Bill Text: NY S07534 | 2021-2022 | General Assembly | Introduced

Bill Title: Provides that certain purchase contracts can be awarded to a qualified bidder who fulfills certain values based procurement standards when such bid is not more than 10% higher than the lowest responsible bidder and when the bidder makes publicly available data on where such bidder sources their food items; sets forth the criteria for values based procurement standards to include local economies, environmental sustainability, valued workforce, valued agricultural workforce, animal welfare, nutrition, and racial equity.

Spectrum: Moderate Partisan Bill (Democrat 14-2)

Status: (Introduced - Dead) 2022-01-05 - REFERRED TO PROCUREMENT AND CONTRACTS [S07534 Detail]

Download: New_York-2021-S07534-Introduced.html

                STATE OF NEW YORK


                               2021-2022 Regular Sessions

                    IN SENATE

                                    November 19, 2021

        Introduced  by  Sen. HINCHEY -- read twice and ordered printed, and when
          printed to be committed to the Committee on Rules

        AN ACT to amend the general municipal law, in relation to  the  awarding
          of certain purchase contracts

          The  People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:

     1    Section 1. Subdivision 1 of section 103 of the general municipal  law,
     2  as  amended by section 1 of chapter 2 of the laws of 2012, is amended to
     3  read as follows:
     4    1. (a) Except as otherwise expressly provided by an act of the  legis-
     5  lature  or  by  a  local  law adopted prior to September first, nineteen
     6  hundred fifty-three, all contracts for public work involving an expendi-
     7  ture  of  more  than  thirty-five  thousand  dollars  and  all  purchase
     8  contracts involving an expenditure of more than twenty thousand dollars,
     9  shall  be awarded by the appropriate officer, board or agency of a poli-
    10  tical subdivision or of any district therein including but  not  limited
    11  to  a  soil  conservation  district  to  the  lowest  responsible bidder
    12  furnishing the required security after advertisement for sealed bids  in
    13  the  manner  provided  by this section, provided, however, that purchase
    14  contracts (including contracts  for  service  work,  but  excluding  any
    15  purchase  contracts  necessary  for  the  completion  of  a public works
    16  contract pursuant to article eight of the labor law) may be  awarded  on
    17  the  basis  of best value, as defined in section one hundred sixty-three
    18  of the state finance law, to a  responsive  and  responsible  bidder  or
    19  offerer  in  the  manner provided by this section except that in a poli-
    20  tical subdivision other than a city with a  population  of  one  million
    21  inhabitants  or  more or any district, board or agency with jurisdiction
    22  exclusively therein the use  of  best  value  for  awarding  a  purchase
    23  contract  or  purchase  contracts must be authorized by local law or, in
    24  the case of a district corporation, school district or board of  cooper-
    25  ative educational services, by rule, regulation or resolution adopted at

         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        S. 7534                             2

