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HISB2725PassFor taxable years beginning after 12/31/2023, adds a definition for "qualified member" and repeals the definitions for "direct member" and "indirect member" as used in the State's passthrough entity taxation election law. Amends the passthrough entit...
Act 050, 06/19/2024 (Gov. Msg. No. 1150).

Sine Die
For pass-through entities electing to pay Hawaii taxes at the entity level, reduces the pass-through entity level tax rate and allows the tax credit to be carried forward to subsequent years. Takes effect 7/1/2040. Applies to taxable years beginning ...
To Senate Ways and Means Committee

Sine Die
Reduces the pass-through entity level tax rate and allows the nonrefundable tax credit to be carried forward to subsequent years. Effective 7/1/3000. (HD1)
To House Finance Committee

Sine Die
For taxable years beginning after 12/31/2023, adds a definition for "qualified member" and repeals the definitions for "direct member" and "indirect member" as used in the State's pass-through entity taxation election law. For pass-through entities e...
To House Finance Committee

Sine Die
Reduces the tax rate for pass-through entities electing to pay Hawaii income taxes at the entity level. Allows certain members of pass-through entities entitled to a tax credit to use the credit against the member's net income tax liability in subseq...
To Senate Ways and Means Committee

Sine Die
Authorizes certain entities to elect to pay Hawaii income tax at the entity level through pass-through entities. Effective 6/30/3000. (HD2)
To Senate Ways and Means Committee
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