| OR | HB2748 | Intro 25% | The Act says that an entity that is not a human may not call itself a nurse or similar title. (Flesch Readability Score: 72.3). Prohibits a nonhuman entity from using the title "nurse" or other similar titles. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-02-20 [Hearing: Feb 20 @ 3:00 pm] To House Behavioral Health and Health Care Committee |
| OR | HB3140 | Intro 25% | The Act says that an operator can make a person who does recreation release the operator from some types of claims. Tells OBDD to study issues for the recreation industry and make a report. (Flesch Readability Score: 62.6). Provides that an operator ... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-02-19 [Hearing: Feb 19 @ 8:00 am] To House Economic Development, Small Business, and Trade Committee |
| OR | SB947 | Intro 25% | Changes the term "militia" in the state statutes to "national guard." (Flesch Readability Score: 64.9). Modifies terminology by changing statutory references to "militia" to "national guard." [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-02-18 [Hearing: Feb 18 @ 1:00 pm] To Senate Veterans, Emergency Management, Federal and World Affairs Committee |
| OR | HB3150 | Intro 25% | The Act makes a new tax credit for volunteer firefighters. (Flesch Readability Score: 61.3). Establishes an income tax credit for volunteer firefighters. Applies to tax years beginning on or after January 1, 2026, and before January 1, 2032. Takes ef... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-02-13 [Hearing: Feb 13 @ 1:00 pm] To House Emergency Management, General Government, and Veterans Committee |
| OR | SB916 | Intro 25% | The Act would repeal the law that denies benefits to a person who is unemployed due to an active labor dispute. (Flesch Readability Score: 60.6). Provides that an individual otherwise eligible for unemployment insurance benefits is not disqualified f... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-02-13 [Hearing: Feb 11 @ 8:00 am] [Hearing: Feb 13 @ 8:00 am] To Senate Labor and Business Committee |
| OR | SB949 | Intro 25% | The Act tells OHCS to start a project to build some mixed-use affordable housing. (Flesch Readability Score: 65.7). Directs the Housing and Community Services Department to establish a project to develop affordable housing that integrates residential... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-02-12 [Hearing: Feb 12 @ 1:00 pm] To Senate Housing and Development Committee |
| OR | HB2233 | Intro 25% | The Act would provide money for legal help to adults in custody at one prison in Oregon. (Flesch Readability Score: 60.1). Directs the Oregon Criminal Justice Commission to establish a program to provide legal services to assist adults in custody who... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-02-11 [Hearing: Feb 11 @ 3:00 pm] To House Judiciary Committee |
| OR | SB13 | Intro 25% | Says that a board that issues job licenses must let a person who wants one to show job experience instead of schooling if the license needs a high school diploma. (Flesch Readability Score: 60.7). Requires a professional licensing board to consider e... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-02-11 [Hearing: Feb 11 @ 8:00 am] To Senate Labor and Business Committee |
| OR | SB550 | Intro 25% | Amends the state's new right to repair law. Adds more items to the list of consumer equipment for which an owner or repair provider can get from the item's maker a tool or part needed to fix the item. (Flesch Readability Score: 67.7). Adds electric w... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-02-10 To Senate Energy and Environment Committee |
| OR | HCR17 | Intro 25% | Honors Cambodian Americans who live in Oregon and the U.S. and all of the lives that have been lost in war and conflict in that part of Asia. (Flesch Readability Score: 60.5). Recognizes and honors Cambodian Americans in Oregon and the United States ... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-02-07 To House Rules Committee |
| OR | HB3493 | Intro 25% | This Act stops landlords of mobile and floating home parks from banning political campaigns from knocking on doors. (Flesch Readability Score: 61.6). Prohibits landlords from banning political canvassing or solitication in manufactured dwelling parks... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-02-06 To House Rules Committee |
| OR | HB3231 | Intro 25% | The Act says that the passenger rail plan needs to include ways to fix and improve train tracks and other important parts. It also has to help trains carry more passengers. The Department of Transportation must give updates on how the plan is going b... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-02-04 To Joint Transportation Committee |
| OR | SB538 | Intro 25% | The Act requires ODHS to pay parents to provide in-home care for minor children with disabilities. The Act requires ODHS to seek out all means to get federal matching funds from CMS to pay for the care. (Flesch Readability Score: 71.4). Requires the ... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-02-04 To Senate Health Care Committee |
| OR | HB3233 | Intro 25% | The Act tells ODOT to team up with the State of Washington and Vancouver, B.C., to make plans for rail. The Act tells ODOT to report every two years to the JCT. (Flesch Readability Score: 79.5). Directs the Department of Transportation to work with t... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-02-04 To Joint Transportation Committee |
| OR | SB973 | Intro 25% | Amends the notices that a landlord must give to tenants warning when the landlord's obligation to charge the tenant low rent will end. (Flesch Readability Score: 62.1). Requires a landlord of publicly supported housing to provide all applicants and n... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-02-04 To Senate Housing and Development Committee |