     1  a  public  meeting,  provided  further, however, that purchase contracts
     2  (including contracts  for  service  work,  but  excluding  any  purchase
     3  contracts necessary for the completion of a public works contract pursu-
     4  ant  to  article  eight of the labor law) may be awarded to an otherwise
     5  qualified bidder who fulfills one or more of the values  based  procure-
     6  ment  standards  pursuant  to  paragraph (b) of this subdivision and the
     7  contract may be given preference over other bidders  provided,  however,
     8  that  the  cost included in the bid is not more than ten percent greater
     9  than the cost included in a bid by the  lowest  responsible  bidder  and
    10  provided further that the bidder provides all relevant supply chain data
    11  in its bid to the appropriate officer, board or agency, updated annually
    12  and  upon  changes,  and  that  the appropriate officer, board or agency
    13  shall make this data publicly available without the need for  a  freedom
    14  of  information  law request, excepting data prohibited by state law. In
    15  any case where a responsible bidder's  or  responsible  offerer's  gross
    16  price  is  reducible  by  an  allowance for the value of used machinery,
    17  equipment, apparatus or tools to be traded in by  a  political  subdivi-
    18  sion,  the gross price shall be reduced by the amount of such allowance,
    19  for the purpose of determining the best value.   In cases where  two  or
    20  more responsible bidders furnishing the required security submit identi-
    21  cal  bids  as  to  price,  such  officer,  board or agency may award the
    22  contract to any of such bidders. Such officer, board or agency  may,  in
    23  his  or her or its discretion, reject all bids or offers and readvertise
    24  for new bids or offers in the manner provided by this section. In deter-
    25  mining whether a purchase is an  expenditure  within  the  discretionary
    26  threshold amounts established by this subdivision, the officer, board or
    27  agency  of  a  political  subdivision  or  of any district therein shall
    28  consider the reasonably expected aggregate amount of  all  purchases  of
    29  the  same  commodities,  services  or  technology  to be made within the
    30  twelve-month period commencing on the date of purchase.    Purchases  of
    31  commodities,  services  or  technology shall not be artificially divided
    32  for the purpose of satisfying the discretionary buying thresholds estab-
    33  lished by this subdivision. A change to or a renewal of a  discretionary
    34  purchase shall not be permitted if the change or renewal would bring the
    35  reasonably  expected  aggregate  amount  of  all  purchases  of the same
    36  commodities, services or technology from the same  provider  within  the
    37  twelve-month  period  commencing on the date of the first purchase to an
    38  amount greater than  the  discretionary  buying  threshold  amount.  For
    39  purposes  of  this  section,  "sealed bids" and "sealed offers", as that
    40  term applies to purchase contracts,  (including  contracts  for  service
    41  work,  but excluding any purchase contracts necessary for the completion
    42  of a public works contract pursuant to article eight of the  labor  law)
    43  shall  include bids and offers submitted in an electronic format includ-
    44  ing submission of the statement of non-collusion required by section one
    45  hundred three-d of this article, provided that the  governing  board  of
    46  the political subdivision or district, by resolution, has authorized the
    47  receipt  of  bids  and  offers  in such format. Submission in electronic
    48  format may, for technology contracts only, be required as the sole meth-
    49  od for the submission of bids and offers. Bids and offers  submitted  in
    50  an electronic format shall be transmitted by bidders and offerers to the
    51  receiving  device  designated  by the political subdivision or district.
    52  Any method used to receive electronic bids and offers shall comply  with
    53  article three of the state technology law, and any rules and regulations
    54  promulgated  and guidelines developed thereunder and, at a minimum, must
    55  [(a)] (i) document the time and date of receipt of each  bid  and  offer
    56  received  electronically;  [(b)]  (ii)  authenticate the identity of the

