Bill Text: NY S06987 | 2021-2022 | General Assembly | Amended

NOTE: There are more recent revisions of this legislation. Read Latest Draft
Bill Title: Permits NYC correction officers to borrow from accumulated contributions.

Spectrum: Partisan Bill (Democrat 1-0)

Status: (Introduced - Dead) 2022-04-27 - PRINT NUMBER 6987B [S06987 Detail]

Download: New_York-2021-S06987-Amended.html

                STATE OF NEW YORK


                               2021-2022 Regular Sessions

                    IN SENATE

                                      May 20, 2021

        Introduced by Sen. GOUNARDES -- read twice and ordered printed, and when
          printed to be committed to the Committee on Civil Service and Pensions
          --  committee  discharged,  bill amended, ordered reprinted as amended
          and recommitted to said committee

        AN ACT to amend the administrative code of the city of New York and  the
          retirement  and social security law, in relation to permitting certain
          New York city correction members  to  borrow  from  their  accumulated
          member  contributions; and to repeal certain provisions of the retire-
          ment and social security law relating thereto

          The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and  Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:

     1    Section  1.  Paragraph  8  of  subdivision  d  of section 445-a of the
     2  retirement and social security law is REPEALED and paragraphs 9  and  10
     3  are renumbered paragraphs 8 and 9.
     4    §  2. Paragraph 12 of subdivision d of section 445-c of the retirement
     5  and social security law is REPEALED and paragraphs 13,  14  and  15  are
     6  renumbered paragraphs 12, 13 and 14.
     7    §  3.  Paragraph 9 of subdivision e of section 504-a of the retirement
     8  and social security law is REPEALED.
     9    § 4. Paragraph 13 of subdivision e of section 504-b of the  retirement
    10  and social security law is REPEALED.
    11    § 5. Subdivision a of section 13-140 of the administrative code of the
    12  city  of  New  York,  as  amended by chapter 642 of the laws of 1985, is
    13  amended to read as follows:
    14    a. Any member in city service who shall have been a member continuous-
    15  ly at least three years, may borrow from the  contingent  reserve  fund,
    16  subject  to such rules and regulations as may be approved by such board,
    17  an amount not exceeding the sum of (i) seventy-five per  centum  of  the
    18  amount in his or her account in the annuity savings fund, (ii) all addi-
    19  tional  contributions,  together  with  interest  thereon,  made by such
    20  member pursuant to section four hundred forty-five-a of  the  retirement

         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        S. 6987--A                          2

     1  and social security law, and (iii) all additional contributions, togeth-
     2  er  with  interest thereon, made by such member pursuant to section four
     3  hundred forty-five-c of the retirement and social  security  law.    The
     4  rate  of  interest  payable on any loan made under this section shall be
     5  two per centum higher than the rate of regular  interest  creditable  to
     6  the  account of the member. The amount so borrowed, together with inter-
     7  est on any unpaid balance thereof shall  be  repaid  to  the  retirement
     8  system  in  equal installments by deduction from the compensation of the
     9  member at the time the compensation is paid, but such installments shall
    10  be at least five per centum of the member's earnable  compensation.  All
    11  payments of principal and interest made by such member shall be credited
    12  to the contingent reserve fund.
    13    §  6.  Paragraph 1 of subdivision b of section 517-c of the retirement
    14  and social security law, as amended by chapter 303 of the laws of  2017,
    15  is amended to read as follows:
    16    1.  A  member  of  the  New York state and local employees' retirement
    17  system, the New York state and local police and fire retirement  system,
    18  the  New  York  city  employees'  retirement system or the New York city
    19  board of education retirement system in active service  who  has  credit
    20  for  at  least  one year of member service may borrow, no more than once
    21  during each twelve month period, an amount  not  exceeding  seventy-five
    22  percent of the total contributions made pursuant to section five hundred
    23  four-a  (including  interest  credited at the rate set forth in subpara-
    24  graph (ii) of paragraph eight of subdivision  e  of  such  section  five
    25  hundred  four-a  compounded  annually),  or  section five hundred four-b
    26  (including interest credited at the rate set forth in subparagraph  (ii)
    27  of paragraph twelve of subdivision e of such section five hundred four-b
    28  compounded  annually)  or section five hundred seventeen of this article
    29  (including interest credited at the rate set forth in subdivision  c  of
    30  such  section  five  hundred seventeen compounded annually) and not less
    31  than one thousand dollars, provided, however,  that  the  provisions  of
    32  this   section   shall   not   apply   to  a  New  York  city  uniformed
    33  correction/sanitation revised plan member  or  an  investigator  revised
    34  plan member.
    35    § 7. This act shall take effect immediately.
          FISCAL NOTE.--Pursuant to Legislative Law, Section 50:
          SUMMARY  OF BILL: This proposed legislation would amend Retirement and
        Social Security Law (RSSL) and Administrative Code of the  City  of  New
        York  (ACCNY)  to  permit  certain correction officer members of the New
        York City Employees' Retirement System (NYCERS), who are participants in
        the Tier 2 and Tier 3 20-Year Improved Benefit  Program  for  correction
        officers  (CO-20  Plans) and such Plans for ranks of correction captains
        and above (CC-20 Plans), to take loans against their  accumulated  Addi-
        tional Member Contributions (AMC) with interest.
          Effective Date: Upon enactment.
          BACKGROUND:  NYCERS  members  who participate in the Tier 2 and Tier 3
        CO-20 and CC-20  Plans  are  generally  permitted,  subject  to  certain
        restrictions,  to  borrow  up  to  75% of the value of their accumulated
        Basic  Member  Contributions  (BMC)  with  interest.    However,   these
        correction  members  are  currently not permitted to take loans on their
          The proposed legislation would permit NYCERS members who  are  partic-
        ipants  in the Tier 2 CO-20 and CC-20 Plans to borrow 100% of their AMC,
        and permit Tier 3 CO-20 and CC-20 Plan participants to borrow up to  75%
        of  their  AMC.  The  loans on the AMC would be in addition to currently
        permissible loans in an amount not to exceed 75% of BMC for such Plans.

