US Legislation | 2011-2012 | 112th Congress | House | Introduced

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Sine Die
Directs the Comptroller General of the United States to conduct a study to determine the impact on the United States of the policy set forth in the memorandum dated June 15, 2012, from the Secretary of Homeland Security regarding exercising prosecuto...
To House Subcommittee on Immigration Policy and Enforcement

Sine Die
Next Steps for Credit Availability Act - Amends the Investment Company Act of 1940 to allow a business development company (BDC) to own or acquire securities or other interests in the business of a registered investment adviser or adviser to an inves...
To House Subcommittee on Capital Markets and Government Sponsored Enterprises

Sine Die
Amends the federal criminal code to exempt the Secretary of Homeland Security (DHS) from disclosure of confidential information violations when the Secretary shares certain information and materials with intellectual property rights owners for purpos...
To House Subcommittee on Intellectual Property, Competition and the Internet

Sine Die
Sets forth the rule for consideration of the bill (H.B. 4402) to require the Secretary of the Interior and the Secretary of Agriculture to more efficiently develop domestic sources of the minerals and mineral materials of strategic and critical impor...
Motion to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection.

Sine Die
Illegal, Unreported, and Unregulated Fishing Enforcement Act of 2011 [sic] - Amends the High Seas Driftnet Fishing Moratorium Protection Act to direct the Secretary of Commerce (Secretary) and the Secretary of the department in which the Coast Guard ...
Subcommittee on Fisheries, Wildlife, Oceans, and Insular Affairs Discharged.

Sine Die
Military Family Home Protection Act - Amends the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act to allow a court, in an action to enforce an obligation on real or personal property secured by a mortgage against a servicemember on active duty, a totally disabled vet...
Ordered to be Reported (Amended) by Voice Vote.

Sine Die
Authorizes the National Mall Liberty Fund D.C. (previously the Black Revolutionary War Patriots Foundation) to establish a memorial on specified federal land in the District of Columbia to honor slaves and free black persons who served as soldiers an...
CHANGE OF PRIMARY SPONSOR REQUEST - Mr. Butterfield asked unanimous consent that he be considered the primary sponsor of H.R. 2181 in lieu of the late Donald Payne from New Jersey. Agreed to without objection.

Sine Die
Saving Taxpayers from Unnecessary GSE Bulk Sale Programs Act of 2012 - Prohibits the Director of the Federal Housing Finance Agency from: (1) disposing of any real estate owned by it, by the Federal National Mortgage Association (Fannie Mae), or by t...
To House Subcommittee on Capital Markets and Government Sponsored Enterprises

Sine Die
Prohibits the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) from conducting aerial surveillance in exercising any authority under the Federal Water Pollution Control Act (commonly known as the Clean Water Act) for one year after enactmen...
To House Subcommittee on Aviation

Sine Die
Preserving American Homeownership Act of 2012 - Requires the Director of the Federal Housing Finance Agency and the Federal Housing Commissioner each to establish a pilot program to encourage, through assistance provided under the Home Affordable Mod...
To House Subcommittee on Insurance, Housing and Community Opportunity

Sine Die
Working Families Tax Protection Act of 2012 - Extends through 2013 the terminating date for provisions of the Economic Growth and Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2001 relating to: (1) individual income tax rate reductions, (2) tax benefits related t...
To House Ways And Means Committee

Sine Die
Comprehensive Dental Reform Act of 2012 - Title I: Medicare and Medicaid - Amends titles XVIII (Medicare) and XIX (Medicaid) of the Social Security Act to cover dental services. Increases the federal medical assistance percentage (FMAP) for funding ...
To House Subcommittee on Military Personnel

Sine Die
Recognizes: (1) the critical importance of the Operational Reserve as a component of the Armed Forces, particularly as a means of preserving combat power during a time of budget austerity; and (2) the dual-status, state-federal National Guard as the ...
To House Subcommittee on Military Personnel

Sine Die
Directs the Secretary of Defense (DOD) (Secretary) to: (1) assess and develop a uniform definition of hazing, applicable to members of the Armed Forces (members), for inclusion in the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ); and (2) submit such defin...
To House Subcommittee on Military Personnel

Sine Die
Recognizes the soldiers who died in the War of 1812 and honors the peace and close friendship that the United States and Canada have shared in the past 200 years.
To House Subcommittee on Military Personnel

