Bill Text: NY S07018 | 2019-2020 | General Assembly | Introduced

Bill Title: Relates to enacting the towing protection enforcement act.

Spectrum: Partisan Bill (Democrat 1-0)

Status: (Introduced - Dead) 2020-01-08 - REFERRED TO CITIES [S07018 Detail]

Download: New_York-2019-S07018-Introduced.html

                STATE OF NEW YORK


                    IN SENATE


                                     January 8, 2020

        Introduced  by  Sen. SANDERS -- read twice and ordered printed, and when
          printed to be committed to the Committee on Cities

        AN ACT to amend the administrative code of the  city  of  New  York,  in
          relation to enacting the towing protection enforcement act

          The  People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:

     1    Section 1. Short title. This act shall be known and may  be  cited  as
     2  the "towing protection enforcement act".
     3    §  2.  Subdivision j of section 19-169.1 of the administrative code of
     4  the city of New York, as amended by local law number 41 of the  city  of
     5  New York for the year 2011, is amended to read as follows:
     6    j.  (1)  Any  person  who  violates  this section shall be punished as
     7  follows:  for the first violation, a fine of five hundred  dollars;  for
     8  the second violation within a period of twelve months of the date of the
     9  first  violation, a fine of one thousand dollars; and for any additional
    10  violations within a period of twenty-four months of the date of a  first
    11  violation, a fine of [one] two thousand dollars.
    12    (2)  In  addition to the penalties prescribed by paragraph one of this
    13  subdivision,  any  person  who  knowingly  or  willfully  violates   the
    14  provisions  of  this  section or subdivision b of section 20-515 of this
    15  code or any rules promulgated thereunder shall be guilty of a  misdemea-
    16  nor  punishable  by a fine of not less than five hundred dollars or more
    17  than three thousand dollars, or by imprisonment for not more than ninety
    18  days, or by both such fine and imprisonment.
    19    (3) Any person who knowingly or willfully violates the  provisions  of
    20  this  section  or  subdivision  b  of section 20-515 of this code or any
    21  rules promulgated thereunder who has been found guilty of a violation of
    22  any such provisions or such rules two times within a  twenty-four  month
    23  period shall be guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of not less
    24  than  one  thousand  dollars  or  more  than ten thousand dollars, or by
    25  imprisonment for not more than six months, or  by  both  such  fine  and
    26  imprisonment.

         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        S. 7018                             2

     1    § 3. Subdivisions a and b of section 20-499 of the administrative code
     2  of  the  city of New York, subdivision a as amended and subdivision b as
     3  added by local law number 11 of the city of New York for the year  1989,
     4  are amended to read as follows:
     5    a.  As  a  condition of the issuance of a license to engage in towing,
     6  each applicant shall furnish to the commissioner a surety  bond  in  the
     7  sum  of  [five] twenty-five thousand dollars, payable to the city of New
     8  York, executed by the applicant and a surety approved by the commission-
     9  er. Such bond shall be conditioned upon the applicant's compliance  with
    10  the  provisions  of this subchapter and any rules or regulations promul-
    11  gated hereunder, and upon the further condition that the applicant  will
    12  pay to the city any fine, penalty or other obligation within thirty days
    13  of  its  imposition,  or  any final judgment recovered by any person who
    14  received towing services from a  licensee  thereunder  and  was  damaged
    15  thereby.  The  commissioner may in his or her discretion, after a public
    16  hearing, five days notice of  which  shall  be  published  in  the  City
    17  Record,  increase the amount of the surety bond required by this section
    18  to an amount not to exceed  [twenty-five]  two  hundred  fifty  thousand
    19  dollars.  The  commissioner may by regulation authorize an applicant to,
    20  in lieu of a bond, deposit cash to  satisfy  the  requirements  of  this
    21  section  in  an  amount  equal to the sum of the surety bond required by
    22  this section.
    23    b. (1) The commissioner may by  regulation  establish  a  fund  to  be
    24  administered by the comptroller and authorize an applicant for a license
    25  to  engage  in  towing  to,  in  lieu of a bond or cash equivalent, make
    26  contributions to such fund to satisfy the requirements of subdivision  a
    27  of  this  section.  The  commissioner may promulgate such rules or regu-
    28  lations as are necessary for the administration of such fund  including,
    29  but not limited to, regulations setting forth the conditions for partic-
    30  ipation  in the fund, the contributions required to be made to the fund,
    31  including the criteria and methodology for determining  the  appropriate
    32  amount of the contributions, and the circumstances under which disburse-
    33  ments will be made from the fund.
    34    (2)  Notwithstanding  any  provisions of titles nineteen and twenty of
    35  this code to the contrary, any licensee who prior to the effective  date
    36  of  this paragraph was authorized by the commissioner to make a contrib-
    37  ution to the fund established pursuant to paragraph one of this subdivi-
    38  sion and who has been found guilty of a violation of  sections  19-169.1
    39  and  20-515 of this code two times within a twelve month period shall be
    40  required to furnish a surety bond in an amount determined by the commis-
    41  sioner.
    42    § 4. Subdivisions e and f of section 20-504 of the administrative code
    43  of the city of New York, subdivision e as amended by local law number 66
    44  of the city of New York for the year 1989 and subdivision f as added  by
    45  local  law  number  28  of  the  city of New York for the year 1987, are
    46  amended and a new subdivision g is added to read as follows:
    47    e. the person holding a tow truck operator's license,  or  the  person
    48  holding  a  license  to  engage in towing or where applicable any of its
    49  officers, principals, directors or stockholders  owning  more  than  ten
    50  percent  of  the outstanding stock of the corporation has been convicted
    51  of a crime which, in the judgment of  the  commissioner,  has  a  direct
    52  relationship  to  such person's fitness or ability to perform any of the
    53  activities for which a license is required under this subchapter; or has
    54  been convicted of any other crime  which,  in  accordance  with  article
    55  twenty-three-a  of the correction law, would provide a justification for

