Bill Text: NY A07882 | 2021-2022 | General Assembly | Amended

Bill Title: Replaces certain instances of the term mentally retarded or variations of such term with the term developmentally disabled or variations of such term.

Spectrum: Partisan Bill (Democrat 3-0)

Status: (Passed) 2022-07-26 - signed chap.479 [A07882 Detail]

Download: New_York-2021-A07882-Amended.html

                STATE OF NEW YORK


                               2021-2022 Regular Sessions

                   IN ASSEMBLY

                                      May 28, 2021

        Introduced  by  M.  of A. ABINANTI, DARLING -- read once and referred to
          the Committee on  People  with  Disabilities  --  recommitted  to  the
          Committee on People with Disabilities in accordance with Assembly Rule
          3,  sec. 2 -- committee discharged, bill amended, ordered reprinted as
          amended and recommitted to said committee

        AN ACT to amend the social services law, the abandoned property law, the
          arts and cultural affairs law, the criminal procedure law, the  debtor
          and  creditor  law, the domestic relations law, the education law, the
          executive law, the family court act, the insurance law, the  judiciary
          law,  the  mental hygiene law, the public health law, the public lands
          law, the private housing finance law, the real  property  actions  and
          proceedings law, the real property law, the real property tax law, the
          tax  law,  the facilities development corporation act, and the medical
          care facilities finance agency act, in relation to  replacing  certain
          instances  of  the  term  mentally retarded or variations of such term
          with the term developmentally disabled or variations of such term

          The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and  Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:

     1    Section 1. Subdivision 1 of section 477 of the social services law, as
     2  amended  by  chapter  550  of  the  laws  of 1978, is amended to read as
     3  follows:
     4    1. All mentally ill,  [mentally  retarded]  developmentally  disabled,
     5  blind  and deaf and mute persons, the expense of whose support and main-
     6  tenance now is, or, under the laws of the state of New York, may  become
     7  a  charge  upon  the  city  of  Poughkeepsie, or the county of Dutchess,
     8  exclusive of said city, or both, and who are  maintained,  or  shall  be
     9  maintained,  in  any of the institutions of the state of New York, shall
    10  be supported by said county of Dutchess as one district.
    11    § 2. Section 215 of the abandoned property law, as amended by  chapter
    12  550 of the laws of 1978, is amended to read as follows:

         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        A. 7882--A                          2

     1    §  215.  Claims  against state. Where an action has been commenced and
     2  final judgment in favor of the people entered therein by reason  of  the
     3  escheat  of  real  property to the people and the said property has been
     4  sold pursuant to section two hundred four, any party or parties thereto,
     5  or  their  successors  in  interest,  who, but for the rendering of such
     6  final judgment would have been entitled to such  real  property,  or  an
     7  interest  therein, shall have a claim against the state for the value of
     8  such real property or interest therein at the time of the entry of  such
     9  judgment,  but  no  such  claim  shall  exist  in favor of such party or
    10  parties or their successors in interest unless a petition therefor shall
    11  have been filed as hereinafter provided within fifteen  years  from  the
    12  date  of  entry  of  such final judgment unless such party or parties to
    13  such ejectment action shall have been, at the time of  the  commencement
    14  of such action or entry of final judgment, incompetent to conduct his or
    15  her affairs by reason of mental illness or [mental retardation] develop-
    16  mental  disability  or  have been under the age of eighteen years, or be
    17  imprisoned in execution upon conviction of a criminal offense, in  which
    18  event  the period of such disability shall not be deemed to be a part of
    19  the time limited within which such petition may be filed. Such party  or
    20  parties, or their successors in interest shall petition the commissioner
    21  of general services for payment of the sum or a part thereof received by
    22  the  state, upon the sale made pursuant to section two hundred four, and
    23  the said commissioner if satisfied that the claim is just and is made by
    24  a party who, except for the entry of final judgment in an action author-
    25  ized by section two hundred one would have been  entitled  to  the  real
    26  property  or  an  interest  therein affected by said action, may certify
    27  such facts to the court of claims, whereupon that court is empowered and
    28  authorized to determine the amount of such claim  or  claims  and  award
    29  judgment  therefor,  the  total  of  which  in no event shall exceed the
    30  amount received by the people upon the sale of said real property pursu-
    31  ant to section two hundred four.
    32    § 3. Paragraph (d) of subdivision 1 of section 35.07 of the  arts  and
    33  cultural affairs law is amended to read as follows:
    34    (d) In any illegal, indecent, or immoral exhibition or practice; or in
    35  the  exhibition of any such child when mentally ill, [mentally retarded]
    36  developmentally disabled, or  when  presenting  the  appearance  of  any
    37  deformity or unnatural physical formation or development; or
    38    §  4.  Paragraph  (d)  of  subdivision  1 and the opening paragraph of
    39  subdivision 2 of section 330.20 of the criminal procedure law, paragraph
    40  (d) of subdivision 1 as amended by chapter 672 of the laws of  2019  and
    41  the  opening paragraph of subdivision 2 as amended by chapter 693 of the
    42  laws of 1989, are amended to read as follows:
    43    (d) "Mentally ill" means that a defendant  currently  suffers  from  a
    44  mental  illness for which care and treatment as a patient, in the in-pa-
    45  tient services of a psychiatric center under  the  jurisdiction  of  the
    46  state  office of mental health, is essential to such defendant's welfare
    47  and that his or her judgment is so impaired that he is unable to  under-
    48  stand  the  need for such care and treatment; and, where a defendant [is
    49  mentally retarded] has a developmental disability,  the  term  "mentally
    50  ill"  shall  also mean, for purposes of this section, that the defendant
    51  is in need of care  and  treatment  as  a  resident  in  the  in-patient
    52  services  of  a  developmental  center or other residential facility for
    53  [the mentally retarded and developmentally  disabled]  individuals  with
    54  developmental  disabilities  under  the jurisdiction of the state office
    55  for people with developmental disabilities.

        A. 7882--A                          3

     1    Upon entry of a verdict of not responsible by reason of mental disease
     2  or defect, or upon the acceptance of a plea of not responsible by reason
     3  of mental disease or defect, the court must immediately issue  an  exam-
     4  ination  order. Upon receipt of such order, the commissioner must desig-
     5  nate  two  qualified psychiatric examiners to conduct the examination to
     6  examine the defendant. In conducting their examination, the  psychiatric
     7  examiners may employ any method which is accepted by the medical profes-
     8  sion  for  the  examination  of  persons  alleged to be suffering from a
     9  dangerous mental disorder or to be mentally ill or [retarded]  having  a
    10  developmental  disability.    The  court may authorize a psychiatrist or
    11  psychologist retained by a defendant to be present at such  examination.
    12  The  clerk  of the court must promptly forward a copy of the examination
    13  order to the mental hygiene legal service and such service may thereaft-
    14  er participate in all subsequent proceedings under this section.
    15    § 5. Section 252 of the debtor and creditor law, as amended by chapter
    16  115 of the laws of 1981, is amended to read as follows:
    17    § 252. Payment by committee or conservator of claims. A  committee  of
    18  the  property  of  a  person,  incompetent  by reason of mental illness,
    19  [mental retardation] a developmental disability  or  alcohol  abuse,  to
    20  manage his or her affairs, or a conservator of the property of a conser-
    21  vatee, may, under direction of the court exercising jurisdiction of such
    22  estate,  after payment of the expenses, disbursements and commissions of
    23  such trust, apply so much of the  funds  and  property  of  said  estate
    24  remaining  in  his or her hands as such committee or conservator, as may
    25  be necessary to pay and discharge the proper  claims  of  creditors  who
    26  have  presented  claims  pursuant to the notice in this article provided
    27  for, to the payment of such claims, and if the property so remaining  be
    28  insufficient to pay such claims in full, then the committee or conserva-
    29  tor  may  distribute  the  same according to law among the creditors who
    30  have presented and proved their claims as in this article provided,  and
    31  such  payment,  when  so  made in good faith and under direction of such
    32  court, shall relieve such committee or conservator and his or her  sure-
    33  ties from liability to creditors who have failed to present their claims
    34  as in this article provided.
    35    § 6. The third undesignated paragraph of subdivision 1 of section 13-d
    36  of  the  domestic  relations law, as added by chapter 371 of the laws of
    37  1986, is amended to read as follows:
    38    Rubella infection poses a grave threat to the unborn child, especially
    39  during the first four months of pregnancy. It can lead  to  miscarriage,
    40  stillbirth, or one or all of the tragic defects such as deafness, blind-
    41  ness,  crippling congenital heart disease, [mental retardation] develop-
    42  mental disability and muscular and bone defects.
    43    § 7. Subdivision 5 of section 115 of the domestic  relations  law,  as
    44  amended  by  chapter  305  of  the  laws  of 2008, is amended to read as
    45  follows:
    46    5. Where the petition alleges that either or both of the birth parents
    47  of the child have been deprived of civil rights or are mentally  ill  or
    48  [mentally  retarded]  developmentally disabled, proof shall be submitted
    49  that such disability exists at the time of the proposed adoption.
    50    § 8. Paragraph (g) of subdivision 1 of section 414  of  the  education
    51  law,  as  amended by chapter 257 of the laws of 1976, is amended to read
    52  as follows:
    53    (g) For classes of instruction for  [mentally  retarded]  minors  with
    54  developmental  disabilities  operated by a private organization approved
    55  by the commissioner [of education].

        A. 7882--A                          4

     1    § 9. The section heading and subdivisions 1, 2 and 3 of section 1004-a
     2  of the education law, the section heading and subdivisions 1  and  3  as
     3  amended  by  chapter 1014 of the laws of 1974 and subdivision 2 as sepa-
     4  rately amended by chapters 474 and 475 of the laws of 1978, are  amended
     5  to read as follows:
     6    Sheltered  workshops  for  [the  mentally  retarded,  mentally ill and
     7  severely physically handicapped] individuals with developmental disabil-
     8  ities, mental illness or a severe physical handicap. 1.  Declaration  of
     9  purpose. The conditions [of mental retardation] associated with a devel-
    10  opmental  disability,  mental  illness  and severe physical handicap are
    11  such that many young people, after laborious training in the schools and
    12  otherwise, reach the point in their lives where  they  can  and  should,
    13  under proper and continued guidance, engage in sheltered employment. The
    14  effects of such employment are salutary in many ways. The affected indi-
    15  vidual  is  helped to become a contributing member of society. The state
    16  is saved the expense of his or her institutionalization in already over-
    17  crowded state schools and facilities. The family retains closer  contact
    18  with him or her and is spared the anxieties naturally attaching to sepa-
    19  ration  and  institutionalization.  All  of these factors have also been
    20  shown to reflect tangible benefit upon [the mentally retarded,  mentally
    21  ill  and severely physically handicapped person] individuals with devel-
    22  opmental disabilities, mental illness or a severe physical  handicap  in
    23  improving  his  or her overall condition. The purpose of this measure is
    24  to specifically encourage the development, improvement and expansion  of
    25  such sheltered employment facilities by non-profit agencies, so that the
    26  salutary effects mentioned can be expediently accomplished.
    27    2. Special provisions relating to [mentally retarded, mentally ill and
    28  severely  physically  handicapped  persons]  individuals with a develop-
    29  mental disabilities, mental illness or a  severe  physical  handicap  in
    30  extended  sheltered  employment  in workshops. Notwithstanding any other
    31  provision of this article, when it shall appear to the  satisfaction  of
    32  the department that [a mentally retarded, mentally ill or severely phys-
    33  ically  handicapped person] an individual with a developmental disabili-
    34  ty, mental illness or a severe physical handicap over the  chronological
    35  age of seventeen years can reasonably be expected to benefit from, or in
    36  his or her best interests reasonably requires extended sheltered employ-
    37  ment  in  a  workshop  as  defined  in  subdivision eight of section ten
    38  hundred two[, subdivision eight of article twenty-one] of this [chapter]
    39  article, furnished by an approved non-profit organization,  the  depart-
    40  ment is authorized to contract with such organization for the furnishing
    41  of such sheltered employment to such [mentally retarded, mentally ill or
    42  severely  physically handicapped person] individual with a developmental
    43  disability, mental illness  or  a  severe  physical  handicap;  and  the
    44  department  is  further  authorized  to expend for such purpose a sum or
    45  sums not less than one thousand five hundred dollars per annum for  each
    46  such [mentally retarded, mentally ill or severely physically handicapped
    47  person]  individual with a developmental disability, mental illness or a
    48  severe physical handicap, for or towards  the  cost  of  providing  such
    49  sheltered  employment  for each such [mentally retarded, mentally ill or
    50  severely physically handicapped person] individual with a  developmental
    51  disability, mental illness or a severe physical handicap.
    52    The  department  shall  pay at least quarterly during the state fiscal
    53  year such sums as are authorized to such organizations  for  such  shel-
    54  tered  employment  immediately  upon  the  completion  of evaluation and
    55  personal adjustment services under the sponsorship of the department.

        A. 7882--A                          5

     1    3. The department shall maintain a register of such  nonprofit  organ-
     2  izations which, after inspection of the facilities for sheltered employ-
     3  ment  provided  by  them,  it  deems qualified to meet the needs of such
     4  [mentally retarded, mentally ill  and  severely  physically  handicapped
     5  persons]  individuals with developmental disabilities, mental illness or
     6  a severe physical handicap. Such inspection  shall  also  determine  the
     7  eligibility of such organization to receive the funds hereinbefore spec-
     8  ified.
     9    §  10. The opening paragraph of subdivision 8-a of section 1950 of the
    10  education law, as added by chapter 762 of the laws of 1972,  is  amended
    11  to read as follows:
    12    8-a.  Notwithstanding any other provision of this section and with the
    13  consent of the commissioner, the city school district  of  the  city  of
    14  Syracuse  may,  upon  consent  of  the  board of cooperative educational
    15  services for the sole supervisory  district  for  Onondaga  and  Madison
    16  counties,  be  included  as a component district for the sole purpose of
    17  operating a combined program and/or constructing a combined facility for
    18  [the trainable mentally retarded] children with developmental  disabili-
    19  ties  in  the  city  of  Syracuse  and the county of Onondaga. Such city
    20  school district shall add an amount to its budget and levy, collect  and
    21  pay the same to such board of cooperative educational services to defray
    22  the  proportional  expenses  of constructing and operating such facility
    23  for such children. Such city school district shall  not  be  liable  for
    24  payment  of  administrative  expenses  as provided for in paragraph b of
    25  subdivision four of this section nor shall such city school district  be
    26  eligible  for  the  payment  of state aid under this section except such
    27  city school district shall receive state aid based on its  proportionate
    28  share  of building expenses related to this program as determined by the
    29  commissioner.
    30    § 11. Paragraphs a and b, subparagraphs 1 and 2 of  paragraph  c,  and
    31  subparagraphs  1,  8  and  13 of paragraph d of subdivision 5 of section
    32  3202 of the education law, paragraph a as added by  chapter  47  of  the
    33  laws  of  1977,  and  as  renumbered by chapter 563 of the laws of 1980,
    34  paragraph b as amended by section 26 of part B of chapter 57 of the laws
    35  of 2007, subparagraphs 1 and 2 of paragraph c and subparagraphs 1 and 13
    36  of paragraph d as amended by chapter  672  of  the  laws  of  2019,  and
    37  subparagraph  8  of  paragraph  d as added by chapter 721 of the laws of
    38  1979, and as renumbered by chapter 57 of the laws of 1993,  are  amended
    39  to read as follows:
    40    a.  Children  who reside in a school for [the mentally retarded] indi-
    41  viduals with developmental disabilities operated by  the  department  of
    42  mental  hygiene  and  for whom the department has assumed responsibility
    43  for support and maintenance prior to July one, nineteen  hundred  seven-
    44  ty-seven  and  who are placed in a family home at board, a duly incorpo-
    45  rated orphan asylum or other  institution  for  the  care,  custody  and
    46  treatment  of  children  shall  be admitted to the schools of the school
    47  district in which such  family  home  or  institution  is  located.  The
    48  [education]  department  is authorized to reimburse each school district
    49  furnishing educational services to such children for the direct cost  of
    50  such  services in accordance with regulations promulgated by the commis-
    51  sioner and approved by the director of the budget. The educational costs
    52  for these children shall not be otherwise aidable or reimbursable.
    53    b. Children who reside in a school for [the mentally  retarded]  indi-
    54  viduals  with  developmental  disabilities operated by the department of
    55  mental hygiene and for whose  support  and  maintenance  the  department
    56  assumes  responsibility  on or after July one, nineteen hundred seventy-

