Bill Text: MO HB374 | 2013 | Regular Session | Enrolled

Bill Title: Changes the laws regarding judicial procedures

Spectrum: Partisan Bill (Republican 1-0)

Status: (Passed) 2013-07-03 - Delivered to Secretary of State (G) [HB374 Detail]

Download: Missouri-2013-HB374-Enrolled.html







HOUSE BILL NOS. 374 & 434


0987H.10T                                                           2013



To repeal sections 32.056, 43.518, 454.475, 476.057, 477.405, 478.073, 478.075, 478.077, 478.080, 478.085, 478.087, 478.090, 478.093, 478.095, 478.097, 478.100, 478.103, 478.105, 478.107, 478.110, 478.113, 478.115, 478.117, 478.120, 478.123, 478.125, 478.127, 478.130, 478.133, 478.135, 478.137, 478.140, 478.143, 478.145, 478.147, 478.150, 478.153, 478.155, 478.157, 478.160, 478.163, 478.165, 478.167, 478.170, 478.173, 478.175, 478.177, 478.180, 478.183, 478.185, 478.186, 478.320, 487.010, 487.020, 488.426, 488.2250, 488.5320, 513.430, 514.040, 544.455, 557.011, 559.036, 559.115, 632.498, and 632.505, RSMo, and to enact in lieu thereof twenty-two new sections relating to judicial procedures, with an effective date for certain sections.

Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the state of Missouri, as follows:

            Section A. Sections 32.056, 43.518, 454.475, 476.057, 477.405, 478.073, 478.075, 478.077, 478.080, 478.085, 478.087, 478.090, 478.093, 478.095, 478.097, 478.100, 478.103, 478.105, 478.107, 478.110, 478.113, 478.115, 478.117, 478.120, 478.123, 478.125, 478.127, 478.130, 478.133, 478.135, 478.137, 478.140, 478.143, 478.145, 478.147, 478.150, 478.153, 478.155, 478.157, 478.160, 478.163, 478.165, 478.167, 478.170, 478.173, 478.175, 478.177, 478.180, 478.183, 478.185, 478.186, 478.320, 487.010, 487.020, 488.426, 488.2250, 488.5320, 513.430, 514.040, 544.455, 557.011, 559.036, 559.115, 632.498, and 632.505, RSMo, are repealed and twenty-two new sections enacted in lieu thereof, to be known as sections 32.056, 43.518, 454.475, 476.057, 477.405, 478.008, 478.073, 478.320, 487.010, 487.020, 488.426, 488.2250, 488.5320, 513.430, 514.040, 544.455, 557.011, 559.036, 559.115, 632.498, 632.505, and 1, to read as follows:

            32.056. Except for uses permitted under 18 U.S.C. Section 2721(b)(1), the department of revenue shall not release the home address of or any information that identifies any vehicle owned or leased by any person who is a county, state or federal parole officer, a federal pretrial officer, a peace officer pursuant to section 590.010, a person vested by article V, section 1 of the Missouri Constitution with the judicial power of the state, a member of the federal judiciary, or a member of such person's immediate family contained in the department's motor vehicle or driver registration records, based on a specific request for such information from any person. Any such person may notify the department of his or her status and the department shall protect the confidentiality of the home address and vehicle records on such a person and his or her immediate family as required by this section. [If such member of the judiciary's status changes and he or she and his or her immediate family do not qualify for the exemption contained in this subsection, such person shall notify the department and the department's records shall be revised.] This section shall not prohibit the department from releasing information on a motor registration list pursuant to section 32.055 or from releasing information on any officer who holds a class A, B or C commercial driver's license pursuant to the Motor Carrier Safety Improvement Act of 1999, as amended, 49 U.S.C. 31309.

            43.518. 1. There is hereby established within the department of public safety a "Criminal Records and Justice Information Advisory Committee" whose purpose is to:

            (1) Recommend general policies with respect to the philosophy, concept and operational principles of the Missouri criminal history record information system established by sections 43.500 to 43.530, in regard to the collection, processing, storage, dissemination and use of criminal history record information maintained by the central repository;

            (2) Assess the current state of electronic justice information sharing; and

            (3) Recommend policies and strategies, including standards and technology, for promoting electronic justice information sharing, and coordinating among the necessary agencies and institutions; and

            (4) Provide guidance regarding the use of any state or federal funds appropriated for promoting electronic justice information sharing.

            2. The committee shall be composed of the following officials or their designees: the director of the department of public safety; the director of the department of corrections and human resources; the attorney general; the director of the Missouri office of prosecution services; the president of the Missouri prosecutors association; the president of the Missouri court clerks association; the chief clerk of the Missouri state supreme court; the director of the state courts administrator; the chairman of the state judicial record committee; the chairman of the [circuit court budget] court automation committee; the presidents of the Missouri peace officers association; the Missouri sheriffs association; the Missouri police chiefs association or their successor agency; the superintendent of the Missouri highway patrol; the chiefs of police of agencies in jurisdictions with over two hundred thousand population; except that, in any county of the first class having a charter form of government, the chief executive of the county may designate another person in place of the police chief of any countywide police force, to serve on the committee; and, at the discretion of the director of public safety, as many as three other representatives of other criminal justice records systems or law enforcement agencies may be appointed by the director of public safety. The director of the department of public safety will serve as the permanent chairman of this committee.

            3. The committee shall meet as determined by the director but not less than semiannually to perform its duties. A majority of the appointed members of the committee shall constitute a quorum.

            4. No member of the committee shall receive any state compensation for the performance of duties associated with membership on this committee.

            5. Official minutes of all committee meetings will be prepared by the director, promptly distributed to all committee members, and filed by the director for a period of at least five years.

            454.475. 1. Hearings provided for in this section shall be conducted pursuant to chapter 536 by administrative hearing officers designated by the Missouri department of social services. The hearing officer shall provide the parents, the person having custody of the child, or other appropriate agencies or their attorneys with notice of any proceeding in which support obligations may be established or modified. The department shall not be stayed from enforcing and collecting upon the administrative order during the hearing process and during any appeal to the courts of this state, unless specifically enjoined by court order.

            2. If no factual issue has been raised by the application for hearing, or the issues raised have been previously litigated or do not constitute a defense to the action, the director may enter an order without an evidentiary hearing, which order shall be a final decision entitled to judicial review as provided in sections 536.100 to 536.140.

            3. After full and fair hearing, the hearing officer shall make specific findings regarding the liability and responsibility, if any, of the alleged responsible parent for the support of the dependent child, and for repayment of accrued state debt or arrearages, and the costs of collection, and shall enter an order consistent therewith. In making the determination of the amount the parent shall contribute toward the future support of a dependent child, the hearing officer shall consider the factors set forth in section 452.340.

            4. If the person who requests the hearing fails to appear at the time and place set for the hearing, upon a showing of proper notice to that [parent] person, the hearing officer shall enter findings and order in accordance with the provisions of the notice [and finding of support responsibility] or motion unless the hearing officer determines that no good cause therefor exists.

            5. In contested cases, the findings and order of the hearing officer shall be the decision of the director. Any parent or person having custody of the child adversely affected by such decision may obtain judicial review pursuant to sections 536.100 to 536.140 by filing a petition for review in the circuit court of proper venue within thirty days of mailing of the decision. Copies of the decision or order of the hearing officer shall be mailed to any parent, person having custody of the child and the division within fourteen days of issuance.

            6. If a hearing has been requested, and upon request of a parent, a person having custody of the child, the division or a IV-D agency, the director shall enter a temporary order requiring the provision of child support pending the final decision or order pursuant to this section if there is clear and convincing evidence establishing a presumption of paternity pursuant to section 210.822. In determining the amount of child support, the director shall consider the factors set forth in section 452.340. The temporary order, effective upon filing pursuant to section 454.490, is not subject to a hearing pursuant to this section. The temporary order may be stayed by a court of competent jurisdiction only after a hearing and a finding by the court that the order fails to comply with rule 88.01.

            7. (1) Any administrative decision or order issued under this section containing clerical mistakes arising from oversight or omission, except proposed administrative modifications of judicial orders, may be corrected by an agency administrative hearing officer at any time upon their own initiative or written motion filed by the division or any party to the action provided the written motion is mailed to all parties. Any objection or response to the written motion shall be made in writing and filed with the hearing officer within fifteen days from the mailing date of the motion. Proposed administrative modifications of judicial orders may be corrected by an agency administrative hearing officer prior to the filing of the proposed administrative modification of a judicial order with the court that entered the underlying judicial order as required in section 454.496, or upon express order of the court that entered the underlying judicial order. No correction shall be made during the court's review of the administrative decision, order, or proposed order as authorized under sections 536.100 to 536.140, except in response to an express order from the reviewing court.

