Oklahoma Representative John George [R] | Senate | Passed

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StanceStateBillStatusSummary/TitleLast Actionsort icon
OKSB1371PassOffice of Homeland Security; transferring the Office of Homeland Security from the Oklahoma Department of Emergency Management to the Department of Public Safety. Emergency.
Approved by Governor 05/01/2024
OKSB859PassLarceny of a firearm; modifying penalties for larceny of a firearm. Effective date.
Approved by Governor 04/26/2024
OKSB1211PassDomestic abuse; modifying range of punishment for certain offense. Effective date.
Approved by Governor 04/19/2024
OKSCR15PassConcurrent resolution; recognizing the history and tourism behind the Golden Driller; recognizing contributions of Oklahoma's oil and gas industry; recognizing role of John Franklin Stephens Jr.
Filed with Secretary of State
OKSCR4PassConcurrent resolution; supporting the conservation of fish and wildlife resources; and encouraging Oklahomans to teach hunting and angling to youth.
Coauthored by Senator Woods
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