Bill Text: NY A07871 | 2023-2024 | General Assembly | Introduced

NOTE: There are more recent revisions of this legislation. Read Latest Draft
Bill Title: Provides that any condition of impairment of health caused by Parkinson's Disease, resulting in total disability or death to a volunteer firefighter is presumptive evidence that such disability or death was caused by the natural and proximate result of an accident and was sustained in the performance and discharge of duty.

Spectrum: Partisan Bill (Democrat 2-0)

Status: (Introduced) 2024-04-10 - print number 7871a [A07871 Detail]

Download: New_York-2023-A07871-Introduced.html

                STATE OF NEW YORK


                               2023-2024 Regular Sessions

                   IN ASSEMBLY

                                      July 7, 2023

        Introduced by M. of A. SILLITTI -- read once and referred to the Commit-
          tee on Governmental Employees

        AN  ACT  to  amend the retirement and social security law, the education
          law and the volunteer firefighters' benefit law, in relation to  disa-
          bility  retirement benefits for the presumption of Parkinson's Disease
          for volunteer firefighters

          The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and  Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:

     1    Section 1. The retirement and social security law is amended by adding
     2  a new section 65 to read as follows:
     3    §  65.  Volunteer  firefighter certain impairments of health; presump-
     4  tion. Notwithstanding any  other  provisions  of  this  chapter  to  the
     5  contrary,  any  condition  of impairment of health caused by Parkinson's
     6  Disease, resulting in total or partial disability or death to  a  member
     7  who  outside his or her retirement system membership is also a volunteer
     8  firefighter in this state and has been for  a  minimum  of  five  years,
     9  where such volunteer firefighter successfully passed a physical examina-
    10  tion  on  entry  into  service  as a volunteer firefighter or subsequent
    11  thereto, which examination failed to reveal any evidence of such  condi-
    12  tion,  shall be presumptive evidence that, unless the contrary be proven
    13  by competent evidence, such disability or death of the  member  (a)  was
    14  caused by the natural and proximate result of an accident, not caused by
    15  such  member's  own  willful  negligence,  and  (b)  was incurred in the
    16  performance and discharge of the member's duty.  The member shall submit
    17  documentation verifying that they meet the eligibility  requirements  of
    18  this section.
    19    § 2. The retirement and social security law is amended by adding a new
    20  section 363-g to read as follows:
    21    § 363-g. Volunteer firefighter certain impairments of health; presump-
    22  tion.  Notwithstanding  any  other  provisions  of  this  chapter to the
    23  contrary, any condition of impairment of health  caused  by  Parkinson's

         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        A. 7871                             2

