Bill Text: NY S01031 | 2021-2022 | General Assembly | Amended

NOTE: There are more recent revisions of this legislation. Read Latest Draft
Bill Title: Makes various provisions regulating the location of environmental facilities to insure equity of treatment for minority communities or economically distressed areas or disadvantaged communities; requires environmental impact statements to state whether the siting of a facility will cause or increase a disproportionate burden on such areas.

Spectrum: Partisan Bill (Democrat 20-1)

Status: (Engrossed - Dead) 2022-06-03 - COMMITTED TO RULES [S01031 Detail]

Download: New_York-2021-S01031-Amended.html

                STATE OF NEW YORK


                               2021-2022 Regular Sessions

                    IN SENATE

                                     January 6, 2021

        Introduced  by  Sen.  STEWART-COUSINS -- read twice and ordered printed,
          and when printed to be committed to  the  Committee  on  Environmental
          Conservation  -- committee discharged, bill amended, ordered reprinted
          as amended and recommitted to said committee -- committee  discharged,
          bill  amended,  ordered  reprinted  as amended and recommitted to said

        AN ACT to amend the environmental conservation law, in relation  to  the
          location of environmental facilities

          The  People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:

     1    Section 1. Legislative intent. The legislature finds and declares that
     2  each community in the state should equitably share the responsibilities,
     3  burdens, and benefits of managing and solving the state's  environmental
     4  problems  and  the  facilities  necessary  to  accomplish such ends. The
     5  legislature further declares that there has been an inequitable  pattern
     6  in  the  siting of environmental facilities in minority and economically
     7  distressed communities, which have borne a disproportionate and  inequi-
     8  table  share  of  such  facilities.  Consistent  with  its commitment to
     9  providing equal justice for its citizens, the state has a responsibility
    10  to establish requirements for the consideration  of  such  decisions  by
    11  state and local governments in order to insure equality of treatment for
    12  all communities.
    13    §  2.  Section 8-0105 of the environmental conservation law is amended
    14  by adding five new subdivisions 9,  10,  11,  12,  and  13  to  read  as
    15  follows:
    16    9.  "Environmental  justice  community"  shall  mean  an  economically
    17  distressed or minority community bearing a disproportionate or inequita-
    18  ble pollution burden and includes, but is not limited to,  environmental
    19  justice areas identified by the department.
    20    10. "Economically distressed area" shall mean an area characterized by
    21  a poverty rate of at least twenty percent; or an unemployment rate of at

         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        S. 1031--B                          2

     1  least  one  hundred  twenty-five  percent  of the statewide unemployment
     2  rate.
     3    11. "Minority community" shall mean any census tract, census block, or
     4  census  block  group  that  includes  twenty-five percent or more of any
     5  ethnic group.
     6    12. "Ethnic group" shall mean those groups  identified  in  the  defi-
     7  nition  of  minority  group member in subdivision eight of section three
     8  hundred ten of the executive law.
     9    13. "Existing burden report" shall mean the report required by  subdi-
    10  vision  four  of  section 8-0109 of this article describing the existing
    11  pollution burden in an environmental justice community.
    12    § 3. Subdivision 2 of section 8-0109 of the environmental conservation
    13  law, as amended by chapter 219 of the laws of  1990,  paragraph  (h)  as
    14  amended  by  chapter  519 of the laws of 1992, paragraph (i) as added by
    15  chapter 182 of the laws of 1990, and paragraph (i) as amended by chapter
    16  238 of the laws of 1991, is amended to read as follows:
    17    2. All agencies (or applicant as hereinafter provided) shall  prepare,
    18  or cause to be prepared by contract or otherwise an environmental impact
    19  statement on any action they propose or approve which may have a signif-
    20  icant  effect  on  the  environment.  Such  a  statement shall include a
    21  detailed statement setting forth the following:
    22    (a) a  description  of  the  proposed  action  and  its  environmental
    23  setting;
    24    (b)  the  environmental impact of the proposed action including short-
    25  term and long-term effects;
    26    (c) any adverse environmental effects which cannot be  avoided  should
    27  the proposal be implemented;
    28    (d) alternatives to the proposed action;
    29    (e)  any irreversible and irretrievable commitments of resources which
    30  would be involved in the proposed action should it be implemented;
    31    (f) mitigation measures proposed to minimize the environmental impact;
    32    (g) the growth-inducing aspects of the proposed action, where applica-
    33  ble and significant;
    34    (h) effects of the proposed action on  the  use  and  conservation  of
    35  energy resources, where applicable and significant, provided that in the
    36  case  of  an electric generating facility, the statement shall include a
    37  demonstration that the facility will satisfy electric generating capaci-
    38  ty needs or other electric systems needs in a manner reasonably consist-
    39  ent with the most recent state energy plan and  the  climate  leadership
    40  and community protection act;
    41    (i)  effects of proposed action on solid waste management where appli-
    42  cable and significant; [and
    43    (i)] (j) effects of any proposed action on, and its consistency  with,
    44  the  comprehensive management plan of the special groundwater protection
    45  area program, as implemented by the  commissioner  pursuant  to  article
    46  fifty-five of this chapter; [and
    47    (j)]  (k)  effects  of  any  proposed  action on environmental justice
    48  communities, including whether the action may cause  or  contribute  to,
    49  either directly or indirectly, a disproportionate or inequitable or both
    50  disproportionate  and  inequitable  pollution burden on an environmental
    51  justice community; and
    52    (l) such other information consistent with the purposes of this  arti-
    53  cle as may be prescribed in guidelines issued by the commissioner pursu-
    54  ant to section 8-0113 of this chapter.
    55    Such  a  statement  shall  also  include  copies  or  a summary of the
    56  substantive comments received by the agency pursuant to subdivision four

