Bill Text: NY S07100 | 2021-2022 | General Assembly | Introduced

Bill Title: Relates to requirements and timetables for the reduction in provisional appointments by the New York city department of citywide administrative services; adds additional titles for the administration of competitive examinations.

Spectrum: Partisan Bill (Democrat 1-0)

Status: (Passed) 2021-08-02 - SIGNED CHAP.386 [S07100 Detail]

Download: New_York-2021-S07100-Introduced.html

                STATE OF NEW YORK


                               2021-2022 Regular Sessions

                    IN SENATE

                                      June 1, 2021

        Introduced  by Sen. GOUNARDES -- (at request of the Citywide Administra-
          tive Services) -- read twice and ordered printed, and when printed  to
          be committed to the Committee on Civil Service and Pensions

        AN  ACT  to  amend  the  civil  service  law, in relation to provisional
          employees of certain public employers; to amend chapter 5 of the  laws
          of 2008 amending the civil service law relating to provisional employ-
          ees  of certain public employers, in relation to extensions of certain
          negotiated agreements and extending the provisions  of  such  chapter;
          and  to  amend  part  I of chapter 56 of the laws of 2008 amending the
          civil service law relating to excess provisional employees of  a  city
          having  a  population of one million or more, in relation to extending
          the provisions thereof

          The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and  Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:

     1    Section  1. Statement of legislative findings and intent. The legisla-
     2  ture hereby finds that the city of New  York  and  other  employers  for
     3  which  the  New York city department of citywide administrative services
     4  ("DCAS") manages civil service appointments ("the DCAS employers")  have
     5  made substantial progress in reducing the number of provisional appoint-
     6  ments  since  the inception of the planning process created by chapter 5
     7  of the laws of 2008. Through its implementation of automated systems for
     8  processing civil service examinations and by  increasing  its  staff  of
     9  professional  examiners,  DCAS  has  enhanced its capacity to administer
    10  competitive examinations.  These  technological  advancements,  together
    11  with  DCAS's  judicious  administration  of qualified incumbent examina-
    12  tions, as authorized by previous enactments, and the reclassification of
    13  titles, as approved by the New York state civil service commission, have
    14  led to a steady reduction in the total number of provisional  appointees
    15  in  the  New  York  city government work force, and to a decrease in the
    16  number of those appointees who continue in provisional status beyond the
    17  time limits set forth in section 65 of the civil service law.

         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        S. 7100                             2

     1    By December 31, 2019, the DCAS employers had reduced  the  provisional
     2  headcount  to  15,134,  a  dramatic  decrease  from  37,797  provisional
     3  appointees in 2008, and the pace of provisional reduction was accelerat-
     4  ing. By  increasing  capacity  to  administer  competitive  examinations
     5  through  the  use of automated examination development systems and other
     6  measures during 2019, the DCAS employers achieved significant  progress,
     7  reducing  the number of provisional appointees by 10% over the course of
     8  2019. The DCAS employers were steadily approaching and  likely  to  meet
     9  the  legislative  goal of substantial compliance as defined by paragraph
    10  (b) of subdivision 5 of section 65 by the end of 2021.
    11    Since March 2020, the city's ability to  make  more  progress  in  the
    12  reduction  of provisional appointments has been severely impaired by the
    13  COVID-19 state of emergency. Due to  COVID-19  related  restrictions  on
    14  gathering,  the  city  has been unable to administer in-person tests for
    15  competitive class titles. At the same time, a  hiring  freeze  resulting
    16  from  fiscal  impacts  of the pandemic has required agencies to continue
    17  provisional appointments past the nine-month statutory limit  to  ensure
    18  the delivery of essential services.
    19    In  light  of  these  circumstances,  the  legislature  finds that the
    20  constitutional mandate of making appointments and promotions  "according
    21  to  merit and fitness to be ascertained, as far as practicable, by exam-
    22  ination which, as far as practicable, shall be  competitive,"  would  be
    23  furthered  by maintaining, for an additional defined period, the orderly
    24  planning and implementation process, including review by the state civil
    25  service commission, originally established by chapter 5 of the  laws  of
    26  2008  and later extended by the legislature. The difficulties created by
    27  the large number of affected titles and  employees,  and  the  potential
    28  operational  and  budgetary  dislocation  that  would be caused by rapid
    29  turnover in the many remaining titles, require  that  DCAS  continue  to
    30  further  the  constitutional  mandate  by the means authorized by recent
    31  enactments. In  particular,  thousands  of  provisional  employees  have
    32  crucial  experience  in  implementing and directing key initiatives that
    33  benefit the public. Therefore, in addition to the substantial regimen of
    34  competitive testing that was contained in previous  plans,  as  well  as
    35  proposed  reclassification  of titles where appropriate, DCAS is author-
    36  ized to continue to administer  examinations  to  provisional  employees
    37  with  specified  qualifications and experience.   These examinations, in
    38  the context of the present plan, will facilitate lawful  appointment  of
    39  these  employees  to  permanent competitive class positions, and thereby
    40  accelerate the transition of the DCAS employers to a  system  that  does
    41  not require substantial use of provisional appointments.
    42    The  legislature  further  finds  that it is appropriate to adjust the
    43  statutory goal for the reduction of provisional  appointments  exceeding
    44  statutory  limits  in  light of the shrinking municipal workforce in New
    45  York city and  the  challenges  presented  by  recent  developments,  as
    46  described in these findings.
    47    §  2. Subparagraph (ii) of paragraph (c-2) of subdivision 5 of section
    48  65 of the civil service law, as amended by chapter 419 of  the  laws  of
    49  2018, is amended to read as follows:
    50    (ii)  DCAS  may  administer  a  QIE only for those titles that are set
    51  forth in section four of chapter four hundred sixty-seven of the laws of
    52  two thousand sixteen, [or] in section five of [the] chapter four hundred
    53  nineteen of the laws of two thousand eighteen, or in section five of the
    54  chapter of the laws of two thousand twenty-one that amended this subpar-
    55  agraph; provided, however, that DCAS shall not administer more than  one
    56  QIE per title.

