New Jersey Representative Rosy Bagolie [D] | House | Passed

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NJA1899PassExpands authority of pharmacy technician in administering drugs and vaccines and permits certain pharmacists and pharmacy interns, externs, and technicians to administer COVID-19 vaccine.
Approved P.L.2025, c.17.
NJA5152PassReschedules June 2025 primary election date; provides for adjustment of certain election related deadlines.
Approved P.L.2024, c.107.
NJAR152PassExpresses support for "Breakfast Bowl" held by Montclair State University and Rowan University and recognizes food insecurity efforts of these institutions.
Filed with Secretary of State
NJA4148PassRequires DOH to develop informational materials on type 1 diabetes and DOE to distribute to parents and guardians of enrolled students.
Approved P.L.2024, c.103.
NJA3446Pass"Freedom to Read Act"; establishes requirements for library material in public school libraries and public libraries; protects school library staff members and librarians.
Approved P.L.2024, c.96.
NJAR165PassUrges President and Congress of United States to enact federal legislation providing proportional property tax relief for honorably discharged veterans having a service-connected permanent disability.
Filed with Secretary of State
NJA4533PassRevises certain sections of law concerning financing mechanisms for school facilities projects of regular operating districts.
Approved P.L.2024, c.79.
NJA2884PassProvides for purchase of PFRS credit for service as class two special law enforcement officer.
Approved P.L.2024, c.54.
NJA2288PassEstablishes Office of Learning Equity and Academic Recovery in DOE.
Approved P.L.2024, c.53.
NJA3861Pass"Louisa Carman Medical Debt Relief Act."
Approved P.L.2024, c.48.
NJA1677PassAuthorizes extended terms for lease and purchase contracts for electric school buses; permits New Jersey School Boards Association to serve as government aggregator to obtain energy services for local units.
Approved P.L.2024, c.38.
NJA3772PassRevises process for property tax lien holder to foreclose right to redeem a property tax lien; allows property owner to protect remaining equity.
Approved P.L.2024, c.39.
NJA4425PassAuthorizes NJ Infrastructure Bank to expend certain sums to make loans for environmental infrastructure projects for FY2025.
Approved P.L.2024, c.41.
NJA1669PassRemoves obstacles to teacher certification for certain teachers; repeals law establishing alternative certificate of eligibility.
Approved P.L.2024, c.26.
NJAR138PassDesignates June 2024 as LGBTQIA+ Pride Month in New Jersey.
Filed with Secretary of State
NJAR141PassUrges generative artificial intelligence and content sharing platforms to make voluntary commitments to prevent and remove harmful content.
Filed with Secretary of State
NJA2027PassEstablishes One-Year State Work First New Jersey Menstrual Hygiene Benefit Pilot Program and State Work First New Jersey Diaper Benefit Pilot Program; appropriates $2.5 million to DHS.
Approved P.L.2024, c.27.
NJAR147PassCondemns recent U.S. Supreme Court decision and reaffirms that bump stocks are a dangerous firearm component.
Filed with Secretary of State
NJAJR86PassDesignating fourth Wednesday in May of each year as "Crisis Professionals Day."
Approved P.L.2024, JR-1.
NJA4059PassRequires Commissioner of Education to permit certain school districts losing State school aid to submit budgets after enactment of FY 2025 appropriations act.
Approved P.L.2024, c.12.
NJA4161PassEstablishes Stabilized School Budget Aid Grant Program to restore certain portions of State school aid reductions; permits certain school districts to exceed tax levy growth limitation in 2024-2025 school year; appropriates $44.7 million.
Approved P.L.2024, c.13.
NJAR127PassCondemns Arizona Supreme Court ruling in Planned Parenthood v. Mayes banning abortions in the state and reaffirms New Jersey citizens' freedom to access reproductive health care services.
Filed with Secretary of State
NJAR122PassCondemns Alabama Supreme Court ruling in LePage v. Mobile Infirmary Clinic, P.C. and pending federal legislation, H.R.431; reaffirms freedom of access and protection of reproductive health care services in New Jersey, including IVF.
Filed with Secretary of State
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