Sine Die
Makes eligible for interment or inurnment at Arlington National Cemetery members of the Army who served honorably for at least nine months in the Tomb Guard Platoon of the 3rd U.S. Infantry Regiment which provides sentinels at the Tomb of the Unknown...
To House Subcommittee on Military Personnel

Sine Die
Authorizes the Secretary of Defense (DOD), with respect to the training of National Guard units and federal agencies performing homeland defense activities, to provide funding assistance through a special military cooperative agreement for the operat...
To House Subcommittee on Emerging Threats and Capabilities

Sine Die
Disabled Military Child Protection Act of 2012 - Authorizes monthly annuity payments under the Survivor Benefit Plan (SBP) to a supplemental or special needs trust established for the sole benefit of a disabled dependent child who is incapable of sel...
To House Subcommittee on Military Personnel

Sine Die
Military Housing Oversight and Accountability Act - Amends federal provisions concerning Department of Defense (DOD) alternative authority for the acquisition and improvement of military housing to direct each military department Secretary to prescri...
To House Subcommittee on Readiness

Sine Die
Service Member Anti-Hazing Act - Directs the Secretary of the military department concerned to: (1) develop and implement a policy to prevent and respond to hazing of members of that military department; (2) develop and implement a program to train s...
To House Subcommittee on Military Personnel

Sine Die
Recognizes and remembers the valiant sacrifices of members of the U.S. Armed Forces killed in action, missing in action, or prisoners of war. Encourages the Philadelphia Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Medical Center to establish an advisory comm...
To House Subcommittee on Military Personnel

Sine Die
Recognizes the 70th anniversary of the Guadalcanal campaign during World War II. Recognizes and commends the members of the U.S. Armed Forces and Allied Forces who participated in the Guadalcanal campaign for their service and sacrifice.
To House Subcommittee on Military Personnel

Sine Die
Supports the designation of National Explosive Ordnance Disposal Day to honor those who are serving and have served in the Armed Forces in the noble and self-sacrificing profession of explosive ordnance disposal. Supports the designation of "Ini...
To House Subcommittee on Military Personnel

Sine Die
Expresses the sense of Congress, among other things, that: (1) children of members of the Armed Forces deserve health-care practices and policies that are designed to meet their pediatric-specific needs and ensure and maintain their access to pediatr...
To House Subcommittee on Military Personnel

Sine Die
Army Arsenal Strategic Workload Enhancement Act of 2012 - Directs the Secretary of Defense (Secretary) to develop and promulgate guidelines for the Department of Defense (DOD), defense agencies, and military services to have supplies, components, end...
To House Subcommittee on Readiness

Sine Die
Prohibits a naval vessel (or any other vessel under the jurisdiction of the Secretary of the Navy) that has its home port in the United States, Guam, or the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands from being overhauled, repaired, or maintained i...
To House Subcommittee on Readiness

Sine Die
Veterans Jobs Act of 2012 - Authorizes the Secretary of Labor, in carrying out the Transition Assistance Program, to establish a two-year pilot program to assess the feasibility and advisability of using community business leaders as mentors to facil...
To House Subcommittee on Military Personnel

Sine Die
Las Vegas Valley Public Land and Tule Springs Fossil Beds National Monument Act of 2012 - Establishes the Tule Springs Fossil Beds National Monument in Nevada. Directs the Secretary of the Interior to provide for interpretation, education, and scient...
To House Subcommittee on National Parks, Forests and Public Lands

Sine Die
Directs the Secretary of Defense (DOD) to establish within Arlington National Cemetery a Tomb of Remembrance for the interment of cremated fragments of the remains of members of the Armed Forces killed in Afghanistan, Iraq, or any subsequent war or c...
To House Subcommittee on Military Personnel

Sine Die
Authorizes and requests the President to award the Medal of Honor posthumously to former Major Dominic S. Gentile, U.S. Army Air Forces, for acts of valor as a pilot during World War II.
To House Subcommittee on Military Personnel

Sine Die
Strengthening and Enhancing Cybersecurity by Using Research, Education, Information, and Technology Act of 2012 or SECURE IT Act of 2012 - Authorizes private entities to employ countermeasures and use cybersecurity systems to obtain, identify, or pos...
To House Subcommittee on Emerging Threats and Capabilities

Sine Die
Requires the Secretary of Defense (DOD), within 60 days after the enactment of this Act, to ensure the continuous military command responsibility and accountability for the care, handling, and transportation of the remains of each deceased member of ...
To House Subcommittee on Military Personnel

