Bill Text: NY A07170 | 2023-2024 | General Assembly | Introduced

NOTE: There are more recent revisions of this legislation. Read Latest Draft
Bill Title: Prohibits discrimination on the basis of a person's height or weight in opportunities of employment, housing, and access to public accommodations.

Spectrum: Partisan Bill (Democrat 2-0)

Status: (Introduced) 2024-05-14 - print number 7170b [A07170 Detail]

Download: New_York-2023-A07170-Introduced.html

                STATE OF NEW YORK


                               2023-2024 Regular Sessions

                   IN ASSEMBLY

                                      May 11, 2023

        Introduced  by  M.  of  A. L. ROSENTHAL -- read once and referred to the
          Committee on Governmental Operations

        AN ACT to amend the executive law, in relation to prohibiting  discrimi-
          nation on the basis of a person's height or weight in opportunities of
          employment, housing, and access to public accommodations

          The  People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:

     1    Section 1. Paragraphs (a), (b), (c), (d) and (h) of subdivision  1  of
     2  section  296 of the executive law, as separately amended by chapters 202
     3  and 748 of the laws of 2022, are amended to read as follows:
     4    (a) For an employer or licensing agency, because  of  an  individual's
     5  age,  race,  creed,  color,  national origin, citizenship or immigration
     6  status, sexual orientation,  gender  identity  or  expression,  military
     7  status, sex, height, weight, disability, predisposing genetic character-
     8  istics, familial status, marital status, or status as a victim of domes-
     9  tic violence, to refuse to hire or employ or to bar or to discharge from
    10  employment such individual or to discriminate against such individual in
    11  compensation or in terms, conditions or privileges of employment.
    12    (b)  For  an  employment agency to discriminate against any individual
    13  because of age, race, creed,  color,  national  origin,  citizenship  or
    14  immigration  status,  sexual orientation, gender identity or expression,
    15  military status, sex, height, weight, disability,  predisposing  genetic
    16  characteristics,  familial status, marital status, or status as a victim
    17  of domestic violence, in receiving, classifying, disposing or  otherwise
    18  acting  upon  applications for its services or in referring an applicant
    19  or applicants to an employer or employers.
    20    (c) For a labor organization, because of the age, race, creed,  color,
    21  national  origin, citizenship or immigration status, sexual orientation,
    22  gender identity or expression, military  status,  sex,  height,  weight,
    23  disability, predisposing genetic characteristics, familial status, mari-
    24  tal  status, or status as a victim of domestic violence, of any individ-

         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        A. 7170                             2

     1  ual, to exclude or to expel from its membership such  individual  or  to
     2  discriminate  in  any  way  against  any  of  its members or against any
     3  employer or any individual employed by an employer.
     4    (d)  For  any  employer  or employment agency to print or circulate or
     5  cause to be printed or circulated any statement, advertisement or publi-
     6  cation, or to use any form of application for employment or to make  any
     7  inquiry  in  connection  with  prospective  employment,  which expresses
     8  directly or indirectly, any limitation, specification or  discrimination
     9  as  to  age,  race,  creed, color, national origin, citizenship or immi-
    10  gration status, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, mili-
    11  tary status, sex, height, weight, disability, predisposing genetic char-
    12  acteristics, familial status, marital status, or status as a  victim  of
    13  domestic violence, or any intent to make any such limitation, specifica-
    14  tion or discrimination, unless based upon a bona fide occupational qual-
    15  ification;  provided,  however,  that  neither  this  paragraph  nor any
    16  provision of this chapter or other law shall be  construed  to  prohibit
    17  the  department  of  civil service or the department of personnel of any
    18  city containing more than one county from  requesting  information  from
    19  applicants  for  civil service examinations concerning any of the afore-
    20  mentioned  characteristics,  other  than  sexual  orientation,  for  the
    21  purpose  of conducting studies to identify and resolve possible problems
    22  in recruitment and testing of members of minority groups to  ensure  the
    23  fairest  possible  and  equal  opportunities for employment in the civil
    24  service for all persons, regardless of age, race, creed, color, national
    25  origin, citizenship or immigration status, sexual orientation or  gender
    26  identity  or expression, military status, sex, height, weight, disabili-
    27  ty, predisposing genetic characteristics, familial  status,  or  marital
    28  status.
    29    (h)  For  an  employer,  licensing  agency, employment agency or labor
    30  organization to subject any individual to harassment because of an indi-
    31  vidual's age, race, creed, color, national origin, citizenship or  immi-
    32  gration status, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, mili-
    33  tary  status,  sex,  height,  weight,  disability,  predisposing genetic
    34  characteristics, familial status, marital status, status as a victim  of
    35  domestic  violence,  or because the individual has opposed any practices
    36  forbidden under this article or  because  the  individual  has  filed  a
    37  complaint,  testified  or assisted in any proceeding under this article,
    38  regardless of whether such harassment  would  be  considered  severe  or
    39  pervasive  under precedent applied to harassment claims. Such harassment
    40  is an unlawful discriminatory practice when it subjects an individual to
    41  inferior terms, conditions or privileges of employment  because  of  the
    42  individual's  membership  in  one or more of these protected categories.
    43  The fact that such individual did not make a complaint about the harass-
    44  ment to such employer, licensing  agency,  employment  agency  or  labor
    45  organization  shall  not  be  determinative  of  whether  such employer,
    46  licensing agency, employment  agency  or  labor  organization  shall  be
    47  liable. Nothing in this section shall imply that an employee must demon-
    48  strate  the  existence of an individual to whom the employee's treatment
    49  must be compared. It shall be an affirmative defense to liability  under
    50  this  subdivision  that  the  harassing  conduct does not rise above the
    51  level of what a  reasonable  victim  of  discrimination  with  the  same
    52  protected characteristic or characteristics would consider petty slights
    53  or trivial inconveniences.
    54    §  2. Paragraphs (b), (c) and (d) of subdivision 1-a of section 296 of
    55  the executive law, as separately amended by chapters 202 and 748 of  the
    56  laws of 2022, are amended to read as follows:

        A. 7170                             3

     1    (b)  To  deny  to  or withhold from any person because of race, creed,
     2  color, national origin, citizenship or immigration status, sexual orien-
     3  tation, gender identity or expression,  military  status,  sex,  height,
     4  weight, age, disability, familial status, marital status, or status as a
     5  victim  of domestic violence, the right to be admitted to or participate
     6  in a guidance program, an apprenticeship  training  program,  on-the-job
     7  training  program,  executive  training  program,  or other occupational
     8  training or retraining program;
     9    (c) To discriminate against any person in his or her pursuit  of  such
    10  programs  or  to discriminate against such a person in the terms, condi-
    11  tions or privileges of such programs  because  of  race,  creed,  color,
    12  national  origin, citizenship or immigration status, sexual orientation,
    13  gender identity or expression, military  status,  sex,  height,  weight,
    14  age,  disability, familial status, marital status, or status as a victim
    15  of domestic violence;
    16    (d) To print or circulate or cause to be  printed  or  circulated  any
    17  statement,  advertisement or publication, or to use any form of applica-
    18  tion for such programs or to make any inquiry in  connection  with  such
    19  program  which  expresses, directly or indirectly, any limitation, spec-
    20  ification or discrimination as to race, creed, color,  national  origin,
    21  citizenship  or  immigration status, sexual orientation, gender identity
    22  or expression, military status, sex, height,  weight,  age,  disability,
    23  familial  status,  marital  status,  or  status  as a victim of domestic
    24  violence, or any intention to make any such limitation, specification or
    25  discrimination, unless based on a bona fide occupational qualification.
    26    § 3. Paragraphs (a) and (b) of subdivision 2 of  section  296  of  the
    27  executive  law,  paragraph (a) as separately amended by chapters 202 and
    28  748 of the laws of 2022 and paragraph (b) as amended by chapter  166  of
    29  the laws of 2000, are amended to read as follows:
    30    (a)  It  shall  be an unlawful discriminatory practice for any person,
    31  being the owner, lessee, proprietor, manager, superintendent,  agent  or
    32  employee  of  any  place  of  public accommodation, resort or amusement,
    33  because of the race, creed, color, national origin, citizenship or immi-
    34  gration status, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, mili-
    35  tary status, sex, height, weight, disability, marital status, or  status
    36  as a victim of domestic violence, of any person, directly or indirectly,
    37  to  refuse,  withhold  from  or  deny to such person any of the accommo-
    38  dations, advantages, facilities or  privileges  thereof,  including  the
    39  extension  of credit, or, directly or indirectly, to publish, circulate,
    40  issue, display, post or  mail  any  written  or  printed  communication,
    41  notice  or  advertisement, to the effect that any of the accommodations,
    42  advantages, facilities  and  privileges  of  any  such  place  shall  be
    43  refused,  withheld  from  or  denied  to  any person on account of race,
    44  creed, color, national origin, citizenship or immigration status, sexual
    45  orientation,  gender  identity  or  expression,  military  status,  sex,
    46  height,  weight,  disability or marital status, or that the patronage or
    47  custom thereat of any person of or purporting to be  of  any  particular
    48  race,  creed, color, national origin, citizenship or immigration status,
    49  sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, military status,  sex
    50  or marital status, or having a disability is unwelcome, objectionable or
    51  not acceptable, desired or solicited.
    52    (b)  Nothing  in  this  subdivision  shall be construed to prevent the
    53  barring of any person, because of the sex of such person, from places of
    54  public accommodation, resort or amusement  if  the  division  grants  an
    55  exemption  based on bona fide considerations of public policy; nor shall
    56  this subdivision apply to the rental of rooms in a housing accommodation