        S. 7534                             3

     1  sender; [(c)] (iii) ensure the security of the information  transmitted;
     2  and  [(d)] (iv) ensure the confidentiality of the bid or offer until the
     3  time and date established for the opening of bids or offers. The  timely
     4  submission of an electronic bid or offer in compliance with instructions
     5  provided  for  such  submission  in the advertisement for bids or offers
     6  and/or the specifications shall be the  responsibility  solely  of  each
     7  bidder  or offerer or prospective bidder or offerer. No political subdi-
     8  vision or district therein shall incur any liability from delays  of  or
     9  interruptions  in the receiving device designated for the submission and
    10  receipt of electronic bids and offers.
    11    (b) Supplier data shall be submitted at the time of bid, to  the  best
    12  of  the bidder's ability, updated at point of contract, and then updated
    13  annually and upon changes. Any contractor shall submit updated  supplier
    14  data.  Such  data  required pursuant to this paragraph shall include the
    15  name and address  of  each    supplier,  distributor,  processor,    and
    16  producer  involved in the provision of the products that the bidder will
    17  supply.
    18    (c) For the purposes of this subdivision,  "values  based  procurement
    19  standards" shall mean procurement criteria that is based on:
    20    (i)  local  economies.  Preference shall be given to New York state or
    21  regional suppliers that are sourcing food products  in  which  fifty-one
    22  percent  of  the  raw agricultural materials have been grown, harvested,
    23  processed and manufactured from within the state or region  (within  two
    24  hundred  fifty  miles  for  produce  and  five  hundred miles for animal
    25  products); or
    26    (ii)  environmental  sustainability.  Preference  shall  be  given  to
    27  producers  that  adopt practices that contribute to improved soil health
    28  and increased carbon sequestration and storage,  and  that  achieve  net
    29  short-term  and  long-term greenhouse gas benefits. Such practices shall
    30  include those recommended by the United States department of agriculture
    31  natural resources conservation service or their equivalent, that will:
    32    (A) achieve the reduction or elimination of synthetic  pesticides  and
    33  fertilizers  through  use  of  precision  agriculture,  integrated  pest
    34  management, and/or advanced nutrient management;
    35    (B) avoid the misuse or routine use of  hormones  or  antibiotics  for
    36  growth promotion or ongoing disease prevention;
    37    (C) preserve and rebuild soil quality through use of soil health prac-
    38  tices,  including  but  not  limited  to  planting cover crops, adopting
    39  no-till and reduced tillage, increasing crop  rotations  and  intercrop-
    40  ping,  and planting perennial crops, to improve the function and resili-
    41  ence of soils;
    42    (D) protect and enhance wildlife habitats and biodiversity;
    43    (E) avoid contributing to water quality impairment and avoid  contrib-
    44  uting to deterioration of local air quality;
    45    (F)  reduce greenhouse gas emissions attributable to livestock through
    46  use of feed management, prescribed grazing, amendments for treatment  of
    47  agricultural waste, and manure management; and
    48    (G) reduce on-farm energy and water consumption, food waste and green-
    49  house gas emissions; or
    50    (iii)  racial equity. Preference shall be given to minority and women-
    51  owned business enterprises as defined in article fifteen-a of the execu-
    52  tive law.
    53    (iv) valued workforce. In order to  avoid  labor  unrest  and  thereby
    54  secure  best value, preference shall be given to suppliers who:  respect
    55  and protect workers' rights to freedom of  association,  to  organize  a
    56  union,  and  to bargain collectively free from retaliation; as evidenced

        S. 7534                             4

     1  by a union contract or agreeing to enter into a  labor  peace  agreement
     2  with  a bona fide labor union upon request by that union; or are a work-
     3  er-owned cooperative; or
     4    (v)  valued  agricultural  workforce.    Preference  shall be given to
     5  suppliers who pay farmers a fair price, using United  States  department
     6  of  agriculture  pricing  standards,  for  the products they supply that
     7  covers their actual cost of production and fair remuneration  for  their
     8  management and labor; or
     9    (vi)  animal  welfare.  Preference  shall  be  given  to producers who
    10  provide more humane care for farmed  animals  by  prohibiting  intensive
    11  confinement  (e.g. caging, crating or tethering), providing enough space
    12  and environmental enrichments  to  allow  animals  to  carry  out  their
    13  natural  behaviors, using pain control as needed when carrying out phys-
    14  ical alterations, utilizing responsible, therapeutic antibiotic use, and
    15  requiring humane handling and slaughter, as demonstrated by an independ-
    16  ent United States department of agriculture  recognized  animal  welfare
    17  certification program with regular, third-party on-farm audits assessing
    18  a  producer's  compliance  with  one  hundred  percent  of the program's
    19  welfare standards; or
    20    (vii) nutrition.   Preference shall be given  to  foods  that  promote
    21  health and well-being, comprised of namely whole grains, fresh and mini-
    22  mally-processed  fruits  and vegetables, essential fats (including nuts,
    23  seeds and fish), and whole  plant-based  and  lean  proteins  so  as  to
    24  decrease  sodium,  added  sugars,  artificial  additives, and saturated,
    25  hydrogenated, and trans fats.
    26    § 2. Subdivision 1 of section 103 of the  general  municipal  law,  as
    27  amended  by  section  2  of chapter 2 of the laws of 2012, is amended to
    28  read as follows:
    29    1. (a) Except as otherwise expressly provided by an act of the  legis-
    30  lature  or  by  a  local  law adopted prior to September first, nineteen
    31  hundred fifty-three, all contracts for public work involving an expendi-
    32  ture  of  more  than  thirty-five  thousand  dollars  and  all  purchase
    33  contracts involving an expenditure of more than twenty thousand dollars,
    34  shall  be awarded by the appropriate officer, board or agency of a poli-
    35  tical subdivision or of any district therein including but  not  limited
    36  to  a  soil  conservation  district  to  the  lowest  responsible bidder
    37  furnishing the required security after advertisement for sealed bids  in
    38  the  manner  provided  by this section, provided, however, that purchase
    39  contracts (including contracts  for  service  work,  but  excluding  any
    40  purchase  contracts  necessary  for  the  completion  of  a public works
    41  contract pursuant to article eight of the labor law) may be  awarded  on
    42  the  basis  of best value, as defined in section one hundred sixty-three
    43  of the state finance law, to a  responsive  and  responsible  bidder  or
    44  offerer  in  the  manner provided by this section except that in a poli-
    45  tical subdivision other than a city with a  population  of  one  million
    46  inhabitants  or  more or any district, board or agency with jurisdiction
    47  exclusively therein the  use  of  best  value  of  awarding  a  purchase
    48  contract  or  purchase  contracts must be authorized by local law or, in
    49  the case of a district corporation, school district or board of  cooper-
    50  ative educational services, by rule, regulation or resolution adopted at
    51  a  public  meeting,  provided  further, however, that purchase contracts
    52  (including contracts  for  service  work,  but  excluding  any  purchase
    53  contracts necessary for the completion of a public works contract pursu-
    54  ant  to  article  eight of the labor law) may be awarded to an otherwise
    55  qualified bidder who fulfills one or more of the values  based  procure-
    56  ment  standards  pursuant  to  paragraph (b) of this subdivision and the