        S. 6987--A                          3

          This Fiscal Note also does not account for  any  tax  implications  or
        penalties  that  may  result to NYCERS members in the event loans exceed
        thresholds set by the Internal Revenue Service.
        event an outstanding loan balance exists at retirement, the  balance  of
        the unpaid loan is converted to an annuity based on the yield on 30-year
        U.S.  Treasury securities and deducted from the annual retirement allow-
        ance otherwise payable. This conversion is made on  an  actuarial  basis
        that is different than the basis used to determine the employer contrib-
        ution  to  NYCERS. As a result of this difference in actuarial bases and
        based on the census data, actuarial assumptions  and  methods  described
        herein,  the  enactment  of this proposed legislation would increase the
        Present Value of Future Benefits (PVFB) by approximately $11.7 million.
          Under the Entry Age Normal cost method used to determine the  employer
        contributions  to  NYCERS,  there  would  be an increase in the Unfunded
        Accrued Liability (UAL) of approximately $10.1 million and  an  increase
        in the Present Value of future employer Normal Cost of $1.6 million.
        member contributions are invested with other NYCERS assets in accordance
        with the NYCERS' overall investment policy. Thus,  member  contributions
        are  expected  to  earn, in accordance with NYCERS' long-term assumption
        for earnings on assets, 7% per annum.
          When an active member borrows member contributions  from  NYCERS,  the
        loan  is repaid with interest (excluding loan insurance or other adjust-
        ments) at 6% per annum prior to retirement. Thus, NYCERS asset  earnings
        would  be  lessened  due  to  the decrease in assets attributable to the
        amount of loans outstanding.
          Assuming loan repayment within  one  year,  the  member  contributions
        borrowed  while  in  active service is expected to reduce overall NYCERS
        investment earnings by approximately $472 for every  $100,000  borrowed,
        resulting  in a decrease in the Market Value of Assets (MVA). As of June
        30, 2020, members eligible to borrow  member  contributions  under  this
        proposed  legislation  had  contribution balances totaling approximately
        $126.9 million, $95.1 million of which would be  eligible  for  a  loan.
        Based  on the assumptions described below, the result of this difference
        between the loan repayment rate of 6% and the expected investment  earn-
        ings  rate  of  7%  would  be  a  decrease in the MVA, or asset loss, of
        approximately $0.2 million per year.
        Section 13-638.2(k-2) of the Administrative Code of the City of New York
        (ACCNY),  UAL  attributable  to  benefit  changes are to be amortized as
        determined by the Actuary, but are generally amortized over the  remain-
        ing  working  lifetime  of  those impacted by the benefit changes. As of
        June 30, 2020, the remaining working lifetime of the  members  in  CO-20
        and CC-20 Plans is approximately four years.
          For  the  purposes  of this Fiscal Note, the increase in UAL was amor-
        tized over a four year period (three payments  under  the  One-Year  Lag
        Methodology  (OYLM))  using level dollar payments. This payment plus the
        increase in the Normal Cost results in an increase  in  annual  employer
        contributions of approximately $4.4 million each year.
          Since  the  changes  in  NYCERS  Actuarial  Value of Assets under this
        proposed legislation are not known in advance, the  asset  loss  due  to
        this legislation has been treated as an actuarial loss.  These actuarial
        losses  will  be  amortized over a 15-year period (14 payments under the
        OYLM) using level dollar payments. The actuarial losses related  to  the

