clause, sentence, para-
    31  graph or part thereof directly involved in the controversy in which such
    32  judgment shall have been rendered.
    33    § 903. Telephone call authentication  framework.  1.  Not  later  than
    34  January first, two thousand twenty-one:
    35    a.  A voice service provider shall implement the STIR/SHAKEN authenti-
    36  cation framework, or alternative technology that provides compatible  or
    37  superior  capability,  to  verify and authenticate caller identification
    38  information in the  internet  protocol  networks  of  telephone  dialing
    39  service providers.
    40    b.  A  voice service provider shall take reasonable measures to imple-
    41  ment an effective call authentication framework, or alternative technol-
    42  ogy that provides compatible  or  superior  capability,  to  verify  and
    43  authenticate  caller  identification  information  in  the  non-internet
    44  protocol networks of the voice service provider.
    45    2.  STIR/SHAKEN  certificate  authorities  providing  credentials   to
    46  commercial,  government  and not-for-profit organizations using New York
    47  state automatic number identifications shall be responsible for investi-
    48  gating and vetting the entities they  certify,  and  shall  provide  the
    49  department  annually  with  all information required under this subdivi-
    50  sion. Required due  diligence  in  selecting  and  managing  certificate
    51  recipients shall include a minimum of the following:
    52    a. Background checks which establish that the entity, its officers and
    53  persons  responsible  for  authorizing official acts of such entity have
    54  never been convicted of frauds, felonies or other  serious  or  relevant
    55  offenses.

        S. 7508                            75                            A. 9508

     1    b.  Establishment  of  one  or  more physical address locations in the
     2  United States. All such information shall be confirmed and updated annu-
     3  ally.
     4    c.  Any  person  acting  as  a  certificate  authority shall provide a
     5  personal assurance that the certificates will be granted in a  reputable
     6  and  lawful manner, and any such person shall be responsible jointly and
     7  severally for penalties related to fraud or willful violations.
     8    3. Where the federal communications commission has granted a delay  of
     9  required  compliance  for  any  provider  or class of providers of voice
    10  service or type of voice calls, compliance under paragraph b of subdivi-
    11  sion one of this section may be delayed, but only  to  the  extent  that
    12  such  a provider or class of providers of voice service or type of voice
    13  calls, materially relies on a  non-internet  protocol  network  for  the
    14  provision of such service or calls, until a call authentication protocol
    15  has  been  developed  for  calls  delivered  over  non-internet protocol
    16  networks and is reasonably available.
    17    4. On or before January first, two thousand twenty-one, and thereafter
    18  at least once every three  years,  all  voice  service  providers  shall
    19  review  the best available technology to authenticate caller identifica-
    20  tion information and deploy any such technology which may better  accom-
    21  plish  the  purpose of this section. Any such upgrades shall be deployed
    22  to all subscribers as soon as feasible and at no additional surcharge or
    23  fee to such subscribers.
    24    5. Deployment of any call authentication technology shall result in no
    25  additional surcharge or fee to the subscriber.
    26    6. By July thirty-first of the year following the  effective  date  of
    27  this  section,  and  annually  thereafter,  every voice service provider
    28  shall file with both the department, and the  secretary  to  the  public
    29  service  commission, a report setting forth its deployment and review of
    30  the best available  call  authentication  technology  required  by  this
    31  section, as well as any available upgrades thereto and deployment there-
    32  of  to  persons  or  entities, as well as any other information that the
    33  department, in consultation with the department of public  service,  may
    34  require. Such report shall include:
    35    a.  an  analysis  of  the extent to which voice service providers have
    36  implemented  the  call  authentication  frameworks  described  in   this
    37  section,  including  whether the availability of necessary equipment and
    38  equipment upgrades has impacted such implementation;
    39    b. an assessment of the efficacy of the call authentication frameworks
    40  described in paragraph b of subdivision one of this section, in address-
    41  ing all aspects of call authentication; and
    42    c. a sworn statement by a principal or officer of  the  voice  service
    43  provider that the information provided is current and accurate.
    44    7.  Any  voice  service  provider  that knowingly fails or neglects to
    45  comply with this section, or a rule or  regulation  adopted  thereunder,
    46  shall forfeit to the people of the state of New York a sum not less than
    47  ten  thousand  dollars  and  no  more  than one hundred thousand dollars
    48  constituting a civil penalty for each and every offense and, in the case
    49  of a continuing violation, each day  shall  be  deemed  a  separate  and
    50  distinct offense.
    51    8. Whenever there shall be a violation of this section, an application
    52  may be made by either a.  the attorney general in the name of the people
    53  of  the state of New York, or b. in the case of a voice service provider
    54  subject to the jurisdiction of the public service commission, to a court
    55  or justice having jurisdiction, to issue an injunction, and upon  notice
    56  to  the defendant of not less than five days, to enjoin and restrain the

        S. 7508                            76                            A. 9508

     1  continuance of such violations, and for the enforcement of the penalties
     2  provided in this section.
     3    9. When the department has reason to believe a person or voice service
     4  provider  has violated any provision of this section, the department may
     5  request in writing the production of relevant documents and records.  If
     6  the  person  upon  whom such request was made fails to produce the docu-
     7  ments or records within fourteen days after the date of the request, the
     8  department may issue and serve subpoenas to  compel  the  production  of
     9  such  documents and records. If any person shall refuse to comply with a
    10  subpoena issued under this section, the department may petition a  court
    11  of  competent  jurisdiction to enforce the subpoena and, notwithstanding
    12  any other provision of law, to request a civil penalty not to exceed one
    13  thousand dollars per day, actual damages  sustained  by  reason  of  the
    14  failure to comply, and such sanctions as the court may direct.
    15    10.  The  public  service commission and the department may promulgate
    16  any  rules  or  regulations  necessary  to  implement  and  enforce  the
    17  provisions of this section.
    18    §  904.  Telephone  call  blocking.  1.  Consistent with authorization
    19  provided by federal law and rules or  orders  of  the  federal  communi-
    20  cations commission or its successors:
    21    a. Voice service providers shall offer services to subscribers capable
    22  of  blocking  calls  made  from an automatic telephone dialing system or
    23  using an artificial or  pre-recorded  voice  to  a  telephone  or  other
    24  device,  on an opt-out basis. Voice service providers shall, in a manner
    25  that is clear for a  subscriber  to  understand:  (i)  offer  sufficient
    26  information  to  subscribers  so  that  subscribers can make an informed
    27  choice as to whether they wish to opt-out  of  such  service;  and  (ii)
    28  clearly  disclose  to subscribers what types of calls may be blocked and
    29  the risks of blocking wanted calls.
    30    b. Voice service providers shall block a call made to a  telephone  or
    31  other  device  when  the  subscriber  to which the originating number is
    32  assigned has requested that calls  purporting  to  originate  from  that
    33  number be blocked because the number is used for inbound calls only.
    34    c.  Voice  service  providers shall block calls made to a telephone or
    35  other device originating from the following numbers:
    36    (i) a number that is not a valid North American numbering plan number;
    37    (ii) a valid North American numbering plan number that  is  not  allo-
    38  cated  to  a provider by the North American numbering plan administrator
    39  or the pooling administrator; and
    40    (iii) a valid North American numbering plan number that  is  allocated
    41  to a provider by the North American number plan administrator or pooling
    42  administrator, but is unused, so long as the provider blocking the calls
    43  is the allocatee of the number and confirms that the number is unused or
    44  has  obtained  verification from the allocatee that the number is unused
    45  at the time of the blocking. An unused number is a number  that  is  not
    46  assigned to a subscriber or otherwise set aside for outbound call use.
    47    d.  Voice  service  providers shall not block any call made to a tele-
    48  phone or other device if (i)  the  call  is  made  for  emergency  alert
    49  purposes,  or  (ii) it is a call from a law enforcement or public safety
    50  entity.
    51    e. Providers of telephone dialing service shall not block a voice call
    52  to a subscriber who has requested that no inbound calls be blocked.
    53    2. Nothing in this section shall be construed to require  blocking  of
    54  international  telephone calls from purported non-North American number-
    55  ing plan numbers.

        S. 7508                            77                            A. 9508

     1    3. Deployment of any call blocking services shall result in  no  addi-
     2  tional surcharge or fee to the subscriber.
     3    4.  On  or  before January first, two thousand twenty-one, and period-
     4  ically thereafter, all voice service providers  shall  review  the  best
     5  available  call blocking technology and deploy any such technology which
     6  may better accomplish the purpose of this  section.  Any  such  upgrades
     7  shall be deployed to all subscribers as soon as feasible and at no addi-
     8  tional surcharge or fee to such subscribers.
     9    5.  By  July  thirty-first of the year following the effective date of
    10  this section, and annually  thereafter,  every  voice  service  provider
    11  shall  file  with  both  the department, and the secretary to the public
    12  service commission, a report setting forth its deployment and review  of
    13  the best available call blocking technology required by this section, as
    14  well as any available upgrades thereto and deployment thereof to persons
    15  or  entities,  as  well as any other information that the department, in
    16  consultation with the department of public  service,  may  require.  The
    17  report  shall include a sworn statement by a principal or officer of the
    18  voice service provider that the  information  provided  is  current  and
    19  accurate.
    20    6.  Any  voice  service  provider  that knowingly fails or neglects to
    21  comply with this section, or a rule or  regulation  adopted  thereunder,
    22  shall forfeit to the people of the state of New York a sum not less than
    23  ten  thousand  dollars  and  no  more  than one hundred thousand dollars
    24  constituting a civil penalty for each and every offense and, in the case
    25  of a continuing violation, each day  shall  be  deemed  a  separate  and
    26  distinct offense.
    27    7. Whenever there shall be a violation of this section, an application
    28  may  be made by either a. the attorney-general in the name of the people
    29  of the state of New York, or b. in the case of  voice  service  provider
    30  subject  to  the  jurisdiction  of  the  public  service law, the public
    31  service commission, to a court or justice having jurisdiction, to  issue
    32  an  injunction,  and  upon notice to the defendant of not less than five
    33  days, to enjoin and restrain the continuance of such violations, and for
    34  the enforcement of the penalties provided in this section.
    35    8. When the department has reason to believe a person or voice service
    36  provider has violated any provision of this section, the department  may
    37  request  in writing the production of relevant documents and records. If
    38  the person upon whom such request was made fails to  produce  the  docu-
    39  ments or records within fourteen days after the date of the request, the
    40  department  may  issue  and  serve subpoenas to compel the production of
    41  such documents and records. If any person shall refuse to comply with  a
    42  subpoena  issued under this section, the department may petition a court
    43  of competent jurisdiction to enforce the subpoena  and,  notwithstanding
    44  any other provision of law, to request a civil penalty not to exceed one
    45  thousand  dollars  per  day,  actual  damages sustained by reason of the
    46  failure to comply, and such sanctions as the court may direct.
    47    9. The secretary shall promulgate any rules or  regulations  necessary
    48  to implement and enforce the provisions of this section.
    49    10.  The  public  service commission may promulgate any rules or regu-
    50  lations necessary to  implement  and  enforce  the  provisions  of  this
    51  section.
    52    §  905.  Use  of  automatic telephone dialing systems and placement of
    53  consumer telephone calls. 1. No person shall operate an automatic  tele-
    54  phone  dialing  system, nor place any consumer telephone call, except in
    55  accordance with the provisions of this section. The use of  such  device
    56  by  any  person,  either individually or acting as an officer, agent, or

        S. 7508                            78                            A. 9508

     1  employee of a person operating any automatic telephone  dialing  system,
     2  is subject to the provisions of this section.
     3    2. Whenever telephone calls are placed through the use of an automatic
     4  telephone dialing system, such device shall do all of the following:
     5    a.  state  at the beginning of the call the nature of the call and the
     6  name of the person or on whose behalf the message is  being  transmitted
     7  and  at the end of such message the address, and telephone number of the
     8  person on whose behalf the message is transmitted, provided such disclo-
     9  sures are not otherwise prohibited or restricted by any  federal,  state
    10  or local law; and
    11    b.  disconnect  the  automatic telephone dialing system from the tele-
    12  phone line upon the termination of the call by either the person calling
    13  or the person called.
    14    3. No person shall operate an automatic telephone dialing system which
    15  uses a random or sequential number generator to produce a number  to  be
    16  called.
    17    4.  No automatic telephone dialing system shall be used to call and no
    18  consumer telephone call shall be placed to an emergency  telephone  line
    19  including  but  not  limited  to any 911 or E-911 line, or any emergency
    20  line of any volunteer fire company or  fire  department;  any  emergency
    21  medical  service,  ambulance  service,  voluntary  ambulance  service or
    22  hospital ambulance service as defined in section three thousand  one  of
    23  the public health law; any hospital, nursing home, or residential health
    24  care  facility  as  defined  in  section twenty-eight hundred one of the
    25  public health law; any adult care facility as defined in section two  of
    26  the  social  services law; or any law enforcement agency or to the tele-
    27  phone line of any guest room or patient room of  any  hospital,  nursing
    28  home,  or residential health care facility as defined in section twenty-
    29  eight hundred one of the public health law, or any adult  care  facility
    30  as  defined  by  section  two  of  the social services law. It shall not
    31  constitute a violation of this subdivision if the person who places such
    32  a call can affirmatively establish that the call was placed inadvertent-
    33  ly despite good faith efforts on the part of such person to comply  with
    34  the  provisions of this section and such person has implemented a proce-
    35  dure to prevent subsequent calls  from  being  placed  to  a  particular
    36  prohibited telephone number.
    37    5. A telephone solicitor shall not make a consumer telephone call to a
    38  consumer  unless  the telephone solicitor conforms with subparagraph (i)
    39  of paragraph b of subdivision five of section nine hundred six  of  this
    40  article.  Nothing  contained  herein  shall  be  deemed to limit, annul,
    41  alter, or affect the provisions of subdivision two of this section.
    42    6. No telephone solicitor or person who places any consumer  telephone
    43  call  or  who  operates  an  automatic  telephone  dialing system and no
    44  employer of any such telephone solicitor or person  shall  intentionally
    45  cause  to  be  installed,  or  shall intentionally utilize, any blocking
    46  device or service to prevent the name and/or telephone  number  of  such
    47  solicitor  or  person, or the name and/or telephone number of his or her
    48  employer, from being displayed on a caller identification device of  the
    49  recipient  of  any  such  consumer  telephone  call. A violation of this
    50  subdivision shall be subject to the provisions of subdivision  eight  of
    51  this section.
    52    7. a. Federal, state or local municipalities, or any subdivision ther-
    53  eof,  using an automatic telephone dialing system for emergency purposes
    54  shall be exempted from the provisions of this section.
    55    b. Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph a of this  subdivision,
    56  any  entity  which  operates  a  telephone warning or alert system which

        S. 7508                            79                            A. 9508

     1  utilizes any such device for emergency purposes shall also  be  exempted
     2  from the provisions of this section.
     3    8. Whenever there shall be a violation of this section, an application
     4  may  be  made  by  the attorney-general in the name of the people of the
     5  state of New York to a court or justice having jurisdiction to issue  an
     6  injunction, and upon notice to the defendant of not less than five days,
     7  to  enjoin  and  restrain  the continuance of such violations; and if it
     8  shall appear to the satisfaction of  the  court  or  justice,  that  the
     9  defendant  has,  in  fact,  violated  this  section an injunction may be
    10  issued by such court or justice enjoining and  restraining  any  further
    11  violation,  without  requiring  proof that any person has, in fact, been
    12  injured or damaged thereby. In any such proceeding, the court  may  make
    13  allowances  to  the  attorney-general  as  provided  in paragraph six of
    14  subdivision (a) of section eighty-three hundred three of the civil prac-
    15  tice law and rules, and direct restitution.  Whenever  the  court  shall
    16  determine  that  a  violation  of subdivision two, three or four of this
    17  section has occurred, the court may impose a civil penalty of  not  more
    18  than two thousand dollars per call, up to a total of not more than twen-
    19  ty  thousand dollars, for calls placed in violation of such subdivisions
    20  within a continuous seventy-two hour period.  Whenever the  court  shall
    21  determine  that  a  violation  of subdivision five of this section, or a
    22  violation of subdivision six of this section, has  occurred,  the  court
    23  may  impose  a  civil  penalty of not more than two thousand dollars. In
    24  connection with any such proposed application, the  attorney-general  is
    25  authorized  to take proof and make a determination of the relevant facts
    26  and to issue subpoenas in accordance with the  civil  practice  law  and
    27  rules.
    28    9.  In addition to the right of action granted to the attorney-general
    29  pursuant to this section, any person who has received a  telephone  call
    30  in violation of subdivision two, three or four of this section may bring
    31  an action in such person's own name to enjoin such unlawful act or prac-
    32  tice,  an action to recover such person's actual damages or five hundred
    33  dollars, whichever is greater, or both such actions. The court  may,  in
    34  its discretion, increase the award of damages to an amount not to exceed
    35  three  times the actual damages up to one thousand dollars, if the court
    36  finds the defendant willfully or knowingly violated  such  subdivisions.
    37  The  court  may  award reasonable attorney's fees to a prevailing plain-
    38  tiff. Any damages recoverable pursuant to this section may be  recovered
    39  in  any  action  which  a  court  may authorize to be brought as a class
    40  action pursuant to article nine of the civil practice law and rules.
    41    § 906. Telemarketing and consumer fraud and abuse prevention  act.  1.
    42  Legislative findings and declaration. The legislature finds and declares
    43  that  the  prevention  of  deceptive and unfair practices in association
    44  with telemarketing is in the public interest and subject to the authori-
    45  ty of appropriate political subdivisions of the state for the purpose of
    46  protecting the public against fraud, deception  and  other  abuses.  The
    47  legislature  intends  that  the federal telemarketing and consumer fraud
    48  and abuse prevention act (P.L. 103-297) be fully enforceable  by  appro-
    49  priate state and local enforcement officials.
    50    The legislature further declares that additional requirements applica-
    51  ble to the telemarketing industry not present in the federal statute are
    52  necessary  to protect residents of the state and others from telemarket-
    53  ing abuses. The legislature therefore intends that  provisions  in  this
    54  section  which  differ from the aforementioned federal act and other New
    55  York state laws regulating telemarketing be construed  whenever  reason-

        S. 7508                            80                            A. 9508

     1  able  as  providing  additional  protections to victims of telemarketing
     2  fraud.
     3    2.  Registration  of  telemarketers. a. No person shall act as a tele-
     4  marketer without first having received  a  certificate  of  registration
     5  from the secretary as provided in this section. Employees of telemarket-
     6  ers  shall  be  exempt from the requirements of this paragraph and para-
     7  graph b of this subdivision.
     8    b. No person required to register pursuant  to  paragraph  a  of  this
     9  subdivision  shall act as a telemarketer without holding a valid certif-
    10  icate of registration from the secretary as provided in this section.
    11    c. Any applicant shall file with the department an application  for  a
    12  certificate of registration in such form and containing such information
    13  as the secretary shall prescribe, including the following:
    14    (i) the applicant's name, address and telephone number;
    15    (ii)  each  business  name  under  which  the  applicant engages in or
    16  intends to engage in telemarketing, if such name is different  than  the
    17  applicant's;
    18    (iii) the complete street address and primary telephone number of each
    19  location,  designating  the principal location, from which the applicant
    20  engages in  or  intends  to  engage  in  telemarketing,  including  each
    21  location  at  which  mail will be received by or on behalf of the appli-
    22  cant, and identifying any such location that is a  post  office  box  or
    23  mail drop;
    24    (iv)  the  name, address and telephone number of each principal of the
    25  business;
    26    (v) whether the applicant or any principal thereof has been  convicted
    27  or  plead  guilty to or is being prosecuted by indictment or information
    28  for racketeering, violations of securities laws, or a theft  offense  of
    29  any state, or the United States;
    30    (vi)  whether any injunction or judgment has been entered into against
    31  the applicant or any principal,  or  such  applicant  or  principal  has
    32  entered  into  a  settlement  agreement,  assurance  of  discontinuance,
    33  consent decree or any similar instrument in any civil  action  involving
    34  theft, racketeering, embezzlement, conversion, misappropriation of prop-
    35  erty, fraud, or deceptive, unfair, illegal or unconscionable trade prac-
    36  tices, and whether any civil action involving such practices is current-
    37  ly  pending,  to  the  extent  not  inconsistent with any existing court
    38  orders; and
    39    (vii) whether the license to engage in any business, trade or  profes-
    40  sion  of  the  applicant  or  any  principal  thereof  has been refused,
    41  suspended or revoked in any jurisdiction.
    42    d. Upon receipt of the  completed  application  for  registration  and
    43  required  fee,  and  unless  such  certificate  of registration has been
    44  denied as provided in subdivision four of this  section,  the  secretary
    45  shall  issue and deliver to the applicant a certificate in such form and
    46  manner as the secretary shall prescribe, but which must  set  forth  the
    47  applicant's name, business address, and the effective term of the regis-
    48  tration.   A  registration  certificate  issued  or  renewed  under  the
    49  provisions of this section shall entitle a person to act as a registered
    50  telemarketer for a period of two years from the effective  date  of  the
    51  registration.
    52    e.  Any  registration granted under this section may be renewed by the
    53  secretary upon application by the holder thereof, in such  form  as  the
    54  secretary  may  prescribe.  The  secretary  shall  have the authority to
    55  assign staggered expiration dates for licenses at the time  of  renewal.
    56  If  the  assigned  date  results  in  a term that exceeds two years, the

        S. 7508                            81                            A. 9508

     1  applicant shall pay an additional pro-rata adjustment together with  the
     2  fee prescribed in paragraph f of this subdivision.
     3    f.  Each application for a certificate of registration shall be accom-
     4  panied by a fee of five hundred dollars, which shall not be refundable.
     5    g. The fees collected pursuant to this subdivision shall be  deposited
     6  to the credit of the business and licensing services account established
     7  pursuant  to  the  provisions  of  section  ninety-seven-y  of the state
     8  finance law.
     9    h. Any person holding a certificate of registration shall be  required
    10  to  provide  notice  of any change in the information required of appli-
    11  cants by this section, in such form and manner,  and  within  such  time
    12  period as the secretary shall prescribe.
    13    i. No person required to be registered under this subdivision shall be
    14  entitled to enforce any agreement or seek any consideration or any other
    15  payment for goods and services offered through telemarketing unless such
    16  person  is  in  compliance with this subdivision and subdivision four of
    17  this section.
    18    j. The secretary may prescribe rules  and  regulations  to  administer
    19  this subdivision and subdivision four of this section.
    20    3.  Bonding  of  telemarketers. a. Any applicant shall, at the time of
    21  any original application for a certificate of  registration,  file  with
    22  the  secretary, in the form and amount as prescribed in this subdivision
    23  and satisfactory to the secretary:
    24    (i) A bond with a corporate surety, from a company  authorized  to  do
    25  business in this state; or
    26    (ii)  An irrevocable letter of credit or a certificate of deposit from
    27  a New York state or federally chartered  bank,  trust  company,  savings
    28  bank  or  savings  and  loan association qualified to do business in New
    29  York state and insured by the federal deposit insurance corporation.
    30    b. Such bond, letter of credit, or certificate  of  deposit  shall  be
    31  maintained  for  three years from the date the telemarketer ceases tele-
    32  marketing, or three years from the date the certificate of  registration
    33  terminates, whichever is earlier.
    34    c.  The principal sum of the bond, letter of credit, or certificate of
    35  deposit shall be twenty-five thousand dollars, which shall be maintained
    36  until the period specified in paragraph b of this  subdivision,  subject
    37  to paragraph g of this subdivision.
    38    d. The bond, letter of credit or certificate of deposit shall be paya-
    39  ble  in  favor of the people of the state of New York for the benefit of
    40  any customer injured as a result of a violation of this section,  pursu-
    41  ant  to  a determination of any court of competent jurisdiction pursuant
    42  to this section, or article ten-B of the personal property law.
    43    e. The aggregate liability of the surety upon the bond or the  banking
    44  organization  upon the letter of credit or certificate of deposit to all
    45  persons for all breaches of the conditions of the bond shall in no event
    46  exceed the amount of the bond, letter of credit or certificate of depos-
    47  it.
    48    f. The bond, letter of credit or certificate of deposit shall  not  be
    49  canceled,  revoked, diminished or terminated except after notice to, and
    50  with the consent of, the secretary at least forty-five days  in  advance
    51  of  such  cancellation,  revocation,  or termination. Unless the bond is
    52  replaced by another bond, letter of credit or certificate of deposit  in
    53  conformity  with  this subdivision prior to the expiration of the forty-
    54  five day period, the registration of the telemarketer shall  be  treated
    55  as  terminated  as of the cancellation, revocation or termination of the
    56  bond.

        S. 7508                            82                            A. 9508

     1    g. The registration of the telemarketer shall be treated as terminated
     2  as of the date the amount of the bond, letter of credit  or  certificate
     3  of deposit falls below the amount required by this subdivision.
     4    h. Any change in ownership of a telemarketer shall not release, cancel
     5  or  terminate liability under this subdivision under any bond, letter of
     6  credit, or certificate of deposit filed for any telemarketer as  to  any
     7  customer  who  was injured as a result of a violation of this section or
     8  article ten-B of the personal property law while such  bond,  letter  of
     9  credit  or  certificate of deposit was in effect unless such transferee,
    10  purchaser, successor or assignee of such telemarketer  obtains  a  bond,
    11  letter  of  credit  or certificate of deposit under this subdivision for
    12  the benefit of  such  customer.  Nothing  in  this  paragraph  shall  be
    13  construed  to  authorize  any telemarketer to cancel any bond, letter of
    14  credit, or certificate of deposit where such cancellation is not  other-
    15  wise authorized by this subdivision.
    16    4.  Refusal  to  issue, suspension, and revocation of registration. a.
    17  The secretary, or any person deputized or so designated by  him  or  her
    18  may  deny  the  application of any person for a certificate of registra-
    19  tion, refuse to issue a renewal thereof, suspend or revoke such  certif-
    20  icate  or  in  lieu  thereof  assess  a  fine not to exceed one thousand
    21  dollars per violation, if he or she determines that such  applicant,  or
    22  any of its principals:
    23    (i)  has made a material false statement or omitted a material fact in
    24  connection with an application under this section;
    25    (ii) was the former holder of a  certificate  of  registration  issued
    26  hereunder which the secretary revoked, suspended, or refused to renew;
    27    (iii)  has  failed to furnish satisfactory evidence of good character,
    28  reputation and fitness;
    29    (iv) with respect to the applicant, is not the true owner of the tele-
    30  marketer, except in the case of a franchise;
    31    (v) is in violation of or has violated any of the  following  statutes
    32  and  the  regulations  thereunder,  as such statutes and regulations may
    33  from time to time be amended:
    34    (A) this section;
    35    (B) article ten-B of the personal property law;
    36    (C) the act of congress entitled the "telemarketing and consumer fraud
    37  and abuse prevention act" (P.L. 103-297);
    38    (vi) has been convicted or plead guilty to or is being  prosecuted  by
    39  indictment  or  information  for  racketeering, violations of securities
    40  laws, or a theft offense of this state, or the United States;
    41    (vii) has had any injunction or judgment entered against him or her in
    42  any civil action, or such applicant or  principal  has  entered  into  a
    43  settlement agreement, assurance of discontinuance, consent decree or any
    44  similar  instrument involving theft, racketeering, embezzlement, conver-
    45  sion, misappropriation of property, fraud or deceptive, unfair,  illegal
    46  or unconscionable trade practices;
    47    (viii)  has  had  a license or registration to engage in any business,
    48  occupation or profession suspended or revoked in any jurisdiction  which
    49  may  impact  upon  the  applicant's  fitness for registration under this
    50  section; or
    51    (ix) has committed, or is committing  deceptive,  unfair,  illegal  or
    52  unconscionable  trade  practices in violation of the laws of this or any
    53  other state or the United States.
    54    b. Any proceeding conducted pursuant to paragraph a of  this  subdivi-
    55  sion shall be subject to the state administrative procedure act.

        S. 7508                            83                            A. 9508

     1    5. Deceptive telemarketing acts and practices. a. It shall be unlawful
     2  for  any  telemarketer to directly or indirectly engage in the following
     3  conduct:
     4    (i)  fail  to furnish a copy of the certificate of registration at the
     5  request of any interested party;
     6    (ii) present or attempt to present, as  their  own,  the  registration
     7  certificate of another;
     8    (iii) give false or misleading information;
     9    (iv) misrepresent himself or herself to be registered;
    10    (v)  use  or  attempt to use a registration certificate which has been
    11  revoked, suspended or is otherwise not valid;
    12    (vi) advertise telemarketing services without having a  valid  certif-
    13  icate of registration under this section;
    14    (vii) represent in any manner that his or her registration constitutes
    15  approval or endorsement of any governmental agency;
    16    (viii) assist or support any person when the telemarketer or any iden-
    17  tified employee knew or should have known that the person was engaged in
    18  an  act or practice in violation of this section or article ten-B of the
    19  personal property law;
    20    (ix) request a fee in advance to remove adverse information or  modify
    21  adverse  information  to  improve  a  person's  credit history or credit
    22  record;
    23    (x) except for an attorney engaged in the practice of law, request  or
    24  receive  payment in advance from a person to recover or otherwise aid in
    25  the return of money or any other item lost by the customer  in  a  prior
    26  telemarketing transaction;
    27    (xi)  obtain  or  submit  for payment a check, draft, or other form of
    28  negotiable paper drawn on a person's checking, savings, share, or  simi-
    29  lar account, without that person's express written authorization;
    30    (xii)  procure  the  services of any professional delivery, courier or
    31  other pickup service to obtain receipt or  possession  of  a  customer's
    32  payment,  unless the goods or services are delivered with the reasonable
    33  opportunity to inspect before any payment is collected; or
    34    (xiii) misrepresent, directly or by implication, that a premium  is  a
    35  prize.
    36    b.  Telemarketers shall provide all of the following information, in a
    37  clear and coherent manner using words with common and everyday meanings,
    38  when making a telemarketing call:
    39    (i) at the beginning of the call and prior to any request by the call-
    40  er of the customer to release or disclose any of the customer's personal
    41  or financial information, including but not limited, to  the  customer's
    42  name,  address, credit card, checking account or other financial account
    43  number or information:
    44    (A) that the purpose of the  telephone  call  is  to  offer  goods  or
    45  services  for  which  a  fee will be charged or to provide an investment
    46  opportunity, whichever is the case;
    47    (B) the telemarketer's name and the person on whose behalf the  solic-
    48  itation is being made if other than the telemarketer;
    49    (C)  the  identity  of  the  goods or services for which a fee will be
    50  charged; and
    51    (D) whether the call is being recorded.
    52    (ii) the cost of the goods or services that are  the  subject  of  the
    53  call.
    54    (iii)  in  any  prize promotion, the odds of being able to receive the
    55  prize, and if the odds are not calculable in advance, the  factors  used
    56  in  calculating the odds; that no purchase or payment is required to win

        S. 7508                            84                            A. 9508

     1  a prize or to participate in a prize promotion; and the  no  purchase/no
     2  payment  method  of  participating  in  the  prize promotion with either
     3  instructions on how to participate or an address or local  or  toll-free
     4  telephone number to which customers may write or call for information on
     5  how  to  participate; and all material costs or conditions to receive or
     6  redeem a prize that is the subject of the prize promotion.
     7    6. Abusive telemarketing acts or practices. It shall be  unlawful  for
     8  any telemarketer to:
     9    a. threaten, intimidate or use profane or obscene language;
    10    b.  engage in conduct or behavior a reasonable person would deem to be
    11  abusive or harassing;
    12    c. initiate a telemarketing call to a person,  when  that  person  has
    13  stated  previously  that he or she does not wish to receive solicitation
    14  calls from that telemarketer provided,  however  that  nothing  in  this
    15  section shall be construed to prohibit a telemarketer from telemarketing
    16  goods,  services  or  investment  opportunities  to  any customer of any
    17  affiliate, subsidiary or parent of such telemarketer;
    18    d. engage in telemarketing to a person's residence at any  time  other
    19  than between 8:00 A.M.  and 9:00 P.M. local time, at the called person's
    20  location; or
    21    e.  make  a  false, deceptive or misleading statement in regard to the
    22  requirements of subdivision five of this section to a  customer,  or  to
    23  engage  in  any  deceptive or unfair act or practice in association with
    24  telemarketing.
    25    f. make an unsolicited telemarketing sales call to  any  person  in  a
    26  county,  city, town or village knowingly under a declared state of emer-
    27  gency or disaster emergency as described in section twenty-four or twen-
    28  ty-eight of the executive law.
    29    7. Unlawful transmission of certain caller identification information.
    30  It shall be unlawful for any telemarketer or seller to  knowingly  cause
    31  any  voice  service  providing caller identification service to transmit
    32  misleading, inaccurate,  or  false  caller  identification  information,
    33  provided  that  it  shall not be a violation to substitute (for the name
    34  and phone number used in, or billed for, making the call)  the  name  or
    35  telephone  number  of the person or seller on behalf of which a telemar-
    36  keting call is placed.
    37    8. Recordkeeping requirements. a. All telemarketers shall keep  for  a
    38  period  of  twenty-four  months  from  the  date  the record is produced
    39  records of all financial transactions, written notices, disclosures  and
    40  acknowledgments, including but not limited to:
    41    (i)  records of calls resulting in a promise by the customer to pay or
    42  otherwise exchange consideration for goods and services,  including  but
    43  not  limited  to  the  name and last known address of each customer, the
    44  goods or services selected, the date such goods were shipped or provided
    45  and the quantity provided, the amount charged by  the  company  for  the
    46  goods  or services provided, including all other related fees or charges
    47  of any kind, including shipping and handling fees, and the amount  actu-
    48  ally paid by the customer for the goods and services provided;
    49    (ii)  the  name and last known address of each prize recipient and the
    50  prize awarded having a value of twenty-five dollars or more; and
    51    (iii) the name, any fictitious name used, the last known home  address
    52  and  telephone  number,  and  the  job  title for all current and former
    53  employees directly involved in telephone sales; provided, however,  that
    54  if  the  telemarketer  permits fictitious names to be used by employees,
    55  each fictitious name must be traceable to only one specific employee.

        S. 7508                            85                            A. 9508

     1    b. A telemarketer may keep the records required by paragraph a of this
     2  subdivision in any form, and in the manner, format,  or  place  as  they
     3  keep such records in the ordinary course of business.
     4    c.   In   the   event   of  any  dissolution  or  termination  of  the
     5  telemarketer's business, a  representative  of  the  telemarketer  shall
     6  maintain  all records as required under this subdivision, which shall be
     7  the person required to maintain such records in the event of dissolution
     8  or termination under rules and  regulations  issued  under  the  act  of
     9  congress  entitled  the  "telemarketing  and  consumer  fraud  and abuse
    10  prevention act" (P.L. 103-297), or any person designated  by  the  tele-
    11  marketer. In the event of any sale, assignment or other change of owner-
    12  ship  of  the  telemarketer's  business, the successor or assignee shall
    13  maintain all records required by this subdivision. In any case in  which
    14  this  paragraph  applies,  the  telemarketer shall provide notice to the
    15  secretary, in the form and manner designated by  the  secretary  of  the
    16  disposition  of  such  records  within  thirty  days of the dissolution,
    17  termination, sale, assignment or change of ownership.
    18    9. Waiver. Any waiver of the provisions of this section by any custom-
    19  er shall be unenforceable and void.
    20    10. Exemptions. a. The following persons  shall  be  exempt  from  the
    21  registration  and bonding requirements set forth in subdivisions two and
    22  three of this section:
    23    (i) the state, municipalities of the state, or any department or divi-
    24  sion of the state or such municipalities;
    25    (ii) the United States or any of its departments,  agencies  or  divi-
    26  sions;
    27    (iii)  colleges, universities and other institutions authorized by the
    28  regents of the university of the state of New York or comparable body in
    29  any other state or jurisdiction, to grant  degrees,  including  licensed
    30  private schools and any registered business schools regulated by article
    31  one hundred one of the education law;
    32    (iv)  a  person,  which  has been operating for at least three years a
    33  retail business establishment in this state under the same name as  that
    34  used  in  connection with telemarketing, and both of the following occur
    35  on a continuing basis:
    36    (A) Either products are displayed and offered for sale or services are
    37  offered for sale and provided at the business establishment; and
    38    (B) A majority of the person's  business  involves  buyers'  obtaining
    39  such products or services at the person's location;
    40    (v)  any  not-for-profit corporation as defined in section one hundred
    41  two of the not-for-profit corporation law and charitable organizations.
    42    b. The following acts or practices are exempt from the requirements of
    43  this section:
    44    (i) telephone calls made  by  a  telemarketer,  collection  agency  or
    45  attorney  engaged  in  the  practice of law for the exclusive purpose of
    46  collecting  a  legal  debt  owed,  in  accordance  with  the  applicable
    47  provisions  of the Federal Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (15 U.S.C.
    48  § 1692 et. seq.);
    49    (ii) telephone calls in which the sale, lease or other  agreement  for
    50  goods  or  services  is  not  completed, and payment or authorization of
    51  payment is not required, until after a face-to-face  sales  presentation
    52  by a telemarketer, or a meeting between a telemarketer and customer;
    53    (iii) telephone calls that are received by a telemarketer initiated by
    54  a customer that are not the result of any solicitation by such telemark-
    55  eter; and

        S. 7508                            86                            A. 9508

     1    (iv)  telephone  calls between a telemarketer and any for-profit busi-
     2  ness, except calls involving the retail sale  of  nondurable  office  or
     3  cleaning supplies.
     4    c. The following acts or practices are exempt from the requirements of
     5  paragraph b of subdivision five of this section:
     6    (i)  telephone  calls  pertaining  to  a renewal or continuation of an
     7  existing or prior contractual relationship or  the  continuation  of  an
     8  established business relationship between a customer and any telemarket-
     9  er, provided that the telemarketer discloses any material changes in the
    10  terms  and  conditions of the prior contract, except for calls made by a
    11  telemarketer in which the telemarketer or  any  of  its  principals  has
    12  previously  engaged  in  any  act or practice described in subparagraphs
    13  (i), (ii), (v), (vi), (vii) and (viii) of  paragraph  a  of  subdivision
    14  four of this section; and
    15    (ii)  unsolicited  telephone  calls  made  by the telemarketer for the
    16  purpose of overall efforts to develop new business  that  include  other
    17  methods  and techniques intended to identify and communicate with poten-
    18  tial customers provided however that  for  all  transactions  which  are
    19  incidental  to the call and result in the exchange of goods and services
    20  the telemarketer shall disclose the following information:
    21    (A) the telemarketer's name and the person on whose behalf the  solic-
    22  itation is being made if other than the telemarketer;
    23    (B)  the  identity  of  the  goods or services for which a fee will be
    24  charged; and
    25    (C) the cost of the goods or services that  are  the  subject  of  the
    26  call.
    27    11.  Fee and bonding exemptions. The following persons are exempt from
    28  the fee and bonding requirements set forth in paragraph f of subdivision
    29  two and subdivision three of this section: A person engaged in  a  busi-
    30  ness  or  occupation which is licensed, registered, chartered, certified
    31  or incorporated with or by any state or federal agency. Provided, howev-
    32  er, any person not licensed, registered, chartered, certified or  incor-
    33  porated with any New York state or federal agency, shall submit evidence
    34  to  the secretary of state, in a form and manner to be prescribed by the
    35  secretary, of  any  license,  registration,  charter,  certification  or
    36  incorporation  issued by an agency or governmental entity in this or any
    37  other state.
    38    12. Enforcement. a. Every violation of this section shall be deemed  a
    39  deceptive  act and practice subject to enforcement under article twenty-
    40  two-A of this chapter. In addition, the district attorney, county attor-
    41  ney, and the corporation counsel shall have concurrent authority to seek
    42  the relief in paragraph b of this subdivision, and all  civil  penalties
    43  obtained  in  any  such  action shall be retained by the municipality or
    44  county.
    45    b. In every case where the court shall determine that a  violation  of
    46  this  section  has  occurred,  it may impose a civil penalty of not less
    47  than one thousand dollars nor more than two thousand  dollars  for  each
    48  violation  provided  that  for  a violation of subdivision seven of this
    49  section, the court may impose a civil penalty  of  not  less  than  five
    50  thousand  dollars nor more than ten thousand dollars for each violation.
    51  Such penalty shall be in addition  to  the  denial  of  registration  or
    52  renewal,  suspension  of  registration  or revocation of registration or
    53  assessment of a fine authorized by subdivision four of this section.
    54    c. Any person who contracts  with  a  telemarketer  for  telemarketing
    55  services  and  has  actual  knowledge that the telemarketer is acting in
    56  violation of this section shall be deemed to be  in  violation  of  this

        S. 7508                            87                            A. 9508

     1  section,  unless  such  person  takes reasonable measures to prevent and
     2  correct any conduct that violates this section.
     3    d.  Nothing  in  this section shall be construed to restrict any right
     4  which any person may have under any other statute or the common law.
     5    13. Criminal penalties. Any  person  who  is  convicted  of  knowingly
     6  violating  paragraph  a  or  b  of  subdivision  two of this section, or
     7  subparagraph (ii), (iii), (iv) or (v) of paragraph a of subdivision five
     8  of this section shall be guilty of a class B misdemeanor. Any person who
     9  is convicted of knowingly violating subparagraph (xi) or (xii) of  para-
    10  graph a of subdivision five of this section shall be guilty of a class A
    11  misdemeanor.
    12    14.  Separability  clause;  construction.  If any part or provision of
    13  this section or the application thereof to any person  or  circumstances
    14  be  adjudged  invalid by any court of competent jurisdiction, such judg-
    15  ment shall be confined in its  operations  to  the  part,  provision  or
    16  application  directly involved in the controversy in which such judgment
    17  shall have been rendered and shall not affect or impair the validity  of
    18  the  remainder  of  this  section  or  the  application thereof to other
    19  persons or circumstances.
    20    § 2. Sections 399-z, 399-p and 399-pp of the general business law  are
    21  REPEALED.
    22    § 3. This act shall take effect immediately.

    23                                   PART U

    24    Section 1. Section 70 of the state law is amended to read as follows:
    25    § 70. Description  of  the  arms  of the state and the state flag. The
    26  device of arms of this state[, as  adopted  March  sixteenth,  seventeen
    27  hundred and seventy-eight,] is hereby declared to be correctly described
    28  as follows:
    29    Charge. Azure, in a landscape, the sun in fess, rising in splendor or,
    30  behind a range of three mountains, the middle one the highest; in base a
    31  ship  and  sloop  under  sail,  passing  and  about  to meet on a river,
    32  bordered below by a grassy shore fringed with shrubs, all proper.
    33    Crest. On a wreath azure and or, an American eagle proper,  rising  to
    34  the  dexter  from a two-thirds of a globe terrestrial, showing the north
    35  Atlantic ocean with outlines of its shores.
    36    Supporters. On a quasi compartment formed  by  the  extension  of  the
    37  scroll.
    38    Dexter.  The  figure  of Liberty proper, her hair disheveled and deco-
    39  rated with pearls, vested azure, sandaled gules, about the waist a cinc-
    40  ture or, fringed gules, a mantle of the last depending from  the  shoul-
    41  ders  behind  to  the  feet,  in the dexter hand a staff ensigned with a
    42  Phrygian cap or, the sinister  arm  embowed,  the  hand  supporting  the
    43  shield  at  the  dexter  chief point, a royal crown by her sinister foot
    44  dejected.
    45    Sinister. The figure of Justice proper, her hair disheveled and  deco-
    46  rated  with pearls, vested or, about the waist a cincture azure, fringed
    47  gules, sandaled and mantled as Liberty, bound  about  the  eyes  with  a
    48  fillet  proper,  in  the  dexter hand a straight sword hilted or, erect,
    49  resting on the sinister chief point of  the  shield,  the  sinister  arm
    50  embowed, holding before her her scales proper.
    51    Motto.  On  a scroll below the shield argent, in sable, two lines.  On
    52  line one, Excelsior and on line two, E pluribus unum.

        S. 7508                            88                            A. 9508

     1    State flag. The state flag is hereby declared to be blue, charged with
     2  the arms of the state in the colors as described in the blazon  of  this
     3  section.
     4    §  2.  (a) Any state flag, object, or printed materials containing the
     5  depiction of the former arms of the state may continue to be used  until
     6  such  flag,  object,    or printed materials' useful life has expired or
     7  until the person possessing  such  flag,  object,  or  printed  material
     8  replaces  it.  Such  continued  use  shall not constitute a violation of
     9  section seventy-two of the state law.
    10    (b) Any electronic depiction of the arms of the state shall be updated
    11  within 60 days of the effective date of this act.
    12    (c) No state agency, local government, or public  authority  shall  be
    13  required  to replace a flag solely because such flag contains the former
    14  arms of the state.
    15    § 3. The secretary of state shall begin to use the new seal as of  the
    16  effective date of this act.
    17    § 4. This act shall take effect on the one hundred eightieth day after
    18  it  shall  have  become  a law. Effective immediately, the department of
    19  state  is  authorized  to  take  any  action,  including  entering  into
    20  contracts,  that  is necessary for the timely implementation of this act
    21  on its effective date.

    22                                   PART V

    23    Section 1. Subdivision 1 of section  130  of  the  executive  law,  as
    24  amended  by  section 1 of subpart D of part II of chapter 55 of the laws
    25  of 2019, is amended to read as follows:
    26    1. The secretary of state may appoint and commission as many  notaries
    27  public for the state of New York as in his or her judgment may be deemed
    28  best,  whose  jurisdiction  shall be co-extensive with the boundaries of
    29  the state. The appointment of a notary public shall be  for  a  term  of
    30  four  years. An application for an appointment as notary public shall be
    31  in form and set forth such matters  as  the  secretary  of  state  shall
    32  prescribe.  Every person appointed as notary public must, at the time of
    33  his or her appointment, be [a citizen of the United States and either] a
    34  resident of the state of New York or have an office or place of business
    35  in New York state. A notary public who is a resident of  the  state  and
    36  who moves out of the state but still maintains a place of business or an
    37  office  in  New York state does not vacate his or her office as a notary
    38  public. A notary public who is a nonresident and who ceases to  have  an
    39  office  or place of business in this state, vacates his or her office as
    40  a notary public. A notary public who is a resident of New York state and
    41  moves out of the state and who does not retain an  office  or  place  of
    42  business  in  this  state  shall  vacate  his  or her office as a notary
    43  public. A non-resident who accepts the office of notary public  in  this
    44  state  thereby  appoints  the secretary of state as the person upon whom
    45  process can be served on his or her behalf. Before issuing to any appli-
    46  cant a commission as notary public, unless he or she be an attorney  and
    47  counsellor  at  law  duly  admitted to practice in this state or a court
    48  clerk of the unified court system who has been appointed to  such  posi-
    49  tion  after  taking a civil service promotional examination in the court
    50  clerk series of titles, the secretary of state shall satisfy himself  or
    51  herself  that  the  applicant is of good moral character, has the equiv-
    52  alent of a common school education and is familiar with the  duties  and
    53  responsibilities  of  a  notary  public; provided, however, that where a
    54  notary public applies, before the expiration of his  or  her  term,  for

        S. 7508                            89                            A. 9508

     1  reappointment  with  the  county  clerk  or where a person whose term as
     2  notary public shall have expired applies within  six  months  thereafter
     3  for  reappointment as a notary public with the county clerk, such quali-
     4  fying requirements may be waived by the secretary of state, and further,
     5  where  an  application  for reappointment is filed with the county clerk
     6  after the expiration of the aforementioned renewal period  by  a  person
     7  who  failed  or was unable to re-apply by reason of his or her induction
     8  or enlistment in the armed forces of the United States, such  qualifying
     9  requirements may also be waived by the secretary of state, provided such
    10  application  for reappointment is made within a period of one year after
    11  the military discharge of the  applicant  under  conditions  other  than
    12  dishonorable.  In  any  case,  the  appointment  or reappointment of any
    13  applicant is in the discretion of the secretary of state. The  secretary
    14  of  state  may suspend or remove from office, for misconduct, any notary
    15  public appointed by him or her but no such removal shall be made  unless
    16  the  person  who  is  sought to be removed shall have been served with a
    17  copy of the charges against him or her and have an opportunity of  being
    18  heard.  No person shall be appointed as a notary public under this arti-
    19  cle who has been convicted, in this state or any other state or territo-
    20  ry, of a crime, unless the secretary makes a finding in conformance with
    21  all applicable statutory  requirements,  including  those  contained  in
    22  article  twenty-three-A  of the correction law, that such convictions do
    23  not constitute a bar to appointment.
    24    § 2. Subdivision 1 of section 130 of the executive law, as amended  by
    25  chapter 490 of the laws of 2019, is amended to read as follows:
    26    1.  The secretary of state may appoint and commission as many notaries
    27  public for the state of New York as in his or her judgment may be deemed
    28  best, whose jurisdiction shall be co-extensive with  the  boundaries  of
    29  the  state.  The  appointment  of a notary public shall be for a term of
    30  four years. An application for an appointment as notary public shall  be
    31  in  form  and  set  forth  such  matters as the secretary of state shall
    32  prescribe. Every person appointed as notary public must, at the time  of
    33  his or her appointment, be [a citizen of the United States and either] a
    34  resident of the state of New York or have an office or place of business
    35  in  New  York  state. A notary public who is a resident of the state and
    36  who moves out of the state but still maintains a place of business or an
    37  office in New York state does not vacate his or her office as  a  notary
    38  public.  A  notary public who is a nonresident and who ceases to have an
    39  office or place of business in this state, vacates his or her office  as
    40  a notary public. A notary public who is a resident of New York state and
    41  moves  out  of  the  state and who does not retain an office or place of
    42  business in this state shall vacate  his  or  her  office  as  a  notary
    43  public.  A  non-resident who accepts the office of notary public in this
    44  state thereby appoints the secretary of state as the  person  upon  whom
    45  process can be served on his or her behalf. Before issuing to any appli-
    46  cant  a commission as notary public, unless he or she be an attorney and
    47  counsellor at law duly admitted to practice in this  state  or  a  court
    48  clerk  of  the unified court system who has been appointed to such posi-
    49  tion after taking a civil service promotional examination in  the  court
    50  clerk  series of titles, the secretary of state shall satisfy himself or
    51  herself that the applicant is of good moral character,  has  the  equiv-
    52  alent  of  a common school education and is familiar with the duties and
    53  responsibilities of a notary public; provided,  however,  that  where  a
    54  notary  public  applies,  before  the expiration of his or her term, for
    55  reappointment with the county clerk or where  a  person  whose  term  as
    56  notary  public  shall  have expired applies within six months thereafter

        S. 7508                            90                            A. 9508

     1  for reappointment as a notary public with the county clerk, such  quali-
     2  fying requirements may be waived by the secretary of state, and further,
     3  where  an  application  for reappointment is filed with the county clerk
     4  after  the  expiration  of the aforementioned renewal period by a person
     5  who failed or was unable to re-apply by reason of his or  her  induction
     6  or  enlistment in the armed forces of the United States, such qualifying
     7  requirements may also be waived by the secretary of state, provided such
     8  application for reappointment is made within a period of one year  after
     9  the  military  discharge  of  the  applicant under conditions other than
    10  dishonorable, or if the applicant has a qualifying condition, as defined
    11  in section three hundred fifty of this chapter, within a period  of  one
    12  year after the applicant has received a discharge other than bad conduct
    13  or  dishonorable  from such service, or if the applicant is a discharged
    14  LGBT veteran, as defined in section three hundred fifty of this chapter,
    15  within a period of one year after the applicant has received a discharge
    16  other than bad conduct or dishonorable from such service. In  any  case,
    17  the  appointment  or reappointment of any applicant is in the discretion
    18  of the secretary of state. The secretary of state may suspend or  remove
    19  from  office,  for misconduct, any notary public appointed by him or her
    20  but no such removal shall be made unless the person who is sought to  be
    21  removed shall have been served with a copy of the charges against him or
    22  her  and  have  an  opportunity  of  being  heard.    No person shall be
    23  appointed as a notary public under this article who has been  convicted,
    24  in  this  state  or any other state or territory, of a crime, unless the
    25  secretary makes a finding in conformance with all  applicable  statutory
    26  requirements, including those contained in article twenty-three-A of the
    27  correction  law,  that  such  convictions  do  not  constitute  a bar to
    28  appointment.
    29    § 3. Section 440-a of the real property law, as amended by  section  1
    30  of subpart G of part II of chapter 55 of the laws of 2019, is amended to
    31  read as follows:
    32    §  440-a.  License  required  for real estate brokers and salesmen. No
    33  person, co-partnership, limited liability company or  corporation  shall
    34  engage  in  or  follow the business or occupation of, or hold himself or
    35  itself out or act temporarily or otherwise as a real  estate  broker  or
    36  real  estate  salesman  in  this state without first procuring a license
    37  therefor as provided in this article. No person shall be entitled  to  a
    38  license  as  a real estate broker under this article, either as an indi-
    39  vidual or as a member of a co-partnership, or as a member or manager  of
    40  a limited liability company or as an officer of a corporation, unless he
    41  or  she  is twenty years of age or over[, a citizen of the United States
    42  or an alien lawfully admitted for  permanent  residence  in  the  United
    43  States].  No  person  shall  be  entitled  to a license as a real estate
    44  salesman under this article unless he or she is over the age of eighteen
    45  years. No person shall be entitled to a license as a real estate  broker
    46  or  real  estate  salesman  under this article who has been convicted in
    47  this state or elsewhere of a crime, unless the secretary makes a finding
    48  in conformance with all  applicable  statutory  requirements,  including
    49  those  contained  in  article twenty-three-A of the correction law, that
    50  such convictions do not constitute a bar to licensure. No  person  shall
    51  be entitled to a license as a real estate broker or real estate salesman
    52  under  this  article who does not meet the requirements of section 3-503
    53  of the general obligations law.
    54    Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this section, tenant asso-
    55  ciations and not-for-profit corporations authorized in  writing  by  the
    56  commissioner  of  the  department  of  the city of New York charged with

        S. 7508                            91                            A. 9508

     1  enforcement of the housing maintenance code of such city to manage resi-
     2  dential property owned by such city or appointed by a court of competent
     3  jurisdiction to manage residential property owned by such city shall  be
     4  exempt from the licensing provisions of this section with respect to the
     5  properties so managed.
     6    §  4.  Subdivision  1  of  section  72 of the general business law, as
     7  amended by chapter 164 of the laws  of  2003,  is  amended  to  read  as
     8  follows:
     9    1.  If  the applicant is a person, the application shall be subscribed
    10  by such person, and if the applicant is a firm or partnership the appli-
    11  cation shall be subscribed by each individual composing or intending  to
    12  compose  such  firm or partnership. The application shall state the full
    13  name, age, residences within the past three years, present and  previous
    14  occupations of each person or individual so signing the same, [that each
    15  person  or  individual  is  a  citizen  of the United States or an alien
    16  lawfully admitted for permanent residence  in  the  United  States]  and
    17  shall  also  specify  the name of the city, town or village, stating the
    18  street and number, if the premises have a street and number, and  other-
    19  wise such apt description as will reasonably indicate the location ther-
    20  eof,  where  is  to  be  located the principal place of business and the
    21  bureau, agency, sub-agency,  office  or  branch  office  for  which  the
    22  license  is  desired,  and  such further facts as may be required by the
    23  department of state to show the good character, competency and integrity
    24  of each person or individual so signing such application. Each person or
    25  individual signing such application shall, together with  such  applica-
    26  tion,  submit  to  the department of state, his photograph, taken within
    27  six months prior thereto in duplicate, in passport  size  and  also  two
    28  sets  of fingerprints of his two hands recorded in such manner as may be
    29  specified by the secretary of state or the secretary of state's  author-
    30  ized  representative.  Before approving such application it shall be the
    31  duty of the secretary of state or the secretary  of  state's  authorized
    32  representative  to forward one copy of such fingerprints to the division
    33  of criminal justice services. Upon receipt of  such  fingerprints,  such
    34  division  shall  forward to the secretary of state a report with respect
    35  to the applicant's previous criminal history, if  any,  or  a  statement
    36  that  the  applicant  has  no previous criminal history according to its
    37  files. If additional copies of fingerprints are required  the  applicant
    38  shall  furnish  them upon request. Such fingerprints may be submitted to
    39  the federal bureau of investigation  for  a  national  criminal  history
    40  record  check.  The  secretary shall reveal the name of the applicant to
    41  the chief of police and the district attorney of the  applicant's  resi-
    42  dence  and of the proposed place of business and shall request of them a
    43  report concerning the applicant's character in the event they shall have
    44  information concerning it. The secretary shall take such other steps  as
    45  may be necessary to investigate the honesty, good character and integri-
    46  ty  of  each  applicant.  Every  such applicant for a license as private
    47  investigator shall establish to the satisfaction  of  the  secretary  of
    48  state  (a)  if the applicant be a person, or, (b) in the case of a firm,
    49  limited liability company, partnership  or  corporation,  at  least  one
    50  member  of  such  firm, partnership, limited liability company or corpo-
    51  ration, has been regularly employed, for a period of not less than three
    52  years, undertaking such investigations as those described  as  performed
    53  by  a  private investigator in subdivision one of section seventy-one of
    54  this article, as a sheriff, police officer in a city  or  county  police
    55  department,  or  the division of state police, investigator in an agency
    56  of the state, county, or United States  government,  or  employee  of  a

        S. 7508                            92                            A. 9508

     1  licensed  private  investigator,  or  has had an equivalent position and
     2  experience or that such person or member was an  employee  of  a  police
     3  department who rendered service therein as a police officer for not less
     4  than  twenty  years or was an employee of a fire department who rendered
     5  service therein as a fire marshal for not less than twenty years. Howev-
     6  er, employment as a watchman, guard or private patrolman  shall  not  be
     7  considered  employment  as a "private investigator" for purposes of this
     8  section. Every such applicant for a license as watch,  guard  or  patrol
     9  agency shall establish to the satisfaction of the secretary of state (a)
    10  if  the  applicant  be  a person, or, (b) in the case of a firm, limited
    11  liability company, partnership or corporation, at least  one  member  of
    12  such  firm,  partnership,  limited liability company or corporation, has
    13  been regularly employed, for a  period  of  not  less  than  two  years,
    14  performing  such duties or providing such services as described as those
    15  performed or furnished by a watch, guard or patrol agency in subdivision
    16  two of section seventy-one of this article, as a sheriff, police officer
    17  in a city or county police department, or employee of an agency  of  the
    18  state,  county or United States government, or licensed private investi-
    19  gator or watch, guard or patrol agency, or has had an  equivalent  posi-
    20  tion  and  experience;  qualifying  experience shall have been completed
    21  within such period of time and at such time prior to the filing  of  the
    22  application  as  shall  be  satisfactory  to the secretary of state. The
    23  person or member meeting the experience requirement under this  subdivi-
    24  sion and the person responsible for the operation and management of each
    25  bureau,  agency,  sub-agency,  office  or branch office of the applicant
    26  shall provide sufficient proof of having  taken  and  passed  a  written
    27  examination  prescribed  by  the secretary of state to test their under-
    28  standing of their rights, duties and powers as  a  private  investigator
    29  and/or  watchman, guard or private patrolman, depending upon the work to
    30  be performed under the license. In the case of an application subscribed
    31  by a resident of the  state  of  New  York  such  application  shall  be
    32  approved,  as to each resident person or individual so signing the same,
    33  but not less than five reputable citizens of the community in which such
    34  applicant resides or transacts business, or in which it is  proposed  to
    35  own,  conduct, manage or maintain the bureau, agency, sub-agency, office
    36  or branch office for which the license is desired, each  of  whom  shall
    37  subscribe  and  affirm  as true, under the penalties of perjury, that he
    38  has personally known the said person or individual for a  period  of  at
    39  least  five  years  prior to the filing of such application, that he has
    40  read such application and believes each of the statements  made  therein
    41  to be true, that such person is honest, of good character and competent,
    42  and  not  related  or  connected to the person so certifying by blood or
    43  marriage. In the case of an application subscribed by a non-resident  of
    44  the  state  of  New  York such application shall be approved, as to each
    45  non-resident person or individual so signing the same by not  less  than
    46  five  reputable  citizens  of  the  community  in  which  such applicant
    47  resides. The certificate of approval shall be signed by  such  reputable
    48  citizens  and  duly  verified and acknowledged by them before an officer
    49  authorized to take oaths and acknowledgment of deeds. All provisions  of
    50  this  section, applying to corporations, shall also apply to joint-stock
    51  associations, except that each such joint-stock association shall file a
    52  duly certified copy of its certificate of organization in the  place  of
    53  the certified copy of its certificate of incorporation herein required.
    54    §  5.  Subdivision  2  of  section  81 of the general business law, as
    55  amended by chapter 756 of the laws of 1952 and paragraph (b) as  amended
    56  by chapter 133 of the laws of 1982, is amended to read as follows:

        S. 7508                            93                            A. 9508

     1    2.  No  person  shall hereafter be employed by any holder of a license
     2  certificate until he shall have executed and furnished to  such  license
     3  certificate  holder  a  verified  statement,  to be known as "employee's
     4  statement," setting forth:
     5    (a) His full name, age and residence address.
     6    (b)  [That  the  applicant  for  employment is a citizen of the United
     7  States or an alien lawfully admitted  for  permanent  residence  in  the
     8  United States.
     9    (c)]  The  business or occupation engaged in for the three years imme-
    10  diately preceding the date of the filing of the statement, setting forth
    11  the place or places where such business or occupation  was  engaged  in,
    12  and the name or names of employers, if any.
    13    [(d)] (c) That he has not been convicted of a felony or of any offense
    14  involving  moral  turpitude  or  of  any of the misdemeanors or offenses
    15  described in subdivision one of this section.
    16    [(e)] (d) Such further information as the department of state  may  by
    17  rule  require  to  show the good character, competency, and integrity of
    18  the person executing the statement.
    19    § 6. Subdivision 4 of section 89-h of the  general  business  law,  as
    20  added by chapter 336 of the laws of 1992, is amended to read as follows:
    21    [4. Citizenship: be a citizen or resident alien of the United States;]
    22    §  7.  This  act  shall  take  effect  immediately; provided, however,
    23  section two of this act shall take effect on the same date  and  in  the
    24  same  manner  as  section  36  of chapter 490 of the laws of 2019, takes
    25  effect.