     1  Disease,  resulting  in total or partial disability or death to a member
     2  who outside his or her retirement system membership is also a  volunteer
     3  firefighter  in  this  state  and  has been for a minimum of five years,
     4  where such volunteer firefighter successfully passed a physical examina-
     5  tion  on  entry  into  service  as a volunteer firefighter or subsequent
     6  thereto, which examination failed to reveal any evidence of such  condi-
     7  tion,  shall be presumptive evidence that, unless the contrary be proven
     8  by competent evidence, such disability or death of the  member  (a)  was
     9  caused by the natural and proximate result of an accident, not caused by
    10  such  member's  own  willful  negligence,  and  (b)  was incurred in the
    11  performance and discharge of the member's duty.  The member shall submit
    12  documentation verifying that they meet the eligibility  requirements  of
    13  this section.
    14    §  3.  The  education  law is amended by adding a new section 511-b to
    15  read as follows:
    16    § 511-b. Volunteer firefighter certain impairments of health; presump-
    17  tion. Notwithstanding any  other  provisions  of  this  chapter  to  the
    18  contrary,  any  condition  of impairment of health caused by Parkinson's
    19  Disease, resulting in total or partial disability or death to  a  member
    20  who  outside his or her retirement system membership is also a volunteer
    21  firefighter in this state and has been for  a  minimum  of  five  years,
    22  where such volunteer firefighter successfully passed a physical examina-
    23  tion  on  entry  into  service  as a volunteer firefighter or subsequent
    24  thereto, which examination failed to reveal any evidence of such  condi-
    25  tion,  shall be presumptive evidence that, unless the contrary be proven
    26  by competent evidence, such disability or death of the  member  (a)  was
    27  caused by the natural and proximate result of an accident, not caused by
    28  such  member's  own  willful  negligence,  and  (b)  was incurred in the
    29  performance and discharge of the member's duty.  The member shall submit
    30  documentation verifying that they meet the eligibility  requirements  of
    31  this section.
    32    §  4.  The  volunteer firefighters' benefit law is amended by adding a
    33  new section 11-d to read as follows:
    34    § 11-d. Volunteer firefighters; presumption  of  Parkinson's  Disease.
    35  Notwithstanding  any  other  provisions of this chapter to the contrary,
    36  any condition of impairment of  health  caused  by  Parkinson's  Disease
    37  resulting  in  total or partial disability or death to a volunteer fire-
    38  fighter, or any retired volunteer firefighter who has been  retired  for
    39  two  or less years, where such volunteer firefighter successfully passed
    40  a physical examination on entry  into  service  or  subsequent  thereto,
    41  which  examination  failed to reveal any evidence of such condition, and
    42  who has been a volunteer firefighter in this state for a minimum of five
    43  years, shall be presumptive evidence that such disability or  death  (a)
    44  was  caused  by  the  natural  and  proximate result of an accident, not
    45  caused by such firefighter's own negligence, and (b) was incurred in the
    46  performance and discharge of duty, unless  the  contrary  be  proven  by
    47  competent evidence.
    48    § 5. This act shall take effect immediately.
          FISCAL NOTE.--Pursuant to Legislative Law, Section 50:
          This  bill  would  amend  the  Retirement  and  Social Security Law to
        provide Tier 1 and Tier 2 members  of  the  New  York  State  and  Local
        Employees'  Retirement  System (NYSLERS) and all members of the New York
        State and Local Police and Fire  Retirement  System  (NYSLPFRS)  with  a
        presumption  that  any disability or death resulting from impairments of
        health related to Parkinson's Disease are  the  result  of  an  accident
        sustained  in  the performance of duty unless the contrary can be proven

        A. 7871                             3

        by competent evidence. To be eligible, the member must (1) be  a  volun-
        teer  firefighter  in New York State and have been for at least 5 years,
        (2) have passed a physical examination,  and  (3)  submit  documentation
        verifying these eligibility requirements are satisfied.
          Insofar  as  it  will  affect  the New York State and Local Retirement
        System, if this bill is enacted it would lead to more  disabilities  and
        deaths being classified as "accidental". The cost of the revised benefit
        will  depend upon the applicant's age, service, salary, plan and benefit
        type otherwise payable.

        Benefit without     None     Ordinary     POD         Service   Death
        enactment:                   Disability   Disability

        Cost for revised   10 times  5.5 times    3 times     2 times   13 times
        benefit:           salary    salary       salary      salary    salary