| OR | HB3013 | Intro 25% | This Act gives a process for revoking a permit based on an overturned land use plan or regulation. (Flesch Readability Score: 61.6). Details the process by which a permit or zone change that is based on provisions of a comprehensive plan or land use ... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-02-03 To House Agriculture, Land Use, Natural Resources, and Water Committee |
| OR | SB545 | Intro 25% | The Act makes a new tax credit for volunteer firefighters. (Flesch Readability Score: 61.3). Establishes an income tax credit for volunteer firefighters. Applies to tax years beginning on or after January 1, 2026, and before January 1, 2032. Takes ef... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-01-29 To Senate Finance and Revenue Committee |
| OR | SB569 | Intro 25% | Tells a state agency to grant money to groups that help a business to get certified as a minority owned business so it can have a better chance to get public contracts. Tells the agency to figure out how to award the grants and watch how well the gro... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-01-28 To Senate Labor and Business Committee |
| OR | SB414 | Intro 25% | The Act makes it a crime to disclose fake intimate images. The Act goes into effect when the Governor signs it. (Flesch Readability Score: 75.3). Modifies the crime of unlawful dissemination of an intimate image to include the disclosure of a compute... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-01-17 To Senate Judiciary Committee |
| OR | HB3230 | Intro 25% | Makes the State Chief Information Officer contract with a third party for a study of how the state uses information and technology and advise on how to improve. Makes the officer submit a report. The Act takes effect on its passage. (Flesch Readabili... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-01-17 To Joint Information Management and Technology Committee |
| OR | SB415 | Intro 25% | This Act tells the DEQ to study and make a report on incentives for vehicles with zero emissions. (Flesch Readability Score: 61.6). Requires the Department of Environmental Quality to study zero-emission vehicle incentives. Directs the department to ... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-01-17 To Joint Transportation Committee |
| OR | HB3238 | Intro 25% | Makes EIS do a study on the security of cyber assets and submit a report. (Flesch Readability Score: 61.8). Requires the office of Enterprise Information Services to study cybersecurity. Directs the office to submit its findings to the interim commit... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-01-17 To Joint Information Management and Technology Committee |
| OR | HB2795 | Intro 25% | The Act makes changes to the STIF program. (Flesch Readability Score: 92.0). Modifies the definition of "qualified entity" for purposes of the Statewide Transportation Improvement Fund distributions for public transit. Takes effect on the 91st day fo... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-01-17 To Joint Transportation Committee |
| OR | HB2940 | Intro 25% | Creates a task force to create a protocol for assessing and treating persons with inherited blood disorders. Tells the task force to submit a report. (Flesch Readability Score: 65.5). Establishes the Task Force on Hemoglobinopathies and Sickle Cell D... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-01-17 To House Behavioral Health and Health Care Committee |
| OR | SB416 | Intro 25% | The Act directs ODOT to issue mobile driver licenses to those who want them and pay a fee. (Flesch Readability Score: 71.0). Directs the Department of Transportation to provide optional mobile driver licenses, driver permits and identification cards.... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-01-17 To Joint Transportation Committee |
| OR | HB3100 | Intro 25% | The Act would give lottery funds to Business Oregon to craft a trade strategy for this state. (Flesch Readability Score: 65.1). Allocates lottery funds to the Oregon Business Development Department to develop a unified trade strategy for Oregon in co... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-01-17 To House Economic Development, Small Business, and Trade Committee |
| OR | HB3187 | Intro 25% | The Act changes laws with respect to discrimination based on age. The Act takes effect 91 days after adjournment. (Flesch Readability Score: 61.2). Clarifies the meaning of "because of age" for purposes of employment discrimination law. Permits obser... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-01-17 To House Labor and Workplace Standards Committee |
| OR | HB2976 | Intro 25% | The Act gives money to DAS to give to groups for indigenous languages. (Flesch Readability Score: 69.9). Appropriates moneys from the General Fund to the Oregon Department of Administrative Services for distribution to nonprofit groups for purposes r... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-01-17 To House Early Childhood and Human Services Committee |
| OR | HB3228 | Intro 25% | Makes a council study the use of cybersecurity insurance for public bodies. Tells the council to submit a report on its findings. Creates a fund. (Flesch Readability Score: 63.0). Requires the Oregon Cybersecurity Advisory Council to study the use of... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-01-17 To Joint Information Management and Technology Committee |
| OR | SB418 | Intro 25% | TriMet has to change its district boundaries and leave out certain areas. This rule will not go to a vote. People living in those areas should check if the change will mean new taxes for them. (Flesch Readability Score: 86.5). Requires the mass trans... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-01-17 To Joint Transportation Committee |
| OR | SB611 | Intro 25% | The Act creates the Food for All Oregonians Program. (Flesch Readability Score: 66.1). Establishes the Food for All Oregonians Program in the Department of Human Services to provide nutrition assistance to residents of this state who would qualify fo... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-01-17 To Joint Human Services Committee |