    26                                   PART W

    27    Section 1. Paragraph (c) of subdivision 1 of section 444-e of the real
    28  property law, as amended by chapter 541 of the laws of 2019, is  amended
    29  to read as follows:
    30    (c) have passed the National Home Inspector examination or an examina-
    31  tion  offered  by  the secretary, in any format, that in the judgment of
    32  the secretary sufficiently tests such  applicant  to  be  engaged  as  a
    33  professional home inspector; and
    34    §  2. This act shall take effect immediately and shall apply to appli-
    35  cations for a license as a professional home inspector  received  on  or
    36  after November 25, 2019.

    37                                   PART X

    38    Section  1.  Paragraph  (e) of section 104 of the business corporation
    39  law, as amended by chapter 832 of the laws of 1982, is amended  to  read
    40  as follows:
    41    (e) If an instrument which is delivered to the department of state for
    42  filing  complies  as  to form with the requirements of law and there has
    43  been attached to it the consent  or  approval  of  the  state  official,
    44  department,  board,  agency  or  other body, if any, whose consent to or
    45  approval of such instrument or the filing thereof  is  required  by  any
    46  statute  of  this  state and the filing fee and tax, if any, required by
    47  any statute of this state in connection therewith have  been  paid,  the
    48  instrument  shall  be  filed  and indexed by the department of state. No
    49  certificate of authentication or conformity  or  other  proof  shall  be
    50  required with respect to any verification, oath or acknowledgment of any
    51  instrument  delivered  to the department of state under this chapter, if
    52  such verification, oath or acknowledgment purports  to  have  been  made

        S. 7508                            94                            A. 9508

     1  before a notary public, or person performing the equivalent function, of
     2  one  of  the states, or any subdivision thereof, of the United States or
     3  the District of Columbia. Without limiting the effect  of  section  four
     4  hundred  three of this chapter, filing and indexing by the department of
     5  state shall not be deemed a finding that a certificate conforms to  law,
     6  nor  shall  it  be deemed to constitute an approval by the department of
     7  state of the name of the corporation or the contents of the certificate,
     8  nor shall it be deemed to prevent any person with  appropriate  standing
     9  from  contesting  the  legality  thereof  in  an  appropriate forum. The
    10  instrument's date of  filing  shall  be  the  date  the  instrument  was
    11  received  by  the  department of state for filing. An instrument that is
    12  determined by the department of state  to  be  unacceptable  for  filing
    13  shall  be  returned to the person filing the instrument with an explana-
    14  tion of the reason for the refusal to file. If  the  filer  returns  the
    15  corrected  instrument within thirty days from the date it was originally
    16  received by the department of state and it is determined by the  depart-
    17  ment of state to be acceptable for filing, the instrument shall be filed
    18  and  indexed  by  the  department  of  state  and the filing date of the
    19  instrument shall be the filing date that would have been applied had the
    20  original instrument been acceptable for filing.
    21    § 2. Paragraph (r) of section 104-A of the business corporation law is
    22  REPEALED.
    23    § 3. Section 408 of  the  business  corporation  law,  as  amended  by
    24  section 3 of part S of chapter 59 of the laws of 2015 and paragraph 1 as
    25  amended  by  chapter  747  of  the  laws  of 2019, is amended to read as
    26  follows:
    27  § 408. Statement; filing.
    28    1. [Except as provided in paragraph eight of this section, each]  Each
    29  domestic  corporation,  and  each  foreign  corporation authorized to do
    30  business in this state, shall, during the applicable  filing  period  as
    31  determined  by  subdivision  three  of  this  section,  file a statement
    32  setting forth:
    33    (a) The name and business address of its chief executive officer.
    34    (b) The street address of its principal executive office.
    35    (c) The post office address within or without this state to which  the
    36  secretary  of  state  shall mail a copy of any process against it served
    37  upon him or her. Such address shall supersede any  previous  address  on
    38  file with the department of state for this purpose.
    39    (d) The number of directors constituting the board and how many direc-
    40  tors of such board are women.
    41    2.  [Except as provided in paragraph eight of this section, such] Such
    42  statement shall be made on forms prescribed by the secretary  of  state,
    43  and  the  information therein contained shall be given as of the date of
    44  the execution of  the  statement.  Such  statement  shall  only  request
    45  reporting  of  information required under paragraph one of this section.
    46  It shall be signed and delivered to the  department  of  state.  No  fee
    47  shall be collected for the filing of the statement.
    48    3.  [Except  as  provided in paragraph eight of this section, for] For
    49  the purpose of this section the applicable filing period  for  a  corpo-
    50  ration shall be the calendar month during which its original certificate
    51  of  incorporation  or application for authority were filed or the effec-
    52  tive date thereof if stated. The applicable  filing  period  shall  only
    53  occur:    (a)  annually, during the period starting on April 1, 1992 and
    54  ending on March 31, 1994; and (b) biennially, during a  period  starting
    55  on  April  1  and ending on March 31 thereafter. Those corporations that
    56  filed between April 1, 1992 and June 30, 1994 shall not be  required  to

        S. 7508                            95                            A. 9508

     1  file such statements again until such time as they would have filed, had
     2  this subdivision not been amended.
     3    4. The provisions of paragraph (g) of section one hundred four of this
     4  chapter shall not be applicable to filings pursuant to this section.
     5    5.  The  provisions  of  this  section and section 409 of this article
     6  shall not apply to a farm corporation. For the purposes of this subdivi-
     7  sion, the term "farm corporation" shall mean any domestic corporation or
     8  foreign corporation authorized to do business in this state  under  this
     9  chapter  engaged  in  the  production  of crops, livestock and livestock
    10  products on land used in agricultural production, as defined in  section
    11  301  of  the  agriculture and markets law. However, this exception shall
    12  not apply to farm corporations  that  have  filed  statements  with  the
    13  department  of state which have been submitted through the department of
    14  taxation and finance pursuant to paragraph eight of this section.
    15    6. No such statement shall be accepted for filing when  a  certificate
    16  of resignation for receipt of process has been filed under section three
    17  hundred  six-A  of  this  chapter  unless  the  corporation has stated a
    18  different address for process which does not include  the  name  of  the
    19  party  previously  designated in the address for process in such certif-
    20  icate.
    21    7. A domestic corporation or foreign corporation may amend its  state-
    22  ment  to change the information required by subparagraphs (a) and (b) of
    23  paragraph one of this section. Such amendment shall  be  made  on  forms
    24  prescribed  by  the secretary of state. It shall be signed and delivered
    25  to the department of state. No fee shall be collected for the filing  of
    26  the amendment.
    27    [8.  (a) The commissioner of taxation and finance and the secretary of
    28  state may agree to allow corporations to provide the statement specified
    29  in paragraph one of this section on tax reports filed with  the  depart-
    30  ment of taxation and finance in lieu of biennial statements. This agree-
    31  ment  may  apply  to  tax reports due for tax years starting on or after
    32  January first, two thousand sixteen.
    33    (b) If the agreement described in subparagraph (a) of  this  paragraph
    34  is  made,  each  corporation required to file the statement specified in
    35  paragraph one of this section that is also subject to tax under  article
    36  nine  or  nine-A of the tax law shall include such statement annually on
    37  its tax report filed with the department of taxation and finance in lieu
    38  of filing a statement under this section with the  department  of  state
    39  and  in a manner prescribed by the commissioner of taxation and finance.
    40  However, each corporation  required  to  file  a  statement  under  this
    41  section  must  continue  to file the biennial statement required by this
    42  section with the department of state until the corporation in  fact  has
    43  filed  a  tax  report  with  the department of taxation and finance that
    44  includes all required information.  After  that  time,  the  corporation
    45  shall  continue to deliver annually the statement specified in paragraph
    46  one of this section on its tax report in lieu of the biennial  statement
    47  required by this section.
    48    (c)  If  the agreement described in subparagraph (a) of this paragraph
    49  is made, the department of taxation and finance  shall  deliver  to  the
    50  department  of state for filing the statement specified in paragraph one
    51  of this section for each corporation that files a tax report  containing
    52  such  statement.  The  department  of  taxation and finance must, to the
    53  extent feasible, also include  the  current  name  of  the  corporation,
    54  department  of  state  identification  number  for such corporation, the
    55  name, signature and capacity of the signer of the  statement,  name  and

        S. 7508                            96                            A. 9508

     1  street  address of the filer of the statement, and the email address, if
     2  any, of the filer of the statement.]
     3    § 4. Section 409 of the business corporation law is REPEALED.
     4    §  5.  Subdivision  16 of section 96 of the executive law, as added by
     5  chapter 561 of the laws of 1990, is amended to read as follows:
     6    16. (a) Consistent with the provisions of the corporate  laws  of  the
     7  state  of  New  York,  the  department  of  state [shall] may produce or
     8  reproduce the content of any informational systems  maintained  pursuant
     9  to such laws. The secretary of state shall establish the type and amount
    10  of  the  reasonable  fees to be collected by the department of state for
    11  such informational systems. Such fees shall be subject  to  approval  of
    12  the  director  of  the  budget  and shall be promulgated in the official
    13  rules and regulations of the department of state in accordance with  the
    14  provisions of the state administrative procedure act.
    15    (b)  Notwithstanding paragraph (a) of this subdivision, the department
    16  of state may make the content of any such information systems  available
    17  to  the  public  on any website maintained by the department of state by
    18  the state without charge.
    19    § 6. Section 209 of the limited liability company law  is  amended  to
    20  read as follows:
    21    § 209. Filing  with  the  department  of  state.  A signed articles of
    22  organization and any signed certificate of amendment  or  other  certif-
    23  icates  filed  pursuant  to  this  chapter  or of any judicial decree of
    24  amendment or cancellation shall be delivered to the department of state.
    25  If the instrument that is delivered  to  the  department  of  state  for
    26  filing  complies  as to form with the requirements of law and the filing
    27  fee required by any statute of this state in  connection  therewith  has
    28  been  paid,  the instrument shall be filed and indexed by the department
    29  of state. The department of state shall  not  review  such  articles  or
    30  certificates  for  legal  sufficiency;  its  review  shall be limited to
    31  determining that the form has been completed.  The instrument's date  of
    32  filing  shall  be the date the instrument was received by the department
    33  of state for filing. An instrument that is determined by the  department
    34  of  state  to be unacceptable for filing shall be returned to the person
    35  filing the instrument with an explanation of the reason for the  refusal
    36  to  file.  If  the  filer returns the corrected instrument within thirty
    37  days from the date it was originally received by the department of state
    38  and it is determined by the department of state  to  be  acceptable  for
    39  filing,  the  instrument shall be filed and indexed by the department of
    40  state and the filing date of the instrument shall  be  the  filing  date
    41  that would have been applied had the original instrument been acceptable
    42  for filing.
    43    §  7.  Subdivision (e) of section 301 of the limited liability company
    44  law, as amended by section 5 of part S of chapter  59  of  the  laws  of
    45  2015, is amended to read as follows:
    46    (e)  [(1)  Except  as  otherwise  provided in this subdivision, every]
    47  Every limited liability company to which  this  chapter  applies,  shall
    48  biennially  in the calendar month during which its articles of organiza-
    49  tion or application for authority were filed, or effective date  thereof
    50  if  stated, file on forms prescribed by the secretary of state, a state-
    51  ment setting forth:
    52    (i) the post office address within or without this state to which  the
    53  secretary  of state shall mail a copy of any process accepted against it
    54  served upon him or  her.  Such  address  shall  supersede  any  previous
    55  address on file with the department of state for this purpose;

        S. 7508                            97                            A. 9508

     1    (ii)  the  name  and  address  of any managers appointed or elected in
     2  accordance with the articles of organization or operating agreement; and
     3    (iii)  the  name  and  address  of  the  ten  members with the largest
     4  percentage ownership interest, as determined as of the time  the  state-
     5  ment  is filed by the department of state. No fee shall be collected for
     6  the filing of the statement.
     7    [(2) The commissioner of taxation and finance  and  the  secretary  of
     8  state  may  agree  to  allow  limited liability companies to include the
     9  statement specified in paragraph one of this subdivision on tax  reports
    10  filed  with  the  department of taxation and finance in lieu of biennial
    11  statements and in a manner prescribed by the  commissioner  of  taxation
    12  and  finance.    If  this agreement is made, starting with taxable years
    13  beginning on or after January first, two thousand sixteen, each  limited
    14  liability  company required to file the statement specified in paragraph
    15  one of this subdivision that is subject to the  filing  fee  imposed  by
    16  paragraph  three of subsection (c) of section six hundred fifty-eight of
    17  the tax law shall provide such statement  annually  on  its  filing  fee
    18  payment  form  filed with the department of taxation and finance in lieu
    19  of filing a statement under this section with the department  of  state.
    20  However,  each  limited  liability  company required to file a statement
    21  under this section must continue to file the biennial statement required
    22  by this section with the department of state until the limited liability
    23  company in fact has filed a filing fee payment form with the  department
    24  of  taxation  and  finance that includes all required information. After
    25  that time, the limited liability company shall continue to provide annu-
    26  ally the statement specified in paragraph one of this subdivision on its
    27  filing fee payment form in lieu of the biennial  statement  required  by
    28  this subdivision.
    29    (3) If the agreement described in paragraph two of this subdivision is
    30  made,  the  department  of  taxation  and  finance  shall deliver to the
    31  department of state the statement specified in  paragraph  one  of  this
    32  subdivision  contained  on  filing  fee payment forms. The department of
    33  taxation and finance must, to the  extent  feasible,  also  include  the
    34  current name of the limited liability company, department of state iden-
    35  tification  number  for such limited liability company, the name, signa-
    36  ture and capacity of the  signer  of  the  statement,  name  and  street
    37  address of the filer of the statement, and the email address, if any, of
    38  the filer of the statement.]
    39    §  8. Subdivision (c) of section 1101 of the limited liability company
    40  law is REPEALED.
    41    § 9. Paragraph (e) of section 104 of  the  not-for-profit  corporation
    42  law,  as  amended by chapter 833 of the laws of 1982, is amended to read
    43  as follows:
    44    (e) If an instrument which is delivered to the department of state for
    45  filing complies as to form with the requirements of law  and  there  has
    46  been  attached  to  it  the  consent  or  approval  of the supreme court
    47  justice, governmental body or officer, or, other person or body, if any,
    48  whose consent to or approval of such instrument or the filing thereof is
    49  required by any statute of this state and the filing  fee  and  tax,  if
    50  any,  required by any statute of this state in connection therewith have
    51  been paid, the instrument shall be filed and indexed by  the  department
    52  of  state. No certificate of authentication or conformity or other proof
    53  shall be required with respect to any verification, oath or  acknowledg-
    54  ment  of  any instrument delivered to the department of state under this
    55  chapter, if such verification, oath or acknowledgment purports  to  have
    56  been  made  before  a notary public, or person performing the equivalent

        S. 7508                            98                            A. 9508

     1  function, of one of the states,  or  any  subdivision  thereof,  of  the
     2  United  States  or the District of Columbia. Without limiting the effect
     3  of section four hundred three of this chapter, filing  and  indexing  by
     4  the department of state shall not be deemed a finding that a certificate
     5  conforms to law, nor shall it be deemed to constitute an approval by the
     6  department  of  state  of the name of the corporation or the contents of
     7  the certificate, nor shall it be  deemed  to  prevent  any  person  with
     8  appropriate  standing  from contesting the legality thereof in an appro-
     9  priate forum.  The instrument's date of filing shall  be  the  date  the
    10  instrument  was  received  by  the  department  of  state for filing. An
    11  instrument that is determined by the department of state to be unaccept-
    12  able for filing shall be returned to the person  filing  the  instrument
    13  with  an explanation of the reason for the refusal to file. If the filer
    14  returns the corrected instrument within thirty days from the date it was
    15  originally received by the department of state and it is  determined  by
    16  the  department  of  state  to  be acceptable for filing, the instrument
    17  shall be filed and indexed by the department of  state  and  the  filing
    18  date  of  the  instrument  shall be the filing date that would have been
    19  applied had the original instrument been acceptable for filing.
    20    § 10. Section 121-206 of the partnership law, as added by chapter  950
    21  of the laws of 1990, is amended to read as follows:
    22    §  121-206.  Filing with the department of state. A signed certificate
    23  of limited partnership and any signed certificates of amendment or other
    24  certificates filed pursuant to this article or of any judicial decree of
    25  amendment or cancellation shall be delivered to the department of state.
    26  If the instrument which is delivered to  the  department  of  state  for
    27  filing  complies  as to form with the requirements of law and the filing
    28  fee required by any statute of this state in  connection  therewith  has
    29  been  paid,  the instrument shall be filed and indexed by the department
    30  of state. The instrument's date of filing shall be the date the  instru-
    31  ment  was  received by the department of state for filing. An instrument
    32  that is determined by the department of state  to  be  unacceptable  for
    33  filing  shall  be  returned  to the person filing the instrument with an
    34  explanation of the reason for the refusal to file. If the filer  returns
    35  the  corrected  instrument  within  thirty  days  from  the  date it was
    36  originally received by the department of state and it is  determined  by
    37  the  department  of  state  to  be acceptable for filing, the instrument
    38  shall be filed and indexed by the department of  state  and  the  filing
    39  date  of  the  instrument  shall be the filing date that would have been
    40  applied had the original instrument been acceptable for filing.
    41    § 11. Subdivision (e) of section 121-1500 of the partnership  law,  as
    42  added by chapter 576 of the laws of 1994, is amended to read as follows:
    43    (e)  If  the  signed registration or other instrument delivered to the
    44  department of state for filing complies as to form with the requirements
    45  of law and the filing fee required by any statute of this state has been
    46  paid, the [registration] instrument shall be filed and  indexed  by  the
    47  department  of  state. The instrument's date of filing shall be the date
    48  the instrument was received by the department of state  for  filing.  An
    49  instrument that is determined by the department of state to be unaccept-
    50  able  for  filing  shall be returned to the person filing the instrument
    51  with an explanation of the reason for the refusal to file. If the  filer
    52  returns the corrected instrument within thirty days from the date it was
    53  originally  received  by the department of state and it is determined by
    54  the department of state to be  acceptable  for  filing,  the  instrument
    55  shall  be  filed  and  indexed by the department of state and the filing

        S. 7508                            99                            A. 9508

     1  date of the instrument shall be the filing date  that  would  have  been
     2  applied had the original instrument been acceptable for filing.
     3    §  12.  Subdivision (g) of section 121-1500 of the partnership law, as
     4  amended by section 8 of part S of chapter 59 of the  laws  of  2015,  is
     5  amended to read as follows:
     6    (g)  Each registered limited liability partnership shall, within sixty
     7  days prior to the fifth anniversary of the effective date of its  regis-
     8  tration  and  every  five  years  thereafter, furnish a statement to the
     9  department of state setting forth: (i) the name of the registered limit-
    10  ed liability partnership, (ii) the address of the  principal  office  of
    11  the  registered  limited  liability  partnership,  (iii) the post office
    12  address within or without this state to which  the  secretary  of  state
    13  shall  mail a copy of any process accepted against it served upon him or
    14  her, which address shall supersede any previous address on file with the
    15  department of state for this purpose, and (iv) a statement  that  it  is
    16  eligible  to  register  as  a  registered  limited liability partnership
    17  pursuant to subdivision (a) of this  section.  The  statement  shall  be
    18  executed  by  one  or  more partners of the registered limited liability
    19  partnership. [The statement shall be accompanied  by  a  fee  of  twenty
    20  dollars  if  submitted  directly to the department of state. The commis-
    21  sioner of taxation and finance and the secretary of state may  agree  to
    22  allow registered limited liability partnerships to provide the statement
    23  specified  in  this subdivision on tax reports filed with the department
    24  of taxation and finance in lieu of statements filed  directly  with  the
    25  secretary  of  state  and  in a manner prescribed by the commissioner of
    26  taxation and finance. If this agreement is made, starting  with  taxable
    27  years  beginning  on  or after January first, two thousand sixteen, each
    28  registered limited liability partnership required to file the  statement
    29  specified  in this subdivision that is subject to the filing fee imposed
    30  by paragraph three of subsection (c) of section six hundred  fifty-eight
    31  of  the  tax law shall provide such statement annually on its filing fee
    32  payment form filed with the department of taxation and finance  in  lieu
    33  of  filing  a  statement  under  this subdivision with the department of
    34  state. However, each registered limited liability  partnership  required
    35  to file a statement under this section must continue to file a statement
    36  with  the  department  of  state  as  required by this section until the
    37  registered limited liability partnership in fact has filed a filing  fee
    38  payment  form  with the department of taxation and finance that includes
    39  all required  information.  After  that  time,  the  registered  limited
    40  liability  partnership  shall continue to provide annually the statement
    41  specified in this subdivision on its filing fee payment form in lieu  of
    42  the statement required by this subdivision. The commissioner of taxation
    43  and  finance  shall  deliver  the  completed statement specified in this
    44  subdivision to the department of state for  filing.  The  department  of
    45  taxation  and finance must, to the extent feasible, also include in such
    46  delivery the current name of the registered limited  liability  partner-
    47  ship,  department  of  state  identification  number for such registered
    48  limited liability partnership, the name, signature and capacity  of  the
    49  signer  of  the  statement,  name and street address of the filer of the
    50  statement, and the email address, if any, of the  filer  of  the  state-
    51  ment.]  No  fee shall be collected for the filing of the statement. If a
    52  registered limited liability  partnership  shall  not  timely  file  the
    53  statement  required  by  this  subdivision, the department of state may,
    54  upon sixty days' notice mailed to the address of such registered limited
    55  liability partnership as shown in the last registration or statement  or
    56  certificate  of  amendment  filed  by  such registered limited liability

        S. 7508                            100                           A. 9508

     1  partnership, make a proclamation  declaring  the  registration  of  such
     2  registered  limited liability partnership to be revoked pursuant to this
     3  subdivision. The department of state shall file the  original  proclama-
     4  tion  in its office and shall publish a copy thereof in the state regis-
     5  ter no later than three months following the date of such  proclamation.
     6  [This  shall not apply to registered limited liability partnerships that
     7  have filed a statement with the department of state through the  depart-
     8  ment of taxation and finance.] Upon the publication of such proclamation
     9  in  the  manner  aforesaid,  the registration of each registered limited
    10  liability partnership named in such proclamation shall be deemed revoked
    11  without further legal  proceedings.  Any  registered  limited  liability
    12  partnership whose registration was so revoked may file in the department
    13  of  state  a  statement required by this subdivision. The filing of such
    14  statement shall have the effect of  annulling  all  of  the  proceedings
    15  theretofore  taken for the revocation of the registration of such regis-
    16  tered limited liability partnership under this subdivision and  (1)  the
    17  registered  limited  liability  partnership  shall  thereupon  have such
    18  powers, rights, duties and obligations as it had  on  the  date  of  the
    19  publication  of  the  proclamation, with the same force and effect as if
    20  such proclamation had not been made or published and (2)  such  publica-
    21  tion shall not affect the applicability of the provisions of subdivision
    22  (b)  of  section  twenty-six  of this chapter to any debt, obligation or
    23  liability incurred, created or assumed from the date of  publication  of
    24  the  proclamation  through  the date of the filing of the statement with
    25  the department of state. If, after the publication of such proclamation,
    26  it shall be determined by the department of state that the name  of  any
    27  registered  limited  liability  partnership  was erroneously included in
    28  such proclamation, the department of state shall make appropriate  entry
    29  on  its  records,  which entry shall have the effect of annulling all of
    30  the proceedings theretofore taken for the revocation of the registration
    31  of such registered limited liability partnership under this  subdivision
    32  and  (A)  such  registered limited liability partnership shall have such
    33  powers, rights, duties and obligations as it had  on  the  date  of  the
    34  publication  of  the  proclamation, with the same force and effect as if
    35  such proclamation had not been made or published and (B)  such  publica-
    36  tion shall not affect the applicability of the provisions of subdivision
    37  (b)  of  section  twenty-six  of this chapter to any debt, obligation or
    38  liability incurred, created or assumed from the date of  publication  of
    39  the  proclamation  through  the  date  of the making of the entry on the
    40  records of the  department  of  state.  Whenever  a  registered  limited
    41  liability  partnership whose registration was revoked shall have filed a
    42  statement pursuant to this subdivision or if the name  of  a  registered
    43  limited liability partnership was erroneously included in a proclamation
    44  and  such  proclamation  was  annulled,  the  department  of state shall
    45  publish a notice thereof in the state register.
    46    § 13. Subdivision (d) of section 121-1502 of the partnership  law,  as
    47  added by chapter 576 of the laws of 1994, is amended to read as follows:
    48    (d) If a signed notice or other instrument delivered to the department
    49  of state for filing complies as to form with the requirements of law and
    50  the  filing fee required by any statute of this state has been paid, the
    51  [notice] instrument shall be filed and  indexed  by  the  department  of
    52  state.  The instrument's date of filing shall be the date the instrument
    53  was received by the department of state for filing. An  instrument  that
    54  is  determined  by the department of state to be unacceptable for filing
    55  shall be returned to the person filing the instrument with  an  explana-
    56  tion  of  the  reason  for the refusal to file. If the filer returns the

        S. 7508                            101                           A. 9508

     1  corrected instrument within thirty days from the date it was  originally
     2  received  by the department of state and it is determined by the depart-
     3  ment of state to be acceptable for filing, the instrument shall be filed
     4  and  indexed  by  the  department  of  state  and the filing date of the
     5  instrument shall be the filing date that would have been applied had the
     6  original instrument been acceptable for filing.  If  a  foreign  limited
     7  liability  partnership  that  is  a  New York registered foreign limited
     8  liability partnership dissolves, a foreign limited liability partnership
     9  which is the successor to  such  New  York  registered  foreign  limited
    10  liability partnership (i) shall not be required to file a new notice and
    11  shall  be  deemed  to have filed the notice filed by the New York regis-
    12  tered foreign limited liability partnership pursuant to subdivision  (a)
    13  of  this  section,  as  well  as any withdrawal notice filed pursuant to
    14  subdivision (e) of this section, any statement or certificate of consent
    15  filed pursuant to subdivision (f) of this  section  and  any  notice  of
    16  amendment  filed  pursuant  to  subdivision (i) of this section and (ii)
    17  shall be bound by any revocation of status pursuant to  subdivision  (f)
    18  of  this  section  and  any  annulment  thereof of the dissolved foreign
    19  limited liability partnership that was a  New  York  registered  foreign
    20  limited  liability  partnership. For purposes of this section, a foreign
    21  limited liability partnership  is  a  successor  to  a  foreign  limited
    22  liability  partnership  that  was  a New York registered foreign limited
    23  liability partnership if a  majority  of  the  total  interests  in  the
    24  current  profits of such successor foreign limited liability partnership
    25  are held by partners of the predecessor foreign limited liability  part-
    26  nership  that  was a New York registered foreign limited liability part-
    27  nership who were partners of such  predecessor  partnership  immediately
    28  prior to the dissolution of such predecessor partnership.
    29    §  14.  Paragraph  (I)  of  subdivision (f) of section 121-1502 of the
    30  partnership law, as amended by section 9 of part S of chapter 59 of  the
    31  laws of 2015, is amended to read as follows:
    32    (I)  Each  New  York  registered foreign limited liability partnership
    33  shall, within sixty days prior to the fifth anniversary of the effective
    34  date of its notice and every five years thereafter, furnish a  statement
    35  to the department of state setting forth:
    36    (i)  the  name  under  which  the  New York registered foreign limited
    37  liability partnership is carrying on or conducting or transacting  busi-
    38  ness  or  activities  in  this  state, (ii) the address of the principal
    39  office of the New York registered foreign limited liability partnership,
    40  (iii) the post office address within or without this state to which  the
    41  secretary  of state shall mail a copy of any process accepted against it
    42  served upon him or her,  which  address  shall  supersede  any  previous
    43  address  on file with the department of state for this purpose, and (iv)
    44  a statement that it is a  foreign  limited  liability  partnership.  The
    45  statement  shall  be  executed  by  one or more partners of the New York
    46  registered foreign limited liability partnership. [The  statement  shall
    47  be  accompanied  by  a fee of fifty dollars if submitted directly to the
    48  department of state. The commissioner of taxation and  finance  and  the
    49  secretary of state may agree to allow New York registered foreign limit-
    50  ed  liability  partnerships  to  provide the statement specified in this
    51  paragraph on tax reports filed  with  the  department  of  taxation  and
    52  finance in lieu of statements filed directly with the secretary of state
    53  and  in a manner prescribed by the commissioner of taxation and finance.
    54  If this agreement is made, starting with taxable years beginning  on  or
    55  after  January  first,  two  thousand  sixteen, each New York registered
    56  foreign limited liability partnership required  to  file  the  statement

        S. 7508                            102                           A. 9508

     1  specified in this paragraph that is subject to the filing fee imposed by
     2  paragraph  three of subsection (c) of section six hundred fifty-eight of
     3  the tax law shall provide such statement  annually  on  its  filing  fee
     4  payment  form  filed with the department of taxation and finance in lieu
     5  of filing a statement under this paragraph directly with the  department
     6  of  state.  However,  each New York registered foreign limited liability
     7  partnership required to file a statement under this section must contin-
     8  ue to file a statement with the department of state as required by  this
     9  section until the New York registered foreign limited liability partner-
    10  ship  in fact has filed a filing fee payment form with the department of
    11  taxation and finance that includes all required information. After  that
    12  time,  the  New  York  registered  foreign limited liability partnership
    13  shall continue to provide annually the statement specified in this para-
    14  graph on its filing fee payment form in lieu  of  filing  the  statement
    15  required  by  this  paragraph directly with the department of state. The
    16  commissioner of taxation and finance shall deliver the completed  state-
    17  ment  specified in this paragraph to the department of state for filing.
    18  The department of taxation and finance must,  to  the  extent  feasible,
    19  also  include  in  such delivery the current name of the New York regis-
    20  tered foreign limited liability partnership, department of  state  iden-
    21  tification number for such New York registered foreign limited liability
    22  partnership,  the  name,  signature  and  capacity  of the signer of the
    23  statement, name and street address of the filer of  the  statement,  and
    24  the  email address, if any, of the filer of the statement.] No fee shall
    25  be collected for the filing of the statement. If a New  York  registered
    26  foreign  limited  liability partnership shall not timely file the state-
    27  ment required by this subdivision, the department  of  state  may,  upon
    28  sixty  days'  notice  mailed  to the address of such New York registered
    29  foreign limited liability partnership as shown in  the  last  notice  or
    30  statement  or certificate of amendment filed by such New York registered
    31  foreign limited liability partnership, make a proclamation declaring the
    32  status of such New York registered foreign limited liability partnership
    33  to be revoked pursuant to this subdivision. [This shall not apply to New
    34  York registered foreign limited liability partnerships that have filed a
    35  statement with the department of state through the department  of  taxa-
    36  tion and finance.] The department of state shall file the original proc-
    37  lamation  in  its  office  and shall publish a copy thereof in the state
    38  register no later than three months following the date of such proclama-
    39  tion. Upon the publication of such proclamation in the manner aforesaid,
    40  the status of each New York registered foreign limited  liability  part-
    41  nership  named  in  such  proclamation  shall  be deemed revoked without
    42  further legal proceedings.  Any  New  York  registered  foreign  limited
    43  liability  partnership  whose  status  was  so  revoked  may file in the
    44  department of state a statement required by this subdivision. The filing
    45  of such statement  shall  have  the  effect  of  annulling  all  of  the
    46  proceedings  theretofore  taken for the revocation of the status of such
    47  New York registered foreign limited  liability  partnership  under  this
    48  subdivision  and  (1)  the New York registered foreign limited liability
    49  partnership shall thereupon have such powers, rights, duties  and  obli-
    50  gations  as  it  had on the date of the publication of the proclamation,
    51  with the same force and effect as if such proclamation had not been made
    52  or published and (2) such publication shall not affect the applicability
    53  of the laws of the jurisdiction governing the agreement under which such
    54  New York registered foreign limited liability partnership  is  operating
    55  (including  laws governing the liability of partners) to any debt, obli-
    56  gation or liability incurred, created or assumed from the date of publi-

        S. 7508                            103                           A. 9508

     1  cation of the proclamation through the date of the filing of the  state-
     2  ment  with  the  department  of state. If, after the publication of such
     3  proclamation, it shall be determined by the department of state that the
     4  name  of  any  New York registered foreign limited liability partnership
     5  was erroneously included in such proclamation, the department  of  state
     6  shall  make appropriate entry on its records, which entry shall have the
     7  effect of annulling all of the proceedings  theretofore  taken  for  the
     8  revocation  of  the  status  of such New York registered foreign limited
     9  liability partnership under this  subdivision  and  (1)  such  New  York
    10  registered foreign limited liability partnership shall have such powers,
    11  rights,  duties and obligations as it had on the date of the publication
    12  of the proclamation, with the same force and effect as if such proclama-
    13  tion had not been made or published and (2) such publication  shall  not
    14  affect  the  applicability of the laws of the jurisdiction governing the
    15  agreement under which such New York registered foreign limited liability
    16  partnership is operating (including  laws  governing  the  liability  of
    17  partners)  to  any  debt,  obligation  or liability incurred, created or
    18  assumed from the date of publication of  the  proclamation  through  the
    19  date  of  the  making  of  the entry on the records of the department of
    20  state. Whenever a New York registered foreign limited liability partner-
    21  ship whose status was revoked shall have filed a statement  pursuant  to
    22  this subdivision or if the name of a New York registered foreign limited
    23  liability  partnership  was  erroneously  included in a proclamation and
    24  such proclamation was annulled, the department of state shall publish  a
    25  notice thereof in the state register.
    26    § 15. Subdivision 5 of section 192 of the tax law is REPEALED.
    27    § 16. Subdivision 5 of section 211 of the tax law is REPEALED.
    28    § 17. Subparagraph (e) of paragraph 3 of subsection (c) of section 658
    29  of the tax law is REPEALED.
    30    § 18. Subsection (v) of section 1085 of the tax law is REPEALED.
    31    § 19. Subsection (dd) of section 685 of the tax law is REPEALED.
    32    §  20.  This  act shall become effective upon the development of a new
    33  computerized filing system currently being developed by  the  department
    34  of  state;  provided further, however, that the secretary of state shall
    35  notify the legislative bill drafting commission upon the  occurrence  of
    36  the  development  of a new computerized filing system being developed by
    37  the department of state in order that the  commission  may  maintain  an
    38  accurate and timely effective data base of the official text of the laws
    39  of  the  state of New York in furtherance of effectuating the provisions
    40  of section 44 of the legislative law and  section  70-b  of  the  public
    41  officers  law;  and  provided,  however, sections two, three, four, six,
    42  seven, eight, twelve, fourteen, fifteen,  sixteen,  seventeen,  eighteen
    43  and nineteen of this act shall take effect April 1, 2021.

    44                                   PART Y

    45    Section  1.  Expenditures  of  moneys appropriated in a chapter of the
    46  laws of 2020 to the department  of  agriculture  and  markets  from  the
    47  special  revenue  funds-other/state  operations,  miscellaneous  special
    48  revenue fund-339,  public  service  account  shall  be  subject  to  the
    49  provisions  of  this section. Notwithstanding any other provision of law
    50  to the contrary, direct and indirect expenses relating to the department
    51  of  agriculture  and  markets'  participation  in   general   ratemaking
    52  proceedings  pursuant to section 65 of the public service law or certif-
    53  ication proceedings pursuant to article 7 or 10 of  the  public  service
    54  law, shall be deemed expenses of the department of public service within

        S. 7508                            104                           A. 9508

     1  the  meaning  of  section  18-a of the public service law. No later than
     2  August 15, 2021, the commissioner of the department of  agriculture  and
     3  markets  shall submit an accounting of such expenses, including, but not
     4  limited  to,  expenses  in the 2020--2021 state fiscal year for personal
     5  and non-personal services and fringe  benefits,  to  the  chair  of  the
     6  public  service  commission  for  the  chair's  review  pursuant  to the
     7  provisions of section 18-a of the public service law.
     8    § 2. Expenditures of moneys appropriated in a chapter of the  laws  of
     9  2020  to  the  department  of  state  from  the  special  revenue funds-
    10  other/state operations, miscellaneous special revenue  fund-339,  public
    11  service  account  shall  be  subject  to the provisions of this section.
    12  Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary,  direct  and
    13  indirect  expenses  relating  to  the  activities  of  the department of
    14  state's utility intervention unit pursuant to subdivision 4  of  section
    15  94-a  of  the executive law, including, but not limited to participation
    16  in general ratemaking proceedings pursuant to section 65 of  the  public
    17  service  law or certification proceedings pursuant to article 7 or 10 of
    18  the public service law, shall be deemed expenses of  the  department  of
    19  public  service within the meaning of section 18-a of the public service
    20  law.  No later than August 15, 2021, the secretary of state shall submit
    21  an accounting of such expenses, including, but not limited to,  expenses
    22  in  the  2020--2021  state  fiscal  year  for  personal and non-personal
    23  services and fringe benefits, to the chair of the public service commis-
    24  sion for the chair's review pursuant to the provisions of  section  18-a
    25  of the public service law.
    26    §  3.  Expenditures of moneys appropriated in a chapter of the laws of
    27  2020 to the office of parks, recreation and historic  preservation  from
    28  the  special revenue funds-other/state operations, miscellaneous special
    29  revenue fund-339,  public  service  account  shall  be  subject  to  the
    30  provisions  of  this section. Notwithstanding any other provision of law
    31  to the contrary, direct and indirect expenses relating to the office  of
    32  parks,  recreation  and historic preservation's participation in general
    33  ratemaking proceedings pursuant to section 65 of the public service  law
    34  or  certification  proceedings pursuant to article 7 or 10 of the public
    35  service law, shall be  deemed  expenses  of  the  department  of  public
    36  service within the meaning of section 18-a of the public service law. No
    37  later  than  August  15,  2021, the commissioner of the office of parks,
    38  recreation and historic preservation shall submit an accounting of  such
    39  expenses,  including,  but  not  limited  to, expenses in the 2020--2021
    40  state fiscal year for personal  and  non-personal  services  and  fringe
    41  benefits,  to the chair of the public service commission for the chair's
    42  review pursuant to the provisions of section 18-a of the public  service
    43  law.
    44    §  4.  Expenditures of moneys appropriated in a chapter of the laws of
    45  2020 to the department of environmental conservation  from  the  special
    46  revenue funds-other/state operations, environmental conservation special
    47  revenue  fund-301,  utility  environmental  regulation  account shall be
    48  subject to the provisions of this  section.  Notwithstanding  any  other
    49  provision  of law to the contrary, direct and indirect expenses relating
    50  to the department of environmental conservation's participation in state
    51  energy policy proceedings,  or  certification  proceedings  pursuant  to
    52  article  7  or 10 of the public service law, shall be deemed expenses of
    53  the department of public service within the meaning of section  18-a  of
    54  the  public service law. No later than August 15, 2021, the commissioner
    55  of the department of environmental conservation shall submit an account-
    56  ing of such expenses, including, but not limited  to,  expenses  in  the

        S. 7508                            105                           A. 9508

     1  2020--2021  state fiscal year for personal and non-personal services and
     2  fringe benefits, to the chair of the public service commission  for  the
     3  chair's  review pursuant to the provisions of section 18-a of the public
     4  service law.
     5    §  5. Notwithstanding any other law, rule or regulation to the contra-
     6  ry, expenses of  the  department  of  health  public  service  education
     7  program  incurred  pursuant  to appropriations from the cable television
     8  account of the state miscellaneous special revenue funds shall be deemed
     9  expenses of the department of public service. No later than  August  15,
    10  2021,  the  commissioner  of  the  department  of health shall submit an
    11  accounting of expenses in the 2020--2021 state fiscal year to the  chair
    12  of  the public service commission for the chair's review pursuant to the
    13  provisions of section 217 of the public service law.
    14    § 6. Any expense deemed to be expenses of  the  department  of  public
    15  service  pursuant  to sections one through four of this act shall not be
    16  recovered through assessments imposed  upon  telephone  corporations  as
    17  defined in subdivision 17 of section 2 of the public service law.
    18    §  7.  This  act  shall take effect immediately and shall be deemed to
    19  have been in full force and effect on and after April 1, 2020.

    20                                   PART Z

    21    Section 1. Section 25-a of the public service law, as added by section
    22  2 of part X of chapter 57 of the laws of 2013, is  amended  to  read  as
    23  follows:
    24    §  25-a.  Combination  gas  and  electric corporations; administrative
    25  sanctions; recovery of penalties. Notwithstanding  sections  twenty-four
    26  and  twenty-five  of this article: 1. Every combination gas and electric
    27  corporation and the officers thereof shall adhere to every provision  of
    28  this  chapter  and  every order or regulation adopted under authority of
    29  this chapter so long as the same shall be in force.
    30    2. (a) The commission shall have  the  authority  to  assess  a  civil
    31  penalty  in  an amount as set forth in this section and impose any other
    32  required relief against a combination gas and electric  corporation  and
    33  the  officers thereof subject to the jurisdiction, supervision, or regu-
    34  lation pursuant to this chapter [in an  amount  as  set  forth  in  this
    35  section]. In determining the amount of any penalty to be assessed pursu-
    36  ant  to this section, the commission shall consider: (i) the seriousness
    37  of the violation for which a penalty is  sought;  (ii)  the  nature  and
    38  extent of any previous violations for which penalties have been assessed
    39  against the corporation or officer; (iii) whether there was knowledge of
    40  the  violation;  (iv)  the  gross  revenues  and financial status of the
    41  corporation; and (v) such other  factors  as  the  commission  may  deem
    42  appropriate  and relevant. The remedies provided by this subdivision are
    43  in addition to any other remedies provided in law or equity.
    44    (b) [Whenever the commission has reason to believe that a  combination
    45  gas  and electric corporation or such officers thereof should be subject
    46  to imposition of a civil penalty as set forth in  this  subdivision,  it
    47  shall  notify  such  corporation or officer.] To inform the commission's
    48  decision under this section, the department is authorized, pursuant to a
    49  referral made by the chief  executive  officer  of  the  department,  to
    50  commence a proceeding pursuant to this section upon issuance of a notice
    51  of  violation  if it believes that a combination gas and electric corpo-
    52  ration, or such officers thereof, may be  subject  to  imposition  of  a
    53  civil  penalty as set forth in this subdivision and/or such other relief
    54  as may be required to address such alleged violation. Such notice  shall

        S. 7508                            106                           A. 9508

     1  include,  but  shall  not  be  limited  to:  (i)  the  date  and a brief
     2  description of the facts and nature of each act or failure  to  act  for
     3  which  such penalty is proposed; (ii) a list of each statute, regulation
     4  or  order  that  the  [commission] department alleges has been violated;
     5  [and] (iii) the amount of each penalty that the [commission]  department
     6  proposes [to assess] be assessed; and (iv) any proposed actions that the
     7  department   deems  necessary  to  address  such  alleged  violation  or
     8  violations. To further inform the commission's decision pursuant to this
     9  subdivision, the department is authorized to  undertake  any  additional
    10  administrative  or  investigatory  actions  related to such violation or
    11  violations, including but not limited to, service of  an  administrative
    12  complaint,  implementation  of discovery, and the holding of evidentiary
    13  hearings.
    14    (c) [Whenever the commission has reason to believe that a  combination
    15  gas  and electric corporation or such officers thereof should be subject
    16  to imposition of a civil penalty or  penalties  as  set  forth  in  this
    17  subdivision,  the commission shall hold a hearing to demonstrate why the
    18  proposed penalty or penalties should be assessed against  such  combina-
    19  tion  gas  and  electric corporation or such officers] Any assessment of
    20  penalties, resolution of claims or imposition of other relief levied  by
    21  the  department  pursuant  to  an  investigation or compliant proceeding
    22  commenced pursuant to paragraph (b) of this subdivision shall be subject
    23  to review and approval by the commission.
    24    3. Any combination gas and  electric  corporation  determined  by  the
    25  commission  to have failed to [reasonably] comply, as shown by a prepon-
    26  derance of the evidence, with a provision of this chapter, regulation or
    27  an order adopted under authority of this chapter so  long  as  the  same
    28  shall  be  in force shall forfeit a sum not exceeding the greater of one
    29  hundred thousand dollars or two one-hundredths of  one  percent  of  the
    30  annual  intrastate  gross  operating  revenue  of  the  corporation, not
    31  including taxes paid to and revenues collected on behalf  of  government
    32  entities,  constituting  a civil penalty for each and every offense and,
    33  in the case of a continuing violation, each day shall be deemed a  sepa-
    34  rate and distinct offense.
    35    4.  Notwithstanding  the  provisions  of  subdivision  three  of  this
    36  section, any such combination gas and electric corporation determined by
    37  the commission to have failed to [reasonably] comply with a provision of
    38  this chapter, or an order or regulation adopted under the  authority  of
    39  this  chapter  specifically  for  the  protection  of  human  safety  or
    40  prevention of significant damage to real property,  including,  but  not
    41  limited to, the commission's code of gas safety regulations shall, if it
    42  is  determined by the commission by a preponderance of the evidence that
    43  such safety violation caused or constituted  a  contributing  factor  in
    44  bringing  about:   (a) a death or personal injury; or (b) damage to real
    45  property in excess of fifty thousand  dollars,  forfeit  a  sum  not  to
    46  exceed the greater of:
    47    (i)  two hundred fifty thousand dollars or three one-hundredths of one
    48  percent of the annual intrastate gross operating revenue of  the  corpo-
    49  ration,  not including taxes paid to and revenues collected on behalf of
    50  government entities, whichever is greater, constituting a civil  penalty
    51  for  each  separate  and  distinct  offense; provided, however, that for
    52  purposes of this paragraph, each day of a continuing violation shall not
    53  be deemed a separate and distinct offense. The total period of a contin-
    54  uing violation, as well as every distinct violation, shall be  similarly
    55  treated  as  a  separate and distinct offense for purposes of this para-
    56  graph; or

        S. 7508                            107                           A. 9508

     1    (ii) the maximum forfeiture determined in accordance with  subdivision
     2  three of this section.
     3    5. Notwithstanding the provisions of subdivision three or four of this
     4  section,  a  combination  gas and electric corporation determined by the
     5  commission to have failed to [reasonably] comply by a  preponderance  of
     6  the evidence with a provision of this chapter, or an order or regulation
     7  adopted under authority of this chapter, designed to protect the overall
     8  reliability and continuity of electric service, including but not limit-
     9  ed to the restoration of electric service following a major outage event
    10  or emergency, shall forfeit a sum not to exceed the greater of:
    11    (a)  five  hundred  thousand  dollars  or  four  one-hundredths of one
    12  percent of the annual intrastate gross operating revenue of  the  corpo-
    13  ration,  not including taxes paid to and revenues collected on behalf of
    14  government entities, whichever is greater, constituting a civil  penalty
    15  for  each  separate  and  distinct  offense; provided, however, that for
    16  purposes of this paragraph each day of a continuing violation shall  not
    17  be deemed a separate and distinct offense. The total period of a contin-
    18  uing  violation,  as well as every distinct violation shall be similarly
    19  treated as a separate and distinct offense for purposes  of  this  para-
    20  graph; or
    21    (b)  the  maximum forfeiture determined in accordance with subdivision
    22  three of this section.
    23    6. Any officer of any combination gas and electric corporation  deter-
    24  mined  by  the commission to have violated the provisions of subdivision
    25  three, four, or five of this  section,  and  who  knowingly  violates  a
    26  provision of this chapter, regulation or an order adopted under authori-
    27  ty of this chapter so long as the same shall be in force shall forfeit a
    28  sum  not  to  exceed  one  hundred thousand dollars constituting a civil
    29  penalty for each and every offense and, in  the  case  of  a  continuing
    30  violation, each day shall be deemed a separate and distinct offense.
    31    7.  [Any  such  assessment  may  be compromised or discontinued by the
    32  commission.] All moneys recovered pursuant  to  this  section,  together
    33  with the costs thereof, shall be remitted to, or for the benefit of, the
    34  ratepayers in a manner to be determined by the commission.
    35    8.  Upon  a  failure  by a combination gas and electric corporation or
    36  officer to remit any penalty assessed by the commission pursuant to this
    37  section, the commission, through its counsel, may institute an action or
    38  special proceeding to collect the penalty in a court of competent juris-
    39  diction.
    40    9. Any payment made by a combination gas and electric  corporation  or
    41  the  officers  thereof  as a result of an assessment as provided in this
    42  section, and the cost of litigation and  investigation  related  to  any
    43  such assessment, shall not be recoverable from ratepayers.
    44    10.  In construing and enforcing the provisions of this chapter relat-
    45  ing to penalties, the act of any director, officer, agent or employee of
    46  a combined gas and electric corporation acting within the scope  of  his
    47  or  her  official  duties or employment shall be deemed to be the act of
    48  such corporation.
    49    11. It shall be a violation of this chapter should a director, officer
    50  or employee of a public utility company, corporation, person  acting  in
    51  his  or  her official duties or employment, or an agent acting on behalf
    52  of an employer take retaliatory  personnel  action  such  as  discharge,
    53  suspension, demotion, penalization or discrimination against an employee
    54  for  reporting  a  violation  of  a provision of this chapter [of] or an
    55  order or regulation adopted under the authority of this chapter, includ-
    56  ing, but not limited to, those  governing  safe  and  adequate  service,

        S. 7508                            108                           A. 9508

     1  protection  of  human safety or prevention of significant damage to real
     2  property, including, but not limited to, the commission's  code  of  gas
     3  safety.    Nothing  in  this subdivision shall be deemed to diminish the
     4  rights,  privileges  or  remedies of any employee under any other law or
     5  regulation, including but not limited to article twenty-C of  the  labor
     6  law  and  section  seventy-five-b of the civil service law, or under any
     7  collective bargaining agreement or employment contract.
     8    § 2. The public service law is amended by adding a new section 25-b to
     9  read as follows:
    10    § 25-b.  Administrative  actions  against  other  regulated  entities.
    11  Notwithstanding  any  other  provision  of this chapter, section twenty-
    12  five-a of this article shall apply in equal force to:  (1)  an  electric
    13  corporation  as  defined  in subdivision thirteen of section two of this
    14  chapter; (2) a gas corporation  as  defined  in  subdivision  eleven  of
    15  section  two  of  this  chapter; (3) a cable television company or cable
    16  television system as defined in subdivisions one and two of section  two
    17  hundred  twelve  of this chapter; (4) a telephone corporation as defined
    18  in subdivision seventeen of section two of this  chapter;  (5)  a  steam
    19  corporation  as defined in subdivision twenty-two of section two of this
    20  chapter; and (6) a water-works corporation  as  defined  in  subdivision
    21  twenty-seven of section two of this chapter.
    22    § 3. This act shall take effect immediately.

    23                                   PART AA

    24    Section  1.  The public service law is amended by adding a new article
    25  12 to read as follows:
    26                                 ARTICLE 12
    28  Section 250. Definitions.
    29          251. Prohibitions.
    30          252. Consumer notice of service practices.
    31          253. Annual certification.
    32          254. Administration and enforcement.
    33          255. Severability.
    34    § 250. Definitions. For purposes of this article, the following  terms
    35  shall have the following meanings:
    36    1.  "Application-agnostic"  means  not differentiating on the basis of
    37  source, destination, internet content, application, service, or  device,
    38  or class of internet content, application, service, or device.
    39    2.  "Application-specific differential pricing" means charging differ-
    40  ent prices for internet traffic to customers on the  basis  of  internet
    41  content,  application, service, or device, or class of internet content,
    42  application, service, or device, but shall not include zero-rating.
    43    3. "Broadband internet access  service"  means  a  mass-market  retail
    44  service  by wire or radio provided to customers in the state of New York
    45  that provides the capability to transmit data to, and receive data from,
    46  all or substantially all internet endpoints, including any  capabilities
    47  that  are  incidental  to and enable the operation of the communications
    48  service, but excluding dial-up  internet  access  service.    "Broadband
    49  internet  access  service"  shall also encompass any service provided to
    50  customers in the state of New York that provides a functional equivalent
    51  of such service or that is used to evade the protections  set  forth  in
    52  this chapter.
    53    4.  "Class of internet content, application, service, or device" means
    54  internet content, or a group  of  internet  applications,  services,  or

        S. 7508                            109                           A. 9508

     1  devices, sharing a common characteristic, including, but not limited to,
     2  sharing  the  same  source or destination, belonging to the same type of
     3  content, application, service, or device, using the same application  or
     4  transport-layer  protocol,  or having similar technical characteristics,
     5  including, but not limited to, the size, sequencing, or timing of  pack-
     6  ets or sensitivity to delay.
     7    5.  "Content,  applications,  or  services" means all internet traffic
     8  transmitted to or from end users of a broadband internet access service,
     9  including traffic that may not fit clearly into any of these categories.
    10    6. "Edge provider" means any individual or entity  that  provides  any
    11  content,  application,  or service over the internet, and any individual
    12  or entity that provides a device used for accessing any content,  appli-
    13  cation, or service over the internet.
    14    7.  "End  user"  means  any individual or entity that uses a broadband
    15  internet access service.
    16    8. "Internet service provider" or "ISP" means a business that provides
    17  broadband internet access service to an individual, corporation, govern-
    18  ment, or other customer in the state of New York.
    19    9. "ISP traffic exchange"  means  the  exchange  of  internet  traffic
    20  destined  for,  or  originating from, an internet service provider's end
    21  users between the internet service provider's network and another  indi-
    22  vidual or entity.
    23    10.  "Mass market" means a service marketed and sold on a standardized
    24  basis to residential customers,  small  businesses,  and  other  end-use
    25  customers, including, but not limited to, schools, institutions of high-
    26  er learning and libraries.
    27    11.  "Mobile  broadband  internet  access"  means a broadband internet
    28  access service that serves end users primarily using mobile stations.
    29    12. "Network management practice" means a practice that has a primari-
    30  ly technical network management justification.
    31    13. "Reasonable network management practice" means a  network  manage-
    32  ment  practice  that is primarily used for, and tailored to, achieving a
    33  legitimate network management purpose, taking into account  the  partic-
    34  ular  network  architecture  and  technology  of  the broadband internet
    35  access service.
    36    14. "Third-party paid  prioritization"  means  the  management  of  an
    37  internet service provider's network to directly or indirectly favor some
    38  traffic  over  other  traffic,  including  the use of techniques such as
    39  traffic shaping, prioritization, resource reservation, or other forms of
    40  preferential traffic management, either:
    41    (a) in exchange for consideration, monetary or otherwise, from a third
    42  party; or
    43    (b) to benefit an affiliated entity.
    44    15. "Zero-rating" means exempting some internet traffic from a custom-
    45  er's data usage limitation.
    46    § 251. Prohibitions. 1. Notwithstanding any inconsistent provisions of
    47  this chapter, it shall be unlawful for an ISP,  in  providing  broadband
    48  internet  access service in the state, to engage in any of the following
    49  activities:
    50    (a) Blocking lawful content, applications,  services,  or  non-harmful
    51  devices, subject to reasonable network management practices.
    52    (b)  Throttling, altering, restricting, interfering with, or otherwise
    53  directly  or  indirectly  favoring,  disadvantaging,  or  discriminating
    54  between  lawful  internet  traffic  on the basis of source, destination,
    55  internet content, application, or  service,  or  use  of  a  non-harmful

        S. 7508                            110                           A. 9508

     1  device,  or  of class of internet content, application, service, or non-
     2  harmful device, subject to reasonable network management practices.
     3    (c) Engaging in third-party paid prioritization.
     4    (d) Engaging in application-specific differential pricing or zero-rat-
     5  ing  in  exchange  for  consideration,  monetary  or otherwise, by third
     6  parties.
     7    (e) Zero-rating some  internet  content,  applications,  services,  or
     8  devices  in  a  category of internet content, applications, services, or
     9  devices, but not the entire category.
    10    (f) Engaging in application-specific differential pricing.
    11    (g) Unreasonably interfering  with,  or  unreasonably  disadvantaging,
    12  either an end user's ability to select, access, and use broadband inter-
    13  net  access  service or lawful internet content, applications, services,
    14  or devices of the end  user's  choice,  subject  to  reasonable  network
    15  management practices.
    16    (h)  Engaging  in  practices  with  respect  to,  related  to,  or  in
    17  connection with ISP traffic exchange that has the purpose or  effect  of
    18  circumventing or undermining the effectiveness of this section.
    19    (i)  Engaging  in  deceptive  or  misleading  marketing practices that
    20  misrepresent the treatment of internet traffic,  content,  applications,
    21  service  or  devices by the internet service provider, or that misrepre-
    22  sent the performance characteristics or commercial terms of  the  broad-
    23  band internet access service to its customers.
    24    (j)  Advertising,  offering  for  sale  or  selling broadband internet
    25  access service  without  prominently  disclosing  with  specificity  all
    26  aspects of the service advertised, offered for sale or sold.
    27    (k)  Failing  to  publicly disclose accurate information regarding the
    28  network management practices, performance, and commercial terms  of  its
    29  broadband  internet  access  services  sufficient  for consumers to make
    30  informed choices regarding use of those services and for content, appli-
    31  cation, service and device providers to  develop,  market  and  maintain
    32  internet offerings.
    33    (l)  Offering  or  providing  services  other  than broadband internet
    34  access service that are delivered over the same last-mile connection  as
    35  the  broadband internet access service, if those services satisfy any of
    36  the following conditions:
    37    (i) such services are marketed, provide or can be used as a functional
    38  equivalent of broadband internet access service;
    39    (ii) such services have the purpose  or  effect  of  circumventing  or
    40  undermining the effectiveness of this section; or
    41    (iii)  such  services  negatively  affect the performance of broadband
    42  internet access service.
    43    2. (a) An internet service provider may offer different types of tech-
    44  nical treatment to end users as part of its  broadband  internet  access
    45  service,  without  violating  the  provisions of subdivision one of this
    46  section, if all of the following conditions exist:
    47    (i) the different types of technical treatment are  equally  available
    48  to  all  internet  content,  applications, services and devices, and all
    49  classes of internet content, applications, services and devices, and the
    50  internet service provider does not discriminate in the provision of  the
    51  different types of technical treatment on the basis of internet content,
    52  application,  service  or device, or class of internet content, applica-
    53  tion, service or device;
    54    (ii) the internet service provider's end  users  are  able  to  choose
    55  whether,  when,  and for which internet content, applications, services,

        S. 7508                            111                           A. 9508

     1  or devices, or classes of internet content, applications,  services,  or
     2  devices, to use each type of technical treatment; and
     3    (iii)  the  internet  service  provider charges only its own broadband
     4  internet access service customers for the use of the different types  of
     5  technical treatment.
     6    (b)  Any internet service provider offering different types of techni-
     7  cal treatment pursuant to this subdivision shall notify  the  department
     8  and provide the department with a sample of any service contract that it
     9  offers to customers in the state of New York.
    10    3.  An  internet  service  provider  may zero-rate internet traffic in
    11  application-agnostic ways, without violating the provisions of  subdivi-
    12  sion  one  of  this section, provided that no consideration, monetary or
    13  otherwise, is provided by any third party in exchange for the provider's
    14  decision to zero-rate or to not zero-rate traffic.
    15    4. Nothing in this section prohibits an ISP from meeting an obligation
    16  to address the needs of emergency  communications  or  law  enforcement,
    17  public  safety  or  national security authorities, consistent with or as
    18  permitted by applicable law, or limits the ISP's ability to do so.
    19    § 252. Consumer notice of service practices. An ISP  providing  broad-
    20  band  service  in  the  state  shall make publicly available an accurate
    21  description of such ISP's network management practices, performance  and
    22  commercial  terms  of  its  broadband internet access service by posting
    23  such description on an ISP controlled or  maintained  website,  provided
    24  that nothing in this section shall require ISPs to disclose confidential
    25  business  information or information that would compromise network secu-
    26  rity.
    27    § 253. Annual certification. Every ISP providing broadband service  in
    28  the  state  shall submit a certification to the department in a form and
    29  manner specified by the commission, by July first, two thousand  twenty-
    30  one  and  annually  thereafter.  Such  certification shall include, at a
    31  minimum:
    32    1. a statement indicating  whether  the  ISP  is  in  compliance  with
    33  sections  two  hundred fifty-one and two hundred fifty-two of this arti-
    34  cle;
    35    2. a description of such ISP's efforts in the preceding year to inform
    36  end users of the provider's efforts to ensure net  neutral  service  and
    37  the address of the ISP's website where such information is provided; and
    38    3.  any other information required by rules promulgated by the depart-
    39  ment and approved by the commission.
    40    § 254. Administration and enforcement.  1.  The  commission  shall  be
    41  authorized to promulgate any rules or regulations necessary to implement
    42  the provisions of this article.
    43    2. Violations of any duty imposed by this article shall be enforceable
    44  by  the  commission.  Any ISP that violates any provision of or fails to
    45  perform any duty imposed pursuant to this article or any rule  or  regu-
    46  lation promulgated pursuant thereto, or any final determination or order
    47  of  the  commission  made pursuant to this article shall be liable for a
    48  civil penalty not to exceed five hundred dollars for each violation  and
    49  an additional penalty of not more than five hundred dollars for each day
    50  during which such violation continues.
    51    3.  In addition to the authority granted to the commission pursuant to
    52  this chapter, the attorney general may enforce the  provisions  of  this
    53  article  to the extent permitted under section sixty-three of the execu-
    54  tive law.