            (2) Any administrative decision or order or proposed administrative modification of judicial order issued under this section containing errors arising from mistake, surprise, fraud, misrepresentation, excusable neglect or inadvertence, may be corrected prior to being filed with the court by an agency administrative hearing officer upon their own initiative or by written motion filed by the division or any party to the action provided the written motion is mailed to all parties and filed within sixty days of the administrative decision, order, or proposed decision and order. Any objection or response to the written motion shall be made in writing and filed with the hearing officer within fifteen days from the mailing date of the motion. No decision, order, or proposed administrative modification of judicial order may be corrected after ninety days from the mailing of the administrative decision, order, or proposed order or during the court's review of the administrative decision, order, or proposed order as authorized under sections 536.100 to 536.140, except in response to an express order from the reviewing court.

            (3) Any administrative decision or order or proposed administrative modification of judicial order, issued under this section may be vacated by an agency administrative hearing officer upon their own initiative or by written motion filed by the division or any party to the action provided the written motion is mailed to all parties, if the administrative hearing officer determines that the decision or order was issued without subject matter jurisdiction, without personal jurisdiction, or without affording the parties due process. Any objection or response to the written motion shall be made in writing and filed with the hearing officer within fifteen days from the mailing date of the motion. A proposed administrative modification of a judicial order may only be vacated prior to being filed with the court. No decision, order, or proposed administrative modification of a judicial order may be vacated during the court's review of the administrative decision, order, or proposed order as authorized under sections 536.100 to 536.140, except in response to an express order from the reviewing court.

            476.057. 1. The state courts administrator shall determine the amount of the projected total collections of fees pursuant to section 488.015, payable to the state pursuant to section 488.023, or subdivision (4) of subsection 2 of section 488.018; and the amount of such projected total collections of fees required to be deposited into the fund in order to maintain the fund required pursuant to subsection 2 of this section. The amount of fees payable for court cases may thereafter be adjusted pursuant to section 488.015, as provided by said section. All proceeds of the adjusted fees shall thereupon be collected and deposited to the state general revenue fund as otherwise provided by law, subject to the transfer of a portion of such proceeds to the fund established pursuant to subsection 2 of this section.

            2. There is hereby established in the state treasury a special fund for purposes of providing training and education for judicial personnel, including any clerical employees of each circuit court clerk. Moneys from collected fees shall be annually transferred by the state treasurer into the fund from the state general revenue fund in the amount of no more than two percent of the amount expended for personal service by state and local government entities for judicial personnel as determined by the state courts administrator pursuant to subsection 1 of this section. Any unexpended balance remaining in the fund at the end of each biennium shall be exempt from the provisions of section 33.080 relating to the transfer of unexpended balances to the state general revenue fund, until the amount in the fund exceeds two percent of the amounts expended for personal service by state and local government for judicial personnel.

            3. In addition, any moneys received by or on behalf of the state courts administrator from fees, grants, or any other sources in connection with providing training to judicial personnel shall be deposited in the fund provided, however, that moneys collected in the fund in connection with a particular purpose shall be segregated and shall not be disbursed for any other purpose.

            4. The state treasurer shall administer the fund and, pursuant to appropriations, shall disburse moneys from the fund to the state courts administrator in order to provide training and to purchase goods and services determined appropriate by the state courts administrator related to the training and education of judicial personnel. As used in this section, the term "judicial personnel" shall include court personnel as defined in section 476.058, and judges.

            477.405. On or before [March 1, 1989] January 1, 2015, the supreme court of the state of Missouri shall recommend guidelines appropriate for use by the general assembly in determining the need for additional judicial personnel or reallocation of existing personnel in this state, and shall recommend guidelines appropriate for the evaluation of judicial performance. The guidelines shall be filed with the [chairmen] chairs of the house and senate judiciary committees, for distribution to the members of the general assembly, and the court shall file therewith annually a report measuring and assessing judicial performance in the appellate and circuit courts of this state, including a judicial weighted workload model and a clerical weighted workload model.

            478.008. 1. Veterans treatment courts may be established by any circuit court, or combination of circuit courts, upon agreement of the presiding judges of such circuit courts to provide an alternative for the judicial system to dispose of cases which stem from substance abuse or mental illness of military veterans or current military personnel.

            2. A veterans treatment court shall combine judicial supervision, drug testing, and substance abuse and mental health treatment to participants who have served or are currently serving the United States armed forces, including members of the reserves, national guard, or state guard.

            3. (1) Each circuit court, which establishes such courts as provided in subsection 1 of this section, shall establish conditions for referral of proceedings to the veterans treatment court; and

            (2) Each circuit court shall enter into a memorandum of understanding with each participating prosecuting attorney in the circuit court. The memorandum of understanding shall specify a list of felony offenses ineligible for referral to the veterans treatment court. The memorandum of understanding may include other parties considered necessary including, but not limited to, defense attorneys, treatment providers, and probation officers.

            4. (1) A circuit that has adopted a veterans treatment court under this section may accept participants from any other jurisdiction in this state based upon either the residence of the participant in the receiving jurisdiction or the unavailability of a veterans treatment court in the jurisdiction where the participant is charged.

            (2) The transfer can occur at any time during the proceedings, including, but not limited to, prior to adjudication. The receiving court shall have jurisdiction to impose sentence, including, but not limited to, sanctions, incentives, incarceration, and phase changes.

            (3) A transfer under this subsection is not valid unless it is agreed to by all of the following:

            (a) The defendant or respondent;

            (b) The attorney representing the defendant or respondent;

            (c) The judge of the transferring court and the prosecutor of the case; and

            (d) The judge of the receiving veterans treatment court and the prosecutor of the veterans treatment court.

            (4) If the defendant is terminated from the veteran's treatment court program the defendant's case shall be returned to the transferring court for disposition.

            5. Any proceeding accepted by the veterans treatment court program for disposition shall be upon agreement of the parties.

            6. Except for good cause found by the court, a veterans treatment court shall make a referral for substance abuse or mental health treatment, or a combination of substance abuse and mental health treatment, through the Department of Defense health care, the Veterans Administration, or a community-based treatment program. Community-based programs utilized shall receive state or federal funds in connection with such referral and shall only refer the individual to a program which is certified by the Missouri department of mental health, unless no appropriate certified treatment program is located within the same county as the veterans treatment court.

            7. Any statement made by a participant as part of participation in the veterans treatment court program, or any report made by the staff of the program, shall not be admissible as evidence against the participant in any criminal, juvenile, or civil proceeding. Notwithstanding the foregoing, termination from the veterans treatment court program and the reasons for termination may be considered in sentencing or disposition.

            8. Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, veterans treatment court staff shall be provided with access to all records of any state or local government agency relevant to the treatment of any program participant.

            9. Upon general request, employees of all such agencies shall fully inform a veterans treatment court staff of all matters relevant to the treatment of the participant. All such records and reports and the contents thereof shall:

            (1) Be treated as closed records;

            (2) Not be disclosed to any person outside of the veterans treatment court;

            (3) Be maintained by the court in a confidential file not available to the public.

            10. Upon successful completion of the treatment program, the charges, petition, or penalty against a veterans treatment court participant may be dismissed, reduced, or modified. Any fees received by a court from a defendant as payment for substance abuse or mental health treatment programs shall not be considered court costs, charges, or fines.

            478.073. [The state is divided into the judicial circuits numbered and described in the following sections.] 1. As set forth in this section, the general assembly authorizes the judicial conference of the state of Missouri, as established pursuant to section 476.320, to alter the geographical boundaries and territorial jurisdiction of the judicial circuits by means of a circuit realignment plan as the administration of justice may require, subject to the requirements set forth in article V of the constitution of Missouri.

            (1) Beginning in 2020, and every twenty years thereafter, within the first ten calendar days of the regular legislative session, the judicial conference shall submit to the secretary of the senate, the chief clerk of the house of representatives and the chairs of the house and senate judiciary committees a circuit realignment plan for the alteration of the geographical boundaries and territorial jurisdiction of the judicial circuits. Along with a statement of the numbers and boundaries of the proposed judicial circuits together with a map of the proposed judicial circuits, the circuit realignment plan shall include an analysis of the following supporting information:

            (a) A current judicial weighted workload model;

            (b) A current clerical weighted workload model;

            (c) Whether litigants in the current circuits have adequate access to the courts;

            (d) The populations of the current and proposed judicial circuits determined on the basis of the most recent decennial census of the United States or annual population estimates prepared by the United States Bureau of the Census;

            (e) Judicial duties and travel time;

            (f) Historical connections between counties in the judicial circuits; and

            (g) Other information deemed relevant by the judicial conference.