        S. 1031--B                          3

     1  of this section, and the agency response to such comments.  The  purpose
     2  of  an environmental impact statement is to provide detailed information
     3  about the effect which a proposed action is likely to have on the  envi-
     4  ronment,  to  list  ways  in which any adverse effects of such an action
     5  might be minimized, and to suggest alternatives to such an action so  as
     6  to  form the basis for a decision whether or not to undertake or approve
     7  such action. Such statement should  be  clearly  written  in  a  concise
     8  manner  capable  of being read and understood by the public, should deal
     9  with the specific significant environmental impacts which can be reason-
    10  ably anticipated and should not contain more detail than is  appropriate
    11  considering  the  nature  and  magnitude  of the proposed action and the
    12  significance of its potential impacts.
    13    § 4. The opening paragraph of subdivision 4 of section 8-0109  of  the
    14  environmental conservation law, as amended by chapter 219 of the laws of
    15  1990, is amended to read as follows:
    16    As  early  as possible in the formulation of a proposal for an action,
    17  the responsible agency shall make an initial determination as to whether
    18  or not an environmental  impact  statement  need  be  prepared  for  the
    19  action.    In  making such determination for any proposed action that is
    20  not a minor project as defined in subdivision three of  section  70-0105
    21  of  this  chapter and that may directly or indirectly affect an environ-
    22  mental justice community, the responsible agency shall prepare or  cause
    23  to  be prepared an existing burden report and shall consider such report
    24  in determining whether such action may cause or  contribute  to,  either
    25  directly  or  indirectly,  a  disproportionate  or  inequitable  or both
    26  disproportionate and inequitable pollution burden  on  an  environmental
    27  justice  community.  The  existing  burden report shall include baseline
    28  monitoring data collected in the affected environmental justice communi-
    29  ty within two years of the application for a permit or  approval;  shall
    30  identify each existing pollution source or categories of sources affect-
    31  ing  the  community  and  the  potential  routes  of  human  exposure to
    32  pollution from that source or categories of sources;  the  potential  or
    33  documented  cumulative  human  health effects of such pollution; and the
    34  potential or projected contribution of the proposed action  to  existing
    35  pollution  burdens in the community and potential health effects of such
    36  contribution, taking into account existing pollution  burdens.  When  an
    37  action  is  to  be carried out or approved by two or more agencies, such
    38  determination shall be made as early as possible after  the  designation
    39  of the lead agency.
    40    § 5. Subdivision 8 of section 8-0109 of the environmental conservation
    41  law,  as  amended by chapter 252 of the laws of 1977, is amended to read
    42  as follows:
    43    8. When an agency decides to carry out or approve an action which  has
    44  been  the subject of an environmental impact statement, it shall make an
    45  explicit finding that the requirements of this section have been met and
    46  that consistent with social,  economic  and  other  essential  consider-
    47  ations, to the maximum extent practicable, adverse environmental effects
    48  revealed in the environmental impact statement process will be minimized
    49  or  avoided.  No action shall be carried out or approved if it may cause
    50  or contribute to, either directly or indirectly, a  disproportionate  or
    51  inequitable or both disproportionate and inequitable pollution burden on
    52  an environmental justice community.
    53    §  6.    Subparagraph (i) of paragraph (c) of subdivision 2 of section
    54  8-0113 of the environmental conservation law, as added by chapter 612 of
    55  the laws of 1975, is amended to read as follows:

        S. 1031--B                          4

     1    (i) Actions or classes of actions that are likely to require  prepara-
     2  tion  of  environmental  impact  statements, including actions which may
     3  cause or contribute to, either  directly  or  indirectly,  a  dispropor-
     4  tionate   or   inequitable  or  both  disproportionate  and  inequitable
     5  pollution burden on an environmental justice community;
     6    § 7. Subdivision 2 of section 8-0113 of the environmental conservation
     7  law is amended by adding a new paragraph (m) to read as follows:
     8    (m)  The form and content of an existing burden report which shall, at
     9  the minimum, include baseline monitoring data collected in the  affected
    10  environmental  justice community within two years of the application for
    11  a permit or approval and shall identify:  (i)  each  existing  pollution
    12  source  or  categories  of  sources  affecting  an environmental justice
    13  community and the potential routes of human exposure to  pollution  from
    14  that  source  or  categories  of  sources; (ii) ambient concentration of
    15  regulated air pollutants and regulated or unregulated toxic  air  pollu-
    16  tants; (iii) traffic volume; (iv) noise and odor levels; (v) exposure or
    17  potential exposure to lead paint; (vi) exposure or potential exposure to
    18  contaminated  drinking  water  supplies;  (vii)  proximity  to  solid or
    19  hazardous waste  management  facilities,  wastewater  treatment  plants,
    20  hazardous waste sites, and petroleum or chemical manufacturing, storage,
    21  treatment  or  disposal  facilities;  (viii) the potential or documented
    22  cumulative human health effects of the foregoing pollution sources; (ix)
    23  the potential or projected contribution of the proposed action to exist-
    24  ing pollution burdens in the community and potential health  effects  of
    25  such contribution, taking into account existing pollution burdens.
    26    §  8.  This  act shall take effect on the thirtieth day after it shall
    27  have become a law; provided that section three of  this  act  shall  not
    28  apply  to  any person who has received an initial determination pursuant
    29  to subdivision 4 of section 8-0109 of the environmental conservation law
    30  prior to such date and provided further that section  six  of  this  act
    31  shall  not apply to any determination of significance made prior to such
    32  date.