        S. 7508                            112                           A. 9508

     1    4. Nothing in this article shall preclude or prohibit  any  public  or
     2  private  right  of  action relating to fraud or deceptive business prac-
     3  tices.
     4    § 255. Severability. The provisions of this article shall be severable
     5  and if any phrase, clause, sentence or provision of this article, or the
     6  applicability thereof to any person or circumstance shall be held inval-
     7  id,  the remainder of this article and the application thereof shall not
     8  be affected thereby.
     9    § 2. The state finance law is amended by adding a new section  169  to
    10  read as follows:
    11    §  169.  Net neutrality.  Each state agency shall enter into contracts
    12  with only those internet service providers that have, by July first, two
    13  thousand twenty-one, certified pursuant to section  two  hundred  fifty-
    14  three  of  the  public  service  law  that  they  are in compliance with
    15  sections two hundred fifty-one and two hundred fifty-two of  the  public
    16  service  law.    Each contract for internet services provided to a state
    17  agency shall specifically require certification pursuant to section  two
    18  hundred  fifty-three of the public service law and state that the inter-
    19  net  service  provider  may  not  block  lawful  content,  applications,
    20  services,  non-harmful  devices  or applications that compete with other
    21  services provided by such internet service  provider.  Any  contract  or
    22  contract  renewal entered into by a state agency shall include a binding
    23  agreement consistent with the foregoing provisions, and no state  agency
    24  shall  enter into a contract with an internet service provider, an agent
    25  therefor or other entity offering to or procuring on behalf of the state
    26  agency internet services unless such contract contains  such  a  binding
    27  agreement.
    28    § 3. Subdivision 9 of section 160 of the state finance law, as amended
    29  by chapter 106 of the laws of 2012, is amended to read as follows:
    30    9.  "State  agency"  or  "state agencies" means all state departments,
    31  boards, commissions, offices or institutions but excludes, however,  for
    32  the  purposes of subdivision five of section three hundred fifty-five of
    33  the education law, the state university of New York  and  excludes,  for
    34  the  purposes  of subdivision a of section sixty-two hundred eighteen of
    35  the education law, the city university of New York;  provided,  however,
    36  that  the  state  university  of New York and the city university of New
    37  York shall be subject to the provisions of section  one  hundred  sixty-
    38  five-a  and section one hundred sixty-nine of this article. Furthermore,
    39  such term shall not include the legislature or the judiciary.
    40    § 4. The public authorities law is amended by  adding  a  new  section
    41  2878-c to read as follows:
    42    §  2878-c.  Net neutrality. After July first, two thousand twenty-one,
    43  each state agency shall enter into contracts with  only  those  internet
    44  service providers that have, by such date, certified pursuant to section
    45  two  hundred  fifty-three  of  the  public  service law that they are in
    46  compliance with sections two hundred fifty-one and two hundred fifty-two
    47  of the public service law.  Each contract for internet services provided
    48  to a state agency shall specifically require certification  pursuant  to
    49  section two hundred fifty-three of the public service law and state that
    50  the  internet  service  provider  may not block lawful content, applica-
    51  tions, services, non-harmful devices or applications that  compete  with
    52  other  services provided by such internet service provider. Any contract
    53  or contract renewal entered into by a state authority  shall  include  a
    54  binding agreement consistent with the foregoing provisions, and no state
    55  authority shall enter into a contract with an internet service provider,
    56  an  agent therefor or other entity offering to or procuring on behalf of

        S. 7508                            113                           A. 9508

     1  the state authority internet services unless such contract contains such
     2  a binding agreement.
     3    §  5.  Section  349 of the general business law is amended by adding a
     4  new subdivision (k) to read as follows:
     5    (k) In addition to the right of action granted to the attorney general
     6  pursuant to this section, any person who has been injured by  reason  of
     7  any  violation  of  this  section  in relation to obligations imposed by
     8  section two hundred fifty-one of the public service  law  may  bring  an
     9  action  to  enjoin  such  unlawful act or practice, an action to recover
    10  actual damages or five hundred dollars, whichever is  greater,  or  both
    11  such  actions.  The  court may, in its discretion, increase the award of
    12  damages to an amount not to exceed three times the actual damages if the
    13  court finds the defendant willfully or knowingly violated this  section.
    14  The  court  may  award reasonable attorneys' fees to a prevailing plain-
    15  tiff.
    16    § 6. This act shall take effect immediately.

    17                                   PART BB

    18    Section 1. The general municipal law is amended by adding a new  arti-
    19  cle 13-E to read as follows:
    20                                ARTICLE 13-E
    22  Section 300. Definitions.
    23          301. Use of right of way for small wireless facilities and util-
    24                 ity poles.
    25          302. Permitting process for small wireless facilities.
    26          303. Access  to  municipal corporation poles within the right of
    27                 way.
    28          304. Rates and fees.
    29          305. Cable services.
    30          306. Local authority.
    31          307. Investor-owned electric utility poles.
    32          308. Implementation.
    33          309. Dispute resolution.
    34          310. Indemnification, insurance, and bonding.
    35    § 300. Definitions. For the purposes of this  article,  the  following
    36  terms  shall  have  the  following meanings unless the context indicates
    37  otherwise:
    38    1. "Antenna" means communications equipment that transmits or receives
    39  electromagnetic radio frequency signals used in the provision  of  wire-
    40  less services.
    41    2. "Applicable codes" means the New York state uniform fire prevention
    42  and building code as adopted, and as may be amended, pursuant to article
    43  eighteen of the executive law.
    44    3.  "Applicant"  means  any person or entity that files an application
    45  with a municipal corporation to install or modify wireless facilities on
    46  behalf of a communications service provider or wireless provider.
    47    4. "Application" means a request submitted by an applicant to a munic-
    48  ipal corporation for a permit to collocate small wireless facilities; or
    49  to approve the installation or modification of a utility pole  or  wire-
    50  less support structure.
    51    5. "Application fee" means the one-time fee charged to an applicant by
    52  a  municipal  corporation  for review of an application. The application
    53  fee may not exceed the actual reasonable costs incurred by the municipal
    54  corporation in connection with its review of the application.

        S. 7508                            114                           A. 9508

     1    6. "Pole" means a utility pole owned, managed or  operated  by  or  on
     2  behalf of a municipal corporation.
     3    7.  "Collocate" means to install, mount, maintain, modify, operate, or
     4  replace small wireless facilities on or adjacent to a  wireless  support
     5  structure  or  utility  pole. The term "collocation" has a corresponding
     6  meaning.
     7    8. "Communications facility" means the set of  equipment  and  network
     8  components, including wires, cables, and associated facilities used by a
     9  cable  operator,  as defined in 47 U.S.C. Section 522(5); a telecommuni-
    10  cations carrier, as defined in 47 U.S.C. Section 153(51); a provider  of
    11  information service, as defined in 47 U.S.C. Section 153(24); a wireless
    12  services  provider  to  provide communications services, including cable
    13  service, as defined in  47  U.S.C.  Section  522(6);  telecommunications
    14  service,  as  defined  in  47  U.S.C.  Section  153(53);  an information
    15  service, as defined in 47 U.S.C. Section 153(24); wireless  service;  or
    16  other one-way or two-way communications service.
    17    9.  "Communications  service  provider"  means  a  cable  operator, as
    18  defined in 47 U.S.C. § 522(5); a provider  of  information  service,  as
    19  defined in 47 U.S.C. § 153(24); a telecommunications carrier, as defined
    20  in 47 U.S.C. § 153(51); or a wireless provider.
    21    10.  "Decorative  pole"  means  a  pole that is specially designed and
    22  placed for aesthetic purposes and on which no appurtenances  or  attach-
    23  ments,  other  than  a  small  wireless  facility,  lighting,  specially
    24  designed informational or directional signage, or temporary  holiday  or
    25  special  event  attachments,  have  been  placed  or are permitted to be
    26  placed according to nondiscriminatory municipal rules or codes.
    27    11. "FCC" means the Federal Communications Commission  of  the  United
    28  States.
    29    12. "Fee" means a one-time, nonrecurring charge.
    30    13.  "Historic  district"  means  a group of buildings, properties, or
    31  sites that are either: (a) listed in the National Register  of  Historic
    32  Places  or formally determined eligible for listing by the Keeper of the
    33  National Register,  in  accordance  with  Section  VI.D.1.a.i-v  of  the
    34  Nationwide Programmatic Agreement codified at 47 C.F.R. Part 1, Appendix
    35  C;  or  (b) a registered historic district as defined in section ninety-
    36  six-a of this chapter or article five-K of this chapter as of the effec-
    37  tive date of this section.
    38    14. "Law" means federal, state, or local  law,  statute,  common  law,
    39  code, rule, regulation, order, or ordinance.
    40    15.  "Micro  wireless  facility"  means a small wireless facility that
    41  meets the following qualifications:  (i) is not larger in dimension than
    42  twenty-four inches in length, fifteen inches in width, and twelve inches
    43  in height; and (ii) any exterior antenna is no longer than eleven  inch-
    44  es.
    45    16.  "Network  interface device" means the telecommunications demarca-
    46  tion and test point separating the wireless facility  and  the  wireline
    47  backhaul facility.
    48    17.  "Permit"  means  a  written authorization required by a municipal
    49  corporation to perform an action or initiate, continue,  or  complete  a
    50  project  relating  to the installation or modification of small wireless
    51  facilities.
    52    18. "Person"  means  an  individual,  corporation,  limited  liability
    53  company,  partnership,  association, trust, or other entity or organiza-
    54  tion, including a municipal corporation.
    55    19. "Rate" means a recurring charge.

        S. 7508                            115                           A. 9508

     1    20. "Right of way" or "ROW" means the  area  on,  below,  or  above  a
     2  public  utility  easement, roadway, highway, street, sidewalk, alley, or
     3  similar property, but not including a federal interstate highway.
     4    21.  "Small  wireless  facility"  means a wireless facility that meets
     5  both of the  following  qualifications:  (a)  each  wireless  provider's
     6  antenna  could fit within an enclosure of no more than six cubic feet in
     7  volume; and (b) all other wireless equipment associated with  the  wire-
     8  less facility, whether ground or aerially mounted or attached to a util-
     9  ity  pole  or  wireless  support structure, is cumulatively no more than
    10  twenty-eight cubic feet in volume. The  following  types  of  associated
    11  ancillary  equipment  are  not  included in the calculation of equipment
    12  volume: electric meter, concealment elements, network interface  device,
    13  grounding  equipment, power transfer switch, cut-off switch, converters,
    14  amplifiers, splice cases, and vertical cable runs for the connection  of
    15  power and other services.
    16    22.  "Technically  feasible"  means  that  by virtue of engineering or
    17  spectrum usage the proposed placement for a small wireless facility,  or
    18  its  design,  concealment  measures, or site location can be implemented
    19  without a reduction in the functionality of the small wireless facility.
    20    23. "Utility pole" means a pole or similar structure that is or may be
    21  used in whole or  in  part  or  for  wireline  communications,  electric
    22  distribution, lighting, traffic control, signage, or a similar function,
    23  or  for the collocation of small wireless facilities; provided, however,
    24  such term shall not include  wireless  support  structures  or  electric
    25  transmission structures.
    26    24.  "Wireless  facility"  means  equipment  at  a fixed location that
    27  enables wireless services between user equipment  and  a  communications
    28  network,  including:  (a)  equipment  associated  with wireless communi-
    29  cations; (b) radio transceivers; (c) antennas; (d) coaxial or  fiber-op-
    30  tic cable located on a utility pole or wireless support structure, imme-
    31  diately  adjacent  to the utility pole or wireless support structure, or
    32  directly associated with equipment located on the utility pole or  wire-
    33  less  support  structure;  and (e) regular and backup power supplies and
    34  rectifiers;  and  comparable  equipment,  regardless  of   technological
    35  configuration. The term includes small wireless facilities, but does not
    36  include:  (i)  the  structure or improvements on, under, or within which
    37  the equipment is collocated; (ii) wireline backhaul facilities; or (iii)
    38  coaxial or fiber-optic cable that  is  between  wireless  structures  or
    39  utility  poles  or  that  is  otherwise  not  immediately adjacent to or
    40  directly associated with a particular antenna.
    41    25. "Wireless infrastructure provider" means any person,  including  a
    42  person  authorized  to  provide telecommunications service in the state,
    43  that builds or installs wireless communication  transmission  equipment,
    44  wireless  facilities  or  wireless support structures, but that is not a
    45  wireless services provider.
    46    26. "Wireless provider" means a wireless infrastructure provider or  a
    47  wireless services provider.
    48    27.  "Wireless  services"  means  any services using licensed or unli-
    49  censed spectrum including the use of Wi-Fi, whether at a fixed  location
    50  or mobile, provided to the public.
    51    28.  "Wireless  services  provider"  means  any  person or entity that
    52  provides wireless services.
    53    29. "Wireless support structure" means a structure, such  as  a  mono-
    54  pole;  tower,  either  guyed or self-supporting; billboard; building; or
    55  other existing or proposed structure designed to support or  capable  of
    56  supporting  wireless  facilities, other than a structure designed solely

        S. 7508                            116                           A. 9508

     1  for the collocation of small wireless facilities. Such  term  shall  not
     2  include a utility pole.
     3    30.  "Wireline backhaul facility" means an above-ground or underground
     4  wireline facility used to transport communications data from a  wireless
     5  facility network interface device to a network.
     6    §  301.  Use of right of way for small wireless facilities and utility
     7  poles.  1. Applicability. This section shall only apply  to  the  activ-
     8  ities  of  a  wireless  provider within the right of way to deploy small
     9  wireless facilities and associated utility poles.
    10    2. Exclusive use prohibited. A municipal  corporation  may  not  enter
    11  into  an  exclusive  arrangement with any person for use of the right of
    12  way for the collocation of small wireless facilities or for the  instal-
    13  lation,  operation,  marketing, modification, maintenance or replacement
    14  of utility poles.
    15    3. Right of way rates and  fees.  A  municipal  corporation  may  only
    16  charge  a  wireless  provider  a rate or fee for the use of the ROW with
    17  respect to the collocation of small wireless facilities or the installa-
    18  tion, maintenance, modification, operation, or replacement of a  utility
    19  pole  in  the  right  of  way if the municipal corporation charges other
    20  entities for use of the right of way.  Notwithstanding the foregoing,  a
    21  municipal  corporation  is  permitted,  on a nondiscriminatory basis, to
    22  refrain from charging any rate to a wireless provider for the use of the
    23  right of way. The rate for use of  the  right  of  way  is  provided  in
    24  section three hundred four of this article.
    25    4. Right of access. Subject to this section, a wireless provider shall
    26  have  the  right,  as  a  permitted  use not subject to zoning review or
    27  approval, to collocate small wireless facilities and to  install,  main-
    28  tain, modify, operate and replace utility poles along, across, upon, and
    29  under  the  right  of  way.  Such  structures and facilities shall be so
    30  installed and maintained as not to obstruct or hinder the  usual  travel
    31  or  public safety on such right of way or obstruct the legal use of such
    32  right of way by utilities.
    33    5. Height limits. Each new or modified utility pole installed  in  the
    34  right  of  way  shall  not exceed the greater of: (a) ten feet in height
    35  above the tallest existing utility pole in place  as  of  the  effective
    36  date of this article located within five hundred feet of the new pole in
    37  the  same  municipal corporation's right of way; or (b) fifty feet above
    38  ground level. New small wireless facilities in the right of way may  not
    39  extend:  (i)  more than ten feet above an existing utility pole in place
    40  as of the effective date of this article; or  (ii)  for  small  wireless
    41  facilities  on  a new utility pole, above the height permitted for a new
    42  utility pole under this section. A  wireless  provider  shall  have  the
    43  right  to  collocate  a  small  wireless facility and install, maintain,
    44  modify, operate and replace a utility pole  that  exceeds  these  height
    45  limits  along,  across, upon and under the right of way, subject to this
    46  section and applicable zoning regulations.
    47    6. Decorative poles. A wireless provider shall be permitted to  collo-
    48  cate  on  or  replace  decorative poles when necessary to deploy a small
    49  wireless facility. A municipal corporation may require such  collocation
    50  or  decorative  pole  replacement  to  reasonably  conform to the design
    51  aesthetics of the original  decorative  pole  or  poles,  provided  such
    52  requirements are technically feasible.
    53    7.  Underground  district.  (a)  A wireless provider shall comply with
    54  written, objective, reasonable and nondiscriminatory  requirements  that
    55  prohibit  the  installation  of utility poles or wireless support struc-
    56  tures in the right of way in an area designated solely  for  underground

        S. 7508                            117                           A. 9508

     1  communications  and  electric lines where: (i) the municipal corporation
     2  has required all such lines to be placed underground no less than  three
     3  months  prior  to  the submission of the application; (ii) utility poles
     4  the  municipal  corporation  allows to remain shall be made available to
     5  wireless providers for the collocation of small wireless facilities, and
     6  may be replaced by a wireless provider to accommodate the collocation of
     7  small wireless facilities, in compliance with this article; and (iii)  a
     8  wireless  provider may install a new utility pole in the designated area
     9  that otherwise complies with this section when it is not able to provide
    10  wireless service by collocating on a remaining utility pole or  wireless
    11  support structure.
    12    (b)  For small wireless facilities installed before a municipal corpo-
    13  ration adopts requirements that communications  and  electric  lines  be
    14  placed  underground,  such  municipal corporation adopting such require-
    15  ments shall: (i) permit a wireless provider to maintain the small  wire-
    16  less  facilities  in  place  subject  to  any applicable pole attachment
    17  agreement with the utility pole  owner;  or  (ii)  permit  the  wireless
    18  provider to replace the associated utility pole within fifty feet of the
    19  prior location.
    20    8.  Historic  district.  Subject  to subdivision four of section three
    21  hundred two of this article, a municipal corporation may  require  writ-
    22  ten,  objective, reasonable, technically feasible, nondiscriminatory and
    23  technologically neutral design or concealment  measures  in  a  historic
    24  district.  No such design or concealment measures may have the effect of
    25  materially inhibiting any provider's technology or service; nor may  any
    26  such  measures  be  considered a part of the small wireless facility for
    27  purposes of the size restrictions in the definition  of  small  wireless
    28  facility.
    29    9.  No  discrimination.  The municipal corporation, in the exercise of
    30  its administration and regulation related to the management of the right
    31  of way, must be competitively neutral with regard to other users of  the
    32  right  of  way. The municipal corporation's right of way regulations may
    33  not be unreasonable or discriminatory and may not violate any applicable
    34  law.
    35    10. Damage and repair. The municipal corporation may require  a  wire-
    36  less  provider  to repair all damage to the right of way directly caused
    37  by the activities of the wireless provider in the right of  way  and  to
    38  return  the right of way to its functional equivalence before the damage
    39  pursuant to the competitively neutral, reasonable requirements and spec-
    40  ifications of the municipal corporation. If the wireless provider  fails
    41  to  make  the  repairs  reasonably required by the municipal corporation
    42  within a reasonable time after written notice, the municipal corporation
    43  may affect those repairs and charge the applicable party the reasonable,
    44  documented actual cost of such repairs.
    45    11. Pole replacements and modifications. A wireless provider shall not
    46  be required to replace or upgrade an existing utility  pole  except  for
    47  reasons  of  structural necessity or compliance with applicable codes. A
    48  wireless provider may, with the permission of the pole owner, replace or
    49  modify existing utility poles, but any such replacement or  modification
    50  shall  be  consistent  with the design aesthetics of the utility pole or
    51  poles being modified or replaced.
    52    12. Permitted use. New, modified or replacement utility poles  associ-
    53  ated  with  a small wireless facility that meet the requirements of this
    54  section are permitted uses subject to the permit process in  subdivision
    55  four of section three hundred two of this article and are not subject to
    56  zoning review or approval.

        S. 7508                            118                           A. 9508

     1    13. Abandonment. A wireless provider is required to notify the munici-
     2  pal  corporation  at least thirty days before its abandonment of a small
     3  wireless facility. Following  receipt  of  such  notice,  the  municipal
     4  corporation  shall  direct  the  wireless  provider to remove all or any
     5  portion  of  the  small wireless facility that the municipal corporation
     6  determines would be in the best interest of the public safety and public
     7  welfare to remove. If the wireless provider fails to  remove  the  aban-
     8  doned  facility  within  ninety  days  after  such notice, the municipal
     9  corporation may undertake to do so and recover the actual and reasonable
    10  expenses of doing so from  the  wireless  provider,  its  successors  or
    11  assigns.
    12    §  302. Permitting process for small wireless facilities. 1.  Applica-
    13  bility. This section shall apply to the permitting of the collocation of
    14  small wireless facilities by a wireless provider in or outside the right
    15  of way as specified in subdivision three of  this  section  and  to  the
    16  permitting of the installation, modification, and replacement of associ-
    17  ated utility poles by a wireless provider inside the right of way.
    18    2.  General.  Except  as  provided in this article, a municipal corpo-
    19  ration may not prohibit, regulate, or  charge  for  the  collocation  of
    20  small wireless facilities that may be permitted in this section.
    21    3.  Zoning. Small wireless facilities shall be classified as permitted
    22  uses and not subject to zoning review or approval if they are collocated
    23  in the right of way in any zone.
    24    4. Permits. A municipal corporation may require an applicant to obtain
    25  one or more permits to collocate a small wireless facility or to install
    26  a new, modified or replacement utility  pole  associated  with  a  small
    27  wireless  facility  as  provided  in  subdivision  four of section three
    28  hundred one of this article, provided such permits are of general appli-
    29  cability and do not apply exclusively to wireless facilities. A  munici-
    30  pal  corporation shall receive applications for, process, and issue such
    31  permits subject to the following requirements:
    32    (a) a municipal corporation may not directly or indirectly require  an
    33  applicant  to perform services or provide goods unrelated to the permit,
    34  such as in-kind contributions to the  municipal  corporation  including,
    35  but  not  limited  to,  reserving  fiber, conduit, or pole space for the
    36  municipal corporation;
    37    (b) an applicant shall not be required to provide more information  to
    38  obtain a permit than communications service providers that are not wire-
    39  less  providers,  provided  that an applicant may be required to include
    40  construction and  engineering  drawings  and  information  demonstrating
    41  compliance with the criteria in paragraph (g) of this subdivision;
    42    (c)  a  municipal corporation may not require the collocation of small
    43  wireless facilities on any specific utility pole or category of poles or
    44  require multiple antenna systems on a single utility pole;  the  use  of
    45  specific pole types or configurations when installing new or replacement
    46  poles;  or  the underground placements of small wireless facilities that
    47  are or are designated in an application to be  pole-mounted  or  ground-
    48  mounted;
    49    (d)  a  municipal  corporation  may not limit the collocation of small
    50  wireless facilities by minimum horizontal separation  distance  require-
    51  ments  from  existing small wireless facilities, utility poles, or other
    52  structures;
    53    (e) a municipal corporation may require an  applicant  to  include  an
    54  attestation  that  the small wireless facilities will be operational for
    55  use by a wireless services provider within one  year  after  the  permit
    56  issuance  date,  unless  the  municipal  corporation  applicant agree to

        S. 7508                            119                           A. 9508

     1  extend this period or delay is caused by lack  of  commercial  power  or
     2  communications transport facilities to the site;
     3    (f)  within  ten days of receipt of an application, a municipal corpo-
     4  ration must determine and notify the applicant in  writing  whether  the
     5  application  is  complete.  If  an application is deemed incomplete, the
     6  municipal corporation must specifically identify the missing information
     7  in writing. The processing deadline in paragraph (g) of this subdivision
     8  is tolled from the time the authority sends the notice of incompleteness
     9  to the time the applicant provides the missing information.  Such  proc-
    10  essing  deadline  may also be tolled upon agreement of the applicant and
    11  the municipal corporation;
    12    (g) municipal corporations shall process applications on a  nondiscri-
    13  minatory  basis  and  such  applications shall be deemed approved if the
    14  municipal corporation fails to approve or deny  the  application  within
    15  sixty days of receipt of the application;
    16    (h) a municipal corporation may deny a proposed collocation of a small
    17  wireless  facility  or  installation,  modification  or replacement of a
    18  utility pole that meets the requirements of subdivision five of  section
    19  three hundred one of this article only if the proposed application:  (i)
    20  materially  interferes with the safe operation of traffic control equip-
    21  ment; (ii) materially interferes with sight lines  or  clear  zones  for
    22  transportation  or pedestrians; (iii) materially interferes with compli-
    23  ance with the Americans with Disabilities  Act  or  similar  federal  or
    24  state  standards  regarding pedestrian access or movement; (iv) fails to
    25  comply with reasonable and nondiscriminatory horizontal spacing require-
    26  ments of general application  adopted  by  ordinance  that  concern  the
    27  location of ground-mounted equipment and new utility poles. Such spacing
    28  requirements  shall  not  prevent  a  wireless provider from serving any
    29  location; (v) designates the location of a  new  utility  pole  for  the
    30  purpose  of  collocating  a small wireless facility within seven feet in
    31  any direction of an electrical conductor, unless the  wireless  provider
    32  obtains  the  written consent of the power supplier that owns or manages
    33  the electrical conductor; (vi) fails to comply with applicable codes; or
    34  (vii) fails to comply with subdivision six, seven or  eight  of  section
    35  three hundred one of this article;
    36    (i)  the  municipal  corporation must document the basis for a denial,
    37  including the specific code provisions on which the  denial  was  based,
    38  and  send  the  documentation  to the applicant on the day the authority
    39  denies an application. The applicant may cure the  deficiencies  identi-
    40  fied  by  the  municipal corporation and resubmit the application within
    41  thirty days of the denial without paying an additional application  fee.
    42  The  municipal corporation shall approve or deny the revised application
    43  within thirty days of resubmission and limit its review to the deficien-
    44  cies cited in the denial. Any application not acted upon  within  thirty
    45  days of resubmission shall be deemed approved;
    46    (j) an applicant seeking to collocate small wireless facilities within
    47  the  jurisdiction  of a single municipal corporation shall be allowed at
    48  the applicant's discretion to file a consolidated application for up  to
    49  thirty  small  wireless  facilities  and receive a single permit for the
    50  collocation of multiple small wireless  facilities;  provided,  however,
    51  the  denial  of  one or more small wireless facilities in a consolidated
    52  application shall not delay  processing  of  any  other  small  wireless
    53  facilities  in the same consolidated application. Solely for purposes of
    54  calculating the number of small wireless facilities  in  a  consolidated
    55  application,  a  small  wireless  facility  includes any utility pole on
    56  which such small wireless facility will be collocated;

        S. 7508                            120                           A. 9508

     1    (k) installation or collocation for which a permit is granted pursuant
     2  to this section shall be completed within  one  year  after  the  permit
     3  issuance  date  unless the municipal corporation and the applicant agree
     4  to extend this period or a delay is caused by  the  lack  of  commercial
     5  power  or communications facilities at the site. Approval of an applica-
     6  tion authorizes the applicant to:  (i)  undertake  the  installation  or
     7  collocation;  and (ii) subject to applicable relocation requirements and
     8  the applicant's right to terminate at any time, operate and maintain the
     9  small wireless facilities and any associated utility pole covered by the
    10  permit for a period of not less than ten years, which  must  be  renewed
    11  for  equivalent  durations  so  long  as they are in compliance with the
    12  criteria set forth in paragraph (g) of this subdivision;
    13    (l) no municipal corporation may institute,  either  expressly  or  de
    14  facto,  a  moratorium  on: (i) filing, receiving, or processing applica-
    15  tions; or (ii) issuing permits or  other  approvals,  if  any,  for  the
    16  collocation  of small wireless facilities or the installation, modifica-
    17  tion, or replacement of utility poles to support small wireless  facili-
    18  ties; and
    19    (m)  the  approval of the installation, placement, or maintenance of a
    20  small wireless facility pursuant to this section does not authorize  the
    21  installation, placement, maintenance, or operation of any other communi-
    22  cations  facility, including a wireline backhaul facility, in a right of
    23  way.
    24    5. When applications not required. A municipal corporation  shall  not
    25  require an application for routine maintenance, the replacement of small
    26  wireless facilities with small wireless facilities that are substantial-
    27  ly  similar or the same size or smaller, or the installation, placement,
    28  maintenance, operation, or replacement of micro wireless facilities that
    29  are suspended on cables that are strung between existing utility  poles,
    30  in  compliance  with  the applicable codes. A municipal corporation may,
    31  however, require a permit for work that requires excavation  or  closure
    32  of sidewalks or vehicular lanes within the ROW for such activities. Such
    33  a  permit  must be issued to the applicant on a non-discriminatory basis
    34  upon terms and conditions applied to any other  person's  activities  in
    35  the  right  of  way  that  require  excavation, closing of sidewalks, or
    36  vehicular lanes.
    37    § 303. Access to municipal corporation poles within the right of  way.
    38  1. Applicability. This section shall apply to activities of the wireless
    39  provider within the right of way.
    40    2. Exclusive use prohibited. A person owning, managing, or controlling
    41  municipal  corporation  poles  in the right of way may not enter into an
    42  exclusive arrangement with any person for the right to  attach  to  such
    43  poles.  A  person who purchases or otherwise acquires a municipal corpo-
    44  ration pole is subject to the requirements of this section.
    45    3. Allowances. A municipal corporation shall allow the collocation  of
    46  small wireless facilities on municipal corporation poles on nondiscrimi-
    47  natory  terms  and conditions using the process in section three hundred
    48  three of this article.
    49    4. Rates. (a) The rates to collocate on  municipal  corporation  poles
    50  shall  be  nondiscriminatory  regardless of the services provided by the
    51  collocating wireless provider.
    52    (b) The rate to collocate on municipal corporation poles  is  provided
    53  in section three hundred four of this article.
    54    5. Implementation, make-ready work. (a) The rates, fees, and terms and
    55  conditions  for  the  make-ready work to collocate on a municipal corpo-

        S. 7508                            121                           A. 9508

     1  ration  pole  must  be  nondiscriminatory,  competitively  neutral,  and
     2  commercially reasonable and must comply with this article.
     3    (b)  The municipal corporation shall provide a good faith estimate for
     4  any make-ready  work  necessary  to  enable  the  pole  to  support  the
     5  requested collocation by a wireless provider, including pole replacement
     6  if necessary, within sixty days after receipt of a complete application.
     7  Make-ready  work,  including  any  pole  replacement, shall be completed
     8  within sixty days of written acceptance of the good  faith  estimate  by
     9  the  applicant.  A  municipal corporation may require replacement of the
    10  municipal corporation's pole only if it demonstrates that  the  colloca-
    11  tion would make such pole structurally unsound.
    12    (c)  The  person owning, managing, or controlling the municipal corpo-
    13  ration's pole shall not require more make-ready work  than  required  to
    14  meet  applicable  codes  or industry standards. Fees for make-ready work
    15  shall not include costs related  to  pre-existing  or  prior  damage  or
    16  noncompliance. Fees for make-ready work, including any pole replacement,
    17  shall  not  exceed  either  actual  costs or the amount charged to other
    18  communications service providers for similar work and shall not  include
    19  any  revenue  or  contingency-based consultant's fees or expenses of any
    20  kind.
    21    § 304. Rates and fees. 1. Applicability. This section shall  govern  a
    22  municipal  corporation's  rates  and  fees  for the placement of a small
    23  wireless facility or associated utility pole.
    24    2. Permissible rates and fees. A municipal corporation may not require
    25  a wireless provider to pay any  rates,  fees,  or  compensation  to  the
    26  municipal  corporation  or  other  person  other  than what is expressly
    27  authorized by this article for the right to use or  occupy  a  right  of
    28  way,  for  collocation  of small wireless facilities on utility poles in
    29  the right of way, or for the  installation,  maintenance,  modification,
    30  operation and replacement of utility poles in the right of way.
    31    3. Application fees. A municipal corporation may charge an application
    32  fee,  so long as such fee is reasonable, nondiscriminatory, and recovers
    33  no more than an authority's direct costs for processing an  application;
    34  provided  however,  no  such  fee  shall  exceed the following: (a) five
    35  hundred dollars for the first five small wireless facilities on the same
    36  application and one hundred dollars for each additional  small  wireless
    37  facility  on  the same application; and (b) one thousand dollars for the
    38  installation, modification or replacement of  a  utility  pole  together
    39  with  the  collocation of an associated small wireless facility that are
    40  permitted uses in accordance with the specifications set forth in subdi-
    41  vision four of section three hundred two of this article.
    42    4. Rates. (a) Right of way: a municipal corporation may charge for the
    43  occupancy and use of the right of way, so long as such rate  is  reason-
    44  able, nondiscriminatory, and does not exceed the greater of the authori-
    45  ty's  direct costs or twenty dollars per year per small wireless facili-
    46  ty.
    47    (b) Municipal corporation pole collocation rate:  a  municipal  corpo-
    48  ration  may  charge  for  collocation  of a small wireless facility on a
    49  municipal corporation pole, so long as such rate is reasonable,  nondis-
    50  criminatory, and does not exceed the greater of authority's direct costs
    51  or two hundred fifty dollars per municipal corporation pole per year.
    52    5.    Rate  or  fee adjustment. Should a municipal corporation have an
    53  existing rate or fee to construct,  install,  mount,  maintain,  modify,
    54  operate, or replace a wireless facility or wireless support structure in
    55  the right of way, including collocation in such right of way, controlled
    56  by  the  municipal corporation and such rate or fee does not comply with

        S. 7508                            122                           A. 9508

     1  the requirements in this article, not later than the  end  of  the  next
     2  fiscal  year  immediately succeeding the effective date of this article,
     3  the municipal corporation shall implement  a  revised  rate  or  fee  to
     4  ensure compliance with this article for all affected persons.
     5    § 305. Cable services. This section applies to activities in the right
     6  of  way  only. Nothing in this article shall be interpreted to allow any
     7  entity to provide services regulated under 47 U.S.C. § 521 to 573  with-
     8  out  compliance  with  all  laws applicable to such providers, nor shall
     9  this article be interpreted to impose  any  new  requirements  on  cable
    10  providers for the provision of such service in this state.
    11    § 306. Local authority. Subject to this article and applicable federal
    12  law,  a municipal corporation may continue to exercise zoning, land use,
    13  planning and permitting authority within its territorial boundaries with
    14  respect to wireless support structures and utility poles, including  the
    15  enforcement of applicable codes.  A municipal corporation shall not have
    16  or  exercise any jurisdiction or authority over the design, engineering,
    17  construction, installation, or operation of a  small  wireless  facility
    18  located  in an interior structure or upon the site of a campus, stadium,
    19  or athletic facility not owned or controlled  by  the  municipal  corpo-
    20  ration,  other than to require compliance with applicable codes. Nothing
    21  in this article authorizes  the  state  or  any  political  subdivision,
    22  including  a municipal corporation, to require wireless facility deploy-
    23  ment or to regulate wireless services.
    24    § 307. Investor-owned electric utility poles. This  article  does  not
    25  apply  to utility poles owned by an investor-owned utility, except as it
    26  concerns a wireless provider's access to the right of  way  and  permits
    27  for the collocation of small wireless facilities on such utility poles.
    28    § 308. Implementation.  1. Adoption. A municipal corporation may adopt
    29  an ordinance that makes available to wireless providers rates, fees, and
    30  other  terms  that  comply  with  this  article.    Subject to the other
    31  provisions of this section, in the absence of an ordinance or  agreement
    32  that  fully  complies with this article and until such a compliant ordi-
    33  nance is adopted, if at all, a wireless provider may install and operate
    34  small  wireless  facilities  and  associated  utility  poles  under  the
    35  requirements  of this article. A municipal corporation may not require a
    36  wireless provider to enter into an agreement to implement this  article,
    37  but such agreements are permissible if voluntary and nondiscriminatory.
    38    2.  Ordinances and agreements.  Ordinances and agreements implementing
    39  this article are public/private arrangements and are matters of  legiti-
    40  mate and significant statewide concern.
    41    3.  Application.  An agreement or ordinance that does not fully comply
    42  with this article shall apply only  to  small  wireless  facilities  and
    43  associated utility poles that were operational before the effective date
    44  of this article, and shall be deemed invalid and unenforceable beginning
    45  on  the  one  hundred  eighty-first day after the effective date of this
    46  article unless amended to fully comply with this article.  If an  agree-
    47  ment  or ordinance is invalid in accordance with this subdivision, small
    48  wireless facilities and associated utility poles that became operational
    49  before the effective date of this article, pursuant to such agreement or
    50  ordinance, may remain installed and be operated under  the  requirements
    51  of this article.
    52    4.  Invalid and unenforceable.  An agreement or ordinance that applies
    53  to small wireless facilities and associated utility  poles  that  become
    54  operational  on  or  after the effective date of this article is invalid
    55  and unenforceable unless it fully complies with  this  article.  In  the
    56  absence of an ordinance or agreement that fully complies with this arti-

        S. 7508                            123                           A. 9508

     1  cle,  a wireless provider may install and operate small wireless facili-
     2  ties and associated utility poles in the right of way under the require-
     3  ments of this article.
     4    §  309.  Dispute  resolution.  A court of competent jurisdiction shall
     5  have jurisdiction to determine all disputes arising under this  article.
     6  Pending  resolution  of  a  dispute  concerning rates for collocation of
     7  small wireless facilities on municipal  corporation  poles,  the  person
     8  owning  or  controlling  the  pole shall allow the collocating person to
     9  collocate on its poles at annual rates of no more  than  twenty  dollars
    10  with rates to be trued up upon final resolution of the dispute.
    11    §  310.  Indemnification,  insurance,  and bonding. A municipal corpo-
    12  ration may  adopt  reasonable  indemnification,  insurance  and  bonding
    13  requirements  related  to small wireless facility and associated utility
    14  pole permits subject to the requirements of this article.
    15    1. Indemnification. A municipal corporation shall not require a  wire-
    16  less  provider  to  indemnify and hold the municipal corporation and its
    17  officers and employees harmless against any claims, lawsuits, judgments,
    18  costs, liens, losses, expenses or fees, except when a court of competent
    19  jurisdiction has found that the  negligence  of  the  wireless  provider
    20  while installing, repairing, or maintaining caused the harm that created
    21  such  claims,  lawsuits,  judgments,  costs, liens, losses, expenses, or
    22  fees.
    23    2. Insurance. A municipal corporation authority may require a wireless
    24  provider to have in effect insurance coverage consistent  with  subdivi-
    25  sion  one  of this section, so long as the municipal corporation imposes
    26  similar requirements on other right of way users and  such  requirements
    27  are  reasonable  and  nondiscriminatory. (a) A municipal corporation may
    28  not require a wireless provider to obtain insurance naming the municipal
    29  corporation or its officers and employees an additional insured.
    30    (b) A municipal corporation authority may require a wireless  provider
    31  to  furnish proof of insurance, if required, prior to the effective date
    32  of any permit issued for a small wireless facility.
    33    3. Bonding. A municipal corporation may adopt bonding requirements for
    34  small wireless facilities if the municipal corporation  imposes  similar
    35  requirements  in  connection  with permits issued for other right of way
    36  users.
    37    (a) The purpose of such bonds shall be to:
    38    (i) provide for the removal  of  abandoned  or  improperly  maintained
    39  small  wireless facilities, including those that a municipal corporation
    40  determines need to be removed  to  protect  public  health,  safety,  or
    41  welfare;  (ii)  restoration  of  the  right  of  way  in connection with
    42  removals under subdivision thirteen of section three hundred one of this
    43  article; or (iii) to recoup rates or fees that have not been paid  by  a
    44  wireless provider in over twelve months, so long as the wireless provid-
    45  er  has received reasonable notice from the municipal corporation of any
    46  of the non-compliance listed above and an opportunity to cure.
    47    (b) Bonding requirements may not exceed two hundred dollars per  small
    48  wireless  facility.  For wireless providers with multiple small wireless
    49  facilities within the jurisdiction of a  single  municipal  corporation,
    50  the  total bond amount across all facilities may not exceed ten thousand
    51  dollars, which amount may be combined into one bond instrument.
    52    § 2. The highway law is amended by adding a new section 24 to read  as
    53  follows:
    54    24.  Statewide  master license agreement.   The commissioner is hereby
    55  authorized to enter into a statewide master  license  agreement  with  a
    56  wireless  provider  for  use and occupancy of the state right of way for

        S. 7508                            124                           A. 9508

     1  the purposes of  installing  communications  facilities  on  utility  or
     2  department owned poles or new wireless provider owned poles. The commis-
     3  sioner  shall  include  elements  in  such  an agreement he or she deems
     4  appropriate  to  maintain  the  safety and effective management of state
     5  roadways.  Such statewide agreement may include a fee, not to exceed the
     6  greater of the department's direct costs, or an amount set forth in  the
     7  agreement  for use and occupancy of the right of way, per small wireless
     8  facility as that term is defined in subdivision twenty-four  of  section
     9  three  hundred  of  the  general  municipal law. Nothing in this section
    10  shall be deemed to prohibit the department from collecting any other fee
    11  it has established for any other permit the  department  issues  or  any
    12  other fee the department assesses any individual for any activity in the
    13  department's normal course of business.
    14    §  3.  This  act shall take effect on the thirtieth day after it shall
    15  have become a law.

    16                                   PART CC

    17    Section 1. Section 2 of chapter 584 of the laws of 2011, amending  the
    18  public authorities law relating to the powers and duties of the dormito-
    19  ry  authority  of the state of New York relative to the establishment of
    20  subsidiaries for certain purposes, as amended by section 1 of part X  of
    21  chapter 58 of the laws of 2018, is amended to read as follows:
    22    §  2.  This  act shall take effect immediately and shall expire and be
    23  deemed repealed on July 1, [2020] 2024; provided however, that the expi-
    24  ration of this act shall not impair  or  otherwise  affect  any  of  the
    25  powers,  duties,  responsibilities,  functions, rights or liabilities of
    26  any subsidiary duly  created  pursuant  to  subdivision  twenty-five  of
    27  section 1678 of the public authorities law prior to such expiration.
    28    § 2. This act shall take effect immediately.

    29                                   PART DD

    30    Section  1.  Subdivision  (a)  of section 2 and section 3 of part F of
    31  chapter 60 of the laws of 2015 constituting the  infrastructure  invest-
    32  ment act, subdivision (a) of section 2 of part F as amended by section 1
    33  of  part M of chapter 39 of the laws of 2019, and section 3 of part F as
    34  amended by section 3 of part RRR of chapter 59 of the laws of 2017,  are
    35  amended to read as follows:
    36    (a)  (i) "authorized state entity" shall mean the New York state thru-
    37  way authority, the department of transportation, the  office  of  parks,
    38  recreation  and  historic  preservation, the department of environmental
    39  conservation [and], the New York state bridge authority, the  office  of
    40  general  services, the dormitory authority, the urban development corpo-
    41  ration, the state university construction fund, the New York state Olym-
    42  pic regional development authority and the battery park city authority.
    43    (ii) Notwithstanding the provisions of subdivision 26 of section  1678
    44  of  the  public  authorities law, section 8 of the public buildings law,
    45  sections 8 and 9 of section 1 of chapter 359 of  the  laws  of  1968  as
    46  amended, section 103 of the general municipal law, and the provisions of
    47  any  other law to the contrary, the term "authorized state entity" shall
    48  also refer to only those agencies or authorities identified below solely
    49  in connection with the following authorized projects, provided that such
    50  an authorized state entity may utilize the alternative  delivery  method
    51  referred  to  as  design-build  contracts  solely in connection with the

        S. 7508                            125                           A. 9508

     1  following authorized projects should the total cost of each such project
     2  not be less than five million dollars ($5,000,000):

     3      Authorized Projects                     Authorized State Entity

     4  1.  Frontier Town                        Urban Development Corporation

     5  2.  Life Sciences Laboratory             Dormitory Authority & Urban
     6                                           Development Corporation

     7  3.  Whiteface Transformative Projects    New York State Olympic Regional
     8                                           Development Authority

     9  4.  Gore Transformative Projects         New York State Olympic Regional
    10                                           Development Authority
    11  5.  Belleayre Transformative Projects    New York State Olympic Regional
    12                                           Development Authority
    13  6.  Mt. Van Hoevenberg Transformative    New York State Olympic Regional
    14      Projects                             Development Authority
    15  7.  Olympic Training Center              New York State Olympic Regional
    16                                           Development Authority
    17  8.  Olympic Arena and Convention         New York State Olympic Regional
    18      Center Complex                       Development Authority
    19  9.  State Fair Revitalization            Office of General
    20      Projects                             Services
    21  10. State Police Forensic                Office of General
    22      Laboratory                           Services

    23    Notwithstanding  any  provision  of law to the contrary, all rights or
    24  benefits, including terms and conditions of employment,  and  protection
    25  of  civil  service  and  collective  bargaining  status  of all existing
    26  employees of authorized state entities [solely in  connection  with  the
    27  authorized  projects  listed  above,]  shall be preserved and protected.
    28  Nothing in this section shall result in the:  (1)  displacement  of  any
    29  currently  employed  worker  or  loss  of  position  (including  partial
    30  displacement such as a reduction in  the  hours  of  non-overtime  work,
    31  wages,  or  employment benefits) or result in the impairment of existing
    32  collective bargaining agreements; [and] (2) transfer of existing  duties
    33  and  functions related to maintenance and operations currently performed
    34  by existing employees of authorized  state  entities  to  a  contracting
    35  entity;  or  (3)  transfer  of  future  duties  and functions ordinarily
    36  performed by employees of authorized state entities to  the  contracting
    37  entity.  Nothing  contained  herein shall be construed to affect (A) the
    38  existing rights of employees pursuant to an existing collective bargain-
    39  ing agreement, and (B) the existing representational relationships among
    40  employee organizations  or  the  bargaining  relationships  between  the
    41  employer and an employee organization.
    42    If otherwise applicable, authorized projects undertaken by the author-
    43  ized   state  entities  listed  above  solely  in  connection  with  the
    44  provisions of this act shall be subject to  section  135  of  the  state
    45  finance  law,  section 101 of the general municipal law, and section 222
    46  of the labor law; provided, however, that an authorized state entity may
    47  fulfill its obligations under section 135 of the state  finance  law  or
    48  section  101 of the general municipal law by requiring the contractor to
    49  prepare separate specifications in accordance with section  135  of  the

        S. 7508                            126                           A. 9508

     1  state  finance  law  or section 101 of the general municipal law, as the
     2  case may be.
     3    §  3. Notwithstanding the provisions of section 38 of the highway law,
     4  section 136-a of the state finance law, [section]  sections  359,  1678,
     5  1680,  1680-a  and  2879-a  of  the  public  authorities  law, [section]
     6  sections 376, 407-a, 6281 and 7210 of the education law, sections 8  and
     7  9  of the public buildings law, section 11 of chapter 795 of the laws of
     8  1967, section 11 of section 1 of chapter 174 of  the  laws  of  1968  as
     9  amended, section 8 and 9 of section 1 of chapter 359 of the laws of 1968
    10  as amended, section 29 of chapter 337 of the laws of 1972, section 21 of
    11  chapter  464  of  the laws of 1972, section 103 of the general municipal
    12  law, and the provisions of  any  other  law  to  the  contrary,  and  in
    13  conformity with the requirements of this act, an authorized state entity
    14  may  utilize the alternative delivery method referred to as design-build
    15  contracts, in consultation with relevant local labor  organizations  and
    16  construction industry, for capital projects located in the state related
    17  to [the state's] physical infrastructure, including, but not limited to,
    18  [the  state's]  highways, bridges, buildings and appurtenant structures,
    19  dams, flood control projects, canals,  and  parks,  including,  but  not
    20  limited  to,  to  repair  damage  caused by natural disaster, to correct
    21  health and safety defects, to comply with federal and state laws, stand-
    22  ards, and regulations, to extend the useful  life  of  or  replace  [the
    23  state's]  highways, bridges, buildings and appurtenant structures, dams,
    24  flood control projects, canals, and parks or to improve or add  to  [the
    25  state's]  highways, bridges, buildings and appurtenant structures, dams,
    26  flood control  projects,  canals,  and  parks;  provided  that  for  the
    27  contracts  executed  by  the department of transportation, the office of
    28  parks, recreation and historic preservation, or the department of  envi-
    29  ronmental conservation, the total cost of each such project shall not be
    30  less than ten million dollars ($10,000,000).
    31    §  2. The opening paragraph and subdivision (a) of section 4 of part F
    32  of chapter 60 of  the  laws  of  2015  constituting  the  infrastructure
    33  investment act, as amended by section 4 of part RRR of chapter 59 of the
    34  laws of 2017, are amended to read as follows:
    35    An  entity  selected  by  an  authorized  state entity to enter into a
    36  design-build contract [shall] may be selected through a two-step method,
    37  as follows:
    38    (a) Step one. Generation of a list of entities that have  demonstrated
    39  the  general capability to perform the design-build contract.  Such list
    40  shall consist of a specified number of entities,  as  determined  by  an
    41  authorized  state  entity, and shall be generated based upon the author-
    42  ized state entity's review of responses to a publicly advertised request
    43  for qualifications. The authorized state entity's request for qualifica-
    44  tions shall include a general description of the  project,  the  maximum
    45  number of entities to be included on the list, the selection criteria to
    46  be used and the relative weight of each criteria in generating the list.
    47  Such  selection criteria shall include the qualifications and experience
    48  of the design and construction team, organization, demonstrated  respon-
    49  sibility,  ability  of the team or of a member or members of the team to
    50  comply with applicable requirements, including the provisions  of  arti-
    51  cles  145,  147  and 148 of the education law, past record of compliance
    52  with the labor law, and such other qualifications the  authorized  state
    53  entity  deems  appropriate  which  may  include  but  are not limited to
    54  project understanding, financial capability and record of past  perform-
    55  ance.  The  authorized state entity shall evaluate and rate all entities
    56  responding to the request for qualifications.  Based upon such  ratings,

        S. 7508                            127                           A. 9508

     1  the authorized state entity shall list the entities that shall receive a
     2  request  for  proposals  in  accordance  with  subdivision  (b)  of this
     3  section.   To the extent consistent with  applicable  federal  law,  the
     4  authorized  state  entity  shall  consider,  when  awarding any contract
     5  pursuant to this section, the  participation  of:  (i)  firms  certified
     6  pursuant to article 15-A of the executive law as minority or women-owned
     7  businesses  and  the  ability of other businesses under consideration to
     8  work with minority and women-owned  businesses  so  as  to  promote  and
     9  assist  participation  by  such  businesses;  [and]  (ii) small business
    10  concerns identified pursuant to subdivision (b) of section 139-g of  the
    11  state finance law; and (iii) firms certified pursuant to article 17-B of
    12  the  executive  law as service-disabled veteran-owned businesses and the
    13  ability of other businesses under consideration to  work  with  service-
    14  disabled  veteran-owned  businesses  so as to promote and assist partic-
    15  ipation by such businesses.
    16    § 3. Sections 7 and 8 of part F of chapter 60  of  the  laws  of  2015
    17  constituting  the  infrastructure  investment act are amended to read as
    18  follows:
    19    § 7. If otherwise  applicable,  capital  projects  undertaken  by  the
    20  authorized state entity pursuant to this act shall be subject to section
    21  135  of  the state finance law, section 101 of the general municipal law
    22  and section 222 of the labor law; provided, however, that an  authorized
    23  state  entity may fulfill its obligations under section 135 of the state
    24  finance law or section 101 of the general municipal law by requiring the
    25  contractor to prepare separate specifications in accordance with section
    26  135 of the state finance law or section 101  of  the  general  municipal
    27  law, as the case may be.
    28    §  8. Each contract entered into by the authorized state entity pursu-
    29  ant to this section shall comply with the objectives and goals of minor-
    30  ity and women-owned business enterprises pursuant to article 15-A of the
    31  executive law and of service-disabled veteran-owned business enterprises
    32  pursuant to article 17-B of the executive law or, for projects receiving
    33  federal aid, shall  comply  with  applicable  federal  requirements  for
    34  disadvantaged business enterprises.
    35    §  4. Paragraph 3 of subdivision (a) and subdivision (b) of section 13
    36  of part F of chapter 60 of the laws of 2015 constituting the infrastruc-
    37  ture investment act, as amended by section 11 of part RRR of chapter  59
    38  of the laws of 2017, are amended to read as follows:
    39    3. (i) Utilizing a lump sum contract in which the contractor agrees to
    40  accept  a  set dollar amount for a contract which comprises a single bid
    41  without providing a cost breakdown for all costs such as for  equipment,
    42  labor, materials, as well as such contractor's profit for completing all
    43  items  of work comprising the project, which lump sum price may be nego-
    44  tiated and established  by  the  authorized  state  entity  based  on  a
    45  proposed guaranteed maximum price.
    46    (ii)  The design-build contract may include both lump sum elements and
    47  cost-plus not to exceed guaranteed maximum price elements and  may  also
    48  provide for professional services on a fee-for-service basis.
    49    (b)  Capital  projects  undertaken  by  an authorized state entity may
    50  include an incentive clause in  the  contract  for  various  performance
    51  objectives, but the incentive clause shall not include an incentive that
    52  exceeds the quantifiable value of the benefit received by the authorized
    53  state  entity.  [The] Notwithstanding the provisions of sections 136 and
    54  137 of the state finance law, the authorized state entity shall  [estab-
    55  lish]  require  such  performance  and  payment  bonds, or other form of
    56  undertaking as it deems necessary.

        S. 7508                            128                           A. 9508

     1    § 5. Part F of chapter 60 of the laws of 2015 constituting the infras-
     2  tructure investment act is amended by adding a new section 15-a to  read
     3  as follows:
     4    §  15-a.  Any contract awarded pursuant to this act shall be deemed to
     5  be awarded pursuant to a competitive procurement for purposes of section
     6  2879-a of the public authorities law.
     7    § 6. Section 17 of part F of chapter 60 of the laws of 2015 constitut-
     8  ing the infrastructure investment act, as amended by section 1  of  part
     9  WWW of chapter 59 of the laws of 2019, is amended to read as follows:
    10    §  17.  This act shall take effect immediately and shall expire and be
    11  deemed repealed [6 years after such date]  on  July  1,  2023,  provided
    12  that,  projects  with  requests  for qualifications issued prior to such
    13  repeal shall be permitted to continue  under  this  act  notwithstanding
    14  such repeal.
    15    §  7.  This act shall take effect immediately; provided, however, that
    16  the amendments to part F of chapter 60 of  the  laws  of  2015  made  by
    17  sections one, two, three, four and five of this act shall not affect the
    18  repeal of such part and shall be deemed to repeal therewith.

    19                                   PART EE

    20    Section  1.  Subdivision 3 of section 16-m of section 1 of chapter 174
    21  of the laws of 1968 constituting the New York  state  urban  development
    22  corporation  act, as amended by section 1 of part Z of chapter 58 of the
    23  laws of 2019, is amended to read as follows:
    24    3. The provisions of this section shall  expire,  notwithstanding  any
    25  inconsistent provision of subdivision 4 of section 469 of chapter 309 of
    26  the laws of 1996 or of any other law, on July 1, [2020] 2021.
    27    §  2.  This  act  shall take effect immediately and shall be deemed to
    28  have been in full force and effect on and after July 1, 2020.

    29                                   PART FF

    30    Section 1. Section 2 of chapter 393 of the laws of 1994, amending  the
    31  New York state urban development corporation act, relating to the powers
    32  of  the  New  York state urban development corporation to make loans, as
    33  amended by section 1 of part Y of chapter 58 of the  laws  of  2019,  is
    34  amended to read as follows:
    35    §  2.  This  act shall take effect immediately provided, however, that
    36  section one of this act shall expire on July 1, [2020]  2021,  at  which
    37  time the provisions of subdivision 26 of section 5 of the New York state
    38  urban  development  corporation  act shall be deemed repealed; provided,
    39  however, that neither the expiration nor the repeal of such  subdivision
    40  as provided for herein shall be deemed to affect or impair in any manner
    41  any  loan  made  pursuant  to the authority of such subdivision prior to
    42  such expiration and repeal.
    43    § 2. This act shall take effect immediately and  shall  be  deemed  to
    44  have been in full force and effect on and after April 1, 2020.

    45                                   PART GG

    46    Section  1.  Paragraph  (a)  of  subdivision  11 of section 400 of the
    47  economic development law, as amended by section 3 of part QQ of  chapter
    48  60 of the laws of 2016, is amended to read as follows:
    49    (a)  a  correctional facility, as defined in paragraph (a) of subdivi-
    50  sion four of section two of the correction law, that has  been  selected

        S. 7508                            129                           A. 9508

     1  by  the governor of the state of New York for closure after April first,
     2  two thousand eleven[ but no later than March thirty-first, two  thousand
     3  twelve]; or
     4    §  2.  This act shall take effect immediately; provided, however, that
     5  the amendments to section 400 of the economic development  law  made  by
     6  section  one of this act shall not affect the repeal of such section and
     7  shall be deemed repealed therewith.

     8                                   PART HH

     9    Section 1. Expenditures  of  moneys  by  the  New  York  state  energy
    10  research  and  development  authority  for  services and expenses of the
    11  energy  research,  development  and  demonstration  program,   including
    12  grants, the energy policy and planning program, the zero emissions vehi-
    13  cle  and  electric vehicle rebate program, and the Fuel NY program shall
    14  be subject to  the  provisions  of  this  section.  Notwithstanding  the
    15  provisions of subdivision 4-a of section 18-a of the public service law,
    16  all  moneys committed or expended in an amount not to exceed $22,700,000
    17  shall be reimbursed by assessment against gas corporations,  as  defined
    18  in  subdivision  11  of section 2 of the public service law and electric
    19  corporations as defined in subdivision 13 of section  2  of  the  public
    20  service  law, where such gas corporations and electric corporations have
    21  gross revenues from intrastate utility operations in excess of  $500,000
    22  in  the  preceding  calendar  year,  and  the  total amount which may be
    23  charged to any gas corporation and any electric  corporation  shall  not
    24  exceed  one  cent  per one thousand cubic feet of gas sold and .010 cent
    25  per kilowatt-hour of electricity sold  by  such  corporations  in  their
    26  intrastate  utility operations in calendar year 2018. Such amounts shall
    27  be excluded from the general assessment provisions of subdivision  2  of
    28  section  18-a of the public service law. The chair of the public service
    29  commission shall bill such gas and/or  electric  corporations  for  such
    30  amounts  on  or before August 10, 2020 and such amounts shall be paid to
    31  the New York state energy  research  and  development  authority  on  or
    32  before  September  10,  2020.  Upon  receipt,  the New York state energy
    33  research and development authority shall deposit such funds in the ener-
    34  gy research and  development  operating  fund  established  pursuant  to
    35  section  1859  of  the public authorities law. The New York state energy
    36  research and development authority is authorized and  directed  to:  (1)
    37  transfer  up  to $4 million to the state general fund for climate change
    38  related services and expenses of the department of environmental conser-
    39  vation, $150,000 to the state general fund for services and expenses  of
    40  the department of agriculture and markets, and $825,000 to the Universi-
    41  ty of Rochester laboratory for laser energetics from the funds received;
    42  and  (2)  commencing in 2016, provide to the chair of the public service
    43  commission and the director of the budget and the chairs and secretaries
    44  of the legislative fiscal committees, on or before August first of  each
    45  year, an itemized record, certified by the president and chief executive
    46  officer  of the authority, or his or her designee, detailing any and all
    47  expenditures and commitments ascribable to moneys received as  a  result
    48  of  this  assessment  by  the  chair of the department of public service
    49  pursuant to section 18-a of the  public  service  law.    This  itemized
    50  record  shall include an itemized breakdown of the programs being funded
    51  by this section and the amount committed to each program.  The authority
    52  shall not commit for  any  expenditure,  any  moneys  derived  from  the
    53  assessment provided for in this section, until the chair of such author-
    54  ity  shall  have  submitted,  and  the director of the budget shall have

        S. 7508                            130                           A. 9508

     1  approved, a comprehensive financial plan encompassing all moneys  avail-
     2  able to and all anticipated commitments and expenditures by such author-
     3  ity from any source for the operations of such authority.  Copies of the
     4  approved  comprehensive financial plan shall be immediately submitted by
     5  the chair to the  chairs  and  secretaries  of  the  legislative  fiscal
     6  committees.    Any  such  amount  not  committed  by  such  authority to
     7  contracts or contracts to  be  awarded  or  otherwise  expended  by  the
     8  authority  during the fiscal year shall be refunded by such authority on
     9  a pro-rata basis to such gas and/or electric corporations, in  a  manner
    10  to  be  determined  by  the department of public service, and any refund
    11  amounts must be explicitly lined out in the  itemized  record  described
    12  above.
    13    §  2.  This  act  shall take effect immediately and shall be deemed to
    14  have been in full force and effect on and after April 1, 2020.