            (2) Once submitted to both chambers, a circuit realignment plan shall become effective January first of the year following the session of the general assembly to which it is submitted, unless a bill realigning the judicial circuits is presented to the governor and is duly enacted.

            2. A circuit realignment plan shall not alter the total number of judicial circuits in existence on December 31, 2019, and any circuit realignment plan creating or reducing the number of judicial circuits shall be null and void.

            3. A circuit realignment plan not superceded in the manner set forth in this section shall be considered for all purposes as the equivalent in force, effect, and intent of a public act of the state upon its taking effect, and it shall be published by the revisor of statutes together with the laws adopted by the general assembly during the session in which the plan is submitted.

            478.320. 1. In counties having a population of thirty thousand or less, there shall be one associate circuit judge. In counties having a population of more than thirty thousand and less than one hundred thousand, there shall be two associate circuit judges. In counties having a population of one hundred thousand or more, there shall be three associate circuit judges and one additional associate circuit judge for each additional one hundred thousand inhabitants.

            2. When the office of state courts administrator indicates in an annual judicial weighted workload model for three consecutive years or more the need for four or more full-time judicial positions in any judicial circuit having a population of one hundred thousand or more, there shall be one additional associate circuit judge position in such circuit for every four full-time judicial positions needed as indicated in the weighted workload model. In a multicounty circuit, the additional associate circuit judge positions shall be apportioned among the counties in the circuit on the basis of population, starting with the most populous county, then the next most populous county, and so forth.

            3. For purposes of this section, notwithstanding the provisions of section 1.100, population of a county shall be determined on the basis of the last previous decennial census of the United States; and, beginning after certification of the year 2000 decennial census, on the basis of annual population estimates prepared by the United States Bureau of the Census, provided that the number of associate circuit judge positions in a county shall be adjusted only after population estimates for three consecutive years indicate population change in the county to a level provided by subsection 1 of this section.

            [3.] 4. Except in circuits where associate circuit judges are selected under the provisions of sections 25(a) to (g) of article V of the constitution, the election of associate circuit judges shall in all respects be conducted as other elections and the returns made as for other officers.

            [4.] 5. In counties not subject to sections 25(a) to (g) of article V of the constitution, associate circuit judges shall be elected by the county at large.

            [5.] 6. No associate circuit judge shall practice law, or do a law business, nor shall he or she accept, during his or her term of office, any public appointment for which he or she receives compensation for his or her services.

            [6.] 7. No person shall be elected as an associate circuit judge unless he or she has resided in the county for which he or she is to be elected at least one year prior to the date of his or her election; provided that, a person who is appointed by the governor to fill a vacancy may file for election and be elected notwithstanding the provisions of this subsection.

            487.010. 1. [There is hereby created in the circuit court of the following judicial circuits of the state, a division or divisions to be designated as provided in sections 487.010 to 487.190, which shall be the family court:

            (1) Circuit number seven, consisting of the county of Clay;

            (2) Circuit number thirteen, consisting of Callaway and Boone;

            (3) Circuit number sixteen, consisting of the county of Jackson;

            (4) Circuit number twenty-one, consisting of the county of St. Louis;

            (5) Circuit number twenty-two, consisting of the city of St. Louis;

            (6) Circuit number thirty-one, consisting of the county of Greene; and

            (7) Any other circuit which chooses, by local court rule, to have a family court as provided in sections 487.010 to 487.190.

            2.] The majority of the circuit judges and associate circuit judges en banc, in the circuit, may designate, by local court rule, a family court in a county in the circuit as provided in sections 487.010 to 487.190.

            [3.] 2. The presiding judge of each circuit where the circuit or a county in the circuit has a family court shall designate the division or divisions of the circuit court that shall be the family court. In those circuits with split venue, a division shall be designated in each venue.

            [4.] 3. In each circuit having more than one division designated as the family court, the presiding judge shall designate from the divisions so designated an administrative judge of the family court.

            [5.] 4. In any circuit with a county with split venue, there shall be at least one circuit judge assigned to the family court for each block of one hundred sixty thousand persons, or portion of such block, based upon the latest decennial national census.

            [6.] 5. Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter to the contrary, the judges of the court en banc may remove a judge from his duties as a family court judge and may assign a new judge to sit as the family court judge.

            6. This section shall not be construed as eliminating any family courts in existence as of December 31, 2019.

            487.020. 1. In each circuit or a county having a family court, a majority of the circuit and associate circuit judges en banc, in the circuit, may appoint commissioners, subject to appropriations, to hear family court cases and make findings as provided for in sections 487.010 to 487.190. Any person serving as a commissioner of the juvenile division of the circuit court on August 28, 1993, shall become a commissioner of the family court. In each circuit or a county therein having a family court, a majority of the circuit and associate circuit judges en banc may appoint, in addition to those commissioners serving as commissioners of the juvenile division and becoming commissioners of the family court pursuant to the provisions of sections 487.020 to 487.040, no more than three additional commissioners to hear family court cases and make findings and recommendations as provided in sections 487.010 to 487.190. The number of additional commissioners added as a result of the provisions of sections 487.010 to 487.190 may be appointed only to the extent that the state is reimbursed for the salaries of the commissioners as provided in sections 487.010 to 487.190 or by federal or county funds or by gifts or grants made for such purposes. A commissioner shall be appointed for a term of four years. Commissioners appointed pursuant to sections 487.020 to 487.040 shall serve in addition to circuit judges, associate circuit court judges and commissioners authorized to hear actions classified under section 487.080.

            2. The circuit [court] courts in the eleventh judicial circuit, the thirteenth judicial circuit, and the thirty-first judicial circuit may, in substitution of [a] each family court commissioner currently appointed pursuant to this section whose salary is reimbursable, appoint [one] a family court commissioner whose compensation shall be payable by the state without necessity of reimbursement. The provisions of this subsection shall not be construed to allow appointment of a family court commissioner in the eleventh judicial circuit in addition to the number of such family court commissioners holding office in the eleventh judicial circuit as of January 1, 1999[, and] . The provisions of this subsection shall not be construed to allow appointment of a family court commissioner in the thirteenth judicial circuit or the thirty-first judicial circuit in addition to the number of such family court commissioners holding office in such circuits as of January 1, 2013. The appointment of the state-paid commissioner shall be subject to appropriations for such purpose.

            3. Each commissioner of the family court shall possess the same qualifications as a circuit judge. The compensation and retirement benefits of each commissioner shall be the same as that of an associate circuit judge, payable in the same manner and from the same source as that of an associate circuit judge.

            488.426. 1. The judges of the circuit court, en banc, in any circuit in this state may require any party filing a civil case in the circuit court, at the time of filing the suit, to deposit with the clerk of the court a surcharge in addition to all other deposits required by law or court rule. Sections 488.426 to 488.432 shall not apply to proceedings when costs are waived or are to be paid by the county or state or any city.

            2. The surcharge in effect on August 28, 2001, shall remain in effect until changed by the circuit court. The circuit court in any circuit, except the circuit court in Jackson County or the circuit court in any circuit that reimburses the state for the salaries of family court commissioners pursuant to section 487.020, may change the fee to any amount not to exceed fifteen dollars. The circuit court in Jackson County or the circuit court in any circuit that reimburses the state for the salaries of family court commissioners pursuant to section 487.020 may change the fee to any amount not to exceed twenty dollars. A change in the fee shall become effective and remain in effect until further changed.

            3. Sections 488.426 to 488.432 shall not apply to proceedings when costs are waived or are paid by the county or state or any city.

            4. In addition to any fee authorized by subsection 1 of this section, any county of the first classification with more than ninety-three thousand eight hundred but less than ninety-three thousand nine hundred inhabitants may impose an additional fee of ten dollars excluding cases concerning adoption and those in small claims court. The provisions of this subsection shall expire on December 31, 2014.

            488.2250. [For all transcripts of testimony given or proceedings had in any circuit court, the court reporter shall receive the sum of two dollars per twenty-five-line page for the original of the transcript, and the sum of thirty-five cents per twenty-five-line page for each carbon copy thereof; the page to be approximately eight and one-half inches by eleven inches in size, with left-hand margin of approximately one and one-half inches and the right-hand margin of approximately one-half inch; answer to follow question on same line when feasible; such page to be designated as a legal page. Any judge, in his or her discretion, may order a transcript of all or any part of the evidence or oral proceedings, and the court reporter's fees for making the same shall be paid by the state upon a voucher approved by the court, and taxed against the state. In criminal cases where an appeal is taken by the defendant, and it appears to the satisfaction of the court that the defendant is unable to pay the costs of the transcript for the purpose of perfecting the appeal, the court shall order the court reporter to furnish three transcripts in duplication of the notes of the evidence, for the original of which the court reporter shall receive two dollars per legal page and for the copies twenty cents per page. The payment of court reporter's fees provided in this section shall be made by the state upon a voucher approved by the court] 1. For all appeal transcripts of testimony given or proceedings in any circuit court, the court reporter shall receive the sum of three dollars and fifty cents per legal page for the preparation of a paper and an electronic version of the transcript.