        A. 7882--A                          6

     1  seven and who are thereafter placed in a family home at  board,  a  duly
     2  incorporated  orphan  asylum  or other institution for the care, custody
     3  and treatment of children shall be admitted to the schools of the school
     4  district  in  which  such  family  home  or  institution is located. The
     5  [education] department is authorized to reimburse each  school  district
     6  furnishing  educational services to such children for the direct cost of
     7  such services in accordance with regulations promulgated by the  commis-
     8  sioner and approved by the director of the budget. The educational costs
     9  for  these  children shall not be otherwise aidable or reimbursable. The
    10  school district in which the child resided at the time the department of
    11  mental hygiene assumed responsibility for the support and maintenance of
    12  such child shall reimburse the education department for its  expenditure
    13  on  behalf of such child in an amount equal to the school district basic
    14  contribution, as such term is defined in subdivision  eight  of  section
    15  forty-four  hundred one of this chapter. The comptroller may deduct from
    16  any state funds which become due to a school district an amount equal to
    17  the reimbursement required to be made by such school district in accord-
    18  ance with this paragraph, and  the  amount  so  deducted  shall  not  be
    19  included  in  the  operating expense of such district for the purpose of
    20  computing the approved operating expense  pursuant  to  paragraph  t  of
    21  subdivision  one  of section thirty-six hundred two of this chapter. The
    22  department of mental hygiene shall notify the [education] department  of
    23  the  name  of  the child, the location of the family home or institution
    24  where the child is to be placed and the name of the school  district  in
    25  which  such  child  resided at the time the department of mental hygiene
    26  assumed responsibility for his or her support and maintenance.
    27    (1) The [education] department is authorized to reimburse each  school
    28  district furnishing educational services to children residing in schools
    29  for  [the mentally retarded] individuals with developmental disabilities
    30  operated by the office for people with  developmental  disabilities  for
    31  the  direct cost of such services in accordance with regulations promul-
    32  gated by the commissioner and approved by the director of the budget.
    33    (2) The school district in which each such child resided at  the  time
    34  the  office for people with developmental disabilities assumed responsi-
    35  bility for the support and maintenance of such child shall reimburse the
    36  [education] department for its expenditures on behalf of such child,  in
    37  an  amount  equal to the school district basic contribution as such term
    38  is defined in subdivision eight of section  forty-four  hundred  one  of
    39  this  chapter,  for  any  such child admitted to a state school for [the
    40  retarded] individuals with developmental disabilities on or  after  July
    41  first,  nineteen  hundred seventy-eight. The comptroller may deduct from
    42  any state funds which become due to a school district an amount equal to
    43  the reimbursement required to be made by such school district in accord-
    44  ance with this paragraph  and  the  amount  so  deducted  shall  not  be
    45  included  in  the  approved  operating  expense of such district for the
    46  purpose of computing the approved operating expenses pursuant  to  para-
    47  graph  t  of  subdivision  one of section thirty-six hundred two of this
    48  chapter.
    49    (1) Children who reside in an  intermediate  care  facility  for  [the
    50  mentally  retarded]   individuals with developmental disabilities, other
    51  than a state operated school for  [the  mentally  retarded]  individuals
    52  with developmental disabilities, as defined in regulations of the office
    53  for  people  with  developmental  disabilities, shall be admitted to the
    54  public schools, except as otherwise provided in subparagraph fourteen of
    55  this paragraph.   The trustees or  board  of  education  of  the  school
    56  district  in  which such facility is located shall receive such children

        A. 7882--A                          7

     1  in the school or schools of the district for  instruction  and  for  the
     2  provision  of  necessary related services for a compensation to be fixed
     3  by the trustees or board of education, unless such trustees or board  of
     4  education  shall  establish  to the satisfaction of the commissioner [of
     5  education] that there are valid and sufficient reasons  for  refusal  to
     6  receive  such  children.    Evaluation  of the educational needs of such
     7  children and placement in appropriate educational programs shall be made
     8  in accordance with article eighty-nine of this chapter.
     9    (8) A board of education of a school district which receives notifica-
    10  tion that a child has been placed in an intermediate care  facility  for
    11  [the  mentally retarded] individuals with developmental disabilities may
    12  deny financial responsibility for any child  by  written  notice  within
    13  twenty  days  of  such  notification  to  the school district furnishing
    14  instruction and the intermediate care facility.
    15    (13) The school district providing educational  services  to  children
    16  placed  pursuant  to this paragraph shall provide a report on the status
    17  of each such child with a handicapping condition annually to the commit-
    18  tee on special education of the  school  district  in  which  the  child
    19  resided  at  the time of admission to the intermediate care facility for
    20  [the mentally retarded]  individuals  with  developmental  disabilities.
    21  Such  report  shall  also be sent to the parent or guardian of the child
    22  and the office for people with developmental disabilities.
    23    § 12. Subclause (iii) of clause (c) of subparagraph 4 of  paragraph  b
    24  of  subdivision  1  of  section 4402 of the education law, as amended by
    25  chapter 378 of the laws of 2007, is amended to read as follows:
    26    (iii) where neither such agency exists in  the  locality,  either  the
    27  area  developmental  disabilities  services  office,  where  the primary
    28  reason the child is at risk of placement relates to [mental retardation]
    29  a developmental disability, or the local mental health agency, where the
    30  primary reason the child is at risk of placement relates  to  any  other
    31  mental disability.
    32    §  13.  Subclause (iii) of clause (c) of subparagraph 4 of paragraph b
    33  of subdivision 1 of section 4402 of the education  law,  as  amended  by
    34  chapter 600 of the laws of 1994, is amended to read as follows:
    35    (iii)  where  neither  such  agency exists in the locality, either the
    36  area developmental  disabilities  services  office,  where  the  primary
    37  reason  the child is at risk of placement relates to [mental retardation
    38  or a] a developmental disability, or the  local  mental  health  agency,
    39  where  the  primary  reason the child is at risk of placement relates to
    40  any other mental disability.
    41    § 14. Subdivision 4 of section 4403 of the education law,  as  amended
    42  by chapter 53 of the laws of 1986, is amended to read as follows:
    43    4.  To periodically inspect, report on the adequacy of and make recom-
    44  mendations concerning instructional programs or special services for all
    45  children with handicapping conditions who reside in or attend any  state
    46  operated  or state financed social service facilities, youth facilities,
    47  health facilities, mental health, [mental retardation] and developmental
    48  disabilities facilities or state correctional facilities.
    49    § 15. Paragraph a of subdivision 3 of section 6507  of  the  education
    50  law,  as  amended by chapter 672 of the laws of 2019, is amended to read
    51  as follows:
    52    a. Establish standards for preprofessional and professional education,
    53  experience and licensing examinations as required to implement the arti-
    54  cle for each profession. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the
    55  commissioner shall establish standards requiring that all persons apply-
    56  ing, on or after January first, nineteen hundred ninety-one,  initially,

        A. 7882--A                          8

     1  or for the renewal of, a license, registration or limited permit to be a
     2  physician,  chiropractor, dentist, registered nurse, podiatrist, optome-
     3  trist,  psychiatrist,  psychologist,  licensed  master  social   worker,
     4  licensed  clinical  social  worker,  licensed  creative  arts therapist,
     5  licensed marriage and family therapist, licensed mental  health  counse-
     6  lor,   licensed   psychoanalyst,  dental  hygienist,  licensed  behavior
     7  analyst, or certified behavior analyst assistant shall, in  addition  to
     8  all  the  other  licensure,  certification  or permit requirements, have
     9  completed two hours of coursework or training regarding the  identifica-
    10  tion  and  reporting  of child abuse and maltreatment. The coursework or
    11  training shall be obtained from an institution  or  provider  which  has
    12  been  approved by the department to provide such coursework or training.
    13  The coursework or training shall include information regarding the phys-
    14  ical and behavioral indicators of child abuse and maltreatment  and  the
    15  statutory  reporting requirements set out in sections four hundred thir-
    16  teen through four hundred twenty of the social services  law,  including
    17  but  not  limited  to,  when  and  how a report must be made, what other
    18  actions the reporter is  mandated  or  authorized  to  take,  the  legal
    19  protections  afforded  reporters,  and  the  consequences for failing to
    20  report. Such coursework or training may also include information regard-
    21  ing the physical and behavioral indicators of the abuse  of  individuals
    22  with  [mental  retardation  and  other]  developmental  disabilities and
    23  voluntary reporting of abused or neglected  adults  to  the  office  for
    24  people  with  developmental  disabilities  or the local adult protective
    25  services unit. Each applicant shall provide the department with documen-
    26  tation showing that he or she has completed the required  training.  The
    27  department shall provide an exemption from the child abuse and maltreat-
    28  ment  training  requirements  to  any  applicant  who  requests  such an
    29  exemption and who shows, to the department's  satisfaction,  that  there
    30  would be no need because of the nature of his or her practice for him or
    31  her to complete such training;
    32    §  16.  Subparagraph  (i) of paragraph (a) of subdivision 1 of section
    33  509 of the executive law, as added by chapter 659 of the  laws  of  1977
    34  and renumbered by chapter 465 of the laws of 1992, is amended to read as
    35  follows:
    36    (i) that such child is [mentally ill or mentally retarded] living with
    37  mental  illness  or  a  developmental  disability and will substantially
    38  benefit from care and treatment in such a state school or hospital; and
    39    § 17. Subdivision (b) of section 115  of  the  family  court  act,  as
    40  amended  by  chapter  281  of  the  laws  of 1980, is amended to read as
    41  follows:
    42    (b) The family court has such other jurisdiction as is  set  forth  in
    43  this act, including jurisdiction over habeas corpus proceedings and over
    44  applications for support, maintenance, a distribution of marital proper-
    45  ty  and custody in matrimonial actions when referred to the family court
    46  by the supreme court, conciliation proceedings, and proceedings concern-
    47  ing physically handicapped and [mentally defective or retarded] develop-
    48  mentally disabled children.
    49    § 18. Item (i) of subparagraph (A) of paragraph 4 of subsection (a) of
    50  section 3216 of the insurance law, as amended by chapter 219 of the laws
    51  of 2011, is amended to read as follows:
    52    (i) Any unmarried dependent child, regardless of age, who is incapable
    53  of self-sustaining employment by reason of mental illness,  or  develop-
    54  mental  disability[,  or  mental  retardation]  as defined in the mental
    55  hygiene law, or physical handicap and who became so incapable  prior  to
    56  the  age at which dependent coverage would otherwise terminate, shall be

        A. 7882--A                          9

     1  included in coverage subject to any pre-existing  conditions  limitation
     2  applicable to other dependents; or
     3    §  19.  Subparagraph  (A) of paragraph 4 and subparagraph (B) of para-
     4  graph 5 of subsection (c) of section 3216 of the insurance law, subpara-
     5  graph (A) of paragraph 4 as amended by chapter 93 of the laws  of  1989,
     6  and subparagraph (B) of paragraph 5 as amended by section 46-b of part D
     7  of chapter 56 of the laws of 2013, are amended to read as follows:
     8    (A) Coverage of an unmarried dependent child who is incapable of self-
     9  sustaining  employment  by reason of mental illness, developmental disa-
    10  bility, [or mental retardation,] as defined in the mental  hygiene  law,
    11  or  physical handicap and who became so incapable prior to attainment of
    12  the age at which dependent coverage would otherwise terminate and who is
    13  chiefly dependent upon such policyholder for  support  and  maintenance,
    14  shall  not terminate while the policy remains in force and the dependent
    15  remains in such condition, if the  policyholder  has  within  thirty-one
    16  days  of such dependent's attainment of the limiting age submitted proof
    17  of such dependent's incapacity as described herein.
    18    (B) Written notice of entitlement to  a  conversion  policy  shall  be
    19  given  by  the insurer to the policyholder at least fifteen and not more
    20  than sixty days prior to the termination of coverage due to the  initial
    21  limiting  age  of  the  covered  dependent. Such notice shall include an
    22  explanation of the rights of the dependent with respect to the dependent
    23  being enrolled in an accredited institution of learning or  his  or  her
    24  incapacity  for  self-sustaining employment by reason of mental illness,
    25  developmental disability [or  mental  retardation]  as  defined  in  the
    26  mental hygiene law or physical handicap.
    27    §  20.  Item (ii) of subparagraph (A) of paragraph 1 of subsection (f)
    28  of section 4235 of the insurance law, as amended by chapter 219  of  the
    29  laws of 2011, is amended to read as follows:
    30    (ii) a policy under which coverage terminates at a specified age shall
    31  not  so terminate with respect to an unmarried child who is incapable of
    32  self-sustaining employment by reason of  mental  illness,  developmental
    33  disability,  [mental retardation,] as defined in the mental hygiene law,
    34  or physical handicap and who became so incapable prior to attainment  of
    35  the  age  at which coverage would otherwise terminate and who is chiefly
    36  dependent upon such employee or  member  for  support  and  maintenance,
    37  while  the  insurance of the employee or member remains in force and the
    38  child remains in such condition, if the insured employee or  member  has
    39  within thirty-one days of such child's attainment of the termination age
    40  submitted proof of such child's incapacity as described herein.
    41    §  21. Item (ii) of subparagraph (A) of paragraph 1 and paragraph 3 of
    42  subsection (d) of section 4304 of the insurance law, as amended by chap-
    43  ter 219 of the laws of 2011, are amended to read as follows:
    44    (ii) The coverage of any such  "family  contract"  shall  include  any
    45  other  unmarried child, regardless of age, who is incapable of self-sus-
    46  taining employment by reason of mental illness, developmental  disabili-
    47  ty, [mental retardation,] as defined in the mental hygiene law, or phys-
    48  ical handicap and who became so incapable prior to attainment of the age
    49  at which coverage would otherwise terminate.
    50    (3) Coverage of an unmarried dependent child who is incapable of self-
    51  sustaining  employment  by reason of mental illness, developmental disa-
    52  bility [or mental retardation], as defined in the mental hygiene law, or
    53  physical handicap and who became so incapable prior to attainment of the
    54  age at which coverage would  otherwise  terminate  and  who  is  chiefly
    55  dependent  upon  the  contract holder for support and maintenance, shall
    56  not terminate while the contract remains in force and the child  remains

        A. 7882--A                         10

     1  in  such condition, if the contract holder has within thirty-one days of
     2  such child's attainment of the limiting  age  submitted  proof  of  such
     3  child's incapacity as described herein.
     4    §  22.  Item (ii) of subparagraph (A) of paragraph 1 of subsection (c)
     5  of section 4305 of the insurance law, as amended by chapter 219  of  the
     6  laws of 2011, is amended to read as follows:
     7    (ii)  a  contract  under  which coverage terminates at a specified age
     8  shall, with respect to an unmarried child who is incapable of  self-sus-
     9  taining  employment by reason of mental illness, developmental disabili-
    10  ty, [mental retardation,] as defined in the mental hygiene law, or phys-
    11  ical handicap and who became so incapable prior to attainment of the age
    12  at which coverage would otherwise terminate and who is chiefly dependent
    13  upon such member for support and maintenance, not so terminate while the
    14  contract remains in force and the child remains in  such  condition,  if
    15  the  member has within thirty-one days of such child's attainment of the
    16  termination age submitted proof of such child's incapacity as  described
    17  herein.
    18    § 23. Paragraph a of subdivision 1 of section 35 of the judiciary law,
    19  as  amended  by  chapter  817 of the laws of 1986, is amended to read as
    20  follows:
    21    a. When a court orders a hearing in a proceeding upon a writ of habeas
    22  corpus to inquire into the cause of detention of a person in custody  in
    23  a  state  institution, or when it orders a hearing in a civil proceeding
    24  to commit or transfer a person to or retain him in a  state  institution
    25  when  such person is alleged to be mentally ill, mentally defective or a
    26  narcotic addict, or when it orders a hearing for the commitment  of  the
    27  guardianship and custody of a child to an authorized agency by reason of
    28  the mental illness or [mental retardation] developmental disability of a
    29  parent,  or when it orders a hearing to determine whether consent to the
    30  adoption of a child shall be required of a parent who is alleged  to  be
    31  mentally ill or [mentally retarded] developmentally disabled, or when it
    32  orders  a  hearing  to  determine the best interests of a child when the
    33  parent of the child revokes a consent to the adoption of such child  and
    34  such  revocation  is opposed or in any adoption or custody proceeding if
    35  it determines that assignment of counsel in such cases  is  mandated  by
    36  the  constitution  of  this state or of the United States, the court may
    37  assign counsel to represent such person if it is satisfied  that  he  is
    38  financially unable to obtain counsel. Upon an appeal taken from an order
    39  entered  in  any such proceeding, the appellate court may assign counsel
    40  to represent such person upon the appeal if it is satisfied that  he  is
    41  financially unable to obtain counsel.
    42    §  24.  The  article  heading  of  article 15 of title C of the mental
    43  hygiene law, as renumbered by chapter  978  of  the  laws  of  1977,  is
    44  amended to read as follows:
    47    §  25.  Paragraphs  1 and 2 of subdivision (a) of section 41.17 of the
    48  mental hygiene law, as amended by chapter 471 of the laws of  1980,  are
    49  amended to read as follows:
    50    1.  develop standards for admissions to all facilities for the care of
    51  the mentally ill, [mentally retarded and] developmentally disabled,  and
    52  those suffering from the disease of alcoholism, alcohol abuse, substance
    53  abuse  or substance dependence consistent with the requirements of arti-
    54  cles nine[,] and fifteen [and twenty-one] of this  chapter  taking  into
    55  account characteristics of clients and providers;