| OR | SB467 | Intro 25% | The Act makes a tax credit for some child care workers that starts in 2026. The Act lets the child care worker put the credit in the ORSP. (Flesch Readability Score: 83.8). Creates a refundable income tax credit for certain child care workers. Provid... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-01-17 To Senate Finance and Revenue Committee |
| OR | SCR9 | Intro 25% | Honors LCIS for 50 years of service to the State of Oregon. (Flesch Readability Score: 74.8). Commends the Legislative Commission on Indian Services on its 50th anniversary. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-01-17 To Senate Rules Committee |
| OR | HB2574 | Intro 25% | This Act changes Willamette Falls Locks Authority laws and says that bonds can be issued. (Flesch Readability Score: 67.5). Modifies provisions related to finances, public contracting authority and composition of Willamette Falls Locks Authority. Aut... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-01-17 To Joint Transportation Committee |
| OR | HB3147 | Intro 25% | Tells each state agency to focus on and speed up the process to allow a person to build, site or operate broadband services. (Flesch Readability Score: 62.1). Declares a state goal to capitalize on and make the best use of federal moneys available fo... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-01-17 To House Economic Development, Small Business, and Trade Committee |
| OR | SB417 | Intro 25% | The Act makes changes to billboard laws. (Flesch Readability Score: 90.9). Modifies provisions related to relocating or reconstructing outdoor advertising signs. Specifies acceptable documentation to prove landowner consent when applying for an outdo... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-01-17 To Joint Transportation Committee |
| OR | HB2756 | Intro 25% | The Act tells the OBDD to establish a trade center for Oregon in Taiwan and Vietnam. (Flesch Readability Score: 68.9). Directs the Oregon Business Development Department to establish the Oregon-Taiwan Trade Center and the Oregon-Vietnam Trade Center.... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-01-17 To House Economic Development, Small Business, and Trade Committee |
| OR | HB2308 | Intro 25% | Tells the makers of some products that connect to the Internet that the products must have a filter to keep users from using some software or going to some Internet sites. The makers must turn the filter on automatically if a user is under 18 years o... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-01-17 To House Commerce and Consumer Protection Committee |
| OR | HB3148 | Intro 25% | Repeals the sunset on the Oregon Lifeline plan. Makes changes to the assistance that the plan provides. (Flesch Readability Score: 63.8). Makes permanent the plan of assistance for low-income customers for telecommunication services. Renames the plan... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-01-17 To House Economic Development, Small Business, and Trade Committee |
| OR | SB477 | Intro 25% | The Act gives money to the CJC for the Justice Reinvestment Equity Program. (Flesch Readability Score: 63.4). Appropriates moneys to the Oregon Criminal Justice Commission for the Justice Reinvestment Equity Program. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-01-17 To Senate Judiciary Committee |
| OR | HB2449 | Intro 25% | Requires a recovery school to provide peer group support for students of the school. (Flesch Readability Score: 65.7). Directs the State Board of Education to adopt a requirement that approved recovery schools provide peer group supports for students... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-01-17 To House Education Committee |
| OR | SCR10 | Intro 25% | Honors the life and memory of Peter Courtney. (Flesch Readability Score: 61.2). In memoriam: Senate President Peter Courtney, 1943-2024. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-01-17 To Senate Rules Committee |
| OR | HB3099 | Intro 25% | The Act would give funds to the twelve economic development districts in this state so they can get federal matching grants. (Flesch Readability Score: 60.6). Allocates lottery moneys for distribution to the economic development districts in Oregon t... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-01-17 To House Economic Development, Small Business, and Trade Committee |
| OR | HB2741 | Intro 25% | The Act tells the OHA to have a public health laboratory and to run a program for testing newborns. (Flesch Readability Score: 62.8). Directs the Oregon Health Authority to maintain a state public health laboratory, administer a newborn bloodspot scr... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-01-17 To House Behavioral Health and Health Care Committee |
| OR | HB3529 | N/A 0% | The Act tells CIS to give training on Indian tribes and tribal relations at least once per calendar quarter. The Act requires Senate and House members and all legislative staff to attend the training at least once per year. (Flesch Readability Score:... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | No Action History Available |
| OR | HB3531 | N/A 0% | The Act directs CIS to hire staff to aid tribes and state agencies to work together on natural resources management. The Act gives money to CIS for this purpose. The Act starts on July 1, 2025. (Flesch Readability Score: 67.7). Directs the Commission... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | No Action History Available |
| OR | HB3530 | N/A 0% | The Act requires the term "squaw" to be removed from highway names. (Flesch Readability Score: 88.9). Directs public bodies to change the name of highways that use the term "squaw" in the name. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | No Action History Available |
| OR | SB1020 | N/A 0% | This Act says that inhalant delivery systems must have a refund value. Makers of those systems must carry out a plan to collect and dispose of them. (Flesch Readability Score: 67.7). Requires producers of inhalant delivery systems to join an inhalant... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | No Action History Available |