            2. In criminal cases where an appeal is taken by the defendant and it appears to the satisfaction of the court that the defendant is unable to pay the costs of the transcript for the purpose of perfecting the appeal, the court reporter shall receive a fee of two dollars and sixty cents per legal page for the preparation of a paper and an electronic version of the transcript.

            3. Any judge, in his or her discretion, may order a transcript of all or any part of the evidence or oral proceedings and the court reporter shall receive the sum of two dollars and sixty cents per legal page for the preparation of a paper and an electronic version of the transcript.

            4. For purposes of this section, a legal page, other than the first page and the final page of the transcript, shall be twenty-five lines, approximately eight and one-half inches by eleven inches in size, with the left-hand margin of approximately one and one-half inches, and with the right-hand margin of approximately one-half inch.

            5. Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, the payment of court reporter's fees provided in subsections 2 and 3 of this section shall be made by the state upon a voucher approved by the court. The cost to prepare all other transcripts of testimony or proceedings shall be borne by the party requesting their preparation and production, who shall reimburse the court reporter the sum provided in subsection 1 of this section.

            488.5320. 1. Sheriffs, county marshals or other officers shall be allowed a charge for their services rendered in criminal cases and in all proceedings for contempt or attachment, as required by law, the sum of seventy-five dollars for each felony case or contempt or attachment proceeding, ten dollars for each misdemeanor case, and six dollars for each infraction, [excluding] including cases disposed of by a [traffic] violations bureau established pursuant to law or supreme court rule. Such charges shall be charged and collected in the manner provided by sections 488.010 to 488.020 and shall be payable to the county treasury; except that, those charges from cases disposed of by a violations bureau shall be distributed as follows: one-half of the charges collected shall be forwarded and deposited to the credit of the MODEX fund established in subsection 6 of this section for the operational cost of the Missouri data exchange (MODEX) system, and one-half of the charges collected shall be deposited to the credit of the inmate security fund, established in section 488.5026, of the county or municipal political subdivision from which the citation originated. If the county or municipal political subdivision has not established an inmate security fund, all of the funds shall be deposited in the MODEX fund.

            2. Notwithstanding subsection 1 of this section to the contrary, sheriffs, county marshals, or other officers in any county with a charter form of government and with more than nine hundred fifty thousand inhabitants or in any city not within a county shall not be allowed a charge for their services rendered in cases disposed of by a violations bureau established pursuant to law or supreme court rule.

            3. The sheriff receiving any charge pursuant to subsection 1 of this section shall reimburse the sheriff of any other county or the city of St. Louis the sum of three dollars for each pleading, writ, summons, order of court or other document served in connection with the case or proceeding by the sheriff of the other county or city, and return made thereof, to the maximum amount of the total charge received pursuant to subsection 1 of this section.

            [3.] 4. The charges provided in subsection 1 of this section shall be taxed as other costs in criminal proceedings immediately upon a plea of guilty or a finding of guilt of any defendant in any criminal procedure. The clerk shall tax all the costs in the case against such defendant, which shall be collected and disbursed as provided by sections 488.010 to 488.020; provided, that no such charge shall be collected in any proceeding in any court when the proceeding or the defendant has been dismissed by the court; provided further, that all costs, incident to the issuing and serving of writs of scire facias and of writs of fieri facias, and of attachments for witnesses of defendant, shall in no case be paid by the state, but such costs incurred under writs of fieri facias and scire facias shall be paid by the defendant and such defendant's sureties, and costs for attachments for witnesses shall be paid by such witnesses.

            [4.] 5. Mileage shall be reimbursed to sheriffs, county marshals and guards for all services rendered pursuant to this section at the rate prescribed by the Internal Revenue Service for allowable expenses for motor vehicle use expressed as an amount per mile.

            6. (1) There is hereby created in the state treasury the "MODEX Fund", which shall consist of money collected under subsection 1 of this section. The fund shall be administered by the Peace Officers Standards and Training Commission established in section 590.120. The state treasurer shall be custodian of the fund. In accordance with sections 30.170 and 30.180, the state treasurer may approve disbursements. The fund shall be a dedicated fund and, upon appropriation, money in the fund shall be used solely for the operational support and expansion of the MODEX system.

            (2) Notwithstanding the provisions of section 33.080 to the contrary, any moneys remaining in the fund at the end of the biennium shall not revert to the credit of the general revenue fund.

            (3) The state treasurer shall invest moneys in the fund in the same manner as other funds are invested. Any interest and moneys earned on such investments shall be credited to the fund.

            513.430. 1. The following property shall be exempt from attachment and execution to the extent of any person's interest therein:

            (1) Household furnishings, household goods, wearing apparel, appliances, books, animals, crops or musical instruments that are held primarily for personal, family or household use of such person or a dependent of such person, not to exceed three thousand dollars in value in the aggregate;

            (2) A wedding ring not to exceed one thousand five hundred dollars in value and other jewelry held primarily for the personal, family or household use of such person or a dependent of such person, not to exceed five hundred dollars in value in the aggregate;

            (3) Any other property of any kind, not to exceed in value six hundred dollars in the aggregate;

            (4) Any implements or professional books or tools of the trade of such person or the trade of a dependent of such person not to exceed three thousand dollars in value in the aggregate;

            (5) Any motor vehicles, not to exceed three thousand dollars in value in the aggregate;

            (6) Any mobile home used as the principal residence but not attached to real property in which the debtor has a fee interest, not to exceed five thousand dollars in value;

            (7) Any one or more unmatured life insurance contracts owned by such person, other than a credit life insurance contract;

            (8) The amount of any accrued dividend or interest under, or loan value of, any one or more unmatured life insurance contracts owned by such person under which the insured is such person or an individual of whom such person is a dependent; provided, however, that if proceedings under Title 11 of the United States Code are commenced by or against such person, the amount exempt in such proceedings shall not exceed in value one hundred fifty thousand dollars in the aggregate less any amount of property of such person transferred by the life insurance company or fraternal benefit society to itself in good faith if such transfer is to pay a premium or to carry out a nonforfeiture insurance option and is required to be so transferred automatically under a life insurance contract with such company or society that was entered into before commencement of such proceedings. No amount of any accrued dividend or interest under, or loan value of, any such life insurance contracts shall be exempt from any claim for child support. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary, no such amount shall be exempt in such proceedings under any such insurance contract which was purchased by such person within one year prior to the commencement of such proceedings;

            (9) Professionally prescribed health aids for such person or a dependent of such person;

            (10) Such person's right to receive:

            (a) A Social Security benefit, unemployment compensation or a public assistance benefit;

            (b) A veteran's benefit;

            (c) A disability, illness or unemployment benefit;

            (d) Alimony, support or separate maintenance, not to exceed seven hundred fifty dollars a month;

            (e) Any payment under a stock bonus plan, pension plan, disability or death benefit plan, profit-sharing plan, nonpublic retirement plan or any plan described, defined, or established pursuant to section 456.072, the person's right to a participant account in any deferred compensation program offered by the state of Missouri or any of its political subdivisions, or annuity or similar plan or contract on account of illness, disability, death, age or length of service, to the extent reasonably necessary for the support of such person and any dependent of such person unless:

            a. Such plan or contract was established by or under the auspices of an insider that employed such person at the time such person's rights under such plan or contract arose;

            b. Such payment is on account of age or length of service; and

            c. Such plan or contract does not qualify under Section 401(a), 403(a), 403(b), 408, 408A or 409 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, (26 U.S.C. 401(a), 403(a), 403(b), 408, 408A or 409); except that any such payment to any person shall be subject to attachment or execution pursuant to a qualified domestic relations order, as defined by Section 414(p) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, issued by a court in any proceeding for dissolution of marriage or legal separation or a proceeding for disposition of property following dissolution of marriage by a court which lacked personal jurisdiction over the absent spouse or lacked jurisdiction to dispose of marital property at the time of the original judgment of dissolution;

            (f) Any money or assets, payable to a participant or beneficiary from, or any interest of any participant or beneficiary in, a retirement plan [or] , profit-sharing plan, health savings plan, or similar plan, including an inherited account or plan, that is qualified under Section 401(a), 403(a), 403(b), 408, 408A or 409 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, whether such participant's or beneficiary's interest arises by inheritance, designation, appointment, or otherwise, except as provided in this paragraph. Any plan or arrangement described in this paragraph shall not be exempt from the claim of an alternate payee under a qualified domestic relations order; however, the interest of any and all alternate payees under a qualified domestic relations order shall be exempt from any and all claims of any creditor, other than the state of Missouri through its division of family services. As used in this paragraph, the terms "alternate payee" and "qualified domestic relations order" have the meaning given to them in Section 414(p) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended.