    15                                   PART II

    16    Section 1. The closing paragraph of subdivision 1 of  section  161  of
    17  the  labor  law, as added by chapter 105 of the laws of 2019, is amended
    18  to read as follows:
    19    Every person employed as a farm laborer  shall  be  allowed  at  least
    20  twenty-four  consecutive  hours of rest in each and every calendar week.
    21  This requirement shall not apply  to  the  employer  or  parent,  child,
    22  spouse  or  other  member  of the employer's immediate family.  The term
    23  "employer" shall have the same meaning as defined in paragraphs (a)  and
    24  (b) of subdivision two of section seven hundred one of this chapter. The
    25  term  "immediate  family  member" shall mean family related to the third
    26  degree of consanguinity or affinity. Twenty-four consecutive hours spent
    27  at rest because of circumstances, such as weather  or  crop  conditions,
    28  shall  be  deemed  to constitute the rest required by this paragraph. No
    29  provision of this paragraph shall prohibit a farm laborer from voluntar-
    30  ily agreeing to work on such day of rest  required  by  this  paragraph,
    31  provided  that the farm laborer is compensated at an overtime rate which
    32  is at least one and one-half times the laborer's regular rate of pay for
    33  all hours worked on such day of rest. The term "farm labor" as  used  in
    34  this  section  and sections one hundred sixty-two and one hundred sixty-
    35  three-a of this article shall include all services performed in agricul-
    36  tural  employment  in  connection  with  cultivating  the  soil,  or  in
    37  connection  with  raising  or  harvesting  of  agricultural commodities,
    38  including the raising, shearing, caring for and management of livestock,
    39  poultry or dairy. The day of  rest  authorized  under  this  subdivision
    40  should, whenever possible, coincide with the traditional day reserved by
    41  the farm laborer for religious worship.
    42    §  2.  Section  163-a of the labor law, as added by chapter 105 of the
    43  laws of 2019, is amended to read as follows:
    44    § 163-a. Farm laborers. No person  or  corporation  operating  a  farm
    45  shall  require any [employee] farm laborer to work more than sixty hours
    46  in  any  calendar  week;  provided,  however,  that  any  overtime  work
    47  performed by a farm laborer shall be at a rate which is at least one and
    48  one-half  times the laborer's regular rate of pay. No wage order subject
    49  to the provisions of this chapter shall be applicable to a farm  laborer
    50  other  than  a  wage  order  established pursuant to section six hundred
    51  seventy-four or six hundred seventy-four-a of this chapter.
    52    § 3. Paragraph (c) of subdivision 3 of section 701 of the  labor  law,
    53  as  added  by  chapter  105  of  the laws of 2019, is amended to read as
    54  follows:

        S. 7508                            131                           A. 9508

     1    (c) The term "employee" shall also include farm laborers. "Farm labor-
     2  ers" shall mean any individual engaged or permitted by  an  employer  to
     3  work on a farm, except the parent, spouse, child, or other member of the
     4  employer's  immediate family.   The term "immediate family member" shall
     5  mean family related to the third degree of consanguinity or affinity.
     6    § 4. This act shall take effect immediately.

     7                                   PART JJ

     8    Section  1.  Section  103  of  the general municipal law is amended by
     9  adding a new subdivision 9-b to read as follows:
    10    9-b. Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions of this section  to  the
    11  contrary,  a  board of education, on behalf of its school district, or a
    12  board of cooperative educational  services,  that  purchases  goods  and
    13  services  for  the  federal  child  nutrition  programs  may use its own
    14  procurement procedures which adhere to applicable local laws  and  regu-
    15  lations,  provided  that  procurements  made  with nonprofit school food
    16  account funds adhere to the standards set forth in the  national  school
    17  lunch  program (7 CFR 210), school breakfast program (7 CFR 220), summer
    18  food service program (7 CFR 225), and in 2 CFR part 200, subpart  D,  as
    19  applicable.
    20    § 2. This act shall take effect immediately.

    21                                   PART KK

    22    Section  1.  Subdivision 4 of section 1285-j of the public authorities
    23  law is amended by adding a new closing paragraph to read as follows:
    24    Subject to any applicable provisions of  federal  or  state  law,  any
    25  financial  assistance  at  an  interest rate of zero percent provided to
    26  municipalities that meet the hardship criteria established  pursuant  to
    27  section  17-1909 of the environmental conservation law, may have a final
    28  maturity up to forty years following completion of the eligible project.
    29    § 2. Subdivision 4 of section 1285-m of the public authorities law  is
    30  amended by adding a new closing paragraph to read as follows:
    31    Subject  to  any  applicable  provisions  of federal or state law, any
    32  financial assistance at an interest rate of  zero  percent  provided  to
    33  municipalities  that  meet the hardship criteria established pursuant to
    34  title four of article eleven of the public health law, may have a  final
    35  maturity up to forty years following completion of the eligible project.
    36    § 3. This act shall take effect immediately.

    37                                   PART LL

    38    Section  1.  The  banking  law is amended by adding a new article 7 to
    39  read as follows:
    40                                 ARTICLE VII
    41                      LICENSED CONSUMER DEBT COLLECTORS
    42  Section 295. Definitions.
    43          296. License required; entities exempt.
    44          297. Application for license; fees.
    45          298. Surety bond required.
    46          299. Examination; books and records; reports.
    47          300. Prohibited acts.
    48          301. Regulations; minimum standards.
    49          302. Application for acquisition of control of a  consumer  debt
    50                 collector.

        S. 7508                            132                           A. 9508

     1          303. Suspension and revocation.
     2          304. Bad actors.
     3    § 295. Definitions. As used in this article:
     4    1. "Applicant" means a consumer debt collector who has filed an appli-
     5  cation to obtain a license under this article.
     6    2.  "Communication"  and "communicate" means the conveying of informa-
     7  tion regarding a debt directly or indirectly to any person  through  any
     8  medium.
     9    3.  "Consumer  debt"  means any obligation of a natural person for the
    10  payment of money or its equivalent which arises  out  of  a  transaction
    11  which  was  primarily  for  personal, family, or household purposes. The
    12  term includes an obligation of a  natural  person  who  is  a  co-maker,
    13  endorser, guarantor or surety of such a transaction.
    14    4.  "Consumer  debtor" means any natural person obligated or allegedly
    15  obligated to pay any consumer debt.
    16    5. "Consumer debt collector" means any person who engages in  a  busi-
    17  ness,  a  principal purpose of which is the collection of consumer debts
    18  or of debt buying, or who regularly collects  or  attempts  to  collect,
    19  directly  or  indirectly,  consumer debts owed or due to another person.
    20  The term includes any creditor who, in the process of collecting its own
    21  consumer debts, and uses any name other than its own which would reason-
    22  ably indicate that a third person is collecting or attempting to collect
    23  a consumer debt.
    24    6. "Control" means the possession, direct or indirect, of the power to
    25  direct or cause the direction  of  the  management  and  policies  of  a
    26  person, whether through the ownership of voting securities, by contract,
    27  except  a  commercial  contract for goods or non-management services, or
    28  otherwise; but no person shall be deemed to control another person sole-
    29  ly by reason of his or her being an officer or director  of  such  other
    30  person.  Control  shall  be  presumed to exist if any person directly or
    31  indirectly owns, controls or holds with the power to vote ten percent or
    32  more of the voting securities of any other person.
    33    7. "Creditor" means any person to whom a consumer debt is owed.
    34    8. "Licensee" means a consumer debt collector that  possesses  one  or
    35  more licenses pursuant to this article.
    36    9.  "Person"  means  a natural person or any entity, including but not
    37  limited to any partnership, corporation,  branch,  agency,  association,
    38  organization,  any  similar  entity  or any combination of the foregoing
    39  acting in concert.
    40    § 296. License required; entities exempt. 1. No person shall act with-
    41  in this state as a consumer  debt  collector,  directly  or  indirectly,
    42  without  first  obtaining  a license from the superintendent. A consumer
    43  debt collector is acting within this state if it is seeking  to  collect
    44  from any consumer debtor that resides within this state.
    45    2.  No  creditor may utilize the services of a consumer debt collector
    46  to collect from a consumer debtor that resides within this state  unless
    47  the consumer debt collector is licensed by the superintendent.
    48    3.  The requirements of subdivisions one and two of this section shall
    49  not apply to:
    50    (a) an individual employed by a licensed consumer debt collector  when
    51  attempting to collect on behalf of such consumer debt collector;
    52    (b)  a person who receives funds in escrow for subsequent distribution
    53  to others, including, but not limited to, a real estate broker or lender
    54  holding funds of borrowers for payment of taxes or insurance;
    55    (c) any public officer acting in their official capacity;

        S. 7508                            133                           A. 9508

     1    (d) a person who is principally engaged in the business  of  servicing
     2  loans  or  accounts which are not delinquent for the owners thereof when
     3  in addition to requesting payment from delinquent consumer debtors,  the
     4  person provides other services including receipt of payment, accounting,
     5  record-keeping,  data  processing  services  and remitting, for loans or
     6  accounts which are current as well as those which are delinquent;
     7    (e) any person while serving or attempting to serve legal  process  on
     8  any  other  person  in  connection  with the judicial enforcement of any
     9  debt;
    10    (f) any non-profit organization which, at the request  of  a  consumer
    11  debtor,  performs  bona  fide  consumer  credit  counseling  and assists
    12  customers in the liquidation of their debts by receiving  payments  from
    13  such consumer debtors and distributing such amounts to creditors;
    14    (g)  any national bank, federal reserve bank, or agency or division of
    15  the federal government, or any person, partnership, association,  corpo-
    16  ration  or  other  organization  doing business under or pursuant to the
    17  provisions of this chapter,  or  any  insurer  doing  business  under  a
    18  license issued under the insurance law; and
    19    (h)  a  subsidiary  or affiliate of any national bank, federal reserve
    20  bank, or agency or division of the federal government,  or  any  person,
    21  partnership,  association, corporation or other organization doing busi-
    22  ness under or pursuant to the provisions of this chapter or any  insurer
    23  doing  business under a license issued under the insurance law, provided
    24  such affiliate or subsidiary is not primarily engaged in the business of
    25  purchasing and collecting upon delinquent debt,  other  than  delinquent
    26  debt secured by real property.
    27    §  297.  Application  for  license;  fees. 1. (a) An application for a
    28  license under this article shall be in writing, under oath, and  in  the
    29  form prescribed by the superintendent and shall contain such information
    30  as the superintendent may require.
    31    (b)  The  superintendent may reject an application for a license or an
    32  application for the renewal of a license if he or she is  not  satisfied
    33  that  the financial responsibility, character, reputation, integrity and
    34  general fitness of the applicant and of the owners, partners or  members
    35  thereof,  if  the  applicant be a partnership or association, and of the
    36  officers and directors, if the applicant be a corporation, are  such  as
    37  to  command  the confidence of the public and to warrant the belief that
    38  the business for which the application for a license is  filed  will  be
    39  operated lawfully, honestly and fairly.
    40    (c)  In  addition  to  any  other  information  the superintendent may
    41  require the application to also include a description of the  activities
    42  of  the  applicant,  in  such detail and for such periods, as the super-
    43  intendent may establish.
    44    2. At the time of making the application for a license, the  applicant
    45  shall  pay to the superintendent a fee as prescribed pursuant to section
    46  eighteen-a of this chapter for each proposed location, for investigating
    47  the application.
    48    3. In addition to any other fee imposed on an applicant  or  licensee,
    49  every  licensee  shall pay to the superintendent the sums provided to be
    50  paid under the provisions of section two hundred six  of  the  financial
    51  services law.
    52    4.  The  license  shall be for a period of one year as of the first of
    53  September each year, or such other date as determined by the superinten-
    54  dent by regulation.
    55    5. Each license shall plainly state the name of the licensee  and  the
    56  city  or  town  with  the  name of the street and number, if any, of the

        S. 7508                            134                           A. 9508

     1  place where the business is to be  carried  on.  A  licensee  shall  not
     2  change  the location where the business of the licensee is to be carried
     3  on without first obtaining the prior approval of the  superintendent.  A
     4  request  for relocation shall be in writing setting forth the reason for
     5  the request, and shall be accompanied by a relocation investigation  fee
     6  to be determined pursuant to section eighteen-a of this chapter.
     7    6.  The  business  shall  at all times be conducted in the name of the
     8  licensee as it appears on the license.
     9    7. The license shall not be transferable nor assignable.
    10    8. The superintendent  may  participate  in  a  multi-state  licensing
    11  system  for  the sharing of regulatory information and for the licensing
    12  and application, by electronic or other means, of  entities  engaged  in
    13  the  business  of  debt  collection.  The  superintendent  may establish
    14  requirements for participation by an applicant in a multi-state  licens-
    15  ing  system  which  may  vary  from  the provisions of this section. The
    16  superintendent may require a background investigation of each  applicant
    17  for  a  consumer  debt  collector license by means of fingerprint, which
    18  shall be submitted by all applicants simultaneously with an  application
    19  and  which  the  superintendent  may  submit to the division of criminal
    20  justice services and the federal bureau of investigations for state  and
    21  national  criminal history record checks. If the applicant is a partner-
    22  ship, association, corporation or other form of  business  organization,
    23  the  superintendent  may  require  a  background  investigation for each
    24  member, director and principal officer of the applicant and any individ-
    25  ual acting as a manager of an office location. The applicant  shall  pay
    26  directly  to the multi-state licensing system any additional fees relat-
    27  ing to participation in the multi-state licensing system.
    28    § 298. Surety bond required. 1. A consumer  debt  collector  shall  be
    29  required to file and maintain in force a surety bond, issued by a domes-
    30  tic  insurer,  as  a  condition precedent to the issuance or renewal and
    31  maintenance of a license under this article.  The bond shall be for  the
    32  benefit  of  creditors  who  obtain a judgment from a court of competent
    33  jurisdiction based on the failure of  the  consumer  debt  collector  to
    34  remit  money  collected  on  account and owed to the creditor.  The bond
    35  shall also be for the benefit of consumer debtors  who  obtain  judgment
    36  from  a  court  of  competent  jurisdiction  based on a violation by the
    37  consumer debt collector of the federal Fair Debt Collection Practice Act
    38  or any other New York law or federal law  which  is  applicable  to  the
    39  consumer  debt collector.  The bond shall be in a form prescribed by the
    40  superintendent in the sum of twenty-five thousand  dollars.    The  bond
    41  shall  be  continuous in form and run concurrently with the original and
    42  each renewal license period unless terminated by the insurance  company.
    43  An insurance company may terminate a bond and avoid further liability by
    44  filing  a  notice of termination with the department sixty days prior to
    45  the termination and at the same time sending  the  same  notice  to  the
    46  consumer debt collector.
    47    2.  A license shall be automatically cancelled on the termination date
    48  of the bond unless a new bond is filed with  the  department  to  become
    49  effective at the termination date of the prior bond.
    50    3.  If  a  license has been cancelled under this section, the consumer
    51  debt collector must file a new application to obtain a license and  will
    52  be considered a new applicant if it obtains a new bond.
    53    4.  For the purposes of this section the term "domestic insurer" shall
    54  have the same meaning as given in  section  one  hundred  seven  of  the
    55  insurance  law.    If  a bond required by this section is not reasonably
    56  available from a domestic insurer the superintendent may, in his or  her

        S. 7508                            135                           A. 9508

     1  discretion,  permit,  on a case by case basis or by order, consumer debt
     2  collectors to obtain the bond required by this section from  such  other
     3  entities  licensed  by the department as the superintendent deems appro-
     4  priate.
     5    §  299. Examination; books and records; reports. 1. For the purpose of
     6  enforcing the provisions of this article and for ensuring the  safe  and
     7  sound operation of the consumer debt collector business, the superinten-
     8  dent  may  at  any  time,  and  as  often  as  may be determined, either
     9  personally or by a person duly appointed by the superintendent, investi-
    10  gate the loans and business and examine the  books,  accounts,  records,
    11  and files used therein of every licensee.
    12    2.  The  superintendent and duly designated representatives shall have
    13  free access to the offices  and  place  of  business,  books,  accounts,
    14  papers,  records,  audio recordings, files, safes and vaults of all such
    15  licensees wherever located. The superintendent shall have  authority  to
    16  require the attendance of and to examine under oath all persons whomsoe-
    17  ver whose testimony may be required relative to such loans or such busi-
    18  ness.
    19    3.  The superintendent may also address to a licensee, or the officers
    20  thereof, any inquiry in relation to  its  transactions,  operations,  or
    21  conditions, or any matter connected therewith. Every person so addressed
    22  shall reply in writing to such inquiry promptly and truthfully, and such
    23  reply  shall  be,  if required by the superintendent, subscribed by such
    24  individual, or by such officer or officers  of  a  corporation,  as  the
    25  superintendent  shall  designate, and affirmed by them as true under the
    26  penalties of perjury.
    27    4. Each licensee shall keep  and  use  in  its  business  such  books,
    28  accounts,  and  records  as  will enable the superintendent to determine
    29  whether such licensee is complying with the provisions of  this  article
    30  and with the rules and regulations promulgated hereunder. Every licensee
    31  shall  preserve  such  books,  accounts,  and records, for at least five
    32  years after making the final entry regarding a consumer debt.  Preserva-
    33  tion  of  photographic  reproduction  thereof or records in photographic
    34  form, including an optical disk storage system and the use of electronic
    35  data processing equipment that  provides  comparable  records  to  those
    36  otherwise  required and which are available for examination upon request
    37  shall constitute compliance with the requirements of this section.
    38    5. Each licensee shall annually, on or  before  April  first,  file  a
    39  report  with  the  superintendent  giving such information as the super-
    40  intendent may require concerning the business and operations during  the
    41  preceding  calendar year of each licensed place of business conducted by
    42  such licensee within the state under authority  of  this  article.  Such
    43  report  shall  be  subscribed and affirmed as true by the licensee under
    44  the penalties of perjury and shall be in  the  form  prescribed  by  the
    45  superintendent.
    46    6.  In addition to annual reports, the superintendent may require such
    47  additional regular or special reports as may be deemed necessary to  the
    48  proper  supervision  of  licensees  under  this article. Such additional
    49  reports shall be in the form prescribed by the superintendent and  shall
    50  be subscribed and affirmed as true under the penalties of perjury.
    51    7. The expenses of every examination of the affairs of a consumer debt
    52  collector  subject to this section shall be borne and paid by the licen-
    53  see.
    54    § 300. Prohibited acts. 1. No consumer debt collector that is required
    55  to be licensed under this article shall engage in  unfair,  unconsciona-

        S. 7508                            136                           A. 9508

     1  ble,  deceptive,  false,  misleading, abusive, or unlawful acts or prac-
     2  tices.
     3    2.  Without limiting the general application of the prohibited acts in
     4  subdivision one of this section, it shall be unlawful for  any  consumer
     5  debt collector to:
     6    (a)  engage  in  any act or practice which would be a violation of the
     7  federal Fair Debt Collection Practice Act, any other  New  York  law  or
     8  federal  law  which is applicable to the consumer debt collector, or any
     9  act or practice which would be prohibited under section six hundred  one
    10  of the general business law if the consumer debt collector was a princi-
    11  pal creditor;
    12    (b) engage or retain the services of any person who, being required to
    13  be  licensed under this article, does not have a valid license issued by
    14  the department; or
    15    (c) cause any act to be done which violates this section.
    16    3. No consumer debt collector licensed under this article shall:
    17    (a) without the prior written and revocable consent  of  the  consumer
    18  debtor given directly to the debt collector or the express permission of
    19  a  court  of  competent jurisdiction, engage in any communication with a
    20  consumer debtor in connection with the collection of any debts:
    21    (i) at any unusual time or place or a time or  place  known  or  which
    22  should  be  known  to  be  inconvenient  to  the consumer debtor. In the
    23  absence of knowledge of circumstances to the contrary, a debt  collector
    24  shall  assume that the convenient time for communicating with a consumer
    25  debtor is after eight o'clock  antemeridian  and  before  eight  o'clock
    26  postmeridian, local time at the consumer debtor's location;
    27    (ii) if the debt collector knows the consumer debtor is represented by
    28  an attorney with respect to such debt and has knowledge of, or can read-
    29  ily  ascertain,  such  attorney's  name and address, unless the attorney
    30  fails to respond within a reasonable period of time to  a  communication
    31  from the debt collector or unless the attorney consents to direct commu-
    32  nication with the consumer debtor;
    33    (iii) at the consumer debtor's place of employment;
    34    (iv) more than two times in a seven day period;
    35    (v) by voicemail on to any telephone that is known or which reasonably
    36  should  be  known  may  be  received  by someone other than the consumer
    37  debtor; or
    38    (vi) by means of electronic communications, including but not  limited
    39  to  SMS text message, messaging applications on mobile telephones, elec-
    40  tronic mail, Facebook, and other forms of social media.
    41    (b) communicate with a consumer debtor by postcard;
    42    (c) continue communication with a consumer debtor after  the  consumer
    43  debt collector's first communication if the debt collector fails to send
    44  the  consumer  debtor a notice in writing within five days of that first
    45  communication, which such notice shall be promulgated by the superinten-
    46  dent; or
    47    (d) continue to communicate with a consumer debtor  about  a  consumer
    48  debt  that  the  consumer debtor disputes without providing the consumer
    49  debtor with documents that verify the disputed consumer debt.
    50    § 301. Regulations; minimum standards.  The superintendent may promul-
    51  gate rules and regulations giving effect to the provisions of this arti-
    52  cle. Such rules and regulations may include but shall not be limited  to
    53  the  establishment  of minimum standards to be observed by consumer debt
    54  collectors acting within this state and further defining acts and  prac-
    55  tices  which  are  unfair, unconscionable, deceptive, false, misleading,
    56  abusive, or unlawful under section three hundred of this article.

        S. 7508                            137                           A. 9508

     1    § 302. Application for acquisition  of  control  of  a  consumer  debt
     2  collector.   1. No person shall acquire control of a licensee under this
     3  article without the prior approval of the superintendent.
     4    2.  Any  person  desirous of acquiring such control shall make written
     5  application to the superintendent, such application  shall  be  in  such
     6  form  and  shall  contain  such  information,  including the information
     7  required under section two hundred ninety-seven of this article, as  the
     8  superintendent  may  require and such person, at the time of making such
     9  application if not licensed, shall pay to the superintendent an investi-
    10  gation fee as prescribed pursuant to section eighteen-a of this chapter.
    11    3. In determining whether to approve or deny an application under this
    12  section, the superintendent shall consider:
    13    (a) whether the financial responsibility, experience,  character,  and
    14  general  fitness  of  the  person seeking to acquire control, and of the
    15  members thereof if such person be a partnership or association,  and  of
    16  the  officers,  directors  and  controlling stockholders thereof if such
    17  person be a corporation, are such as to command the  confidence  of  the
    18  community  and  to  warrant  belief  that  the business will be operated
    19  honestly, fairly, and efficiently within the purpose of this article;
    20    (b) the effect the acquisition may have on competition; and
    21    (c) whether the acquisition may be hazardous or prejudicial to consum-
    22  er debtors or consumer creditors in this state.
    23    4. If no such application has been made prior to  the  acquisition  of
    24  control,  the license for each place of business maintained and operated
    25  by the licensee shall, at the discretion of the  superintendent,  become
    26  null  and  void and each such license shall be surrendered to the super-
    27  intendent.
    28    § 303. Suspension and revocation.  In  addition  to  any  other  power
    29  provided by law, the superintendent may suspend or revoke the license of
    30  a  consumer  debt  collector,  if  after notice and an opportunity to be
    31  heard, the superintendent finds that a consumer debt collector has:
    32    1. committed any fraud, engaged in any dishonest  activities  or  made
    33  any misrepresentation;
    34    2.  violated  any  provisions of this chapter or any regulation issued
    35  pursuant thereto, or has violated any other law in the course of its  or
    36  his dealings as a consumer debt collector;
    37    3.  made a false statement or material omission in the application for
    38  a license under this article or failed to give a true reply to  a  ques-
    39  tion in such application; or
    40    4. demonstrated incompetency or untrustworthiness to act as a consumer
    41  debt collector.
    42    §  304. Bad actors. 1. In addition to any other power provided by law,
    43  the superintendent may require any  licensee  to  remove  any  director,
    44  officer  or  employee or to refrain from engaging or retaining any inde-
    45  pendent contractor  or  service  provider  if  such  director,  officer,
    46  employee,  independent contractor or service provider has themselves had
    47  a license under this chapter suspended or revoked,  or  has  caused  the
    48  licensee to violate any provision of this chapter or regulations promul-
    49  gated thereunder.
    50    2. No person that is the subject of an order under this section remov-
    51  ing  them  as  a  director, officer or employee or preventing a licensee
    52  from engaging or retaining them as an independent contractor or  service
    53  provider,  shall  become engaged with any licensee without obtaining the
    54  prior written approval of the superintendent. Nor shall such person fail
    55  to disclose that it is the subject of an order under this section to any

        S. 7508                            138                           A. 9508

     1  licensee for which it is acting or seeking to act as a  director,  offi-
     2  cer, employee, independent contractor or service provider.
     3    §  2.  Subdivision  10 of section 36 of the banking law, as amended by
     4  section 2 of part L of chapter 58 of the laws of  2019,  is  amended  to
     5  read as follows:
     6    10. All reports of examinations and investigations, correspondence and
     7  memoranda  concerning  or  arising  out of such examination and investi-
     8  gations, including any duly authenticated copy or copies thereof in  the
     9  possession  of  any  banking  organization,  bank holding company or any
    10  subsidiary thereof (as such terms "bank holding  company"  and  "subsid-
    11  iary"  are  defined in article three-A of this chapter), any corporation
    12  or any other entity affiliated with a banking  organization  within  the
    13  meaning  of  subdivision six of this section and any non-banking subsid-
    14  iary of a corporation or any other entity which is  an  affiliate  of  a
    15  banking  organization  within  the  meaning of subdivision six-a of this
    16  section, foreign banking corporation, licensed lender,  licensed  casher
    17  of   checks,  licensed  mortgage  banker,  registered  mortgage  broker,
    18  licensed mortgage  loan  originator,  licensed  sales  finance  company,
    19  registered  mortgage  loan  servicer,  licensed  student  loan servicer,
    20  licensed insurance  premium  finance  agency,  licensed  transmitter  of
    21  money,  licensed  budget  planner, licensed consumer debt collector, any
    22  other person or entity subject to supervision under this chapter, or the
    23  financial services law or the insurance law, or the department, shall be
    24  confidential communications, shall not be subject to subpoena and  shall
    25  not  be  made  public unless, in the judgment of the superintendent, the
    26  ends of justice and the public advantage will be subserved by the publi-
    27  cation thereof, in which event the superintendent may publish or author-
    28  ize the publication of a copy of any such report or any part thereof  in
    29  such  manner  as  may  be deemed proper or unless such laws specifically
    30  authorize  such  disclosure.  For  the  purposes  of  this  subdivision,
    31  "reports  of examinations and investigations, and any correspondence and
    32  memoranda concerning or arising out of such  examinations  and  investi-
    33  gations", includes any such materials of a bank, insurance or securities
    34  regulatory  agency or any unit of the federal government or that of this
    35  state any other state or  that  of  any  foreign  government  which  are
    36  considered  confidential  by  such  agency  or unit and which are in the
    37  possession of the department or which are otherwise confidential materi-
    38  als that have been shared by the department with any such agency or unit
    39  and are in the possession of such agency or unit.
    40    § 3. Paragraph (a) of subdivision 1 of section 44 of the banking  law,
    41  as  amended by section 4 of part L of chapter 58 of the laws of 2019, is
    42  amended to read as follows:
    43    (a) Without limiting any power granted to the superintendent under any
    44  other provision of this chapter, the superintendent may, in a proceeding
    45  after notice and a hearing, require any safe deposit  company,  licensed
    46  lender,  licensed  casher  of  checks,  licensed  sales finance company,
    47  licensed insurance  premium  finance  agency,  licensed  transmitter  of
    48  money,  licensed mortgage banker, licensed student loan servicer, regis-
    49  tered mortgage broker, licensed  mortgage  loan  originator,  registered
    50  mortgage  loan  servicer,  licensed  consumer debt collector or licensed
    51  budget planner to pay to the people of this  state  a  penalty  for  any
    52  violation  of  this  chapter, any regulation promulgated thereunder, any
    53  final or temporary order issued pursuant to section thirty-nine of  this
    54  article,  any  condition  imposed  in  writing  by the superintendent in
    55  connection with the grant of any application or request, or any  written
    56  agreement entered into with the superintendent.

        S. 7508                            139                           A. 9508

     1    §  4.  The opening paragraph of subdivision (a) of section 3218 of the
     2  civil practice law and rules, as amended by chapter 311 of the  laws  of
     3  1963, is amended to read as follows:
     4    Affidavit  of  defendant.  Except  as  provided  in section thirty-two
     5  hundred one of this article and subdivision (e) of this section, a judg-
     6  ment by confession may be entered, without an action, either  for  money
     7  due  or  to  become due, or to secure the plaintiff against a contingent
     8  liability in behalf  of  the  defendant,  or  both,  upon  an  affidavit
     9  executed by the defendant;
    10    §  5.  Section  3218 of the civil practice law and rules is amended by
    11  adding a new subdivision (e) to read as follows:
    12    (e) Prohibition on certain judgments by confession.   No  judgment  of
    13  confession  may  be entered on: 1. any amount due from one or more indi-
    14  viduals for personal, family, household, consumer, investment or non-bu-
    15  siness purposes;
    16    2. any amount under two hundred fifty thousand dollars  due  from  any
    17  person for any purpose; or
    18    3.  any amount due from any person that either: (i) is currently not a
    19  resident of the state, (ii) was not a resident of the state at the  time
    20  the  affidavit  authorizing  the entry of the judgment of confession was
    21  executed, or (iii) if not a natural person, does not  have  a  place  of
    22  business  in  the state or did not have a place of business in the state
    23  at the time the affidavit authorizing  the  entry  of  the  judgment  of
    24  confession was executed.
    25    §  6.  This  act shall take effect immediately, provided, however that
    26  sections one, two and three of this act shall take effect on October  1,
    27  2020.  Effective  immediately,  the addition, amendment and/or repeal of
    28  any rule or regulation necessary for the implementation of this  act  on
    29  its  effective date are authorized to be made and completed on or before
    30  such effective date.

    31                                   PART MM

    32    Section 1. The financial services law is amended by adding a new arti-
    33  cle 7 to read as follows:
    34                                  ARTICLE 7
    35                       STUDENT DEBT RELIEF CONSULTANTS
    36  Section 701. Definitions.
    37          702. Prohibitions.
    38          703. Disclosure requirements.
    39          704. Student debt consulting contracts.
    40          705. Penalties and other provisions.
    41          706. Rules and regulations.
    42    § 701. Definitions. (a) The term "advertisement" shall include, but is
    43  not limited to, all forms of marketing, and solicitation of  information
    44  related  to  securing or obtaining a student debt consulting contract or
    45  services. Further, it shall include  any  and  all  commonly  recognized
    46  forms  of  media marketing via television, radio, print media, all forms
    47  of electronic communication via the internet,  and  all  prepared  sales
    48  presentations  given  in  person  or  over  the  internet to the general
    49  public.
    50    (b) "Borrower" means any resident of this state  who  has  received  a
    51  student  loan  or  agreed in writing to pay a student loan or any person
    52  who shares a legal obligation with such resident for repaying a  student
    53  loan.

        S. 7508                            140                           A. 9508

     1    (c)  "FSA ID" means a username and password allocated to an individual
     2  by the federal government to enable the individual to log in to  certain
     3  United  States department of education websites, and may be used to sign
     4  certain documents electronically.
     5    (d) "Student loan" means any loan to a borrower to finance post-secon-
     6  dary education or expenses related to post-secondary education.
     7    (e)  "Student  debt consulting contract" or "contract" means an agree-
     8  ment between a borrower and a  consultant  under  which  the  consultant
     9  agrees to provide student debt consulting services.
    10    (f) "Student debt consultant" or "consultant" means an individual or a
    11  corporation,  partnership,  limited  liability company or other business
    12  entity that, directly or indirectly, solicits or undertakes student debt
    13  consulting services. A consultant does not include the following:
    14    (i) a person or entity who holds or  is  owed  an  obligation  on  the
    15  student  loan while the person or entity performs services in connection
    16  with the student loan;
    17    (ii) a bank, trust company,  private  banker,  bank  holding  company,
    18  savings  bank,  savings  and  loan  association, thrift holding company,
    19  credit union or insurance company  organized  under  the  laws  of  this
    20  state,  another state or the United States, or a subsidiary or affiliate
    21  of such entity or a foreign banking corporation licensed by  the  super-
    22  intendent of financial services or the comptroller of the currency;
    23    (iii)  a  bona fide not-for-profit organization that offers counseling
    24  or advice to borrowers;
    25    (iv) an attorney admitted to practice in the state of  New  York  when
    26  the attorney is providing student debt consulting services to a borrower
    27  free of charge;
    28    (v)  an institution of higher education wherein the borrower is or was
    29  enrolled; or
    30    (vi) such other persons as the superintendent prescribes or interprets
    31  by rule.
    32    (g) "Student debt consulting services" means services that  a  student
    33  debt  consultant  provides  to a borrower that the consultant represents
    34  will help to achieve any of the following:
    35    (i) stop, enjoin, delay, void, set aside, annul, stay  or  postpone  a
    36  default, bankruptcy, tax offset, or garnishment proceeding;
    37    (ii) obtain a forbearance, deferment, or other relief that temporarily
    38  halts repayment of a student loan;
    39    (iii)  assist  the borrower with preparing or filing documents related
    40  to student loan repayment;
    41    (iv) advise the borrower which student loan repayment plan or forgive-
    42  ness program to consider;
    43    (v) enroll the borrower in any student  loan  repayment,  forgiveness,
    44  discharge, or consolidation program;
    45    (vi)  assist  the  borrower in re-establishing eligibility for federal
    46  student financial assistance;
    47    (vii) assist the borrower in removing a student loan from default; or
    48    (viii) educate the borrower about student loan repayment.
    49    § 702. Prohibitions. A student  debt  consultant  is  prohibited  from
    50  doing the following:
    51    (a)  performing  student  debt  consulting services without a written,
    52  fully executed contract with a borrower;
    53    (b) charging for or accepting any payment for student debt  consulting
    54  services  before  the  full completion of all such services, including a
    55  payment to be  placed  in  escrow  or  any  other  account  pending  the
    56  completion of such services;

        S. 7508                            141                           A. 9508

     1    (c) taking a power of attorney from a borrower;
     2    (d)  retaining  any  original loan document or other original document
     3  related to a borrower's student loan;
     4    (e) requesting that a borrower provide  his  or  her  FSA  ID  to  the
     5  consultant, or accepting a borrower's FSA ID;
     6    (f)  stating  or  implying  that a borrower will not be able to obtain
     7  relief on their own;
     8    (g) misrepresenting, expressly or by implication, that:
     9    (i) the consultant is a part of, affiliated with, or endorsed or spon-
    10  sored by the government, government loan  programs,  the  United  States
    11  department of education, or borrowers' student loan servicers; or
    12    (ii)  some  or  all of a borrower's payments to the consultant will be
    13  applied towards the borrower's student loans;
    14    (h) inducing or attempting to induce  a  student  debtor  to  enter  a
    15  contract that does not fully comply with the provisions of this article;
    16  or
    17    (i) engaging in any unfair, deceptive, or abusive act or practice.
    18    §  703.  Disclosure  requirements. (a) A student debt consultant shall
    19  clearly and conspicuously disclose in all advertisements:
    20    (i) the actual services the consultant provides to borrowers;
    21    (ii) that borrowers can apply for and obtain consolidation loans  from
    22  the  United States department of education at no cost, including provid-
    23  ing a direct link in all written advertising to the application  materi-
    24  als  for  a direct consolidation loan from the U.S. department of educa-
    25  tion;
    26    (iii) that consolidation or other services offered by  the  consultant
    27  may not be the best or only option for borrowers;
    28    (iv)  that  a  borrower  may  obtain  alternative federal student loan
    29  repayment plans, including income-based programs, without  consolidating
    30  existing federal student loans; and
    31    (v)  that  borrowers  should  consider  consulting  their student loan
    32  servicer before signing any legal document concerning a student loan.
    33    (b) The disclosures required by subsection (a)  of  this  section,  if
    34  disseminated  through  print media or the internet, shall be clearly and
    35  legibly printed or displayed in not less than  twelve-point  bold  type,
    36  or,  if  the  advertisement  is printed to be displayed in print that is
    37  smaller than twelve-point, in bold type print that is  no  smaller  than
    38  the  print  in  which  the  text  of  the  advertisement  is  printed or
    39  displayed.
    40    (c) The provisions of this section shall apply to all consultants  who
    41  disseminate  advertisements  in  the  state of New York or who intend to
    42  directly or indirectly contact a borrower who has a student loan and  is
    43  a  resident  of  New  York state. Consultants shall establish and at all
    44  times maintain control over the content,  form  and  method  of  dissem-
    45  ination of all advertisements of their services. Further, all advertise-
    46  ments  shall be sufficiently complete and clear to avoid the possibility
    47  of deception or the ability to mislead or deceive.
    48    § 704. Student debt consulting contracts. (a) A student debt  consult-
    49  ing contract shall:
    50    (1) contain the entire agreement of the parties;
    51    (2) be provided in writing to the borrower for review before signing;
    52    (3)  be  printed in at least twelve-point type and written in the same
    53  language that is used by  the  borrower  and  was  used  in  discussions
    54  between  the  consultant  and  the  borrower  to describe the borrower's
    55  services or to negotiate the contract;

        S. 7508                            142                           A. 9508

     1    (4) fully disclose the exact nature of the services to be provided  by
     2  the consultant or anyone working in association with the consultant;
     3    (5) fully disclose the total amount and terms of compensation for such
     4  services;
     5    (6)  contain  the  name,  business address and telephone number of the
     6  consultant and the street address (if different) and facsimile number or
     7  email address of the consultant where communications from the debtor may
     8  be delivered;
     9    (7) be dated and personally signed by the borrower and the  consultant
    10  and be witnessed and acknowledged by a New York notary public; and
    11    (8)  contain  the following notice, which shall be printed in at least
    12  fourteen-point boldface type, completed with the name of  the  provider,
    13  and  located  in  immediate  proximity  to  the  space  reserved for the
    14  debtor's signature:
    16    You may cancel this contract, without any penalty  or  obligation,  at
    17  any   time  before  midnight  of  ________  (fifth  business  day  after
    18  execution).
    19    ___________ (Name of consultant) (the "consultant") or anyone  working
    20  for  the consultant may not take any money from you or ask you for money
    21  until the consultant  has  completely  finished  doing  everything  this
    22  contract says the consultant will do.
    23    You should consider contacting your student loan servicer before sign-
    24  ing  any  legal  document concerning your student loan. In addition, you
    25  may want to visit the New York State Department of  Financial  Services'
    26  student lending resource center at The
    27  law requires that this contract contain the entire agreement between you
    28  and  the  provider.   You should not rely upon any other written or oral
    29  agreement or promise."
    30    The provider shall accurately enter the date on  which  the  right  to
    31  cancel ends.
    32    (b)  (1)  The borrower has the right to cancel, without any penalty or
    33  obligation, any contract with a consultant until midnight of  the  fifth
    34  business  day following the day on which the consultant and the borrower
    35  sign a consulting contract. Cancellation occurs when the borrower, or  a
    36  representative  of  the  borrower,  either  delivers  written  notice of
    37  cancellation in person  to  the  address  specified  in  the  consulting
    38  contract or sends a written communication by facsimile, by United States
    39  mail  or  by  an established commercial letter delivery service. A dated
    40  proof of facsimile delivery or proof of mailing  creates  a  presumption
    41  that  the  notice  of  cancellation  has  been delivered on the date the
    42  facsimile is sent or the notice is deposited in the  mail  or  with  the
    43  delivery  service.    Cancellation  of  the  contract  shall release the
    44  borrower from all obligations to pay fees or any other  compensation  to
    45  the consultant
    46    (2)  The  contract  shall  be  accompanied  by  two  copies of a form,
    47  captioned "notice of cancellation" in at least twelve-point  bold  type.
    48  This form shall be attached to the contract, shall be easily detachable,
    49  and  shall  contain the following statement written in the same language
    50  as used in the contract, and the contractor shall insert accurate infor-
    51  mation as to the date on which the right to cancel ends and the contrac-
    52  tor's contact information:
    54    Note: You may cancel this contract, without any penalty or obligation,
    55  at any time before midnight of ________ (Enter date)

        S. 7508                            143                           A. 9508

     1    To cancel this contract, sign and date both copies of  this  cancella-
     2  tion  notice  and  personally  deliver one copy or send it by facsimile,
     3  United  States  mail,  or  an  established  commercial  letter  delivery
     4  service, indicating cancellation to the Consultant at one of the follow-
     5  ing:
     6    Name of Consultant _________________________
     7    Street Address _____________________________
     8    City, State, Zip ___________________________
     9    Facsimile: _________________________________
    10    I hereby cancel this transaction.
    11    Name of Borrower: __________________________
    12    Signature of Borrower: _____________________
    13    Date: ______________________________________"
    14    (3)  Within  ten  days  following  receipt of a notice of cancellation
    15  given in accordance with this subdivision, the consultant  shall  return
    16  any  original  contract and any other documents signed by or provided by
    17  the borrower.   Cancellation shall release the  borrower  of  all  obli-
    18  gations to pay any fees or compensation to the consultant.
    19    §  705.  Penalties  and  other  provisions.  (a) If the superintendent
    20  finds, after notice and hearing, that  a  consultant  has  violated  any
    21  provision  of  this  article,  the superintendent may: (1) make null and
    22  void any agreement between the borrower  and  the  consultant;  and  (2)
    23  impose  a  civil  penalty of not more than ten thousand dollars for each
    24  violation.
    25    (b) If the consultant violates any provision of this article  and  the
    26  borrower  suffers  damage  because  of  the  violation, the borrower may
    27  recover actual and consequential damages and costs from  the  consultant
    28  in  an  action based on this article. If the consultant intentionally or
    29  recklessly violates any provision of this article, the court  may  award
    30  the borrower treble damages, attorneys' fees and costs.
    31    (c)  Any provision of a student debt consulting contract that attempts
    32  or purports to limit the liability of the consultant under this  article
    33  shall  be null and void. Inclusion of such provision shall at the option
    34  of the borrower render the contract void. Any provision  in  a  contract
    35  which attempts or purports to require arbitration of any dispute arising
    36  under  this  article  shall  be  void at the option of the borrower. Any
    37  waiver of the provisions of this article shall be void and unenforceable
    38  as contrary to public policy.
    39    (d) The provisions of this article are not exclusive and are in  addi-
    40  tion to any other requirements, rights, remedies, and penalties provided
    41  by law.
    42    § 706. Rules and regulations. In addition to such powers as may other-
    43  wise be prescribed by this chapter, the superintendent is hereby author-
    44  ized  and  empowered  to promulgate such rules and regulations as may in
    45  the judgment of the superintendent be consistent with  the  purposes  of
    46  this  article,  or  appropriate for the effective administration of this
    47  article.
    48    § 2. Section 712 of the banking law is amended by adding a new  subdi-
    49  vision 3 to read as follows:
    50    3.  The department may also require the submission of the fingerprints
    51  of the applicant, which may be submitted to  the  division  of  criminal
    52  justice  services  and the federal bureau of investigation for state and
    53  national criminal history record checks.
    54    § 3. This act shall take effect immediately, provided,  however,  that
    55  section one of this act shall take effect October 1, 2020.

        S. 7508                            144                           A. 9508

     1                                   PART NN

     2    Section  1. Paragraph 2 of subsection (a) of section 104 of the finan-
     3  cial services law is amended to read as follows:
     4    (2) "Financial product or service" shall mean: (A) any financial prod-
     5  uct or financial service offered or provided by any person regulated  or
     6  required  to  be regulated by the superintendent pursuant to the banking
     7  law or the insurance law or  any  other  financial  product  or  service
     8  offered or sold to consumers [except financial products or services: (i)
     9  regulated  under  the  exclusive  jurisdiction  of  a  federal agency or
    10  authority, (ii) regulated  for  the  purpose  of  consumer  or  investor
    11  protection  by  any other state agency, state department or state public
    12  authority, or (iii) where rules or regulations promulgated by the super-
    13  intendent on such financial product or service  would  be  preempted  by
    14  federal law] or small businesses; [and]
    15    (B) the sale or provision to a consumer or small business of any secu-
    16  rity, investment advice, or money management device;
    17    (C)  any  warranty sold or provided to a consumer or small business or
    18  any guarantee or suretyship provided to a consumer;
    19    (D) any merchant cash advance provided to a consumer  or  small  busi-
    20  ness; or
    21    (E)  any contract involving any provision of subparagraphs (A) through
    22  (D) of this paragraph.
    23    "Financial product or service" shall [also] not include  [the  follow-
    24  ing,  when  offered  or  provided  by  a  provider  of consumer goods or
    25  services:  (i) the extension of credit directly to a consumer exclusive-
    26  ly for the purpose of enabling that consumer to purchase  such  consumer
    27  good  or  service  directly from the seller, (ii) the collection of debt
    28  arising from such credit, or (iii) the sale or conveyance of  such  debt
    29  that  is  delinquent  or  otherwise  in  default]  financial products or
    30  services where the rules or regulations promulgated by  the  superinten-
    31  dent on such financial products or services would be preempted by feder-
    32  al law.
    33    §  2.  Subsection  (a) of section 104 of the financial services law is
    34  amended by adding a new paragraph 6 to read as follows:
    35    (6) "Small business" shall mean  a  business  which  is  independently
    36  owned  and  operated,  has less than ten million dollars in annual gross
    37  receipts or sales, and employs one hundred or less persons.
    38    § 3. Subsection (a) of section 206 of the financial  services  law  is
    39  amended and a new subsection (g) is added to read as follows:
    40    (a) For each fiscal year commencing on or after April first, two thou-
    41  sand  twelve,  assessments  to  defray operating expenses, including all
    42  direct and indirect costs, of the department, except  expenses  incurred
    43  in  the  liquidation  of banking organizations, shall be assessed by the
    44  superintendent in accordance with  this  subsection.  Persons  regulated
    45  under  the insurance law shall be assessed by the superintendent for the
    46  operating expenses of the department that  are  solely  attributable  to
    47  regulating  persons  under  the  insurance  law, which shall include any
    48  expenses that were permissible to be assessed in fiscal year  two  thou-
    49  sand nine-two thousand ten, with the assessments allocated pro rata upon
    50  all  domestic  insurers and all licensed United States branches of alien
    51  insurers domiciled in this state within the meaning of paragraph four of
    52  subsection (b) of section seven  thousand  four  hundred  eight  of  the
    53  insurance  law,  in  proportion  to  the gross direct premiums and other
    54  considerations, written or received by them in  this  state  during  the
    55  calendar year ending December thirty-first immediately preceding the end

        S. 7508                            145                           A. 9508

     1  of  the fiscal year for which the assessment is made (less return premi-
     2  ums and considerations thereon) for policies or contracts  of  insurance
     3  covering  property  or risks resident or located in this state the issu-
     4  ance  of  which policies or contracts requires a license from the super-
     5  intendent. Persons regulated under the banking law shall be assessed  by
     6  the superintendent for the operating expenses of the department that are
     7  solely  attributable to regulating persons under the banking law in such
     8  proportions as  the  superintendent  shall  deem  just  and  reasonable.
     9  Persons  regulated  under  this  chapter shall be assessed by the super-
    10  intendent for the operating expenses of the department that  are  solely
    11  attributable to regulated persons under this chapter in such proportions
    12  as the superintendent shall deem just and reasonable. Operating expenses
    13  of  the  department not covered by the assessments set forth above shall
    14  be assessed by the superintendent in such proportions as the superinten-
    15  dent shall deem just and reasonable upon all domestic insurers  and  all
    16  licensed  United  States  branches  of  alien insurers domiciled in this
    17  state within the meaning of paragraph four of subsection (b) of  section
    18  seven  thousand  four  hundred  eight of the insurance law, and upon any
    19  regulated person under this chapter and  the  banking  law,  other  than
    20  mortgage  loan originators, except as otherwise provided by sections one
    21  hundred fifty-one and two hundred twenty-eight of the  workers'  compen-
    22  sation  law  and by section sixty of the volunteer firefighters' benefit
    23  law. The provisions of this subsection shall not be applicable to a bank
    24  holding company, as that term is defined in article three-A of the bank-
    25  ing law. Persons regulated under the banking law will  not  be  assessed
    26  for  expenses  that  the  superintendent deems to benefit solely persons
    27  regulated under the insurance  law,  and  persons  regulated  under  the
    28  insurance  law will not be assessed for expenses that the superintendent
    29  deems to benefit solely persons regulated under the banking law.
    30    (g) The expenses of every examination of the affairs of any  regulated
    31  person  subject  to  this chapter, shall be borne and paid by such regu-
    32  lated person so examined, but the superintendent, with the  approval  of
    33  the  comptroller, may, in the superintendent's discretion for good cause
    34  shown, remit such charges.
    35    § 4. The financial services law is amended by adding a new section 312
    36  to read as follows:
    37    § 312. Restitution.  In  any  administrative  proceeding  or  judicial
    38  action  brought  under  this  chapter, the banking law, or the insurance
    39  law, the superintendent may, in addition to any other penalty  or  sanc-
    40  tion  imposed  by  law,  order  the individual or entity subject to such
    41  proceeding or action to make restitution to all consumers harmed by such
    42  individual or entity's conduct.
    43    § 5. The financial services law is amended by adding a new section 313
    44  to read as follows:
    45    § 313. Unlicensed actors. Any person or entity  that  is  required  by
    46  this  chapter,  the  banking  law,  or the insurance law to be licensed,
    47  certified, registered, authorized, chartered,  accredited,  or  incorpo-
    48  rated  and  that  is  not specifically exempted from such applicable law
    49  shall be subject to the laws of this chapter, the banking law,  and  the
    50  insurance  law, and the penalties contained therein as if such person or
    51  entity was so licensed, certified,  registered,  authorized,  chartered,
    52  accredited,  or  incorporated,  even  if  such person or entity does not
    53  possess the  required  license,  certification,  registration,  authori-
    54  zation, charter, accreditation, or incorporation.
    55    §  6.  Subsection  (a) of section 408 of the financial services law is
    56  amended to read as follows:

        S. 7508                            146                           A. 9508

     1    (a) In addition to any civil or criminal liability  provided  by  law,
     2  the superintendent may, after notice and hearing, levy a civil penalty:
     3    (1)  not to exceed the greater of five thousand dollars [per] for each
     4  offense[,]; a multiple of two times the aggregate  damages  attributable
     5  to  the  offense; or a multiple of two times the aggregate economic gain
     6  attributable to the offense for:
     7    (A) any [intentional] fraud, [or intentional] misrepresentation [of  a
     8  material  fact],  or  unfair, deceptive, or abusive act or practice with
     9  respect to a financial product or service or involving any person offer-
    10  ing to provide or providing financial products or services or  involving
    11  any  service  provider  utilized  by  any  person offering to provide or
    12  providing financial products or services; or
    13    (B) any violation of state or federal fair debt  collection  practices
    14  or federal or state fair lending laws; [and] or
    15    [(2)  not  to exceed one thousand dollars for] (C) any other violation
    16  of this chapter or the  regulations  issued  thereunder,  provided  that
    17  there  shall  be  no  civil penalty under this section for violations of
    18  article five of this chapter or the regulations issued thereunder; and
    19    [(3)] (2) provided, however, that:
    20    (A) penalties for regulated persons under the banking law shall be  as
    21  provided  for  in  the  banking  law and penalties for regulated persons
    22  under the insurance law shall be as provided for in the  insurance  law;
    23  and
    24    (B)  the  superintendent shall not impose or collect any penalty under
    25  this section in addition to any penalty or fine  for  the  same  act  or
    26  omission that is imposed under the insurance law or banking law; and
    27    (C) nothing in this section shall affect the construction or interpre-
    28  tation  of  the term "fraud" as it is used in any other provision of the
    29  consolidated or unconsolidated law.
    30    § 7. Paragraph 1 of subsection (c) of section  109  of  the  insurance
    31  law,  as  amended  by  section 55 of part A of chapter 62 of the laws of
    32  2011, is amended to read as follows:
    33    (1) If the superintendent finds after  notice  and  hearing  that  any
    34  authorized  insurer,  representative  of the insurer, licensed insurance
    35  agent, licensed insurance broker, licensed adjuster, or any other person
    36  or entity licensed, certified, registered,  or  authorized  pursuant  to
    37  this  chapter,  has  wilfully violated the provisions of this chapter or
    38  any regulation promulgated thereunder, then the superintendent may order
    39  the person or entity to pay to the people of this state a penalty  in  a
    40  sum not exceeding [one] ten thousand dollars for each offense.
    41    § 8. This act shall take effect immediately.

    42                                   PART OO

    43    Section  1.  The banking law is amended by adding a new section 4-d to
    44  read as follows:
    45    § 4-d. Protecting vulnerable adults from  financial  exploitation.  1.
    46  Definitions. As used in this section:
    47    (a) "Banking institution" means any bank, trust company, savings bank,
    48  savings and loan association, credit union, or branch of a foreign bank-
    49  ing  corporation,  which  is  chartered, organized or licensed under the
    50  laws of this state or any other state or the United States, and, in  the
    51  ordinary course of business takes deposit accounts in this state.
    52    (b)  "Vulnerable  adult"  means  an  individual who, because of mental
    53  and/or physical impairment is potentially unable to manage  his  or  her
    54  own resources or protect himself or herself from financial exploitation.

        S. 7508                            147                           A. 9508

     1    (c) "Financial exploitation" means: (i) the improper taking, withhold-
     2  ing,  appropriation,  or  use  of a vulnerable adult's money, assets, or
     3  property; or (ii) any act or omission by a person, including through the
     4  use of a power of attorney, guardianship, or any other authority regard-
     5  ing a vulnerable adult to: (A) obtain control, through deception, intim-
     6  idation  or  undue influence, over the vulnerable adult's money, assets,
     7  or property or (B) convert the  vulnerable  adult's  money,  assets,  or
     8  property.
     9    (d)  "Transaction hold" means a delay in the completion of one or more
    10  financial transactions pending an investigation by  a  banking  institu-
    11  tion, adult protective services, or a law enforcement agency.
    12    (e)  "Adult  protective  services"  means the division of the New York
    13  City Human Resources Administration  and  each  county's  department  of
    14  human  services or department of social services responsible for provid-
    15  ing adult protective services pursuant to section four hundred  seventy-
    16  three of the social services law.
    17    (f) "Law enforcement agency" means any agency, including the financial
    18  frauds  and  consumer  protection  unit  of  the department of financial
    19  services, which is empowered by law to conduct an  investigation  or  to
    20  make  an  arrest for a felony, and any agency which is authorized by law
    21  to prosecute or participate in the prosecution of a felony.
    22    2. Application of transaction  hold.  (a)  If  a  banking  institution
    23  reasonably  believes:    (i) that financial exploitation of a vulnerable
    24  adult may have occurred, may have been attempted, or is being attempted;
    25  and (ii) that the placement of a transaction hold may  be  necessary  to
    26  protect  a  vulnerable adult's money, assets, or property from financial
    27  exploitation, then the banking institution may, at its discretion, apply
    28  a transaction hold on the account of a vulnerable adult, the account  on
    29  which  a vulnerable adult is a beneficiary, including a trust or guardi-
    30  anship account, or the account of a person who is reasonably believed by
    31  the banking institution to be engaging in the financial exploitation  of
    32  a vulnerable adult.
    33    (b)  A  banking  institution  may also apply a transaction hold on the
    34  account of a vulnerable adult, the account on which a  vulnerable  adult
    35  is  a  beneficiary,  including  a  trust or guardianship account, or the
    36  account of a person who is reasonably believed by the  banking  institu-
    37  tion to be engaging in the financial exploitation of a vulnerable adult,
    38  if:  (i)  adult protective services or a law enforcement agency provides
    39  information to the banking institution establishing a  reasonable  basis
    40  to  believe  that  financial exploitation of a vulnerable adult may have
    41  occurred, may have been attempted, or is being attempted; and  (ii)  the
    42  placement of a transaction hold may be necessary to protect a vulnerable
    43  adult's money, assets, or property from financial exploitation.
    44    (c) A banking institution that applies a transaction hold shall:
    45    (i)  make a reasonable effort to provide notice, orally or in writing,
    46  to all parties authorized to transact business on the account on which a
    47  transaction hold was placed within two business days of when the  trans-
    48  action hold was placed;
    49    (ii)  immediately, but no later than one business day after the trans-
    50  action hold is placed, report the transaction hold, including the  basis
    51  for  the banking institution's belief that the financial exploitation of
    52  a vulnerable adult may have occurred, may have  been  attempted,  or  is
    53  being  attempted,  to adult protective services and to a law enforcement
    54  agency;
    55    (iii) at the request of adult protective services or a law enforcement
    56  agency, provide all information and documents that relate to the  trans-

        S. 7508                            148                           A. 9508

     1  action  hold  within three business days of the request for the informa-
     2  tion or documents; and
     3    (iv)  notwithstanding  the transaction hold, make funds available from
     4  the account on which a transaction hold is placed to allow  the  vulner-
     5  able  adult  or  other  account  holder to meet his or her ongoing obli-
     6  gations such as housing and other living expenses or emergency  expenses
     7  as  determined by adult protective services, a law enforcement agency or
     8  a  not-for-profit  organization  that  regularly  provides  services  to
     9  vulnerable  adults  in  the  community  in  which  the  vulnerable adult
    10  resides.
    11    (d) During the pendency of a transaction hold, a  banking  institution
    12  may,  in  its  discretion, also make funds available from the account on
    13  which a transaction hold is placed to  allow  the  vulnerable  adult  or
    14  other  account  holder  to  meet  his or her ongoing obligations such as
    15  housing and other living expenses or emergency  expenses,  provided  the
    16  banking institution does not have a reasonable basis to believe that the
    17  dispersal  of such funds to the vulnerable adult or other account holder
    18  will result in the financial exploitation of the vulnerable  adult.  Any
    19  such  dispersal  of funds pursuant to this subdivision shall be reported
    20  within one business day after the dispersal is made to adult  protective
    21  services and to a law enforcement agency.
    22    (e)  The  superintendent may adopt regulations identifying the factors
    23  that a banking institution should consider in determining  whether:  (i)
    24  the  financial exploitation of a vulnerable adult may have occurred, may
    25  have been attempted, or is being attempted; and (ii) the placement of  a
    26  transaction  hold  is  necessary  to protect a vulnerable adult's money,
    27  assets, or property.
    28    3. Duration of transaction hold. (a) Subject to  paragraphs  (b),  (c)
    29  and  (d) of this subdivision, a transaction hold that a banking institu-
    30  tion places on an account pursuant to this section shall terminate  five
    31  business days after the date on which the transaction hold is applied by
    32  the  banking institution. A banking institution may terminate the trans-
    33  action hold at any time during this  five  day  period  if  the  banking
    34  institution is satisfied that the termination of the transaction hold is
    35  not likely to result in financial exploitation of a vulnerable adult.
    36    (b)  A transaction hold may be extended beyond the period set forth in
    37  paragraph (a) of this subdivision for up to an additional  fifteen  days
    38  at  the request of either adult protective services or a law enforcement
    39  agency.
    40    (c) A transaction hold may be extended beyond the periods set forth in
    41  paragraphs (a) and (b) of this subdivision only  pursuant  to  an  order
    42  issued by a court of competent jurisdiction.
    43    (d)  A  transaction  hold may be terminated at any time pursuant to an
    44  order issued by a court of competent jurisdiction.
    45    4. Immunity. A banking institution or an employee of a banking  insti-
    46  tution  shall be immune from criminal, civil, and administrative liabil-
    47  ity for all good faith actions in relation to the  application  of  this
    48  section  including  any good faith determination to apply or not apply a
    49  transaction hold on an  account  where  there  is  reasonable  basis  to
    50  conclude:
    51    (a)  that  financial  exploitation  of  a  vulnerable  adult  may have
    52  occurred, may have been attempted, or is being attempted; and
    53    (b) that the placement of a  transaction  hold  may  be  necessary  to
    54  protect  a  vulnerable adult's money, assets, or property from financial
    55  exploitation, such immunity shall not apply to a  determination  not  to
    56  apply  a  transaction hold when the banking institution or employee acts

        S. 7508                            149                           A. 9508

     1  recklessly or engages in intentional misconduct in making  the  determi-
     2  nation, or the determination results from a conflict of interest.
     3    5.  Certification  program.  The  department  may  develop a financial
     4  exploitation  certification  program  for  banking  institutions.   Upon
     5  completion  of the training components required by the program and after
     6  establishing the necessary internal policies, procedures,  and  in-house
     7  training  programs, a banking institution shall receive from the depart-
     8  ment an adult financial exploitation prevention certificate  demonstrat-
     9  ing  that  staff at such banking institution have been trained on how to
    10  identify, help prevent, and  report  the  financial  exploitation  of  a
    11  vulnerable  adult.  At the discretion of the superintendent, the certif-
    12  ication program may be mandatory for banking  institutions  licensed  by
    13  the department.
    14    6.  Regulations.  The  superintendent  may  issue such rules and regu-
    15  lations that provide the procedures for the enforcement of the terms  of
    16  this  section  and  any other rules and regulations that he or she deems
    17  necessary to implement the terms of this section.
    18    § 2. This act shall take effect October 1,  2020;  provided,  however,
    19  that  the  superintendent of financial services may promulgate any rules
    20  or regulations related to this act immediately.