        A. 7882--A                         11

     1    2.  develop  standards for discharges from all facilities for the care
     2  of the mentally ill, [mentally retarded and]  developmentally  disabled,
     3  and  those  suffering  from  the  disease  of alcoholism, alcohol abuse,
     4  substance abuse or substance dependence taking into account  the  avail-
     5  ability and adequacy of community residential and treatment services and
     6  the rights of the patient;
     7    §  26. Paragraph (i) of subdivision (b) of section 41.18 of the mental
     8  hygiene law, as amended by chapter 376 of the laws of 1991,  is  amended
     9  to read as follows:
    10    (i)  Local  governments shall be granted state aid, in accordance with
    11  the provisions of this subdivision, for  approved  net  operating  costs
    12  pursuant to an approved local services plan at the rate of fifty percent
    13  of  the  amount  incurred  during  the  local  fiscal year by such local
    14  governments and by voluntary agencies pursuant  to  contract  with  such
    15  local  governments;  provided, however, that a local government having a
    16  population of less than two hundred thousand shall be granted state  aid
    17  at  the  rate of seventy-five percent for the first one hundred thousand
    18  dollars of its approved net operating costs. Notwithstanding the forego-
    19  ing, local governments shall be granted state aid of one hundred percent
    20  of the net operating costs expended by such  local  governments  and  by
    21  voluntary  agencies pursuant to contract with such local governments for
    22  services to [mentally  retarded  or  developmentally  disabled  persons]
    23  people  with  developmental  disabilities  who  were patients in a state
    24  facility for a continuous period of five or  more  years  following  the
    25  first  day  of  January, nineteen hundred sixty-nine, provided that such
    26  services are rendered in accordance  with  an  approved  local  services
    27  plan.  Such  one  hundred percent state aid for services to such persons
    28  shall be also provided to  a  voluntary  agency  pursuant  to  a  direct
    29  contract  between  such  agency and an office of the department whenever
    30  such services provided pursuant to such direct contract are rendered  in
    31  accordance  with  an  approved  local  services  plan for servicing such
    32  clients. For purposes of determining whether a person has been a patient
    33  in such a facility for a continuous period of five years or more,  if  a
    34  person who has been discharged or released from such a facility is ther-
    35  eafter  returned  to such a facility within ninety days of the discharge
    36  or release, the period of time between such  discharge  or  release  and
    37  such return shall not constitute an interruption of, and shall be count-
    38  ed as part of, the continuous period.
    39    §  27.  The  article  heading  of  article 75 of title E of the mental
    40  hygiene law is amended to read as follows:
    43                             SERVICES COMPANIES
    44    § 28.  Subdivisions 1, 2 and 4 of section 75.05 of the mental  hygiene
    45  law,  subdivision  4  as amended by chapter 570 of the laws of 1982, are
    46  amended to read as follows:
    47    1. "Company", "community mental health services company" or "community
    48  [mental retardation] developmental  disabilities  services  company".  A
    49  company,  duly  incorporated  pursuant to the provisions of the not-for-
    50  profit corporation law and this article, for the  purpose  of  providing
    51  for  the  care,  treatment,  training,  education,  and residence of the
    52  mentally disabled, and such facilities as may be incidental or appurten-
    53  ant thereto.
    54    2. "Project", "community mental health services project" or "community
    55  [mental retardation] developmental  disabilities  services  project".  A
    56  specific  work or improvement, including lands, buildings, improvements,

        A. 7882--A                         12

     1  fixtures, and articles  of  personal  property,  constructed,  acquired,
     2  reconstructed,  rehabilitated,  managed, owned, or operated by a company
     3  pursuant to this article, to provide  community  residential  facilities
     4  for  operation  as  hostels  for  the mentally disabled or for the care,
     5  treatment, training,  education  of  the  mentally  disabled,  or  both,
     6  including such facilities as may be incidental or appurtenant thereto.
     7    4. "Project  cost", "community mental health services project cost" or
     8  "community  [mental  retardation]  developmental  disabilities  services
     9  project  cost".  The  sum  total  of  all costs incurred by a company as
    10  approved by the commissioner as reasonable and  necessary  for  carrying
    11  out all works and undertakings and providing all necessary equipment for
    12  the  development  of a project less any portion of any state, federal or
    13  municipal assistance grant, as the  commissioner  shall,  prior  to  the
    14  making  of  a mortgage loan by the New York state housing finance agency
    15  to a company, determine to be available to reimburse the company for the
    16  payment of such project costs prior to  the  initial  occupancy  of  the
    17  project,  and  all costs relating to the refinancing of existing indebt-
    18  edness associated with the development of the project which  constitutes
    19  a lien or other encumbrance upon the real property or assets of a compa-
    20  ny  to  be  mortgaged  or  otherwise  pledged to the agency. These shall
    21  include but are not necessarily limited to the carrying  charges  during
    22  construction up to and including the occupancy date, working capital not
    23  exceeding  three per centum of the estimated total cost or three percen-
    24  tum of the actual total final cost, whichever is larger, the cost of all
    25  necessary studies, surveys,  plans  and  specifications,  architectural,
    26  engineering,  legal,  or other special services, the cost of acquisition
    27  of land and any improvements thereon, site preparation and  development,
    28  construction, reconstruction, rehabilitation, improvement and equipment,
    29  including   fixtures,  equipment,  and  articles  of  personal  property
    30  required for the operation of care,  treatment,  training,  educational,
    31  and residential facilities, the reasonable cost of financing incurred by
    32  the  company  in the course of the development of the project, up to and
    33  including the occupancy date, the fees imposed by the  commissioner  and
    34  by  the  New  York state housing finance agency; other fees charged, and
    35  necessary expenses incurred in connection with the initial occupancy  of
    36  the  project,  and  the cost of such other items as the commissioner may
    37  determine to be reasonable  and  necessary  for  the  development  of  a
    38  project,  less  any and all rents and other net revenues from the opera-
    39  tion of the real property, improvements  or  personal  property  on  the
    40  project  site, or any part thereof, by the company on and after the date
    41  on which the contract between the company and the New York state housing
    42  finance agency was entered into and prior to the occupancy date.
    43    § 29. Subdivision 1 of section 2581  of  the  public  health  law,  as
    44  amended  by  chapter  231  of  the  laws  of 2010, is amended to read as
    45  follows:
    46    1. "Children with physical disabilities" means any persons under twen-
    47  ty-one years of age who are disabled by reason of a defect or  disabili-
    48  ty,  whether  congenital or acquired by accident, injury, or disease, or
    49  who are suffering from long-term disease, including, but without  limit-
    50  ing  the  generality  of  the  foregoing,  chronic granulomatous, cystic
    51  fibrosis, epidermolysis bullosa, muscular dystrophy, nephrosis, rheumat-
    52  ic fever and rheumatic heart disease, blood dyscrasies, cancer, lymphat-
    53  ic diseases, including, but not limited to: insufficiency  of  lymphatic
    54  circulatory  function  (to include all forms of lymphedema, both primary
    55  and secondary); lipedema; complex vascular  diseases  of  the  lymphatic
    56  vasculature,   including  lymphangiomatosis,  lymphangioleio-myomatosis,

        A. 7882--A                         13

     1  lymphangiectasias, lymphangiomas,  cystic  hygromas,  Gorham's  disease,
     2  lymphangiosarcoma,  and  complex  vascular/lymphatic  malformations  and
     3  syndromes, brain injured, and chronic asthma, or  from  any  disease  or
     4  condition  likely to result in a disability in the absence of treatment,
     5  provided, however, no child shall be deprived of  a  service  under  the
     6  provisions  of  this  chapter  solely  because  of the degree of [mental
     7  retardation] developmental disability.
     8    § 30. The opening paragraph of subdivision 3 of section 2994-b of  the
     9  public  health  law,  as  amended by chapter 708 of the laws of 2019, is
    10  amended to read as follows:
    11    Prior to seeking or relying upon a health care decision by a surrogate
    12  for a patient under this article,  if  the  attending  practitioner  has
    13  reason  to  believe that the patient has a history of receiving services
    14  for [mental retardation or] a developmental  disability;  it  reasonably
    15  appears  to  the  attending  practitioner  that  the patient has [mental
    16  retardation or] a developmental  disability;  or  the  practitioner  has
    17  reason  to  believe  that the patient has been transferred from a mental
    18  hygiene facility operated or licensed by the office  of  mental  health,
    19  then  such  physician,  nurse  practitioner or physician assistant shall
    20  make reasonable efforts to determine whether paragraphs (a), (b) or  (c)
    21  of this subdivision are applicable:
    22    §  31.  The  section  heading  and  subdivision 1 of section 34 of the
    23  public lands law, as amended by chapter 703 of the  laws  of  1994,  are
    24  amended to read as follows:
    25    Transfer  of  unappropriated  state  lands  for mental health, [mental
    26  retardation] developmental disabilities, park,  recreation,  playground,
    27  reforestation,  street  or  highway  purposes.  1.  Such commissioner of
    28  general services may, from time to time, transfer and convey to a  city,
    29  incorporated  village, town or county, in consideration of one dollar to
    30  be paid to the state of New York, and on such terms  and  conditions  as
    31  such  commissioner may impose, a part or all of any parcel or parcels of
    32  unappropriated state  lands  upon  certification  that  such  parcel  or
    33  parcels  are useful for local mental health facilities, [mental retarda-
    34  tion] developmental disabilities  facilities,  park,  recreation,  play-
    35  ground, reforestation, street or highway purposes, and that they will be
    36  properly  improved  and  maintained for one or more of such purposes and
    37  provided that this disposition of such parcel or parcels is  not  other-
    38  wise  prohibited.  Certification  shall be evidenced by a formal request
    39  from the board of estimate, common council, village board, town board or
    40  county board of supervisors, setting  forth  in  detail  the  parcel  or
    41  parcels  to  be  released, transferred and conveyed and the availability
    42  and usefulness of such parcel  or  parcels  for  one  or  more  of  such
    43  purposes.  In  the  city  of  New  York  however, certification shall be
    44  evidenced by a formal request from the mayor. In the  event  that  lands
    45  transferred  under  the  provisions  of  this  section  are not properly
    46  improved and maintained for one or more of the purposes contemplated  by
    47  this  section  by  the  city, village, town or county to which they were
    48  transferred, the title thereto shall revert to the people of  the  state
    49  of  New  York,  and  the attorney-general may institute an action in the
    50  supreme court for a judgment declaring a revesting of such title in  the
    51  state.  Such  commissioner  may  also  transfer any unappropriated state
    52  lands to the office of parks, recreation and  historic  preservation  or
    53  the  department  of  environmental conservation, upon the application of
    54  the commissioner thereof indicating that such unappropriated state lands
    55  are required for state park purposes within the area of jurisdiction  of
    56  such office or department.

        A. 7882--A                         14

     1    §  32. Subdivision 8 of section 41 of the private housing finance law,
     2  as amended by chapter 264 of the laws of 1970, is  amended  to  read  as
     3  follows:
     4    8.  Prompt  provision  of new and improved community mental health and
     5  [mental retardation] developmental disabilities facilities  is  required
     6  for the care and treatment of the increasing number of persons afflicted
     7  with  mental  illness,  mental  deficiencies,  epilepsy  and behavior or
     8  emotional disorders; that such facilities should be located close to the
     9  people they serve in order to speed rehabilitation and  restoration  and
    10  to  provide  for  out-patient and in-patient care, including after care,
    11  diagnostic and rehabilitative services  and  residential  accommodations
    12  for  operation as hostels; that it is the policy of the state to promote
    13  the provision of such community mental health and  [mental  retardation]
    14  developmental disabilities facilities; that there is a need for non-pro-
    15  fit  corporations  to  construct  low  cost  community mental health and
    16  [mental retardation] developmental disabilities facilities. In order  to
    17  encourage  the  investment  of  private capital in such community mental
    18  health and [mental retardation] developmental  disabilities  facilities,
    19  and to assure the expeditious completion of such community mental health
    20  and  [mental retardation] developmental disabilities facilities, the New
    21  York state housing finance agency should be empowered, through the issu-
    22  ance of its bonds, notes or other obligations to the  private  investing
    23  public,  to obtain funds necessary to make mortgage loans, at low inter-
    24  est rates, to non-profit corporations for the construction, acquisition,
    25  reconstruction, rehabilitation or improvement of such mental health  and
    26  [mental retardation] developmental disabilities facilities.
    27    § 33. Subdivisions 6-d, 14 and 14-a of section 42 of the private hous-
    28  ing  finance law, subdivision 6-d as added by chapter 380 of the laws of
    29  1972, subdivision 14 as amended by chapter 281 of the laws of  1970  and
    30  subdivision  14-a  as  added  by  chapter  570  of the laws of 1982, are
    31  amended to read as follows:
    32    6-d. "Mortgage loan" shall also mean a loan made by the  agency  to  a
    33  company  incorporated  pursuant to the provisions of [article eight-B of
    34  the mental hygiene law and] the not-for-profit  corporation  law  in  an
    35  amount  not to exceed the total community mental health services project
    36  cost  or  community  [mental  retardation]  developmental   disabilities
    37  services  project cost, and secured by a first mortgage lien on the real
    38  property of which the community mental health services project or commu-
    39  nity [mental retardation] developmental  disabilities  services  project
    40  consists  and  the  personal  property attached to or used in connection
    41  with  the  construction,  acquisition,  reconstruction,  rehabilitation,
    42  improvement or operation of the community mental health services project
    43  or  community  [mental  retardation] developmental disabilities services
    44  project.  "Community mental health services company," "community [mental
    45  retardation] developmental disabilities  services  company,"  "community
    46  mental  health  services  project cost," "community [mental retardation]
    47  developmental disabilities services  project  cost,"  "community  mental
    48  health  services  project"  and "community [mental retardation] develop-
    49  mental disabilities services project" shall mean community mental health
    50  services company, community [mental retardation] developmental disabili-
    51  ties services company, community mental health  services  project  cost,
    52  community   [mental  retardation]  developmental  disabilities  services
    53  project cost, community mental health  services  project  and  community
    54  [mental   retardation]   developmental  disabilities  services  project,
    55  respectively[, as defined in article eight-B of the mental hygiene law].

        A. 7882--A                         15

     1    14. "Community mental health services and [mental retardation]  devel-
     2  opmental  disabilities  services  project  bonds"  and "community mental
     3  health services  and  [mental  retardation]  developmental  disabilities
     4  services project notes" shall mean bonds and notes, respectively, issued
     5  by  the  agency  for  the purposes of making mortgage loans to companies
     6  incorporated pursuant to the not-for-profit corporation law [and article
     7  eight-B of the mental hygiene law], paying interest on  such  bonds  and
     8  notes,  establishing reserves to secure such bonds and notes, and paying
     9  of all other expenditures of the agency incident  to  and  necessary  or
    10  convenient for the making of such mortgage loans.
    11    14-a.  "Community  mental  health  services  and  [mental retardation]
    12  developmental disabilities services project revenue bonds" and "communi-
    13  ty mental health services and [mental retardation]  developmental  disa-
    14  bilities  services  project  revenue  notes" shall mean bonds and notes,
    15  respectively, issued by the agency for the purpose  of  making  mortgage
    16  loans  to  companies  incorporated pursuant to the not-for-profit corpo-
    17  ration law and article seventy-five of title E  of  the  mental  hygiene
    18  law,  paying  interest on such bonds and notes, establishing reserves to
    19  secure such bonds and notes, and paying of all other expenditures of the
    20  agency incident to and necessary or convenient for the  making  of  such
    21  mortgage loans.
    22    §  34.  Paragraphs  (a) and (d) of subdivision 15 of section 44 of the
    23  private housing finance law, as amended by chapter 195 of  the  laws  of
    24  1973, are amended to read as follows:
    25    (a)  Subject to the approval of the commissioner and to the provisions
    26  of any contract with noteholders or bondholders, except with any holders
    27  of hospital and nursing home project bonds or notes or youth  facilities
    28  project  bonds or notes, or community mental health services and [mental
    29  retardation] developmental disabilities services project bonds or notes,
    30  whenever it deems it necessary or desirable in the  fulfillment  of  the
    31  purposes  of  this article, to consent to the modification, with respect
    32  to rate of interest, time of payment of any installment of principal  or
    33  interest,  security,  or any other term, of any mortgage, mortgage loan,
    34  mortgage loan commitment, contract or agreement of any kind to which the
    35  agency is a party, except such mortgages, mortgage loans, mortgage  loan
    36  commitments,  contracts or agreements as may have been entered into with
    37  hospital corporations which are eligible borrowers as defined in article
    38  twenty-eight-B of the public health law, nursing home companies or  non-
    39  profit  corporations  which  are  eligible borrowers as defined in title
    40  five-A of article six of the social services law or  companies  incorpo-
    41  rated  pursuant to the not-for-profit corporation law and article seven-
    42  ty-five of the mental hygiene law;
    43    (d) Subject to the provisions of any contract with holders of communi-
    44  ty mental health services and [mental retardation]  developmental  disa-
    45  bilities services project bonds or notes, whenever it deems it necessary
    46  or  desirable  in  the  fulfillment  of the purposes of this article, to
    47  consent to the modification, with respect to rate of interest,  time  of
    48  payment  of  any  installment of principal or interest, security, or any
    49  other term of any mortgage, mortgage  loan,  mortgage  loan  commitment,
    50  contract  or  agreement  of  any  kind  between the agency and a company
    51  incorporated pursuant to the not-for-profit corporation law and  article
    52  seventy-five of the mental hygiene law.
    53    §  35.  Paragraphs (a), (b), (c) and (d) of subdivision 1, subdivision
    54  2, paragraphs (a), (b), (c) and (d) of subdivision  12,  subdivision  13
    55  and  paragraphs  (a), (b) and (c) of subdivision 16 of section 47 of the
    56  private housing finance law, paragraphs (a), (b) and (d) of  subdivision

