Bill Amendment: AZ HB2835 | 2021 | Fifty-fifth Legislature 1st Regular

NOTE: For additional amemendments please see the Bill Drafting List
Bill Title: Theme park districts; extension

Status: 2021-04-28 - Chapter 298 [HB2835 Detail]

Download: Arizona-2021-HB2835-SENATE_-_Fann_flr_amend_ref_FIN_adopted.html

State Seal2 copy            Bill Number: H.B. 2835

            Fann Floor Amendment

            Reference to: FINANCE Committee amendment

            Amendment drafted by: Leg Council





1.   Requires a theme park district that has issued bonds to provide in a lease or use agreement that the lessee or user may not relocate, significantly reduce its operation or terminate its agreement with the district until the bonds are full repaid.

2.   Applies the following prohibitions to a theme park district if the theme park district issues bonds:

a)   the lessee or user may not move to a location in another state until the bonds are fully repaid; and

b) the lessee or user may not be a participant in a different theme park district or participate in an agreement to use or construct a professional sports stadium or field in a location outside the theme park district, except a training stadium or field, until the bonds are fully repaid.

3.   Requires an established theme park district to consist of only contiguous property within the city establishing the district.

4.   Removes a city with a population of 3,000 persons or more from the authorized cities that may participate in establishing a theme park district.

5.   Requires a city with a population of more than 1,000,000 persons that establishes a theme park district to be located entirely within the county participating in the establishment of the district.

6.   Makes technical and conforming changes.


Fifty-fifth Legislature                                                      Fann

First Regular Session                                                   H.B. 2835




(Reference to FINANCE Committee amendment)


Page 1, before line 1, insert:

"Page 1, strike lines 25 through 43, insert "persons and a city with a population of more than three thousand persons but less than five thousand persons that and in which the city is located entirely in that county may establish in any combination that includes the county a theme park district as provided by this chapter.  For the purposes of this subsection, the population shall be determined according to the most recent population estimate data produced by the office of economic opportunity at the time the district is established.  The district may include theme park sites in one or both cities or in the county only the city establishing the district, or in any combination of a city or cities and a county, including a combination of a county with a population of more than one hundred twenty-five thousand but less than one hundred fifty thousand persons and a city with a population of more than three thousand persons but less than five thousand persons that is located entirely in that county. The city or cities and the county shall establish the geographical boundaries of the district, which shall include only the sites of the theme parks and which shall consist of only contiguous property. The district may be established with a single theme park site. Any additional sites may be added after the district is initially established and the geographical boundaries of the district may be revised after it is initially established, except that the district shall continue to consist of only contiguous property in that city.""

Page 1, line 7, strike "more populous"

Line 8, strike "of the two cities" insert "city"

Strike lines 9 and 10

Renumber to conform

Page 2, between lines 1 and 2, insert:

"Page 3, line 11, after the period insert "If the district issues bonds, the following apply until the bonds are fully repaid:

(a) The district shall provide in its lease or use agreement with the lessee or user that the lessee or user may not RELOCATE, significantly reduce its operation or terminate its agreement with the district.

(b) The lessee or user may not move to a location in another state.

(c) The lessee or user may not be a lessee or user or OTHERWISE be a PARTICIPANT in a different district or use or participate in an agreement to use or construct a PROFESSIONAL sports STADIUM or field in a location outside the district other than for a training stadium or field."

Strike lines 20 and 21, insert "furnishing and maintenance of one or more contiguous theme parks that shall be located only in both the city or cities and the county establishing the district.  The district shall own"

Line 29, strike "reconvened" insert "reconveyed""

Amend title to conform






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