If proceedings under Title 11 of the United States Code are commenced by or against such person, no amount of funds shall be exempt in such proceedings under any such plan, contract, or trust which is fraudulent as defined in subsection 2 of section 428.024 and for the period such person participated within three years prior to the commencement of such proceedings. For the purposes of this section, when the fraudulently conveyed funds are recovered and after, such funds shall be deducted and then treated as though the funds had never been contributed to the plan, contract, or trust;

            (11) The debtor's right to receive, or property that is traceable to, a payment on account of the wrongful death of an individual of whom the debtor was a dependent, to the extent reasonably necessary for the support of the debtor and any dependent of the debtor.

            2. Nothing in this section shall be interpreted to exempt from attachment or execution for a valid judicial or administrative order for the payment of child support or maintenance any money or assets, payable to a participant or beneficiary from, or any interest of any participant or beneficiary in, a retirement plan which is qualified pursuant to Section 408A of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended.

            514.040. 1. Except as provided in subsection 3 of this section, if any court shall, before or after the commencement of any suit pending before it, be satisfied that the plaintiff is a poor person, and unable to prosecute his or her suit, and pay all or any portion of the costs and expenses thereof, such court may, in its discretion, permit him or her to commence and prosecute his or her action as a poor person, and thereupon such poor person shall have all necessary process and proceedings as in other cases, without fees, tax or charge as the court determines the person cannot pay; and the court may assign to such person counsel, who, as well as all other officers of the court, shall perform their duties in such suit without fee or reward as the court may excuse; but if judgment is entered for the plaintiff, costs shall be recovered, which shall be collected for the use of the officers of the court.

            2. In any civil action brought in a court of this state by any offender convicted of a crime who is confined in any state prison or correctional center, the court shall not reduce the amount required as security for costs upon filing such suit to an amount of less than ten dollars pursuant to this section. This subsection shall not apply to any action for which no sum as security for costs is required to be paid upon filing such suit.

            3. Where a party is represented in a civil action by a legal aid society or a legal services or other nonprofit organization funded in whole or substantial part by moneys appropriated by the general assembly of the state of Missouri, which has as its primary purpose the furnishing of legal services to indigent persons, by a law school clinic which has as its primary purpose educating law students through furnishing legal services to indigent persons, or by private counsel working on behalf of or under the auspices of such society, all costs and expenses related to the prosecution of the suit may be waived without the necessity of a motion and court approval, provided that a determination has been made by such society or organization that such party is unable to pay the costs, fees and expenses necessary to prosecute or defend the action, and that a certification that such determination has been made is filed with the clerk of the court.

            544.455. 1. Any person charged with a bailable offense, at his or her appearance before an associate circuit judge or judge may be ordered released pending trial, appeal, or other stage of the proceedings against him on his personal recognizance, unless the associate circuit judge or judge determines, in the exercise of his discretion, that such a release will not reasonably assure the appearance of the person as required. When such a determination is made, the associate circuit judge or judge may either in lieu of or in addition to the above methods of release, impose any or any combination of the following conditions of release which will reasonably assure the appearance of the person for trial:

            (1) Place the person in the custody of a designated person or organization agreeing to supervise him;

            (2) Place restriction on the travel, association, or place of abode of the person during the period of release;

            (3) Require the execution of a bail bond with sufficient solvent sureties, or the deposit of cash in lieu thereof;

            (4) Require the person to report regularly to some officer of the court, or peace officer, in such manner as the associate circuit judge or judge directs;

            (5) Require the execution of a bond in a given sum and the deposit in the registry of the court of ten percent, or such lesser percent as the judge directs, of the sum in cash or negotiable bonds of the United States or of the state of Missouri or any political subdivision thereof;

            (6) Place the person on house arrest with electronic monitoring[,] ; except that all costs associated with the electronic monitoring shall be charged to the person on house arrest. If the judge finds the person unable to afford the costs associated with electronic monitoring, [then] the judge [shall not] may order that the person be placed on house arrest with electronic monitoring if the county commission agrees to pay from the general revenue of the county the costs of such monitoring.  If the person on house arrest is unable to afford the costs associated with electronic monitoring and the county commission does not agree to pay the costs of such electronic monitoring, the judge shall not order that the person be placed on house arrest with electronic monitoring;

            (7) Impose any other condition deemed reasonably necessary to assure appearance as required, including a condition requiring that the person return to custody after specified hours.

            2. In determining which conditions of release will reasonably assure appearance, the associate circuit judge or judge shall, on the basis of available information, take into account the nature and circumstances of the offense charged, the weight of the evidence against the accused, the accused's family ties, employment, financial resources, character and mental condition, the length of his residence in the community, his record of convictions, and his record of appearance at court proceedings or flight to avoid prosecution or failure to appear at court proceedings.

            3. An associate circuit judge or judge authorizing the release of a person under this section shall issue an appropriate order containing a statement of the conditions imposed, if any, shall inform such person of the penalties applicable to violations of the conditions of his release and shall advise him that a warrant for his arrest will be issued immediately upon any such violation.

            4. A person for whom conditions of release are imposed and who after twenty-four hours from the time of the release hearing continues to be detained as a result of his inability to meet the conditions of release, shall, upon application, be entitled to have the condition reviewed by the associate circuit judge or judge who imposed them. The motion shall be determined promptly.

            5. An associate circuit judge or judge ordering the release of a person on any condition specified in this section may at any time amend his order to impose additional or different conditions of release; except that, if the imposition of such additional or different conditions results in the detention of the person as a result of his inability to meet such conditions or in the release of the person on a condition requiring him to return to custody after specified hours, the provisions of subsection 4 of this section shall apply.

            6. Information stated in, or offered in connection with, any order entered pursuant to this section need not conform to the rules pertaining to the admissibility of evidence in a court of law.

            7. Nothing contained in this section shall be construed to prevent the disposition of any case or class of cases by forfeiture of collateral security where such disposition is authorized by the court.

            8. Persons charged with violations of municipal ordinances may be released by a municipal judge or other judge who hears and determines municipal ordinance violation cases of the municipality involved under the same conditions and in the same manner as provided in this section for release by an associate circuit judge.

            9. A circuit court may adopt a local rule authorizing the pretrial release on electronic monitoring pursuant to subdivision (6) of subsection 1 of this section in lieu of incarceration of individuals charged with offenses specifically identified therein.

            557.011. 1. Every person found guilty of an offense shall be dealt with by the court in accordance with the provisions of this chapter, except that for offenses defined outside this code and not repealed, the term of imprisonment or the fine that may be imposed is that provided in the statute defining the offense; however, the conditional release term of any sentence of a term of years shall be determined as provided in subsection 4 of section 558.011.

            2. Whenever any person has been found guilty of a felony or a misdemeanor the court shall make one or more of the following dispositions of the offender in any appropriate combination. The court may:

            (1) Sentence the person to a term of imprisonment as authorized by chapter 558;

            (2) Sentence the person to pay a fine as authorized by chapter 560;

            (3) Suspend the imposition of sentence, with or without placing the person on probation;

            (4) Pronounce sentence and suspend its execution, placing the person on probation;

            (5) Impose a period of detention as a condition of probation, as authorized by section 559.026.

            3. Whenever any person has been found guilty of an infraction, the court shall make one or more of the following dispositions of the offender in any appropriate combination. The court may:

            (1) Sentence the person to pay a fine as authorized by chapter 560;

            (2) Suspend the imposition of sentence, with or without placing the person on probation;

            (3) Pronounce sentence and suspend its execution, placing the person on probation.

            4. Whenever any organization has been found guilty of an offense, the court shall make one or more of the following dispositions of the organization in any appropriate combination. The court may:

            (1) Sentence the organization to pay a fine as authorized by chapter 560;

            (2) Suspend the imposition of sentence, with or without placing the organization on probation;

            (3) Pronounce sentence and suspend its execution, placing the organization on probation;

            (4) Impose any special sentence or sanction authorized by law.

            5. This chapter shall not be construed to deprive the court of any authority conferred by law to decree a forfeiture of property, suspend or cancel a license, remove a person from office, or impose any other civil penalty. An appropriate order exercising such authority may be included as part of any sentence.