          The exact number of current members as  well  as  future  members  who
        could  be  affected  by  this  legislation cannot be readily determined.
        Those costs arising in the NYSLERS and NYSLPFRS will be  shared  by  the
        State  of  New  York  and  the  participating  employers of each system,
          Summary of relevant resources:
          Membership data as of March 31, 2022 was used in measuring the  impact
        of the proposed change, the same data used in the April 1, 2022 actuari-
        al  valuation.    Distributions and other statistics can be found in the
        2022 Report of the Actuary and the 2022 Annual  Comprehensive  Financial
          The  actuarial assumptions and methods used are described in the 2020,
        2021, and 2022 Annual Report to the  Comptroller  on  Actuarial  Assump-
        tions,  and  the  Codes, Rules and Regulations of the State of New York:
        Audit and Control.
          The Market Assets and GASB Disclosures are found in the March 31, 2022
        New York State and Local  Retirement  System  Financial  Statements  and
        Supplementary Information.
          I am a member of the American Academy of Actuaries and meet the Quali-
        fication Standards to render the actuarial opinion contained herein.
          This  fiscal note does not constitute a legal opinion on the viability
        of the proposed change nor is it intended to serve as a  substitute  for
        the professional judgment of an attorney.
          This  estimate,  dated  May 31, 2023, and intended for use only during
        the 2023 Legislative Session, is Fiscal Note No.  2023-56,  prepared  by
        the Actuary for the New York State and Local Retirement System.
          FISCAL NOTE.--Pursuant to Legislative Law, Section 50:
          This  bill  would  amend various sections of the Education Law and the
        Retirement and Social Security Law to provide an  accidental  disability
        benefit  to  an eligible active member or an accidental death benefit to
        the beneficiary of an eligible deceased member of  the  New  York  State
        Teachers'  Retirement System who has been a volunteer firefighter in New
        York State for a minimum of five years and  develops  any  condition  of
        impairment of health caused by Parkinson's Disease resulting in total or
        partial   disability   or  death.  Such  impairment  of  health  due  to
        Parkinson's Disease will be considered caused by an accident, not caused
        by such member's own willful negligence, and will be considered to  have
        been incurred in the performance of duty.
          Under current law a disability benefit is generally equal to one-third
        of  final average salary. Ten years of service are required to be eligi-

        A. 7871                             4

        ble for a disability benefit,  although  this  ten-year  requirement  is
        waived  in  the  case  of  an  accidental disability incurred during the
        performance of duty. The amount of the accidental disability benefit  is
        the same as that of the ordinary disability benefit.
          Under  current  law  the  death  benefit for an active member who dies
        prior to retirement is generally equal to three times the member's  last
        year's  salary,  payable  as a lump sum. The death benefit for an active
        member who dies prior  to  retirement  as  the  result  of  an  accident
        sustained  during the performance of duty is equal to a lifetime benefit
        equal to 50% of the regular salary earned during the member's last  year
        of service.
          The  overall  cost  of  this  bill cannot be readily determined as the
        ultimate number of volunteer firefighter disability retirements or acci-
        dental deaths caused by Parkinson's Disease cannot be determined at this
          The average cost  per  individual  member  impacted  is  estimated  as

        Member Age       Disability Benefit          Accidental Death Benefit
            30       $250,000 (4.3 times salary)    $240,000 (4.2 times salary)
            40       $320,000 (4.0 times salary)    $310,000 (3.9 times salary)
            50       $350,000 (3.6 times salary)    $340,000 (3.4 times salary)

          The  actual cost per member would be dependent on the member and bene-
        ficiary's age, tier, years of service and salary. The  costs  above  are
        determined  based  on averages, so the actual cost for a member could be
        higher or lower.
          Member data is from  the  System's  most  recent  actuarial  valuation
        files,  consisting  of  data provided by the employers to the Retirement
        System.  Data distributions and statistics can be found in the  System's
        Annual  Report.  System assets are as reported in the System's financial
        statements and can also be found in the System's Annual Report. Actuari-
        al assumptions and methods are provided in the System's Actuarial  Valu-
        ation Report.
          The  source of this estimate is Fiscal Note 2023-17 dated June 9, 2023
        prepared by the Office of the Actuary of the New  York  State  Teachers'
        Retirement  System and is intended for use only during the 2023 Legisla-
        tive Session. I, Richard A. Young, am the Chief Actuary for the New York
        State Teachers' Retirement System. I am a member of the American Academy
        of Actuaries and I meet the  Qualification  Standards  of  the  American
        Academy of Actuaries to render the actuarial opinion contained herein.