    21                                   PART PP

    22    Section 1. Article 27 of the environmental conservation law is amended
    23  by adding a new title 30 to read as follows:
    24                                   TITLE 30
    26                                PACKAGING BAN
    27  Section 27-3001. Definitions.
    28          27-3003. Expanded polystyrene  foam  container  and  polystyrene
    29                     loose fill packaging ban.
    30          27-3005. Exemptions.
    31          27-3007. Preemption.
    32          27-3009. Severability.
    33  § 27-3001. Definitions.
    34    For  the  purposes  of  this title, the following terms shall have the
    35  following meanings:
    36    1. "Covered food service provider"  means  a  person  engaged  in  the
    37  primary  or  secondary business of selling or distributing prepared food
    38  or beverages for on-premise or off-premise consumption including but not
    39  limited to: (a) food service establishments,  caterers,  temporary  food
    40  service  establishments,  mobile  food service establishments, and push-
    41  carts as defined in the New York State Sanitary Code;  (b)  retail  food
    42  stores  as defined in article 28 of the agriculture and markets law; (c)
    43  delicatessens; (d) grocery stores; (e) restaurants; (f) cafeterias;  (g)
    44  coffee  shops;  (h) hospitals, adult care facilities, and nursing homes;
    45  and (i) elementary and secondary schools, colleges, and universities.
    46    2. "Disposable food service container" means  a  bowl,  carton,  clam-
    47  shell,  cup,  lid, plate, tray, or any other product that is designed or
    48  used for the temporary storage or transport of a prepared food or bever-
    49  age including a container generally recognized by the  public  as  being
    50  designed for single use.
    51    3.  "Expanded  polystyrene  foam"  means  expanded foam thermoplastics
    52  utilizing a styrene monomer and processed by any number  of  techniques.
    53  Such term shall not include rigid polystyrene.

        S. 7508                            150                           A. 9508

     1    4. "Manufacturer" means every person, firm or corporation that produc-
     2  es or imports polystyrene loose fill packaging that is sold, offered for
     3  sale, or distributed in the state.
     4    5.  "Polystyrene  loose fill packaging" means a void-filling packaging
     5  product made of expanded polystyrene that is used as a  packaging  fill,
     6  commonly referred to as packing peanuts.
     7    6.  "Prepared  food" means food or beverages that are cooked, chopped,
     8  sliced, mixed, brewed, frozen, heated, squeezed, combined  or  otherwise
     9  prepared  on the premises of a covered food service provider for immedi-
    10  ate consumption and require  no  further  preparation  to  be  consumed.
    11  Prepared  food includes but is not limited to ready to eat takeout foods
    12  and beverages.
    13    7. "Rigid polystyrene" means plastic packaging made from rigid, polys-
    14  tyrene resin that has not been expanded, extruded, or foamed.
    15    8. "Store" means a retail or  wholesale  establishment  other  than  a
    16  covered food service provider.
    17  §  27-3003.  Expanded  polystyrene  foam container and polystyrene loose
    18               fill packaging ban.
    19    1. (a) Beginning January first, two thousand  twenty-two,  no  covered
    20  food  service  provider  or  store  shall  sell, offer for sale, use, or
    21  distribute disposable food service containers used to hold prepared food
    22  or beverages that contain expanded polystyrene foam.
    23    (b) Beginning January first, two thousand twenty-two, no covered  food
    24  service  provider,  manufacturer,  or  store shall sell, offer for sale,
    25  use, or distribute polystyrene loose fill packaging.
    26    2. The department is authorized to:
    27    (a) undertake a review of additional product packaging, and, based  on
    28  the  environmental  impacts  of such products, promulgate regulations to
    29  limit the sale, use, or distribution of such products;
    30    (b) conduct education and outreach in multiple  languages  to  covered
    31  food  service providers, manufacturers, and stores to inform them of the
    32  provisions of this title; and
    33    (c) promulgate any other such rules and regulations as it  shall  deem
    34  necessary to implement the provisions of this title.
    35  § 27-3005. Exemptions.
    36    Notwithstanding  any  inconsistent  provision of law, this title shall
    37  not apply to:
    38    1. Prepackaged food filled or sealed prior to  receipt  at  a  covered
    39  food service provider; or
    40    2.  Raw  meat or raw fish sold for the purpose of cooking or preparing
    41  off-premises by the customer; or
    42    3. For purposes  of  the  expanded  polystyrene  foam  container  ban,
    43  covered  food  service  providers that demonstrate undue financial hard-
    44  ship, as determined  by  the  department,  provided  however  that  such
    45  covered  food  service  providers that have ten or more locations within
    46  the state that (a) conduct business under the same business name or  (b)
    47  operate  under common ownership or management or pursuant to a franchise
    48  agreement with  the  same  franchisor  shall  not  be  eligible  for  an
    49  exemption.
    50  § 27-3007. Preemption.
    51    1.  Except  as  provided in subdivision two of this section, any local
    52  law or ordinance which is inconsistent with any provision of this  title
    53  or any rule or regulation promulgated hereunder shall be preempted.
    54    2.  Any  provision of any local law or ordinance, or any rule or regu-
    55  lation promulgated thereto, governing the prohibition of expanded polys-
    56  tyrene use or sale or the offering for sale of  polystyrene  loose  fill

        S. 7508                            151                           A. 9508

     1  packaging,  which  is  inconsistent with the provisions of this title or
     2  any rules or regulations promulgated hereunder, shall not  be  preempted
     3  if  such  local  law  or  ordinance  is at least as comprehensive as the
     4  provisions  of  this title or any rules or regulations promulgated here-
     5  under.
     6  § 27-3009. Severability.
     7    If any clause, sentence, paragraph, section  or  part  of  this  title
     8  shall  be adjudged by any court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid,
     9  such judgment shall not affect, impair or invalidate the remainder ther-
    10  eof, but shall be confined in its operation  to  the  clause,  sentence,
    11  paragraph,  section or part thereof directly involved in the controversy
    12  in which such judgment shall have been rendered.
    13    § 2. The environmental conservation law is amended  by  adding  a  new
    14  section 71-2730 to read as follows:
    15  § 71-2730. Enforcement of title 30 of article 27 of this chapter.
    16    1.  Any person who shall violate section 27-3003 of this chapter shall
    17  be liable to the state of New York for a civil penalty of not more  than
    18  two  hundred  fifty  dollars for the first violation, not more than five
    19  hundred dollars for the second violation in the same calendar year,  not
    20  more  than  one  thousand  dollars  for  the third violation in the same
    21  calendar year, and not more than two thousand dollars for the fourth and
    22  each subsequent violation in the same calendar year. A hearing or oppor-
    23  tunity to be heard shall be provided prior  to  the  assessment  of  any
    24  civil penalty.
    25    2.  (a) The department, the department of agriculture and markets, the
    26  department of health, and the attorney general are hereby authorized  to
    27  enforce the provisions of section 27-3003 of this chapter.
    28    (b)  The  provisions  of  section  27-3003 of this chapter may also be
    29  enforced by a village, town, city, or county and the  local  legislative
    30  body  thereof may adopt local laws, ordinances or regulations consistent
    31  with this title providing for the enforcement of such provisions.
    32    3. Any fines that are collected by the state during proceedings by the
    33  state to enforce the provisions of section 27-3003 of this chapter shall
    34  be paid into the environmental protection fund established  pursuant  to
    35  section  ninety-two-s  of the finance law.  Any fines that are collected
    36  by a municipality during proceedings by the municipality to enforce such
    37  provisions within the municipality shall  be  retained  by  the  munici-
    38  pality.
    39    § 3. This act shall take effect immediately.

    40                                   PART QQ

    41    Section  1.  The  restore mother nature bond act is enacted to read as
    42  follows:
    43                       ENVIRONMENTAL BOND ACT OF 2020
    44                           "RESTORE MOTHER NATURE"
    45  Section 1. Short title.
    46          2. Creation of state debt.
    47          3. Bonds of the state.
    48          4. Use of moneys received.
    49    § 1. Short title. This act shall be known and  may  be  cited  as  the
    50  "environmental bond act of 2020 restore mother nature".
    51    §  2.  Creation of state debt. The creation of state debt in an amount
    52  not exceeding in the aggregate three billion dollars ($3,000,000,000) is
    53  hereby authorized to provide moneys for the  single  purpose  of  making
    54  environmental  improvements  that  preserve,  enhance,  and  restore New

        S. 7508                            152                           A. 9508

     1  York's natural resources and reduce the  impact  of  climate  change  by
     2  funding  capital  projects  to:  restore  habitat  and reduce flood risk
     3  including wetland, floodplain, and stream  restoration  and  protection,
     4  acquisition of real property, enhance shoreline protection, forest pres-
     5  ervation,  development  and improvement of fish hatcheries, and removal,
     6  alteration, and right-sizing of dams,  bridges,  and  culverts;  improve
     7  water   quality   through  wastewater  infrastructure  improvements  and
     8  upgrades including green infrastructure projects that reduce  stormwater
     9  impacts,  agricultural  nutrient  management,  and expansion of riparian
    10  buffers; protect  open  space  and  invest  in  associated  recreational
    11  infrastructure  including  land acquisition, development and improvement
    12  of park, campground, nature center, and other state recreational facili-
    13  ties; expand the use of renewable  energy  to  mitigate  climate  change
    14  including,  but not limited to, clean energy or resiliency projects; and
    15  other such projects that preserve, enhance, and restore the  quality  of
    16  the state's environment.
    17    §  3.  Bonds  of the state. The state comptroller is hereby authorized
    18  and empowered to issue and sell bonds of the state up to  the  aggregate
    19  amount  of  three  billion  dollars ($3,000,000,000) for the purposes of
    20  this act, subject to the provisions of article 5 of  the  state  finance
    21  law. The aggregate principal amount of such bonds shall not exceed three
    22  billion  dollars  ($3,000,000,000)  excluding  bonds issued to refund or
    23  otherwise repay bonds heretofore  issued  for  such  purpose;  provided,
    24  however,  that upon any such refunding or repayment, the total aggregate
    25  principal amount of outstanding bonds may be greater than three  billion
    26  dollars ($3,000,000,000) only if the present value of the aggregate debt
    27  service  of  the  refunding  or  repayment  bonds to be issued shall not
    28  exceed the present value of the aggregate debt service of the  bonds  to
    29  be refunded or repaid. The method for calculating present value shall be
    30  determined by law.
    31    § 4. Use of moneys received. The moneys received by the state from the
    32  sale  of  bonds  sold pursuant to this act shall be expended pursuant to
    33  appropriations for capital projects related to  design,  planning,  site
    34  acquisition,  demolition,  construction,  reconstruction,  and rehabili-
    35  tation including but not limited to, projects specified in  section  two
    36  of this act.
    37    §  2.  This  act  shall  take  effect  immediately,  provided that the
    38  provisions of section one of this act shall not take effect  unless  and
    39  until  this  act  shall have been submitted to the people at the general
    40  election to be held in November 2020 and shall have been approved  by  a
    41  majority  of  all  votes  cast for and against it at such election. Upon
    42  approval by the people, section one of this act shall take effect  imme-
    43  diately.  The  ballots  to  be  furnished  for  the  use  of voters upon
    44  submission of this act shall be in the form prescribed by  the  election
    45  law  and  the  proposition  or question to be submitted shall be printed
    46  thereon in the following form, namely "To address and combat the  impact
    47  of  climate change and damage to the environment, the Environmental Bond
    48  Act of 2020 "Restore Mother Nature" authorizes the sale of  state  bonds
    49  up  to  three  billion dollars to fund environmental protection, natural
    50  restoration, resiliency, and clean energy projects. Shall  the  Environ-
    51  mental Bond Act of 2020 be approved?".

    52                                   PART RR

    53    Section  1.  The environmental conservation law is amended by adding a
    54  new article 58 to read as follows:

        S. 7508                            153                           A. 9508

     1                                 ARTICLE 58
     3                                   NATURE"
     4  Section 58-0101. Definitions.
     5          58-0103. Allocation of moneys.
     6          58-0105. Powers and duties.
     7          58-0107. Powers and duties of a municipality.
     8          58-0109. Consistency with federal tax law.
     9          58-0111. Compliance with other law.
    10  § 58-0101. Definitions.
    11    As used in this article the following terms shall mean and include:
    12    1.  "Bonds" shall mean general obligation bonds issued pursuant to the
    13  environmental bond act of 2020 "restore  mother  nature"  in  accordance
    14  with  article VII of the New York state constitution and article five of
    15  the state finance law.
    16    2. "Cost" means the  expense  of  an  approved  project,  which  shall
    17  include  but not be limited to appraisal, surveying, planning, engineer-
    18  ing and architectural services, plans and specifications, consultant and
    19  legal services, site preparation,  demolition,  construction  and  other
    20  direct expenses incident to such project.
    21    3.  "Department"  shall mean the department of environmental conserva-
    22  tion.
    23    4. "Municipality" means a local public  authority  or  public  benefit
    24  corporation, a county, city, town, village, school district, supervisory
    25  district,  district  corporation,  improvement district within a county,
    26  city, town or village, or Indian nation or tribe recognized by the state
    27  or the United States with a reservation  wholly  or  partly  within  the
    28  boundaries of New York state, or any combination thereof.
    29    5.  "State assistance payment" means payment of the state share of the
    30  cost of projects  authorized  by  this  article  to  preserve,  enhance,
    31  restore and improve the quality of the state's environment.
    32    6.  "State  entity"  means  any  state  department,  division, agency,
    33  office, public authority, or public benefit corporation.
    34  § 58-0103. Allocation of moneys.
    35    The moneys received by the state from the sale of  bonds  pursuant  to
    36  the  environmental  bond  act  of  2020 "restore mother nature" shall be
    37  expended for project costs to: restore habitat  and  reduce  flood  risk
    38  including,  wetland,  floodplain, and stream restoration and protection,
    39  acquisition of real property, enhance shoreline protection, forest pres-
    40  ervation, development and improvement of fish hatcheries,  and  removal,
    41  alteration,  and  right-sizing  of  dams, bridges, and culverts; improve
    42  water quality through wastewater infrastructure and  upgrades  including
    43  green  infrastructure  projects that reduce stormwater impacts, agricul-
    44  tural nutrient management and expansion  of  riparian  buffers;  protect
    45  open  space and invest in associated recreational infrastructure includ-
    46  ing land acquisition, development and improvement of  park,  campground,
    47  nature  center,  and other state recreational facilities; expand the use
    48  of renewable energy to  mitigate  climate  change,  including,  but  not
    49  limited to, clean energy or resiliency projects; and other such projects
    50  that  preserve, enhance, and restore the quality of the state's environ-
    51  ment.
    52  § 58-0105. Powers and duties.
    53    In implementing the provisions of this article the department is here-
    54  by authorized to:
    55    1. Administer funds generated pursuant to the environmental  bond  act
    56  of 2020 "restore mother nature".

        S. 7508                            154                           A. 9508

     1    2.  In the name of the state, as further provided within this article,
     2  contract to make, within the  limitations  of  appropriations  available
     3  therefor,  state  assistance  payments  toward  the  cost  of  a project
     4  approved, and to be undertaken pursuant to this article.
     5    3. Approve vouchers for the payments pursuant to an approved contract.
     6    4.  Enter  into contracts with any person, firm, corporation, not-for-
     7  profit corporation, agency or other entity, private or governmental, for
     8  the purpose of effectuating the provisions of this article.
     9    5. Promulgate such rules and regulations and to develop such forms and
    10  procedures necessary to  effectuate  the  provisions  of  this  article,
    11  including  but  not  limited  to requirements for the form, content, and
    12  submission of applications by municipalities for state financial assist-
    13  ance.
    14    6. Delegate to, or cooperate with,  any  other  state  entity  in  the
    15  administration of this article.
    16    7.  Perform such other and further acts as may be necessary, proper or
    17  desirable to carry out the provisions of this article.
    18  § 58-0107. Powers and duties of a municipality.
    19    A municipality shall have the power and authority to:
    20    1. Undertake and carry out any  project  for  which  state  assistance
    21  payments  pursuant to contract are received or are to be received pursu-
    22  ant to this article and maintain and operate such project.
    23    2. Expend money received from the state pursuant to this  article  for
    24  costs incurred in conjunction with the approved project.
    25    3.  Apply  for  and  receive  moneys from the state for the purpose of
    26  accomplishing projects undertaken or to be undertaken pursuant  to  this
    27  article.
    28    4.  Perform such other and further acts as may be necessary, proper or
    29  desirable to carry out a project or obligation, duty or function related
    30  thereto.
    31  § 58-0109. Consistency with federal tax law.
    32    All actions undertaken pursuant to this article shall be reviewed  for
    33  consistency  with  provisions  of  the federal internal revenue code and
    34  regulations thereunder, in accordance  with  procedures  established  in
    35  connection  with  the  issuance of any tax exempt bonds pursuant to this
    36  article, to preserve the tax exempt status of such bonds.
    37  § 58-0111. Compliance with other law.
    38    Every recipient of funds to be made available pursuant to this article
    39  shall comply with all applicable state, federal and local laws.
    40    § 2. The state finance law is amended by adding a new section  97-tttt
    41  to read as follows:
    42    §  97-tttt. Restore mother nature bond fund. 1. There is hereby estab-
    43  lished in the joint custody of the state comptroller and the commission-
    44  er of taxation and finance a special fund to be known  as  the  "restore
    45  mother nature bond fund".
    46    2.  The state comptroller shall deposit into the restore mother nature
    47  bond fund all moneys received by the state from the sale of bonds and/or
    48  notes for uses eligible pursuant to section four  of  the  environmental
    49  bond act of 2020 "restore mother nature".
    50    3.  Moneys in the restore mother nature bond fund, following appropri-
    51  ation by the legislature and allocation by the director of  the  budget,
    52  shall  be  available  only  for  reimbursement of expenditures made from
    53  appropriations from the capital projects fund for  the  purpose  of  the
    54  restore  mother nature bond fund, as set forth in the environmental bond
    55  act of 2020 "restore mother nature".

        S. 7508                            155                           A. 9508

     1    4. No moneys received by the state from the sale of bonds and/or notes
     2  sold pursuant to the environmental bond  act  of  2020  "restore  mother
     3  nature" shall be expended for any project until funds therefor have been
     4  allocated  pursuant  to the provisions of this section and copies of the
     5  appropriate  certificates of approval filed with the chair of the senate
     6  finance committee, the chair of the assembly ways  and  means  committee
     7  and the state comptroller.
     8    §  3.  Section  61 of the state finance law is amended by adding a new
     9  subdivision 32 to read as follows:
    10    32. Thirty years. For the payment of "restore mother nature" projects,
    11  as defined in article fifty-eight of the environmental conservation  law
    12  and undertaken pursuant to a chapter of the laws of two thousand twenty,
    13  enacting  and  constituting  the environmental bond act of 2020 "restore
    14  mother nature".  Thirty years for flood  control  infrastructure,  other
    15  environmental  infrastructure,  wetland  and  other habitat restoration,
    16  water quality projects, acquisition of land,  including  acquisition  of
    17  real  property, and renewable energy projects. Notwithstanding the fore-
    18  going, for the purposes of calculating annual debt  service,  the  state
    19  comptroller  shall  apply  a weighted average period of probable life of
    20  restore mother nature projects, including any other works or purposes to
    21  be financed with state debt. Weighted average period  of  probable  life
    22  shall  be  determined  by computing the sum of the products derived from
    23  multiplying the dollar value of the portion of the debt  contracted  for
    24  each  work  or  purpose  (or class of works or purposes) by the probable
    25  life of such work or purpose (or class of works or purposes) and  divid-
    26  ing  the  resulting  sum  by  the  dollar value of the entire debt after
    27  taking into consideration any original issue premium or discount.
    28    § 4. If any clause, sentence, paragraph, section or part of  this  act
    29  shall  be adjudged by any court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid,
    30  such judgment shall not affect, impair or invalidate the remainder ther-
    31  eof, but shall be confined in its operation  to  the  clause,  sentence,
    32  paragraph,  section or part thereof directly involved in the controversy
    33  in which such judgment shall have been rendered.
    34    § 5. This act shall take effect only in the event that  section  1  of
    35  part  XX  of  a  chapter of the laws of 2020, enacting the environmental
    36  bond act of 2020 "restore mother nature" is submitted to the  people  at
    37  the  general  election  to be held in November 2020 and is approved by a
    38  majority of all votes cast for and against it  at  such  election.  Upon
    39  such  approval,  this act shall take effect immediately. Effective imme-
    40  diately, the addition, amendment, and/or repeal of  any  rule  or  regu-
    41  lation  necessary  for  the  implementation of the foregoing sections of
    42  this act are authorized and directed to be  made  and  completed  on  or
    43  before such effective date.

    44                                   PART SS

    45    Section 1. Article 27 of the environmental conservation law is amended
    46  by adding a new title 32 to read as follows:
    47                                  TITLE 32
    48                             PRODUCT STEWARDSHIP
    49  Section 27-3201. Definitions.
    50          27-3203. Stewardship organization responsibilities.
    51          27-3205. Producer responsibilities.
    52          27-3207. Retailer and distributor responsibilities.
    53          27-3209. Department responsibilities.
    54          27-3211. Rules and regulations.

        S. 7508                            156                           A. 9508

     1          27-3213. Enforcement and penalties.
     2          27-3215. State preemption.
     3          27-3217. Report  and criteria for identifying additional covered
     4                     products or product categories.
     5          27-3219. Severability.
     6  § 27-3201. Definitions.
     7    As used in this title:
     8    1. "Brand" means a name, symbol, word, or  mark  that  attributes  the
     9  product to the owner or licensee of the brand as the producer.
    10    2.  "Carpet"  means a manufactured article that is (i) used in commer-
    11  cial buildings or single  or  multifamily  residential  buildings,  (ii)
    12  affixed  or placed on the floor or building walking surface as a decora-
    13  tive or functional building interior  or  exterior  feature,  and  (iii)
    14  primarily  constructed  of  a  top  surface of synthetic or natural face
    15  fibers or yarns or tufts attached to a backing system made of  synthetic
    16  or  natural  materials.    "Carpet"  includes,  but is not limited to, a
    17  commercial or residential broadloom carpet, modular  carpet  tiles,  and
    18  artificial  turf, pad or underlayment used in conjunction with a carpet.
    19  "Carpet" does not include handmade rugs, area rugs, or mats.
    20    3. "Collection site" means a permanent location in the state at  which
    21  discarded covered products may be returned by a consumer.
    22    4. "Consumer" means a person located in the state who purchases, owns,
    23  leases,  or uses covered products, including but not limited to an indi-
    24  vidual, a business,  corporation,  limited  partnership,  not-for-profit
    25  corporation,  the  state,  a  public  corporation, public school, school
    26  district, private or parochial school or  board  of  cooperative  educa-
    27  tional services or governmental entity.
    28    5. "Covered product" means carpets or mattresses.
    29    6.  "Discarded  covered  product"  means  covered products that are no
    30  longer used for its manufactured purpose.
    31    7. "Distributor" or "wholesaler" means a person who buys or  otherwise
    32  acquires  covered  products  from  another source and sells or offers to
    33  sell a covered product to retailers in this state.
    34    8. "Energy recovery" means the process by which all or  a  portion  of
    35  solid waste materials are processed or combusted in order to utilize the
    36  heat  content  or  other  forms  of energy derived from such solid waste
    37  materials.
    38    9. "Mattress" means any resilient material, or combination of  materi-
    39  als, that is designed to be used as a bed. Mattress shall not include:
    40    a.  an  unattached mattress pad or mattress topper that is intended to
    41  be used with, or on top of a mattress;
    42    b. a crib or bassinet mattress or car bed;
    43    c. juvenile products, including: a carriage, basket,  dressing  table,
    44  stroller, playpen, infant carrier, lounge pad, crib bumper, and the pads
    45  for those juvenile products;
    46    d. a water bed or air mattress; or
    47    e. a fold-out sofa bed or futon.
    48    10.  "Producer"  means  any  person  who  manufactures  or renovates a
    49  covered product that is sold, offered for sale, or  distributed  in  the
    50  state under the manufacturer's own name or brand. "Producer" includes:
    51    a.  the owner of a trademark or brand under which a covered product is
    52  sold, offered for sale, or distributed in this  state,  whether  or  not
    53  such trademark or brand is registered in the state; and
    54    b.  any  person  who  imports a covered product into the United States
    55  that is sold or offered for sale in the state and that  is  manufactured
    56  by a person who does not have a presence in the United States.

        S. 7508                            157                           A. 9508

     1    11.  "Product"  means  an  item  sold  within the state that is deemed
     2  eligible by the department for inclusion in this chapter  as  a  covered
     3  product.
     4    12. "Product category" means a group of similar products.
     5    13. "Proprietary information" means information that is a trade secret
     6  or is production, commercial or financial information, that if disclosed
     7  would  impair  the  competitive position of the submitter and would make
     8  available information not otherwise publicly available.
     9    14. "Recycling" means to separate, dismantle or process the materials,
    10  components or commodities contained in covered products for the  purpose
    11  of  preparing  the materials, components or commodities for use or reuse
    12  in new products or  components.  "Recycling"  does  not  include  energy
    13  recovery  or  energy  generation  by  means  of  combustion, or landfill
    14  disposal of discarded covered products or  discarded  product  component
    15  materials.
    16    15.  "Recycling  rate"  means  the  percentage  of  discarded  covered
    17  products that is managed through recycling or reuse, as defined by  this
    18  title,  and  is  computed  by  dividing  the amount of discarded covered
    19  products collected and  recycled  or  reused  by  the  total  amount  of
    20  discarded covered products collected over a program year.
    21    16. "Retailer" means any person who sells or offers for sale a covered
    22  product to a consumer in the state.
    23    17. "Reuse" means donating or selling a discarded covered product back
    24  into  the  market  for  its  original  intended  use, when the discarded
    25  covered product retains its original performance characteristics and can
    26  be used for its original purpose.
    27    18. "Sale" or "sell" means a transfer of title to  a  covered  product
    28  for  consideration,  including  a  remote sale conducted through a sales
    29  outlet, catalog, website, or similar electronic means. "Sale" or  "sell"
    30  includes  a  lease  through  which  a  covered  product is provided to a
    31  consumer by a producer, distributor, or retailer.
    32    19. "Stewardship organization" means a nonprofit  entity  representing
    33  covered  product  producers, or other designated representatives who are
    34  cooperating with one another, to collectively establish  and  operate  a
    35  stewardship program for the purpose of complying with this title.
    36    20.  "Stewardship program" means a program financed and implemented by
    37  producers, either  individually,  or  collectively  through  a  producer
    38  responsibility  organization,  that provides for, but is not limited to,
    39  the collection, transportation, reuse, recycling  or  proper  management
    40  through  combustion  or disposal, or an appropriate combination thereof,
    41  of unwanted products.
    42  § 27-3203. Stewardship organization responsibilities.
    43    1. A stewardship organization shall be created and financed,  individ-
    44  ually  or  collectively, by carpet producers, and a mattress stewardship
    45  organization shall be created and financed by mattress producers,  indi-
    46  vidually  or  collectively, to administer stewardship programs on behalf
    47  of those respective producers.
    48    2. On or before July first, two  thousand  twenty-one,  a  stewardship
    49  organization  representing the producer of a covered product must submit
    50  a stewardship plan to the department  on  behalf  of  the  producer  and
    51  receive approval of the plan.
    52    3.  A  stewardship  organization  operating a stewardship program must
    53  update the stewardship plan every three years, at a minimum, and  submit
    54  the updated plan to the department for review and approval.
    55    4.  The  stewardship  organization  must  notify the department within
    56  thirty days of any significant changes or modifications to the  plan  or

        S. 7508                            158                           A. 9508

     1  its  implementation.  Within  thirty  days of the notification a written
     2  plan amendment must be  submitted  to  the  department  for  review  and
     3  approval.
     4    5. The stewardship plan shall include, at a minimum:
     5    a.   Certification  that  the  stewardship  program  will  accept  for
     6  collection all discarded covered products;
     7    b. Contact information for each individual representing  the  steward-
     8  ship organization, including the address of the stewardship organization
     9  where  the  department  will  send  any notifications and for service of
    10  process, designation of a program manager responsible for  administering
    11  the  program,  a  list of all producers participating in the stewardship
    12  program, and  contact  information  for  each  producer,  including  the
    13  address  for  service  of process, and the brands covered by the product
    14  stewardship program;
    15    c. A description of the methods by which  discarded  covered  products
    16  will be collected with no charge to any person;
    17    d.  An  explanation  of  how  the stewardship program will, by January
    18  first, two thousand twenty-two or  six  months  after  stewardship  plan
    19  approval,  achieve,  at  a  minimum, a convenience standard of having at
    20  least one collection site in each county of the state, and at least  one
    21  additional collection site for every fifty thousand residents located in
    22  a  municipality,  that  accepts  covered  products from consumers during
    23  normal business hours; however, with respect to a city  having  a  popu-
    24  lation  of  one million or more, after consultation with the appropriate
    25  local or regional entity responsible for the  collection  of  solid  and
    26  hazardous  waste,  the department may otherwise establish an alternative
    27  convenience standard.  Convenience standards will be  evaluated  by  the
    28  department  periodically  and  the  department  may  require  additional
    29  collection locations to ensure adequate consumer convenience;
    30    e. A description of how the effectiveness of the  stewardship  program
    31  will be monitored, evaluated, and maintained;
    32    f.  The  names  and  locations  of collection sites, transporters, and
    33  processors who will manage discarded covered products;
    34    g. A description of how the discarded covered products will be  safely
    35  and  securely  transported, tracked, and handled from collection through
    36  final recycling and processing;
    37    h. A description of the  methods  to  be  used  to  reuse  or  recycle
    38  discarded  covered products to ensure that the components, to the extent
    39  feasible, are transformed or remanufactured into finished  products  for
    40  use;
    41    i.  A  description  of  the methods to be used to manage or dispose of
    42  discarded covered products that cannot be recycled or reused;
    43    j. A description of the outreach and educational materials  that  must
    44  be  provided to consumers, retailers, collection sites, and transporters
    45  of discarded covered products, and how such outreach will  be  evaluated
    46  for effectiveness;
    47    k.  An up-to-date stewardship organization website and toll-free tele-
    48  phone number through which a consumer can easily learn how and where  to
    49  recycle their discarded covered products;
    50    l.  An  annual  performance  goal,  as  determined  by the department,
    51  including an estimate of the percentage of  discarded  covered  products
    52  that  will  be  collected, reused, and recycled during each year for the
    53  next three years of the stewardship plan;
    54    m. An evaluation of the status of end markets  for  discarded  covered
    55  products  and what, if any, additional end markets are needed to improve
    56  the functioning of the programs; and

        S. 7508                            159                           A. 9508

     1    n. A funding mechanism that demonstrates sufficient funding  to  carry
     2  out  the  plan,  including  the administrative, operational, and capital
     3  costs of the plan.
     4    6. By July first, two thousand twenty-three, and by July first of each
     5  year  thereafter,  the stewardship organization shall submit a report to
     6  the  department  that  includes,  for  the  previous  program  year,   a
     7  description  of  the stewardship program, including, but not limited to,
     8  the following:
     9    a. a description of the methods used to collect, transport, and  proc-
    10  ess discarded covered products in regions of the state;
    11    b. identification of all collection sites in the state;
    12    c.  the  weight of all discarded covered products collected and reused
    13  or recycled in all regions of the state;
    14    d. an evaluation of whether the performance goals and recycling  rates
    15  established in the stewardship plan have been achieved;
    16    e. an estimated weight of discarded covered products and any component
    17  materials  that were collected pursuant to the stewardship plan, but not
    18  recycled; and
    19    f. any other information required by  regulation  promulgated  by  the
    20  department.
    21    7.  A stewardship organization shall pay the department, the following
    22  fees, which shall be adequate to cover the department's  full  costs  of
    23  administering and enforcing the stewardship program and shall not exceed
    24  the  amount  necessary  to  recover  costs incurred by the department in
    25  connection with the administration and enforcement of  the  requirements
    26  of this title:
    27    a. an annual administrative fee to be established by the department in
    28  regulations; and
    29    b.  a  one-time  fee  of  five thousand dollars for a plan covering an
    30  individual producer, or ten thousand dollars for a  plan  for  producers
    31  acting collectively, upon submission of an initial stewardship plan.
    32  § 27-3205. Producer responsibilities.
    33    1.  By  January  first,  two thousand twenty-two, each producer shall,
    34  individually or collectively, through a stewardship organization, imple-
    35  ment and finance a statewide stewardship program that:
    36    a. manages covered products by reducing its waste generation;
    37    b. promotes covered product recycling and reuse or mattress  recycling
    38  and reuse; and
    39    c.  provides  for  negotiation and execution of agreements to collect,
    40  transport, process, and market the producer's discarded covered products
    41  for end-of-life recycling, reuse, or disposal.
    42    2. No producer may sell or offer for  sale  covered  products  in  the
    43  state  unless  the  producer  is  part of a stewardship organization, or
    44  individually, operates a stewardship  program  in  compliance  with  the
    45  provisions of this title.
    46    3.  The  stewardship  program must be free to the consumer, convenient
    47  and adequate to serve the needs of businesses and residents in all areas
    48  of the state on an ongoing basis.
    49  § 27-3207. Retailer and distributor responsibilities.
    50    1. Beginning January first, two thousand twenty-three, no retailer  or
    51  distributor  may  sell  or  offer for sale covered products in the state
    52  unless the producer of  such  covered  product  is  participating  in  a
    53  stewardship program.
    54    2.  Any retailer or distributor may participate, on a voluntary basis,
    55  as a designated collection  point  pursuant  to  a  product  stewardship
    56  program and in accordance with applicable law.

        S. 7508                            160                           A. 9508

     1    3.  No  retailer  or  distributor shall be found to be in violation of
     2  this section if, on the date the covered products were ordered from  the
     3  producer  or  its  agent, the producer was listed as compliant with this
     4  title on the department's website.
     5  § 27-3209. Department responsibilities.
     6    1.  Upon stewardship plan approval, the department shall post informa-
     7  tion on its website about the stewardship organizations and its  partic-
     8  ipating producers who are in compliance with this title.
     9    2.  Beginning  January  first, two thousand twenty-two, the department
    10  shall post on its website the location of all collection  sites  identi-
    11  fied  to the department by the stewardship organization in its plans and
    12  annual reports.
    13    3. The department shall post on  its  website  each  stewardship  plan
    14  approved by the department.
    15    4.  Within  sixty days after receipt of a proposed stewardship plan or
    16  plan amendment, the department shall approve or reject the plan  or  the
    17  plan  amendment.  If the plan or plan amendment is approved, the depart-
    18  ment shall notify the stewardship  organization  in  writing.    If  the
    19  department  rejects  the  plan  or  plan amendment, the department shall
    20  notify the stewardship organization in writing stating  the  reason  for
    21  rejecting  the  plan or plan amendment. A stewardship organization whose
    22  plan is rejected must submit a revised plan  to  the  department  within
    23  thirty days of receiving a notice of rejection.
    24    5.  The  department  shall deposit the fees collected pursuant to this
    25  title into the stewardship organization fund as established pursuant  to
    26  section ninety-two-jj of the state finance law.
    27  § 27-3211. Rules and regulations.
    28    The  department  is authorized to promulgate any rules and regulations
    29  necessary to implement this title.
    30  § 27-3213. Enforcement and penalties.
    31    1. Except as otherwise provided in this section, any person or  entity
    32  that  violates  any  provision  of  or fails to perform any duty imposed
    33  pursuant to this title or any rule or  regulation  promulgated  pursuant
    34  thereto,  or  any term or condition of any registration or permit issued
    35  pursuant thereto, or any final determination or order of the commission-
    36  er made pursuant to this article or article seventy-one of this  chapter
    37  shall  be  liable for a civil penalty not to exceed five hundred dollars
    38  for each violation and an additional  penalty  of  not  more  than  five
    39  hundred dollars for each day during which such violation continues.
    40    2.  Any retailer or distributor who violates any provision of or fails
    41  to perform any duty imposed pursuant to this title or any rule or  regu-
    42  lation  promulgated  pursuant  thereto,  or any term or condition of any
    43  registration or permit issued pursuant thereto, or  any  final  determi-
    44  nation  or  order  of  the commissioner made pursuant to this article or
    45  article seventy-one of this chapter shall be liable for a civil  penalty
    46  not  to exceed one thousand dollars for each violation and an additional
    47  penalty of not more than one thousand dollars for each day during  which
    48  such violation continues.
    49    3.  a.  Any  producer  or  stewardship  organization  who violates any
    50  provision of or fails to perform any duty imposed pursuant to this title
    51  or any rule or regulation promulgated pursuant thereto, or any  term  or
    52  condition  of any registration or permit issued pursuant thereto, or any
    53  final determination or order of the commissioner made pursuant  to  this
    54  article  or  article  seventy-one  of this chapter shall be liable for a
    55  civil penalty not to exceed five thousand dollars for each violation and
    56  an additional penalty of not more than one thousand five hundred dollars

        S. 7508                            161                           A. 9508

     1  for each day  during  which  such  violation  continues.  For  a  second
     2  violation  committed  within  twelve  months  of  a prior violation, the
     3  producer or stewardship organization shall be liable for a civil penalty
     4  not to exceed ten thousand dollars and an additional penalty of not more
     5  than  three  thousand  dollars  for each day during which such violation
     6  continues. For a third or subsequent violation committed  within  twelve
     7  months  of any prior violation, the producer or stewardship organization
     8  shall be liable for a civil penalty of not  to  exceed  twenty  thousand
     9  dollars  and  an additional penalty of six thousand dollars for each day
    10  during which such violation continues.
    11    b. All producers participating in a stewardship organization shall  be
    12  jointly  and  severally  liable  for  any penalties assessed against the
    13  stewardship organization pursuant to this title and article  seventy-one
    14  of this chapter.
    15    4. Civil penalties under this section shall be assessed by the depart-
    16  ment  after  an  opportunity  to  be heard pursuant to the provisions of
    17  section 71-1709 of this chapter, or  by  the  court  in  any  action  or
    18  proceeding  pursuant to section 71-2727 of this chapter, and in addition
    19  thereto, such person or entity may by similar process be  enjoined  from
    20  continuing such violation and any permit, registration or other approval
    21  issued  by  the  department  may  be  revoked  or suspended or a pending
    22  renewal denied.
    23    5. The department and the attorney general are  hereby  authorized  to
    24  enforce  the  provisions of this title and all monies collected shall be
    25  deposited to the credit of the environmental protection fund established
    26  pursuant to section ninety-two-s of the state finance law.
    27  § 27-3215. State preemption.
    28    Jurisdiction in all matters pertaining to covered  products  recycling
    29  is, by this title, vested exclusively in the state. Any provision of any
    30  local  law  or ordinance, or any rule or regulation promulgated thereto,
    31  governing covered product recycling shall, upon the  effective  date  of
    32  this title, be preempted; provided however, that nothing in this section
    33  shall  preclude  a person from coordinating, for recycling or reuse, the
    34  collection of covered products.
    35  § 27-3217. Report  and  criteria  for  identifying  additional   covered
    36               products or product categories.
    37    1.  The  department  shall by November first, two thousand twenty-two,
    38  and biannually thereafter, publish:
    39    a. a review and evaluation of the performance of existing  stewardship
    40  programs in the state;
    41    b. legislative recommendations the department would propose to improve
    42  existing stewardship programs; and
    43    c.  recommendations  for  establishing  new  stewardship programs. The
    44  department may identify a product or product category as a candidate for
    45  a stewardship program if it is determined after evaluation  of  each  of
    46  the following that:
    47    (i)  a  stewardship  program  for the product or product category will
    48  increase the recovery of materials for reuse and  recycling  and  reduce
    49  the need for use of virgin materials;
    50    (ii)  a  stewardship  program for the product or product category will
    51  reduce the costs of waste management to local governments and taxpayers;
    52    (iii) a stewardship program for the product or product  category  will
    53  enhance energy conservation or mitigate climate change impacts;
    54    (iv) a stewardship program for the product or product category will be
    55  beneficial  for existing and new businesses and infrastructure to manage

        S. 7508                            162                           A. 9508

     1  the products and lead to the development of new  industries  to  utilize
     2  the recovered materials;
     3    (v) there exists public demand for a stewardship program for the prod-
     4  uct or product category;
     5    (vi)  there  is  success in collecting and processing similar types of
     6  products in programs in other states or countries; or
     7    (vii) existing voluntary stewardship programs for the product or prod-
     8  uct category in the state are not effective in achieving the  policy  of
     9  this chapter.
    10    2.  At  least  thirty  days prior to publishing the report pursuant to
    11  subdivision one of this section the department shall post the report  on
    12  its publicly accessible website. Within that period, a person may submit
    13  to the department written comments regarding the report.
    14  § 27-3219. Severability.
    15    The  provisions  of  this  title shall be severable and if any phrase,
    16  clause, sentence or provision of this title, or the applicability there-
    17  of to any person or circumstance shall be held invalid, the remainder of
    18  this title and the application thereof shall not be affected thereby.
    19    § 2. The state finance law is amended by adding a new section 92-jj to
    20  read as follows:
    21    § 92-jj. Stewardship organization fund. 1. There is hereby established
    22  in the joint custody of the state comptroller and  the  commissioner  of
    23  the department of taxation and finance a special fund to be known as the
    24  "stewardship organization fund".
    25    2.  The  stewardship  organization  fund  shall consist of all revenue
    26  collected from fees pursuant to title thirty-two of article twenty-seven
    27  of the environmental conservation law and any cost recoveries  or  other
    28  revenues  collected pursuant to title thirty-two of article twenty-seven
    29  of the environmental conservation law, and any  other  monies  deposited
    30  into the fund pursuant to law.
    31    3.  Moneys  of  the  fund, following appropriation by the legislature,
    32  shall be used for execution of stewardship organization program adminis-
    33  tration pursuant to title thirty-two  of  article  twenty-seven  of  the
    34  environmental  conservation  law,  and  expended for the purposes as set
    35  forth in title thirty-two of article twenty-seven of  the  environmental
    36  conservation law.
    37    § 3. This act shall take effect immediately.

    38                                   PART TT

    39    Section 1. The opening paragraph of subdivision 1 and subdivision 2 of
    40  section  24-0107  of  the  environmental conservation law, as amended by
    41  chapter 654 of the laws of 1977, are amended to read as follows:
    42    "Freshwater wetlands" means lands and waters of the state [as shown on
    43  the freshwater wetlands map which] that have an area of at least  twelve
    44  and  four-tenths  acres  in size, or if less than twelve and four-tenths
    45  acres are of unusual importance; and contain any or all of  the  follow-
    46  ing:
    47    2.  "Freshwater wetlands map" shall mean a map [promulgated] developed
    48  by the department pursuant to section 24-0301 of this article  on  which
    49  are indicated the boundaries of any freshwater wetlands. These maps will
    50  serve the purpose of educating the public on the approximate location of
    51  wetlands.    These  maps  are  for educational purposes only and are not
    52  controlling for purposes of determining if a wetlands permit is required
    53  pursuant to section 24-0701 of this article.

        S. 7508                            163                           A. 9508

     1    § 2. Subdivisions 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 of section 24-0301 of the  environ-
     2  mental conservation law are REPEALED.
     3    §  3.  Subdivisions 6, 7 and 8 of section 24-0301 of the environmental
     4  conservation law, subdivision 6 as amended by chapter 16 of the laws  of
     5  2010  and subdivision 7 as amended and subdivision 8 as added by chapter
     6  645 of the laws of 1977, are amended to read as follows:
     7    [6.] 1. Except as  provided  in  subdivision  [eight]  three  of  this
     8  section, the commissioner shall supervise the maintenance of [such boun-
     9  dary]  freshwater  wetlands maps, which shall be available to the public
    10  [for inspection and examination at the regional office of the department
    11  in which the wetlands are wholly or partly located and in the office  of
    12  the clerk of each county in which each such wetland or a portion thereof
    13  is  located]  on the department's website. The commissioner may readjust
    14  the map [thereafter to  clarify  the  boundaries  of  the  wetlands,  to
    15  correct  any  errors  on  the map, to effect any additions, deletions or
    16  technical changes on the map, and to reflect changes as have occurred as
    17  a result of the granting of permits pursuant to section 24-0703 of  this
    18  article,  or  natural  changes  which may have occurred through erosion,
    19  accretion, or otherwise. Notice of such readjustment shall be  given  in
    20  the same manner as set forth in subdivision five of this section for the
    21  promulgation of final freshwater wetlands maps. In addition, at the time
    22  notice  is  provided  pursuant  to subdivision five of this section, the
    23  commissioner shall update any digital image of the  map  posted  on  the
    24  department's  website  to reflect such readjustment] at any time to more
    25  accurately depict the approximate location of wetlands.
    26    [7.] 2. Except as  provided  in  subdivision  [eight]  three  of  this
    27  section,  the commissioner may, upon his own initiative, and shall, upon
    28  a written request by a landowner whose land or a portion thereof may  be
    29  included within a wetland, or upon the written request of another person
    30  or persons or an official body whose interests are shown to be affected,
    31  cause  to be delineated [more precisely] the boundary line or lines of a
    32  freshwater wetland or a portion thereof. [Such more precise  delineation
    33  of  a  freshwater wetland boundary line or lines shall be of appropriate
    34  scale and sufficient clarity to permit the ready identification of indi-
    35  vidual buildings and of other major man-made structures or facilities or
    36  significant geographical features with respect to the  boundary  of  any
    37  freshwater  wetland.]  The commissioner shall undertake to delineate the
    38  boundary of a particular wetland or wetlands, or a  particular  part  of
    39  the  boundary  thereof  only upon a showing by the applicant therefor of
    40  good cause for such [more precise] delineation and the establishment  of
    41  such [more precise] line.
    42    [8.]  3. The supervision of the maintenance of any freshwater wetlands
    43  map or portion thereof applicable  to  wetlands  within  the  Adirondack
    44  park, the readjustment and precise delineation of wetland boundary lines
    45  and  the  other  functions  and  duties  ascribed to the commissioner by
    46  subdivisions [six and seven] one  and  two  of  this  section  shall  be
    47  performed  by  the  Adirondack  park  agency, which shall make such maps
    48  available [for public inspection and examination at its headquarters] on
    49  the agency's website.
    50    § 4. Subdivisions 1 and 4 of  section  24-0701  of  the  environmental
    51  conservation law, subdivision 1 as amended by chapter 654 of the laws of
    52  1977  and  subdivision  4 as amended by chapter 697 of the laws of 1979,
    53  are amended to read as follows:
    54    1. [After issuance of the official  freshwater  wetlands  map  of  the
    55  state,  or  of  any  selected section or region thereof, any] Any person
    56  desiring to conduct on freshwater wetlands [as  so  designated  thereon]

        S. 7508                            164                           A. 9508

     1  any  of  the  regulated  activities set forth in subdivision two of this
     2  section must obtain a permit as provided in this title.
     3    4.  [The] On lands in active agricultural use, the activities of farm-
     4  ers and other landowners  in  grazing  and  watering  livestock,  making
     5  reasonable  use  of  water resources, harvesting natural products of the
     6  wetlands, selectively cutting timber,  draining  land  or  wetlands  for
     7  growing  agricultural  products  and  otherwise  engaging  in the use of
     8  wetlands or other  land  for  growing  agricultural  products  shall  be
     9  excluded  from regulated activities and shall not require a permit under
    10  subdivision one [hereof] of this section,  except  that  structures  not
    11  required for enhancement or maintenance of the agricultural productivity
    12  of  the land and any filling activities shall not be excluded hereunder,
    13  and provided that the use of land [designated as  a  freshwater  wetland
    14  upon  the  freshwater  wetlands  map at the effective date thereof] that
    15  meets the definition of a freshwater wetland in section 24-0107 of  this
    16  article  for uses other than those referred to in this subdivision shall
    17  be subject to the provisions of this article.
    18    § 5. Subdivision 5 of section 24-0703 of the  environmental  conserva-
    19  tion  law,  as amended by section 38 of part D of chapter 60 of the laws
    20  of 2012, is amended to read as follows:
    21    5. [Prior to the promulgation of the final freshwater wetlands map  in
    22  a  particular  area  and  the  implementation  of  a freshwater wetlands
    23  protection law or ordinance, no person shall conduct,  or  cause  to  be
    24  conducted,  any  activity  for  which a permit is required under section
    25  24-0701 of this title on any freshwater wetland unless he has obtained a
    26  permit from the commissioner under this section.] Any person may inquire
    27  of the department as to whether or not a given parcel of land  [will  be
    28  designated]  includes  a  freshwater  wetland subject to regulation. The
    29  department shall give a definite answer in writing within [thirty] sixty
    30  days of such request as to [whether] the status of such parcel [will  or
    31  will not be so designated].  Provided that, in the event that weather or
    32  ground  conditions  prevent  the  department from making a determination
    33  within [thirty] sixty days, it may extend such period until  a  determi-
    34  nation  can be made. Such answer in the affirmative shall be reviewable;
    35  such an answer in the negative  shall  be  a  complete  defense  to  the
    36  enforcement of this article as to such parcel of land. [The commissioner
    37  may  by  regulation  adopted  after  public hearing exempt categories or
    38  classes of wetlands or individual wetlands which he determines not to be
    39  critical to the furtherance of the policies and purposes of  this  arti-
    40  cle.]
    41    §  6.  Subdivision 1 of section 24-0901 of the environmental conserva-
    42  tion law, as added by chapter 614 of the laws of  1975,  is  amended  to
    43  read as follows:
    44    1.  [Upon  completion of the freshwater wetlands map, the] The commis-
    45  sioner shall confer with local government officials in  each  region  in
    46  which  the  inventory  has been conducted to establish a program for the
    47  protection of the freshwater wetlands of the state.
    48    § 7. Subdivisions 1 and 5 of  section  24-0903  of  the  environmental
    49  conservation  law,  as  added  by  chapter  614 of the laws of 1975, are
    50  amended to read as follows:
    51    1. [Upon completion of the freshwater wetlands map of the state, or of
    52  any selected section or region  thereof,  the]  The  commissioner  shall
    53  [proceed  to] classify freshwater wetlands [so designated thereon] regu-
    54  lated pursuant to section 24-0701 of this article according    to  their
    55  most  appropriate  uses,  in  light  of  the values set forth in section
    56  24-0105 of this article and the present conditions of such wetlands. The

        S. 7508                            165                           A. 9508

     1  commissioner shall determine what uses of such wetlands are most compat-
     2  ible with the foregoing and shall prepare minimum land  use  regulations
     3  to  permit  only  such  compatible  uses.  The classifications may cover
     4  freshwater  wetlands in more than one governmental subdivision.  Permits
     5  pursuant to section 24-0701 of this article are required whether or  not
     6  a classification has been promulgated.
     7    5.  Prior to the adoption of any land use regulations governing fresh-
     8  water wetlands, the commissioner shall hold a public hearing thereon  in
     9  the area in which the affected freshwater wetlands are located, and give
    10  fifteen days prior notice thereof by posting on the department's website
    11  or  by  publication  at  least once in a newspaper having general circu-
    12  lation in the area of the local government  involved.  The  commissioner
    13  shall  promulgate the regulations within thirty days of such hearing and
    14  post such order on the department's website or publish  such  order  [at
    15  least once] in a newspaper having general circulation in the area of the
    16  local  government  affected  and  make  such  plan  available for public
    17  inspection and review; such order shall not  take  effect  until  thirty
    18  days after the filing thereof with the clerk of the county in which such
    19  wetland is located.
    20    §  8.  Subdivisions  2  and  3 of section 34-0104 of the environmental
    21  conservation law, as added by chapter 841  of  the  laws  of  1981,  are
    22  amended to read as follows:
    23    2.  Upon  completion  of  a  preliminary  identification of an erosion
    24  hazard area, the commissioner or his designated  hearing  officer  shall
    25  hold  a  public hearing in a place reasonably accessible to residents of
    26  the affected area in order to afford an opportunity for  any  person  to
    27  propose  changes  in  such  preliminary identification. The commissioner
    28  shall [give notice of such hearing to each owner of record, as shown  on
    29  the latest completed tax assessment rolls, of lands included within such
    30  area,  and  also  to the chief executive officer and clerk of each local
    31  government within the boundaries of which any portion of such  area  may
    32  be located, by certified mail at least thirty days prior to the date set
    33  for such hearing, and shall] insure that a copy of the preliminary iden-
    34  tification  is  available for public inspection at a convenient location
    35  [in such local government]. The commissioner shall also cause notice  of
    36  such  hearing  to  be published at least once, not more than thirty days
    37  nor fewer than ten days before the date set  for  such  hearing,  in  at
    38  least  one newspaper having general circulation in the area involved and
    39  in the environmental  notice  publication  provided  for  under  section
    40  3-0306 of this chapter.
    41    3.  After  considering  the  testimony  given at such hearings and the
    42  potential erosion hazard in accordance with the purposes and policies of
    43  this article, and after consultation with  affected  local  governments,
    44  the  commissioner  shall  issue  the final identification of the erosion
    45  hazard areas. Such final identification shall  not  be  made  less  than
    46  sixty  days  from the date of the public hearing required by subdivision
    47  two hereof. A copy of such final identification shall be  filed  in  the
    48  office  of  the clerk of each local government in which such area or any
    49  portion thereof is located. Notice [that such final  identification  has
    50  been made shall be given each owner of lands included within the erosion
    51  hazard  area,  as  such  ownership  is shown on the latest completed tax
    52  assessment rolls, by certified mail in any case where a notice by certi-
    53  fied mail was not sent pursuant to subdivision two of this section,  and
    54  in all other cases by first class mail. Such notice] shall also be given
    55  at  such  time  to  the chief executive officer of each local government

        S. 7508                            166                           A. 9508

     1  within the boundaries of which such erosion hazard area or  any  portion
     2  thereof is located.
     3    § 9. Paragraphs (a) and (b) of subdivision 8 of section 70-0117 of the
     4  environmental  conservation  law,  as  added by section 1 of part AAA of
     5  chapter 59 of the laws of 2009, are amended to read as follows:
     6    (a) All persons required to obtain a permit from the department pursu-
     7  ant to section 24-0701 of this chapter shall submit to the department an
     8  application fee in an amount [not to exceed the following:
     9    (i) fifty dollars per application for a permit for a minor project  as
    10  defined  in  this  article or modification to any existing permit issued
    11  pursuant to section 24-0701 of this chapter;
    12    (ii) fifty dollars per application for  a  permit  for  a  residential
    13  project  defined  as  associated  with  one  single  family dwelling and
    14  customary appurtenances thereto;
    15    (iii) one hundred dollars per application for multiple family dwelling
    16  and customary appurtenances thereto;
    17    (iv) two hundred dollars per application for a permit  for  any  other
    18  project as defined in this article] specified in regulations promulgated
    19  by the department.
    20    (b) All persons required to obtain a permit from the department pursu-
    21  ant to section 25-0402 of this chapter shall submit to the department an
    22  application fee in an amount [not to exceed the following:
    23    (i)  two  hundred  dollars  per  application  for a permit for a minor
    24  project as defined in this  article  or  modification  to  any  existing
    25  permit issued pursuant to section 25-0402 of this chapter;
    26    (ii)  nine  hundred dollars per application for a permit for a project
    27  as defined in this article] specified in regulations promulgated by  the
    28  department.
    29    §  10.  Paragraph (c) of subdivision 8 of section 70-0117 of the envi-
    30  ronmental conservation law, as added by section 1 of part AAA of chapter
    31  59 of the laws of 2009, is amended to read as follows:
    32    (c) [All fees] Fees collected pursuant to [this] paragraph (a) of this
    33  subdivision shall be deposited [into the environmental  protection  fund
    34  pursuant to section ninety-two-s of the state finance law] to the credit
    35  of  the  conservation fund.  Fees collected pursuant to paragraph (b) of
    36  this subdivision  shall  be  deposited  to  the  credit  of  the  marine
    37  resources account of the conservation fund.
    38    (d) Application fees required pursuant to this subdivision will not be
    39  required for any state department.
    40    § 11. The title heading of title 25 of article 71 of the environmental
    41  conservation  law,  as  added  by  chapter  182  of the laws of 1975, is
    42  amended to read as follows:
    43                  ENFORCEMENT OF ARTICLE 25 AND ARTICLE 34

    44    § 12. Section 71-2501 of the environmental conservation law, as  added
    45  by chapter 182 of the laws of 1975, is amended to read as follows:
    46  § 71-2501. Applicability of this title.
    47    The provisions of this title shall be applicable to the enforcement of
    48  article twenty-five and article thirty-four.
    49    §  13.  Subdivisions  1  and 2 of section 71-2503 of the environmental
    50  conservation law, as amended by chapter 666 of the  laws  of  1989,  are
    51  amended to read as follows:
    52    1. Administrative sanctions.
    53    a.  Any  person  who violates, disobeys or disregards any provision of
    54  article twenty-five or article thirty-four shall be liable to the people
    55  of the state for a civil penalty of not to exceed ten  thousand  dollars

        S. 7508                            167                           A. 9508

     1  for every such violation, to be assessed, after a hearing or opportunity
     2  to be heard, by the commissioner. Each violation shall be a separate and
     3  distinct  violation  and,  in  the  case of a continuing violation, each
     4  day's  continuance  thereof  shall  be  deemed  a  separate and distinct
     5  violation.  The penalty may be recovered in an  action  brought  by  the
     6  commissioner  in any court of competent jurisdiction. Such civil penalty
     7  may be released or compromised by the commissioner before the matter has
     8  been referred to the attorney general; and where such  matter  has  been
     9  referred  to  the  attorney general, any such penalty may be released or
    10  compromised and any action commenced to recover the same may be  settled
    11  and discontinued by the attorney general with the consent of the commis-
    12  sioner.
    13    b. Upon determining that significant damage to the functions and bene-
    14  fits  of  tidal wetlands or coastal erosion hazard areas is occurring or
    15  is imminent as a result of any violation of article twenty-five or arti-
    16  cle thirty-four, including but not limited to (i) activity taking  place
    17  requiring  a permit under article twenty-five or article thirty-four but
    18  for which no permit has been granted or (ii) failure on the  part  of  a
    19  permittee  to  adhere  to permit conditions, the commissioner shall have
    20  power to direct the violator to cease and desist from violating the act.
    21  In such cases the violator shall be provided an opportunity to be  heard
    22  within ten days of receipt of the notice to cease and desist.
    23    c.  Following a hearing held pursuant to section 71-1709 of this arti-
    24  cle, the commissioner shall have power to direct the violator  to  cease
    25  and  desist  from  violating  the  act and to restore the affected tidal
    26  wetland or area immediately adjacent thereto or coastal  erosion  hazard
    27  areas to its condition prior to the violation, insofar as that is possi-
    28  ble  within  a  reasonable time and under the supervision of the commis-
    29  sioner. Any order of the commissioner shall be enforceable in an  action
    30  brought  by the commissioner in any court of competent jurisdiction. Any
    31  civil penalty or order issued by the commissioner under this subdivision
    32  shall be reviewable in a proceeding under article seventy-eight  of  the
    33  civil practice law and rules.
    34    2.  Criminal sanctions. Any person who violates any provision of arti-
    35  cle twenty-five or article thirty-four shall, in addition, for the first
    36  offense, be guilty of a violation punishable by a fine of not less  than
    37  five  hundred nor more than five thousand dollars; for a second and each
    38  subsequent offense such person shall be guilty of a misdemeanor punisha-
    39  ble by a fine of not less than one thousand nor more than  ten  thousand
    40  dollars or a term of imprisonment of not less than fifteen days nor more
    41  than six months or both. In addition to or instead of these punishments,
    42  any  offender  shall  be  punishable  by  being  ordered by the court to
    43  restore the affected tidal wetland or area immediately adjacent  thereto
    44  or  coastal  erosion hazard areas to its condition prior to the offense,
    45  insofar as that is possible. The court shall specify a  reasonable  time
    46  for the completion of the restoration, which shall be effected under the
    47  supervision  of  the  commissioner. Each offense shall be a separate and
    48  distinct offense and, in the case of a continuing  offense,  each  day's
    49  continuance thereof shall be deemed a separate and distinct offense.
    50    §  14.  Section  71-2505  of  the  environmental  conservation law, as
    51  amended by chapter 249 of the laws  of  1997,  is  amended  to  read  as
    52  follows:
    53  § 71-2505. Enforcement.
    54    The  attorney  general, on his or her own initiative or at the request
    55  of the commissioner, shall prosecute persons who violate  article  twen-
    56  ty-five  or  article thirty-four.   In addition the attorney general, on

        S. 7508                            168                           A. 9508

     1  his or her own initiative or at the request of the  commissioner,  shall
     2  have  the right to recover a civil penalty of up to ten thousand dollars
     3  for every violation of any provision of such [article] articles, and  to
     4  seek  equitable relief to restrain any violation or threatened violation
     5  of such [article]  articles  and  to  require  the  restoration  of  any
     6  affected  tidal  wetland or area immediately adjacent thereto or coastal
     7  erosion hazard area to its condition prior to the violation, insofar  as
     8  that  is possible, within a reasonable time and under the supervision of
     9  the commissioner. In the case of  a  continuing  violation,  each  day's
    10  continuance thereof shall be deemed a separate and distinct violation.
    11    §  15. Section 71-2507 of the environmental conservation law, as added
    12  by chapter 182 of the laws of 1975, is amended to read as follows:
    13  § 71-2507. Pollution of tidal wetlands or coastal erosion hazard area.
    14    Where any tidal wetlands or coastal erosion hazard area are subject to
    15  pollution, the commissioner and attorney general shall take  all  appro-
    16  priate  action to abate the pollution. In addition, the commissioner may
    17  restrict or order cessation of solid waste disposal, deep well disposal,
    18  or liquid waste disposal where such is polluting a given area  of  tidal
    19  wetland  or  coastal  erosion  hazard  area.  Where pesticides, chemical
    20  products, or fertilizer residues are the polluting agents,  the  commis-
    21  sioner shall confer with other appropriate public officials to limit the
    22  use of such substances at their source; after appropriate consultations,
    23  the  commissioner may make such rules and regulations as he deems neces-
    24  sary under section 3-0301 of [the environmental conservation  law]  this
    25  chapter.
    26    §  16. This act shall take effect immediately, provided, however, that
    27  sections one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight and nine of this
    28  act shall take effect on January 1, 2022, except that any rule or  regu-
    29  lation necessary for the timely implementation of this act on its effec-
    30  tive date shall be promulgated on or before such date.