        A. 7170                             4

     1  which restricts such rental to individuals of one sex.  Nothing in  this
     2  subdivision  shall  be  construed  to prevent the barring of any person,
     3  because of height or weight of such person, from places of amusement for
     4  purposes of compliance with any established state, federal, or amusement
     5  industry safety standard.
     6    §  4. Paragraphs (a), (b), (c) and (c-1) of subdivision 2-a of section
     7  296 of the executive law, as separately amended by chapters 202 and  748
     8  of the laws of 2022, are amended to read as follows:
     9    (a)  To refuse to sell, rent or lease or otherwise to deny to or with-
    10  hold from any person or group of  persons  such  housing  accommodations
    11  because of the race, creed, color, disability, national origin, citizen-
    12  ship  or  immigration  status,  sexual  orientation,  gender identity or
    13  expression, military status, age, sex, height, weight,  marital  status,
    14  status  as  a  victim  of  domestic violence, lawful source of income or
    15  familial status of such person or persons,  or  to  represent  that  any
    16  housing  accommodation  or  land  is not available for inspection, sale,
    17  rental or lease when in fact it is so available.
    18    (b) To discriminate against any person because of  his  or  her  race,
    19  creed,  color,  disability,  national origin, citizenship or immigration
    20  status, sexual orientation,  gender  identity  or  expression,  military
    21  status,  age, sex, height, weight, marital status, status as a victim of
    22  domestic violence, lawful source of income or  familial  status  in  the
    23  terms,  conditions or privileges of any publicly-assisted housing accom-
    24  modations or in the furnishing of facilities or services  in  connection
    25  therewith.
    26    (c) To cause to be made any written or oral inquiry or record concern-
    27  ing  the race, creed, color, disability, national origin, citizenship or
    28  immigration status, sexual orientation, gender identity  or  expression,
    29  membership  in  the  reserve armed forces of the United States or in the
    30  organized militia of  the  state,  age,  sex,  height,  weight,  marital
    31  status, status as a victim of domestic violence, lawful source of income
    32  or familial status of a person seeking to rent or lease any publicly-as-
    33  sisted  housing  accommodation;  provided, however, that nothing in this
    34  subdivision shall prohibit a member of the reserve armed forces  of  the
    35  United  States or in the organized militia of the state from voluntarily
    36  disclosing such membership.
    37    (c-1) To print or circulate or cause to be printed or  circulated  any
    38  statement,  advertisement or publication, or to use any form of applica-
    39  tion for the purchase, rental or lease of such housing accommodation  or
    40  to  make  any  record  or  inquiry  in  connection  with the prospective
    41  purchase,  rental  or  lease  of  such  a  housing  accommodation  which
    42  expresses,  directly  or  indirectly,  any  limitation, specification or
    43  discrimination as to race, creed, color, national origin, citizenship or
    44  immigration status, sexual orientation, gender identity  or  expression,
    45  military  status,  sex, height, weight, age, disability, marital status,
    46  status as a victim of domestic violence,  lawful  source  of  income  or
    47  familial  status,  or any intent to make any such limitation, specifica-
    48  tion or discrimination.
    49    § 5. Subdivisions 3-b, 4 and 13 of section 296 of the  executive  law,
    50  as  separately  amended by chapters 202 and 748 of the laws of 2022, are
    51  amended to read as follows:
    52    3-b. It shall be an unlawful  discriminatory  practice  for  any  real
    53  estate  broker,  real estate salesperson or employee or agent thereof or
    54  any other individual, corporation, partnership or organization  for  the
    55  purpose of inducing a real estate transaction from which any such person
    56  or any of its stockholders or members may benefit financially, to repre-