Sine Die
Authorizes the President to award the Medal of Honor to First Lieutenant Alonzo H. Cushing for acts of valor during the Civil War.
To House Subcommittee on Military Personnel

Sine Die
Recognizes the proud history of the 24th Infantry Division (the 24th) and its soldiers who made countless sacrifices to protect the nation's freedom. Remembers with profound gratitude, sorrow, and respect the 14 soldiers of the 24th who received the...
To House Subcommittee on Military Personnel

Sine Die
Sets forth the rule for consideration of the bill (H.B. 6079) to repeal the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act and health care-related provisions in the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010.
Motion to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection.

Sine Die
Recognizes the historic significance of the 114th anniversary of the independence of the Philippines on June 12, 1898. Reaffirms the friendship and cooperation which have existed between the United States and the Philippines. Commends the people of t...
To House Subcommittee on Military Personnel

Sine Die
Commends the Air Force Space Command for 30 years of excellence and service. Recognizes the contributions made by the Command to the security of the United States.
To House Subcommittee on Military Personnel

Sine Die
Department of the Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2013 - Makes appropriations for the Department of the Interior, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and related agencies for FY2013. Title I: Department of the ...
Placed on the Union Calendar, Calendar No. 426.

Sine Die
Rural Energy Investment Act of 2012 - Amends the Farm Security and Rural Investment Act of 2002 regarding the biobased markets program to: (1) extend program funding through FY2017, (2) increase the number of categories of biobased products designate...
To House Subcommittee on Energy and Environment

Sine Die
Public Access to Congressional Research Service Reports Resolution of 2012 or the Congressional Research Service Electronic Accessibility Resolution of 2012 - Directs the Clerk of the House of Representatives, in consultation with the Director of the...
To House Administration Committee

Sine Die
Energy Exploration and Production to Achieve National Demand Act or EXPAND Act - Title I: Development of Federal Energy Resources - Amends the Gulf of Mexico Energy Security Act of 2006 to repeal the moratorium upon oil and gas leasing (or any relate...
To House Subcommittee on Readiness

Sine Die
Armed Forces Breast Cancer Research Act of 2012 - Directs the Secretaries of Defense and Veterans Affairs to jointly conduct a study on the incidence of breast cancer among members of the Armed Forces and veterans and report study results to Congress...
To House Subcommittee on Military Personnel

Sine Die
Amends the Sikes Act (conservation programs on federal lands) to allow funds appropriated to the Department of Defense (DOD) to be obligated for funding an endowment for the costs of natural resource maintenance and improvement activities on military...
To House Subcommittee on Readiness

Sine Die
Wildland Firefighters Health Protection Act - Defines "wildland firefighter" as an employee of a federal land management agency who performs work directly related to the prevention, control, suppression, and management of wildfires, includi...
To House Oversight And Government Reform Committee

Sine Die
Base Redevelopment and Indemnification Correction Act - Amends the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 1993 to expand the indemnification responsibilities of the Department of Defense (DOD) with respect to transferred property at forme...
To House Subcommittee on Readiness

Sine Die
Gender Equality Combat Act - Directs the Secretary of Defense (DOD) to report to the congressional defense committees on the implementation of a termination of the ground combat exclusion policy for female members of the Armed Forces (DOD policy unde...
To House Subcommittee on Military Personnel

Sine Die
Expresses the sense of Congress that the Secretary of Defense (DOD), and the Secretary of Homeland Security (DHS) with respect to the Coast Guard, should duly honor those members of the Armed Forces who are killed or wounded in the United States in t...
To House Subcommittee on Military Personnel

Sine Die
Revitalizing America's Commercial Entrepreneurs for Space Act or RACE for Space Act - Authorizes the Secretary of Defense, in order to assist the Secretary of Transportation (DOT) with respect to private-sector involvement in commercial space activit...
To House Subcommittee on Strategic Forces

Sine Die
Military Savings Act of 2012 - Directs the Undersecretary of Defense (Comptroller) to carry out a five-year pilot program to develop innovative consumer financial products that encourage savings and wealth-creation among active-duty servicemembers. R...
To House Subcommittee on Military Personnel

Sine Die
Amends the Revised Statutes of the United States with respect to the requirement that the Chief Administrative Officer of the House of Representatives deduct from the monthly payments of each Member of the House (or Delegate) the amount of the Member...
To House Administration Committee
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