    31                                   PART UU

    32    Section  1.  This  act enacts into law components of legislation which
    33  are necessary to implement legislation relating to the Bay Park  Convey-
    34  ance Project.  Each component is wholly contained within a Subpart iden-
    35  tified  as  Subparts A through C. The effective date for each particular
    36  provision contained within such Subpart is set forth in the last section
    37  of such Subpart.   Any provision  in  any  section  contained  within  a
    38  Subpart,  including  the  effective  date  of the Subpart, which makes a
    39  reference to a section "of this act", when used in connection with  that
    40  particular  component,  shall  be deemed to mean and refer to the corre-
    41  sponding section of the Subpart in which it is found. Section  three  of
    42  this act sets forth the general effective date of this act.

    43                                  SUBPART A

    44    Section  1.  The county of Nassau, is hereby authorized, acting by and
    45  through the county legislature of such county,  and  the  department  of
    46  environmental  conservation,  acting  by and through the commissioner of
    47  such department or his or her designee, for the purpose of constructing,
    48  operating, maintaining and repairing a sub-surface sewer main, are here-
    49  by authorized to establish (a) permanent easements upon  and  under  the
    50  parklands described in sections four, five, seven, eight, ten and eleven
    51  of  this  act,  and (b) temporary easements upon and under the parklands
    52  described in sections three, six, and nine of  this  act.  Authorization

        S. 7508                            169                           A. 9508

     1  for  the  temporary easements described in sections three, six, and nine
     2  of this act shall cease upon the completion of the construction of  such
     3  sewer  main,  at which time the department of environmental conservation
     4  shall  restore  the surface of the parklands disturbed and the parklands
     5  shall continue to be used for park purposes as they were  prior  to  the
     6  establishment  of such temporary easements. Authorization for the perma-
     7  nent easements described in sections four, five, seven, eight,  ten  and
     8  eleven  of  this  act shall require that the department of environmental
     9  conservation restore the surface of  the  parklands  disturbed  and  the
    10  parklands shall continue to be used for park purposes as they were prior
    11  to the establishment of the permanent easements.
    12    §  2.  The  authorization  granted in section one of this act shall be
    13  effective only upon the condition that the county of Nassau dedicate  an
    14  amount  equal  to or greater than the fair market value of the permanent
    15  and temporary easements being  conveyed  and  the  temporary  alienation
    16  pursuant  to section one of this act to the acquisition of new parklands
    17  and/or capital improvements to existing park  and  recreational  facili-
    18  ties.
    19    §  3.  TEMPORARY EASEMENT - Force main shaft construction area.  Park-
    20  land upon and under which a temporary easement may be established pursu-
    21  ant to subdivision (b) of section one of this act is  described  as  all
    22  that  certain  plot, piece or parcel of land with buildings and improve-
    23  ments thereon erected, situate, lying and being  located  at  Bay  Park,
    24  Town  of  Hempstead,  County  of Nassau and State of New York being more
    25  particularly bounded and described as follows: beginning at a  point  on
    26  the northerly line of the Nassau County Sewage Treatment Plant property,
    27  said  Point  of  Beginning  being  South  68°00' East, as measured along
    28  northerly line of said sewage treatment plant, 543 feet plus  or  minus,
    29  from  the intersection of the northerly line Nassau County Sewage Treat-
    30  ment Plant with the westerly side  of  Compton  Street;  running  thence
    31  South  68°00'  East,  along  the northerly line of said sewage treatment
    32  plant, 247 feet plus or minus; thence South 07°04' West 196 feet plus or
    33  minus; thence North 78°37' West 33 feet  plus  or  minus;  thence  North
    34  06°10'  East  105  feet  plus or minus; thence North 30°53' West 56 feet
    35  plus or minus; thence North 64°27' West 190 feet plus or  minus;  thence
    36  North  20°21'  East  49 feet plus or minus, to the northerly line of the
    37  Nassau County  Sewage  Treatment  Plant,  at  the  Point  of  Beginning.
    38  Containing  within  said  bounds  19,700  square feet plus or minus. The
    39  above described temporary easement is for the construction of a  thirty-
    40  foot  diameter  access  shaft. The location of said access shaft is more
    41  particularly described in section four of this act.  Said  parcel  being
    42  part  of property designated as Section: 42 Block: A Lots: 50, 57 on the
    43  Nassau County Land and Tax Map.
    44    § 4. PERMANENT SUBSURFACE EASEMENT - Access shaft. Parkland  upon  and
    45  under which a permanent easement may be established pursuant to subdivi-
    46  sion  (a)  of  section  one of this act is described as all that certain
    47  plot, piece or parcel of land with buildings  and  improvements  thereon
    48  erected,  situate,  lying  and  being located at Bay Park, Town of Hemp-
    49  stead, County of Nassau and State of New York  being  more  particularly
    50  bounded  and  described as follows: a circular easement with a radius of
    51  15 feet, the center of said circle being the following three (3) courses
    52  from the intersection of the northerly line of the Nassau County  Sewage
    53  Treatment Plant with the westerly side of Compton Street: running thence
    54  South  68°00'  East,  along  the northerly line of said sewage treatment
    55  plant, 581 feet plus or minus to the centerline of the  permanent  ease-
    56  ment  for  a  force  main  described in section five of this act; thence

        S. 7508                            170                           A. 9508

     1  South 21°34' West, along said centerline, 17 feet plus or minus;  thence
     2  South  14°28' West, continuing along said centerline, 1,439 feet plus or
     3  minus, to the center of the herein described circular easement. Contain-
     4  ing  within  said  bound  707 square feet plus or minus.  Said permanent
     5  easement is for an access shaft that extends from  the  surface  of  the
     6  ground  to  an  approximate  depth  of  70  feet.  Any permanent surface
     7  improvements for cathodic protection, if necessary, would be flush  with
     8  the  ground  surface  or  integrated  into site landscaping. Said parcel
     9  being part of property designated as Section: 42 Block: A Lots:  50,  57
    10  on the Nassau County Land and Tax Map.
    11    §  5.  PERMANENT  SUBSURFACE  EASEMENT - Force main. Parkland upon and
    12  under which a permanent easement may be established pursuant to subdivi-
    13  sion (a) of section one of this act is described  as  all  that  certain
    14  plot,  piece  or  parcel of land with buildings and improvements thereon
    15  erected, situate, lying and being located at Bay  Park,  Town  of  Hemp-
    16  stead, County of Nassau and State of New York being a 20-foot wide strip
    17  of land more particularly bounded and described as follows: beginning at
    18  a  point  on  the  northerly  line of the Nassau County Sewage Treatment
    19  Plant property, said Point of Beginning  being  South  68°00'  East,  as
    20  measured  along  northerly line of said sewage treatment plant, 571 feet
    21  plus or minus, from the intersection of the northerly line Nassau County
    22  Sewage Treatment Plant with the westerly side of Compton Street; running
    23  thence South 68°00' East, along the northerly line of said sewage treat-
    24  ment plant, 20 feet plus or minus; thence South 21°34' West 17 feet plus
    25  or minus; thence South 14°28' West 1,463  feet  plus  or  minus;  thence
    26  North  75°32' West 20 feet plus or minus; thence North 14°28' East 1,464
    27  feet plus or minus; thence North 21°34' East 18 feet plus or  minus,  to
    28  the  northerly  line of the Nassau County Sewage Treatment Plant, at the
    29  Point of Beginning. Containing within said bounds  29,600  square  feet.
    30  The above described permanent easement is for the construction and oper-
    31  ation  of  a  six-foot diameter force main at a minimum depth of fifteen
    32  feet below the ground surface. Said parcel being part of property desig-
    33  nated as Section: 42 Block: A Lots: 50, 57 on the Nassau County Land and
    34  Tax Map.
    35    § 6. TEMPORARY EASEMENT - Force main shaft construction area.    Park-
    36  land upon and under which a temporary easement may be established pursu-
    37  ant  to  subdivision  (b) of section one of this act is described as all
    38  that certain plot, piece or parcel of land with buildings  and  improve-
    39  ments thereon erected, situate, lying and being located at the hamlet of
    40  Wantagh, Town of Hempstead, County of Nassau and State of New York being
    41  more particularly bounded and described as follows: beginning at a point
    42  on the northwesterly line of the herein described temporary easement for
    43  the  force  main  shaft construction area, said Point of Beginning being
    44  more particularly described as commencing at  the  intersection  of  the
    45  southerly  side of Sunrise Highway Street with the southeasterly side of
    46  Lakeview Road; running thence southerly along the southeasterly side  of
    47  Lakeview Road 243 feet plus or minus, to the centerline of the permanent
    48  subsurface  easement  for  force main described in section eight of this
    49  act; thence South 60°06' East, along said centerline, 25  feet  plus  or
    50  minus, to the northwesterly line of the temporary easement for the force
    51  main shaft construction area, at the Point of Beginning.  Running thence
    52  North  39°06'  East  111 feet plus or minus; thence South 55°47' East 70
    53  feet plus or minus; thence South 38°42' West 240  feet  plus  or  minus;
    54  thence North 54°11' West 72 feet plus or minus; thence North 39°06' East
    55  127  feet  plus  or minus, to the Point of Beginning.  Containing within
    56  said bounds 16,900 square feet plus or minus. The above described tempo-

        S. 7508                            171                           A. 9508

     1  rary easement is for the construction of a thirty-foot  diameter  access
     2  shaft.  The location of said access shaft is more particularly described
     3  in section seven of this act.  Said parcel being part of property desig-
     4  nated as Section: 56 Block: Y Lot: 259 on the Nassau County Land and Tax
     5  Map.
     6    §  7.  PERMANENT SUBSURFACE EASEMENT - Access shaft. Parkland upon and
     7  under which a permanent easement may be established pursuant to subdivi-
     8  sion (a) of section one of this act is described  as  all  that  certain
     9  plot,  piece  or  parcel of land with buildings and improvements thereon
    10  erected, situate, lying and being located at Hamlet of Wantagh, Town  of
    11  Hempstead, County of Nassau and State of New York being more particular-
    12  ly  bounded  and described as follows: a circular easement with a radius
    13  of 15 feet, the center of said circle being the following two (2) cours-
    14  es from the intersection of the southerly side of Sunrise  Highway  with
    15  the  southeasterly side of Lakeview Road: Southerly along the southeast-
    16  erly side of Lakeview Road 243 feet plus or minus, to the centerline  of
    17  the  permanent  subsurface easement for force main, described in section
    18  eight of this act; South 60°06' East, along  said  centerline,  51  feet
    19  plus  or minus, to the center of the herein described circular easement.
    20  Containing within said bounds a surface area of 707 square feet plus  or
    21  minus.  Said permanent easement is for an access shaft that extends from
    22  the surface of the ground to an approximate depth of 70 feet. Any perma-
    23  nent surface improvements for cathodic protection, if  necessary,  would
    24  be  flush  with  the ground surface or integrated into site landscaping.
    25  Said parcel being part of property designated as Section:  56  Block:  Y
    26  Lot: 259 on the Nassau County Land and Tax Map.
    27    §  8.  PERMANENT  SUBSURFACE  EASEMENT - Force main. Parkland upon and
    28  under which a permanent easement may be established pursuant to subdivi-
    29  sion (a) of section one of this act is described  as  all  that  certain
    30  plot,  piece  or  parcel of land with buildings and improvements thereon
    31  erected, situate, lying and being located at the Hamlet of Wantagh, Town
    32  of Hempstead, County of Nassau and State of New  York  being  a  20-foot
    33  wide  strip  of land more particularly bounded and described as follows:
    34  beginning at a point on the southeasterly side of  Lakeview  Road,  said
    35  Point  of Beginning being southwesterly 222 feet plus or minus, as meas-
    36  ured along the southeasterly side of Lakeview Road from the intersection
    37  of the southerly side of Sunrise Highway with the southeasterly side  of
    38  Lakeview  Road;  thence  South 60°06' East 49 feet plus or minus; thence
    39  South 32°15' East 1,759 feet plus or minus; thence South 16°16' West  53
    40  feet  plus  or minus; thence North 32°15' West 1,785 feet plus or minus;
    41  thence North 60°06' West 53 feet plus or  minus,  to  the  southeasterly
    42  side of Lakeview Road; thence North 48°13' East, along the southeasterly
    43  side of Lakeview Road, 42 feet plus or minus, to the Point of Beginning.
    44  Containing  within  said  bounds  72,900  square feet plus or minus. The
    45  above described permanent easement is for the construction and operation
    46  of a six-foot diameter force main at a minimum  depth  of  fifteen  feet
    47  below  the ground surface. Said parcel being part of property designated
    48  as Section: 56 Block: Y Lots: 259 on the Nassau County Land and Tax Map.
    49    § 9. TEMPORARY EASEMENT - Force main shaft construction area.    Park-
    50  land upon and under which a temporary easement may be established pursu-
    51  ant  to  subdivision  (b) of section one of this act is described as all
    52  that certain plot, piece or parcel of land with buildings  and  improve-
    53  ments thereon erected, situate, lying and being located at the hamlet of
    54  Wantagh, Town of Hempstead, County of Nassau and State of New York being
    55  more particularly bounded and described as follows: beginning at a point
    56  on the northerly line of the herein described temporary easement for the

        S. 7508                            172                           A. 9508

     1  force  main  shaft construction area, said Point of Beginning being more
     2  particularly described as commencing at the intersection of the souther-
     3  ly side of Byron Street with  the  easterly  side  of  Wantagh  Parkway;
     4  running  thence southerly along the easterly side of Wantagh Parkway 319
     5  feet plus or minus, to the centerline of the permanent subsurface  ease-
     6  ment  for  force  main,  described in section eleven of this act; thence
     7  South 19°15' East, along said centerline, 257 feet plus or minus, to the
     8  northerly line of the  temporary  easement  for  the  force  main  shaft
     9  construction  area,  at  the  Point  of  Beginning. Running thence North
    10  87°25' East 122 feet plus or minus; thence south  33°56'  East  68  feet
    11  plus  or  minus;  thence South 04°43' East 54 feet plus or minus; thence
    12  South 86°38' West 78 feet plus or minus; thence  South  02°20'  East  83
    13  feet  plus  or  minus;  thence South 47°04' West 103 feet plus or minus;
    14  thence South 86°22' West 28 feet plus or minus; thence North 08°39' West
    15  264 feet plus or minus; thence North 87°25' East 53 feet plus or  minus,
    16  to  the Point of Beginning.  Containing within said bounds 36,500 square
    17  feet plus or minus. The above described temporary easement  is  for  the
    18  construction  of  a  thirty-foot  diameter access shaft. The location of
    19  said access shaft is more particularly described in section ten of  this
    20  act. Said parcel being part of property designated as Section: 63 Block:
    21  261  Lots:  765G,  818A  (Part of Cedar Creek Park) on the Nassau County
    22  Land and Tax Map.
    23    § 10. PERMANENT SUBSURFACE EASEMENT - Access shaft. Parkland upon  and
    24  under which a permanent easement may be established pursuant to subdivi-
    25  sion  (a)  of  section  one of this act is described as all that certain
    26  plot, piece or parcel of land with buildings  and  improvements  thereon
    27  erected,  situate, lying and being located at Hamlet of Wantagh, Town of
    28  Hempstead, County of Nassau and State of New York being more particular-
    29  ly bounded and described as follows: a circular easement with  a  radius
    30  of 15 feet, the center of said circle being the following two (2) cours-
    31  es  from the intersection of the southerly side of Byron Street with the
    32  easterly side of Wantagh Parkway: Southerly along the easterly  side  of
    33  Wantagh  Parkway 319 feet plus or minus, to the centerline of the perma-
    34  nent subsurface easement for force main, described in section eleven  of
    35  this act; thence South 19°15' East, along said centerline, 315 feet plus
    36  or  minus,  to  the  center  of  the herein described circular easement.
    37  Containing within said bounds a surface area of 707 square feet plus  or
    38  minus.  Said permanent easement is for an access shaft that extends from
    39  the surface of the ground to an approximate depth of 70 feet. Any perma-
    40  nent surface improvements for cathodic protection, if  necessary,  would
    41  be  flush  with  the ground surface or integrated into site landscaping.
    42  Said parcel being part of property designated as Section: 63 Block:  261
    43  Lots:  765G,  818A  (Part of Cedar Creek Park) on the Nassau County Land
    44  and Tax Map.
    45    § 11. PERMANENT SUBSURFACE EASEMENT - Force main.  Parkland  upon  and
    46  under which a permanent easement may be established pursuant to subdivi-
    47  sion  (a)  of  section  one of this act is described as all that certain
    48  plot, piece or parcel of land with buildings  and  improvements  thereon
    49  erected, situate, lying and being located at the Hamlet of Wantagh, Town
    50  of  Hempstead,  County  of  Nassau and State of New York being a 20-foot
    51  wide strip of land more particularly bounded and described  as  follows:
    52  beginning at a point on the easterly side of Wantagh Parkway, said Point
    53  of  Beginning  being southerly 285 feet plus or minus, as measured along
    54  the easterly side of Wantagh Parkway from the intersection of the south-
    55  erly side of Byron Street with the easterly  side  of  Wantagh  Parkway;
    56  running  thence  South  19°15' East 349 feet plus or minus; thence South

        S. 7508                            173                           A. 9508

     1  02°17' East 1,882 feet plus or minus; thence  South  09°25'  East  1,202
     2  feet  plus  or  minus;  thence  South 80°35' West 20 feet plus or minus;
     3  thence North 09°25' West 1,203 feet plus or minus; thence  North  02°17'
     4  West 1,880 feet plus or minus; thence North 19°15' West 281 feet plus or
     5  minus,  to  the  easterly  side  of Wantagh Parkway; thence North 02°09'
     6  West, along the easterly side of Wantagh Parkway, 68 feet plus or minus,
     7  to the Point of Beginning. Containing within said bounds  68,000  square
     8  feet  plus  or  minus. The above described permanent easement is for the
     9  construction and operation of a six-foot diameter force main at a  mini-
    10  mum  depth  of  fifteen feet below the ground surface. Said parcel being
    11  part of property designated as Section: 63 Block: 261 Lots:  765G,  818A
    12  (Part of Cedar Creek Park) on the Nassau County Land and Tax Map.
    13    §  12.  In  the  event  that the county of Nassau received any funding
    14  support or assistance from the  federal  government  for  the  purchase,
    15  maintenance, or improvement of the parklands set forth in sections three
    16  through  eleven  of  this act, the discontinuance and alienation of such
    17  parklands authorized by the provisions of this act shall not occur until
    18  the county of Nassau has complied with any applicable  federal  require-
    19  ments pertaining to the alienation or conversion of parklands, including
    20  satisfying  the secretary of the interior that the alienation or conver-
    21  sion complies with all conditions which the secretary  of  the  interior
    22  deems  necessary  to  assure  the  substitution  of other lands shall be
    23  equivalent in fair market value and usefulness to the lands being alien-
    24  ated or converted.
    25    § 13. This act shall take effect immediately.

    26                                  SUBPART B

    27    Section 1. The village of East Rockaway, in the county of  Nassau,  is
    28  hereby  authorized,  acting  by  and  through  the village board of such
    29  village, and the department of environmental conservation, acting by and
    30  through the commissioner of such department or his or her designee,  for
    31  the  purpose  of  constructing,  operating,  maintaining and repairing a
    32  sub-surface sewer main, are hereby authorized to establish (a) permanent
    33  easements upon and under the parklands described in  sections  four  and
    34  five  of this act, and (b) a temporary easement upon and under the park-
    35  lands described in section three of  this  act.  Authorization  for  the
    36  temporary  easement  described  in section three of this act shall cease
    37  upon the completion of the construction of the sewer main, at which time
    38  the department of environmental conservation shall restore  the  surface
    39  of  the  parklands disturbed and the parklands shall continue to be used
    40  for park purposes as they were prior to the grant of the temporary ease-
    41  ment. Authorization for the permanent easements  described  in  sections
    42  four  and five of this act shall require that the department of environ-
    43  mental conservation restore the surface of the parklands  disturbed  and
    44  the  parklands  shall continue to be used for park purposes as they were
    45  prior to the establishment of the permanent easements.
    46    § 2. The authorization provided in section one of this  act  shall  be
    47  effective  only  upon  the  condition  that the village of East Rockaway
    48  dedicate an amount equal to or greater than the fair market value of the
    49  permanent and temporary  easements  being  conveyed  and  the  temporary
    50  alienation pursuant to section one of this act to the acquisition of new
    51  parklands  and/or capital improvements to existing park and recreational
    52  facilities within the Village of East Rockaway.
    53    § 3. TEMPORARY EASEMENT - Force Main Shaft Construction Area.    Park-
    54  land upon and under which a temporary easement may be established pursu-

        S. 7508                            174                           A. 9508

     1  ant  to  subdivision  (b)  of  section  one  of this act is described as
     2  follows: all that certain plot, piece or parcel of land  with  buildings
     3  and  improvements  thereon  erected, situate, lying and being located at
     4  Incorporated Village of East Rockaway, and the Hamlet of Oceanside, Town
     5  of  Hempstead, County of Nassau and State of New York being more partic-
     6  ularly bounded and described as follows:  beginning at a  point  on  the
     7  westerly  line  of the herein described temporary easement for the force
     8  main shaft construction area, said Point of Beginning being more partic-
     9  ularly described as commencing at the intersection of the  northeasterly
    10  side  of  Long  Island  Railroad  right-of-way with the easterly side of
    11  Ocean Avenue; running thence North 12°34' East, along the easterly  side
    12  of Ocean Avenue, 92 feet plus or minus, to the northerly line of proper-
    13  ty  designated  as  Section 38 Block E Lot 14, on the Nassau County Land
    14  and Tax Map; thence South 74°46' East, partly along said northerly line,
    15  206 feet plus or minus, to the westerly line of the temporary  easement,
    16  at the Point of Beginning. Running thence North 15°34' East 49 feet plus
    17  or  minus; thence South 67°33' East 238 feet plus or minus; thence South
    18  07°07' West 31 feet plus or minus; thence South  86°06'  West  161  feet
    19  plus  or  minus; thence South 64°59' West 117 feet plus or minus; thence
    20  North 15°34' East 140 feet plus or minus, to  the  Point  of  Beginning.
    21  Containing  within  said  bounds  23,000  square feet plus or minus. The
    22  above described temporary easement is for the construction of a  thirty-
    23  foot  diameter  access  shaft. The location of said access shaft is more
    24  particularly described in section four of this act.  Said  parcel  being
    25  part of property designated as Section: 38, Block: E, Lots: 12, 14, 21A,
    26  21B on the Nassau County Land and Tax Map.
    27    §  4.  PERMANENT SUBSURFACE EASEMENT - Access Shaft. Parkland upon and
    28  under which a permanent easement may be established pursuant to subdivi-
    29  sion (a) of section one of this act is described  as  all  that  certain
    30  plot,  piece  or  parcel of land with buildings and improvements thereon
    31  erected, situate, lying and being located  at  Incorporated  Village  of
    32  East Rockaway, and the Hamlet of Oceanside, Town of Hempstead, County of
    33  Nassau  and  State  of  New  York  being  more  particularly bounded and
    34  described as follows: a circular easement with a radius of 15 feet,  the
    35  center  of  said  circle  being the following three (3) courses from the
    36  intersection of the northeasterly side of Long Island Railroad right-of-
    37  way with the easterly side of Ocean Avenue; North 12°34' East, along the
    38  easterly side of Ocean Avenue, 92 feet plus or minus, to  the  northerly
    39  line  of  property designated as Section 38 Block E Lot 14 on the Nassau
    40  County Land and Tax Map; South 74°46' East, partly along the said north-
    41  erly line, 333 feet plus or minus, to the centerline of  the  subsurface
    42  easement  for  force  main described in section five of this act; thence
    43  South 19°04' West, along said centerline, 16 feet plus or minus, to  the
    44  center of the herein described circular easement. Containing within said
    45  bounds  a  surface area of 707 square feet plus or minus. Said permanent
    46  easement is for an access shaft that extends from  the  surface  of  the
    47  ground  to  an  approximate  depth  of  70  feet.  Any permanent surface
    48  improvements for cathodic protection, if necessary, would be flush  with
    49  the  ground  surface  or  integrated  into site landscaping. Said parcel
    50  being part of property designated as Section: 38, Block:  E,  Lots:  12,
    51  14, 21A, 21B on the Nassau County Land and Tax Map.
    52    §  5.  PERMANENT  SUBSURFACE  EASEMENT - Force Main. Parkland upon and
    53  under which a permanent easement may be established pursuant to subdivi-
    54  sion (a) of section one of this act is described  as  all  that  certain
    55  plot,  piece  or  parcel of land with buildings and improvements thereon
    56  erected, situate, lying and being located  at  Incorporated  Village  of

        S. 7508                            175                           A. 9508

     1  East  Rockaway,  and the Hamlet of Oceanside, County of Nassau and State
     2  of New York being a 20-foot wide strip of land more particularly bounded
     3  and described as follows: beginning at a point on the westerly  line  of
     4  the herein described permanent subsurface easement, said Point of Begin-
     5  ning being more particularly described as commencing at the intersection
     6  of  the northeasterly side of Long Island Railroad right-of-way with the
     7  easterly side of Ocean Avenue; running thence North 12°34'  East,  along
     8  the  easterly side of Ocean Avenue, 92 feet plus or minus, to the north-
     9  erly line of property designated as Section 38 Block E  Lot  14  on  the
    10  Nassau  County  Land and Tax Map; thence South 74°46' East, partly along
    11  the said northerly line, 323 feet plus or minus, to the westerly line of
    12  the permanent easement, at the Point of Beginning.  Running thence North
    13  19°04' East 73 feet plus or minus, to the  northerly  line  of  property
    14  designated  as  Section 38 Block E Lot 21A on the Nassau County Land and
    15  Tax Map; thence South 60°10' East, along said northerly  line,  20  feet
    16  plus  or  minus;  thence South 19°04' West 82 feet plus or minus; thence
    17  South 15°40' East 116 feet plus or minus, to the south line of  property
    18  designated  as  Section 38 Block E Lot 21A on the Nassau County Land and
    19  Tax Map; thence North 88°09' West 21 feet plus or  minus;  thence  North
    20  15°40'  West  116  feet  plus or minus; thence North 19°04' East 19 feet
    21  plus or minus, to the Point of Beginning. Containing within said  bounds
    22  4,100  square feet plus or minus. The above described permanent easement
    23  is for the construction and operation of a six-foot diameter force  main
    24  at a minimum depth of fifteen feet below the ground surface. Said parcel
    25  being  part  of  property designated as Section: 38, Block: E, Lots: 12,
    26  14, 21A, 21B on the Nassau County Land and Tax Map.
    27    § 6. In the event that the village of East Rockaway received any fund-
    28  ing support or assistance from the federal government for the  purchase,
    29  maintenance, or improvement of the parklands set forth in sections three
    30  through  five  of  this  act,  the discontinuance and alienation of such
    31  parklands authorized by the provisions of this act shall not occur until
    32  the village of East Rockaway has complied with  any  applicable  federal
    33  requirements  pertaining  to  the alienation or conversion of parklands,
    34  including satisfying the secretary of the interior that  the  alienation
    35  or  conversion  complies  with all conditions which the secretary of the
    36  interior deems necessary to assure the substitution of other lands shall
    37  be equivalent in fair market value and usefulness  to  the  lands  being
    38  alienated or converted.
    39    § 7. This act shall take effect immediately.

    40                                  SUBPART C

    41    Section  1.  The village of Rockville Centre, in the county of Nassau,
    42  acting by and through the board of trustees of  such  village,  and  the
    43  department  of  environmental  conservation,  acting  by and through the
    44  commissioner of such department or his or her designee, for the  purpose
    45  of  constructing,  operating,  maintaining  and  repairing a sub-surface
    46  sewer main, are hereby authorized to establish (a)  permanent  easements
    47  upon  and  under the parklands described in sections three, four and six
    48  of this act, and (b) temporary easements upon and  under  the  parklands
    49  described in sections five and seven of this act.  Authorization for the
    50  temporary  easements  described  in  sections five and seven of this act
    51  shall cease upon the completion of the construction of the  sewer  main,
    52  at which time the department of environmental conservation shall restore
    53  the  surface of the parklands disturbed and the parklands shall continue
    54  to be used for park purposes as they were prior  to  the  grant  of  the

        S. 7508                            176                           A. 9508

     1  temporary easements. Authorization for the permanent easements described
     2  in  sections  three,  four  and  six  of this act shall require that the
     3  department of environmental conservation  restore  the  surface  of  the
     4  parklands disturbed and the parklands shall continue to be used for park
     5  purposes  as they were prior to the establishment of the permanent ease-
     6  ments.
     7    § 2. The authorization provided in section one of this  act  shall  be
     8  effective  only  upon the condition that the village of Rockville Centre
     9  dedicate an amount equal to or greater than the fair market value of the
    10  permanent and temporary  easements  being  conveyed  and  the  temporary
    11  alienation pursuant to section one of this act to the acquisition of new
    12  parklands  and/or capital improvements to existing park and recreational
    13  facilities within the village of Rockville Centre.
    14    § 3. PERMANENT SUBSURFACE EASEMENT - Force  Main.  Parkland  upon  and
    15  under which a permanent easement may be established pursuant to subdivi-
    16  sion  (a)  of  section  one of this act is described as all that certain
    17  plot, piece or parcel of land with buildings  and  improvements  thereon
    18  erected,  situate,  lying  and  being located at Incorporated Village of
    19  East Rockaway, and the Incorporated Village of Rockville Centre, Town of
    20  Hempstead, County of Nassau and State of New York, being a 20-foot  wide
    21  strip  of  land  more particularly bounded and described as follows: the
    22  Point of Beginning being at the intersection of the  northerly  side  of
    23  Mill  River  Avenue  with  the  easterly side of Riverside Road; running
    24  thence northerly along the easterly side of Riverside Road 346 feet plus
    25  or minus; thence South 13°01' West 346 feet plus or minus, to the north-
    26  erly side of Mill River Avenue; thence westerly along the northerly side
    27  of Mill River Avenue, 17 feet plus or minus, to  the  easterly  side  of
    28  Riverside Road, at the Point of Beginning. Containing within said bounds
    29  3,100  square feet plus or minus. The above described permanent easement
    30  is for the construction and operation of a six-foot diameter force  main
    31  at a minimum depth of fifteen feet below the ground surface. Said parcel
    32  being part of property designated as Section: 38 Block: 136 Lots: 231 on
    33  the Nassau County Land and Tax Map.
    34    §  4.  PERMANENT SUBSURFACE EASEMENT - Access Shaft. Parkland upon and
    35  under which a permanent easement may be established pursuant to subdivi-
    36  sion (a) of section one of this act is described  as  all  that  certain
    37  plot,  piece  or  parcel of land with buildings and improvements thereon
    38  erected, situate, lying and being located  at  Incorporated  Village  of
    39  Rockville  Centre,  Incorporated  Village of East Rockaway, and Incorpo-
    40  rated Village of Lynbrook, Town of Hempstead, County of Nassau and State
    41  of New York being more particularly bounded and described as a  circular
    42  easement  with  a radius of 15 feet, the center of said circle being the
    43  following two (2) courses from the intersection of the northerly side of
    44  Park Avenue with the easterly side of Oxford Road:  Easterly  along  the
    45  northerly side of Park Avenue, 203 feet plus or minus, to the centerline
    46  of the permanent subsurface easement for force main described in section
    47  six of this act; North 13°01' East, along said centerline, 953 feet plus
    48  or  minus,  to  the  center  of  the herein described circular easement.
    49  Containing within said bounds a surface area of 707 square feet plus  or
    50  minus.  Said permanent easement is for an access shaft that extends from
    51  the surface of the ground to an approximate depth of 70 feet. Any perma-
    52  nent surface improvements for cathodic protection, if  necessary,  would
    53  be  flush  with  the ground surface or integrated into site landscaping.
    54  Said parcel being part of property designated as Section:  38  Block:  F
    55  Lots:  39-42, 50C, 50F and Section: 38, Block: T, Lots: 50A, 50B, 50C on
    56  the Nassau County Land and Tax Map.

        S. 7508                            177                           A. 9508

     1    § 5. TEMPORARY EASEMENT - Force Main Shaft Construction Area.    Park-
     2  land upon and under which a temporary easement may be established pursu-
     3  ant  to  subdivision  (b) of section one of this act is described as all
     4  that certain plot, piece or parcel of land with buildings  and  improve-
     5  ments  thereon erected, situate, lying and being located at Incorporated
     6  Village of Rockville Centre, Incorporated Village of East Rockaway,  and
     7  Incorporated  Village  of  Lynbrook, Town of Hempstead, County of Nassau
     8  and State of New York being more particularly bounded and  described  as
     9  follows:  Beginning  at  a  point  on  the  southerly side of the herein
    10  described temporary easement for the force main shaft construction area,
    11  said Point of Beginning being more particularly described as  commencing
    12  at  the intersection of the northerly side of Park Avenue with the east-
    13  erly side of Oxford Road; running thence easterly  along  the  northerly
    14  side  of  Park  Avenue, 203 feet plus or minus, to the centerline of the
    15  permanent subsurface easement for force main described in section six of
    16  this act; thence North 13°01' East, along said centerline, 920 feet plus
    17  or minus, to the southerly line of the temporary easement, at the  Point
    18  of  Beginning.  Running thence North 76°19' West 136 feet plus or minus,
    19  to the easterly terminus  of  Merton  Avenue  (unopened);  thence  North
    20  76°19' West, through the unopened part of Merton Avenue, 48 feet plus or
    21  minus;  thence North 14°49' East 5' feet plus or minus, to the northerly
    22  side of Merton Avenue; thence North 14°49' East 27' feet plus or  minus;
    23  thence South 76°29' East 66 feet plus or minus; thence North 36°47' East
    24  61  feet plus or minus; thence North 78°41' East 145 feet plus or minus;
    25  thence South 65°54' East 46 feet plus or minus; thence South 29°39' West
    26  147 feet plus or minus; thence North 76°19' West 42 feet plus or  minus,
    27  to  the  Point of Beginning. Containing within said bounds 22,800 square
    28  feet plus or minus. The above described temporary easement  is  for  the
    29  construction  of  a  thirty-foot  diameter access shaft. The location of
    30  said access shaft is more particularly described in section four of this
    31  act. Said parcel being part of property designated as Section: 38 Block:
    32  F Lots: 39-42, 50C, 50F and Section: 38, Block: T, Lots: 50A,  50B,  50C
    33  on the Nassau County Land and Tax Map.
    34    §  6.  PERMANENT  SUBSURFACE  EASEMENT - Force Main. Parkland upon and
    35  under which a permanent easement may be established pursuant to subdivi-
    36  sion (a) of section one of this act is described  as  all  that  certain
    37  plot,  piece  or  parcel of land with buildings and improvements thereon
    38  erected, situate, lying and being located  at  Incorporated  Village  of
    39  Rockville  Centre,  Incorporated  Village of East Rockaway, and Incorpo-
    40  rated Village of Lynbrook, Town of Hempstead, County of Nassau and State
    41  of New York being a 20-foot wide strip of land more particularly bounded
    42  and described as follows:  beginning at a point on the northerly side of
    43  Park Avenue, said Point of Beginning 193 feet plus or minus easterly, as
    44  measured along the northerly side of Park Avenue from  the  intersection
    45  of  the  northerly  side of Park Avenue with the easterly side of Oxford
    46  Road; running thence North 13°01' East 956 feet plus  or  minus;  thence
    47  North  44°00'  East 446 feet plus or minus, to the northeasterly line of
    48  property designated as Section 38 Block F Lot 50F, on the Nassau  County
    49  Land  and  Tax  Map;  thence South 53°10' East, along said northeasterly
    50  line, 20 feet plus or minus; thence South 44°00' West 443 feet  plus  or
    51  minus; thence South 13°01' West 950 feet plus or minus, to the northerly
    52  side  of  Park  Avenue;  thence  North 79°36' West, along said northerly
    53  side, 20 feet plus or minus to the Point of Beginning; containing within
    54  said bounds 28,000 square feet plus or minus. The above described perma-
    55  nent easement is for the construction and operation of a six-foot  diam-
    56  eter  force  main  at  a  minimum depth of fifteen feet below the ground

        S. 7508                            178                           A. 9508

     1  surface. Said parcel being part of property designated  as  Section:  38
     2  Block:  F  Lots:   39-42, 50C, 50F and Section: 38, Block: T, Lots: 50A,
     3  50B, 50C on the Nassau County Land and Tax Map.
     4    §  7.  TEMPORARY EASEMENT - Force Main Shaft Construction Area.  Park-
     5  land upon and under which a temporary easement may be established pursu-
     6  ant to subdivision (b) of section one of this act is  described  as  all
     7  that  certain  plot, piece or parcel of land with buildings and improve-
     8  ments thereon erected, situate, lying and being located at  Incorporated
     9  Village  of  Rockville  Centre,  Town of Hempstead, County of Nassau and
    10  State of New York being  more  particularly  bounded  and  described  as
    11  follows:  beginning  at a point on the northerly side of Sunrise Highway
    12  (New York State Route 27A), said Point of Beginning  being  distant  254
    13  feet  plus  or  minus  westerly  as measured along the northerly side of
    14  Sunrise Highway from the intersection of the northerly side  of  Sunrise
    15  Highway  with  the  westerly side of Forest Avenue; running thence North
    16  86°15' West, along the northerly side of Sunrise Highway, 175 feet  plus
    17  or  minus; thence South 68°26' West, continuing along the northerly side
    18  of Sunrise Highway, 111 feet plus or minus; thence North 14°47' West 162
    19  feet plus or minus, to the southerly side of the Long Island  Rail  Road
    20  right-of-way;  thence South 86°59' East, along the southerly side of the
    21  Long Island Rail Road, 479 feet plus or minus; thence South 01°59'  West
    22  75  feet  plus  or  minus, to the northerly side of the travelled way of
    23  Sunrise Highway, then 160 feet plus or minus along the arc or a circular
    24  curve to the left that has a radius of 850 feet and a chord  that  bears
    25  South  80°03'  West  160  feet  plus or minus to the Point of Beginning.
    26  Containing within said bounds 50,300 square  feet  plus  or  minus.  The
    27  above  described temporary easement is necessary for the construction of
    28  temporary access to the aqueduct below Sunrise Highway area. Said parcel
    29  being part of property designated as Section: 38 Block: 291 Lot:  17  on
    30  the Nassau County Land and Tax Map.
    31    §  8.  In  the event that the village of Rockville Centre received any
    32  funding support or  assistance  from  the  federal  government  for  the
    33  purchase,  maintenance,  or  improvement  of  the parklands set forth in
    34  sections three through seven of this act, the discontinuance and  alien-
    35  ation  of  such parklands authorized by the provisions of this act shall
    36  not occur until the village of Rockville Centre has  complied  with  any
    37  applicable  federal requirements pertaining to the alienation or conver-
    38  sion of parklands, including satisfying the secretary  of  the  interior
    39  that the alienation or conversion complies with all conditions which the
    40  secretary  of the interior deems necessary to assure the substitution of
    41  other lands shall be equivalent in fair market value and  usefulness  to
    42  the lands being alienated or converted.
    43    § 9. This act shall take effect immediately.
    44    § 2. Severability clause. If any clause, sentence, paragraph, subdivi-
    45  sion,  section, subpart or part of this act shall be adjudged by a court
    46  of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, such judgment shall not affect,
    47  impair, or invalidate the remainder thereof, but shall  be  confined  in
    48  its  operation to the clause, sentence, paragraph, subdivision, section,
    49  subpart or part thereof directly involved in the  controversy  in  which
    50  such  judgment shall have been rendered. It is hereby declared to be the
    51  intent of the legislature that this act would have been enacted even  if
    52  such invalid provisions had not been included herein.
    53    §  3.  This act shall take effect immediately, provided, however, that
    54  the applicable effective date of Subparts A through C of this act  shall
    55  be as specifically set forth in the last section of such Subparts.

        S. 7508                            179                           A. 9508

     1                                   PART VV

     2    Section  1.  Subdivision  13  of  section 23-0101 of the environmental
     3  conservation law, as amended by chapter 846 of  the  laws  of  1981,  is
     4  amended  and  four new subdivisions 21, 22, 23, and 24 are added to read
     5  as follows:
     6    13. "Plug and abandon" means the plugging, and  replugging  if  neces-
     7  sary,  and  abandonment  of a well or well bore including the placing of
     8  all bridges, plugs, and fluids therein and the restoration and  reclama-
     9  tion  of  the  surface  of  affected land in the immediate vicinity to a
    10  reasonable condition consistent with the adjacent  terrain  unless  such
    11  restoration  and  reclamation  of the surface is waived by the landowner
    12  and approved by the department.
    13    21. "Abandoned" means wells or affected  land  regulated  pursuant  to
    14  titles 1, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13 and 19 of this article for which the responsi-
    15  ble  owner  or operator neglects or refuses to comply with its statutory
    16  or regulatory obligations and responsibilities related to such wells  or
    17  affected land, after notice and as determined by the department.
    18    22.  "Affected  land" means land or lands in the immediate vicinity of
    19  wells, including well pads and  access  roads,  that  are  disturbed  or
    20  impacted,  or potentially disturbed or impacted, by activities regulated
    21  pursuant to titles 1, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13 and 19 of this article.
    22    23. "Orphaned" means wells or  affected  land  regulated  pursuant  to
    23  titles 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13 and 19 of this article for which no respon-
    24  sible owner or operator exists or can be reasonably found, as determined
    25  by the department.
    26    24. "Well" and "well bore" means an existing or proposed hole, drilled
    27  or  constructed,  that  is  cased,  uncased  or both, for the purpose of
    28  producing oil or gas or both, or for the purpose of a storage,  solution
    29  mining, injection, monitoring, stratigraphic, brine disposal or geother-
    30  mal  well  regulated  pursuant to titles 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13 and 19 of
    31  this article.
    32    § 2. Subdivision 8 of section 23-0305 of the  environmental  conserva-
    33  tion  law,  as  added by chapter 846 of the laws of 1981, paragraph e as
    34  amended by chapter 386 of the laws of 2005, paragraph f  as  amended  by
    35  chapter 721 of the laws of 1989, and paragraph k as added by chapter 891
    36  of the laws of 1984, is amended to read as follows:
    37    8.  With  respect  to  oil pools or fields [and], natural gas pools or
    38  fields, underground gas storage reservoirs, and wells and their affected
    39  land regulated pursuant to titles one, three, five, seven, nine, eleven,
    40  thirteen, and nineteen of this article, the department shall have  power
    41  to:
    42    a.  Make  such  investigations as it deems proper to determine whether
    43  waste exists or is imminent.
    44    b. Require identification of ownership  of  producing  leases,  tanks,
    45  plants, structures and facilities for the transportation and refining of
    46  oil and gas.
    47    c.  Classify  and  reclassify  wells  or affected land as abandoned or
    48  orphaned, pools as oil  or  gas  pools,  or  wells  as  oil  [or],  gas,
    49  injection,  monitoring,  or underground storage wells, and require iden-
    50  tification of wells as an oil, gas,  injection,  monitoring,  or  under-
    51  ground  storage  well,  including  the  delineation  of  boundaries  for
    52  purposes material to the interpretation or administration of this  arti-
    53  cle.
    54    d. Require the drilling, casing, operation, plugging and replugging of
    55  wells  and  reclamation of surrounding land in accordance with rules and

        S. 7508                            180                           A. 9508

     1  regulations of the department in such manner as to prevent or remedy the
     2  following, including but not limited to: the escape of oil,  gas,  brine
     3  or  water  out  of one stratum into another; the intrusion of water into
     4  oil  or  gas  strata other than during enhanced recovery operations; the
     5  pollution of fresh water supplies by  oil,  gas,  salt  water  or  other
     6  contaminants; and blowouts, cavings, seepages and fires.
     7    e.  Enter,  take  temporary  possession of, repair, plug or replug any
     8  abandoned or orphaned well as provided in  the  rules  and  regulations,
     9  whenever  any  owner or operator neglects or refuses to comply with such
    10  rules and regulations.  Such repairing, plugging or  replugging  by  the
    11  department  shall  be at the expense of the owner or operator whose duty
    12  it may be to repair or plug the well and who  shall  hold  harmless  the
    13  state of New York for all accounts, damages, costs and judgments arising
    14  from  the  repairing, plugging or replugging of the well and the surface
    15  restoration of the affected land. Primary liability for the  expense  of
    16  such repairing, plugging or replugging and first recourse for the recov-
    17  ery  thereof  shall  be  to  the  operator  unless  a  contract  for the
    18  production, development, exploration or other working of  the  well,  to
    19  which  the lessor or other grantor of the oil and gas rights is a party,
    20  shall place such liability on the owner  or  on  the  owner  of  another
    21  interest  in  the  land  on which the well is situated. When an operator
    22  violates any provision of this article, any rule or  regulation  promul-
    23  gated  thereunder,  or any order issued pursuant thereto in reference to
    24  repairing, plugging or replugging an abandoned  or  orphaned  well,  the
    25  operator  may  not  transfer  the  operator's responsibility therefor by
    26  surrendering the lease. Prior to the commencement  of  drilling  of  any
    27  well,  the  operator shall be required to furnish to the department, and
    28  continuously maintain, a bond acceptable  to  it  conditioned  upon  the
    29  performance of said operator's plugging responsibilities with respect to
    30  said  well.   Upon the approval of the department, in lieu of such bond,
    31  the operator may deposit cash or negotiable bonds of the  United  States
    32  Government  of  like  amount  in  an escrow account conditioned upon the
    33  performance of said operator's plugging responsibilities with respect to
    34  said well. Any interest accruing  as  a  result  of  the  aforementioned
    35  escrow  deposit  shall  be  the  exclusive property of the operator. The
    36  aforementioned bonding requirements shall remain the obligation  of  the
    37  original operator regardless of changes in operators unless a subsequent
    38  operator  has  furnished  the  appropriate  bond or substitute as herein
    39  provided acceptable to the department and approval for the  transfer  of
    40  the  well  operatorship, which includes plugging and surface restoration
    41  responsibilities, to the subsequent operator has  been  granted  by  the
    42  department.  The  failure  of  any  operator to maintain a bond or other
    43  financial security as prescribed herein shall  be  deemed  a  breach  of
    44  plugging  and  surface  restoration  responsibilities  and  entitle  the
    45  department to claim the proceeds of the bond or other financial  securi-
    46  ty.  The  cost of repairing, plugging or replugging any well, where such
    47  action is necessary or incident to the  commencing  or  carrying  on  of
    48  storage operations pursuant to section 23-1103 or 23-1301 shall be borne
    49  by the operator of the storage facility.
    50    f. Require that every person who produces, sells, purchases, acquires,
    51  stores  or injects oil or gas and associated fluids and every person who
    52  transports oil or gas in this state shall keep and maintain complete and
    53  accurate records of the quantities  thereof.  Quantities  of  associated
    54  fluids  injected  or produced may be reported as estimated volumes. True
    55  copies or duplicates shall be kept or  made  available  for  examination
    56  within  this  state  by  the  department or its agents at all reasonable

        S. 7508                            181                           A. 9508

     1  times and every such person shall file with the department such  reports
     2  concerning production, sales, purchases, acquisitions, injection, trans-
     3  portation or storage on a form provided by the department or approved by
     4  the department prior to submittal.
     5    g.  In addition to the powers provided for in titles 1, 3, 5 and 13 of
     6  article 71, order an immediate  suspension  of  drilling  or  production
     7  operations whenever such operations are being carried on in violation of
     8  this  article  or any rule or regulation promulgated thereunder or order
     9  issued pursuant thereto. Any order issued pursuant to this paragraph may
    10  be reviewed upon application of an aggrieved party by means of an  order
    11  to  show cause which order shall be issued by any justice of the supreme
    12  court in the judicial district in which any order applies and  shall  be
    13  returnable  on  the third succeeding business day following the issuance
    14  of such order. Service of such show cause order shall be made  upon  the
    15  regional  office  of  the  department for the region in which such order
    16  applies, and upon the attorney general by delivery of such order  to  an
    17  assistant  attorney  general at an office of the attorney general in the
    18  county in which venue of the proceeding is designated, or if there is no
    19  office of the attorney general within such county, at the office of  the
    20  attorney  general  nearest such county. Except as hereinabove specified,
    21  the proceeding to review an order under this paragraph shall be governed
    22  by article seventy-eight of the civil practice law and rules.
    23    h. Require the immediate reporting of any non-routine incident includ-
    24  ing but not limited to casing and drill  pipe  failures,  casing  cement
    25  failures,  fishing  jobs,  fires, seepages, blowouts and other incidents
    26  during drilling, completion, producing,  plugging  or  replugging  oper-
    27  ations  that  may  affect the health, safety, welfare or property of any
    28  person. The department may require the operator, or any  agent  thereof,
    29  to  record  any  data which the department believes may be of subsequent
    30  use for adequate evaluation of a non-routine incident.
    31    i. Require the taking and making of well logs,  well  samples,  direc-
    32  tional  surveys  and  reports on well locations and elevations, drilling
    33  and production,  and  further  require  their  filing  pursuant  to  the
    34  provisions of this article. Upon the request of the state geologist, the
    35  department  shall  cause such duplicate samples or copies of records and
    36  reports as may be required pursuant to this article to be  furnished  to
    37  him.
    38    j.  Give notice to persons engaged in underground mining operations of
    39  the commencement of any phase of oil or gas well  operations  which  may
    40  affect the safety of such underground mining operations or of the mining
    41  properties  involved. Rules and regulations promulgated under this arti-
    42  cle shall specify the distance from underground mining operations within
    43  which such notice shall be given and shall contain such other provisions
    44  as in the judgment of the department shall be necessary in the  interest
    45  of  safety.  The  department shall not be required to furnish any notice
    46  required by this paragraph unless  the  person  or  persons  engaged  in
    47  underground mining operations or having rights in mining properties have
    48  notified  the  department  of  the existence and location of such under-
    49  ground mining operations or properties.
    50    k. (1) Except as to production of gas from lands under the  waters  of
    51  Lake  Erie,  in  order  to  satisfy  the financial security requirements
    52  contained in paragraph e of this subdivision for wells  [less  than  six
    53  thousand  feet  in  depth] for which the department [either] on or after
    54  October first, nineteen hundred sixty-three shall have issued  or  shall
    55  issue  permits  to drill, deepen, convert or plug back such wells or, on
    56  or after June fifth, nineteen hundred seventy-three, shall  have  issued

        S. 7508                            182                           A. 9508

     1  acknowledgements of notices of intention to drill such wells or, for all
     2  wells  subject  to  this article for which requests for transfer of well
     3  operatorship, which includes plugging and surface restoration  responsi-
     4  bilities,  are approved by the department on or after the effective date
     5  of the chapter of the laws of two  thousand  twenty  that  amended  this
     6  paragraph, without any way affecting any obligations to plug such wells,
     7  the operator shall provide a bond or other financial security acceptable
     8  to the department [in the following amount:
     9    (i) for wells less than two thousand five hundred feet in depth:
    10    (a)  twenty-five  hundred dollars per well, provided that the operator
    11  shall not be required to provide  financial  security  under  this  item
    12  exceeding twenty-five thousand dollars for up to twenty-five wells;
    13    (b)  for twenty-six to fifty wells, twenty-five thousand dollars, plus
    14  twenty-five hundred dollars per well in  excess  of  twenty-five  wells,
    15  provided  that  the  operator shall not be required to provide financial
    16  security under this item exceeding forty thousand dollars;
    17    (c) for fifty-one to one hundred wells, forty thousand  dollars,  plus
    18  twenty-five  hundred dollars per well in excess of fifty wells, provided
    19  that the operator shall not be required to  provide  financial  security
    20  under this item exceeding seventy thousand dollars;
    21    (d)  for  over one hundred wells, seventy thousand dollars, plus twen-
    22  ty-five hundred dollars  per  well  in  excess  of  one  hundred  wells,
    23  provided  that  the  operator shall not be required to provide financial
    24  security under this item exceeding one hundred thousand dollars.
    25    (ii) for wells between two thousand five hundred feet and six thousand
    26  feet in depth:
    27    (a) five thousand dollars per well, provided that the  operator  shall
    28  not  be required to provide financial security under this item exceeding
    29  forty thousand dollars for up to twenty-five wells;
    30    (b) for twenty-six to fifty wells, forty thousand dollars,  plus  five
    31  thousand  dollars per well in excess of twenty-five wells, provided that
    32  the operator shall not be required to provide financial  security  under
    33  this item exceeding sixty thousand dollars;
    34    (c)  for  fifty-one to one hundred wells, sixty thousand dollars, plus
    35  five thousand dollars per well in excess of fifty wells,  provided  that
    36  the  operator  shall not be required to provide financial security under
    37  this item exceeding one hundred thousand dollars;
    38    (d) for over one hundred wells, one  hundred  thousand  dollars,  plus
    39  five  thousand dollars per well in excess of one hundred wells, provided
    40  that the operator shall not be required to  provide  financial  security
    41  under this item exceeding one hundred fifty thousand dollars].
    42    (2)  [In  the  event  that  an  operator shall have wells described in
    43  clauses (i) and (ii) of subparagraph (1) of this paragraph, in  lieu  of
    44  providing  financial  security under the provisions of each such clause,
    45  such operator may file financial security as  if  all  such  wells  were
    46  between two thousand five hundred feet and six thousand feet in depth.
    47    (3)]  For  all  wells  [greater  than six thousand feet in depth] that
    48  require financial security, the operator  [may  be  required  to]  shall
    49  provide  [additional]  the department with financial security consistent
    50  with criteria contained in rules and regulations [to  be  adopted],  and
    51  any subsequent rules and regulations adopted by the department to imple-
    52  ment  this [subparagraph] article. The department is authorized to adopt
    53  rules and regulations determining  the  amount,  type,  conditions,  and
    54  terms of the financial security.
    55    §  3.  Subdivision 9 of section 23-0305 of the environmental conserva-
    56  tion law, as amended by chapter 846 of the laws of 1981, paragraph d  as

        S. 7508                            183                           A. 9508

     1  amended  by  chapter  721 of the laws of 1989, paragraph e as amended by
     2  chapter 386 of the laws of 2005, and paragraph f as added by chapter 891
     3  of the laws of 1984, is amended to read as follows:
     4    9. With respect to solution mining areas the department shall have the
     5  power to:
     6    a.  Require  identification  of  ownership  of  producing  leases  and
     7  solution mining equipment such as structures, tanks,  gathering  systems
     8  and facilities for the transportation of salt brine.
     9    a-1.  Classify  and  reclassify wells or affected land as abandoned or
    10  orphaned, or wells or unrestored lands regulated pursuant to  titles  1,
    11  3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, and 19 of this article, and require well identifica-
    12  tion as a solution mining well or monitoring well.
    13    b.  Require  the  drilling, casing, operation and plugging of wells in
    14  accordance with rules and regulations of the department in such a manner
    15  as to prevent the loss or escape of oil or gas reserves to  the  surface
    16  or  to other strata; the intrusion of brine or water into commercial oil
    17  or gas reserves; the pollution of fresh water supplies by  oil,  gas  or
    18  salt  water,  and  to facilitate the efficient use of ground and surface
    19  waters in solution mining.
    20    c. Give notice to persons engaging in underground mining operations of
    21  the commencing of any phase of solution mining well operations which may
    22  affect the safety of such underground mining operations or of the mining
    23  properties involved. Rules and regulations  of  the  department  adopted
    24  pursuant  hereto shall specify the distance from such underground mining
    25  operations within which such notice shall be  given  and  shall  contain
    26  such  other  provisions  as  in  the judgment of the department shall be
    27  necessary in the  interest  of  safety.  The  department  shall  not  be
    28  required  to  furnish  any  notice  pursuant hereto unless the person or
    29  persons engaged in underground mining operations  or  having  rights  in
    30  mining  properties  have  notified  the  department of the existence and
    31  location of such underground mining operations or properties.
    32    d. Require metering or other measuring of brine produced  by  solution
    33  mining,  and the maintenance of the records from each cavity or group of
    34  interconnected cavities until the wells in a cavity  have  been  plugged
    35  and [abandoned] affected land restored.  These records shall be given to
    36  the department on request.
    37    e.  Enter,  take  temporary  possession of, repair, plug or replug any
    38  abandoned or orphaned well as provided in  the  rules  and  regulations,
    39  whenever  any operator neglects or refuses to comply with such rules and
    40  regulations. Such repairing, plugging or replugging  by  the  department
    41  shall  be at the expense of the owner or operator whose duty it shall be
    42  to repair or plug the well and who shall hold harmless the state of  New
    43  York  for  all  accounts,  damages,  costs and judgments arising for the
    44  repairing, plugging or replugging of the well and the  surface  restora-
    45  tion  of  the  affected  land. Primary liability for the expense of such
    46  plugging or replugging and first recourse for the recovery thereof shall
    47  be to the operator unless a contract for  the  production,  development,
    48  exploration  or  other working of the well, to which the lessor or other
    49  grantor of the solution salt rights is a party, shall place such liabil-
    50  ity on the owner or on the owner of another  interest  in  the  land  on
    51  which  the  well is situated. When an operator violates any provision of
    52  this article, any rule or  regulation  promulgated  thereunder,  or  any
    53  order  issued  pursuant  thereto  in reference to repairing, plugging or
    54  replugging an abandoned or orphaned well, the operator may not  transfer
    55  the  operator's responsibility therefor by surrendering the lease. Prior
    56  to the commencement of drilling of any well to  which  this  subdivision

        S. 7508                            184                           A. 9508

     1  applies,  the  operator  shall be required to furnish to the department,
     2  and continuously maintain, a bond acceptable to it conditioned upon  the
     3  performance  of said operator's plugging and surface restoration respon-
     4  sibilities  with  respect to said well. Upon the approval of the depart-
     5  ment, in lieu of such bond, the operator may deposit cash or  negotiable
     6  bonds  of  the  United  States  Government  of  like amount in an escrow
     7  account conditioned upon the performance of said operator's plugging and
     8  surface restoration responsibilities with  respect  to  said  well.  Any
     9  interest  accruing as a result of aforementioned escrow deposit shall be
    10  the exclusive property  of  the  operator.  The  aforementioned  bonding
    11  requirements  shall  remain  the  obligation  of  the  original operator
    12  regardless of changes in operators  unless  a  subsequent  operator  has
    13  furnished the appropriate bond or substitute as herein provided accepta-
    14  ble to the department and approval for the transfer of the well plugging
    15  [responsibility]  and surface restoration responsibilities to the subse-
    16  quent operator has been granted by the department. The  failure  of  any
    17  operator  to  maintain  a bond or other financial security as prescribed
    18  herein shall be deemed a breach  of  plugging  and  surface  restoration
    19  responsibilities and entitle the department to claim the proceeds of the
    20  bond  or  other  financial  security.  Any order issued pursuant to this
    21  paragraph may be reviewed upon application  of  an  aggrieved  party  by
    22  means  of  an  order  to  show  cause which order shall be issued by any
    23  justice of the supreme court in the judicial district in which any  such
    24  order  applies  and shall be returnable on the third succeeding business
    25  day following the issuance of such order. Service  of  such  show  cause
    26  order  shall  be made upon the regional office of the department for the
    27  region in which such order applies, and upon  the  attorney  general  by
    28  delivery  of such order to an assistant attorney general at an office of
    29  the attorney general in the county in which venue of the  proceeding  is
    30  designated, or if there is no office of the attorney general within such
    31  county,  at  the  office  of  the  attorney general nearest such county.
    32  Except as hereinabove specified, the proceeding to review an order under
    33  this paragraph shall be governed by article seventy-eight of  the  civil
    34  practice law and rules.
    35    f.  (1)  In  order  to  satisfy  the  financial  security requirements
    36  contained in paragraph e of this subdivision for all wells for which the
    37  department [either] on or after October first, nineteen  hundred  sixty-
    38  three shall have issued or shall issue permits to drill, deepen, convert
    39  or  plug  back  such  wells or, on or after June fifth, nineteen hundred
    40  seventy-three, shall have issued acknowledgements of notices  of  inten-
    41  tion  to  drill  such wells or for all wells subject to this article for
    42  which requests for transfers of well operatorship, which includes  plug-
    43  ging  and  surface  restoration  responsibilities,  are  approved by the
    44  department on or after the effective date of the chapter of the laws  of
    45  two  thousand  twenty  that  amended  this paragraph, without in any way
    46  affecting any obligation to plug such wells, the operator shall  provide
    47  a  bond or other financial security acceptable to the department [in the
    48  following amount:
    49    (i) for wells less than two thousand five hundred feet in depth:
    50    (a) twenty-five hundred dollars per well, provided that  the  operator
    51  shall  not  be  required  to  provide financial security under this item
    52  exceeding twenty-five thousand dollars for up to twenty-five wells;
    53    (b) for twenty-six to fifty wells, twenty-five thousand dollars,  plus
    54  twenty-five  hundred  dollars  per  well in excess of twenty-five wells,
    55  provided that the operator shall not be required  to  provide  financial
    56  security under this item exceeding forty thousand dollars;

        S. 7508                            185                           A. 9508

     1    (c)  for  fifty-one to one hundred wells, forty thousand dollars, plus
     2  twenty-five hundred dollars per well in excess of fifty wells,  provided
     3  that  the  operator  shall not be required to provide financial security
     4  under this item exceeding seventy thousand dollars;
     5    (d)  for  over one hundred wells, seventy thousand dollars, plus twen-
     6  ty-five hundred dollars  per  well  in  excess  of  one  hundred  wells,
     7  provided  that  the  operator shall not be required to provide financial
     8  security under this item exceeding one hundred thousand dollars.
     9    (ii) for wells between two thousand five hundred feet and six thousand
    10  feet in depth:
    11    (a) five thousand dollars per well provided that  the  operator  shall
    12  not  be required to provide financial security under this item exceeding
    13  forty thousand dollars for up to twenty-five wells;
    14    (b) for twenty-six to fifty wells, forty thousand dollars,  plus  five
    15  thousand  dollars per well in excess of twenty-five wells, provided that
    16  the operator shall not be required to provide financial  security  under
    17  this item exceeding sixty thousand dollars;
    18    (c)  for  fifty-one to one hundred wells, sixty thousand dollars, plus
    19  five thousand dollars per well in excess of fifty wells,  provided  that
    20  the  operator  shall not be required to provide financial security under
    21  this item exceeding one hundred fifty thousand dollars;
    22    (d) for over one hundred wells, one  hundred  thousand  dollars,  plus
    23  five  thousand dollars per well in excess of one hundred wells, provided
    24  that the operator shall not be required to  provide  financial  security
    25  under this item exceeding one hundred fifty thousand dollars].
    26    (2)  [In  the  event  that  an  operator shall have wells described in
    27  clauses (i) and (ii) of subparagraph (1) of this paragraph, in  lieu  of
    28  providing  financial  security under the provisions of each such clause,
    29  such operator may file financial security as  if  all  such  wells  were
    30  between two thousand five hundred feet and six thousand feet in depth.
    31    (3)  For  wells  greater than six thousand feet in depth, the operator
    32  may be required to provide additional financial security consistent with
    33  criteria contained in rules and regulation to be  adopted  to  implement
    34  this  subparagraph]  For  all wells that require financial security, the
    35  operator shall provide the department with financial security consistent
    36  with criteria contained in rules and  regulations,  and  any  subsequent
    37  rules  and regulations adopted by the department to implement this arti-
    38  cle. The department is authorized to adopt rules and regulations  deter-
    39  mining  the  amount,  type,  conditions,  and  terms  of  the  financial
    40  security.
    41    § 4. Subdivision 14 of section 23-0305 of the environmental  conserva-
    42  tion law, as added by chapter 410 of the laws of 1987 and paragraph f as
    43  amended  by  chapter  386  of  the  laws  of 2005, is amended to read as
    44  follows:
    45    14. With respect to wells drilled deeper than five hundred feet  below
    46  the  earth's  surface for the purpose of conducting stratigraphic tests,
    47  for finding or producing hot water or steam,  for  injecting  fluids  to
    48  recover heat from the surrounding geologic materials or for the disposal
    49  of brines, the department shall have the power to:
    50    a.  Require all exploration, drilling and development operations to be
    51  conducted in accordance with standards promulgated by the department  in
    52  rules and regulations.
    53    b.  Conduct  investigations to determine the extent of compliance with
    54  this section and all rules, regulations and orders issued pursuant ther-
    55  eto.