        A. 7882--A                         16

     1  1 and subdivision 2 as amended by chapter 215 of the laws of 1990, para-
     2  graph  (c)  of  subdivision  1  as amended by chapter 232 of the laws of
     3  2021, paragraphs (a) and (d) of subdivision 12 as amended by chapter 365
     4  of the laws of 1973, paragraphs (b) and (c) of subdivision 12 as amended
     5  by  chapter 38 of the laws of 1976, subdivision 13 as amended by chapter
     6  195 of the laws of 1973 and paragraphs (a), (b) and (c)  of  subdivision
     7  16  as  added by chapter 570 of the laws of 1982, are amended to read as
     8  follows:
     9    (a) The agency shall create  and  establish  a  special  fund  (herein
    10  referred  to  as  capital reserve fund), and shall pay into such capital
    11  reserve fund (1) any monies appropriated and made available by the state
    12  for the purposes of such fund, (2) any proceeds  of  sale  of  notes  or
    13  bonds other than state university construction notes or state university
    14  construction  bonds,  equity  notes  or equity bonds, non-profit project
    15  notes or non-profit project bonds, hospital  and  nursing  home  project
    16  notes  or  hospital and nursing home project bonds, urban rental project
    17  notes or urban rental project bonds, health facilities notes  or  health
    18  facilities  bonds,  youth  facilities  project notes or youth facilities
    19  project bonds, community mental health services and [mental retardation]
    20  developmental disabilities services project notes  or  community  mental
    21  health  services  and  [mental  retardation]  developmental disabilities
    22  services project bonds, community senior citizens services project notes
    23  or community senior citizens  services  project  bonds,  mental  hygiene
    24  improvement  notes or mental hygiene improvement bonds and revenue hous-
    25  ing bonds, and bonds and notes for the housing  program  to  the  extent
    26  provided in the resolution of the agency authorizing the issuance there-
    27  of,  and  (3) any other moneys which may be made available to the agency
    28  for the purpose of such fund from  any  other  source  or  sources.  All
    29  moneys held in the capital reserve fund, except as hereinafter provided,
    30  shall  be  used  solely for the payment of the principal of bonds of the
    31  agency other than state university  construction  bonds,  equity  bonds,
    32  non-profit project bonds, hospital and nursing home project bonds, urban
    33  rental  project bonds, health facilities bonds, youth facilities project
    34  bonds, community mental health services and [mental retardation]  devel-
    35  opmental  disabilities services project bonds, community senior citizens
    36  services project bonds, mental hygiene  improvement  bonds  and  revenue
    37  housing  bonds,  and bonds and notes for the housing program as the same
    38  mature, required payments to any sinking fund established  in  a  resol-
    39  ution  of  the  agency  for  the amortization of term bonds (hereinafter
    40  referred to as "sinking fund payments"), the purchase or  redemption  of
    41  bonds  of  the  agency  other  than state university construction bonds,
    42  equity bonds,  non-profit  project  bonds,  hospital  and  nursing  home
    43  project  bonds,  urban  rental  project  bonds, health facilities bonds,
    44  youth facilities project bonds, community  mental  health  services  and
    45  [mental  retardation] developmental disabilities services project bonds,
    46  community  senior  citizens  services  project  bonds,  mental   hygiene
    47  improvement bonds and revenue housing bonds, and bonds and notes for the
    48  housing  program  the payment of interest on such bonds of the agency or
    49  the payment of any redemption premium required  to  be  paid  when  such
    50  bonds  are redeemed prior to maturity; provided, however, that monies in
    51  such fund shall not be withdrawn therefrom at any time in such amount as
    52  would reduce the amount of such fund to less than the maximum amount  of
    53  principal  and  interest  maturing  and  becoming  due  and sinking fund
    54  payments required to be made in any  succeeding  calendar  year  on  all
    55  bonds  of  the  agency  then  outstanding  other  than  state university
    56  construction bonds, equity bonds, non-profit project bonds, hospital and

        A. 7882--A                         17

     1  nursing home project bonds, urban rental project bonds,  health  facili-
     2  ties  bonds,  youth  facilities  project  bonds, community mental health
     3  services and [mental retardation]  developmental  disabilities  services
     4  project  bonds, community senior citizens services project bonds, mental
     5  hygiene improvement bonds and revenue housing bonds and bonds and  notes
     6  for  the housing program, except for the purpose of paying principal of,
     7  interest and sinking fund payments becoming due on  such  bonds  of  the
     8  agency  maturing  and  becoming  due  and for the payment of which other
     9  moneys of the agency are not available. For the purposes of this  subdi-
    10  vision [one], in computing the maximum amount of principal maturing at a
    11  single future date (herein called "term bonds") in any succeeding calen-
    12  dar  year, the principal amount of any such term bonds which are subject
    13  to mandatory redemption prior  to  such  future  date  by  sinking  fund
    14  payments  shall not be included in the computation determining the maxi-
    15  mum amount of principal maturing in said  future  year.  Any  income  or
    16  interest earned by, or increment to, the capital reserve fund due to the
    17  investment  thereof  may  be  transferred  by  the agency to the general
    18  reserve fund or other fund of the agency  to  the  extent  it  does  not
    19  reduce  the  amount of the capital reserve fund below the maximum amount
    20  of principal and interest maturing and becoming  due  and  sinking  fund
    21  payments required to be made in any succeeding calendar year on all such
    22  bonds  of  the  agency  then  outstanding  other  than  state university
    23  construction bonds, equity bonds, non-profit project bonds, hospital and
    24  nursing home project bonds, urban rental project bonds,  health  facili-
    25  ties  bonds,  youth  facilities  project  bonds, community mental health
    26  services and [mental retardation]  developmental  disabilities  services
    27  project  bonds, community senior citizens services project bonds, mental
    28  hygiene improvement bonds and revenue housing bonds and bonds and  notes
    29  for the housing program.
    30    (b)  The  agency  shall  not  issue  bonds other than state university
    31  construction bonds, equity bonds, non-profit project bonds, hospital and
    32  nursing home project bonds, urban rental project bonds,  health  facili-
    33  ties  bonds,  youth  facilities  project  bonds, community mental health
    34  services and [mental retardation]  developmental  disabilities  services
    35  project  bonds, community senior citizens services project bonds, mental
    36  hygiene improvement bonds and revenue housing bonds and bonds and  notes
    37  for  the housing program at any time secured by the capital reserve fund
    38  if the maximum amount of principal and interest  maturing  and  becoming
    39  due and sinking fund payments required to be made in a succeeding calen-
    40  dar  year  on such bonds then to be issued and on all other bonds of the
    41  agency then outstanding other than state university construction  bonds,
    42  equity  bonds,  non-profit  project  bonds,  hospital  and  nursing home
    43  project bonds, urban rental  project  bonds,  health  facilities  bonds,
    44  youth  facilities  project  bonds,  community mental health services and
    45  [mental retardation] developmental disabilities services project  bonds,
    46  community   senior  citizens  services  project  bonds,  mental  hygiene
    47  improvement bonds and revenue housing bonds and bonds and notes for  the
    48  housing  program  will  exceed the amount of the capital reserve fund at
    49  the time of issuance unless the agency, at the time of issuance of  such
    50  bonds,  shall  deposit in such fund from the proceeds of the bonds so to
    51  be issued, or otherwise, an amount which, together with the amount  then
    52  in  such fund, will be not less than the maximum amount of principal and
    53  interest maturing and becoming due and sinking fund payments required to
    54  be made in any succeeding calendar year on such bonds then to be  issued
    55  and  on  all other bonds of the agency then outstanding other than state
    56  university construction bonds, equity bonds, non-profit  project  bonds,

        A. 7882--A                         18

     1  hospital  and  nursing  home  project bonds, urban rental project bonds,
     2  health facilities  bonds,  youth  facilities  project  bonds,  community
     3  mental  health services and [mental retardation] developmental disabili-
     4  ties  services project bonds, community senior citizens services project
     5  bonds, mental hygiene improvement bonds and revenue  housing  bonds  and
     6  bonds and notes for the housing program.
     7    (c)  The  agency  shall  not  issue  bonds  and notes other than state
     8  university construction bonds and state university  construction  notes,
     9  hospital  and  nursing  home project bonds and hospital and nursing home
    10  project notes, health facilities  bonds  and  health  facilities  notes,
    11  youth  facilities  project  bonds  and  youth  facilities project notes,
    12  community mental health services and [mental retardation]  developmental
    13  disabilities services project bonds and community mental health services
    14  and  [mental  retardation]  developmental  disabilities services project
    15  notes, community senior citizens services  project  notes  or  community
    16  senior  citizens  services  project bonds and mental hygiene improvement
    17  bonds and mental hygiene improvement notes and bonds and notes  for  the
    18  housing  program for any of its corporate purposes in an aggregate prin-
    19  cipal amount exceeding thirty-one billion  two  hundred  eighty  million
    20  dollars,  excluding  bonds  and notes issued to refund outstanding bonds
    21  and notes.
    22    (d) To assure the continued operation and solvency of the  agency  for
    23  the  carrying  out  of the public purposes of this article, provision is
    24  made in paragraph (a) of this subdivision for the  accumulation  in  the
    25  capital reserve fund of an amount equal to the maximum amount of princi-
    26  pal  and  interest  maturing  and becoming due and sinking fund payments
    27  required to be made in any succeeding calendar year on all bonds of  the
    28  agency  then outstanding other than state university construction bonds,
    29  equity bonds,  non-profit  project  bonds,  hospital  and  nursing  home
    30  project  bonds,  urban  rental  project  bonds, health facilities bonds,
    31  youth facilities project bonds, community  mental  health  services  and
    32  [mental  retardation] developmental disabilities services project bonds,
    33  community  senior  citizens  services  project  bonds,  mental   hygiene
    34  improvement  bonds and revenue housing bonds and bonds and notes for the
    35  housing program. In order further to  assure  such  maintenance  of  the
    36  capital  reserve  fund,  there shall be annually apportioned and paid to
    37  the agency for deposit in the capital reserve fund such sum, if any,  as
    38  shall  be  certified  by  the chairman of the agency to the governor and
    39  director of the budget as necessary to restore the capital reserve  fund
    40  to  an  amount  equal  to  the  maximum amount of principal and interest
    41  maturing and becoming due and sinking fund payments required to be  made
    42  in  any  succeeding  calendar  year  on  the  bonds  of  the agency then
    43  outstanding other  than  state  university  construction  bonds,  equity
    44  bonds,  non-profit  project  bonds,  hospital  and  nursing home project
    45  bonds, urban rental project bonds, health facilities bonds, youth facil-
    46  ities project bonds, community mental health services and [mental retar-
    47  dation] developmental disabilities  services  project  bonds,  community
    48  senior citizens services project bonds, mental hygiene improvement bonds
    49  and  revenue  housing bonds and bonds and notes for the housing program.
    50  The chairman of the agency shall annually, on or before December  first,
    51  make  and deliver to the governor and director of the budget his certif-
    52  icate stating the amount,  if  any,  required  to  restore  the  capital
    53  reserve  fund  to the amount aforesaid and the amount so stated, if any,
    54  shall be apportioned and paid to the  agency  during  the  then  current
    55  state  fiscal year. The principal amount of bonds secured by the capital
    56  reserve fund to which state funds are  apportionable  pursuant  to  this

        A. 7882--A                         19

     1  paragraph  shall  be  limited  to  the  total  amount of bonds and notes
     2  outstanding on the effective date of this act, plus the total amount  of
     3  bonds  and  notes  contracted  after  the  effective date of this act to
     4  finance projects in progress on the effective date of this act as deter-
     5  mined  by  the  New  York state public authorities control board created
     6  pursuant to section fifty of the public authorities law  whose  affirma-
     7  tive determination shall be conclusive as to all matters of law and fact
     8  solely  for the purposes of the limitations contained in this paragraph,
     9  but in no event shall the total amount of bonds so  secured  by  such  a
    10  capital  reserve fund or funds exceed three hundred thirty-eight million
    11  dollars, excluding bonds issued to refund such outstanding  bonds  until
    12  the  date  of redemption of such outstanding bonds. As outstanding bonds
    13  so secured are paid, the amount so secured shall be reduced  accordingly
    14  but  the  redemption  of  such  outstanding  bonds  from the proceeds of
    15  refunding bonds shall not reduce the amount so secured.
    16    2. The agency shall  create  and  establish  a  special  fund  (herein
    17  referred  to  as  general reserve fund) and shall pay into such fund all
    18  fees and charges collected by the agency pursuant to  paragraph  (a)  of
    19  subdivision  eleven of section forty-four of this article, or otherwise,
    20  other than fees and charges collected in connection with the  making  of
    21  mortgage loans (or commitments therefor) to mutual companies, non-profit
    22  companies, urban rental companies or community development corporations,
    23  and  any monies which the agency shall transfer from the capital reserve
    24  fund pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (a) of subdivision  one  of
    25  this  section.  Such  monies  and any other monies paid into the general
    26  reserve fund may, in the discretion of the agency but subject to  agree-
    27  ments  with  bondholders  and noteholders, be used by the agency (a) for
    28  the repayment  of  advances  from  the  state  in  accordance  with  the
    29  provisions  of  repayment agreements between the agency and the director
    30  of the budget, (b) to reimburse the division of  housing  and  community
    31  renewal  the  reasonable  costs of the services performed by the commis-
    32  sioner of housing and community renewal  and  division  of  housing  and
    33  community renewal pursuant to section fifty-five of this article, (c) to
    34  pay  all  costs,  expenses  and charges of financing, including fees and
    35  expenses of trustees and paying agents, (d) for transfers to the capital
    36  reserve fund, (e) for the payment of the principal of  and  interest  on
    37  bonds  or  notes other than state university construction bonds or state
    38  university construction notes, equity bonds or equity notes,  non-profit
    39  project  bonds  or  non-profit  project notes, hospital and nursing home
    40  project bonds or hospital and nursing home project notes,  urban  rental
    41  project  bonds or urban rental project notes, health facilities bonds or
    42  health facilities notes, youth facilities project bonds or youth facili-
    43  ties project notes, community mental health services and [mental  retar-
    44  dation]  developmental  disabilities services project bonds or community
    45  mental health services and [mental retardation] developmental  disabili-
    46  ties  services project notes, community senior citizens services project
    47  notes or  community  senior  citizens  services  project  bonds,  mental
    48  hygiene improvement bonds or mental hygiene improvement notes and reven-
    49  ue  housing  bonds and bonds and notes for the housing program issued by
    50  the agency when the same shall become due whether at maturity or on call
    51  for redemption and for the payment of any redemption premium required to
    52  be paid where such bonds or notes are redeemed  prior  to  their  stated
    53  maturities,  and  to purchase bonds or notes other than state university
    54  construction bonds or state university construction notes, equity  bonds
    55  or  equity  notes, non-profit project bonds or non-profit project notes,
    56  hospital and nursing home project bonds or  hospital  and  nursing  home

        A. 7882--A                         20

     1  project notes, urban rental project bonds or urban rental project notes,
     2  health  facilities  bonds  or  health facilities notes, youth facilities
     3  project bonds or youth facilities project notes, community mental health
     4  services  and  [mental  retardation] developmental disabilities services
     5  project bonds or community mental health services and  [mental  retarda-
     6  tion]  developmental  disabilities  services  project  notes,  community
     7  senior citizens services project  notes  or  community  senior  citizens
     8  services  project  bonds,  mental  hygiene  improvement  bonds or mental
     9  hygiene improvement notes and revenue housing bonds and bonds and  notes
    10  for  the  housing  program  issued  by the agency, or (f) for such other
    11  corporate purposes of the agency as the agency in its  discretion  shall
    12  determine and provide.
    13    (a)  The agency may create and establish a special fund to be known as
    14  community mental health services and [mental retardation]  developmental
    15  disabilities services capital reserve fund and may pay into such reserve
    16  funds  (1)  any  monies appropriated and made available by the state for
    17  the purposes of such funds, (2) any proceeds of sale of community mental
    18  health services  and  [mental  retardation]  developmental  disabilities
    19  services  project  notes or community mental health services and [mental
    20  retardation] developmental disabilities services project bonds,  to  the
    21  extent provided in the resolution of the agency authorizing the issuance
    22  thereof,  and  (3)  any  other monies which may be made available to the
    23  agency for the purposes of such accounts from any other source or sourc-
    24  es. The monies held in or credited to the capital  reserve  fund  estab-
    25  lished  under  this subdivision except as hereinafter provided, shall be
    26  used solely for the payment of  principal  of  community  mental  health
    27  services  and  [mental  retardation] developmental disabilities services
    28  project bonds of the agency secured by such reserve fund,  as  the  same
    29  mature,  the  purchase  of  such  community  mental  health services and
    30  [mental retardation] developmental disabilities services  project  bonds
    31  of  the  agency, the payment of interest on such community mental health
    32  services and [mental retardation]  developmental  disabilities  services
    33  project  bonds  of  the agency, or the payment of any redemption premium
    34  required to be paid when such bonds  are  redeemed  prior  to  maturity;
    35  provided,  however,  that monies in any such fund shall not be withdrawn
    36  therefrom at any time in such amount as would reduce the amount of  such
    37  fund  to less than the maximum amount of principal and interest maturing
    38  and becoming due in any succeeding calendar year on the community mental
    39  health services  and  [mental  retardation]  developmental  disabilities
    40  services  project  bonds  of  the agency then outstanding and secured by
    41  such reserve fund, except for the purpose of paying principal and inter-
    42  est on community mental health services and [mental retardation]  devel-
    43  opmental  disabilities  services  project bonds of the agency secured by
    44  such reserve fund maturing and becoming due and for the payment of which
    45  other monies of the agency are not available.  Any  income  or  interest
    46  earned  by,  or  increment to, any such community mental health services
    47  and [mental retardation]  developmental  disabilities  services  capital
    48  reserve  fund  due  to  the investment thereof may be transferred to the
    49  community mental health services and [mental retardation]  developmental
    50  disabilities  services general reserve fund or other fund of the agency,
    51  to the extent it does not reduce the amount  of  such  community  mental
    52  health  services  and  [mental  retardation]  developmental disabilities
    53  services capital reserve fund below the maximum amount of principal  and
    54  interest  maturing  and  becoming due in any succeeding calendar year on
    55  all community mental health services and [mental  retardation]  develop-