        S. 7100                             3

     1    §  3.  Subdivision 5 of section 65 of the civil service law is amended
     2  by adding a new paragraph (c-5) to read as follows:
     3    (c-5)  Additional  plan  revision  for provisional employees.   Within
     4  sixty days after the effective date of the chapter of the  laws  of  two
     5  thousand  twenty-one that added this paragraph, the DCAS employers shall
     6  be required to submit to the state commission for its approval a  single
     7  comprehensive revision of the plan prepared pursuant to paragraph (b) of
     8  this  subdivision, to be implemented by December thirty-first, two thou-
     9  sand twenty-three, to further reduce the number of provisional  appoint-
    10  ments that have continued beyond the periods otherwise permitted by this
    11  section,  provided  that  the percentage goal for substantial compliance
    12  otherwise specified in such paragraph shall be six and one-half percent.
    13  Such revised plan may additionally contain  any  elements  or  means  of
    14  implementation  authorized  by  paragraph  (b)  of this subdivision. The
    15  revised plan shall be supported by appropriate documentation and  expla-
    16  nation,  and the information contained in the plan shall be confirmed by
    17  the commissioner of DCAS as accurate to the best of  his  or  her  know-
    18  ledge,  based  on  a reasonable inquiry by DCAS into the facts set forth
    19  therein. Within sixty days of the submission of  such  plan,  the  state
    20  commission  shall  approve the revised plan, with or without recommended
    21  changes, or disapprove it. The approval process shall otherwise  conform
    22  to  the  timeframes  and  procedures  set forth in paragraph (c) of this
    23  subdivision. Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of this subdivi-
    24  sion, this subdivision shall no longer be in  force  and  effect  if  no
    25  revised  plan  has been approved by the state commission within eighteen
    26  months from the effective date of this paragraph.
    27    § 4. Paragraphs (d), (f), (g) and (h) of subdivision 5 of  section  65
    28  of  the  civil  service  law, paragraphs (d), (f) and (g) as amended and
    29  paragraph (h) as added by chapter 419 of the laws of 2018,  are  amended
    30  to read as follows:
    31    (d)  Modifications  of the plan. During the course of implementing the
    32  plan developed, approved and revised in accordance with paragraphs  (b),
    33  (c),  (c-1),  (c-3)  [and],  (c-4) and (c-5) of this subdivision, if the
    34  DCAS employers determine that there is a need to modify the  plan,  they
    35  shall submit a request for modification of the plan to the state commis-
    36  sion.  Such  request  shall  detail  the  circumstances that have arisen
    37  necessitating the request,  including  but  not  limited  to  unforeseen
    38  demands  upon resources, unforeseen projected impacts upon the provision
    39  of public services, or a finding that implementation of any part of  the
    40  plan  is impracticable, unduly burdensome or otherwise likely to prevent
    41  the successful implementation of the plan or  any  aspect  thereof.  The
    42  state  commission  shall  act  upon  the request for modification within
    43  sixty days. The state commission  may  in  its  discretion  approve  the
    44  modification,  approve  the  modification  with  recommended changes, or
    45  disapprove the  modification;  provided,  however,  that  if  the  state
    46  commission  takes  no  action  within such period, it shall be deemed to
    47  have approved the modification, and provided further that if the changes
    48  recommended by the state commission are not accepted by the DCAS employ-
    49  ers within thirty days, the modification shall  be  deemed  disapproved.
    50  Notwithstanding  any  inconsistent  provision of this paragraph, where a
    51  modification is insubstantial, and will not materially affect the abili-
    52  ty of the DCAS employers to reduce the number  of  provisional  appoint-
    53  ments in accordance with paragraph (c-1), (c-3) [or], (c-4) or (c-5), as
    54  applicable,  of  this subdivision, DCAS may so certify and the modifica-
    55  tion may be implemented and shall  be  filed  by  DCAS  with  the  state
    56  commission  within  five  business days. In the event that a request for