        S. 7508                            186                           A. 9508

     1    c. Classify [a well  as  one  subject  to]  and  reclassify  wells  or
     2  affected  lands  as  abandoned or orphaned, to wells or unrestored lands
     3  regulated pursuant to titles 1, 3, 5, 7,  9,  11,  13  and  19  of  this
     4  [section] article and require [its] well identification as a geothermal,
     5  stratigraphic or brine disposal well.
     6    d. Require the drilling, casing, operation, plugging and replugging of
     7  wells  subject  to  this  section and reclamation of surrounding land in
     8  accordance with rules and regulations of the department.
     9    e. Enter, take temporary possession of, repair,  plug  or  replug  any
    10  abandoned  or orphaned well [subject to this section] as provided in the
    11  rules and regulations, whenever the well's owner or operator neglects or
    12  refuses to comply with such rules and regulations. Such repairing, plug-
    13  ging or replugging by the department shall be  at  the  expense  of  the
    14  owner  or operator whose duty it shall be to repair or plug the well and
    15  who shall hold harmless the state of New York for all accounts, damages,
    16  costs and judgments arising from the repairing, plugging  or  replugging
    17  of the well and the surface restoration of the affected land.
    18    f.  (1)  Require  that  the  operator  furnish  to the department, and
    19  continuously maintain, a bond or other  financial  security  conditioned
    20  upon the satisfactory performance of the operator's plugging and surface
    21  restoration responsibilities with respect to said [well] wells for which
    22  the  department shall have issued or shall issue permits to drill, deep-
    23  en, convert or plug back or, for all wells subject to this  article  for
    24  which  requests for transfers of well operatorship, which includes plug-
    25  ging and surface  restoration  responsibilities,  are  approved  by  the
    26  department  on or after the effective date of the chapter of the laws of
    27  two thousand twenty that amended this  paragraph.  The  failure  of  any
    28  operator  to  maintain  a bond or other financial security as prescribed
    29  herein shall be deemed a breach  of  plugging  and  surface  restoration
    30  responsibilities and entitle the department to claim the proceeds of the
    31  bond  or other financial security. Such bond or other financial security
    32  shall be for an amount as determined  [pursuant  to  the  provisions  of
    33  paragraph  k  of subdivision eight of this section] by and acceptable to
    34  the department.
    35    (2) For all wells that require financial security, the operator  shall
    36  provide  the department with financial security consistent with criteria
    37  contained in rules and regulations, and any subsequent rules  and  regu-
    38  lations adopted by the department to implement this article. The depart-
    39  ment  is  authorized  to  adopt  rules  and  regulations determining the
    40  amount, type, conditions, and terms of the financial security.
    41    g. In addition to the powers provided for in titles one,  three,  five
    42  and  thirteen of article seventy-one of this chapter, order an immediate
    43  suspension of operations carried on in violation of  the  oil,  gas  and
    44  solution  mining law or any rule or regulation promulgated thereunder or
    45  order issued pursuant thereto.
    46    h. Require  the  immediate  reporting  of  any  non-routine  incident,
    47  including  but  not  limited  to  casing and drill pipe failures, casing
    48  cement failures, fishing jobs, fires, seepages, blowouts and other inci-
    49  dents during drilling, completion,  producing,  plugging  or  replugging
    50  operations  that  may  affect the health, safety, welfare or property of
    51  any person or which may be injurious to plants or animals.  The  depart-
    52  ment may require the operator or any agent thereof to record and provide
    53  any data which the department believes may be of use for adequate evalu-
    54  ation of a non-routine incident.
    55    i. Require the taking and making of logs, samples, directional surveys
    56  and  reports  on  locations,  elevations,  drilling  and production, and

        S. 7508                            187                           A. 9508

     1  further require filing of such information pursuant to the provisions of
     2  the oil, gas and solution mining law. Upon  the  request  of  the  state
     3  geologist,  the department shall cause such samples or copies of records
     4  and reports to be furnished to the state geologist.
     5    j.  Give notice to persons engaged in underground mining operations of
     6  the commencement of any phase of  geothermal,  stratigraphic  and  brine
     7  disposal well operations which may affect the safety of such underground
     8  mining  operations  or of the mining properties involved. The department
     9  shall not be required to furnish any notice required by  this  paragraph
    10  unless the person or persons engaged in underground mining operations or
    11  having  rights  in mining properties have notified the department of the
    12  existence and location of such underground mining operations or  proper-
    13  ties.
    14    § 5. This act shall take effect immediately.

    15                                   PART WW

    16    Section  1.  Subdivision  3  of  section  23-0501 of the environmental
    17  conservation law, as added by chapter 386 of the laws of 2005, is renum-
    18  bered subdivision 4 and a new subdivision 3 is added to read as follows:
    19    3. No permits shall be issued authorizing an applicant to drill, deep-
    20  en, plug back, or convert wells that use high-volume hydraulic  fractur-
    21  ing to complete or recomplete natural gas resources. For purpose of this
    22  section, high-volume hydraulic fracturing shall be defined as the stimu-
    23  lation  of  a well using three hundred thousand or more gallons of water
    24  as the base fluid for hydraulic fracturing for  all  stages  in  a  well
    25  completion,  regardless  of whether the well is vertical or directional,
    26  including horizontal.
    27    § 2. This act shall take effect immediately.

    28                                   PART XX

    29    Section 1. The vehicle and traffic law is  amended  by  adding  a  new
    30  section 102-c to read as follows:
    31    §  102-c. Bicycle with electric assist. Every motor vehicle, including
    32  one partially powered by human power, other than one registered or capa-
    33  ble of being registered pursuant to this  chapter  as  a  motorcycle  or
    34  limited  use  motorcycle,  having  a seat or a saddle for the use of the
    35  rider and designed to travel on two wheels which has an  electric  motor
    36  no  greater  than  seven  hundred  fifty  watts,  equipped with operable
    37  pedals, meeting the equipment and manufacturing requirements  for  bicy-
    38  cles  adopted  by the Consumer Product Safety Commission under 16 C.F.R.
    39  Part 1512.1 et seq. and meeting the requirements of one of the following
    40  three classes:
    41    (a) "Class one bicycle with electric assist." A bicycle with  electric
    42  assist  having  an electric motor that provides assistance only when the
    43  person operating such bicycle with electric assist is pedaling, and that
    44  ceases to provide assistance when  such  bicycle  with  electric  assist
    45  reaches a speed of twenty miles per hour.
    46    (b)  "Class two bicycle with electric assist." A bicycle with electric
    47  assist having an electric motor that may be used exclusively  to  propel
    48  such  bicycle with electric assist, and that is not capable of providing
    49  assistance when such bicycle with electric assist  reaches  a  speed  of
    50  twenty miles per hour.
    51    (c)  "Class  three bicycle with electric assist." Solely within a city
    52  having a population of one million or  more,  a  bicycle  with  electric

        S. 7508                            188                           A. 9508

     1  assist  having  an electric motor that may be used exclusively to propel
     2  such bicycle with electric assist, and that is not capable of  providing
     3  assistance  when  such  bicycle  with electric assist reaches a speed of
     4  twenty-five miles per hour.
     5    § 2. Section 125 of the vehicle and traffic law, as amended by chapter
     6  365 of the laws of 2008, is amended to read as follows:
     7    § 125. Motor  vehicles. Every vehicle operated or driven upon a public
     8  highway which is propelled by  any  power  other  than  muscular  power,
     9  except  (a)  electrically-driven mobility assistance devices operated or
    10  driven by a person with a disability, (a-1) electric personal  assistive
    11  mobility  devices  operated  outside  a  city  with  a population of one
    12  million or more, (a-2)  bicycle  with  electric  assist  as  defined  in
    13  section  one  hundred two-c of this article, (b) vehicles which run only
    14  upon rails or tracks, (c) snowmobiles as defined in article  forty-seven
    15  of  this  chapter,  and  (d)  all terrain vehicles as defined in article
    16  forty-eight-B of this chapter. For the purposes of title  four  of  this
    17  chapter,  the  term motor vehicle shall exclude fire and police vehicles
    18  other than ambulances.  For the purposes of titles four and five of this
    19  chapter the term motor vehicles shall exclude farm type tractors and all
    20  terrain type vehicles used exclusively for agricultural purposes, or for
    21  snow plowing, other than for hire, farm equipment,  including  self-pro-
    22  pelled machines used exclusively in growing, harvesting or handling farm
    23  produce,  and self-propelled caterpillar or crawler-type equipment while
    24  being operated on the contract site.
    25    § 3. Subparagraph b of paragraph 1 of subdivision (a) of section  1202
    26  of the vehicle and traffic law, as amended by chapter 679 of the laws of
    27  1970, is amended to read as follows:
    28    b.  On a sidewalk, except a bicycle with electric assist as defined in
    29  section one hundred two-c of this chapter;
    30    § 4. The article heading of article 34 of the vehicle and traffic law,
    31  as amended by chapter 694 of the laws of 1995, is  amended  to  read  as
    32  follows:
    33                       OPERATION OF BICYCLES [AND], PLAY
    35    §  5. Section 1231 of the vehicle and traffic law, as amended by chap-
    36  ter 694 of the laws of 1995, is amended to read as follows:
    37    § 1231. Traffic laws apply to persons riding bicycles  or  skating  or
    38  gliding  on  in-line  skates or persons operating bicycles with electric
    39  assist; local laws.   1. Every person riding a  bicycle  or  skating  or
    40  gliding  on  in-line  skates  upon a roadway shall be granted all of the
    41  rights and shall be subject to all of the duties applicable to the driv-
    42  er of a vehicle by this title, except as to special regulations in  this
    43  article  and  except as to those provisions of this title which by their
    44  nature can have no application.
    45    2. (a) Except as provided by local  law,  ordinance,  order,  rule  or
    46  regulation  enacted  or  promulgated  pursuant  to paragraph (b) of this
    47  subdivision, bicycles with electric  assist  may  only  be  operated  on
    48  public  highways  with  a posted speed limit of thirty miles per hour or
    49  less, including non-interstate public highways, private  roads  open  to
    50  motor  vehicle  traffic,  and designated bicycle or in-line skate lanes.
    51  Every person operating a bicycle with electric assist upon a highway  or
    52  roadway  shall  be granted all of the rights and shall be subject to all
    53  of the duties applicable to the driver  of  a  vehicle  by  this  title,
    54  except as to special requirements in this article and except as to those
    55  provisions of this title which by their nature can have no application.

        S. 7508                            189                           A. 9508

     1    (b)  The  governing  body of any county, city, town or village may, by
     2  local law, ordinance, order, rule or regulation,  further  regulate  the
     3  maximum speed, time, place and manner of the operation of a bicycle with
     4  electric  assist  including requiring the use of protective headwear and
     5  wearing readily visible reflective clothing or material, and limiting or
     6  prohibiting the use thereof in specified areas under the jurisdiction of
     7  such county, city, town or village or prohibit entirely the use of bicy-
     8  cles  with  electric  assist  within such county, city, town or village.
     9  Notwithstanding title eight of this chapter, the governing body  of  any
    10  county,  city,  town  or village shall not authorize the use of bicycles
    11  with electric assist upon sidewalks or regulate the parking, standing or
    12  stopping of bicycles with electric assist on sidewalks.
    13    § 6. The vehicle and traffic law is amended by adding  a  new  section
    14  1232-a to read as follows:
    15    §  1232-a.  Operating  bicycles  with electric assist. 1. Every person
    16  operating a bicycle with electric assist shall yield the right of way to
    17  pedestrians.
    18    2. Every operator of a bicycle with electric assist shall  be  sixteen
    19  years of age or older.
    20    3. The operation of a class three bicycle with electric assist outside
    21  a city having a population of one million or more is prohibited.
    22    4. No person shall operate a class one or class two bicycle with elec-
    23  tric  assist in excess of twenty miles per hour. No person shall operate
    24  a class three bicycle with electric  assist  in  excess  of  twenty-five
    25  miles per hour.
    26    5.  No  person shall operate a bicycle with electric assist on a side-
    27  walk.
    28    6. A first violation of the provisions of this section shall result in
    29  no fine. A second or subsequent violation shall result in a  civil  fine
    30  not to exceed fifty dollars.
    31    §  7. Subdivision 1 of section 1233 of the vehicle and traffic law, as
    32  amended by chapter 703 of the laws  of  2004,  is  amended  to  read  as
    33  follows:
    34    1.  No  person operating a bicycle with electric assist or riding upon
    35  any bicycle, coaster, in-line skates, roller skates, skate board,  sled,
    36  or  toy vehicle shall attach the same or himself or herself to any vehi-
    37  cle being operated upon a roadway.
    38    § 8. Section 1234 of the vehicle and traffic law, as amended by  chap-
    39  ter 16 of the laws of 1996, is amended to read as follows:
    40    § 1234. Riding or operating on roadways, shoulders, bicycle or in-line
    41  skate  lanes  [and],  bicycle or in-line skate paths  and lanes reserved
    42  for non-motorized vehicles and devices.   (a)  Upon  all  roadways,  any
    43  bicycle,  bicycle  with electric assist or in-line skate shall be driven
    44  or operated either on a usable bicycle or in-line skate lane  or,  if  a
    45  usable  bicycle  or  in-line  skate lane has not been provided, near the
    46  right-hand curb or edge of the  roadway  or  upon  a  usable  right-hand
    47  shoulder in such a manner as to prevent undue interference with the flow
    48  of  traffic  except  when  preparing  for a left turn or when reasonably
    49  necessary to avoid conditions that would  make  it  unsafe  to  continue
    50  along  near  the  right-hand  curb  or edge. Conditions to be taken into
    51  consideration include, but are not limited to, fixed or moving  objects,
    52  vehicles,   bicycles,  in-line  skates,  pedestrians,  animals,  surface
    53  hazards or traffic lanes too narrow for a bicycle, bicycle with electric
    54  assist or person on in-line skates and a vehicle to travel safely  side-
    55  by-side within the lane.

        S. 7508                            190                           A. 9508

     1    (b)  Persons  riding  bicycles or skating or gliding on in-line skates
     2  upon a roadway shall not ride more than two abreast.  Persons  operating
     3  bicycles  with  electric  assist  upon a roadway shall ride single file.
     4  Persons riding bicycles or skating or gliding on in-line skates or oper-
     5  ating a bicycle with electric assist upon a shoulder, bicycle or in-line
     6  skate  lane,  or bicycle or in-line skates path, intended for the use of
     7  bicycles, electric personal assistive  mobility  device,  bicycles  with
     8  electric  assist,  or  in-line  skates  may  ride two or more abreast if
     9  sufficient space is available, except that when passing a vehicle, bicy-
    10  cle [or], electric personal  assistive  mobility  device,  bicycle  with
    11  electric  assist,  person  on in-line skates, or pedestrian, standing or
    12  proceeding along such shoulder, lane or path, persons  riding  bicycles,
    13  operating  bicycles  with  electric  assist,  or  skating  or gliding on
    14  in-line skates shall ride, operate, skate, or glide single file. Persons
    15  riding bicycles or skating or gliding on in-line skates upon  a  roadway
    16  shall  ride, skate, or glide single file when being overtaken by a vehi-
    17  cle.
    18    (c) Any person operating a bicycle, bicycle with  electric  assist  or
    19  skating  or gliding on in-line skates who is entering the roadway from a
    20  private road, driveway, alley or over a curb shall come to a  full  stop
    21  before entering the roadway.
    22    §  9. Section 1235 of the vehicle and traffic law, as amended by chap-
    23  ter 703 of the laws of 2004, is amended to read as follows:
    24    § 1235. Carrying articles. No person operating a bicycle  shall  carry
    25  any  package,  bundle, or article which prevents the driver from keeping
    26  at least one hand upon the handle bars.  No person operating  a  bicycle
    27  with  electric  assist  shall carry any package, bundle or article which
    28  prevents the operator from keeping at least one  hand  upon  the  handle
    29  bars  or which obstructs his or her vision. No person skating or gliding
    30  on in-line skates shall carry any  package,  bundle,  or  article  which
    31  obstructs  his  or  her  vision  in any direction. No person operating a
    32  skate board shall carry any package, bundle, or article which  obstructs
    33  his or her vision in any direction.
    34    §  10. Section 1236 of the vehicle and traffic law, subdivision (a) as
    35  amended by chapter 16 of the laws of 2009 and subdivisions (d)  and  (e)
    36  as  added  by  chapter  887  of  the laws of 1976, is amended to read as
    37  follows:
    38    § 1236. Lamps and other equipment on bicycles and bicycles with  elec-
    39  tric  assist.  (a) Every bicycle or bicycle with electric assist when in
    40  use during the period from one-half hour after sunset to  one-half  hour
    41  before  sunrise  shall  be equipped with a lamp on the front which shall
    42  emit a white light visible during hours of darkness from a  distance  of
    43  at  least  five  hundred feet to the front and with a red or amber light
    44  visible to the rear for three hundred feet. Effective July first,  nine-
    45  teen  hundred seventy-six, at least one of these lights shall be visible
    46  for two hundred feet from each side.
    47    (b) No person shall operate a bicycle or bicycle with electric  assist
    48  unless  it  is  equipped with a bell or other device capable of giving a
    49  signal audible for a distance of at least one hundred feet, except  that
    50  a bicycle or bicycle with electric assist shall not be equipped with nor
    51  shall  any person use upon a bicycle or bicycle with electric assist any
    52  siren or whistle.
    53    (c) Every bicycle shall be equipped with a brake which will enable the
    54  operator to make the braked wheels skid on dry, level,  clean  pavement.
    55  Every  bicycle with electric assist shall be equipped with a system that
    56  enables the operator to bring the device to a controlled stop.

        S. 7508                            191                           A. 9508

     1    (d) Every new bicycle shall be  equipped  with  reflective  tires  or,
     2  alternately,  a  reflex  reflector  mounted on the spokes of each wheel,
     3  said tires and reflectors to be of types approved by  the  commissioner.
     4  The  reflex  reflector  mounted on the front wheel shall be colorless or
     5  amber,  and  the  reflex  reflector  mounted  on the rear wheel shall be
     6  colorless or red.
     7    (e) Every bicycle when in use during the  period  from  one-half  hour
     8  after  sunset  to  one-half  hour  before sunrise shall be equipped with
     9  reflective devices or material  meeting  the  standards  established  by
    10  rules  and regulations promulgated by the commissioner; provided, howev-
    11  er, that such standards shall not  be  inconsistent  with  or  otherwise
    12  conflict  with  the  requirements  of  subdivisions  (a) and (d) of this
    13  section.
    14    § 11. The section heading of section 1238 of the vehicle  and  traffic
    15  law,  as  amended by chapter 267 of the laws of 1993, is amended to read
    16  as follows:
    17    Passengers on bicycles under one year of  age  prohibited;  passengers
    18  and  operators  under fourteen years of age to wear protective headgear;
    19  operators of class three bicycles with electric assist to  wear  protec-
    20  tive headgear.
    21    § 12. Section 1238 of the vehicle and traffic law is amended by adding
    22  a new subdivision 5-c to read as follows:
    23    5-c.  No  person  shall ride upon, propel or otherwise operate a class
    24  three bicycle with electric assist  unless  such  person  is  wearing  a
    25  helmet  meeting  standards  established  by  the  commissioner.  For the
    26  purposes of this subdivision, wearing a helmet means having  a  properly
    27  fitting helmet fixed securely on the head of such wearer with the helmet
    28  straps securely fastened.
    29    § 13. Subdivision 6 of section 1238 of the vehicle and traffic law, as
    30  added  by  chapter  267 of the laws of 1993, paragraph (a) as amended by
    31  chapter 402 of the laws of 2001, and paragraph (c) as amended by chapter
    32  703 of the laws of 2004, is amended to read as follows:
    33    6. (a) Any person who violates the  provisions  of  subdivision  five,
    34  five-a [or], five-b or five-c of this section shall pay a civil fine not
    35  to exceed fifty dollars.
    36    (b) The court shall waive any fine for which a person who violates the
    37  provisions  of  subdivision  five and subdivision five-c of this section
    38  would be liable if such  person  supplies  the  court  with  proof  that
    39  between the date of violation and the appearance date for such violation
    40  such person purchased or rented a helmet.
    41    (c)  The  court may waive any fine for which a person who violates the
    42  provisions of subdivision five, five-a, [or] five-b, or five-c  of  this
    43  section  would  be  liable  if  the  court  finds that due to reasons of
    44  economic hardship such person was unable to purchase a helmet or due  to
    45  such  economic  hardship  such person was unable to obtain a helmet from
    46  the statewide in-line skate and bicycle helmet distribution program,  as
    47  established  in  section  two hundred six of the public health law, or a
    48  local distribution program.  Such waiver of a fine shall not apply to  a
    49  second  or  subsequent  conviction  under  subdivision  five-c  of  this
    50  section.
    51    § 14. Subdivision 8 of section 1238 of the vehicle and traffic law, as
    52  amended by chapter 694 of the laws  of  1995,  is  amended  to  read  as
    53  follows:
    54    8.  A  police  officer  shall  only issue a summons for a violation of
    55  subdivision two, five, [or] five-a, or  five-c  of  this  section  by  a
    56  person less than fourteen years of age to the parent or guardian of such

        S. 7508                            192                           A. 9508

     1  person  if  the  violation by such person occurs in the presence of such
     2  person's parent or guardian and where such parent or guardian  is  eigh-
     3  teen  years  of  age  or more. Such summons shall only be issued to such
     4  parent  or  guardian,  and  shall  not be issued to the person less than
     5  fourteen years of age.
     6    § 15. Section 1240 of the vehicle and traffic law, as added by chapter
     7  468 of the laws of 2001, is amended to read as follows:
     8    § 1240. Leaving the scene of an incident involving a  wheeled  non-mo-
     9  torized  means of conveyance or involving a bicycle with electric assist
    10  without reporting in the second degree. 1. Any person age eighteen years
    11  or older operating a wheeled non-motorized means of conveyance,  includ-
    12  ing,  but  not  limited  to  bicycles, in-line skates, roller skates and
    13  skate boards, or operating a bicycle with electric assist, who,  knowing
    14  or having cause to know, that physical injury, as defined in subdivision
    15  nine  of  section  10.00  of  the  penal law, has been caused to another
    16  person, due to the operation of such non-motorized means  of  conveyance
    17  or  bicycle  with  electric assist by such person, shall, before leaving
    18  the place where the said physical injury occurred, stop, and provide his
    19  name and residence, including street and street number, to  the  injured
    20  party,  if practical, and also to a police officer, or in the event that
    21  no police officer is in the vicinity of the place of said  injury,  then
    22  such person shall report said incident as soon as physically able to the
    23  nearest police station or judicial officer.
    24    2.  Leaving the scene of an incident involving a wheeled non-motorized
    25  means of conveyance or involving a bicycle with electric assist  without
    26  reporting in the second degree is a violation.
    27    § 16. Section 1241 of the vehicle and traffic law, as added by chapter
    28  468 of the laws of 2001, is amended to read as follows:
    29    §  1241.  Leaving the scene of an incident involving a wheeled non-mo-
    30  torized means of conveyance or involving a bicycle with electric  assist
    31  without reporting in the first degree.  1. Any person age eighteen years
    32  or  older operating a wheeled non-motorized means of conveyance, includ-
    33  ing, but not limited to bicycles,  in-line  skates,  roller  skates  and
    34  skate  boards, or operating a bicycle with electric assist, who, knowing
    35  or having cause to know, that serious physical  injury,  as  defined  in
    36  subdivision  ten  of  section 10.00 of the penal law, has been caused to
    37  another person, due to the operation  of  such  non-motorized  means  of
    38  conveyance or bicycle with electric assist by such person, shall, before
    39  leaving the place where the said serious physical injury occurred, stop,
    40  and  provide his name and residence, including street and street number,
    41  to the injured party, if practical, and also to a police officer, or  in
    42  the event that no police officer is in the vicinity of the place of said
    43  injury,  then  such  person  shall report said incident as soon as phys-
    44  ically able to the nearest police station or judicial officer.
    45    2. Leaving the scene of an incident involving a wheeled  non-motorized
    46  means  of conveyance or involving a bicycle with electric assist without
    47  reporting in the first degree is a class B misdemeanor.
    48    § 17. The vehicle and traffic law is amended by adding a  new  section
    49  1242 to read as follows:
    50    §  1242.  Operation  of a bicycle with electric assist while under the
    51  influence of alcohol or drugs. 1. Offenses; criminal penalties.  (a)  No
    52  person  shall  operate  a  bicycle with electric assist while his or her
    53  ability to operate such bicycle with electric assist is impaired by  the
    54  consumption of alcohol.
    55    (i)  A  violation of this subdivision shall be an offense and shall be
    56  punishable by a fine of not less than three  hundred  dollars  nor  more

        S. 7508                            193                           A. 9508

     1  than five hundred dollars, or by imprisonment in a penitentiary or coun-
     2  ty  jail for not more than fifteen days, or by both such fine and impri-
     3  sonment.
     4    (ii) A person who operates a bicycle with electric assist in violation
     5  of this subdivision after being convicted of a violation of any subdivi-
     6  sion  of  this section within the preceding five years shall be punished
     7  by a fine of not less than five hundred  dollars  nor  more  than  seven
     8  hundred  fifty  dollars, or by imprisonment of not more than thirty days
     9  in a penitentiary or county jail or by both such fine and imprisonment.
    10    (iii) A  person  who  operates  a  bicycle  with  electric  assist  in
    11  violation of this subdivision after being convicted two or more times of
    12  a  violation of any subdivision of this section within the preceding ten
    13  years shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall be punished by a  fine
    14  of  not  less  than  seven  hundred  fifty dollars nor more than fifteen
    15  hundred dollars, or by imprisonment of not more than one hundred  eighty
    16  days in a penitentiary or county jail or by both such fine and imprison-
    17  ment.
    18    (b) No person shall operate a bicycle with electric assist while he or
    19  she has .08 of one per centum or more by weight of alcohol in his or her
    20  blood, breath, urine, or saliva, as determined by the chemical test made
    21  pursuant to the provisions of subdivision five of this section.
    22    (c) No person shall operate a bicycle with electric assist while he or
    23  she is in an intoxicated condition.
    24    (d)  No  person shall operate a bicycle with electric assist while his
    25  or her ability to operate such bicycle with electric assist is  impaired
    26  by  the  use  of  a drug as defined by section one hundred fourteen-a of
    27  this chapter.
    28    (e) No person shall operate a bicycle with electric assist  while  his
    29  or  her ability to operate such bicycle with electric assist is impaired
    30  by the combined influence of drugs or of alcohol and any drug  or  drugs
    31  as defined by section one hundred fourteen-a of this chapter.
    32    (f)  (i) A violation of paragraph (b), (c), (d), or (e) of this subdi-
    33  vision shall be a misdemeanor and shall be punishable by imprisonment in
    34  a penitentiary or county jail for not more than one year, or by  a  fine
    35  of  not  less  than  five  hundred  dollars  nor  more than one thousand
    36  dollars, or by both such fine and imprisonment.
    37    (ii) A person who operates a bicycle with electric assist in violation
    38  of paragraph (b), (c), (d) or (e) of this subdivision after having  been
    39  convicted  of  a  violation  of  paragraph  (b), (c), (d) or (e) of this
    40  subdivision, or of operating a bicycle with electric assist while intox-
    41  icated or while under  the  influence  of  drugs,  or  while  under  the
    42  combined  influence of drugs or of alcohol and any drug or drugs, within
    43  the preceding ten years, shall be guilty of a class E felony  and  shall
    44  be punished by a period of imprisonment as provided in the penal law, or
    45  by a fine of not less than one thousand dollars nor more than five thou-
    46  sand dollars, or by both such fine and imprisonment.
    47    (iii)  A  person  who  operates  a  bicycle  with  electric  assist in
    48  violation of paragraph (b), (c), (d) or (e) of  this  subdivision  after
    49  having been twice convicted of a violation of any of such paragraph (b),
    50  (c), (d) or (e) of this subdivision or of operating a bicycle with elec-
    51  tric  assist while intoxicated or under the influence of drugs, or while
    52  under the combined influence of drugs or of  alcohol  and  any  drug  or
    53  drugs,  within  the  preceding  ten  years, shall be guilty of a class D
    54  felony and shall be punished by a fine of not  less  than  two  thousand
    55  dollars  nor  more than ten thousand dollars or by a period of imprison-

        S. 7508                            194                           A. 9508

     1  ment as provided in the penal law, or by both such  fine  and  imprison-
     2  ment.
     3    2.  Sentencing limitations. Notwithstanding any provision of the penal
     4  law, no judge or magistrate shall impose  a  sentence  of  unconditional
     5  discharge  or  a violation of paragraph (b), (c), (d) or (e) of subdivi-
     6  sion one of this section nor shall he or she impose a sentence of condi-
     7  tional discharge unless such conditional discharge is accompanied  by  a
     8  sentence of a fine as provided in this section.
     9    3.  Sentencing:  previous  convictions. When sentencing a person for a
    10  violation of paragraph (b), (c), (d) or (e) of subdivision one  of  this
    11  section  pursuant  to  subparagraph (ii) of paragraph (f) of subdivision
    12  one of this section, the court shall consider any prior convictions  the
    13  person  may have for a violation of subdivision two, two-a, three, four,
    14  or four-a of section eleven hundred ninety-two of this title within  the
    15  preceding  ten  years. When sentencing a person for a violation of para-
    16  graph (b), (c), (d) or (e) of subdivision one of this  section  pursuant
    17  to  subparagraph  (iii)  of  paragraph  (f)  of  subdivision one of this
    18  section, the court shall consider any prior convictions the  person  may
    19  have  for  a violation of subdivision two, two-a, three, four, or four-a
    20  of section eleven hundred ninety-two of this title within the  preceding
    21  ten  years.    When  sentencing a person for a violation of subparagraph
    22  (ii) of paragraph (a) of subdivision one  of  this  section,  the  court
    23  shall consider any prior convictions the person may have for a violation
    24  of  any  subdivision  of section eleven hundred ninety-two of this title
    25  within the  preceding  five  years.  When  sentencing  a  person  for  a
    26  violation  of  subparagraph (iii) of paragraph (a) of subdivision one of
    27  this section, the court shall consider any prior convictions the  person
    28  may  have  for  a violation of any subdivision of section eleven hundred
    29  ninety-two of this title within the preceding ten years.
    30    4. Arrest and testing. (a) Notwithstanding the provisions  of  section
    31  140.10  of  the  criminal procedure law, a police officer may, without a
    32  warrant, arrest a person, in case of a violation  of  any  paragraph  of
    33  subdivision  one  of  this section, if such violation is coupled with an
    34  accident or collision in which such person is involved,  which  in  fact
    35  had been committed, though not in the police officer's presence, when he
    36  or  she has reasonable cause to believe that the violation was committed
    37  by such person. For the purposes of  this  subdivision,  police  officer
    38  shall  also  include  a peace officer authorized to enforce this chapter
    39  when the alleged violation constitutes a crime.
    40    (b) Breath test for operators of bicycles with electric assist.  Every
    41  person operating a bicycle with electric assist which has been  involved
    42  in  an  accident  or  which  is  operated  in  violation  of  any of the
    43  provisions of this section which regulate the manner in which a  bicycle
    44  with electric assist is to be properly operated shall, at the request of
    45  a  police  officer,  submit  to  a breath test to be administered by the
    46  police officer. If such test indicates that such operator  has  consumed
    47  alcohol,  the  police  officer  may request such operator to submit to a
    48  chemical test in the manner  set  forth  in  subdivision  five  of  this
    49  section.
    50    5. Chemical tests. (a) Any person who operates a bicycle with electric
    51  assist  shall  be requested to consent to a chemical test of one or more
    52  of the following: breath, blood, urine, or saliva  for  the  purpose  of
    53  determining  the alcoholic or drug content of his or her blood, provided
    54  that such test is administered at the direction of a police officer: (i)
    55  having reasonable cause to believe such person to have been operating in
    56  violation of this subdivision or paragraph (a), (b), (c), (d) or (e)  of

        S. 7508                            195                           A. 9508

     1  subdivision  one  of this section and within two hours after such person
     2  has been placed under arrest for any such violation or (ii)  within  two
     3  hours  after  a  breath test as provided in paragraph (b) of subdivision
     4  four  of  this  section indicates that alcohol has been consumed by such
     5  person and in accordance with the rules and regulations  established  by
     6  the police force of which the officer is a member.
     7    (b)  For  the  purpose of this subdivision "reasonable cause" shall be
     8  determined by viewing the  totality  of  circumstances  surrounding  the
     9  incident  which,  when  taken  together,  indicate that the operator was
    10  operating a bicycle with electric assist in violation of  any  paragraph
    11  of  subdivision one of this section. Such circumstances may include, but
    12  are not limited to: evidence that the operator was operating  a  bicycle
    13  with  electric  assist  in  violation  of any provision of this chapter,
    14  local law, ordinance, order, rule  or  regulation  which  regulates  the
    15  manner  in  which a bicycle with electric assist be properly operated at
    16  the time of the incident; any visible  indication  of  alcohol  or  drug
    17  consumption  or impairment by the operator; and other evidence surround-
    18  ing the circumstances of the incident which indicates that the  operator
    19  has  been operating a bicycle with electric assist while impaired by the
    20  consumption of alcohol or drugs or was intoxicated at the  time  of  the
    21  incident.
    22    6.  Chemical  test  evidence. (a) Upon the trial of any such action or
    23  proceeding arising out of actions alleged to have been committed by  any
    24  person  arrested  for a violation of any paragraph of subdivision one of
    25  this section, the court shall admit evidence of the amount of alcohol or
    26  drugs in the defendant's blood as shown by a test administered  pursuant
    27  to the provisions of subdivision five of this section.
    28    (b)  The  following effect shall be given to evidence of blood alcohol
    29  content, as determined by  such  tests,  of  a  person  arrested  for  a
    30  violation  of  any  paragraph of subdivision one of this section and who
    31  was operating a bicycle with electric assist:
    32    (i) evidence that there was .05 of one per centum or less by weight of
    33  alcohol in such person's blood shall be prima facie  evidence  that  the
    34  ability of such person to operate a bicycle with electric assist was not
    35  impaired  by the consumption of alcohol, and that such person was not in
    36  an intoxicated condition.
    37    (ii) evidence that there was more than .05 of one per centum but  less
    38  than  .07  of one per centum by weight of alcohol in such person's blood
    39  shall be prima facie evidence that such person was not in an intoxicated
    40  condition, but such evidence shall be relevant evidence but not be given
    41  prima facie effect, in determining whether the ability of such person to
    42  operate a bicycle with electric assist was impaired by  the  consumption
    43  of alcohol.
    44    (iii)  evidence  that there was .07 of one per centum or more but less
    45  than .08 of one per centum by weight of alcohol  in  his  or  her  blood
    46  shall be prima facie evidence that such person was not in an intoxicated
    47  condition, but such evidence shall be given prima facie effect in deter-
    48  mining  whether  the  ability  of  such person to operate a bicycle with
    49  electric assist was impaired by the consumption of alcohol.
    50    (c) Evidence of a refusal to submit to a chemical test or any  portion
    51  thereof shall be admissible in any trial or hearing provided the request
    52  to  submit  to such a test was made in accordance with the provisions of
    53  subdivision five of this section.
    54    7. Limitations. (a) A bicycle with electric  assist  operator  may  be
    55  convicted  of  a  violation  of paragraphs (a), (b), (c), (d) and (e) of
    56  subdivision one of this section, notwithstanding that  the  charge  laid

        S. 7508                            196                           A. 9508

     1  before  the  court alleged a violation of paragraph (b), (c), (d) or (e)
     2  of subdivision one of this section, and regardless  of  whether  or  not
     3  such condition is based on a plea of guilty.
     4    (b)  In  any  case  wherein the charge laid before the court alleges a
     5  violation of paragraph (b), (c), (d) or (e) of subdivision one  of  this
     6  section,  any  plea of guilty thereafter entered in satisfaction of such
     7  charge must include at least a plea of guilty to the  violation  of  the
     8  provisions of one of the paragraphs of such subdivision one and no other
     9  disposition  by  plea  of  guilty to any other charge in satisfaction of
    10  such charge shall be authorized;  provided,  however,  if  the  district
    11  attorney  upon  reviewing  the  available  evidence  determines that the
    12  charge of a  violation  of  subdivision  one  of  this  section  is  not
    13  warranted, he or she may consent, and the court may allow, a disposition
    14  by plea of guilty to another charge in satisfaction of such charge.
    15    8.  Enforcement  upon  crash.  Notwithstanding  any  provision of this
    16  section, no part of this section may be enforced unless  in  conjunction
    17  with  a  crash  involving an operator of a bicycle with electric assist.
    18  For the purposes of this subdivision, "crash" shall mean colliding  with
    19  a vehicle, person, building or other object.
    20    § 18. This act shall take effect immediately.

    21                                   PART YY

    22    Section  1.  Section  13 of part U1 of chapter 62 of the laws of 2003,
    23  amending the vehicle and traffic law and other laws relating to increas-
    24  ing certain motor vehicle transaction fees, as amended by section  1  of
    25  part A of chapter 58 of the laws of 2017, is amended to read as follows:
    26    §  13.  This act shall take effect immediately; [provided however that
    27  sections one through seven of this act, the amendments to subdivision  2
    28  of  section  205  of  the tax law made by section eight of this act, and
    29  section nine of this act shall expire and be deemed repealed on April 1,
    30  2020; provided further, however, that the provisions of  section  eleven
    31  of  this  act  shall  take  effect April 1, 2004 and shall expire and be
    32  deemed repealed on April 1, 2020].
    33    § 2. Section 2 of part B of chapter 84 of the laws of  2002,  amending
    34  the  state  finance law relating to the costs of the department of motor
    35  vehicles, as amended by section 2 of part A of chapter 58 of the laws of
    36  2015, is amended to read as follows:
    37    § 2. This act shall take effect April 1, 2002; provided,  however,  if
    38  this  act  shall become a law after such date it shall take effect imme-
    39  diately and shall be deemed to have been in full force and effect on and
    40  after April 1, 2002[; provided further, however,  that  this  act  shall
    41  expire and be deemed repealed on April 1, 2020].
    42    § 3. This act shall take effect immediately.

    43                                   PART ZZ

    44    Section  1. Section 5 of chapter 751 of the laws of 2005, amending the
    45  insurance law and the vehicle and traffic law relating  to  establishing
    46  the  accident  prevention  course  internet technology pilot program, as
    47  amended by section 3 of part D of chapter 58 of the  laws  of  2016,  is
    48  amended to read as follows:
    49    § 5. This act shall take effect on the one hundred eightieth day after
    50  it shall have become a law and shall expire and be deemed repealed April
    51  1,  [2020]  2022;  provided  that any rules and regulations necessary to

        S. 7508                            197                           A. 9508

     1  implement the provisions of this act on its effective date  are  author-
     2  ized and directed to be completed on or before such date.
     3    § 2. This act shall take effect immediately.

     4                                  PART AAA

     5    Section  1.  The  vehicle  and  traffic law is amended by adding a new
     6  section 114-e to read as follows:
     7    § 114-e. Electric scooter. Every two-wheeled device that  is  no  more
     8  than  sixty inches in length, twenty-six inches in width, and fifty-five
     9  inches in height, which is designed to transport one person  sitting  or
    10  standing  on  the  device  and  can be propelled by any power other than
    11  muscular power.
    12    § 2. Section 125 of the vehicle and traffic law, as amended by chapter
    13  365 of the laws of 2008, is amended to read as follows:
    14    § 125. Motor vehicles. Every vehicle operated or driven upon a  public
    15  highway  which  is  propelled  by  any  power other than muscular power,
    16  except (a) electrically-driven mobility assistance devices  operated  or
    17  driven  by a person with a disability, (a-1) electric personal assistive
    18  mobility devices operated outside  a  city  with  a  population  of  one
    19  million  or  more,  (a-2) electric scooters, (b) vehicles which run only
    20  upon rails or tracks, (c) snowmobiles as defined in article  forty-seven
    21  of  this  chapter,  and  (d)  all terrain vehicles as defined in article
    22  forty-eight-B of this chapter. For the purposes of title  four  of  this
    23  chapter,  the  term motor vehicle shall exclude fire and police vehicles
    24  other than ambulances.  For the purposes of titles four and five of this
    25  chapter the term motor vehicles shall exclude farm type tractors and all
    26  terrain type vehicles used exclusively for agricultural purposes, or for
    27  snow plowing, other than for hire, farm equipment,  including  self-pro-
    28  pelled machines used exclusively in growing, harvesting or handling farm
    29  produce,  and self-propelled caterpillar or crawler-type equipment while
    30  being operated on the contract site.
    31    § 3. Subparagraph b of paragraph 1 of subdivision (a) of section  1202
    32  of the vehicle and traffic law, as amended by chapter 679 of the laws of
    33  1970, is amended to read as follows:
    34    b. On a sidewalk, except an electric scooter as defined in section one
    35  hundred fourteen-e of this chapter;
    36    §  4.  The  vehicle and traffic law is amended by adding a new article
    37  34-D to read as follows:
    38                                ARTICLE 34-D
    39                       OPERATION OF ELECTRIC SCOOTERS
    40  Section 1280. Effect of requirements.
    41          1281. Traffic laws apply to persons operating electric scooters;
    42                  local laws.
    43          1282. Operating electric scooters.
    44          1283. Clinging to vehicles.
    45          1284. Riding on roadways, shoulders and lanes reserved for  non-
    46                  motorized vehicles and devices.
    47          1285. Lamps and other equipment.
    48          1286. Operators to wear protective headgear.
    49          1287. Leaving  the  scene  of  an incident involving an electric
    50                  scooter without reporting.
    51          1288. Operation of an electric scooter while under the influence
    52                  of alcohol or drugs.

        S. 7508                            198                           A. 9508

     1    § 1280. Effect of requirements. The parent of any child and the guard-
     2  ian of any ward shall not authorize or knowingly permit any  such  child
     3  or ward to violate any of the provisions of this article.
     4    § 1281. Traffic  laws  apply  to  persons operating electric scooters;
     5  local laws. 1. Electric scooters may only be operated on public highways
     6  with a posted speed limit of thirty miles per hour  or  less,  including
     7  non-interstate  public  highways,  private  roads  open to motor vehicle
     8  traffic, and designated bicycle or in-line  skate  lanes.  Every  person
     9  operating an electric scooter upon a highway or roadway shall be granted
    10  all  of  the rights and shall be subject to all of the duties applicable
    11  to the driver of a vehicle by this title, except as to special  require-
    12  ments  in  this  article and except as to those provisions of this title
    13  which by their nature can have no application.
    14    2. The governing body of any county, city, town  or  village  may,  by
    15  local  law,  ordinance,  order, rule or regulation, further regulate the
    16  maximum speed, time, place and  manner  of  the  operation  of  electric
    17  scooters  including requiring the use of protective headgear and wearing
    18  readily visible reflective clothing or material, and limiting or prohib-
    19  iting the use thereof in specified areas under the jurisdiction of  such
    20  county,  city,  town or village or prohibit entirely the use of electric
    21  scooters within such county,  city,  town  or  village.  Notwithstanding
    22  title  eight  of  this  chapter, the governing body of any county, city,
    23  town or village may not authorize the  use  of  electric  scooters  upon
    24  sidewalks  and  it may not regulate the parking, standing or stopping of
    25  electric scooters on sidewalks.
    26    § 1282. Operating electric scooters. 1. No electric scooter  shall  be
    27  used  to  carry more than one person at one time. No person operating an
    28  electric scooter shall carry  any  person  as  a  passenger  in  a  pack
    29  fastened to the operator or fastened to such scooter.
    30    2.  No  person  operating an electric scooter shall carry any package,
    31  bundle or article which prevents the operator from keeping at least  one
    32  hand  upon  the  handle bars or which obstructs his or her vision in any
    33  direction.
    34    3. Every person operating an electric scooter shall yield the right of
    35  way to pedestrians.
    36    4. Every operator of an electric scooter shall be sixteen years of age
    37  or older.
    38    5. No person shall operate an electric scooter in  excess  of  fifteen
    39  miles per hour.
    40    6. The operation of an electric scooter on a sidewalk is prohibited.
    41    7. (a) The governing body of any county, city, town or village may, by
    42  local  law, ordinance, order, rule or regulation, authorize and regulate
    43  shared electric scooter  systems  within  such  county,  city,  town  or
    44  village.  No  such  shared  systems shall operate within a city, town or
    45  village except as authorized by such local law, ordinance,  order,  rule
    46  or  regulation.  No such shared electric scooter system shall operate on
    47  public highways in a county with  a  population  of  no  less  than  one
    48  million  five  hundred eighty-five thousand and no more than one million
    49  five hundred eighty-seven thousand as of the two thousand ten  decennial
    50  census.  For  the purposes of this subdivision, the term shared electric
    51  scooter system shall mean a network of self-service and publicly  avail-
    52  able electric scooters, and related infrastructure, in which an electric
    53  scooter trip begins and/or ends on any public highway.
    54    (b)  Notwithstanding  any  other provision of law to the contrary, all
    55  trip data, personal information,  images,  videos,  and  other  recorded
    56  images  collected by any shared electric scooter system which is author-

        S. 7508                            199                           A. 9508

     1  ized to operate within a city, town or village pursuant to this section:
     2  (i) shall be for the exclusive  use  of  such  shared  electric  scooter
     3  system  and  shall  not be sold, distributed or otherwise made available
     4  for  any commercial purpose and (ii) shall not be disclosed or otherwise
     5  made accessible except: (1) to the person who is  the  subject  of  such
     6  data, information or record; or (2) if necessary to comply with a lawful
     7  court  order,  judicial  warrant signed by a judge appointed pursuant to
     8  article III of the United States constitution, or subpoena for  individ-
     9  ual  data, information or records properly issued pursuant to the crimi-
    10  nal procedure law or the civil practice law and rules. Provided,  howev-
    11  er, that nothing contained in this paragraph shall be deemed to preclude
    12  the exchange of such data, information or recorded images solely for the
    13  purpose of administering such authorized shared system.
    14    8. A first violation of the provisions of this section shall result in
    15  no  fine.  A second or subsequent violation shall result in a civil fine
    16  not to exceed fifty dollars.
    17    § 1283. Clinging to vehicles.  1.  No  person  operating  an  electric
    18  scooter  shall attach such scooter, or himself or herself to any vehicle
    19  being operated upon a roadway.
    20    2. No vehicle operator shall knowingly permit any person to attach any
    21  electric scooter or himself or herself to  such  operator's  vehicle  in
    22  violation of subdivision one of this section.
    23    §  1284.  Riding on roadways, shoulders and lanes reserved for non-mo-
    24  torized vehicles and devices. 1. Upon all roadways, any electric scooter
    25  shall be operated either on a usable bicycle or in-line skate  lane  or,
    26  if  a  usable  bicycle or in-line skate lane has not been provided, near
    27  the right-hand curb or edge of the roadway or upon a  usable  right-hand
    28  shoulder in such a manner as to prevent undue interference with the flow
    29  of traffic except when preparing to turn left at an intersection or when
    30  reasonably  necessary  to  avoid conditions that would make it unsafe to
    31  continue along near the right-hand curb or edge of the  roadway.  Condi-
    32  tions  to  be  taken into consideration include, but are not limited to,
    33  fixed or moving objects, vehicles, bicycles, in-line skaters,  pedestri-
    34  ans,  animals, surface hazards and traffic lanes too narrow for an elec-
    35  tric scooter and a vehicle to  travel  safely  side-by-side  within  the
    36  lane.
    37    2.  Persons  operating  electric  scooters  upon  a roadway shall ride
    38  single file. Persons operating electric scooters upon a shoulder,  bicy-
    39  cle  or  in-line  skate lane, or bicycle or in-line skate path, intended
    40  for the use of bicycles, electric personal assistive  mobility  devices,
    41  electric  scooters,  or  in-line  skates may ride two or more abreast if
    42  sufficient space is available, except that when passing a vehicle, bicy-
    43  cle, electric personal  assistive  mobility  device,  electric  scooter,
    44  person on in-line skates or pedestrian standing or proceeding along such
    45  shoulder,  lane or path, persons operating electric scooters shall oper-
    46  ate such scooter in single file.
    47    3. Any person operating an electric scooter who is entering the  road-
    48  way  from a private road, driveway, alley or over a curb shall come to a
    49  full stop before entering the roadway.
    50    § 1285. Lamps and other equipment. 1. Every electric scooter  when  in
    51  use  during  the period from one-half hour after sunset to one-half hour
    52  before sunrise shall be equipped with a lamp on the  front  which  shall
    53  emit  a  white light visible during hours of darkness from a distance of
    54  at least five hundred feet to the front and with a red light visible  to
    55  the  rear  for three hundred feet. At least one of these lights shall be
    56  visible for two hundred feet from each side.

        S. 7508                            200                           A. 9508

     1    2. No person shall operate an electric scooter unless it  is  equipped
     2  with  a  bell  or  other device capable of giving a signal audible for a
     3  distance of at least one hundred feet, except that  such  scooter  shall
     4  not  be  equipped  with  nor  shall any person use upon such scooter any
     5  siren or whistle.
     6    3. Every electric scooter shall be equipped with a system that enables
     7  the operator to bring the device to a controlled stop.
     8    § 1286. Operators to wear protective headgear. 1. No person sixteen or
     9  seventeen  years  of age shall ride upon, propel or otherwise operate an
    10  electric scooter unless such person is wearing a helmet  meeting  stand-
    11  ards  established  by  the  commissioner  pursuant  to the provisions of
    12  subdivision two-a of section twelve hundred thirty-eight of this  title.
    13  As  used  in  this subdivision, wearing a helmet means having a properly
    14  fitting helmet fixed securely on the head of such wearer with the helmet
    15  straps securely fastened.
    16    2. Any person who violates the provisions of subdivision one  of  this
    17  section shall pay a civil fine not to exceed fifty dollars.
    18    3.  The court shall waive any fine for which a person who violates the
    19  provisions of subdivision one of this section would be  liable  if  such
    20  person  supplies the court with proof that between the date of violation
    21  and the appearance date for such  violation  such  person  purchased  or
    22  rented a helmet, which meets the requirements of subdivision one of this
    23  section,  or if the court finds that due to reasons of economic hardship
    24  such person was unable to purchase a helmet  or  due  to  such  economic
    25  hardship  such  person  was unable to obtain a helmet from the statewide
    26  in-line skate and bicycle helmet distribution program, as established in
    27  section two hundred six of the public health law or a local distribution
    28  program. Such waiver of fine shall not apply to a second  or  subsequent
    29  conviction under subdivision one of this section.
    30    4.  The  failure  of  any person to comply with the provisions of this
    31  section shall not constitute contributory negligence  or  assumption  of
    32  risk,  and shall not in any way bar, preclude or foreclose an action for
    33  personal injury or wrongful death by or on behalf of such person, nor in
    34  any way diminish or reduce the damages recoverable in any such action.
    35    § 1287. Leaving the scene of an incident involving an electric scooter
    36  without reporting. 1. (a) Any person eighteen  years  of  age  or  older
    37  operating an electric scooter who, knowing or having cause to know, that
    38  physical  injury, as defined in subdivision nine of section 10.00 of the
    39  penal law, has been caused to another person, due to  the  operation  of
    40  such  electric  scooter  by  such person shall, before leaving the place
    41  where such physical injury occurred, stop and provide his  or  her  name
    42  and residence, including street and street number, to the injured party,
    43  if  practical,  and  also  to  a police officer, or in the event that no
    44  police officer is in the vicinity of the place of said injury, then such
    45  person shall report said incident as soon  as  physically  able  to  the
    46  nearest police station or judicial officer.
    47    (b)  A  violation  of  paragraph  (a)  of  this subdivision shall be a
    48  violation.
    49    2. (a) Any person eighteen years of age or older operating an electric
    50  scooter who, knowing or having cause  to  know,  that  serious  physical
    51  injury, as defined in subdivision ten of section 10.00 of the penal law,
    52  has been caused to another person, due to the operation of such electric
    53  scooter  by such person shall, before leaving the place where such seri-
    54  ous physical injury occurred, stop and provide his or her name and resi-
    55  dence, including street and street number,  to  the  injured  party,  if
    56  practical,  and also to a police officer, or in the event that no police

        S. 7508                            201                           A. 9508

     1  officer is in the vicinity of the place of said injury, then such person
     2  shall report said incident as soon as physically  able  to  the  nearest
     3  police station or judicial officer.
     4    (b)  A violation of paragraph (a) of this subdivision shall be a class
     5  B misdemeanor.
     6    § 1288. Operation of an electric scooter while under the influence  of
     7  alcohol  or  drugs. 1. Offenses; criminal penalties. (a) No person shall
     8  operate an electric scooter while his or her  ability  to  operate  such
     9  electric scooter is impaired by the consumption of alcohol.
    10    (i)  A  violation of this subdivision shall be an offense and shall be
    11  punishable by a fine of not less than three  hundred  dollars  nor  more
    12  than five hundred dollars, or by imprisonment in a penitentiary or coun-
    13  ty  jail for not more than fifteen days, or by both such fine and impri-
    14  sonment.
    15    (ii) A person who operates an electric scooter in  violation  of  this
    16  subdivision  after  being convicted of a violation of any subdivision of
    17  this section within the preceding five years shall be punished by a fine
    18  of not less than five hundred dollars nor more than seven hundred  fifty
    19  dollars, or by imprisonment of not more than thirty days in a penitenti-
    20  ary or county jail or by both such fine and imprisonment.
    21    (iii)  A  person who operates an electric scooter in violation of this
    22  subdivision after being convicted two or more times of  a  violation  of
    23  any  subdivision of this section within the preceding ten years shall be
    24  guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall be punished by a  fine  of  not  less
    25  than  seven hundred fifty dollars nor more than fifteen hundred dollars,
    26  or by imprisonment of not more than one hundred eighty days in  a  peni-
    27  tentiary or county jail or by both such fine and imprisonment.
    28    (b)  No  person  shall operate an electric scooter while he or she has
    29  .08 of one per centum or more by weight of alcohol in his or her  blood,
    30  breath, urine, or saliva, as determined by the chemical test made pursu-
    31  ant to the provisions of subdivision five of this section.
    32    (c)  No person shall operate an electric scooter while he or she is in
    33  an intoxicated condition.
    34    (d) No person shall operate an electric scooter while his or her abil-
    35  ity to operate such electric scooter is impaired by the use of a drug as
    36  defined by section one hundred fourteen-a of this chapter.
    37    (e) No person shall operate an electric scooter while his or her abil-
    38  ity to operate such electric scooter is impaired by the combined  influ-
    39  ence  of drugs or of alcohol and any drug or drugs as defined by section
    40  one hundred fourteen-a of this chapter.
    41    (f)(i) A violation of paragraph (b), (c), (d) or (e) of this  subdivi-
    42  sion shall be a misdemeanor and shall be punishable by imprisonment in a
    43  penitentiary  or county jail for not more than one year, or by a fine of
    44  not less than five hundred dollars nor more than one  thousand  dollars,
    45  or by both such fine and imprisonment.
    46    (ii)  A  person who operates an electric scooter in violation of para-
    47  graph (b), (c), (d)  or  (e)  of  this  subdivision  after  having  been
    48  convicted  of  a  violation  of  paragraph  (b), (c), (d) or (e) of this
    49  subdivision, or of operating an electric scooter  while  intoxicated  or
    50  while  under  the influence of drugs, or while under the combined influ-
    51  ence of drugs or of alcohol and any drug or drugs, within the  preceding
    52  ten  years, shall be guilty of a class E felony and shall be punished by
    53  a period of imprisonment as provided in the penal law, or by a  fine  of
    54  not  less than one thousand dollars nor more than five thousand dollars,
    55  or by both such fine and imprisonment.