            6. In the event a sentence of confinement is ordered executed, a court may order that an individual serve all or any portion of such sentence on electronic monitoring[,] ; except that all costs associated with the electronic monitoring shall be charged to the person on house arrest. If the judge finds the person unable to afford the costs associated with electronic monitoring, [then] the judge [shall not] may order that the person be placed on house arrest with electronic monitoring if the county commission agrees to pay the costs of such monitoring.  If the person on house arrest is unable to afford the costs associated with electronic monitoring and the county commission does not agree to pay from the general revenue of the county the costs of such electronic monitoring, the judge shall not order that the person be placed on house arrest with electronic monitoring.

            559.036. 1. A term of probation commences on the day it is imposed. Multiple terms of Missouri probation, whether imposed at the same time or at different times, shall run concurrently. Terms of probation shall also run concurrently with any federal or other state jail, prison, probation or parole term for another offense to which the defendant is or becomes subject during the period, unless otherwise specified by the Missouri court.

            2. The court may terminate a period of probation and discharge the defendant at any time before completion of the specific term fixed under section 559.016 if warranted by the conduct of the defendant and the ends of justice. The court may extend the term of the probation, but no more than one extension of any probation may be ordered except that the court may extend the term of probation by one additional year by order of the court if the defendant admits he or she has violated the conditions of probation or is found by the court to have violated the conditions of his or her probation. Total time on any probation term, including any extension shall not exceed the maximum term established in section 559.016. Procedures for termination, discharge and extension may be established by rule of court.

            3. If the defendant violates a condition of probation at any time prior to the expiration or termination of the probation term, the court may continue him on the existing conditions, with or without modifying or enlarging the conditions or extending the term.

            4. (1) Unless the defendant consents to the revocation of probation, if a continuation, modification, enlargement or extension is not appropriate under this section, the court shall order placement of the offender in one of the department of corrections' one hundred twenty-day programs so long as:

            (a) The underlying offense for the probation is a class C or D felony or an offense listed in chapter 195; except that, the court may, upon its own motion or a motion of the prosecuting or circuit attorney, make a finding that an offender is not eligible if the underlying offense is involuntary manslaughter in the first degree, involuntary manslaughter in the second degree, aggravated stalking, assault in the second degree, sexual assault, domestic assault in the second degree, assault of a law enforcement officer in the second degree, statutory rape in the second degree, statutory sodomy in the second degree, deviate sexual assault, sexual misconduct involving a child, incest, endangering the welfare of a child in the first degree under subdivision (1) or (2) of subsection 1 of section 568.045, abuse of a child, invasion of privacy or any case in which the defendant is found guilty of a felony offense under chapter 571;

            (b) The probation violation is not the result of the defendant being an absconder or being found guilty of, pleading guilty to, or being arrested on suspicion of any felony, misdemeanor, or infraction. For purposes of this subsection, "absconder" shall mean an offender under supervision who has left such offender's place of residency without the permission of the offender's supervising officer for the purpose of avoiding supervision;

            (c) The defendant has not violated any conditions of probation involving the possession or use of weapons, or a stay-away condition prohibiting the defendant from contacting a certain individual; and

            (d) The defendant has not already been placed in one of the programs by the court for the same underlying offense or during the same probation term.

            (2) Upon receiving the order, the department of corrections shall conduct an assessment of the offender and place such offender in the appropriate one hundred twenty-day program under subsection 3 of section 559.115.

            (3) Notwithstanding any of the provisions of subsection 3 of section 559.115 to the contrary, once the defendant has successfully completed the program under this subsection, the court shall release the defendant to continue to serve the term of probation, which shall not be modified, enlarged, or extended based on the same incident of violation. Time served in the program shall be credited as time served on any sentence imposed for the underlying offense.

            5. If the defendant consents to the revocation of probation or if the defendant is not eligible under subsection 4 of this section for placement in a program and a continuation, modification, enlargement, or extension of the term under this section is not appropriate, the court may revoke probation and order that any sentence previously imposed be executed. If imposition of sentence was suspended, the court may revoke probation and impose any sentence available under section 557.011. The court may mitigate any sentence of imprisonment by reducing the prison or jail term by all or part of the time the defendant was on probation. The court may, upon revocation of probation, place an offender on a second term of probation. Such probation shall be for a term of probation as provided by section 559.016, notwithstanding any amount of time served by the offender on the first term of probation.

            6. Probation shall not be revoked without giving the probationer notice and an opportunity to be heard on the issues of whether he violated a condition of probation and, if he did, whether revocation is warranted under all the circumstances.

            7. The prosecuting or circuit attorney may file a motion to revoke probation or at any time during the term of probation, the court may issue a notice to the probationer to appear to answer a charge of a violation, and the court may issue a warrant of arrest for the violation. Such notice shall be personally served upon the probationer. The warrant shall authorize the return of the probationer to the custody of the court or to any suitable detention facility designated by the court. Upon the filing of the prosecutor's or circuit attorney's motion or on the court's own motion, the court may immediately enter an order suspending the period of probation and may order a warrant for the defendant's arrest. The probation shall remain suspended until the court rules on the prosecutor's or circuit attorney's motion, or until the court otherwise orders the probation reinstated.

            8. The power of the court to revoke probation shall extend for the duration of the term of probation designated by the court and for any further period which is reasonably necessary for the adjudication of matters arising before its expiration, provided that some affirmative manifestation of an intent to conduct a revocation hearing occurs prior to the expiration of the period and that every reasonable effort is made to notify the probationer and to conduct the hearing prior to the expiration of the period.

            559.115. 1. Neither probation nor parole shall be granted by the circuit court between the time the transcript on appeal from the offender's conviction has been filed in appellate court and the disposition of the appeal by such court.

            2. Unless otherwise prohibited by subsection [5] 8 of this section, a circuit court only upon its own motion and not that of the state or the offender shall have the power to grant probation to an offender anytime up to one hundred twenty days after such offender has been delivered to the department of corrections but not thereafter. The court may request information and a recommendation from the department concerning the offender and such offender's behavior during the period of incarceration. Except as provided in this section, the court may place the offender on probation in a program created pursuant to section 217.777, or may place the offender on probation with any other conditions authorized by law.

            3. The court may recommend placement of an offender in a department of corrections one hundred twenty-day program under this [section] subsection or order such placement under subsection 4 of section 559.036. Upon the recommendation or order of the court, the department of corrections shall assess each offender to determine the appropriate one hundred twenty-day program in which to place the offender, [including] which may include placement in the shock incarceration program or institutional treatment program. When the court recommends and receives placement of an offender in a department of corrections one hundred twenty-day program, the offender shall be released on probation if the department of corrections determines that the offender has successfully completed the program except as follows. Upon successful completion of a [treatment] program under this subsection, the board of probation and parole shall advise the sentencing court of an offender's probationary release date thirty days prior to release. [The court shall release the offender unless such release constitutes an abuse of discretion. If the court determined that there is an abuse of discretion, the court may order the execution of the offender's sentence only after conducting a hearing on the matter within ninety to one hundred twenty days of the offender's sentence. If the court does not respond when an offender successfully completes the program, the offender shall be released on probation. Upon successful completion of a shock incarceration program, the board of probation and parole shall advise the sentencing court of an offender's probationary release date thirty days prior to release.] The court shall follow the recommendation of the department unless the court determines that probation is not appropriate. If the court determines that probation is not appropriate, the court may order the execution of the offender's sentence only after conducting a hearing on the matter within ninety to one hundred twenty days [of the offender's sentence. If the department determines that an offender is not successful in a program, then after one hundred days of incarceration the circuit court shall receive from] from the date the offender was delivered to the department of corrections. If the department determines the offender has not successfully completed a one hundred twenty-day program under this subsection, the offender shall be removed from the program and the court shall be advised of the removal. The department [of corrections a] shall report on the offender's participation in the program and [department] may provide recommendations for terms and conditions of an offender's probation. The court shall then [release the offender on probation or order the offender to remain in the department to serve the sentence imposed] have the power to grant probation or order the execution of the offender's sentence.

            4. If the court is advised that an offender is not eligible for placement in a one hundred twenty-day program under subsection 3 of this section, the court shall consider other authorized dispositions. If the department of corrections one hundred twenty-day program under subsection 3 of this section is full, the court may place the offender in a private program approved by the department of corrections or the court, the expenses of such program to be paid by the offender, or in an available program offered by another organization. If the offender is convicted of a class C or class D nonviolent felony, the court may order probation while awaiting appointment to treatment.

