Bill Text: MI SB0714 | 2013-2014 | 97th Legislature | Engrossed

NOTE: There are more recent revisions of this legislation. Read Latest Draft
Bill Title: Civil procedure; alternate dispute resolution; uniform collaborative law act; enact. Creates new act.

Spectrum: Partisan Bill (Republican 1-0)

Status: (Passed) 2014-06-12 - Assigned Pa 0159'14 With Immediate Effect [SB0714 Detail]

Download: Michigan-2013-SB0714-Engrossed.html

SB-0714, As Passed House, May 22, 2014



























     A bill to adopt the uniform collaborative law act; to allow


parties to agree to a collaborative alternative dispute resolution


process as an alternative to litigation; and to provide remedies.




     Sec. 1. This act shall be known and may be cited as the


"uniform collaborative law act".


     Sec 2. As used in this act:


     (a) "Collaborative law communication" means a statement,


whether oral or in a record, or verbal or nonverbal, to which both


of the following apply:


     (i) The statement is made to conduct, participate in, continue,


or reconvene a collaborative law process.


     (ii) The statement occurs after the parties sign a


collaborative law participation agreement and before the


collaborative law process is concluded.


     (b) "Collaborative law participation agreement" means an


agreement by persons to participate in a collaborative law process.


     (c) "Collaborative law process" means a procedure intended to


resolve a collaborative matter without intervention by a tribunal


in which persons sign a collaborative law participation agreement


and are represented by collaborative lawyers.


     (d) "Collaborative lawyer" means a lawyer who represents a


party in a collaborative law process.


     (e) "Collaborative matter" means a dispute, transaction,


claim, problem, or issue for resolution, including a dispute,


claim, or issue in a proceeding, that is described in a


collaborative law participation agreement and arises under the


family or domestic relations law of this state, including any of


the following:


     (i) Marriage, divorce, dissolution, annulment, and property




     (ii) Child custody, visitation, and parenting time.


     (iii) Alimony, maintenance, and child support.


     (iv) Adoption.


     (v) Parentage.


     (vi) Premarital, marital, and postmarital agreements.


     (f) "Law firm" means both of the following:


     (i) Lawyers who practice law together in a partnership,


professional corporation, sole proprietorship, limited liability


company, or association.


     (ii) Lawyers employed in a legal services organization, or the


legal department of a corporation or other organization, or the


legal department of a government or governmental subdivision,


agency, or instrumentality.


     (g) "Nonparty participant" means a person, other than a party


and the party's collaborative lawyer, that participates in a


collaborative law process.


     (h) "Party" means a person that signs a collaborative law


participation agreement and whose consent is necessary to resolve a


collaborative matter.


     (i) "Person" means an individual, corporation, business trust,


estate, trust, partnership, limited liability company, association,


joint venture, public corporation, government or governmental


subdivision, agency, or instrumentality, or any other legal or


commercial entity.


     (j) "Proceeding" means any of the following:


     (i) A judicial, administrative, arbitral, or other adjudicative


process before a tribunal, including related prehearing and


posthearing motions, conferences, and discovery.


     (ii) A legislative hearing or similar process.


     (k) "Prospective party" means a person that discusses with a


prospective collaborative lawyer the possibility of signing a


collaborative law participation agreement.


     (l) "Record" means information that is inscribed on a tangible


medium or that is stored in an electronic or other medium and is


retrievable in perceivable form.


     (m) "Related to a collaborative matter" means involving the


same parties, transaction or occurrence, nucleus of operative fact,


dispute, claim, or issue as the collaborative matter.


     (n) "Sign" means, with present intent to authenticate or adopt


a record, either of the following:


     (i) To execute or adopt a tangible symbol.


     (ii) To attach to or logically associate with the record an


electronic symbol, sound, or process.


     (o) "Tribunal" means any of the following:


     (i) A court, arbitrator, administrative agency, or other body


acting in an adjudicative capacity that, after presentation of


evidence or legal argument, has jurisdiction to render a decision


affecting a party's interests in a matter.


     (ii) A legislative body conducting a hearing or similar




     Sec. 3. This act applies to a collaborative law participation


agreement that meets the requirements of section 4 signed on or


after the effective date of this act.


     Sec. 4. (1) A collaborative law participation agreement must


satisfy all of the following requirements:


     (a) Be in a record.


     (b) Be signed by the parties.


     (c) State the parties' intention to resolve a collaborative


matter through a collaborative law process under this act.


     (d) Describe the nature and scope of the matter.


     (e) Identify the collaborative lawyer who represents each


party in the process.