        S. 7508                            202                           A. 9508

     1    (iii) A person who operates an electric scooter in violation of  para-
     2  graph  (b),  (c), (d) or (e) of this subdivision after having been twice
     3  convicted of a violation of any of such paragraph (b), (c), (d)  or  (e)
     4  of this subdivision or of operating an electric scooter while intoxicat-
     5  ed  or  under the influence of drugs, or while under the combined influ-
     6  ence of drugs or of alcohol and any drug or drugs, within the  preceding
     7  ten  years, shall be guilty of a class D felony and shall be punished by
     8  a fine of not less than two thousand dollars nor more than ten  thousand
     9  dollars  or by a period of imprisonment as provided in the penal law, or
    10  by both such fine and imprisonment.
    11    2. Sentencing limitations. Notwithstanding any provision of the  penal
    12  law,  no  judge  or  magistrate shall impose a sentence of unconditional
    13  discharge for a violation of paragraph (b), (c), (d) or (e) of  subdivi-
    14  sion one of this section nor shall he or she impose a sentence of condi-
    15  tional  discharge  unless such conditional discharge is accompanied by a
    16  sentence of a fine as provided in this section.
    17    3. Sentencing; previous convictions. When sentencing a  person  for  a
    18  violation  of  paragraph (b), (c), (d) or (e) of subdivision one of this
    19  section pursuant to subparagraph (ii) of paragraph  (f)  of  subdivision
    20  one  of this section, the court shall consider any prior convictions the
    21  person may have for a violation of subdivision two, two-a, three,  four,
    22  or  four-a of section eleven hundred ninety-two of this title within the
    23  preceding ten years.  When sentencing a person for a violation of  para-
    24  graph  (b),  (c), (d) or (e) of subdivision one of this section pursuant
    25  to subparagraph (iii) of  paragraph  (f)  of  subdivision  one  of  this
    26  section,  the  court shall consider any prior convictions the person may
    27  have for a violation of subdivision two, two-a, three, four,  or  four-a
    28  of  section eleven hundred ninety-two of this title within the preceding
    29  ten years. When sentencing a person for a violation of subparagraph (ii)
    30  of paragraph (a) of subdivision one of this  section,  the  court  shall
    31  consider  any  prior  convictions the person may have for a violation of
    32  any subdivision of section eleven hundred ninety-two of this title with-
    33  in the preceding five years. When sentencing a person for a violation of
    34  subparagraph (iii) of paragraph (a) of subdivision one of this  section,
    35  the court shall consider any prior convictions the person may have for a
    36  violation  of  any  subdivision  of section eleven hundred ninety-two of
    37  this title within the preceding ten years.
    38    4. Arrest and testing. (a) Notwithstanding the provisions  of  section
    39  140.10  of  the  criminal procedure law, a police officer may, without a
    40  warrant, arrest a person, in case of a violation  of  any  paragraph  of
    41  subdivision  one  of  this section, if such violation is coupled with an
    42  accident or collision in which such person is involved,  which  in  fact
    43  had been committed, though not in the police officer's presence, when he
    44  or  she has reasonable cause to believe that the violation was committed
    45  by such person.  For the purposes of  this  subdivision  police  officer
    46  shall  also  include  a peace officer authorized to enforce this chapter
    47  when the alleged violation constitutes a crime.
    48    (b) Breath test for operators of  electric  scooters.    Every  person
    49  operating  an electric scooter which has been involved in an accident or
    50  which is operated in violation of any of the provisions of this  section
    51  which regulate the manner in which an electric scooter is to be properly
    52  operated  shall,  at the request of a police officer, submit to a breath
    53  test to be administered by the police officer. If  such  test  indicates
    54  that  such operator has consumed alcohol, the police officer may request
    55  such operator to submit to a chemical test in the manner  set  forth  in
    56  subdivision five of this section.

        S. 7508                            203                           A. 9508

     1    5.  Chemical  tests.  (a)  Any person who operates an electric scooter
     2  shall be requested to consent to a chemical test of one or more  of  the
     3  following:  breath, blood, urine, or saliva for the purpose of determin-
     4  ing the alcoholic or drug content of his or  her  blood,  provided  that
     5  such  test  is  administered  at  the direction of a police officer: (i)
     6  having reasonable cause to believe such person to have been operating in
     7  violation of this subdivision or paragraph (a), (b), (c), (d) or (e)  of
     8  subdivision  one  of this section and within two hours after such person
     9  has been placed under arrest for any such violation or (ii)  within  two
    10  hours  after  a  breath test as provided in paragraph (b) of subdivision
    11  four of this section indicates that alcohol has been  consumed  by  such
    12  person  and  in accordance with the rules and regulations established by
    13  the police force of which the officer is a member.
    14    (b) For the purpose of this subdivision "reasonable  cause"  shall  be
    15  determined  by  viewing  the  totality  of circumstances surrounding the
    16  incident which, when taken together,  indicate  that  the  operator  was
    17  operating  an electric scooter in violation of any paragraph of subdivi-
    18  sion one of this section. Such circumstances may include,  but  are  not
    19  limited to: evidence that the operator was operating an electric scooter
    20  in  violation  of  any  provision of this chapter, local law, ordinance,
    21  order, rule or regulation which regulates the manner in which  an  elec-
    22  tric scooter be properly operated at the time of the incident; any visi-
    23  ble indication of alcohol or drug consumption or impairment by the oper-
    24  ator;  and  other evidence surrounding the circumstances of the incident
    25  which indicates that the operator has been operating an electric scooter
    26  while impaired by the consumption of alcohol or drugs or was intoxicated
    27  at the time of the incident.
    28    6. Chemical test evidence. (a) Upon the trial of any  such  action  or
    29  proceeding  arising out of actions alleged to have been committed by any
    30  person arrested for a violation of any paragraph of subdivision  one  of
    31  this section, the court shall admit evidence of the amount of alcohol or
    32  drugs  in the defendant's blood as shown by a test administered pursuant
    33  to the provisions of subdivision five of this section.
    34    (b) The following effect shall be given to evidence of  blood  alcohol
    35  content,  as  determined  by  such  tests,  of  a  person arrested for a
    36  violation of any paragraph of subdivision one of this  section  and  who
    37  was operating an electric scooter:
    38    (i) evidence that there was .05 of one per centum or less by weight of
    39  alcohol  in  such  person's blood shall be prima facie evidence that the
    40  ability of such person to operate an electric scooter was  not  impaired
    41  by the consumption of alcohol, and that such person was not in an intox-
    42  icated condition.
    43    (ii)  evidence that there was more than .05 of one per centum but less
    44  than .07 of one per centum by weight of alcohol in such  person's  blood
    45  shall be prima facie evidence that such person was not in an intoxicated
    46  condition, but such evidence shall be relevant evidence but not be given
    47  prima facie effect, in determining whether the ability of such person to
    48  operate an electric scooter was impaired by the consumption of alcohol.
    49    (iii)  evidence  that there was .07 of one per centum or more but less
    50  than .08 of one per centum by weight of alcohol  in  his  or  her  blood
    51  shall be prima facie evidence that such person was not in an intoxicated
    52  condition, but such evidence shall be given prima facie effect in deter-
    53  mining whether the ability of such person to operate an electric scooter
    54  was impaired by the consumption of alcohol.
    55    (c)  Evidence of a refusal to submit to a chemical test or any portion
    56  thereof shall be admissible in any trial or hearing provided the request

        S. 7508                            204                           A. 9508

     1  to submit to such a test was made in accordance with the  provisions  of
     2  subdivision five of this section.
     3    7. Limitations. (a) An electric scooter operator may be convicted of a
     4  violation of paragraphs (a), (b), (d) and (e) of subdivision one of this
     5  section, notwithstanding that the charge laid before the court alleged a
     6  violation  of  paragraph (b), (c), (d) or (e) of subdivision one of this
     7  section, and regardless of whether or not such condition is based  on  a
     8  plea of guilty.
     9    (b)  In  any  case  wherein the charge laid before the court alleges a
    10  violation of paragraph (b), (c), (d) or (e) of subdivision one  of  this
    11  section,  any  plea of guilty thereafter entered in satisfaction of such
    12  charge must include at least a plea of guilty to the  violation  of  the
    13  provisions  of  one of the paragraphs of subdivision one of this section
    14  and no other disposition by plea of guilty to any other charge in satis-
    15  faction of such charge shall be authorized; provided,  however,  if  the
    16  district  attorney upon reviewing the available evidence determines that
    17  the charge of a violation of subdivision one  of  this  section  is  not
    18  warranted, he or she may consent, and the court may allow, a disposition
    19  by a plea of guilty to another charge in satisfaction of such charge.
    20    8.  Enforcement  upon  crash.  Notwithstanding  any  provision of this
    21  section, no part of this section may be enforced unless  in  conjunction
    22  with  a  crash  involving  an  operator  of an electric scooter. For the
    23  purposes of this subdivision, crash shall mean falling to the ground  or
    24  colliding with a vehicle, person, building or other object.
    25    § 5. This act shall take effect immediately.

    26                                  PART BBB

    27    Section 1. Section 410 of the economic development law is REPEALED.
    28    § 2. Section 3102-b of public authorities law, as added by chapter 562
    29  of  the  laws  of  1982  and as renumbered by chapter 291 of the laws of
    30  1990, the opening paragraph as amended by chapter 616  of  the  laws  of
    31  1991, paragraph (a) of subdivision 1, subdivision 3 and paragraph (a) of
    32  subdivision  6  as  amended by chapter 191 of the laws of 2010, subdivi-
    33  sions 5 and 6 as added by chapter 828 of the laws of 1987, is amended to
    34  read as follows:
    35    § 3102-b. Centers for  advanced  technology.  In  order  to  encourage
    36  greater  collaboration  between private industry and the universities of
    37  the state in the development and application of  new  technologies,  the
    38  [foundation]  department  of  economic development (hereinafter "depart-
    39  ment") is authorized to designate for advanced technology such areas  as
    40  integrated electronics, optics, biotechnology, telecommunications, auto-
    41  mation  and  robotics,  electronics  packaging,  imaging  technology and
    42  others identified by the [foundation] department as  having  significant
    43  potential  for  economic growth in New York, or in which the application
    44  of new technologies could significantly  enhance  the  productivity  and
    45  stability  of  New  York  businesses. Such designations shall be made in
    46  accordance with the standards and criteria set forth in subdivision  two
    47  of  this  section.  Centers  so designated shall be eligible for support
    48  from the [foundation] department in the manner provided for in  subdivi-
    49  sion  three  of  this  section,  and  for such additional support as may
    50  otherwise be provided by law.
    51    1. As used in this section:
    52    (a) "center for advanced technology" or "center" means a university or
    53  university-affiliated research institute or a consortium of such  insti-
    54  tutions,  designated  by  the  [foundation] department, which conducts a

        S. 7508                            205                           A. 9508

     1  continuing program of basic and applied research, development, and tech-
     2  nology commercialization in one or more technological areas, in  collab-
     3  oration  with  and through the support of private business and industry;
     4  and
     5    (b)  "applicant"  means a university or university-affiliated research
     6  institute or a consortium of such institutions which request designation
     7  as a center in accordance with such requirements as are  established  by
     8  the  [foundation] department for this purpose.  For the purposes of this
     9  subdivision, universities, university-affiliated research institutes  or
    10  a  consortium  of  such institutions designated as centers of excellence
    11  under section four hundred ten of the economic development  law  at  the
    12  time  of  the  effective date of the chapter of the laws of two thousand
    13  twenty that amended  this  subdivision  may  apply  for  designation  as
    14  centers for advanced technology.
    15    2. The [foundation] department shall:
    16    (a)  identify  technological  areas for which centers should be desig-
    17  nated including technological areas that are related to industries  with
    18  significant  potential  for  economic growth and development in New York
    19  state and technological areas that are related  to  the  enhancement  of
    20  productivity in various industries located in New York state.
    21    (b) establish criteria that applicants must satisfy for designation as
    22  a center, including, but not limited to the following:
    23    (i)  an established record of research, development and instruction in
    24  the area or areas of technology involved;
    25    (ii) the capacity to conduct research and  development  activities  in
    26  collaboration with business and industry;
    27    (iii)  the  capacity  to  secure substantial private and other govern-
    28  mental funding for the proposed center, in amounts at least equal to the
    29  total of support sought from the state;
    30    (iv) the ability and willingness to cooperate with other  institutions
    31  in  the  state in conducting research and development activities, and in
    32  disseminating research results; and to work with technical and community
    33  colleges in the state to enhance the quality of technical  education  in
    34  the area or areas of technology involved;
    35    (v)  the  ability  and  willingness to cooperate with the [foundation]
    36  department and other economic  development  agencies  in  promoting  the
    37  growth  and  development  in  New York state of industries based upon or
    38  benefiting from the area or areas of technology involved.
    39    (c) establish such  requirements  as  it  deems  appropriate  for  the
    40  format,  content  and  filing of applications for designation as centers
    41  for advanced technology.
    42    (d) establish such procedures as it deems appropriate for  the  evalu-
    43  ation  of applications for designation as centers for advanced technolo-
    44  gy, including the  establishment  of  peer  review  panels  composed  of
    45  nationally  recognized experts in the technological areas and industries
    46  to which the application is related.
    47    3. (a) From such funds as may be appropriated for this purpose by  the
    48  legislature,  the [foundation] department may provide financial support,
    49  through contracts or other means, to  designated  centers  for  advanced
    50  technology,  in  order to enhance and accelerate the development of such
    51  centers.  Funds received pursuant to this subdivision may  be  used  for
    52  purchase  of  equipment  and fixtures, employment of faculty and support
    53  staff, provision of graduate fellowships, and other purposes approved by
    54  the  [foundation]  department,  but  may  not  be   used   for   capital
    55  construction.  In  each  case,  the  amount provided by the [foundation]

        S. 7508                            206                           A. 9508

     1  department to a center shall be matched by commitments of  support  from
     2  private and governmental other than state sources provided that:
     3    (i)  funds  or  in-kind  resources  provided  by the public or private
     4  university of which the center is a part  may  be  counted  towards  the
     5  match;
     6    (ii) such match shall not be required on a project-by-project basis;
     7    (iii)  matching  funds  received from businesses with no more than one
     8  hundred employees shall count as double the actual dollar amount  toward
     9  the center's overall match requirement;
    10    (iv) funds used by the center for any workforce development activities
    11  required by the [foundation] department shall not be included as part of
    12  the  center's  award  when  determining  the  amount  of  matching funds
    13  required by the [foundation] department. Such activities shall  include,
    14  but  are  not  limited  to, helping incumbent workers expand their skill
    15  sets through short courses, seminars, and  workshops;  providing  indus-
    16  try-driven  research assistant opportunities for students, and aiding in
    17  the development of undergraduate and graduate courses  in  the  center's
    18  technology  focus  to  help ensure that students are trained to meet the
    19  needs of industry;
    20    (v) centers may use not more  then  twenty-five  percent  of  indirect
    21  costs towards any match requirements.
    22    (b)  The  amount provided by the [foundation] department shall be made
    23  in accordance with the following:
    24    (i) for the academic year in which it is first funded as a  designated
    25  center, and the five subsequent years, the amount provided by the [foun-
    26  dation] department to a center shall be matched equally by the center;
    27    (ii)  beginning in the sixth academic year following the academic year
    28  in which a center is first funded as a designated center  and  for  each
    29  academic  year  thereafter, amounts provided by the [foundation] depart-
    30  ment of up to seven hundred fifty  thousand  dollars  shall  be  matched
    31  equally by the center, amounts in excess of seven hundred fifty thousand
    32  dollars  shall  be  matched  by  the  center  in amounts of at least the
    33  percentage set forth herein: in  the  sixth  year,  one  hundred  twenty
    34  percent;  in  the seventh year, one hundred forty percent; in the eighth
    35  year, one hundred sixty percent; in the ninth year, one  hundred  eighty
    36  percent;  in  the  tenth  year  and  each  year  thereafter, two hundred
    37  percent;
    38    (iii) beginning in the ninth academic year following the academic year
    39  in which a center is first funded as a designated center,  the  [founda-
    40  tion] department shall evaluate such center's area of advanced technolo-
    41  gy  to  determine  whether  it  has  continued significant potential for
    42  enhancing economic growth in New York, or  whether  the  application  of
    43  technologies  in  the  area could significantly enhance the productivity
    44  and stability of New York businesses;
    45    (iv) upon a finding by the [foundation] department  that  an  area  of
    46  advanced  technology  has  continued significant potential for enhancing
    47  economic growth in New York, or that the application of technologies  in
    48  the  area  could significantly enhance the productivity and stability of
    49  New York businesses, the [foundation] department will initiate a  redes-
    50  ignation process in accordance with the standards and criteria set forth
    51  in  paragraph  (b)  of subdivision two and in accordance with paragraphs
    52  (c) and (d) of subdivision two of this section.
    53    (1) In the event a new center is selected in the  redesignation  proc-
    54  ess,  the [foundation] department shall provide funds to such new center
    55  in accordance with the funding match requirements set forth in  subpara-
    56  graphs (i) and (ii) of paragraph (a) of this subdivision.

        S. 7508                            207                           A. 9508

     1    (2) In the event a previously designated center is redesignated in the
     2  same  area of technology, which redesignation is effective for the tenth
     3  academic year following the first academic year of both designation  and
     4  funding,  then,  in  that year and in each year thereafter, the [founda-
     5  tion]  department shall provide funds of up to seven hundred fifty thou-
     6  sand dollars to be matched equally by the center, amounts in  excess  of
     7  seven  hundred  fifty thousand dollars shall be matched by the center in
     8  amounts of at least two hundred percent.
     9    (3) In the event a currently designated center is not selected in  the
    10  redesignation  process  for an additional term, or upon a finding by the
    11  [foundation] department that the area of advanced  technology  does  not
    12  have significant potential for enhancing economic growth in New York, or
    13  upon  a  finding that the application of technologies in that area would
    14  not significantly enhance the productivity and  stability  of  New  York
    15  businesses, then the [foundation] department shall, in the tenth academ-
    16  ic  year  following  such  center's  first both designation and funding,
    17  which year shall be the final year of funding for such  center,  provide
    18  an amount of up to five hundred thousand dollars.
    19    (c)  Continued funding of the operations of each center shall be based
    20  upon a showing that: the center continues to comply  with  the  criteria
    21  established  by the [foundation] department pursuant to paragraph (b) of
    22  subdivision two of this section; a demonstration of assistance to  small
    23  businesses  in  New  York state through research, technology transfer or
    24  other means as approved by  the  [foundation]  department;  evidence  of
    25  partnerships   with  other  appropriate  entities  to  develop  outreach
    26  networks and ensure that companies receive access to appropriate federal
    27  funding for technology development  and  commercialization  as  well  as
    28  non-research assistance such as general business consulting. Appropriate
    29  partners  are  those  with  which the center demonstrates a relationship
    30  that enhances and advances the center's ability to aid  economic  growth
    31  in New York state; and compliance with the rules, regulations and guide-
    32  lines of the [foundation] department; and, compliance with any contracts
    33  between the [foundation] department and the designated center.
    34    (d)  Each  center  shall  report on its activities to the [foundation]
    35  department in a manner and according to the schedule established by  the
    36  [foundation]  department,  and shall provide such additional information
    37  as the [foundation] department may require provided,  that  quantifiable
    38  economic  development  impact  measures are not restricted to any period
    39  less than five years and that centers provide a full description of  all
    40  non-quantifiable  measures.  The  [foundation] department shall evaluate
    41  center operations using methods such as site visits, reporting of speci-
    42  fied information and peer review evaluations using experts in the  field
    43  of  technology  in  which  the  center  was designated. The [foundation]
    44  department shall notify each center of the results  of  its  evaluations
    45  and  findings  of  deficiencies  in  the operation of such center or its
    46  research, education,  or  technology  commercialization  activities  and
    47  shall  work  with  such centers to remedy such findings. If such factors
    48  are not remedied, the [foundation] department  may  withdraw  the  state
    49  funding  support,  in  whole  or  in part, or withdraw the center desig-
    50  nation.
    51    (e) In order to encourage that the results of center research  benefit
    52  New  York  state, designation and continued funding of each center shall
    53  be contingent upon  each  center's  establishing  within  its  licensing
    54  guidelines  the  following:  after  payment  of  the inventor's share, a
    55  reduced payment due to the university of any royalty,  income  or  other
    56  consideration  earned  from the license or sale of intellectual property

        S. 7508                            208                           A. 9508

     1  rights created or developed at, or through the use of, the facilities of
     2  the center by any person or entity if the manufacturing or use resulting
     3  from such intellectual property rights occurs within New York state. The
     4  [foundation] department shall promulgate rules and regulations regarding
     5  the  provisions  of  the  licensing  guidelines described herein as they
     6  apply to such reduced payment, and such provisions shall be  subject  to
     7  the approval of the [foundation] department.
     8    4.  From  such  funds  as  may be appropriated for this purpose by the
     9  legislature, the [foundation] department may provide grants to  any  one
    10  university or university-affiliated research institution for purposes of
    11  planning  and  program  development aimed at enabling such university or
    12  university-affiliated research institution to qualify for designation as
    13  a center. Such grants shall be awarded on a competitive basis, and shall
    14  be available only to those applicants  which  in  the  judgment  of  the
    15  [foundation]  department  may reasonably be expected to be designated as
    16  centers. No applicant shall receive more than one such grant.
    17    5. (a) From such funds as may  be  appropriated  for  the  purpose  of
    18  incentive grants or other funds which may be available from the [founda-
    19  tion] department to enhance center activities in areas of crucial inter-
    20  est in the state's economic development, the [foundation] department may
    21  provide  grants, on a competitive basis, to centers for projects includ-
    22  ing, but not limited to, those which:
    23    (i) explore new technologies  with  commercial  application  conducted
    24  jointly  by  two  or more centers or a center and non-center university,
    25  college or community college;
    26    (ii) are aimed at enhancing or accelerating the  process  of  bringing
    27  new  products,  particularly  those under development by new small busi-
    28  nesses, to the marketplace; or
    29    (iii) increase technology transfer projects with  the  state's  mature
    30  manufacturing  industries  in applying technology in their manufacturing
    31  processes or for new product development.
    32    (b) State support for incentive grants may be matched on an individual
    33  basis by the [foundation] department, which may  consider  the  type  of
    34  project  and  the  availability  of amounts from private, university and
    35  governmental, other than state, sources.
    36    6. (a) The [foundation] department shall make an annual report of  the
    37  centers for advanced technology program to the governor and the legisla-
    38  ture  not  later  than  September  first of each year. Such report shall
    39  include, but not be  limited  to,  the  results  of  the  [foundation's]
    40  department's evaluation of each center, a description of the achievement
    41  of  each center, any deficiencies in the operation of each center or its
    42  research, education and technology commercialization activities, remedi-
    43  al actions recommended by the [foundation] department, remedial  actions
    44  taken  by  each  center,  a description of the small business assistance
    45  provided by each center, a description of any  incentive  grant  program
    46  awarded  a  grant by the [foundation] department and the achievements of
    47  such program, and the amount of financial  assistance  provided  by  the
    48  [foundation] department and the level of matching funds provided by each
    49  center and the uses of such monies.
    50    (b)  Annual  reports shall include a discussion of any fields of tech-
    51  nology that the [foundation] department has identified as having signif-
    52  icant potential for economic growth or improved productivity and stabil-
    53  ity of  New  York  businesses  and  in  which  no  center  for  advanced
    54  technology  has  been designated and recommendations of the [foundation]
    55  department as to actions that should be taken.

        S. 7508                            209                           A. 9508

     1    § 3. This act shall take effect immediately;  provided,  however  that
     2  section one of this act shall not take effect until June 30, 2021.

     3                                  PART CCC

     4    Section  1.  Subsections  (e) and (g) of section 7002 of the insurance
     5  law, as amended by chapter 188 of the laws of 2003, are amended to  read
     6  as follows:
     7    (e) "Industrial insured" means an insured:
     8    (1) whose net worth exceeds one hundred million dollars;
     9    (2)  who  is  a  member  of  a  holding company system whose net worth
    10  exceeds one hundred million dollars;
    11    (3) who is the metropolitan transportation authority and its statutory
    12  subsidiaries. When filing an application to form a pure  captive  insur-
    13  ance  company  the  metropolitan  transportation  authority shall submit
    14  written notice of such filing to the governor, the  temporary  president
    15  of the senate and the speaker of the assembly; [or]
    16    (4) who is the power authority of the state of New York and any statu-
    17  tory subsidiary or affiliate thereof. When filing an application to form
    18  a  pure captive insurance company the power authority shall submit writ-
    19  ten notice of such filing to the governor, the  temporary  president  of
    20  the senate and the speaker of the assembly; or
    21    (5)  who  is  a  city  with  a population of one million or more. When
    22  filing an application to form a pure captive insurance company,  a  city
    23  with  a population of one million or more shall submit written notice of
    24  such filing to the governor, the temporary president of the  senate  and
    25  the speaker of the assembly.
    26    (g)  "Industrial insured group" means any group of unaffiliated indus-
    27  trial insureds that are engaged in  similar  or  related  businesses  or
    28  activities,  however,  the  metropolitan  transportation  authority, the
    29  power authority of the state of New York and any statutory subsidiary or
    30  affiliate thereof and cities with a population of one  million  or  more
    31  shall  not  be a member of an industrial insured group, and that collec-
    32  tively:
    33    (1) own, control or hold with power to vote  all  of  the  outstanding
    34  voting shares of stock of a group captive insurance company incorporated
    35  as a stock insurer; or
    36    (2)  represent  one  hundred  percent of the voting members of a group
    37  captive insurance company organized as a mutual insurer.
    38    § 2. Section 1005 of the public authorities law is amended by adding a
    39  new subdivision 28 to read as follows:
    40    28. The authority may  establish  a  subsidiary  corporation  for  the
    41  purpose  of  forming  a  pure  captive  insurance company as provided in
    42  section seven thousand two of the insurance law.  The  members  of  such
    43  subsidiary  corporation of the authority shall be the same persons hold-
    44  ing the offices of members of the authority. Such subsidiary corporation
    45  shall have all of the privileges, immunities, tax exemptions  and  other
    46  exemptions  of  the authority and of the authority's property, functions
    47  and activities. The subsidiary corporation of  the  authority  shall  be
    48  subject  to  suit  in  accordance with section one thousand seventeen of
    49  this title. The employees of any  such  subsidiary  corporation,  except
    50  those  who  are  also  employees  of  the authority, shall not be deemed
    51  employees of the authority.
    52    § 3. Subdivision (a) of section 1500 of the tax  law,  as  amended  by
    53  section  21  of  part A of chapter 59 of the laws of 2014, is amended to
    54  read as follows:

        S. 7508                            210                           A. 9508

     1    (a) The term "insurance corporation" includes a  corporation,  associ-
     2  ation,  joint stock company or association, person, society, aggregation
     3  or partnership, by whatever name known,  doing  an  insurance  business,
     4  and, notwithstanding the provisions of section fifteen hundred twelve of
     5  this  article,  shall  include  (1) a risk retention group as defined in
     6  subsection (n) of section five thousand nine hundred two of  the  insur-
     7  ance  law,  (2)  the state insurance fund and (3) a corporation, associ-
     8  ation, joint stock company or association, person, society,  aggregation
     9  or  partnership  doing an insurance business as a member of the New York
    10  insurance exchange described in section six thousand two hundred one  of
    11  the  insurance  law.  The  definition  of  the  "state  insurance  fund"
    12  contained in this subdivision shall be limited  in  its  effect  to  the
    13  provisions  of  this  article and the related provisions of this chapter
    14  and shall have no force and effect  other  than  with  respect  to  such
    15  provisions.  The  term  "insurance  corporation"  shall  also  include a
    16  captive insurance company doing a captive insurance business, as defined
    17  in subsections (c) and (b), respectively, of section seven thousand  two
    18  of  the  insurance law; provided, however, "insurance corporation" shall
    19  not include the metropolitan transportation authority, the power author-
    20  ity of New York or any statutory subsidiary or affiliate thereof,  or  a
    21  public  benefit  corporation  or  not-for-profit corporation formed by a
    22  city with a population of one million or more pursuant to subsection (a)
    23  of section seven thousand five of the insurance law, each  of  which  is
    24  expressly exempt from the payment of fees, taxes or assessments, whether
    25  state  or  local;  and provided further "insurance corporation" does not
    26  include any combinable captive insurance company.  The  term  "insurance
    27  corporation"  shall  also include an unauthorized insurer operating from
    28  an office within the state, pursuant to paragraph five of subsection (b)
    29  of section one thousand one hundred one and subsection  (i)  of  section
    30  two  thousand  one  hundred  seventeen  of  the  insurance law. The term
    31  "insurance corporation" also includes a health maintenance  organization
    32  required  to  obtain a certificate of authority under article forty-four
    33  of the public health law.
    34    § 4. Subdivision (a) of section 1502-b of the tax law, as  amended  by
    35  section  22  of  part A of chapter 59 of the laws of 2014, is amended to
    36  read as follows:
    37    (a) In lieu of the taxes and tax surcharge imposed by sections fifteen
    38  hundred one, fifteen hundred two-a, fifteen hundred five-a, and  fifteen
    39  hundred ten of this article, every captive insurance company licensed by
    40  the  superintendent  of financial services pursuant to the provisions of
    41  article seventy of the insurance law, other than the metropolitan trans-
    42  portation authority, the power authority of New York  or  any  statutory
    43  subsidiary  or  affiliate  thereof,  and a public benefit corporation or
    44  not-for-profit corporation formed by a city with  a  population  of  one
    45  million  or  more  pursuant  to subsection (a) of section seven thousand
    46  five of the insurance law, each of which is expressly  exempt  from  the
    47  payment  of fees, taxes or assessments whether state or local, and other
    48  than combinable captive insurance company, shall, for the  privilege  of
    49  exercising  its  corporate  franchise, pay a tax on (1) all gross direct
    50  premiums, less return premiums thereon,  written  on  risks  located  or
    51  resident  in  this  state and (2) all assumed reinsurance premiums, less
    52  return premiums thereon, written on risks located or  resident  in  this
    53  state.  The  rate  of  the tax imposed on gross direct premiums shall be
    54  four-tenths of one percent on all  or  any  part  of  the  first  twenty
    55  million  dollars  of premiums, three-tenths of one percent on all or any
    56  part of the second twenty million dollars of premiums, two-tenths of one

        S. 7508                            211                           A. 9508

     1  percent on all or any part of the third twenty million dollars of premi-
     2  ums, and seventy-five thousandths of  one  percent  on  each  dollar  of
     3  premiums thereafter. The rate of the tax on assumed reinsurance premiums
     4  shall  be  two  hundred twenty-five thousandths of one percent on all or
     5  any part of the first twenty million dollars of  premiums,  one  hundred
     6  and  fifty  thousandths  of one percent on all or any part of the second
     7  twenty million dollars of premiums, fifty thousandths of one percent  on
     8  all  or  any  part  of  the third twenty million dollars of premiums and
     9  twenty-five thousandths of one percent on each dollar of premiums there-
    10  after. The tax imposed by this section shall be equal to the greater  of
    11  (i)  the  sum  of  the  tax imposed on gross direct premiums and the tax
    12  imposed on assumed reinsurance premiums or (ii) five thousand dollars.
    13    § 5. This act shall take effect immediately.

    14                                  PART DDD

    15    Section 1. Legislative findings and  intent.  The  legislature  hereby
    16  finds, determines and declares the following:
    17    The  planning, development and operation of the Hudson River Park as a
    18  public park continues to be a matter of  importance  to  the  state.  As
    19  detailed in the 1998 law creating the park and the trust, chapter 592 of
    20  the  laws  of 1998, the creation, development, operation and maintenance
    21  of the Hudson River Park will enhance and protect the natural,  cultural
    22  and  historic  aspects  of  the Hudson River, enhance and afford quality
    23  public access to the river, allow for an array of  cultural  and  recre-
    24  ational programs and provide a host of other public benefits. The chang-
    25  es  to  the 1998 law by this act are intended to, after decades of delay
    26  and inaction, finally   effectuate the park's general  project  plan  as
    27  defined  in  chapter  592 of the laws of 1998, which continues to be the
    28  operative planning document guiding  park  development,  protection  and
    29  reuse  of  a  portion  of the Hudson River waterfront in lower Manhattan
    30  south of 59th street, and are intended to ensure the realization of that
    31  vision and the park's continuing viability for years  to  come.  Nothing
    32  herein  is  intended  to  alter  or  override  any  prior determinations
    33  concerning park planning, development or operation.
    34    § 2. Paragraph (c) of subdivision 9 of section 7 of chapter 592 of the
    35  laws of 1998, constituting the Hudson river  park  act,  as  amended  by
    36  chapter 517 of the laws of 2013, is amended to read as follows:
    37    (c)  [The  city of New York shall use best efforts to relocate the tow
    38  pound on Pier 76. Subsequent to relocation of the tow pound, the city of
    39  New York shall promptly convey to the trust  a  possessory  interest  in
    40  Pier  76  consistent with such interest previously conveyed with respect
    41  to other portions of the park, provided that at least fifty  percent  of
    42  the  Pier  76  footprint shall be used for park uses that are limited to
    43  passive and active open space and which shall be contiguous to water and
    44  provided further that the remaining portion shall be for park/commercial
    45  use. Upon such conveyance, Pier 76 shall become part of the  park.]  (i)
    46  On or before December 31, 2020, the city of New York shall convey to the
    47  trust  a  possessory  interest  in Pier 76 consistent with such interest
    48  previously conveyed with respect to other portions  of  the  park.  Upon
    49  such  conveyance,  Pier  76  shall become part of the park and following
    50  redevelopment at least fifty percent of the Pier 76 footprint  shall  be
    51  used for park uses that are limited to passive and active open space and
    52  which  shall  be  contiguous  to  water;  and  provided further that the
    53  remaining portion shall be for park/commercial use. (ii) The city of New
    54  York shall, prior to December 31, 2020, cease  using  Pier  76  for  any

        S. 7508                            212                           A. 9508

     1  purposes. Should the city of New York continue to occupy Pier 76 for any
     2  purpose  subsequent  to the conveyance of December 31, 2020, the city of
     3  New York shall (A) compensate the trust in the amount of twelve  million
     4  dollars,  and  (B) beginning February 1, 2021, pay rent in the amount of
     5  three million dollars for each complete or partial month  of  occupancy.
     6  (iii)  On or after the effective date of the chapter of the laws of 2020
     7  which amended this paragraph, the trust shall be entitled to  reasonable
     8  access  to  Pier  76  for  the  purpose  of  conducting  assessments and
     9  inspections necessary to further redevelopment of Pier 76 following  its
    10  inclusion in the park.
    11    § 3. This act shall take effect immediately.

    12                                  PART EEE

    13    Section  1. Section 5 of chapter 451 of the laws of 2017, enacting the
    14  New York Buy American Act, is amended to read as follows:
    15    § 5. This act shall take effect April 1, 2018 and shall apply  to  any
    16  state  contracts  executed  and  entered  into on or after such date and
    17  shall exclude such contracts that have been previously awarded  or  have
    18  pending  bids  or  pending  requests for proposals issued as of April 1,
    19  2018, and shall not apply to projects that have commenced project design
    20  and environmental studies prior to such date[; provided,  however,  that
    21  this act shall expire and be deemed repealed April 15, 2020].
    22    § 2. This act shall take effect immediately.

    23                                  PART FFF

    24    Section  1.  The labor law is amended by adding a new section 224-a to
    25  read as follows:
    26    § 224-a.  Prevailing  wage  requirements  applicable  to  construction
    27  projects  performed under private contract. 1. Subject to the provisions
    28  of this section, each "covered project" as defined in this section shall
    29  be subject to prevailing wage requirements in  accordance  with  section
    30  two  hundred twenty and two hundred twenty-b of this article. A "covered
    31  project" shall mean construction work done under contract which is  paid
    32  for  in  whole or in part out of public funds as such term is defined in
    33  this section where the amount of all such public funds, when aggregated,
    34  is at least thirty percent of the total construction project  costs  and
    35  where  such  project  costs  are  over  five  million  dollars except as
    36  provided for by section two hundred twenty-four-c of this article.
    37    2. For purposes of this section, "paid for in whole or in part out  of
    38  public funds" shall mean any of the following:
    39    a.  The  payment of money, by a public entity directly to or on behalf
    40  of the contractor, subcontractor, developer or owner that is not subject
    41  to repayment;
    42    b. The savings achieved from fees, rents,  interest  rates,  or  other
    43  loan  costs,  or  insurance costs that are lower than market rate costs;
    44  savings from reduced taxes as a result of tax credits,  tax  abatements,
    45  tax  exemptions  or  tax increment financing; and any other savings from
    46  reduced, waived, or forgiven costs that would have otherwise been  at  a
    47  higher or market rate but for the involvement of the public entity;
    48    c. Money loaned by the public entity that is to be repaid on a contin-
    49  gent basis; or
    50    d.  Credits that are applied by the public entity against repayment of
    51  obligations to the public entity.

        S. 7508                            213                           A. 9508

     1    3. For purposes of this section, "paid for in whole or in part out  of
     2  public funds" shall not include:
     3    a.  Benefits under section four hundred twenty-one-a of the real prop-
     4  erty tax law;
     5    b. Funds that are not provided primarily to promote,  incentivize,  or
     6  ensure  that  construction  work  is performed, which would otherwise be
     7  captured in subdivision two of this section;
     8    c. Funds used to incentivize or ensure the development of a comprehen-
     9  sive sewage system, including connection  to  existing  sewer  lines  or
    10  creation  of new sewage lines or sewer capacity, provided, however, that
    11  such work shall be  deemed  to  be  a  public  work  covered  under  the
    12  provisions of this article;
    13    d.  tax benefits provided for projects the value of which are not able
    14  to be calculated at the time the work is to be performed; and
    15    e. any other public monies, credits, savings or loans,  determined  by
    16  the public subsidy board created in section two hundred twenty-four-c of
    17  this article as exempt from this definition.
    18    4.  For  purposes  of this section "covered project" shall not include
    19  any of the following:
    20    a. Construction work on one or two family dwellings where the property
    21  is the owner's primary residence,  or  construction  work  performed  on
    22  property where the owner of the property owns no more than four dwelling
    23  units;
    24    b.  Construction work performed under a contract with a not-for-profit
    25  corporation as defined in section one hundred two of the  not-for-profit
    26  corporation  law,  other than a not-for-profit corporation formed exclu-
    27  sively for the purpose of  holding  title  to  property  and  collecting
    28  income  thereof  or  a  local development corporation formed pursuant to
    29  section fourteen hundred eleven of the not-for-profit  corporation  law,
    30  where  the  not-for-profit  corporation  has  gross  annual  revenue and
    31  support less than five million dollars;
    32    c. Construction work performed on a multiple residence  and/or  ancil-
    33  lary amenities or installations that is wholly privately owned in any of
    34  the  following  circumstances  except  as  provided  for  by section two
    35  hundred twenty-four-c of this article:
    36    (i) where no less than thirty percent of  the  residential  units  are
    37  affordable  for  households  up  to  eighty  percent  of the area median
    38  income, provided that area median income shall be  adjusted  for  family
    39  size, as calculated by the United States department of housing and urban
    40  development, provided that the period of affordability for a residential
    41  unit  deemed  affordable under the provisions of this paragraph shall be
    42  for no less than fifteen years from the date of construction; or
    43    (ii) where no less than thirty-five percent of the  residential  units
    44  involves  the  provision  of  supportive housing services for vulnerable
    45  populations;
    46    (iii) where construction work is performed on a building paid  for  in
    47  whole or in part out of public funds on affordable units for purposes of
    48  ensuring  that  the  affordable  units  are  created or retained and are
    49  subject to a regulatory  agreement  with  a  local,  state,  or  federal
    50  governmental entity; or
    51    (iv)  any  other affordable or subsidized housing as determined by the
    52  public subsidy board established by section two hundred twenty-four-c of
    53  this article.
    54    d. Construction work performed on a manufactured home park as  defined
    55  in  paragraph three of subdivision a of section two hundred thirty-three
    56  of the real property law where the manufactured home park is subject  to

        S. 7508                            214                           A. 9508

     1  a  regulatory  agreement  with  a  local, state, or federal governmental
     2  entity for no less than fifteen years;
     3    e.  Construction work performed under a pre-hire collective bargaining
     4  agreement between an owner or contractor and a bona  fide  building  and
     5  construction  trade  labor  organization which has established itself as
     6  the collective  bargaining  representative  for  all  persons  who  will
     7  perform work on such a project, and which provides that only contractors
     8  and  subcontractors  who  sign a pre-negotiated agreement with the labor
     9  organization can perform work on such a project,  or  construction  work
    10  performed under a labor peace agreement, project labor agreement, or any
    11  other construction work performed under an enforceable agreement between
    12  an  owner  or contractor and a bona fide building and construction trade
    13  labor organization;
    14    f. Construction work performed on projects funded by section sixteen-n
    15  of the urban development corporation act or the downtown  revitalization
    16  initiative;
    17    g. Construction work and engineering and consulting services performed
    18  in connection with the installation of a renewable energy system, renew-
    19  able heating or cooling system, or energy storage system, with a capaci-
    20  ty equal to or under five megawatts alternating current;
    21    h.  Construction  work  performed on supermarket retail space built or
    22  renovated with tax incentives provided under the food  retail  expansion
    23  to  support  health (FRESH) program through the New York city industrial
    24  development agency;
    25    i. Construction work performed for interior fit-outs and  improvements
    26  under  ten  thousand  square  feet  through  small  business  incubation
    27  programs operated by the New York city economic development corporation;
    28    j. Construction work on space to be used  as  a  school  under  twenty
    29  thousand  square  feet,  pursuant to a lease from a private owner to the
    30  New York city  department  of  education  and  the  school  construction
    31  authority; or
    32    k.  Construction work performed on projects that received tax benefits
    33  related to brownfield remediation, brownfield redevelopment, or historic
    34  rehabilitation pursuant to sections twenty-one, twenty-two, one  hundred
    35  eighty-seven-g  or  one  hundred eighty-seven-h of the tax law, subdivi-
    36  sions seventeen, eighteen, or twenty-six of section two hundred ten-B of
    37  the tax law, subsections (dd), (ee), (oo) or (pp) of section six hundred
    38  six of the tax law, or subdivisions (u), (v) or (y) of  section  fifteen
    39  hundred eleven of the tax law.
    40    5.  For  purposes  of this section, "public entity" shall include, but
    41  shall not be limited to, the state, a local development  corporation  as
    42  defined  in  subdivision  eight  of  section eighteen hundred one of the
    43  public authorities law or section fourteen hundred eleven  of  the  not-
    44  for-profit  corporation  law,  a  municipal  corporation  as  defined in
    45  section one hundred nineteen-n of the general municipal law,  an  indus-
    46  trial  development  agency  formed pursuant to article eighteen-A of the
    47  general municipal  law  or  industrial  development  authorities  formed
    48  pursuant  to article eight of the public authorities law, and any state,
    49  local or interstate or international authorities as defined  in  section
    50  two  of  the public authorities law; and shall include any trust created
    51  by any such entities.
    52    6. For purposes of this section, "construction" means work which shall
    53  be as defined by the public subsidy board to require payment of prevail-
    54  ing wage, and which may involve the employment of laborers, workers,  or
    55  mechanics.

        S. 7508                            215                           A. 9508

     1    7.  For purposes of this section and section two hundred twenty-four-b
     2  of this article, the "fiscal officer" shall be deemed to be the  commis-
     3  sioner.
     4    8.  The  enforcement  of  any construction work deemed to be a covered
     5  project pursuant to this section, and any additional requirements, shall
     6  be subject, in addition to this section, only  to  the  requirements  of
     7  sections  two  hundred  twenty,  two  hundred twenty-four-b, two hundred
     8  twenty-four-c, and two hundred twenty-b of this article and  within  the
     9  jurisdiction of the fiscal officer; provided, however, nothing contained
    10  in  this  section  shall  be  deemed  to construe any covered project as
    11  otherwise being considered public work pursuant  to  this  article;  and
    12  further provided:
    13    a.  The owner or developer of such covered project shall certify under
    14  penalty of perjury within five days of commencement of construction work
    15  whether the project at issue  is  subject  to  the  provisions  of  this
    16  section through the use of a standard form developed by the fiscal offi-
    17  cer.
    18    b.  The  owners  or  developers  of  a  property who are undertaking a
    19  project under private contract, may seek guidance from the public subsi-
    20  dy board contained in section two hundred twenty-four-c of this article,
    21  and such board may render an opinion as to whether or not the project is
    22  a covered project within the meaning of this article. Any such  determi-
    23  nation  shall  not  be reviewable by the fiscal officer, nor shall it be
    24  reviewable by the department pursuant to section two hundred  twenty  of
    25  this article.
    26    c.  The  owner  or developer of a covered project shall be responsible
    27  for retaining original payroll records in accordance  with  section  two
    28  hundred  twenty  of  this  article  for  a  period of six years from the
    29  conclusion of such work. All payroll records maintained by an  owner  or
    30  developer  pursuant  to  this  section shall be subject to inspection on
    31  request of the fiscal officer.  Such owner or  developer  may  authorize
    32  the  prime contractor of the construction project to take responsibility
    33  for retaining and maintaining payroll records, but will be held  jointly
    34  and  severally liable for any violations of such contractor. All records
    35  obtained by the fiscal officer shall be subject to the Freedom of Infor-
    36  mation Law.
    37    d. Each public entity providing any of  the  public  funds  listed  in
    38  subdivision  two  of  this section to an owner, developer, contractor or
    39  subcontractor of a project shall identify the nature and dollar value of
    40  such funds and whether any such funds  are  excluded  under  subdivision
    41  three of this section and shall so notify the recipient of such funds of
    42  such  determination  and  of their obligations under paragraph a of this
    43  subdivision.
    44    e. The fiscal officer may issue rules and  regulations  governing  the
    45  provisions  of this section. Violations of this section shall be grounds
    46  for determinations and orders pursuant to section two  hundred  twenty-b
    47  of this article.
    48    9.  Each  owner  and  developer  subject  to  the requirements of this
    49  section shall comply with the  objectives  and  goals  of  minority  and
    50  women-owned  business  enterprises  pursuant to article fifteen-A of the
    51  executive law and service-disabled veteran-owned businesses pursuant  to
    52  article  seventeen-B  of the executive law.  The department in consulta-
    53  tion with the directors of the division of minority and women's business
    54  development and of the division of service-disabled  veterans'  business
    55  development shall make training and resources available to assist minor-
    56  ity  and  women-owned business enterprises and service-disabled veteran-

        S. 7508                            216                           A. 9508

     1  owned business enterprises on  covered  projects  achieve  and  maintain
     2  compliance  with prevailing wage requirements. The department shall make
     3  such training and resources available online and shall  afford  minority
     4  and  women-owned business enterprises and service-disabled veteran-owned
     5  business enterprises an opportunity to submit comments on such training.
     6    10. a. The fiscal officer shall report to the governor, the  temporary
     7  president  of the senate, and the speaker of the assembly by July first,
     8  two thousand twenty-two, and annually thereafter, on  the  participation
     9  of  minority and women-owned business enterprises in relation to covered
    10  projects and contracts for public work subject to the provisions of this
    11  section and section two hundred twenty of this article  respectively  as
    12  well  as  the  diversity  practices  of  contractors  and subcontractors
    13  employing laborers, workers, and mechanics on such projects.
    14    b. Such reports shall include aggregated data on the  utilization  and
    15  participation  of  minority  and  women-owned  business enterprises, the
    16  employment of minorities and women in construction-related jobs on  such
    17  projects,  and  the commitment of contractors and subcontractors on such
    18  projects to adopting practices and policies that promote diversity with-
    19  in the workforce.   The reports shall also  examine  the  compliance  of
    20  contractors  and  subcontractors with other equal employment opportunity
    21  requirements and anti-discrimination laws,  in  addition  to  any  other
    22  employment practices deemed pertinent by the commissioner.
    23    c.  The  fiscal officer may require any owner or developer to disclose
    24  information on the participation of minority  and  women-owned  business
    25  enterprises  and  the diversity practices of contractors and subcontrac-
    26  tors involved in the performance of any covered project.   It  shall  be
    27  the  duty of the fiscal officer to consult and to share such information
    28  in order to effectuate the requirements of this section.
    29    11. If construction work is not deemed to be a covered project, wheth-
    30  er by virtue of an exclusion of such project under subdivision  four  of
    31  this  section,  or by virtue or not receiving sufficient public money to
    32  be deemed "paid for in whole or in  part  out  of  public  funds",  such
    33  project shall not be subject to the requirements of sections two hundred
    34  twenty and two hundred twenty-b of this article.
    35    §  2.  The  labor  law is amended by adding two new sections 224-b and
    36  224-c to read as follows:
    37    § 224-b. Stop-work orders. Where a complaint is received  pursuant  to
    38  this  article,  or where the fiscal officer upon his or her own investi-
    39  gation, finds cause to believe that any person, in connection  with  the
    40  performance  of  any  contract  for  public work pursuant to section two
    41  hundred twenty of this  article  or  any  covered  project  pursuant  to
    42  section two hundred twenty-four-a of this article, has substantially and
    43  materially  failed to comply with or intentionally evaded the provisions
    44  of this article, the fiscal officer may notify such person in writing of
    45  his or her intention to issue a stop-work order. Such notice  shall  (i)
    46  be served in a manner consistent with section three hundred eight of the
    47  civil  practice  law  and  rules;  (ii) notify such person of his or her
    48  right to a hearing; and (iii) state the factual  basis  upon  which  the
    49  fiscal officer has based his or her decision to issue a stop-work order.
    50  Any  documents, reports, or information that form a basis for such deci-
    51  sion shall be provided to such person within a  reasonable  time  before
    52  the hearing. Such hearing shall be expeditiously conducted.
    53    Following the hearing, if the fiscal officer issues a stop-work order,
    54  it  shall  be served by regular mail, and a second copy may be served by
    55  telefacsimile or by electronic mail, with service effective upon receipt
    56  of any such order. Such stop-work order shall also be served with regard

        S. 7508                            217                           A. 9508

     1  to a worksite by posting a copy of such order in a conspicuous  location
     2  at the worksite. The order shall remain in effect until the fiscal offi-
     3  cer  directs  that the stop-work order be removed, upon a final determi-
     4  nation  on  the  complaint  or where such failure to comply or evade has
     5  been deemed corrected. If the person against whom such order  is  issued
     6  shall  within thirty days after issuance of the stop-work order makes an
     7  application in affidavit form for a redetermination review of such order
     8  the fiscal officer shall make a decision in writing on the issues raised
     9  in such application. The fiscal officer may direct a conditional release
    10  from a stop-work order upon a finding that such person has  taken  mean-
    11  ingful  and good faith steps to comply with the provisions of this arti-
    12  cle.
    13    § 224-c. Public subsidy board. 1. A board on public subsidies, herein-
    14  after "the board", is hereby created, to consist of eleven members.  The
    15  eleven members shall be appointed by the governor as follows: one member
    16  upon  the  recommendation  of the temporary president of the senate, one
    17  member upon the recommendation of  the  speaker  of  the  assembly,  the
    18  commissioner, the president of the empire state development corporation,
    19  the  director  of  the  division  of the budget, one person representing
    20  employees in the construction  industry,  and  one  person  representing
    21  employers  in  the construction industry.  The commissioner shall act as
    22  the chair. The members shall serve at  the  pleasure  of  the  authority
    23  recommending, designating, or otherwise appointing such member and shall
    24  serve  without salary or compensation but shall be reimbursed for neces-
    25  sary expenses incurred in the performance of their duties.
    26    2. The board shall meet on an as needed basis and shall have the power
    27  to conduct public hearings. The board may also  consult  with  employers
    28  and employees, and their respective representatives, in the construction
    29  industry  and with such other persons, including the commissioner, as it
    30  shall determine.  No public officer or employee appointed to  the  board
    31  shall  forfeit  any  position or office by virtue of appointment to such
    32  board. Any proceedings of the board which relate to a  particular  indi-
    33  vidual or project shall be confidential.
    34    3. The board may examine and make recommendations which shall have the
    35  full force and effect of law, regarding the following:
    36    (a)  the  minimum  threshold  percentage  of public funds set forth in
    37  paragraph c of subdivision one of section two hundred  twenty-four-a  of
    38  this article;
    39    (b)  the minimum dollar threshold of projects set forth in paragraph c
    40  of subdivision one of section two hundred twenty-four-a of this article;
    41    (c) construction work excluded as a covered project, as set  forth  in
    42  subparagraphs  (i), (ii) and (iii) of paragraph c of subdivision four of
    43  section two hundred twenty-four-a of this article;
    44    (d) the definition of construction for purposes of section two hundred
    45  twenty-four-a of this article; or
    46    (e) particular instances of benefits, monies or credits as to  whether
    47  or not they should constitute public funds.
    48    4.  In  making its recommendations, the board shall examine the impact
    49  of such thresholds and circumstances on private development in light  of
    50  available public subsidies, existing labor market conditions, prevailing
    51  wage  and  supplement  practices, and shall consider the extent to which
    52  adjustments  to  such  thresholds  and  circumstances  could  ameliorate
    53  adverse impacts, if any, or expand opportunities for prevailing wage and
    54  supplement   standards   on  publicly  subsidized  private  construction
    55  projects in any region or regions of the state.

        S. 7508                            218                           A. 9508

     1    5. The board shall be empowered to issue binding determinations to any
     2  public entity, or any private or not-for-profit owner or developer as to
     3  any particular matter  related  to  an  existing  or  potential  covered
     4  project.  In  such  instances the board shall make a determination based
     5  upon  documents,  or testimony, or both in its sole discretion. Any such
     6  proceeding shall be confidential. The determination issued by the  board
     7  shall  be  final, and may not be appealed to the commissioner, nor shall
     8  any private right of action accrue to  any  individual  to  enforce  the
     9  terms of this article.
    10    § 3. The labor law is amended by adding a new section 813-a to read as
    11  follows:
    12    §  813-a.  Annual  reports by apprenticeship programs. 1. On an annual
    13  basis, all apprenticeship programs covered under the provisions of  this
    14  article  shall  report to the department on the participation of appren-
    15  tices currently enrolled in such apprenticeship program. The data to  be
    16  included  in  such  report  shall  include, at a minimum: (a)  the total
    17  number of apprentices in such apprenticeship program; (b) the demograph-
    18  ic information of such apprentices to the extent such data is available,
    19  including, but not limited to, the age,  gender,  race,  ethnicity,  and
    20  national  origin  of  such  apprentices; (c) the rate of advancement and
    21  graduation of such apprentices; and (d) the rate of  placement  of  such
    22  apprentices  onto  job  sites  as well as the demographic information of
    23  such apprentices to the extent such data is  available,  including,  but
    24  not  limited to the age, gender, race, ethnicity, and national origin of
    25  such apprentices.
    26    2. The department shall make  such  data  publicly  available  on  its
    27  website  by  July first, two thousand twenty-two and on an annual basis,
    28  but no later than December thirty-first of each following year.
    29    3. The commissioner may promulgate rules and regulations necessary for
    30  the implementation of this section.
    31    § 4. Severability clause. If any clause, sentence, paragraph, subdivi-
    32  sion, or section of this act shall be adjudged by any court of competent
    33  jurisdiction to be invalid, such judgment shall not affect,  impair,  or
    34  invalidate the remainder thereof, but shall be confined in its operation
    35  to  the  clause,  sentence,  paragraph,  subdivision, or section thereof
    36  directly involved in the controversy in which such judgment  shall  have
    37  been rendered. It is hereby declared to be the intent of the legislature
    38  that  this  act  would have been enacted even if such invalid provisions
    39  had not been included herein.
    40    § 5. This act shall take effect on July 1, 2021  and  shall  apply  to
    41  contracts  for  construction  executed,  incentive  agreements executed,
    42  procurements or  solicitations  issued,  or  applications  for  building
    43  permits  on or after such date; provided however that this act shall not
    44  apply to any appropriations of public funds made prior  to  the  day  on
    45  which  this act shall have become a law, or to re-appropriations of such
    46  funds first appropriated prior to the day on which this act  shall  have
    47  become  a  law.    Effective immediately, the addition, amendment and/or
    48  repeal of any rule or regulation necessary  for  the  implementation  of
    49  this  act  on its effective date are authorized to be made and completed
    50  on or before such effective date.

    51                                  PART GGG

    52    Section 1. The legislature hereby establishes  the  New  York  digital
    53  marketplace worker classification task force (hereinafter referred to as
    54  the  "task  force")  to  provide the governor and the legislature with a

        S. 7508                            219                           A. 9508

     1  legislative recommendation addressing the conditions of  employment  and
     2  classification  of  workers  in  the modern economy of on-demand workers
     3  connected to customers via the internet.
     4    §  2.  1. The task force shall consist of nine members to be appointed
     5  as follows:
     6    a. seven members appointed by the governor;
     7    b. one member appointed by the temporary president of the senate; and
     8    c. one member appointed by the speaker of the assembly.
     9    2. The members of the task force shall include but not be  limited  to
    10  representatives of businesses impacted, labor groups and workers.
    11    3.  The  members  of  the task force shall receive no compensation for
    12  their services but shall be allowed their actual and necessary  expenses
    13  incurred in the performance of their duties pursuant to this act.
    14    4.  Any  vacancies in the membership of the task force shall be filled
    15  in the same manner provided for in the initial appointment.
    16    5. The task force may consult with any organization, government  enti-
    17  ty,  or  person,  in  the  development of its legislative recommendation
    18  report required under section three of this act.
    19    § 3. On or before May 1, 2020, the task  force  shall  submit  to  the
    20  governor,  the  temporary president of the senate and the speaker of the
    21  assembly, a legislative recommendation containing, but not  limited  to,
    22  the following:
    23    a.  the necessary wages sufficient to provide adequate maintenance and
    24  to protect the health of the workers engaged in work in the modern econ-
    25  omy, addressing specific categories of benefits available to workers;
    26    b. the proper classification of workers;
    27    c. the criteria necessary to determine if a worker is an employee;
    28    d. laws regulating safety and health for workers currently  classified
    29  as independent contractors;
    30    e. collective bargaining;
    31    f.  the  availability  of anti-discrimination, opportunity and privacy
    32  protections for workers currently classified as independent contractors;
    33  and
    34    g. any other statutory changes necessary.
    35    § 4. The labor law is amended by adding a new section 44  to  read  as
    36  follows:
    37    §  44.  Classification of digital marketplace workers. a. For purposes
    38  of this section, "digital marketplace company"  means  an  organization,
    39  including,  but not limited to a corporation, limited liability company,
    40  partnership, sole proprietor, or  any  other  entity,  that  operates  a
    41  website  or  smartphone  application,  or  both,  that  customers use to
    42  purchase, schedule and/or otherwise arrange services including, but  not
    43  limited to repair, maintenance, construction, painting, assembly, clean-
    44  ing, laundry, housekeeping, delivery, transportation, cooking, tutoring,
    45  massage,  acupuncture,  babysitting,  home  care, healthcare, first aid,
    46  companionship, or instruction, and where such company  utilizes  one  or
    47  more individuals to provide such services. Such organization: (i) estab-
    48  lishes  the  gross  amounts  earned  by  the  individual  providing such
    49  services; (ii) establishes the amounts charged to  the  consumer;  (iii)
    50  collects  payment  from  the  consumer; (iv) pays the individual; or any
    51  combination of the foregoing actions; and  the  individual  may  provide
    52  such  services  in the name of the individual, or in the name of a busi-
    53  ness, or as a separate business entity, and without regard the  consumer
    54  of  such personal services may be an individual, business, other entity,
    55  or any combination thereof. Provided, however,  no  governmental  entity
    56  shall be considered a digital marketplace company.

        S. 7508                            220                           A. 9508

     1    b. (1) The commissioner is hereby authorized to promulgate regulations
     2  determining  the  appropriate  classification  of  individuals providing
     3  services for a digital marketplace company as defined in  subdivision  a
     4  of  this section and such regulations shall have the force and effect of
     5  law.
     6    (2)  Such  regulations  shall  set  forth the appropriate standard for
     7  determination of whether a worker should be classified as an employee or
     8  an independent contractor, and shall consider the following  conditions:
     9  (i) whether the individual is free from the control and direction of the
    10  digital  marketplace  company  in connection with the performance of the
    11  work; (ii) whether the individual performs  work  that  is  outside  the
    12  usual  course  of  the digital marketplace company's business; and (iii)
    13  whether the individual is customarily engaged in an independently estab-
    14  lished trade, occupation, profession or business that is similar to  the
    15  service at issue.
    16    (3) Workers classified as employees as provided for in this section or
    17  who satisfy any other legal test for employment, or have been determined
    18  by  a court or administrative agency to be employees, shall not have any
    19  rights or protections diminished by application of this section.
    20    c. The commissioner may exempt any company from  application  of  this
    21  section,  provided  such company has entered into a collectively negoti-
    22  ated agreement with a recognized collective bargaining agent.
    23    § 5. This act shall take effect immediately; provided,  however,  that
    24  section four of this act shall take effect May 1, 2020.
    25    § 2. Severability clause. If any clause, sentence, paragraph, subdivi-
    26  sion,  section  or  part  of  this act shall be adjudged by any court of
    27  competent jurisdiction to be invalid, such judgment  shall  not  affect,
    28  impair,  or  invalidate  the remainder thereof, but shall be confined in
    29  its operation to the clause, sentence, paragraph,  subdivision,  section
    30  or part thereof directly involved in the controversy in which such judg-
    31  ment shall have been rendered. It is hereby declared to be the intent of
    32  the  legislature  that  this  act  would  have been enacted even if such
    33  invalid provisions had not been included herein.
    34    § 3. This act shall take effect immediately  provided,  however,  that
    35  the  applicable  effective date of Parts A through GGG of this act shall
    36  be as specifically set forth in the last section of such Parts.