        S. 7534                             5

     1  contract may be given preference over other  bidders  provided,  however
     2  that  the  cost included in the bid is not more than ten percent greater
     3  than the cost included in a bid by the  lowest  responsible  bidder  and
     4  provided further that the bidder provides all relevant supply chain data
     5  in its bid to the appropriate officer, board or agency, updated annually
     6  and  upon  changes,  and  that  the appropriate officer, board or agency
     7  shall make this data publicly available without the need for  a  freedom
     8  of  information  law request, excepting data prohibited by state law. In
     9  determining whether a purchase is an expenditure within the  discretion-
    10  ary  threshold  amounts  established  by  this subdivision, the officer,
    11  board or agency of a political subdivision or of  any  district  therein
    12  shall consider the reasonably expected aggregate amount of all purchases
    13  of  the  same  commodities, services or technology to be made within the
    14  twelve-month period commencing on the date  of  purchase.  Purchases  of
    15  commodities,  services  or  technology shall not be artificially divided
    16  for the purpose of satisfying the discretionary buying thresholds estab-
    17  lished by this subdivision. A change to or a renewal of a  discretionary
    18  purchase shall not be permitted if the change or renewal would bring the
    19  reasonably  expected  aggregate  amount  of  all  purchases  of the same
    20  commodities, services or technology from the same  provider  within  the
    21  twelve-month  period  commencing on the date of the first purchase to an
    22  amount greater than the discretionary buying threshold  amount.  In  any
    23  case  where  a responsible bidder's or responsible offerer's gross price
    24  is reducible by an allowance for the value of used machinery, equipment,
    25  apparatus or tools to be traded in by a political subdivision, the gross
    26  price shall be reduced by the amount of such allowance, for the  purpose
    27  of  determining  the  low  bid or best value. In cases where two or more
    28  responsible bidders furnishing the required  security  submit  identical
    29  bids  as  to price, such officer, board or agency may award the contract
    30  to any of such bidders. Such officer, board or agency may, in  his,  her
    31  or  its  discretion,  reject  all bids or offers and readvertise for new
    32  bids or offers in the manner provided by this section.
    33    (b) Supplier data shall be submitted at the time of bid, to  the  best
    34  of  the bidder's ability, updated at point of contract, and then updated
    35  annually and upon changes. Any contractor shall submit updated  supplier
    36  data.  Such  data  required pursuant to this paragraph shall include the
    37  name and address  of  each    supplier,  distributor,  processor,    and
    38  producer  involved in the provision of the products that the bidder will
    39  supply.
    40    (c) For the purposes of this subdivision,  "values  based  procurement
    41  standards" shall mean procurement criteria that is based on:
    42    (i)  local  economies.  Preference shall be given to New York state or
    43  regional suppliers that are sourcing food products  in  which  fifty-one
    44  percent  of  the  raw agricultural materials have been grown, harvested,
    45  processed and manufactured from within the state or region  (within  two
    46  hundred  fifty  miles  for  produce  and  five  hundred miles for animal
    47  products); or
    48    (ii)  environmental  sustainability.  Preference  shall  be  given  to
    49  producers  that  adopt practices that contribute to improved soil health
    50  and increased carbon sequestration and storage,  and  that  achieve  net
    51  short-term  and  long-term  greenhouse  gas  benefits.  These  practices
    52  include those recommended by the United States department of agriculture
    53  natural resources conservation service or their equivalent, that will:
    54    (A) achieve the reduction or elimination of synthetic  pesticides  and
    55  fertilizers  through  use  of  precision  agriculture,  integrated  pest
    56  management, and/or advanced nutrient management;