        S. 6987--A                          4

        lost  investment  earnings,  will  eventually compound to an increase in
        employer contributions of $0.2 million per year.
          Therefore,  the  total cost for this legislation, if enacted, is esti-
        mated to grow to $4.6 million per year.
          CONTRIBUTION TIMING: For the purposes  of  this  Fiscal  Note,  it  is
        assumed  that  the changes in the PVFB and annual employer contributions
        would be reflected for the first time in the  June  30,  2020  actuarial
        valuation  of  NYCERS.  In  accordance  with  the OYLM used to determine
        employer contributions, the increase  in  employer  contributions  would
        first be reflected in Fiscal Year 2022.
          CENSUS  DATA:  The  estimates presented herein are based on the census
        data used in the June 30, 2020 (Lag) actuarial valuation  of  NYCERS  to
        determine the Preliminary Fiscal Year 2022 employer contributions.
          The  1,249  Tier  3  CO-20  and  CO-22 Plan members who participate in
        NYCERS as of June 30, 2020 had an  average  age  of  approximately  50.7
        years, average service of approximately 20.5 years, and an average sala-
        ry of approximately $131,000.
          ACTUARIAL  ASSUMPTIONS AND METHODS: The changes in the PVFB and annual
        employer contributions presented herein have been  calculated  based  on
        the  actuarial  assumptions  and methods in effect for the June 30, 2019
        (Lag) actuarial valuations used to determine the Preliminary Fiscal Year
        2021 employer contributions of NYCERS.
          In addition, for the purposes of this Fiscal Note, it has been assumed
        that the yield on 30-year U.S. Treasury securities, on a long-term basis
        would equal 4% per year. Finally, it has been assumed that approximately
        50% of member balances available for borrowing would be taken as loans.
          The Actuary is proposing a set of changes for use beginning  with  the
        June  30,  2019  (Lag)  actuarial  valuations of NYCERS to determine the
        Final Fiscal Year 2021 Employer Contributions (2021 A&M).  If  the  2021
        A&M  is  enacted,  it is estimated that it would produce PVFB and annual
        employer contribution results that are approximately 3% smaller than the
        results shown above.
          RISK AND UNCERTAINTY: The costs presented in this Fiscal  Note  depend
        highly  on the realization of the actuarial assumptions used, as well as
        certain demographic  characteristics  of  NYCERS,  and  other  exogenous
        factors  such  as  investment,  contribution, and other risks. If actual
        experience deviates from actuarial assumptions, the actual  costs  could
        differ  from  those  presented  herein.  Costs are also dependent on the
        actuarial methods used, and therefore different actuarial methods  could
        produce  different results.  Quantifying these risks is beyond the scope
        of this Fiscal Note.
          Not measured in this Fiscal Note are the following:
          * The  initial,  additional  administrative  costs  to  implement  the
        proposed legislation.
          *  The  impact  of  this  proposed legislation on Other Postemployment
        Benefit (OPEB) costs.
          STATEMENT OF ACTUARIAL OPINION: I, Sherry S. Chan, am the Chief  Actu-
        ary  for,  and  independent of, the New York City Retirement Systems and
        Pension Funds. I am a Fellow of the Society of  Actuaries,  an  Enrolled
        Actuary under the Employee Retirement Income and Security Act of 1974, a
        Member of the American Academy of Actuaries, and a Fellow of the Confer-
        ence  of Consulting Actuaries. I meet the Qualification Standards of the
        American Academy of Actuaries to render the actuarial opinion  contained
        herein.  To  the best of my knowledge, the results contained herein have
        been prepared in accordance with generally accepted actuarial principles

        S. 6987--A                          5

        and procedures and with the Actuarial Standards of  Practice  issued  by
        the Actuarial Standards Board.
          FISCAL  NOTE  IDENTIFICATION:  This  Fiscal Note 2021-44 dated June 9,
        2021 was prepared by the Chief Actuary for the New York City  Employees'
        Retirement  System.  This  estimate  is intended for use only during the
        2021 Legislative Session.