        A. 7882--A                         21

     1  mental  disabilities services project bonds of the agency then outstand-
     2  ing and secured by such reserve fund.
     3    (b)  The  agency  shall not issue community mental health services and
     4  [mental retardation] developmental disabilities services  project  bonds
     5  and notes in an aggregate principal amount exceeding one hundred million
     6  dollars  excluding community mental health services and [mental retarda-
     7  tion] developmental disabilities services project  bonds  and  community
     8  mental  health services and [mental retardation] developmental disabili-
     9  ties services project  notes  issued  to  refund  outstanding  community
    10  mental  health services and [mental retardation] developmental disabili-
    11  ties services project bonds and community  mental  health  services  and
    12  [mental  retardation] developmental disabilities services project notes,
    13  nor shall it issue community mental health services and [mental retarda-
    14  tion] developmental disabilities services  project  bonds  at  any  time
    15  secured by the community mental health services and [mental retardation]
    16  developmental  disabilities services capital reserve fund if the maximum
    17  amount of principal and interest maturing and becoming due in a succeed-
    18  ing calendar year on the community mental health  services  and  [mental
    19  retardation] developmental disabilities services project bonds outstand-
    20  ing  and  then  to  be issued and secured by the community mental health
    21  services and [mental retardation]  developmental  disabilities  services
    22  capital  reserve fund will exceed the amount of such reserve fund at the
    23  time of issuance, unless the agency, at the time  of  issuance  of  such
    24  bonds, shall deposit in such reserve fund from the proceeds of the bonds
    25  so  to be issued, or otherwise, an amount which together with the amount
    26  then in such reserve fund, will be not less than the maximum  amount  of
    27  principal  and  interest  maturing  and  becoming  due in any succeeding
    28  calendar year on the community mental health services and [mental retar-
    29  dation] developmental disabilities services project  bonds  then  to  be
    30  issued  and  on  all  other community mental health services and [mental
    31  retardation] developmental disabilities services project  bonds  of  the
    32  agency then outstanding and secured by such reserve fund.
    33    (c)  To  assure the continued operation and solvency of the agency for
    34  the carrying out of the public purposes of  this  article  provision  is
    35  made  in  paragraph  (a) of this subdivision for the accumulation in the
    36  community mental health services and [mental retardation]  developmental
    37  disabilities  services  capital  reserve  fund of an amount equal to the
    38  maximum amount of principal and interest maturing and  becoming  due  in
    39  any succeeding calendar year on all community mental health services and
    40  [mental  retardation]  developmental disabilities services project bonds
    41  of the agency then outstanding and secured by such  reserve  fund.    In
    42  order  further to assure the maintenance of such community mental health
    43  services and [mental retardation]  developmental  disabilities  services
    44  capital  reserve  fund,  there shall be annually apportioned and paid to
    45  the agency for deposit in such  community  mental  health  services  and
    46  [mental retardation] developmental disabilities services capital reserve
    47  fund  such  sum,  if  any,  as shall be certified by the chairman of the
    48  agency to the governor and  director  of  the  budget  as  necessary  to
    49  restore  such  reserve  fund to an amount equal to the maximum amount of
    50  principal and interest maturing  and  becoming  due  in  any  succeeding
    51  calendar year on the community mental health services and [mental retar-
    52  dation]  developmental disabilities services project bonds of the agency
    53  then outstanding and secured by such reserve fund. The chairman  of  the
    54  agency  shall annually, on or before December first, make and deliver to
    55  the governor and director of the budget his or her  certificate  stating
    56  the  sums,  if  any,  required  to  restore such community mental health

        A. 7882--A                         22

     1  services and [mental retardation]  developmental  disabilities  services
     2  capital reserve fund to the amount aforesaid, and the sums so certified,
     3  if  any,  shall  be  apportioned  and paid to the agency during the then
     4  current  state fiscal year. The principal amount of bonds secured by the
     5  community mental health services and [mental retardation]  developmental
     6  disabilities  services  capital  reserve  fund  to which state funds are
     7  apportionable pursuant to this paragraph shall be limited to  the  total
     8  amount of bonds and notes outstanding on the effective date of this act,
     9  plus  the total amount of bonds and notes contracted after the effective
    10  date of this act to finance projects in progress on the  effective  date
    11  of  this  act  as  determined  by  the New York state public authorities
    12  control board created pursuant to section fifty of the  public  authori-
    13  ties  law  whose affirmative determination shall be conclusive as to all
    14  matters of law and fact solely  for  the  purposes  of  the  limitations
    15  contained  in  this paragraph, but in no event shall the total amount of
    16  bonds so secured by such a capital reserve fund or funds exceed thirteen
    17  million dollars, excluding bonds issued to refund such outstanding bonds
    18  until the date of redemption of such outstanding bonds.  As  outstanding
    19  bonds  so  secured  are  paid,  the  amount  so secured shall be reduced
    20  accordingly but the  redemption  of  such  outstanding  bonds  from  the
    21  proceeds of refunding bonds shall not reduce the amount so secured.
    22    (d)  In  computing  any  community  mental health services and [mental
    23  retardation] developmental disabilities services  capital  reserve  fund
    24  for  the  purposes of this section, securities in which all or a portion
    25  of such reserve fund shall  be  invested  shall  be  valued  at  par  if
    26  purchased at par, or if purchased at other than par, at amortized value.
    27    13.  The  agency  shall  create  and  establish a special fund (herein
    28  referred to as community mental health services and [mental retardation]
    29  developmental disabilities services general reserve fund) and shall  pay
    30  into  such fund all fees and charges collected by the agency pursuant to
    31  paragraph (c) of subdivision eleven of section forty-four of this  arti-
    32  cle  and  any  monies which the agency shall transfer from the community
    33  mental health services and [mental retardation] developmental  disabili-
    34  ties  services  capital reserve fund pursuant to the provisions of para-
    35  graph (a) of subdivision ten of this section. Such monies and any  other
    36  monies paid into the community mental health services and [mental retar-
    37  dation] developmental disabilities services general reserve fund may, in
    38  the discretion of the agency, but subject to agreements with bondholders
    39  and noteholders, be used by the agency (a) for the repayment of advances
    40  from the state in accordance with the provisions of repayment agreements
    41  between  the agency and the director of the budget, (b) to reimburse the
    42  department of mental  hygiene  the  reasonable  costs  of  the  services
    43  performed  by  the  commissioner of mental hygiene and the department of
    44  mental hygiene pursuant to subdivision four  of  section  fifty-five  of
    45  this  article, including the reasonable costs of such services performed
    46  by the health and mental hygiene facilities improvement corporation upon
    47  request by the commissioner of mental hygiene pursuant to the provisions
    48  of section 75.25 of the mental  hygiene  law,  (c)  to  pay  all  costs,
    49  expenses  and charges of financing, including fees and expenses of trus-
    50  tees and paying agents, (d) for transfers to the community mental health
    51  services and [mental retardation]  developmental  disabilities  services
    52  capital  reserve  fund, (e) for the payment of principal of and interest
    53  on community mental health services and  [mental  retardation]  develop-
    54  mental disabilities services project bonds and notes issued by the agen-
    55  cy  when  the  same  shall become due whether at maturity or on call for
    56  redemption and for the payment of any redemption premium required to  be

        A. 7882--A                         23

     1  paid  where  such  community mental health services and [mental retarda-
     2  tion] developmental disabilities services project bonds  and  notes  are
     3  redeemed  prior  to  their  stated  maturities and to purchase community
     4  mental  health services and [mental retardation] developmental disabili-
     5  ties services project bonds or notes issued by the agency,  or  (f)  for
     6  such  other  corporate  purposes  of  the  agency  as  the agency in its
     7  discretion shall determine and provide.
     8    (a) The agency may create and establish one or more special  funds  to
     9  be  known  as  community mental health services and [mental retardation]
    10  developmental disabilities services capital reserve funds  and  may  pay
    11  into  such  reserve funds (1) any monies appropriated and made available
    12  by the state for the purposes of such funds, (2)  any  proceeds  of  the
    13  sale of community mental health services and [mental retardation] devel-
    14  opmental  disabilities  services  project revenue bonds or notes, to the
    15  extent provided in the resolution of the agency authorizing the issuance
    16  thereof, and (3) any other monies which may be  made  available  to  the
    17  agency  for  the purposes of such fund or funds from any other source or
    18  sources. The monies held in or credited to a capital reserve fund estab-
    19  lished under this subdivision, except as  hereinafter  provided  and  as
    20  provided  in  agreements with bondholders and noteholders, shall be used
    21  solely for the payment of principal of community mental health  services
    22  and  [mental  retardation]  developmental  disabilities services project
    23  revenue bonds of the agency secured by such reserve fund,  as  the  same
    24  mature,  required  payments  to any sinking fund established in a resol-
    25  ution of the agency for the  amortization  of  term  bonds  (hereinafter
    26  referred  to  as  "sinking fund payments"), the purchase of such revenue
    27  bonds of the agency, the payment of interest on such  revenue  bonds  of
    28  the agency, or the payment of any redemption premium required to be paid
    29  when  such  bonds are redeemed prior to maturity. Any income or interest
    30  earned by, or increment to, any such community  mental  health  services
    31  and  [mental  retardation]  developmental  disabilities services capital
    32  reserve fund due to the investment thereof may  be  transferred  to  the
    33  agency, subject to agreements with bondholders and noteholders.
    34    (b)  In  computing  any  community  mental health services and [mental
    35  retardation] developmental disabilities services  capital  reserve  fund
    36  for  the  purposes of this section, securities in which all or a portion
    37  of such reserve fund shall  be  invested  shall  be  valued  at  par  if
    38  purchased  at  par,  or if purchased at other than par, at the amortized
    39  value.
    40    (c) The agency shall create and establish one or  more  special  funds
    41  (herein  referred  to  as  community  mental health services and [mental
    42  retardation] developmental disabilities services general reserve  funds)
    43  and  shall  to  the extent provided in the applicable bond resolution of
    44  the agency authorizing the issuance of community mental health  services
    45  and  [mental  retardation]  developmental  disabilities services project
    46  revenue bonds, pay into any such fund the fees and charges collected  by
    47  the  agency  pursuant  to paragraph (d) of subdivision eleven of section
    48  forty-four of this article and any monies which the agency shall  trans-
    49  fer  from  a  community  mental health services and [mental retardation]
    50  developmental disabilities services capital reserve fund pursuant to the
    51  provisions of paragraph (a) of this subdivision.  Such  monies  and  any
    52  other  monies  paid  into a community mental health services and [mental
    53  retardation] developmental disabilities  service  general  reserve  fund
    54  may,  in  the  discretion  of the agency, but subject to agreements with
    55  bondholders and noteholders, be used by the agency (i) for the repayment
    56  of advances from the state in accordance with the provisions  of  repay-

        A. 7882--A                         24

     1  ment  agreements between the agency and the director of the budget, (ii)
     2  to reimburse the department of mental hygiene the  reasonable  costs  of
     3  the  services  performed  by  the commissioner of mental hygiene and the
     4  department  of  mental  hygiene  pursuant to subdivision five of section
     5  fifty-five of this article,  including  the  reasonable  costs  of  such
     6  services  performed  by  the  facilities  development  corporation  upon
     7  request by the commissioner of mental hygiene pursuant to the provisions
     8  of section 75.25 of the mental hygiene law,  (iii)  to  pay  all  costs,
     9  expenses  and charges of financing, including fees and expenses of trus-
    10  tees and paying agents, (iv) for transfers to a community mental  health
    11  services  and  [mental  retardation] developmental disabilities services
    12  capital reserve fund, (v) for the payment of principal of  and  interest
    13  on  community  mental  health services and [mental retardation] develop-
    14  mental disabilities services project revenue bonds and notes  issued  by
    15  the agency when the same shall become due whether at maturity or on call
    16  for redemption and for the payment of any redemption premium required to
    17  be paid where such community mental health services and [mental retarda-
    18  tion]  developmental  disabilities  services  project  revenue bonds and
    19  notes are redeemed prior to their  stated  maturities  and  to  purchase
    20  community  mental health services and [mental retardation] developmental
    21  disabilities services revenue bonds or notes issued by  the  agency,  or
    22  (vi)  for  such  other corporate purposes of the agency as the agency in
    23  its discretion shall determine and provide.
    24    § 36. Paragraphs a and b of subdivision  1  of  section  47-b  of  the
    25  private  housing  finance  law, as amended by chapter 471 of the laws of
    26  1980, are amended to read as follows:
    27    a. "Community mental health and [retardation] developmental  disabili-
    28  ties  facility" shall mean a building, a unit within a building, a labo-
    29  ratory, a classroom, a  housing  unit,  a  dining  hall,  an  activities
    30  center,  a  library, or any structure on or improvement to real property
    31  of any kind or description, including fixtures and equipment  which  are
    32  an  integral  part of such building, unit or structure or improvement, a
    33  walkway, a roadway or a parking lot and improvements and connections for
    34  water, sewer, gas, electrical, telephone, heating, air conditioning  and
    35  other utility services, or a combination of any of the foregoing, wheth-
    36  er for patient care and treatment or staff, staff family or service use,
    37  located  in  a  city,  or in a county not wholly included within a city,
    38  authorized to provide community mental  health  services  in  accordance
    39  with  the  provisions  of  article  forty-one  of  title E of the mental
    40  hygiene law, which is utilized or to be utilized for the  administration
    41  and  conduct of programs for [the mentally ill or the mentally retarded]
    42  people living with either mental illness or developmental  disabilities,
    43  or  both, and for the provision of services therefor. A community mental
    44  health and retardation facility shall also mean and include  a  residen-
    45  tial  facility  to be operated as a community residence for the mentally
    46  disabled, and a treatment facility for use in the conduct of an alcohol-
    47  ism treatment program or of  a  substance  abuse  treatment  program  as
    48  defined in the mental hygiene law.
    49    b.  "Mental  hygiene  facility" shall mean a building, a unit within a
    50  building, a laboratory, a classroom, a housing unit, a dining  hall,  an
    51  activities center, a library, or any structure on or improvement to real
    52  property  of  any  kind or description, including fixtures and equipment
    53  which are an integral part of any  such  building,  unit,  structure  or
    54  improvement, a walkway, a roadway or a parking lot, and improvements and
    55  connections  for  water, sewer, gas, electrical, telephone, heating, air
    56  conditioning and other utility services, or a combination of any of  the

        A. 7882--A                         25

     1  foregoing, whether for patient care and treatment or staff, staff family
     2  or  service  use, located at or related to any state hospital, any state
     3  school, or any state psychiatric or research institute now or  hereafter
     4  established under the professional jurisdiction, supervision and control
     5  of  the  state  department  of mental hygiene. A mental hygiene facility
     6  shall mean and include a  "community  mental  health  and  [retardation]
     7  developmental  disabilities facility", unless such facility is expressly
     8  excepted or the context clearly requires otherwise, and shall also  mean
     9  and include a treatment facility for use in the conduct of an alcoholism
    10  or  substance  abuse  treatment program as defined in the mental hygiene
    11  law, unless such facility is expressly excepted or the  context  clearly
    12  requires  otherwise.  The definition contained in this subdivision shall
    13  not be construed to exclude therefrom a facility to  be  made  available
    14  under  license  or  permit from the health and mental hygiene facilities
    15  improvement corporation to a voluntary agency  at  the  request  of  the
    16  commissioners  of the offices of the department of mental hygiene having
    17  jurisdiction thereof for use in providing community  mental  health  and
    18  [retardation]  developmental  disabilities  services,  or for use in the
    19  conduct of an alcoholism or substance abuse treatment program.
    20    § 37. Paragraphs a and b of subdivision  7  of  section  47-c  of  the
    21  private  housing  finance  law, paragraph a as amended by chapter 607 of
    22  the laws of 1970, and paragraph b as amended by chapter 433 of the  laws
    23  of 1968, are amended to read as follows:
    24    a.  The  agency  shall have the power to acquire by lease or deed from
    25  the health and mental hygiene  facilities  improvement  corporation  any
    26  real  property acquired by the corporation pursuant to the provisions of
    27  subdivision six of section nine of the [health and mental hygiene facil-
    28  ities improvement] facilities development corporation act  (i)  for  the
    29  purpose  of  constructing,  reconstructing,  rehabilitating or improving
    30  thereon one or more community mental health and  [retardation]  develop-
    31  mental  disabilities facilities or (ii) for the purpose of financing the
    32  acquisition, construction, reconstruction, rehabilitation or improvement
    33  thereon of one or more community mental health and [retardation]  devel-
    34  opmental  disabilities  facilities,  pursuant  to the provisions of this
    35  article and the  [health  and  mental  hygiene  facilities  improvement]
    36  facilities development corporation act.  The agency is hereby authorized
    37  to  lease  or  sublease such real property and facilities thereon to the
    38  corporation for the purpose of making the same available to a city or  a
    39  county  not  wholly  within  a city, for use and occupancy in accordance
    40  with the provisions of a lease, sublease or other agreement between  the
    41  corporation and such city or county.
    42    b.  In  the  event that the agency shall fail, within five years after
    43  the date of a lease or conveyance of such real property from  such  city
    44  or county to the corporation, to construct, reconstruct, rehabilitate or
    45  improve  the  community  mental  health  and [retardation] developmental
    46  disabilities facility or  facility  thereon  for  which  such  lease  or
    47  conveyance  was  made,  as  provided  for  in a lease, sublease or other
    48  agreement entered into by such city or county and the corporation, then,
    49  subject to the terms of any lease, sublease or other agreement undertak-
    50  en by the agency, such real property and any  facilities  thereon  shall
    51  revert  to  the  corporation  with right of re-entry thereupon, and such
    52  lease or deed shall be made subject to such condition  of  reverter  and
    53  re-entry;  provided, however, that as a condition precedent to the exer-
    54  cise of such right of re-entry the corporation shall pay to  the  agency
    55  an  amount equal to the sum of the purchase price of such real property,
    56  the depreciated cost of any community mental  health  and  [retardation]