     (f) Contain a statement by each collaborative lawyer


confirming the lawyer's representation of a party in the


collaborative law process.


     (2) Parties may agree to include in a collaborative law


participation agreement additional provisions not inconsistent with


this act.


     Sec. 5. (1) A collaborative law process begins when the


parties sign a collaborative law participation agreement.


     (2) A tribunal may not order a party to participate in a


collaborative law process over that party's objection.


     (3) A collaborative law process is concluded by 1 of the




     (a) Resolution of a collaborative matter as evidenced by a


signed record.


     (b) Resolution of a part of the collaborative matter,


evidenced by a signed record, in which the parties agree that the


remaining parts of the matter will not be resolved in the process.


     (c) Termination of the process.


     (4) A collaborative law process terminates when any of the


following occur:


     (a) A party gives notice to other parties in a record that the


process is ended.


     (b) A party does any of the following:


     (i) Begins a proceeding related to a collaborative matter


without the agreement of all parties.


     (ii) In a pending proceeding related to the matter, does any of


the following:


     (A) Initiates a pleading, motion, order to show cause, or


request for a conference with the tribunal.


     (B) Requests that the proceeding be put on the tribunal's


active calendar.


     (C) Takes similar action requiring notice to be sent to the




     (c) Except as otherwise provided by subsection (7), a party


discharges a collaborative lawyer or a collaborative lawyer


withdraws from further representation of a party.


     (5) A party's collaborative lawyer shall give prompt notice to


all other parties in a record of a discharge or withdrawal.


     (6) A party may terminate a collaborative law process with or


without cause.


     (7) Notwithstanding the discharge or withdrawal of a


collaborative lawyer, a collaborative law process continues if, not


later than 30 days after the date that the notice of the discharge


or withdrawal of a collaborative lawyer required by subsection (5)


is sent to the parties, both of the following occur:


     (a) The unrepresented party engages a successor collaborative




     (b) A record is signed that satisfies all of the following




     (i) The parties consent in the record to continue the process


by reaffirming the collaborative law participation agreement.


     (ii) The agreement is amended in the record to identify the


successor collaborative lawyer.


     (iii) The successor collaborative lawyer confirms in the record


the lawyer's representation of a party in the collaborative




     (8) A collaborative law process does not conclude if, with the


consent of the parties, a party requests a tribunal to approve a


resolution of the collaborative matter or any part of the matter as


evidenced by a signed record.


     (9) A collaborative law participation agreement may provide


additional methods of concluding a collaborative law process.


     Sec. 6. (1) Persons in a proceeding pending before a tribunal


may sign a collaborative law participation agreement to seek to


resolve a collaborative matter related to the proceeding. The


parties shall file promptly with the tribunal a notice of the


agreement after it is signed. Subject to subsection (3) and


sections 7 and 8, the filing operates as an application for a stay


of the proceeding.


     (2) The parties shall file promptly with the tribunal notice


in a record when a collaborative law process concludes. The stay of


the proceeding under subsection (1) is lifted when the notice is


filed. The notice may not specify any reason for termination of the




     (3) A tribunal in which a proceeding is stayed under


subsection (1) may require the parties and collaborative lawyers to


provide a status report on the collaborative law process and the


proceeding. A status report may include only information on whether


the process is ongoing or concluded. It may not include a report,


assessment, evaluation, recommendation, finding, or other


communication regarding a collaborative law process or


collaborative law matter.


     (4) A tribunal may not consider a communication made in

Senate Bill No. 714 (S-1) as amended May 20, 2014


violation of subsection (3).


     (5) A tribunal shall provide parties notice and an opportunity


to be heard before dismissing a proceeding in which a notice of


collaborative process is filed based on delay or failure to




     Sec. 7. During a collaborative law process, a tribunal may


issue emergency orders to protect the health, safety, welfare, or


interest of a party as provided in section 2950 of the revised


judicature act of 1961, 1961 PA 236, MCL 600.2950.


     Sec. 8. A tribunal may approve an agreement resulting from a


collaborative law process.


















     Sec. 9. (1) Except as otherwise provided in subsection (3), a


collaborative lawyer is disqualified from appearing before a


tribunal to represent a party in a proceeding related to the


collaborative matter.


     (2) Except as otherwise provided in subsection (3) and


sections 10 and 11, a lawyer in a law firm with which the


collaborative lawyer is associated is disqualified from appearing


before a tribunal to represent a party in a proceeding related to


the collaborative matter if the collaborative lawyer is


disqualified from doing so under subsection (1).


     (3) A collaborative lawyer or a lawyer in a law firm with


which the collaborative lawyer is associated may represent a party


to do either of the following:


     (a) Ask a tribunal to approve an agreement resulting from the


collaborative law process.