        A. 7170                             5

     1  sent  that a change has occurred or will or may occur in the composition
     2  with respect to race, creed,  color,  national  origin,  citizenship  or
     3  immigration  status,  sexual orientation, gender identity or expression,
     4  military status, sex, height, weight, disability, marital status, status
     5  as  a  victim  of domestic violence, or familial status of the owners or
     6  occupants in the block, neighborhood or area in which the real  property
     7  is  located,  and to represent, directly or indirectly, that this change
     8  will or may result in undesirable consequences in the  block,  neighbor-
     9  hood  or  area  in which the real property is located, including but not
    10  limited to the lowering of property values, an increase in  criminal  or
    11  anti-social  behavior,  or  a decline in the quality of schools or other
    12  facilities.
    13    4. It shall be an unlawful discriminatory practice for an  educational
    14  institution  to  deny  the use of its facilities to any person otherwise
    15  qualified, or to permit the harassment of any student or  applicant,  by
    16  reason  of his race, color, religion, disability, national origin, citi-
    17  zenship or immigration status, sexual orientation,  gender  identity  or
    18  expression,  military  status, sex, height, weight, age, marital status,
    19  or status as a victim of domestic violence, except that any such  insti-
    20  tution  which  establishes or maintains a policy of educating persons of
    21  one sex exclusively may admit students of only one sex.
    22    13. It shall be an unlawful discriminatory practice (i) for any person
    23  to boycott or blacklist, or to refuse to buy  from,  sell  to  or  trade
    24  with, or otherwise discriminate against any person, because of the race,
    25  creed, color, national origin, citizenship or immigration status, sexual
    26  orientation,  gender  identity  or  expression,  military  status,  sex,
    27  height, weight, status as a victim of domestic violence, disability,  or
    28  familial  status,  or  of  such  person,  or  of such person's partners,
    29  members, stockholders, directors, officers,  managers,  superintendents,
    30  agents,  employees, business associates, suppliers or customers, or (ii)
    31  for any person wilfully to do any act or  refrain  from  doing  any  act
    32  which  enables  any  such  person  to take such action. This subdivision
    33  shall not apply to:
    34    (a) Boycotts connected with labor disputes; or
    35    (b) Boycotts to protest unlawful discriminatory practices.
    36    § 6. Paragraphs (a), (b), (c) and (d) of subdivision 5 of section  296
    37  of  the  executive law, as separately amended by chapters 202 and 748 of
    38  the laws of 2022, are amended to read as follows:
    39    (a) It shall be an unlawful discriminatory  practice  for  the  owner,
    40  lessee,  sub-lessee,  assignee,  or  managing  agent of, or other person
    41  having the right  to  sell,  rent  or  lease  a  housing  accommodation,
    42  constructed or to be constructed, or any agent or employee thereof:
    43    (1) To refuse to sell, rent, lease or otherwise to deny to or withhold
    44  from any person or group of persons such a housing accommodation because
    45  of  the  race, creed, color, national origin, citizenship or immigration
    46  status, sexual orientation,  gender  identity  or  expression,  military
    47  status,  sex, height, weight, age, disability, marital status, status as
    48  a victim of domestic violence,  lawful  source  of  income  or  familial
    49  status  of  such  person  or  persons,  or to represent that any housing
    50  accommodation or land is not available for inspection, sale,  rental  or
    51  lease when in fact it is so available.
    52    (2)  To discriminate against any person because of race, creed, color,
    53  national origin, citizenship or immigration status, sexual  orientation,
    54  gender  identity  or  expression,  military status, sex, height, weight,
    55  age,  disability,  marital  status,  status  as  a  victim  of  domestic
    56  violence,  lawful  source  of  income  or  familial status in the terms,

