ID Legislation | 2023 | Regular Session

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H0097PassSTATE CONTROLLER -- Amends and adds to existing law to provide that all state officers and agencies shall report agreements entered into to the State Controller.
whichever occurs first.

Sine Die
VOTERS -- Amends and repeals existing law regarding a voter's affidavit in lieu of identification.
Filed in Office of the Chief Clerk
S1046PassALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES -- Amends existing law to revise a provision regarding issuance of a liquor license to a golf course.
Session Law Chapter 100 Effective: 07/01/2023
H0260PassAPPROPRIATIONS -- INDUSTRIAL COMMISSION -- Relates to the appropriation to the Industrial Commission for fiscal year 2024.
Reported Signed by Governor on March 20, 2023 Session Law Chapter 66 Effective: 07/01/2023
S1092PassUNIFORM ELECTRONIC WILLS ACT -- Adds to existing law to provide for the execution of an electronic will.
Session Law Chapter 104 Effective: Retroactive to 01/01/2020
HCR002PassELECTORAL COLLEGE -- States findings of the Legislature and expresses support of the Electoral College system.
Delivered to Secretary of State at 10:26 a.m. on March 21, 2023
HCR003PassNATURAL RESOURCE ISSUES STUDY -- States findings of the Legislature and authorizes the Legislative Council to appoint a committee to undertake and complete a study of natural resource issues.
Delivered to Secretary of State at 10:26 a.m. on March 21, 2023
H0222PassAPPROPRIATIONS -- STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION AND THE BOARD OF REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF IDAHO -- Relates to the appropriation to the State Board of Education and the Board of Regents of the University of Idaho for fiscal year 2023.
Reported Signed by Governor on March 20, 2023 Session Law Chapter 61 Effective: 03/20/2023
H0050PassSALES TAX -- Amends existing law to clarify the uses that may be made of certain funds by special purpose taxing districts.
Reported Signed by Governor on March 20, 2023 Session Law Chapter 46 Effective: 07/01/2023

Sine Die
SINGLE COUNTYWIDE HIGHWAY DISTRICTS -- Repeals and adds to existing law to revise the process for the division of certain single countywide highway districts into commissioner subdistricts.
Reported Printed; Filed in the Office of the Chief Clerk

Sine Die
STATE GOVERNMENT -- Adds to existing law to prohibit state agencies from donating to or sponsoring a nongovernmental event or organization and to provide exceptions.
Referred to 14th Order for amendment
H0144PassFISH AND GAME -- Amends existing law to provide for trapping license certificates.
Reported Signed by Governor on March 20, 2023 Session Law Chapter 58 Effective: 07/01/2023
S1131PassAPPROPRIATIONS -- ATTORNEY GENERAL -- Relates to the appropriation to the Attorney General for fiscal year 2023.
Session Law Chapter 98 Effective: 03/21/2023
H0090PassLEGAL NOTICES -- Amends existing law to revise provisions regarding electronic publication of legal notices.
Reported Signed by Governor on March 20, 2023 Session Law Chapter 49 Effective: 07/01/2023
H0249PassAPPROPRIATIONS -- BOARD OF TAX APPEALS -- Relates to the appropriation to the Board of Tax Appeals for fiscal year 2024.
Reported Signed by Governor on March 20, 2023 Session Law Chapter 62 Effective: 07/01/2023
S1010PassTRANSPORTATION -- Amends existing law to allow a vehicle traveling slower than the normal speed of traffic to turn off at the next available location where it is safe and reasonable for the vehicle to pull over.
Session Law Chapter 94 Effective: 07/01/2023
H0261PassAPPROPRIATIONS -- MILITARY DIVISION -- Relates to the appropriation to the Military Division for fiscal year 2024.
Reported Signed by Governor on March 20, 2023 Session Law Chapter 69 Effective: 07/01/2023
H0252PassAPPROPRIATIONS -- STATE INDEPENDENT LIVING COUNCIL -- Relates to the appropriation to the State Independent Living Council for fiscal year 2024.
Reported Signed by Governor on March 20, 2023 Session Law Chapter 64 Effective: 07/01/2023
S1033PassIRRIGATION -- Adds to existing law to provide for the appropriation of ground water for supplemental irrigation use.
Session Law Chapter 97 Effective: 07/01/2023
H0102PassHUMAN RESOURCES -- Amends existing law to provide for advancements in pay based on certain factors and to provide for retention bonuses in certain circumstances.
Reported Signed by Governor on March 20, 2023 Session Law Chapter 53 Effective: 07/01/2023
H0133VetoMOTOR VEHICLES -- Amends existing law to allow private parental driver's education.
Veto SUSTAINED by House: Ayes 39 Nays 29 Abs/Excd 2
S1136PassAPPROPRIATIONS -- STEM ACTION CENTER -- Relates to the appropriation to the STEM Action Center for fiscal year 2024.
Session Law Chapter 89 Effective: 07/01/2023
H0210PassAPPROPRIATIONS -- HEALTH AND WELFARE -- CHILD WELFARE -- Relates to the appropriation to the Department of Health and Welfare Child Welfare Division for fiscal year 2023.
Reported Signed by Governor on March 16, 2023 Session Law Chapter 39 Effective: 03/16/2023
S1113PassAPPROPRIATIONS -- HEALTH AND WELFARE -- PSYCHIATRIC HOSPITALIZATION -- Relates to the appropriation to the Department of Health and Welfare for the Division of Psychiatric Hospitalization for fiscal year 2023.
Session Law Chapter 81 Effective: 03/20/2023
H0132PassTRANSPORTATION -- Amends existing law to establish a strategic initiatives grant program.
Reported Signed by Governor on March 16, 2023 Session Law Chapter 38 Effective: 07/01/2023