        A. 7882--A                         26

     1  developmental  disabilities  facility  or facilities constructed, recon-
     2  structed, rehabilitated or improved thereon and all other costs  of  the
     3  agency  incident  to  the acquisition of such lands and the financing of
     4  construction,  reconstruction, rehabilitation or improvement relating to
     5  such community mental health and [retardation]  developmental  disabili-
     6  ties  facility  or  facilities,  all as provided in the aforesaid lease,
     7  sublease or other agreement entered into with the corporation.
     8    § 38. Subdivision 5 of section 55 of the private housing finance  law,
     9  as  amended  by  chapter  195 of the laws of 1973, is amended to read as
    10  follows:
    11    5. The state commissioner of mental hygiene and the  state  department
    12  of  mental hygiene are hereby designated to act for and in behalf of the
    13  agency in servicing the community mental  health  services  and  [mental
    14  retardation]  developmental  disabilities  services  companies  mortgage
    15  loans of the agency and shall perform such  functions  and  services  in
    16  connection  with  the  making, servicing and collection of such loans as
    17  shall be requested by the agency. The agency shall pay to the department
    18  of mental hygiene from any monies  of  the  agency  available  for  such
    19  purpose,  such  amounts  as are necessary to reimburse the department of
    20  mental hygiene for the reasonable cost of the services performed by  the
    21  commissioner of mental hygiene and department of mental hygiene pursuant
    22  to  this  section,  including such amounts as are necessary to reimburse
    23  the health and mental hygiene facilities improvement corporation for the
    24  reasonable cost of such services performed  by  the  health  and  mental
    25  hygiene  facilities  improvement corporation upon request by the commis-
    26  sioner of mental hygiene pursuant to the provisions of section 75.25  of
    27  the mental hygiene law.
    28    § 39. Paragraph c of subdivision 1 of section 1515 of the real proper-
    29  ty actions and proceedings law, as amended by chapter 550 of the laws of
    30  1978, is amended to read as follows:
    31    c.  Whether any defendant is known or unknown, and whether any defend-
    32  ant is or might be an infant, [mentally retarded,  mentally  ill  or  an
    33  alcohol  abuser]  have  a developmental disability or mental illness, or
    34  abuse alcohol.
    35    § 40. Section 11 of the real property law, as amended by  chapter  550
    36  of the laws of 1978, is amended to read as follows:
    37    § 11. Capacity to transfer real property. A person other than a minor,
    38  a  [mentally retarded] person with a developmental disability, or person
    39  of unsound mind, seized of or entitled to an estate or interest in  real
    40  property, may transfer such estate or interest.
    41    §  41. Paragraph (a) of subdivision 1 of section 422 of the real prop-
    42  erty tax law, as amended by chapter 409 of the laws of 1993, is  amended
    43  to read as follows:
    44    (a)  Real  property  owned  by  a not-for-profit corporation organized
    45  pursuant to the not-for-profit corporation law  and  the  provisions  of
    46  article  two  of  the  private  housing finance law, used exclusively to
    47  provide housing and auxiliary facilities for faculty members,  students,
    48  employees,  nurses,  interns, resident physicians, researchers and other
    49  personnel and their immediate families  in  attendance  or  employed  at
    50  colleges,  universities,  educational  institutions,  child  care insti-
    51  tutions, hospitals and medical research institutes, or  for  handicapped
    52  or  aged  persons  of  low  income,  or owned by non-profit nursing home
    53  companies organized pursuant to the not-for-profit corporation  law  and
    54  the  provisions of article twenty-eight-A of the public health law, used
    55  exclusively to provide facilities for nursing  care  to  sick,  invalid,
    56  infirm,  disabled  or  convalescent persons of low income, or to provide

        A. 7882--A                         27

     1  health-related service as defined in article twenty-eight of the  public
     2  health  law  to persons of low income, or any combination of the forego-
     3  ing, and in addition thereto, to provide nursing care and health-related
     4  service,  or  either of them, to persons of low income who are not occu-
     5  pants of the project, or owned by  housing  development  fund  companies
     6  organized  pursuant  to  the  not-for-profit corporation law and article
     7  eleven of the private housing finance law, used exclusively  to  provide
     8  housing for handicapped or aged persons of low income, and financed by a
     9  federally-aided  mortgage as defined in said article eleven, or owned by
    10  companies organized pursuant to the not-for-profit corporation  law  and
    11  the  provisions of article seventy-five of title E of the mental hygiene
    12  law, used exclusively to provide care,  treatment,  training,  education
    13  and residential accommodations for operation as hostels for [the mental-
    14  ly ill or mentally retarded] people with mental illness or developmental
    15  disabilities, or owned by companies organized pursuant to the membership
    16  corporations  law  and  the provisions of article seven-A of the private
    17  housing finance law, used exclusively to provide programs, services  and
    18  other facilities for the aging, shall be exempt from taxation and exempt
    19  from  special  ad  valorem  levies and special assessments to the extent
    20  provided in section four  hundred  ninety  of  this  chapter,  provided,
    21  however,  that in a city having a population of one million or more real
    22  property owned by any such  corporation  which  is  to  provide  housing
    23  accommodations,  substantially all of which are or are to be assisted by
    24  rent subsidies made or to be made available by  the  Federal  government
    25  pursuant  to a contract under section eight of the United States Housing
    26  Act of nineteen hundred thirty-seven,  as  amended,  or  pursuant  to  a
    27  project  rental assistance contract under section two hundred two of the
    28  United States Housing Act of nineteen hundred fifty-nine, as amended, or
    29  pursuant to a project rental assistance  contract  under  section  eight
    30  hundred  eleven  of  the  National  Affordable  Housing  Act of nineteen
    31  hundred ninety, as amended, shall from and  after  the  commencement  of
    32  construction  be  subject  to taxation or exempt therefrom to the extent
    33  approved by a municipality acting through its local legislative body, as
    34  such local legislative body is defined in [paragraph] subdivision twelve
    35  of section two of the private housing finance law. No  such  corporation
    36  or  company  shall pay a dividend on any of its stock or pay interest on
    37  any of its debentures. Provided further, however, in a county  having  a
    38  population  of  one million or more and having not more than three towns
    39  within such county, real property  owned  by  housing  development  fund
    40  companies  organized  pursuant to the not-for-profit corporation law and
    41  article eleven of the private housing finance law, used  exclusively  to
    42  provide  housing  for  handicapped  or  aged  persons of low income, and
    43  financed by a federally-aided mortgage as defined in said article eleven
    44  shall from and after the commencement  of  construction  be  subject  to
    45  taxation  or  exempt  therefrom to the extent approved by a municipality
    46  acting through its local legislative body,  as  such  local  legislative
    47  body  is defined in [paragraph] subdivision twelve of section two of the
    48  private housing finance law. Any tax payments and/or payments in lieu of
    49  taxes made to a municipality pursuant to the  preceding  sentence  shall
    50  not  be  passed through nor become the liability of any of the occupants
    51  of such property.
    52    § 42. Paragraph (k) of subdivision 1 of section 364-j  of  the  social
    53  services  law, as amended by chapter 649 of the laws of 1996, is amended
    54  to read as follows:
    55    (k) "Special care". Care, services and supplies relating to the treat-
    56  ment of mental illness, [mental  retardation,]  developmental  disabili-

        A. 7882--A                         28

     1  ties,   alcoholism,   alcohol   abuse   or   substance   abuse,  or  HIV
     2  infection/AIDS.
     3    §  43.  Subparagraph (ii) of paragraph (d) of subdivision 6 of section
     4  367-a of the social services law, as added by chapter 41 of the laws  of
     5  1992, is amended to read as follows:
     6    (ii) out-patient hospital and clinic services except for mental health
     7  services,   [mental   retardation   and]  and  developmental  disability
     8  services, alcohol and substance abuse services and methadone maintenance
     9  services;
    10    § 44. Paragraph (p) of subdivision 1 of section 261 of the tax law, as
    11  amended by chapter 365 of the laws  of  2005,  is  amended  to  read  as
    12  follows:
    13    (p)  with respect to the remaining counties of the state except Catta-
    14  raugus county which have not suspended the imposition of such additional
    15  tax pursuant to subdivision two of section two  hundred  fifty-three  of
    16  this  article,  to  the  comptroller  to  be paid by him or her into the
    17  general fund in the state treasury to the credit of the  state  purposes
    18  account; provided that money paid to the comptroller with respect to any
    19  such  remaining  county  in  which  on the date of such payment any mass
    20  transportation, airport or aviation, municipal historic site,  municipal
    21  park,  community mental health and [retardation] developmental disabili-
    22  ties facility, or sewage treatment capital project is being carried  out
    23  by  a  municipality with state aid, or for which state aid will be paid,
    24  pursuant to the provisions of title one of chapter seven hundred  seven-
    25  teen  of  the laws of nineteen hundred sixty-seven, section 17.05 of the
    26  parks, recreation and historic preservation law, section  41.18  of  the
    27  mental hygiene law, or section 17-1903 of the environmental conservation
    28  law,  shall  be  applied by him or her to increase the amount of aid for
    29  which the state is obligated in respect to such project  on  such  date,
    30  provided  that any such increase in state aid may not, together with any
    31  federal funds paid or to be paid on account of the cost of such project,
    32  exceed the total cost thereof, and where  more  than  one  such  capital
    33  project is being carried out on such date within such county, the appli-
    34  cation  of  such monies by the comptroller shall be pro-rated among such
    35  municipalities on the basis of the respective amounts of state aid which
    36  are so obligated on such date; and
    37    § 45. Subdivisions 10 and 19 of section 3 of section 1 of chapter  359
    38  of the laws of 1968, constituting the facilities development corporation
    39  act,  subdivision  10 as amended by section 1 of part N of chapter 59 of
    40  the laws of 2016 and subdivision 19 as amended by section 1 of part H of
    41  chapter 58 of the laws of 2008, are amended to read as follows:
    42    10. "Mental hygiene facility" shall mean a building, a unit  within  a
    43  building,  a  laboratory, a classroom, a housing unit, a dining hall, an
    44  activities center, a library, real property of any kind or  description,
    45  or  any  structure on or improvement to real property, or an interest in
    46  real property, of any kind or description, owned by or under the  juris-
    47  diction  of  the corporation, including fixtures and equipment which are
    48  an integral part of any such building, unit, structure or improvement, a
    49  walkway, a roadway or a parking lot, and  improvements  and  connections
    50  for  water, sewer, gas, electrical, telephone, heating, air conditioning
    51  and other utility services, or a combination of any  of  the  foregoing,
    52  whether for patient care and treatment or staff, staff family or service
    53  use,  located at or related to any psychiatric center, any developmental
    54  center, or any state psychiatric or research institute or other facility
    55  now or hereafter established under  the  department.  A  mental  hygiene
    56  facility  shall  also  mean  and  include  a residential care center for

        A. 7882--A                         29

     1  adults, a "community mental health and [retardation] developmental disa-
     2  bilities facility" and a treatment facility for use in the conduct of an
     3  alcoholism or substance abuse treatment program as defined in the mental
     4  hygiene  law  unless  such residential care center for adults, community
     5  mental health and [retardation] developmental disabilities  facility  or
     6  alcoholism  or  substance  abuse  facility is expressly excepted, or the
     7  context clearly requires otherwise, and shall also mean and include  any
     8  treatment  facility for use in the conduct of an alcoholism or substance
     9  abuse treatment program that is also operated as  an  associated  health
    10  care facility. The definition contained in this subdivision shall not be
    11  construed to exclude therefrom a facility owned or leased by one or more
    12  voluntary  agencies  that  is  to  be  financed,  refinanced,  designed,
    13  constructed, acquired, reconstructed, rehabilitated  or  improved  under
    14  any lease, sublease, loan or other financing agreement entered into with
    15  such voluntary agencies, and shall not be construed to exclude therefrom
    16  a  facility  to  be  made  available from the corporation to a voluntary
    17  agency at the request of the commissioners of the offices of the depart-
    18  ment having jurisdiction  thereof.  The  definition  contained  in  this
    19  subdivision  shall not be construed to exclude therefrom a facility with
    20  respect to which a voluntary agency has an ownership  interest  in,  and
    21  proprietary  lease  from,  an organization formed for the purpose of the
    22  cooperative ownership of real estate.
    23    19. "Voluntary agency" means a corporation organized under or existing
    24  pursuant to the not-for-profit corporation law providing or, pursuant to
    25  a written agreement  with  the  appropriate  commissioner,  approved  to
    26  provide  housing  that includes residences for persons with mental disa-
    27  bilities, or services benefitting or assisting in the  care,  treatment,
    28  rehabilitation  or  maintenance  of  persons  with  mental disabilities,
    29  community mental  health  or  residential  services,  community  [mental
    30  retardation]    developmental   disabilities   services,   or   alcohol,
    31  substance-abuse, or chemical-dependency residential  or  non-residential
    32  treatment  services,  or  for any combination of the foregoing. Notwith-
    33  standing any other provision of law to the  contrary,  voluntary  agency
    34  shall  also include any entity receiving financing, approvals or assist-
    35  ance of any form from the state housing  finance  agency  or  the  state
    36  division  of  housing  and  community renewal for one or more integrated
    37  housing projects including projects serving persons with mental disabil-
    38  ities, which shall be approved by  the  appropriate  commissioner.  Such
    39  commissioner is hereby authorized to enter into any agreements necessary
    40  or  useful for such projects, subject to the approval of the director of
    41  the budget.
    42    § 46. The first undesignated paragraph of section 2 of  section  1  of
    43  chapter 359 of the laws of 1968, constituting the facilities development
    44  corporation  act,  as  separately amended by chapters 195 and 658 of the
    45  laws of 1973, is amended to read as follows:
    46    It is hereby found and declared that the provision of new and improved
    47  state facilities relating to the care, maintenance and treatment of  the
    48  mentally  disabled  must  be  accelerated  if  the  state is to meet its
    49  responsibilities in the face of an increasing state population, a  grow-
    50  ing awareness that mental disability can be treated effectively, and new
    51  research advances in treatment methods. An expanded construction program
    52  is  essential  to  relieve  overcrowding  in the state hospitals for the
    53  mentally ill, to provide treatment and care  for  the  increasing  popu-
    54  lation  of [mentally retarded] people with developmental disabilities in
    55  state schools, and to permit  the  establishment  of  special  treatment
    56  programs for mentally ill and emotionally disturbed children and for the