        A. 7170                             6

     1  conditions or privileges of the sale, rental or lease of any such  hous-
     2  ing  accommodation  or  in  the  furnishing of facilities or services in
     3  connection therewith.
     4    (3)  To  print  or  circulate or cause to be printed or circulated any
     5  statement, advertisement or publication, or to use any form of  applica-
     6  tion  for the purchase, rental or lease of such housing accommodation or
     7  to make any  record  or  inquiry  in  connection  with  the  prospective
     8  purchase,  rental  or  lease  of  such  a  housing  accommodation  which
     9  expresses, directly or  indirectly,  any  limitation,  specification  or
    10  discrimination as to race, creed, color, national origin, citizenship or
    11  immigration  status,  sexual orientation, gender identity or expression,
    12  military status, sex, height, weight, age, disability,  marital  status,
    13  status  as  a  victim  of  domestic violence, lawful source of income or
    14  familial status, or any intent to make any such  limitation,  specifica-
    15  tion or discrimination.
    16    (4)  (i) The provisions of subparagraphs one and two of this paragraph
    17  shall not apply (1) to the rental of a housing accommodation in a build-
    18  ing which contains housing accommodations for not more than two families
    19  living independently of each other, if the owner resides in one of  such
    20  housing  accommodations,  (2)  to  the  restriction of the rental of all
    21  rooms in a housing accommodation to individuals of the same sex  or  (3)
    22  to  the  rental  of  a room or rooms in a housing accommodation, if such
    23  rental is by the occupant of the housing accommodation or by  the  owner
    24  of  the  housing  accommodation  and  the  owner resides in such housing
    25  accommodation or (4) solely with respect to age and familial  status  to
    26  the  restriction  of the sale, rental or lease of housing accommodations
    27  exclusively to persons sixty-two years of age or older and the spouse of
    28  any such person, or for housing intended and operated for  occupancy  by
    29  at least one person fifty-five years of age or older per unit. In deter-
    30  mining whether housing is intended and operated for occupancy by persons
    31  fifty-five  years  of age or older, Sec. 807(b) (2) (c) (42 U.S.C.  3607
    32  (b) (2) (c)) of the federal Fair Housing Act of 1988, as amended,  shall
    33  apply.  However, such rental property shall no longer be exempt from the
    34  provisions of subparagraphs one and two of this paragraph  if  there  is
    35  unlawful  discriminatory  conduct pursuant to subparagraph three of this
    36  paragraph.
    37    (ii) The provisions of subparagraphs one, two, and three of this para-
    38  graph shall not apply (1) to the restriction of the rental of all  rooms
    39  in  a  housing  accommodation to individuals of the same sex, (2) to the
    40  rental of a room or rooms in a housing accommodation, if such rental  is
    41  by  the  occupant  of  the  housing accommodation or by the owner of the
    42  housing accommodation and the owner resides  in  such  housing  accommo-
    43  dation,  or  (3)  solely  with respect to age and familial status to the
    44  restriction of the sale,  rental  or  lease  of  housing  accommodations
    45  exclusively to persons sixty-two years of age or older and the spouse of
    46  any  such  person, or for housing intended and operated for occupancy by
    47  at least one person fifty-five years of age or older per unit. In deter-
    48  mining whether housing is intended and operated for occupancy by persons
    49  fifty-five years of age or older, Sec. 807(b) (2) (c) (42 U.S.C.    3607
    50  (b)  (2) (c)) of the federal Fair Housing Act of 1988, as amended, shall
    51  apply.
    52    (b) It shall be an unlawful discriminatory  practice  for  the  owner,
    53  lessee,  sub-lessee,  or  managing  agent of, or other person having the
    54  right of ownership or possession of or the right to sell, rent or lease,
    55  land or commercial space:

        A. 7170                             7

     1    (1) To refuse to sell, rent, lease or otherwise deny  to  or  withhold
     2  from  any person or group of persons land or commercial space because of
     3  the race, creed, color,  national  origin,  citizenship  or  immigration
     4  status,  sexual  orientation,  gender  identity  or expression, military
     5  status,  sex, height, weight, age, disability, marital status, status as
     6  a victim of domestic violence, or familial  status  of  such  person  or
     7  persons,  or  to represent that any housing accommodation or land is not
     8  available for inspection, sale, rental or lease when in fact  it  is  so
     9  available;
    10    (2)  To discriminate against any person because of race, creed, color,
    11  national origin, citizenship or immigration status, sexual  orientation,
    12  gender  identity  or  expression,  military status, sex, height, weight,
    13  age,  disability,  marital  status,  status  as  a  victim  of  domestic
    14  violence,  or  familial status in the terms, conditions or privileges of
    15  the sale, rental or lease of any such land or commercial  space;  or  in
    16  the furnishing of facilities or services in connection therewith;
    17    (3)  To  print  or  circulate or cause to be printed or circulated any
    18  statement, advertisement or publication, or to use any form of  applica-
    19  tion  for the purchase, rental or lease of such land or commercial space
    20  or to make any record or inquiry  in  connection  with  the  prospective
    21  purchase,  rental  or  lease  of  such  land  or  commercial space which
    22  expresses, directly or  indirectly,  any  limitation,  specification  or
    23  discrimination as to race, creed, color, national origin, citizenship or
    24  immigration  status,  sexual orientation, gender identity or expression,
    25  military status, sex, height, weight, age, disability,  marital  status,
    26  status  as  a  victim  of  domestic violence, or familial status; or any
    27  intent to make any such limitation, specification or discrimination.
    28    (4) With respect to age and familial status, the  provisions  of  this
    29  paragraph  shall  not  apply  to  the restriction of the sale, rental or
    30  lease of land or commercial  space  exclusively  to  persons  fifty-five
    31  years  of  age  or  older  and  the spouse of any such person, or to the
    32  restriction of the sale, rental or lease of land  to  be  used  for  the
    33  construction,  or  location  of  housing  accommodations exclusively for
    34  persons sixty-two years of age or older, or intended  and  operated  for
    35  occupancy  by  at  least one person fifty-five years of age or older per
    36  unit. In determining whether housing is intended and operated for  occu-
    37  pancy  by  persons fifty-five years of age or older, Sec. 807(b) (2) (c)
    38  (42 U.S.C. 3607(b) (2) (c)) of the federal Fair Housing Act of 1988,  as
    39  amended, shall apply.
    40    (c)  It  shall  be  an  unlawful  discriminatory practice for any real
    41  estate broker, real estate salesperson or employee or agent thereof:
    42    (1) To refuse to sell, rent or lease any housing  accommodation,  land
    43  or  commercial  space  to any person or group of persons or to refuse to
    44  negotiate for the sale, rental or lease, of any  housing  accommodation,
    45  land  or  commercial  space to any person or group of persons because of
    46  the race, creed, color,  national  origin,  citizenship  or  immigration
    47  status,  sexual  orientation,  gender  identity  or expression, military
    48  status, sex, height, weight, age, disability, marital status, status  as
    49  a  victim  of  domestic  violence,  lawful  source of income or familial
    50  status of such person or persons,  or  to  represent  that  any  housing
    51  accommodation, land or commercial space is not available for inspection,
    52  sale,  rental  or lease when in fact it is so available, or otherwise to
    53  deny or withhold any housing accommodation, land or commercial space  or
    54  any  facilities  of  any housing accommodation, land or commercial space
    55  from any person or group of persons because of the race,  creed,  color,
    56  national  origin, citizenship or immigration status, sexual orientation,

        A. 7170                             8

     1  gender identity or expression, military  status,  sex,  height,  weight,
     2  age,  disability,  marital  status,  lawful source of income or familial
     3  status of such person or persons.
     4    (2)  To  print  or  circulate or cause to be printed or circulated any
     5  statement, advertisement or publication, or to use any form of  applica-
     6  tion  for  the  purchase,  rental or lease of any housing accommodation,
     7  land or commercial space or to make any record or inquiry in  connection
     8  with  the  prospective purchase, rental or lease of any housing accommo-
     9  dation, land or commercial space which expresses, directly or  indirect-
    10  ly,  any limitation, specification, or discrimination as to race, creed,
    11  color, national origin, citizenship or immigration status, sexual orien-
    12  tation, gender identity or expression,  military  status,  sex,  height,
    13  weight,  age, disability, marital status, status as a victim of domestic
    14  violence, lawful source of income or familial status; or any  intent  to
    15  make any such limitation, specification or discrimination.
    16    (3)  With  respect  to age and familial status, the provisions of this
    17  paragraph shall not apply to the restriction  of  the  sale,  rental  or
    18  lease of any housing accommodation, land or commercial space exclusively
    19  to  persons  fifty-five years of age or older and the spouse of any such
    20  person, or to the restriction of the sale, rental or lease of any  hous-
    21  ing accommodation or land to be used for the construction or location of
    22  housing  accommodations  for persons sixty-two years of age or older, or
    23  intended and operated for occupancy by at least  one  person  fifty-five
    24  years  of  age  or  older  per  unit.  In determining whether housing is
    25  intended and operated for occupancy by persons fifty-five years  of  age
    26  or  older,  Sec.  807  (b)  (2)  (c) (42 U.S.C. 3607 (b) (2) (c)) of the
    27  federal Fair Housing Act of 1988, as amended, shall apply.
    28    (d) It shall be an  unlawful  discriminatory  practice  for  any  real
    29  estate  board, because of the race, creed, color, national origin, citi-
    30  zenship or immigration status, sexual orientation,  gender  identity  or
    31  expression, military status, age, sex, height, weight, disability, mari-
    32  tal  status,  status  as a victim of domestic violence, lawful source of
    33  income or familial status of any individual who is  otherwise  qualified
    34  for  membership, to exclude or expel such individual from membership, or
    35  to discriminate against such individual in  the  terms,  conditions  and
    36  privileges of membership in such board.
    37    § 7. Subdivisions 1, 2 and 3 of section 296-a of the executive law, as
    38  separately  amended  by  chapters  202  and 748 of the laws of 2022, are
    39  amended to read as follows:
    40    1. It shall be an unlawful discriminatory practice for any creditor or
    41  any officer, agent or employee thereof:
    42    a. In the  case  of  applications  for  credit  with  respect  to  the
    43  purchase,  acquisition,  construction, rehabilitation, repair or mainte-
    44  nance of any housing accommodation, land or commercial space to discrim-
    45  inate against any such applicant because  of  the  race,  creed,  color,
    46  national  origin, citizenship or immigration status, sexual orientation,
    47  gender identity  or  expression,  military  status,  age,  sex,  height,
    48  weight,  marital  status, status as a victim of domestic violence, disa-
    49  bility, or familial status  of  such  applicant  or  applicants  or  any
    50  member,  stockholder, director, officer or employee of such applicant or
    51  applicants, or of the prospective occupants or tenants of  such  housing
    52  accommodation,  land  or commercial space, in the granting, withholding,
    53  extending or renewing, or in the fixing of the rates,  terms  or  condi-
    54  tions of, any such credit;
    55    b.  To  discriminate in the granting, withholding, extending or renew-
    56  ing, or in the fixing of the rates, terms or conditions of, any form  of