     (b) Seek or defend an emergency order to protect the health,


safety, welfare, or interest of a party if a successor lawyer is


not immediately available to represent that person.


     (4) If subsection (3)(b) applies, a collaborative lawyer, or


lawyer in a law firm with which the collaborative lawyer is


associated, may represent a party only until the person is


represented by a successor lawyer or reasonable measures are taken


to protect the health, safety, welfare, or interest of the person.


     Sec. 10. (1) The disqualification of section 9(1) applies to a


collaborative lawyer representing a party with or without fee.


     (2) After a collaborative law process concludes, another


lawyer in a law firm with which a collaborative lawyer disqualified


under section 9(1) is associated may represent a party without fee


in the collaborative matter or a matter related to the


collaborative matter if all of the following apply:


     (a) The party has an annual income that qualifies the party


for free legal representation under the criteria established by the


law firm for free legal representation.


     (b) The collaborative law participation agreement so provides.


     (c) The collaborative lawyer is isolated from any


participation in the collaborative matter or a matter related to


the collaborative matter through procedures within the law firm


that are reasonably calculated to isolate the collaborative lawyer


from the participation.


     Sec. 11. (1) The disqualification of section 9(1) applies to a


collaborative lawyer representing a party that is a government or


governmental subdivision, agency, or instrumentality.


     (2) After a collaborative law process concludes, another


lawyer in a law firm with which the collaborative lawyer is


associated may represent a government or governmental subdivision,


agency, or instrumentality in the collaborative matter or a matter


related to the collaborative matter if both of the following apply:


     (a) The collaborative law participation agreement so provides.


     (b) The collaborative lawyer is isolated from any


participation in the collaborative matter or a matter related to


the collaborative matter through procedures within the law firm


that are reasonably calculated to isolate the collaborative lawyer


from the participation.


     Sec. 12. Except as provided by law other than this act, during


the collaborative law process, on the request of another party, a


party shall make timely, full, candid, and informal disclosure of


information related to the collaborative matter without formal


discovery. A party also shall update promptly previously disclosed


information that has materially changed. The parties may define the


scope of disclosure during the collaborative law process.


     Sec. 13. This act does not affect either of the following:


     (a) The professional responsibility obligations and standards


applicable to a lawyer or other licensed professional.


     (b) The obligation of a person to report abuse or neglect,


abandonment, or exploitation of a child or adult under the law of


this state.


     Sec. 14. Before a prospective party signs a collaborative law


participation agreement, a prospective collaborative lawyer shall


do all of the following:


     (a) Assess with the prospective party factors the lawyer


reasonably believes relate to whether a collaborative law process


is appropriate for the prospective party's matter.


     (b) Provide the prospective party with information that the


lawyer reasonably believes is sufficient for the party to make an


informed decision about the material benefits and risks of a


collaborative law process as compared to the material benefits and


risks of other reasonably available alternatives for resolving the


proposed collaborative matter, such as litigation, mediation,


arbitration, or expert evaluation.


     (c) Advise the prospective party of all of the following:


     (i) That after signing an agreement if a party initiates a


proceeding or seeks tribunal intervention in a pending proceeding


related to the collaborative matter, the collaborative law process




     (ii) That participation in a collaborative law process is


voluntary and any party has the right to terminate unilaterally a


collaborative law process with or without cause.


     (iii) That the collaborative lawyer and any lawyer in a law firm


with which the collaborative lawyer is associated may not appear


before a tribunal to represent a party in a proceeding related to


the collaborative matter, except as authorized by section 9(3),


10(2), or 11(2).


     Sec. 15. (1) Before a prospective party signs a collaborative


law participation agreement, a prospective collaborative lawyer


shall make reasonable inquiry whether the prospective party has a


history of a coercive or violent relationship with another


prospective party. A reasonable inquiry includes the use of the


domestic violence screening protocol for mediation provided by the


state court administrative office.


     (2) Throughout a collaborative law process, a collaborative


lawyer reasonably and continuously shall assess whether the party


the collaborative lawyer represents has a history of a coercive or


violent relationship with another party.


     (3) If a collaborative lawyer reasonably believes that the


party the lawyer represents or the prospective party who consults


the lawyer has a history of a coercive or violent relationship with


another party or prospective party, the lawyer may not begin or


continue a collaborative law process unless both of the following




     (a) The party or the prospective party requests beginning or


continuing a process.


     (b) The collaborative lawyer reasonably believes that the


safety of the party or prospective party can be protected


adequately during a process.