        A. 7882--A                         30

     1  mentally  ill blind and the mentally ill deaf. Existing state facilities
     2  require substantial modernization and structural change  to  accommodate
     3  new  concepts  of  treatment for the mentally disabled and special units
     4  for  the  treatment  of  alcoholism and narcotics addiction.  Larger and
     5  better equipped research facilities must be installed in order to insure
     6  that state treatment units are in the forefront of applying and develop-
     7  ing advanced therapeutic methods. At the same  time,  improved  training
     8  facilities and quarters are needed to attract and retain the best-quali-
     9  fied staff personnel.
    10    §  47.  The  third undesignated paragraph of section 2 of section 1 of
    11  chapter 359 of the laws of 1968, constituting the facilities development
    12  corporation act, as amended by chapter 547  of  the  laws  of  1979,  is
    13  amended to read as follows:
    14    It  is  further  found  and  declared  that  the  provision of new and
    15  improved community mental health and [retardation]  developmental  disa-
    16  bilities  facilities must be accelerated, in order to provide comprehen-
    17  sive care and treatment of the  mentally  ill  and  [mentally  retarded]
    18  developmentally  disabled.    Such community mental health and [retarda-
    19  tion] developmental disabilities facilities should be located  close  to
    20  the people they serve, in order to speed rehabilitation and restoration,
    21  by involving families and community resources to the extent practicable.
    22  Such  an  accelerated  construction program will also help relieve over-
    23  crowding  in  state  facilities  for  the  mentally  ill  and  [mentally
    24  retarded]  developmentally  disabled  and will afford treatment and care
    25  for the increasing number of [mentally retarded]  people  with  develop-
    26  mental  disabilities.  Such  a program will increase the number of local
    27  facilities for out-patient care and short-term in-patient care,  includ-
    28  ing  after  care,  diagnostic  and rehabilitative services, training and
    29  research. While the responsibility for the  professional  care,  mainte-
    30  nance and treatment of the mentally ill and [mentally retarded] develop-
    31  mentally  disabled at all such community mental health and [retardation]
    32  developmental disabilities  facilities  should  continue  in  the  local
    33  governments,  subject  to the provisions of article forty-one of title E
    34  of the mental hygiene law and the regulations of  the  commissioners  of
    35  the  offices of the department having jurisdiction thereof, the legisla-
    36  ture further finds and declares that the Facilities  Development  Corpo-
    37  ration should be empowered to aid cities and counties, at their request,
    38  to  provide  new  and improved community mental health and [retardation]
    39  developmental disabilities facilities in order to  insure  their  timely
    40  construction,  acquisition,  reconstruction, rehabilitation and improve-
    41  ment in relation to current and foreseeable needs and the  emergence  of
    42  new  patterns  of  treatment and care and should be empowered to receive
    43  and administer monies for such purpose.
    44    § 48. Paragraph a of subdivision 8 and subdivision 13 of section 5  of
    45  section  1  of chapter 359 of the laws of 1968, constituting the facili-
    46  ties development corporation  act,  paragraph  a  of  subdivision  8  as
    47  amended  by chapter 58 of the laws of 1987 and subdivision 13 as amended
    48  by chapter 723 of the laws of 1993, are amended to read as follows:
    49    a. With the approval of the appropriate commissioner of the department
    50  and the director of the budget, to purchase real property  necessary  or
    51  convenient  for  a  mental hygiene facilities improvement program in the
    52  name of the state, except where such purchase  is  for  the  purpose  of
    53  providing  community mental health and [retardation] developmental disa-
    54  bilities facilities in which case such purchase  shall  be  in  its  own
    55  name;  provided, however, that all such purchases shall be made pursuant
    56  to legislation or appropriations in accordance with section nine of this

        A. 7882--A                         31

     1  act. Nothing in this section contained shall be  construed  to  prohibit
     2  the  acquisition  of  real  property by purchase or appropriation by the
     3  appropriate commissioner of the department pursuant to article  seventy-
     4  one  of  title  E  of  the  mental hygiene law for the purpose of making
     5  mental hygiene facilities available under license  or  permit  from  the
     6  corporation  to  a voluntary agency, subject to the terms and conditions
     7  of any lease, sublease, loan or other financing agreement with the state
     8  housing finance agency or the  state  medical  care  facilities  finance
     9  agency,  (i)  for use in providing community mental health and [retarda-
    10  tion] developmental disabilities services, including services in a resi-
    11  dential care center for adults, or (ii) for the conduct of an alcoholism
    12  or substance abuse treatment program as defined in article  nineteen  of
    13  title D of the mental hygiene law.
    14    13.  Subject  to the terms and conditions of any lease, sublease, loan
    15  or other financing agreement with the state housing  finance  agency  or
    16  the  state  medical  care facilities finance agency, and to the determi-
    17  nation of the appropriate commissioner of the  department,  and  in  the
    18  case of community mental health and [retardation] developmental disabil-
    19  ities  facilities,  of  the city or county, that such real property held
    20  for the purposes of a mental hygiene facilities improvement  program  is
    21  unnecessary  for  the  present  or  foreseeable future needs of a mental
    22  hygiene facility, with the approval of the director of  the  budget,  to
    23  convey  for fair value any right, title or interest of the people of the
    24  state of New York in and to such real property to any appropriate  state
    25  agency,  or  public  corporation, city or county for other public use or
    26  for sale, lease or other disposition in accordance with law, real  prop-
    27  erty  held by the corporation, provided, however, nothing in this subdi-
    28  vision shall be deemed to supercede the provisions of section  41.34  of
    29  the  mental  hygiene  law  and provided further that any such conveyance
    30  shall be subject to, and consistent with the terms  and  objectives  of,
    31  any  plan  developed  by the state interagency council on mental hygiene
    32  property utilization. The corporation shall provide  written  notice  at
    33  least  thirty days in advance of the effective date of any conveyance to
    34  the governor, the majority leader of the senate and the speaker  of  the
    35  assembly.  No  conveyance  as  authorized  in  this subdivision that may
    36  adversely affect the tax exempt nature of any such lease, sublease, loan
    37  or other financing agreement with the state housing  finance  agency  or
    38  the  New  York  state  medical  care facilities finance agency may occur
    39  until the attorney general or other designated bond  counsel  determines
    40  in  writing  that the conveyance is consistent with all applicable state
    41  and federal  laws,  rules  and  regulations,  and  with  deeds,  leases,
    42  subleases,  loan  agreements, financing agreements, and bond resolutions
    43  relating to or affected by the conveyance, and that the conveyance  does
    44  not  impair  the  tax exempt status of outstanding obligations issued by
    45  the state housing finance agency or the  New  York  state  medical  care
    46  facilities   finance   agency   to  finance  or  refinance  the  design,
    47  construction, acquisition, reconstruction, rehabilitation or improvement
    48  of mental health service facilities as defined in  the  New  York  state
    49  medical care facilities finance agency act.
    50    § 49. Subdivisions 3, 4 and 5 of section 6 of section 1 of chapter 359
    51  of the laws of 1968, constituting the facilities development corporation
    52  act,  subdivisions 3 and 4 as amended by chapter 547 of the laws of 1979
    53  and subdivision 5 as amended by chapter 351 of the  laws  of  1985,  are
    54  amended to read as follows:
    55    3.  To  provide mental hygiene facilities, other than community health
    56  and [retardation] developmental disabilities facilities, for  the  care,

        A. 7882--A                         32

     1  maintenance  and  treatment  of  the mentally disabled, for research and
     2  training related thereto, and for the members  of  the  staff  of  state
     3  institutions  in  the  department and their families, to reduce the time
     4  lag  between  determination of need for such facilities and actual occu-
     5  pancy  thereof,  to  expedite  the  construction,  acquisition,   recon-
     6  struction,  rehabilitation  or improvement of such facilities, to assure
     7  that the same are completed and ready for the purposes intended  in  the
     8  light  of  foreseeable  needs, to assure exclusive possession, jurisdic-
     9  tion, control and supervision over  all  mental  hygiene  facilities  in
    10  order  to  effectuate the aforesaid purposes and to make such facilities
    11  available to the appropriate commissioner of the department for  use  in
    12  the care, maintenance and treatment of the mentally disabled.
    13    4.  To provide community mental health and [retardation] developmental
    14  disabilities facilities for the mentally disabled, for out-patient  care
    15  and  short-term in-patient care, including after care and diagnostic and
    16  rehabilitative services and  training  and  research,  for  and  at  the
    17  request  of  cities and counties not wholly within a city, authorized to
    18  provide  community  mental  health  services  in  accordance  with   the
    19  provisions of article forty-one of title E of the mental hygiene law, to
    20  reduce  the  time  between determination of the need for such facilities
    21  and actual occupancy thereof, to expedite the construction, acquisition,
    22  reconstruction, rehabilitation or improvement  of  such  facilities,  to
    23  assure  that  the same are completed and ready for the purposes intended
    24  in the light of current and foreseeable needs, all as  approved  by  the
    25  appropriate commissioner of the department.
    26    5.  To  provide  mental  hygiene facilities to be made available under
    27  license or permit from the corporation  to  voluntary  agencies  at  the
    28  request  of the appropriate commissioner of the department in accordance
    29  with the provisions of this act for use in  providing  community  mental
    30  health   and   [retardation]  developmental  disabilities  services  and
    31  services in a residential care center for adults.
    32    § 50. Paragraphs b and c of subdivision 1 of section 9 of section 1 of
    33  chapter 359 of the laws of 1968, constituting the facilities development
    34  corporation act, paragraph b as amended by chapter 58  of  the  laws  of
    35  1987  and paragraph c as amended by chapter 547 of the laws of 1979, are
    36  amended to read as follows:
    37    b. The directors of the corporation  shall  prepare  or  cause  to  be
    38  prepared for the state housing finance agency or the medical care facil-
    39  ities finance agency, within the amounts appropriated therefor or other-
    40  wise  available,  the  building  plans,  the exterior drawings or models
    41  displaying the architectural concept of  each  mental  hygiene  facility
    42  thereafter  to be constructed, reconstructed, rehabilitated or improved,
    43  and the detailed plans and specifications  for  all  such  construction,
    44  reconstruction, rehabilitation and improvement work to be performed, all
    45  of  which  shall  be subject to the separate approval of the appropriate
    46  commissioner of the department and, in  the  case  of  community  mental
    47  health  and  [retardation] developmental disabilities facilities, of the
    48  governing body of the city or county or  of  such  officer,  department,
    49  agency  or  community  mental  health board as may be designated by such
    50  governing body for the purpose of such approval. The  directors  of  the
    51  corporation, except in the case of community mental health and [retarda-
    52  tion]  developmental  disabilities  facilities,  may  cause the building
    53  plans, drawings, models and detailed plans and specifications  for  such
    54  work  to  be prepared under the direction of the commissioner of general
    55  services in accordance with the terms  of  any  agreement  entered  into
    56  between  the  corporation  and such commissioner pursuant to subdivision

        A. 7882--A                         33

     1  two of this section. In the case of community mental health and  [retar-
     2  dation]  developmental  disabilities  facilities,  the  directors of the
     3  corporation may cause such building plans, drawings, models and detailed
     4  plans and specifications for such work to be prepared by its own employ-
     5  ees,  or  on  a contract basis, or by agreement with a city or county or
     6  with any state department or agency authorized to perform such work.
     7    The detailed  plans  and  specifications  for  any  such  work  to  be
     8  performed  pursuant  to  a  contract  shall comply with the construction
     9  standards in effect at the time the contract is executed.
    10    Subject to the terms of any agreement entered into between the  corpo-
    11  ration  and the commissioner of general services pursuant to subdivision
    12  two of this section and between the corporation and  the  state  housing
    13  finance agency or the medical care facilities finance agency pursuant to
    14  such  section,  the  directors  of the corporation may from time to time
    15  modify, or authorize modifications to, such detailed plans and  specifi-
    16  cations  provided  (i)  that the plans and specifications as so modified
    17  shall comply with the construction standards, if any,  adopted  pursuant
    18  to  paragraph  a  of  this  subdivision and in effect at the time of the
    19  modification, and (ii) that such modifications, if substantial, are made
    20  with the separate  approval  of  the  appropriate  commissioner  of  the
    21  department and, in the case of community mental health and [retardation]
    22  developmental  disabilities  facilities,  of  such governing body of the
    23  city or county or of  such  officer,  department,  agency  or  community
    24  mental  health board as may be designated by such governing body for the
    25  purpose of such approval, and (iii) that in  the  event  an  amount  for
    26  contingencies  is appropriated or advanced to the corporation to pay the
    27  added costs during the then current state fiscal year of  all  modifica-
    28  tions made in the course of construction, reconstruction, rehabilitation
    29  and  improvement  of  mental  hygiene  facilities, no such modifications
    30  shall be made or authorized in such fiscal year without the approval  of
    31  the  director  of  the budget unless the cost thereof shall be less than
    32  five percentum of the total estimated cost of the facility as set  forth
    33  in the budget bill referred to in paragraph a of subdivision two of this
    34  section,  but in no event shall any such modification be made or author-
    35  ized in such fiscal year if the cost  thereof,  plus  the  cost  of  all
    36  modifications  theretofore  made  or  authorized  during  the same state
    37  fiscal year, would exceed the amount for contingencies  appropriated  or
    38  advanced  for  the  purpose  of such modifications, and (iv) that in the
    39  event an amount for contingencies is not appropriated for the purpose of
    40  such modifications, no such modification involving an estimated  expense
    41  of  ten thousand dollars or more shall be made or authorized without the
    42  prior approval of the director of the budget.
    43    c. In the design, construction, acquisition, reconstruction, rehabili-
    44  tation, alteration and improvement of mental hygiene  facilities  to  be
    45  made available under license or permit from the corporation to voluntary
    46  agencies  for use in providing community mental health and [retardation]
    47  developmental disabilities services, the corporation shall  be  governed
    48  by the provisions of this act relating to the design and construction of
    49  mental  hygiene  facilities provided, however, that the program for each
    50  such facility shall have been prepared  under  the  supervision  of  the
    51  appropriate  commissioner  of  the  department  pursuant  to  the mental
    52  hygiene law at the  request  of  such  voluntary  agency  and  with  the
    53  approval  of  the  community mental health board established pursuant to
    54  article forty-one of title E of the mental hygiene law.
    55    § 51. The opening paragraph of subparagraph (i) and subparagraph  (ii)
    56  of paragraph b of subdivision 2 of section 9 of section 1 of chapter 359

        A. 7882--A                         34

     1  of the laws of 1968, constituting the facilities development corporation
     2  act, the opening paragraph of subparagraph (i) as amended by chapter 166
     3  of  the  laws of 1991 and subparagraph (ii) as amended by chapter 658 of
     4  the laws of 1973, are amended to read as follows:
     5    The  corporation  may design, construct, reconstruct, rehabilitate and
     6  improve a mental hygiene facility, other than a community mental  health
     7  and  [retardation] developmental disabilities facility, whether as prin-
     8  cipal or as agent for the state housing finance agency  or  the  medical
     9  care  facilities finance agency, only by agreement with the commissioner
    10  of general services, except that in the case a mental  hygiene  facility
    11  owned  or  leased  by  a  voluntary  agency  that  is  to  be  designed,
    12  constructed, reconstructed, rehabilitated and improved under any  lease,
    13  sublease,  loan  or  other  financing  agreement  entered into with such
    14  voluntary agency, or jointly with such voluntary agency and one or  more
    15  voluntary  agencies that operate such facility the same may be designed,
    16  constructed, reconstructed, rehabilitated and improved by such voluntary
    17  agencies, and except that:
    18    (ii) The corporation, with the approval of the director of the budget,
    19  may construct, reconstruct, rehabilitate and improve a community  mental
    20  health  and [retardation] developmental disabilities facility by its own
    21  employees, by agreement with a city or county or with any state  depart-
    22  ment  or  agency authorized to perform such work, or by contract awarded
    23  pursuant to paragraph g of this subdivision. All contracts awarded by  a
    24  city or county on behalf of the corporation shall be awarded pursuant to
    25  paragraph  g  of  this subdivision, notwithstanding any provision of any
    26  general, special or local law or any charter.
    27    § 52. Paragraphs a and b of subdivision 3 of section 9 of section 1 of
    28  chapter 359 of the laws of 1968, constituting the facilities development
    29  corporation act, paragraph a as amended by chapter 723 of  the  laws  of
    30  1993  and paragraph b as amended by section 48 of part TTT of chapter 59
    31  of the laws of 2019, are amended to read as follows:
    32    a. Subject to the provisions of this act, the directors of the  corpo-
    33  ration  shall  receive,  accept, invest, administer, expend and disburse
    34  for its corporate purposes, other than for the purposes  of  any  health
    35  facilities  improvement program, (i) all payments made on or after Janu-
    36  ary 1, 1964, for the care, maintenance  and  treatment  of  patients  in
    37  every  mental hygiene facility, other than a community mental health and
    38  [retardation] developmental disabilities facility or  a  mental  hygiene
    39  facility  made available under license or permit from the corporation to
    40  a voluntary agency for use in  providing  community  mental  health  and
    41  [retardation]  developmental  disabilities  services,  or  an  office of
    42  [alcoholism  and  substance  abuse  services]  addiction  services   and
    43  supports facility made available under license or permit from the corpo-
    44  ration  to a voluntary agency for use in the conduct of an alcoholism or
    45  substance abuse treatment program, (ii) all payments made to the  corpo-
    46  ration  by  a  lessee  or permittee as rentals, permit fees or otherwise
    47  under any lease, sublease, permit or agreement undertaken  with  respect
    48  to  a  community mental health and [retardation] developmental disabili-
    49  ties facility or current or former mental hygiene  facility  or  from  a
    50  voluntary  agency  with respect to a mental hygiene facility made avail-
    51  able under lease, license or permit from the corporation to a  voluntary
    52  agency,  and (iii) all payments made to the corporation for the purchase
    53  of real property held by the corporation for the use of the  department,
    54  other  than payments derived from New York state medical care facilities
    55  finance agency financing or refinancing  of  the  design,  construction,
    56  acquisition,  reconstruction,  rehabilitation, improvement or renovation