        S. 7100                             4

     1  modification is disapproved, the plan previously in effect shall  remain
     2  in effect, provided that the DCAS employers may at any time submit a new
     3  proposed  modification. Any modification approved pursuant to this para-
     4  graph  may extend the duration of a plan to a date no more than one year
     5  beyond the two-year period authorized by paragraph (c-3) of this  subdi-
     6  vision.
     7    (f)  Time  limitation.  Notwithstanding  any inconsistent provision of
     8  this chapter or any other law or rule to the contrary, the provisions of
     9  subdivision two of this section shall not apply to  the  DCAS  employers
    10  upon  the  effective  date  of  chapter five of the laws of two thousand
    11  eight, and during the timely submission, approval and implementation  of
    12  a  plan  in accordance with paragraphs (b), (c) and (e) of this subdivi-
    13  sion, and of revised plans in accordance with  paragraphs  (c-1),  (c-3)
    14  [and],  (c-4)  and (c-5) of this subdivision. The provisions of subdivi-
    15  sion two of this section shall be applicable to any provisional employee
    16  serving in a position for which an appropriate eligible  list  has  been
    17  established  pursuant to such plan or revised plans, unless such list is
    18  not adequate to fill all positions then held on a provisional  basis  or
    19  is exhausted immediately following its establishment.
    20    (g)  Agreements governing disciplinary procedures. Notwithstanding any
    21  inconsistent provision of this chapter or any other law or rule  to  the
    22  contrary,  any  DCAS employer and an employee organization, as such term
    23  is defined in article fourteen of this chapter, may  enter  into  agree-
    24  ments  to  provide  disciplinary  procedures  applicable  to provisional
    25  appointees or categories thereof who have served for a period  of  twen-
    26  ty-four  months or more in a position which is covered by such an agree-
    27  ment. No such provisional employee shall be  deemed  to  be  permanently
    28  appointed under such circumstances, nor may such disciplinary procedures
    29  be  deemed  to preclude removal of an employee as a result of the estab-
    30  lishment of and appointments from an appropriate  eligible  list  or  in
    31  accordance with any other provision of law. Any such agreement may apply
    32  upon  the  effective  date  of  chapter five of the laws of two thousand
    33  eight, and during the timely submission, approval and implementation  of
    34  a  plan  in accordance with paragraphs (b), (c) and (e) of this subdivi-
    35  sion, and of revised plans in accordance with  paragraphs  (c-1),  (c-3)
    36  [and],  (c-4)  and (c-5) of this subdivision, and shall not apply to any
    37  provisional employee serving in a  position  for  which  an  appropriate
    38  eligible  list  has  been  established  pursuant  to  a plan approved in
    39  accordance with this subdivision unless such list  is  not  adequate  to
    40  fill  all  positions  then  held  on a provisional basis or is exhausted
    41  immediately following its establishment.
    42    (h) (i) If the DCAS employers are not in substantial  compliance  with
    43  the  time  periods permitted by subdivisions one, two, three and four of
    44  this section by December thirty-first, two thousand  [twenty-one]  twen-
    45  ty-three,  as  set  forth  in  the  report submitted by DCAS pursuant to
    46  subparagraph (ii) of this paragraph,  then  an  advisory  workgroup  for
    47  provisional  appointments in the city of New York ("advisory workgroup")
    48  shall be established.  The  advisory  workgroup  shall  consist  of  six
    49  members,  one  of  whom  shall be appointed by the governor, one of whom
    50  shall be appointed by the speaker of the assembly, one of whom shall  be
    51  appointed by the temporary president of the senate, two of whom shall be
    52  appointed  by  the  mayor  of the city of New York, including one recom-
    53  mended by the citywide bargaining representative, and one of whom  shall
    54  be  appointed  by  the  commissioner  of the New York city department of
    55  citywide administrative services (DCAS). The advisory workgroup shall be
    56  chaired by a member designated by  the  mayor.  The  advisory  workgroup