     Sec. 16. A collaborative law communication is confidential to


the extent agreed by the parties in a signed record or as provided


by law of this state other than this act.


     Sec. 17. (1) Subject to sections 18 and 19, a collaborative


law communication is privileged under subsection (2), is not


subject to discovery, and is not admissible in evidence.


     (2) In a proceeding, the following privileges apply:


     (a) A party may refuse to disclose, and may prevent any other


person from disclosing, a collaborative law communication.


     (b) A nonparty participant may refuse to disclose, and may


prevent any other person from disclosing, a collaborative law


communication of the nonparty participant.


     (3) Evidence or information that is otherwise admissible or


subject to discovery does not become inadmissible or protected from


discovery solely because of its disclosure or use in a


collaborative law process.


     Sec. 18. (1) A privilege under section 17 may be waived in a


record or orally during a proceeding if it is expressly waived by


all parties and, in the case of the privilege of a nonparty


participant, it is also expressly waived by the nonparty




     (2) A person that makes a disclosure or representation about a


collaborative law communication that prejudices another person in a


proceeding may not assert a privilege under section 17, but this


preclusion applies only to the extent necessary for the person


prejudiced to respond to the disclosure or representation.


     Sec. 19. (1) There is no privilege under section 17 for a


collaborative law communication that is any of the following:


     (a) Available to the public under the freedom of information


act, 1976 PA 442, MCL 15.231 to 15.246, or made during a session of


a collaborative law process that is open, or is required by law to


be open, to the public.


     (b) A threat or statement of a plan to inflict bodily injury


or commit a crime of violence.


     (c) Intentionally used to plan a crime, commit or attempt to


commit a crime, or conceal an ongoing crime or ongoing criminal




     (d) In an agreement resulting from the collaborative law


process, evidenced by a record signed by all parties to the




     (2) The privileges under section 17 for a collaborative law


communication do not apply to the extent that a communication is


either of the following:


     (a) Sought or offered to prove or disprove a claim or


complaint of professional misconduct or malpractice arising from or


related to a collaborative law process.


     (b) Sought or offered to prove or disprove abuse, neglect,


abandonment, or exploitation of a child or adult, unless the


department of human services is a party to or otherwise


participates in the process.


     (3) There is no privilege under section 17 if a tribunal


finds, after a hearing in camera, that the party seeking discovery


or the proponent of the evidence has shown the evidence is not


otherwise available, the need for the evidence substantially


outweighs the interest in protecting confidentiality, and the


collaborative law communication is sought or offered in any of the




     (a) A court proceeding involving a felony or misdemeanor.


     (b) A proceeding seeking rescission or reformation of a


contract arising out of the collaborative law process or in which a


defense to avoid liability on the contract is asserted.


     (4) If a collaborative law communication is subject to an


exception under subsection (2) or (3), only the part of the


communication necessary for the application of the exception may be


disclosed or admitted.


     (5) Disclosure or admission of evidence excepted from the


privilege under subsection (2) or (3) does not make the evidence or


any other collaborative law communication discoverable or


admissible for any other purpose.


     (6) The privileges under section 17 do not apply if the


parties agree in advance in a signed record, or if a record of a


proceeding reflects agreement by the parties, that all or part of a


collaborative law process is not privileged. This subsection does


not apply to a collaborative law communication made by a person that


did not receive actual notice of the agreement before the


communication was made.


     Sec. 20. (1) If an agreement fails to meet the requirements of


section 4, or a lawyer fails to comply with section 14 or 15, a


tribunal may nonetheless find that the parties intended to enter


into a collaborative law participation agreement if both of the


following apply:


     (a) The parties signed a record indicating an intention to


enter into a collaborative law participation agreement.


     (b) The parties reasonably believed they were participating in


a collaborative law process.


     (2) If a tribunal makes the findings specified in subsection


(1), and the interests of justice require, the tribunal may do all


of the following:


     (a) Enforce an agreement evidenced by a record resulting from


the process in which the parties participated.


     (b) Apply the disqualification provisions of sections 5, 6, 9,


10, and 11.


     (c) Apply a privilege under section 17.


     Sec. 21. In applying and construing this uniform act,


consideration must be given to the need to promote uniformity of


the law with respect to its subject matter among states that enact




     Sec. 22. This act modifies, limits, and supersedes the federal


electronic signatures in global and national commerce act, 15 USC


7001 to 7031, but does not modify, limit, or supersede section


101(c) of that act, 15 USC 7001(c), or authorize electronic


delivery of any of the notices described in section 103(b) of that


act, 15 USC 7003(b).


     Sec. 24. This act takes effect 180 days after it is enacted


into law.