Sine Die
CRIMES -- Amends existing law to revise the definition of “abortion” and to provide that certain actions and attempts shall not be considered criminal abortions.
To House State Affairs Committee
S1134PassAPPROPRIATIONS -- COMMISSION ON AGING -- Relates to the appropriation to the Commission on Aging for fiscal years 2023 and 2024.
Session Law Chapter 87 Effective: 03/20/2023 SECTION 4 & 5; 07/01/2023 all other SECTIONS

Sine Die
PLANNING AND ZONING -- Amends existing law to revise provisions regarding comprehensive plans and annexing an area of city impact.
To House Ways and Means Committee
S1054PassPERSI -- Amends existing law to provide for the reemployment of certain retired members under certain circumstances.
Session Law Chapter 91 Effective: 07/01/2023
H0052PassGRAND JURIES -- Amends existing law to revise a provision regarding who may be present at sessions of a grand jury.
Reported Signed by Governor on March 16, 2023 Session Law Chapter 42 Effective: 07/01/2023
S1017PassBOATING -- Amends existing law to revise provisions regarding certificates of number and invasive species stickers, to provide for certain fees, and to provide for the assessment of certain penalties.
Session Law Chapter 74 Effective: 07/01/2023

Sine Die
EDUCATION -- Amends, repeals, and adds to existing law to revise provisions regarding the Empowering Parents Program and to provide for tuition grants.
To House Education Committee
H0099PassSALES TAX -- Amends existing law to revise a provision regarding the distribution of sales tax to certain special purpose taxing districts.
Reported Signed by Governor on March 16, 2023 Session Law Chapter 43 Effective: Retroactive to 01/01/2023
S1049PassENDOWMENT LAND -- Adds to existing law to provide for notice of restriction, regulation, and prohibition on endowment land and to provide for punishment and violations.
Session Law Chapter 80 Effective: 07/01/2023
S1035PassCOURT FEES -- Amends existing law to revise a provision regarding the payment of a fee to change court venue.
Session Law Chapter 79 Effective: 07/01/2023

Sine Die
SCHOOLS -- Adds to existing law to establish provisions regarding teacher spending accounts.
To House Education Committee
S1116PassAPPROPRIATIONS -- IDAHO STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY -- Relates to the appropriation to the Idaho State Historical Society for fiscal year 2023.
Session Law Chapter 82 Effective: 03/20/2023
S1005PassIMMUNIZATIONS -- Amends existing law to require that daycare facilities provide citation to the immunization exemption law in communications with parents.
Session Law Chapter 72 Effective: 07/01/2023
H0051PassPROPERTY VALUATION NOTICES -- Amends existing law to require that certain information be provided on all property valuation assessment notices.
Reported Signed by Governor on March 16, 2023 Session Law Chapter 35 Effective: 03/16/2023
S1133PassAPPROPRIATIONS -- OFFICE OF SPECIES CONSERVATION -- Relates to the appropriation to the Office of Species Conservation for fiscal year 2024.
Session Law Chapter 86 Effective: 07/01/2023
S1135PassAPPROPRIATIONS -- DEPARTMENT OF INSURANCE -- Relates to the appropriation to the Department of Insurance for fiscal year 2024.
Session Law Chapter 88 Effective: 07/01/2023

Sine Die
GENERAL FUND -- Amends existing law to provide that moneys in the Public School Income Fund and the In-Demand Careers Fund shall be treated as moneys from the General Fund.
U.C. to be returned to Appropriations Committee

Sine Die
SCHOOLS -- Adds to existing law to require the provision of feminine hygiene products.
Filed in Office of the Chief Clerk
S1051PassOUTFITTERS AND GUIDES -- Amends existing law to revise provisions regarding the liability of outfitters and guides.
Session Law Chapter 109 Effective: 07/01/2023
H0059PassINCOME TAXES -- Amends existing law to revise a provision regarding the income tax credit for capital investment.
Reported Signed by Governor on March 16, 2023 Session Law Chapter 33 Effective: Retroactive to 01/01/2023
H0209PassAPPROPRIATIONS -- HEALTH AND WELFARE -- INDIRECT SUPPORT SERVICES -- Relates to the appropriation to the Department of Health and Welfare for the Division of Indirect Support Services for fiscal year 2023.
Reported Signed by Governor on March 16, 2023 Session Law Chapter 41 Effective: 03/16/2023

Sine Die
APPROPRIATIONS -- HEALTH AND WELFARE -- MEDICAID -- Relates to the appropriation to the Department of Health and Welfare for fiscal years 2023 and 2024.
Filed in Office of the Chief Clerk
S1123PassAPPROPRIATIONS -- FUND CORRECTION -- Relates to the appropriation to various agencies to correct the fund source for fiscal year 2023.
Session Law Chapter 83 Effective: 03/20/2023
H0080PassINCOME TAX -- Amends existing law to revise provisions regarding evidence of a taxpayer's expenditures.
Reported Signed by Governor on March 16, 2023 Session Law Chapter 34 Effective: Retroactive to 01/01/2023
S1064PassMOTOR VEHICLE TITLES -- Amends existing law to provide for certain temporary permits and to establish a limitation regarding their issuance.
Session Law Chapter 68 Effective: 07/01/2023
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