        A. 7882--A                         35

     1  of state operated mental hygiene facilities, and  may  receive,  accept,
     2  invest,  administer,  expend  and  disburse  for its corporate purposes,
     3  other than  for  the  purposes  of  any  health  facilities  improvement
     4  program,  appropriations  or advances from the capital projects fund and
     5  the state purposes account of the general fund of the state,  and  other
     6  revenues and monies made available or to be made available to the corpo-
     7  ration  from  any  or  all  sources,  including gifts, grants, loans and
     8  payments from the federal government,  any  state  agency,  any  county,
     9  city,  town or village, any private foundation, organization or individ-
    10  ual, or any other source,  for  the  construction,  acquisition,  recon-
    11  struction,  rehabilitation and improvement of mental hygiene facilities,
    12  and for the maintenance and repair of such facilities.
    13    b. All monies of the corporation  received  or  accepted  pursuant  to
    14  paragraph  a of this subdivision, other than appropriations and advances
    15  from the state and except as otherwise authorized or  provided  in  this
    16  section,  shall  be  paid to the commissioner of taxation and finance as
    17  agent of the corporation, who shall not commingle such monies  with  any
    18  other  monies.  Such  monies  shall be deposited in two or more separate
    19  bank accounts. One of such accounts, to which shall be credited (i)  all
    20  payments made on or after January 1, 1964, for the care, maintenance and
    21  treatment  of  patients  in  every mental hygiene facility, other than a
    22  community mental health  and  [retardation]  developmental  disabilities
    23  facility,  (ii)  all  payments made to the corporation as rentals, lease
    24  payments, permit fees or otherwise under any lease, sublease  or  agree-
    25  ment  undertaken with respect to a community mental health and [retarda-
    26  tion] developmental disabilities facility or a current or former  mental
    27  hygiene  facility,  (iii)  all  payments made to the corporation for the
    28  purchase of real property held by the corporation for  the  use  of  the
    29  department, other than payments derived from New York state medical care
    30  facilities  finance  agency  financing  or  refinancing  of  the design,
    31  construction, acquisition, reconstruction,  rehabilitation,  improvement
    32  or  renovation  of  state  operated  mental hygiene facilities, (iv) all
    33  income from investments and (v) all monies received or  to  be  received
    34  for  the purposes of such account on a recurring basis, shall be denomi-
    35  nated the "mental hygiene facilities improvement fund  income  account".
    36  The  monies  in  any  account  shall be paid out on checks signed by the
    37  commissioner of taxation and finance on requisition of the  chairman  of
    38  the  corporation  or  of  such  other officer or employee or officers or
    39  employees as the corporation shall authorize to make  such  requisition.
    40  All  deposits  of  such  money shall, if required by the commissioner of
    41  taxation and finance or the directors of the corporation, be secured  by
    42  obligations of the United States or of the state of a market value equal
    43  at all times to the amount of the deposit and all banks and trust compa-
    44  nies  are authorized to give such security for such deposits. Any moneys
    45  of the corporation not required for immediate use or  disbursement  may,
    46  at the discretion of the corporation, be invested by the commissioner of
    47  taxation  and  finance in accordance with the provisions of section 98-a
    48  of the state finance law. The mental hygiene facilities improvement fund
    49  and the income account therein shall remain in  existence  until  termi-
    50  nated  by the corporation by written notice to the commissioner of taxa-
    51  tion and finance. Any moneys on deposit in the mental hygiene facilities
    52  improvement fund or the income account therein upon the  termination  of
    53  said  fund and account shall be transferred by the commissioner of taxa-
    54  tion and finance to the mental health  services  fund.  The  corporation
    55  shall  not  terminate the mental hygiene facilities improvement fund and
    56  the income account therein until all mental health  services  facilities

        A. 7882--A                         36

     1  bonds issued pursuant to: (i) the New York state medical care facilities
     2  finance  agency  act;  (ii) article [five-c] five-C of the state finance
     3  law; and (iii) article [five-f] five-F of  the  state  finance  law  and
     4  payable  from  the  income  account  as described in paragraph g of this
     5  subdivision are no longer outstanding.
     6    § 53. The fifth undesignated paragraph of subdivision 5 of  section  9
     7  of section 1 of chapter 359 of the laws of 1968, constituting the facil-
     8  ities  development corporation act, as amended by chapter 58 of the laws
     9  of 1987, is amended to read as follows:
    10    The provisions of this subdivision shall not apply to community mental
    11  health and [retardation] developmental disabilities facilities.
    12    § 54. Subdivision 6 of section 9 of section 1 of chapter  359  of  the
    13  laws  of  1968, constituting the facilities development corporation act,
    14  paragraphs a and b as amended by chapter 58 of  the  laws  of  1987,  is
    15  amended to read as follows:
    16    6.  Notwithstanding any provision of any general, special or local law
    17  or of any charter:
    18    a. The governing body, as such term is defined in article forty-one of
    19  title E of the mental hygiene law (except that with respect to the  city
    20  of  New  York  such term shall mean the board of estimate), of a city or
    21  county may, upon such terms and conditions as shall be approved by  such
    22  governing  body and for such consideration, if any, as may be determined
    23  by such governing body, but not to exceed the cost of acquisition there-
    24  of and the cost of improvements thereon, exclusive of  any  costs  reim-
    25  bursed  or to be reimbursed in accordance with the provisions of article
    26  forty-one of title E of the mental hygiene law  otherwise,  execute  and
    27  deliver  to the corporation a lease for a term not exceeding forty years
    28  or a deed (i) conveying to the corporation real property and one or more
    29  community mental health  and  [retardation]  developmental  disabilities
    30  facilities of the city or county located thereon, a portion of the costs
    31  of  which  facilities are eligible for state reimbursement in accordance
    32  with the provisions of article forty-one of title E or  article  twenty-
    33  five  of  title  D  of  the  mental hygiene law or (ii) conveying to the
    34  corporation real property of the city or county or an interest  therein,
    35  for  the  purpose of causing to be constructed, reconstructed, rehabili-
    36  tated or improved thereon  one  or  more  community  mental  health  and
    37  [retardation]  developmental  disabilities  facilities  pursuant to this
    38  act, such community mental health and [retardation] developmental  disa-
    39  bilities  facilities to be made available to such county or city for use
    40  and occupancy under lease, sublease or other agreement upon  such  terms
    41  and  conditions  as  may  be agreed upon, including terms and conditions
    42  relating to length of terms, maintenance and repair of community  mental
    43  health  and  [retardation]  developmental disabilities facilities during
    44  such term and the annual rentals to be paid therefor for the use  there-
    45  of.  The  corporation  is  hereby authorized to accept any such lease or
    46  conveyance, to hold such real property, to enter into a lease,  sublease
    47  or  other  agreement  with such city or county for the purpose of making
    48  such community mental health and [retardation]  developmental  disabili-
    49  ties facility so acquired or to be constructed, reconstructed, rehabili-
    50  tated  or  improved thereon available for use and occupancy by such city
    51  or county, and to lease or convey real property so acquired to  the  New
    52  York state housing finance agency or the medical care facilities finance
    53  agency,  provided,  however,  that  any such further lease or conveyance
    54  shall be solely for the purpose of causing community mental  health  and
    55  [retardation]  developmental  disabilities  facilities  to  be acquired,
    56  constructed, reconstructed,  rehabilitated  or  improved  thereon,  such

        A. 7882--A                         37

     1  community  mental  health  and  [retardation] developmental disabilities
     2  facilities to be made available to such city or county for use and occu-
     3  pancy under a lease, sublease or other agreement between the corporation
     4  and such city or county, upon such terms and conditions as may be agreed
     5  upon.  No  such lease or conveyance from the corporation to the New York
     6  state housing finance  agency  or  the  state  medical  care  facilities
     7  finance  agency  shall  be  for a consideration in excess of the cost of
     8  acquisition of such real property and the costs of improvements thereon.
     9  The appropriate commissioner of the department, on behalf of his or  her
    10  office,  and  the  director  of  the  budget  shall  approve all leases,
    11  subleases or agreements, whether between the corporation and  such  city
    12  or  county  or between the corporation and the housing finance agency or
    13  the state medical care facilities finance agency,  and  the  appropriate
    14  commissioner of the department shall be a party thereto. The appropriate
    15  division  of  the  office  of [alcoholism and substance abuse] addiction
    16  services and supports shall also approve all such leases,  subleases  or
    17  agreements  relating to the construction, reconstruction, rehabilitation
    18  or improvement of community mental  health  and  [retardation]  develop-
    19  mental  disabilities  facilities,  constituting  alcoholism or substance
    20  abuse facilities for use in an alcoholism or substance  abuse  treatment
    21  program as defined in the mental hygiene law.
    22    b.  In  the  event  that the corporation shall fail, within five years
    23  after the date of such lease or conveyance, to  construct,  reconstruct,
    24  rehabilitate  or  improve  the community mental health and [retardation]
    25  developmental disabilities facility or facilities thereon for which such
    26  lease or conveyance was made, or to  cause  the  same  to  be  done,  as
    27  provided  for  in a lease, sublease or other agreement entered into with
    28  such city or county, then, subject to the terms of any  lease,  sublease
    29  or  other  agreement  undertaken  by  the New York state housing finance
    30  agency or the state medical care facilities finance agency, with respect
    31  thereto, such real property and any facilities thereon shall  revert  to
    32  such  city or county with right of re-entry thereupon, and such lease or
    33  deed shall be made subject to such condition of reverter  and  re-entry;
    34  provided, however, that as a condition precedent to the exercise of such
    35  right  of re-entry, such city or county shall pay an amount equal to the
    36  sum of the purchase price of such real property, the depreciated cost of
    37  any facility or facilities constructed, reconstructed, rehabilitated  or
    38  improved thereon, and all other costs of the corporation or the New York
    39  state  housing  finance  agency  or  the  state  medical care facilities
    40  finance agency incident to the costs of the  acquisition  of  such  real
    41  property  and  the  financing of construction, reconstruction, rehabili-
    42  tation or improvement relating to such facility or  facilities,  all  as
    43  provided  in  the  aforesaid  lease, sublease or other agreement entered
    44  into with such city or county.
    45    c. No real property or interest  therein  shall  be  acquired  by  the
    46  corporation pursuant to this subdivision unless title thereto shall have
    47  been approved by the attorney general.
    48    d.  The  attorney general shall pass upon the form and sufficiency and
    49  manner of execution of any deed of conveyance and of any lease  of  real
    50  property  authorized  to  be given under this subdivision by any city or
    51  county to the corporation, and any lease, sublease or agreement  between
    52  the  corporation  and a city or county, and the same shall not be effec-
    53  tive unless such deed, lease, sublease or agreement shall be so approved
    54  by him.
    55    e. The cost of construction,  acquisition,  reconstruction,  rehabili-
    56  tation  or  improvement  of  community  mental  health and [retardation]

        A. 7882--A                         38

     1  developmental disabilities  facilities  undertaken  by  the  corporation
     2  pursuant  to  this  act  may include the cost of acquisition of any real
     3  property leased or conveyed to the corporation pursuant to  paragraph  a
     4  of  this  subdivision  [six]  and  the  cost of the original furnishing,
     5  equipment, machinery and apparatus as determined by the corporation.
     6    f. The provisions of this act shall not be deemed to prevent a city or
     7  county from financing the cost of constructing, acquiring,  reconstruct-
     8  ing, rehabilitating or improving a community mental health and [retarda-
     9  tion]  developmental  disabilities  facility by the issuance of bonds or
    10  capital notes of such city or county pursuant to the local finance law.
    11    § 55. The fifth undesignated paragraph of section 2 of  section  1  of
    12  chapter  392  of the laws of 1973, constituting the medical care facili-
    13  ties finance agency act, as added by chapter 58 of the laws of 1987,  is
    14  amended to read as follows:
    15    Prompt provision of well-equipped, modern hospitals, schools and other
    16  facilities  related  to  the care, maintenance and treatment of mentally
    17  ill[, mentally retarded] and developmentally disabled  persons  is  also
    18  needed  in  the  state.  In order to encourage the investment of private
    19  capital in such hospitals, schools  and  other  mental  health  services
    20  facilities  and to assure their timely construction, acquisition, recon-
    21  struction, rehabilitation and improvement, or the  refinancing  thereof,
    22  the  New  York  state  medical  care facilities finance agency should be
    23  empowered, through the issuance of its bonds, notes or other obligations
    24  to the private investing public, to obtain all or a portion of the funds
    25  necessary to finance the same and to meet  the  needs  of  patients  and
    26  staff at such facilities.
    27    §  56. Subdivisions 4 and 6 of section 5-a of section 1 of chapter 392
    28  of the laws of 1973, constituting the medical  care  facilities  finance
    29  agency act, subdivision 4 as amended by chapter 389 of the laws of 1987,
    30  and  subdivision  6  as  amended by chapter 672 of the laws of 2019, are
    31  amended to read as follows:
    32    4. As used in this section or in  connection  with  a  federally-aided
    33  mortgage  loan, the term "project" means a specific work or improvement,
    34  whether or not to effectuate all or any part of  a  plan,  and  includes
    35  lands,   buildings,   improvements,   fixtures   and  personal  property
    36  constructed,   acquired,   reconstructed,   refinanced,   rehabilitated,
    37  improved,  managed, owned or operated by a non-profit corporation pursu-
    38  ant to this section, to provide hospital, residential health care, resi-
    39  dential facilities for [the mentally retarded and] developmentally disa-
    40  bled persons or  [the]  mentally  disabled  persons  or  for  the  care,
    41  treatment,  training and education of [the mentally retarded and] devel-
    42  opmentally disabled  persons  or  [the]  mentally  disabled  persons  or
    43  comprehensive health services facilities and such related incidental and
    44  appurtenant  facilities  as  the  agency may approve. The term "project"
    45  shall also mean a separate work or improvement, including lands,  build-
    46  ings,  fixtures and personal property related thereto, managed, owned or
    47  operated by a non-profit corporation pursuant to this section to provide
    48  such services, functions, capabilities and facilities as may be  conven-
    49  ient  or desirable for the operation of a hospital, a residential health
    50  care or comprehensive health services facility.
    51    6. As used in this section or in connection with federally-aided mort-
    52  gage loan regarding residential facilities for  [the  mentally  retarded
    53  and] developmentally disabled persons or [the] mentally disabled persons
    54  or  for  the  care,  treatment,  training and education of [the mentally
    55  retarded and] developmentally disabled persons or [the]  mentally  disa-
    56  bled persons the term "commissioner" shall also mean the commissioner of

        A. 7882--A                         39

     1  mental health or the commissioner of the office for people with develop-
     2  mental disabilities.
     3    §  57.  Paragraph  a  of  subdivision 1 of section 9-a of section 1 of
     4  chapter 392 of the laws of 1973, constituting the medical  care  facili-
     5  ties  finance agency act, as amended by chapter 166 of the laws of 1991,
     6  is amended to read as follows:
     7    a. "Mental health services facility" shall mean  a  building,  a  unit
     8  within  a  building, a laboratory, a classroom, a housing unit, a dining
     9  hall, an activities center, a library, real  property  of  any  kind  or
    10  description,  or any structure on or improvement to real property of any
    11  kind or description, including fixtures and equipment which may  or  may
    12  not  be  an  integral  part  of  any  such  building, unit, structure or
    13  improvement, a walkway, a roadway or a parking lot, and improvements and
    14  connections for water, sewer, gas, electrical, telephone,  heating,  air
    15  conditioning  and other utility services, or a combination of any of the
    16  foregoing, whether for patient care and treatment or staff, staff family
    17  or service use, located at or related to  any  psychiatric  center,  any
    18  developmental  center, or any state psychiatric or research institute or
    19  other facility now or hereafter established under the  state  department
    20  of mental hygiene. A mental health services facility shall also mean and
    21  include a residential care center for adults, a "community mental health
    22  and  [retardation]  developmental disabilities facility", and a state or
    23  voluntary operated treatment facility for use in the conduct of an alco-
    24  holism or substance abuse treatment program as  defined  in  the  mental
    25  hygiene  law,  unless such residential care center for adults, community
    26  mental health and [retardation] developmental disabilities  facility  or
    27  alcoholism  or  substance  abuse  facility  is expressly excepted or the
    28  context clearly requires otherwise. The  definition  contained  in  this
    29  subdivision  shall  not  be  construed  to exclude therefrom a facility,
    30  whether or not owned or leased by a voluntary agency, to be made  avail-
    31  able  under  lease,  or sublease, from the facilities development corpo-
    32  ration to a voluntary agency at the request of the commissioners of  the
    33  offices  and  directors  of  the  divisions  of the department of mental
    34  hygiene having jurisdiction thereof for use in providing services  in  a
    35  residential  care center for adults, community mental health and [retar-
    36  dation] developmental disabilities services, or for use in  the  conduct
    37  of  an  alcoholism or substance abuse treatment program. For purposes of
    38  this section mental health services  facility  shall  also  mean  mental
    39  hygiene  facility  as defined in subdivision ten of section three of the
    40  facilities development corporation act.
    41    § 58.  This act shall take effect immediately, provided, however, that
    42  the amendments to paragraph (k) of subdivision 1 of section 364-j of the
    43  social services law made by section forty-two  of  this  act  shall  not
    44  affect  the  repeal  of such section and shall be deemed repealed there-
    45  with; and provided further, that the amendments to  subclause  (iii)  of
    46  clause  (c) of subparagraph 4 of paragraph b of subdivision 1 of section
    47  4402 of the education law made by section twelve of this  act  shall  be
    48  subject  to the expiration and reversion of such subdivision pursuant to
    49  subdivision d of section 27 of chapter 378  of  the  laws  of  2007,  as
    50  amended  when  upon such date the provisions of section thirteen of this
    51  act shall take effect.