NH Legislation | 2011 | Regular Session | Other | Engrossed

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Sine Die
Relating to public education. Providing that the general court shall have the authority to define standards for public education, establish standards of accountability, mitigate local disparities in educational opportunity and fiscal capacity, and ha...
Senate Rereferred to Committee, Motion Adopted, Voice Vote; Senate Journal 19, Pg.517

Sine Die
Relating to public education. Providing that the general court shall have the authority to define standards for public education, establish standards of accountability, mitigate local disparities in educational opportunity and fiscal capacity, and sh...
House Lay on the Table (Rep L.Ober): Motion Adopted Division Vote 346-27 By Required Three-Fifths; House Journal 48, PG.1654

Sine Die
2nd (New Title) relating to taxation. Providing that a 3/5 vote is required to pass legislation imposing new or increased taxes or license fees, or to authorize the issuance of state bonds and providing that the general court shall appropriate funds ...
Senate Rereferred to Committee, Motion Adopted, Voice Vote; Senate Journal 19, Pg.517

Sine Die
Relating to the governor's power to reduce appropriations. Providing that the governor shall have line item reduction power of items in any bill making appropriations of money.
House Lay on the Table (Rep Stepanek): Motion Adopted Division Vote 293-33 by Required Three-Fifths; House Journal 42, PG.1482
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