        S. 7534                             6

     1    (B) avoid the misuse or routine use of  hormones  or  antibiotics  for
     2  growth promotion or ongoing disease prevention;
     3    (C) preserve and rebuild soil quality through use of soil health prac-
     4  tices,  including  but  not  limited  to  planting cover crops, adopting
     5  no-till and reduced tillage, increasing crop  rotations  and  intercrop-
     6  ping,  and planting perennial crops, to improve the function and resili-
     7  ence of soils;
     8    (D) protect and enhance wildlife habitats and biodiversity;
     9    (E) avoid contributing to water quality impairment and avoid  contrib-
    10  uting to deterioration of local air quality;
    11    (F)  reduce greenhouse gas emissions attributable to livestock through
    12  use of feed management, prescribed grazing, amendments for treatment  of
    13  agricultural waste, and manure management; and
    14    (G) reduce on-farm energy and water consumption, food waste and green-
    15  house gas emissions; or
    16    (iii)  racial equity. Preference shall be given to minority and women-
    17  owned business enterprises as defined in article fifteen-a of the execu-
    18  tive law
    19    (iv) valued workforce. In order to  avoid  labor  unrest  and  thereby
    20  secure  best value, preference shall be given to suppliers who:  respect
    21  and protect workers' rights to freedom of  association,  to  organize  a
    22  union,  and  to bargain collectively free from retaliation; as evidenced
    23  by a union contract or agreeing to enter into a  labor  peace  agreement
    24  with  a bona fide labor union upon request by that union; or are a work-
    25  er-owned cooperative; or
    26    (v) valued  agricultural  workforce.  Preference  shall  be  given  to
    27  suppliers  who  pay farmers a fair price, using United States department
    28  of agriculture pricing standards, for  the  products  they  supply  that
    29  covers  their  actual cost of production and fair remuneration for their
    30  management and labor; or
    31    (vi) animal welfare.  Preference  shall  be  given  to  producers  who
    32  provide  more  humane  care  for farmed animals by prohibiting intensive
    33  confinement (e.g. caging, crating or tethering), providing enough  space
    34  and  environmental  enrichments  to  allow  animals  to  carry out their
    35  natural behaviors, using pain control as needed when carrying out  phys-
    36  ical alterations, utilizing responsible, therapeutic antibiotic use, and
    37  requiring humane handling and slaughter, as demonstrated by an independ-
    38  ent  United  States  department of agriculture recognized animal welfare
    39  certification program with regular, third-party on-farm audits assessing
    40  a producer's compliance  with  one  hundred  percent  of  the  program's
    41  welfare standards; or
    42    (vii)  nutrition.  Preference  shall  be  given  to foods that promote
    43  health and well-being, comprised of namely whole grains, fresh and mini-
    44  mally-processed fruits and vegetables, essential fats  (including  nuts,
    45  seeds  and  fish),  and  whole  plant-based  and  lean proteins so as to
    46  decrease sodium, added  sugars,  artificial  additives,  and  saturated,
    47  hydrogenated, and trans fats.
    48    §  3.  This act shall take effect immediately; provided, however, that
    49  the amendments to subdivision 1 of section 103 of the general  municipal
    50  law  made  by section one of this act shall be subject to the expiration
    51  and reversion of such subdivision when upon such date the provisions  of
    52  section two of this act shall take effect.