            5. Except when the offender has been found to be a predatory sexual offender pursuant to section 558.018, the court shall request [that the offender be placed in the sexual offender assessment unit of the department of corrections] the department of corrections to conduct a sexual offender assessment if the defendant has pleaded guilty to or has been found guilty of sexual abuse when classified as a class B felony. Upon completion of the assessment, the department shall provide to the court a report on the offender and may provide recommendations for terms and conditions of an offender's probation. The assessment shall not be considered a one hundred twenty-day program as provided under subsection 3 of this section. The process for granting probation to an offender who has completed the assessment shall be as provided under subsections 2 and 6 of this section.

            6. Unless the offender is being granted probation pursuant to successful completion of a one hundred twenty-day program the circuit court shall notify the state in writing when the court intends to grant probation to the offender pursuant to the provisions of this section. The state may, in writing, request a hearing within ten days of receipt of the court's notification that the court intends to grant probation. Upon the state's request for a hearing, the court shall grant a hearing as soon as reasonably possible. If the state does not respond to the court's notice in writing within ten days, the court may proceed upon its own motion to grant probation.

            7. An offender's first incarceration [for one hundred twenty days for participation in a department of corrections program] under this section prior to release on probation shall not be considered a previous prison commitment for the purpose of determining a minimum prison term under the provisions of section 558.019.

            8. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, probation may not be granted pursuant to this section to offenders who have been convicted of murder in the second degree pursuant to section 565.021; forcible rape pursuant to section 566.030; forcible sodomy pursuant to section 566.060; statutory rape in the first degree pursuant to section 566.032; statutory sodomy in the first degree pursuant to section 566.062; child molestation in the first degree pursuant to section 566.067 when classified as a class A felony; abuse of a child pursuant to section 568.060 when classified as a class A felony; an offender who has been found to be a predatory sexual offender pursuant to section 558.018; or any offense in which there exists a statutory prohibition against either probation or parole.

            632.498. 1. Each person committed pursuant to sections 632.480 to 632.513 shall have a current examination of the person's mental condition made once every year by the director of the department of mental health or designee. The yearly report shall be provided to the court that committed the person pursuant to sections 632.480 to 632.513. The court shall conduct an annual review of the status of the committed person. The court shall not conduct an annual review of a person's status if he or she has been conditionally released pursuant to section 632.505.

            2. Nothing contained in sections 632.480 to 632.513 shall prohibit the person from otherwise petitioning the court for release. The director of the department of mental health shall provide the committed person who has not been conditionally released with an annual written notice of the person's right to petition the court for release over the director's objection. The notice shall contain a waiver of rights. The director shall forward the notice and waiver form to the court with the annual report.

            3. If the committed person petitions the court for conditional release over the director's objection, the petition shall be served upon the court that committed the person, the prosecuting attorney of the jurisdiction into which the committed person is to be released, the director of the department of mental health, the head of the facility housing the person, and the attorney general.

            4. The committed person shall have a right to have an attorney represent the person at the hearing but the person is not entitled to be present at the hearing. If the court at the hearing determines by a preponderance of the evidence that the person no longer suffers from a mental abnormality that makes the person likely to engage in acts of sexual violence if released, then the court shall set a trial on the issue.

            5. The trial shall be governed by the following provisions:

            (1) The committed person shall be entitled to be present and entitled to the benefit of all constitutional protections that were afforded the person at the initial commitment proceeding;

            (2) The attorney general shall represent the state and shall have a right to a jury trial and to have the committed person evaluated by a psychiatrist or psychologist not employed by the department of mental health or the department of corrections. In addition, the person may be examined by a consenting psychiatrist or psychologist of the person's choice at the person's own expense;

            (3) The burden of proof at the trial shall be upon the state to prove by clear and convincing evidence that the committed person's mental abnormality remains such that the person is not safe to be at large and if released is likely to engage in acts of sexual violence. If such determination is made by a jury, the verdict must be unanimous;

            (4) If the court or jury finds that the person's mental abnormality remains such that the person is not safe to be at large and if released is likely to engage in acts of sexual violence, the person shall remain in the custody of the department of mental health in a secure facility designated by the director of the department of mental health. If the court or jury finds that the person's mental abnormality has so changed that the person is not likely to commit acts of sexual violence if released, the person shall be conditionally released as provided in section 632.505.

            632.505. 1. Upon determination by a court or jury that the person's mental abnormality has so changed that the person is not likely to commit acts of sexual violence if released, the court shall place the person on conditional release pursuant to the terms of this section. The primary purpose of conditional release is to provide outpatient treatment and monitoring to prevent the person's condition from deteriorating to the degree that the person would need to be returned to a secure facility designated by the director of the department of mental health.

            2. The department of mental health is authorized to enter into an interagency agreement with the department of corrections for the supervision of persons granted a conditional release by the court. In conjunction with the department of corrections, the department of mental health shall develop a conditional release plan which contains appropriate conditions for the person to be released. The plan shall address the person's need for supervision, counseling, medication, community support services, residential services, vocational services, and alcohol and drug treatment. The department of mental health shall submit the proposed plan for conditional release to the court.

            3. The court shall review the plan and determine the conditions that it deems necessary to meet the person's need for treatment and supervision and to protect the safety of the public. The court shall order that the person shall be subject to the following conditions and other conditions as deemed necessary:

            (1) Maintain a residence approved by the department of mental health and not change residence unless approved by the department of mental health;

            (2) Maintain employment unless engaged in other structured activity approved by the department of mental health;

            (3) Obey all federal and state laws;

            (4) Not possess a firearm or dangerous weapon;

            (5) Not be employed or voluntarily participate in an activity that involves contact with children without approval of the department of mental health;

            (6) Not consume alcohol or use a controlled substance except as prescribed by a treating physician and to submit, upon request, to any procedure designed to test for alcohol or controlled substance use;

            (7) Not associate with any person who has been convicted of a felony unless approved by the department of mental health;

            (8) Not leave the state without permission of the department of mental health;

            (9) Not have contact with specific persons, including but not limited to, the victim or victim's family, as directed by the department of mental health;

            (10) Not have any contact with any child without specific approval by the department of mental health;

            (11) Not possess material that is pornographic, sexually oriented, or sexually stimulating;

            (12) Not enter a business providing sexually stimulating or sexually oriented entertainment;

            (13) Submit to a polygraph, plethysmograph, or other electronic or behavioral monitoring or assessment;

            (14) Submit to electronic monitoring which may be based on a global positioning system or other technology which identifies and records a person's location at all times;

            (15) Attend and fully participate in assessment and treatment as directed by the department of mental health;

            (16) Take all psychiatric medications as prescribed by a treating physician;

            (17) Authorize the department of mental health to access and obtain copies of confidential records pertaining to evaluation, counseling, treatment, and other such records and provide the consent necessary for the release of any such records;

            (18) Pay fees to the department of mental health and the department of corrections to cover the costs of services and monitoring;

            (19) Report to or appear in person as directed by the department of mental health and the department of corrections, and to follow all directives of such departments;

            (20) Comply with any registration requirements under sections 589.400 to 589.425; and

            (21) Comply with any other conditions that the court determines to be in the best interest of the person and society.

            4. The court shall provide a copy of the order containing the conditions of release to the person, the attorney general, the department of mental health, the head of the facility housing the person, and the department of corrections.

            5. A person who is conditionally released and supervised by a probation and parole officer employed by the department of corrections remains under the control, care, and treatment of the department of mental health.

            6. The court may modify conditions of release upon its own motion or upon the petition of the department of mental health, the department of corrections, or the person on conditional release.

            7. The following provisions shall apply to violations of conditional release:

            (1) If any probation and parole officer has reasonable cause to believe that a person on conditional release has violated a condition of release or that the person is no longer a proper subject for conditional release, the officer may issue a warrant for the person's arrest. The warrant shall contain a brief recitation of the facts supporting the officer's belief. The warrant shall direct any peace officer to take the person into custody immediately so that the person can be returned to a secure facility;

            (2) If the director of the department of mental health or the director's designee has reasonable cause to believe that a person on conditional release has violated a condition of release or that the person is no longer a proper subject for conditional release, the director or the director's designee may request that a peace officer take the person into custody immediately, or request that a probation and parole officer or the court which ordered the release issue a warrant for the person's arrest so that the person can be returned to a secure facility;

            (3) At any time during the period of a conditional release, the court which ordered the release may issue a notice to the released person to appear to answer a charge of a violation of the terms of the release and the court may issue a warrant of arrest for the violation. Such notice shall be personally served upon the released person. The warrant shall authorize the return of the released person to the custody of the court or to the custody of the director of mental health or the director's designee;

            (4) No peace officer responsible for apprehending and returning the person to the facility upon the request of the director of the department of mental health or the director's designee or a probation and parole officer shall be civilly liable for apprehending or transporting such person to the facility so long as such duties were performed in good faith and without negligence;

            (5) The department of mental health shall promptly notify the court that the person has been apprehended and returned to a secure facility;

            (6) Within seven days of the person's return to a secure facility, the department of mental health must either request that the attorney general file a petition to revoke the person's conditional release or continue the person on conditional release;

            (7) If a petition to revoke conditional release is filed, the person shall remain in custody until a hearing is held on the petition. The hearing shall be given priority on the court's docket. If upon hearing the evidence, the court finds by preponderance of the evidence that the person has violated a condition of release and that the violation of the condition was sufficient to render the person no longer suitable for conditional release, the court shall revoke the conditional release and order the person returned to a secure facility designated by the director of the department of mental health. If the court determines that revocation is not required, the court may modify or increase the conditions of release or order the person's release on the existing conditions of release;

            (8) A person whose conditional release has been revoked may petition the court for subsequent release pursuant to sections 632.498, 632.501, and 632.504 no sooner than six months after the person's return to a secure facility.