        A. 7170                             9

     1  credit, on the basis of race, creed, color, national origin, citizenship
     2  or   immigration   status,   sexual   orientation,  gender  identity  or
     3  expression, military status, age, sex, height, weight,  marital  status,
     4  status as a victim of domestic violence, disability, or familial status;
     5    c. To use any form of application for credit or use or make any record
     6  or  inquiry  which  expresses,  directly  or indirectly, any limitation,
     7  specification, or discrimination as  to  race,  creed,  color,  national
     8  origin,  citizenship  or  immigration status, sexual orientation, gender
     9  identity or expression, military status, age, sex, height, weight, mari-
    10  tal status, status as a victim  of  domestic  violence,  disability,  or
    11  familial status;
    12    d.  To make any inquiry of an applicant concerning his or her capacity
    13  to reproduce, or his or her use or advocacy of any form of birth control
    14  or family planning;
    15    e. To refuse to consider  sources  of  an  applicant's  income  or  to
    16  subject  an  applicant's  income  to  discounting,  in whole or in part,
    17  because of an applicant's race, creed, color, national origin,  citizen-
    18  ship  or  immigration  status,  sexual  orientation,  gender identity or
    19  expression, military status, age, sex, height, weight,  marital  status,
    20  status  as  a victim of domestic violence, childbearing potential, disa-
    21  bility, or familial status;
    22    f. To discriminate  against  a  married  person  because  such  person
    23  neither uses nor is known by the surname of his or her spouse.
    24    This  paragraph  shall  not  apply to any situation where the use of a
    25  surname would constitute or result in a criminal act.
    26    2. Without limiting the generality of subdivision one of this section,
    27  it shall be considered discriminatory if, because of an  applicant's  or
    28  class of applicants' race, creed, color, national origin, citizenship or
    29  immigration  status,  sexual orientation, gender identity or expression,
    30  military status, age, sex, height, weight, marital status, status  as  a
    31  victim  of  domestic  violence,  disability,  or familial status, (i) an
    32  applicant or class of applicants is denied credit in circumstances where
    33  other applicants of like overall credit worthiness are  granted  credit,
    34  or  (ii)  special requirements or conditions, such as requiring co-obli-
    35  gors or reapplication upon marriage, are imposed upon  an  applicant  or
    36  class  of  applicants  in  circumstances  where  similar requirements or
    37  conditions are not imposed upon other applicants of like overall  credit
    38  worthiness.
    39    3.  It  shall  not  be  considered  discriminatory if credit differen-
    40  tiations or decisions are based upon  factually  supportable,  objective
    41  differences  in applicants' overall credit worthiness, which may include
    42  reference to such factors as current income,  assets  and  prior  credit
    43  history  of  such applicants, as well as reference to any other relevant
    44  factually supportable data; provided, however, that  no  creditor  shall
    45  consider, in evaluating the credit worthiness of an applicant, aggregate
    46  statistics  or  assumptions  relating  to  race,  creed, color, national
    47  origin, citizenship or immigration status,  sexual  orientation,  gender
    48  identity  or  expression,  military status, sex, height, weight, marital
    49  status, status as a victim of domestic violence or disability, or to the
    50  likelihood of any group of persons bearing or rearing children,  or  for
    51  that reason receiving diminished or interrupted income in the future.
    52    §  8. Paragraphs a, b and c of subdivision 2 and paragraph b of subdi-
    53  vision 3 of section 296-c of the executive law, as separately amended by
    54  chapters 202 and 748 of the  laws  of  2022,  are  amended  to  read  as
    55  follows:

        A. 7170                            10

     1    a.  refuse to hire or employ or to bar or to discharge from internship
     2  an intern or to discriminate against such intern in terms, conditions or
     3  privileges of employment as an intern because of the intern's age, race,
     4  creed, color, national origin, citizenship or immigration status, sexual
     5  orientation,  military  status, sex, height, weight, disability, predis-
     6  posing genetic characteristics, marital status, or status as a victim of
     7  domestic violence;
     8    b. discriminate against an intern in receiving, classifying, disposing
     9  or otherwise acting upon applications for  internships  because  of  the
    10  intern's  age, race, creed, color, national origin, citizenship or immi-
    11  gration  status,  sexual  orientation,  military  status,  sex,  height,
    12  weight,   disability,   predisposing  genetic  characteristics,  marital
    13  status, or status as a victim of domestic violence;
    14    c. print or circulate or cause to be printed or circulated any  state-
    15  ment,  advertisement  or  publication, or to use any form of application
    16  for employment as an intern or to make any inquiry  in  connection  with
    17  prospective  employment,  which  expresses  directly  or indirectly, any
    18  limitation, specification or discrimination  as  to  age,  race,  creed,
    19  color, national origin, citizenship or immigration status, sexual orien-
    20  tation,  military  status, sex, height, weight, disability, predisposing
    21  genetic characteristics, marital status or status as a victim of  domes-
    22  tic  violence,  or any intent to make any such limitation, specification
    23  or discrimination, unless based upon a bona fide occupational qualifica-
    24  tion; provided, however, that neither this paragraph nor  any  provision
    25  of  this chapter or other law shall be construed to prohibit the depart-
    26  ment of civil service  or  the  department  of  personnel  of  any  city
    27  containing  more than one county from requesting information from appli-
    28  cants for civil service internships or examinations  concerning  any  of
    29  the  aforementioned  characteristics, other than sexual orientation, for
    30  the purpose of conducting studies to identify and resolve possible prob-
    31  lems in recruitment and testing of members of minority groups to  ensure
    32  the fairest possible and equal opportunities for employment in the civil
    33  service for all persons, regardless of age, race, creed, color, national
    34  origin,  citizenship or immigration status, sexual orientation, military
    35  status, sex, height, weight, disability, predisposing genetic character-
    36  istics, marital status or status as a victim of domestic violence;
    37    b. subject an intern  to  unwelcome  harassment  based  on  age,  sex,
    38  height, weight, race, creed, color, sexual orientation, military status,
    39  disability, predisposing genetic characteristics, marital status, status
    40  as  a  victim  of  domestic violence, national origin, or citizenship or
    41  immigration status, or where such harassment has the purpose  or  effect
    42  of unreasonably interfering with the intern's work performance by creat-
    43  ing an intimidating, hostile, or offensive working environment.
    44    §  9.  This  act shall not annul, alter, affect or exempt any employer
    45  subject to the provisions of this act  from  complying  with  the  laws,
    46  ordinances,  rules  or regulations of any locality, except to the extent
    47  that such laws, ordinances, rules or regulations are  inconsistent  with
    48  any  provision  of  this  act, but no such law, ordinance, rule or regu-
    49  lation shall be considered inconsistent if it affords equal  or  greater
    50  protection to the employee.
    51    §  10.  This  act  shall  take effect on the one hundred eightieth day
    52  after it shall have become a law. Effective immediately,  the  addition,
    53  amendment  and/or  repeal  of  any  rule or regulation necessary for the
    54  implementation of this act on its effective date are  authorized  to  be
    55  made and completed on or before such effective date.