        S. 7100                             5

     1  shall  submit  to  the  governor,  the state legislature and the mayor a
     2  single recommended plan for the DCAS employers to  substantially  comply
     3  with the time periods permitted by subdivisions one, two, three and four
     4  of  this section, to be adopted by or pursuant to state legislation. For
     5  the purposes of this paragraph, "substantial compliance" shall have  the
     6  same  meaning  as  provided  in  paragraph (b), as modified by paragraph
     7  (c-5) of this subdivision. Such recommended plan may include, but  shall
     8  not  be  limited  to,  a schedule for administration of examinations and
     9  establishment of eligible lists, a determination of additional appropri-
    10  ate existing or planned eligible lists that may be  used,  consolidation
    11  of titles through appropriate reclassification, and any other lawful and
    12  appropriate  means  of implementation. The recommended plan shall to the
    13  extent practicable be supported by appropriate documentation and  expla-
    14  nation.
    15    (ii)  DCAS  shall submit a progress report to the governor, speaker of
    16  the assembly, temporary president of the senate and  the  mayor  of  the
    17  city  of  New  York  no  later  than December thirty-first, two thousand
    18  [twenty] twenty-two. Such report  shall  contain  numbers  that  are  as
    19  current as practicable and shall include the total number of provisional
    20  appointments remaining, the number of provisional appointments that have
    21  been  reduced, the number of provisional appointments that still need to
    22  be reduced in order to achieve substantial  compliance  as  provided  by
    23  paragraph  (b)  of  this  subdivision,  and  a statement of whether DCAS
    24  believes substantial compliance with the timeframes  permitted  by  this
    25  section as provided by paragraph (b) of this subdivision can be achieved
    26  by December thirty-first, two thousand [twenty-one] twenty-three.
    27    § 5. The New York city department of citywide administrative services,
    28  acting pursuant to paragraph (c-2) of subdivision 5 of section 65 of the
    29  civil service law, as amended by section two of this act, may administer
    30  qualified incumbent examinations, in addition to examinations authorized
    31  to be administered pursuant to chapter 467 of the laws of 2016 and chap-
    32  ter  419  of  the  laws  of  2018, in connection with appointment to the
    33  following titles:
    36    31313 ASBESTOS HANDLER
    39    21822 ASSOCIATE CHEMIST
    44    30825 COUNTY DETECTIVE
    47    80710 HOUSEKEEPER
    49    31620 INSPECTOR (BOILERS)
    54    91548 MARINE OILER (DC)
    56    91501 MARINER

        S. 7100                             6

     6    33765 SERVICE INSPECTOR (DOT)
    11    §  6.  Sections 3 and 5 of chapter 5 of the laws of 2008, amending the
    12  civil service law relating to provisional employees  of  certain  public
    13  employers, as amended by chapter 419 of the laws of 2018, are amended to
    14  read as follows:
    15    § 3. Any agreement or extension thereof entered into pursuant to para-
    16  graph  (g)  of  subdivision 5 of section 65 of the civil service law, as
    17  added by section two of this act and subsequently amended in 2014,  2016
    18  [and],  2018 and 2021, may include protections for provisional employees
    19  who were covered, prior to the effective date of this act, by agreements
    20  similar to those authorized by such paragraph. Any agreement  or  exten-
    21  sion  thereof  entered  into pursuant to such paragraph may include, but
    22  shall not be limited to, the appropriate  arbitration,  adjudication  or
    23  other  disposition  of  disciplinary  or other matters concerning provi-
    24  sional employees that were pending on the effective date of this act.
    25    § 5. This act shall take effect immediately, and shall expire December
    26  31, [2021] 2023 when upon such date the provisions of this act shall  be
    27  deemed repealed.
    28    §  7.  Section 2 of part I of chapter 56 of the laws of 2008, amending
    29  the civil service law relating to excess provisional employees of a city
    30  having a population of one million or more, as amended by chapter 419 of
    31  the laws of 2018, is amended to read as follows:
    32    § 2. This act shall take effect immediately and shall  expire  and  be
    33  deemed repealed December 31, [2021] 2023.
    34    §  8. If any section, subdivision, paragraph, clause, sentence, phrase
    35  or other portion of this act is, for any  reason,  declared  unconstitu-
    36  tional or invalid, in whole or in part, by any court of competent juris-
    37  diction,  such  portion  shall be deemed severable, and such unconstitu-
    38  tionality or invalidity shall not affect the validity of  the  remaining
    39  portions  of  this  act, which remaining portions shall continue in full
    40  force and effect.
    41    § 9. This act shall take effect immediately; provided  that:  (i)  the
    42  amendments  to subdivision 5 of section 65 of the civil service law made
    43  by sections two, three and four of this act shall not affect the  repeal
    44  of  such  subdivision  and  shall be deemed repealed therewith; (ii) the
    45  amendments to section 3 of chapter 5 of the laws of 2008 made by section
    46  six of this act shall not affect the repeal of such section and shall be
    47  deemed repealed therewith; and (iii)  eligible  lists  and  appointments
    48  resulting  from the qualified incumbent examinations administered pursu-
    49  ant to paragraph (c-2) of subdivision 5  of  section  65  of  the  civil
    50  service  law,  as  amended  by  section  two  of  this act, shall not be
    51  affected by the expiration of such provisions.