            8. The department of mental health may enter into agreements with the department of corrections and other departments and may enter into contracts with private entities for the purpose of supervising a person on conditional release.

            9. The department of mental health and the department of corrections may require a person on conditional release to pay a reasonable fee to cover the costs of providing services and monitoring while the person is released. Each department may adopt rules with respect to establishing, waiving, collecting, and using fees. Any rule or portion of a rule, as that term is defined in section 536.010, that is created under the authority delegated in this section shall become effective only if it complies with and is subject to all of the provisions of chapter 536 and, if applicable, section 536.028. This section and chapter 536 are nonseverable and if any of the powers vested with the general assembly pursuant to chapter 536 to review, to delay the effective date, or to disapprove and annul a rule are subsequently held unconstitutional, then the grant of rulemaking authority and any rule proposed or adopted after August 28, 2006, shall be invalid and void.

            10. In the event a person on conditional release escapes from custody, the department of mental health shall notify the court, the department of corrections, the attorney general, the chief law enforcement officer of the county or city not within a county from where the person escaped or absconded, and any other persons necessary to protect the safety of the public or to assist in the apprehension of the person. The attorney general shall notify victims and witnesses. Upon receiving such notice, the attorney general shall file escape from commitment charges under section 575.195.

            11. When a person who has been granted conditional release under this section is being electronically monitored and remains in the county, city, town, or village where the facility is located that released the person, the department of corrections shall provide, upon request, the chief of the local law enforcement agency of such county, city, town, or village with access to the information gathered by the global positioning system or other technology used to monitor the person. This access shall include, but not be limited to, any user name or password needed to view any real-time or recorded information about the person, and any alert or message generated by the technology. The access shall continue while the person is being electronically monitored and is living in the county, city, town, or village where the facility that released the offender is located. The information obtained by the chief of the local law enforcement agency shall be closed and shall not be disclosed to any person outside the law enforcement agency except upon an order of the court supervising the conditional release.

            Section 1. It is the intent of the legislature to reject and abrogate earlier case law interpretations on the meaning of or definition of "sexually violent offense" to include, but not be limited to, holdings in: Robertson v. State, 392 S.W.3d 1 (Mo. App. W.D., 2012); and State ex rel. Whitaker v. Satterfield, 386 S.W.3d 893 (Mo. App. S.D., 2012); and all cases citing, interpreting, applying, or following those cases. It is the intent of the legislature to apply these provisions retroactively.

[478.075. Circuit number one shall consist of the counties of Clark, Schuyler and Scotland.]


[478.077. Circuit number two shall consist of the counties of Adair, Knox and Lewis.]


[478.080. Circuit number three shall consist of the counties of Grundy, Harrison, Mercer and Putnam.]


[478.085. Circuit number four shall consist of the counties of Holt, Atchison, Gentry, Nodaway and Worth.]


[478.087. Circuit number five shall consist of the counties of Buchanan and Andrew.]


[478.090. Circuit number six shall consist of the county of Platte.]


[478.093. Circuit number seven shall consist of the county of Clay.]


[478.095. Circuit number eight shall consist of the counties of Carroll and Ray.]


[478.097. Circuit number nine shall consist of the counties of Chariton, Linn and Sullivan.]


[478.100. Circuit number ten shall consist of the counties of Marion, Monroe and Ralls.]


[478.103. 1. Until August 28, 1991, circuit number eleven shall consist of the counties of Lincoln, Pike and St. Charles.

2. Beginning August 29, 1991, circuit number eleven shall consist of the county of St. Charles.]


[478.105. Circuit number twelve shall consist of the counties of Audrain, Montgomery and Warren.]


[478.107. Circuit number thirteen shall consist of the counties of Boone and Callaway.]


[478.110. Circuit number fourteen shall consist of the counties of Howard and Randolph.]


[478.113. Circuit number fifteen shall consist of the counties of Lafayette and Saline.]


[478.115. Circuit number sixteen shall consist of the county of Jackson.]


[478.117. Circuit number seventeen shall consist of the counties of Cass and Johnson.]


[478.120. Circuit number eighteen shall consist of the counties of Cooper and Pettis.]


[478.123. Circuit number nineteen shall consist of the county of Cole.]


[478.125. Circuit number twenty shall consist of the counties of Franklin, Gasconade and Osage.]


[478.127. Circuit number twenty-one shall consist of the county of St. Louis.]


[478.130. Circuit number twenty-two shall consist of the city of St. Louis.]


[478.133. Circuit number twenty-three shall consist of Jefferson County.]


[478.135. Circuit number twenty-four shall consist of the counties of Madison, St. Francois, Ste. Genevieve and Washington.]


[478.137. Circuit number twenty-five shall consist of the counties of Maries, Phelps, Pulaski and Texas.]


[478.140. Circuit number twenty-six shall consist of the counties of Camden, Laclede, Miller, Moniteau and Morgan.]


[478.143. Circuit number twenty-seven shall consist of the counties of Bates, Henry and St. Clair.]


[478.145. Circuit number twenty-eight shall consist of the counties of Barton, Cedar, Dade and Vernon.]


[478.147. Circuit number twenty-nine shall consist of the county of Jasper.]


[478.150. Circuit number thirty shall consist of the counties of Benton, Dallas, Hickory, Polk and Webster.]


[478.153. Circuit number thirty-one shall consist of the county of Greene.]


[478.155. Circuit number thirty-two shall consist of the counties of Perry, Bollinger and Cape Girardeau.]


[478.157. Circuit number thirty-three shall consist of the counties of Mississippi and Scott.]


[478.160. Circuit number thirty-four shall consist of the counties of New Madrid and Pemiscot.]


[478.163. Circuit number thirty-five shall consist of the counties of Dunklin and Stoddard.]


[478.165. Circuit number thirty-six shall consist of the counties of Butler and Ripley.]


[478.167. Circuit number thirty-seven shall consist of the counties of Carter, Howell, Oregon and Shannon.]


[478.170. Circuit number thirty-eight shall consist of the counties of Christian and Taney.]


[478.173. Circuit number thirty-nine shall consist of the counties of Barry, Lawrence and Stone.]


[478.175. Circuit number forty shall consist of the counties of McDonald and Newton.]


[478.177. Circuit number forty-one shall consist of the counties of Macon and Shelby.]


[478.180. Circuit number forty-two shall consist of the counties of Crawford, Dent, Iron, Reynolds and Wayne.]


[478.183. Circuit number forty-three shall consist of the counties of Clinton, Caldwell, Daviess, Livingston, and DeKalb.]


[478.185. Circuit number forty-four shall consist of the counties of Douglas, Ozark, and Wright.]


[478.186. 1. Beginning August 29, 1991, circuit number forty-five shall consist of the counties of Lincoln and Pike.

2. The circuit court judge who sat in division three of the eleventh judicial circuit on August 28, 1991, shall beginning August 29, 1991, be the circuit judge of the forty-fifth judicial circuit and shall hold office for the remainder of the term to which he was elected or appointed, and until his successor is elected and qualified.]

            Section B. The repeal of sections 478.075, 478.077, 478.080, 478.085, 478.087, 478.090, 478.093, 478.095, 478.097, 478.100, 478.103, 478.105, 478.107, 478.110, 478.113, 478.115, 478.117, 478.120, 478.123, 478.125, 478.127, 478.130, 478.133, 478.135, 478.137, 478.140, 478.143, 478.145, 478.147, 478.150, 478.153, 478.155, 478.157, 478.160, 478.163, 478.165, 478.167, 478.170, 478.173, 478.175, 478.177, 478.180, 478.183, 478.185, 478.186, and the repeal and reenactment of section 487.010 shall become effective December 31, 2020.