        S. 7018                             3

     1  the commissioner to refuse to renew,  or  to  suspend  or  revoke,  such
     2  license; [or]
     3    f.  the  person  holding a tow truck operator's license, or the person
     4  holding a license to engage in towing has failed to maintain any of  the
     5  conditions  for issuance of such license as provided under this subchap-
     6  ter or any rule or regulation promulgated hereunder[.]; or
     7    g. the person holding a tow truck operator's license,  or  the  person
     8  holding  a  license  to engage in towing is the subject of at least five
     9  separate complaints within a one year period to the commissioner or  the
    10  police  department  for failure to comply with the provisions of section
    11  19-169.1 or subdivision b of section 20-515 of this code.
    12    § 5. Section 20-504.1 of the administrative code of the  city  of  New
    13  York,  as amended by local law number 41 of the city of New York for the
    14  year 2011, is amended to read as follows:
    15    § 20-504.1 Mandatory suspension or revocation of license.    a.  After
    16  due notice and opportunity to be heard, the commissioner shall refuse to
    17  renew, or shall suspend or revoke a license required under this subchap-
    18  ter, upon the occurrence of any one or more of the following conditions:
    19    [a.]  1.  the  person  holding  a license to engage in towing or where
    20  applicable, any of  such  licensee's  officers,  principals,  directors,
    21  employees, or stockholders owning more than ten percent of the outstand-
    22  ing stock of the corporation, has been found by the commissioner to have
    23  unjustifiably  refused  to  release  a vehicle towed pursuant to section
    24  20-518 or section 20-519 of this subchapter, to the vehicle's  owner  or
    25  the owner's agent. The commissioner shall establish standards concerning
    26  the sufficiency of proof of ownership of the vehicle and the legality of
    27  any  charges  demanded  by  the  licensee for release of the vehicle. In
    28  determining whether such refusal is unjustifiable, the  commissioner  in
    29  addition to any other relevant fact shall consider such standards;
    30    [b.]  2.  in a two year period, the person holding a license to engage
    31  in towing or where applicable, any of such licensee's officers,  princi-
    32  pals, directors, employees, or stockholders owning more than ten percent
    33  of  the  outstanding  stock  of  the  corporation, has been found by the
    34  commissioner  to  have  committed  in  any  combination  three  or  more
    35  violations  of  sections  19-169,  [19-169.1  of  this code or any rules
    36  promulgated thereunder, or sections] 20-507, 20-509,  20-509.1,  20-510,
    37  20-512,  20-514,  20-515,  20-516,  20-518,  20-519, 20-520, 20-520.1 or
    38  20-527 of this [subchapter] code or any rules promulgated thereunder;
    39    [c.] 3. the person holding a license to  engage  in  towing  or  where
    40  applicable,  any  of  such  licensee's  officers, principals, directors,
    41  employees, or stockholders owning more than ten percent of the outstand-
    42  ing stock of the corporation, has been convicted of a misdemeanor  or  a
    43  felony  relating  to  auto  stripping  in violation of article [165] one
    44  hundred sixty-five of the penal law;
    45    [d.] 4. in a two year period, the person holding a  tow  truck  opera-
    46  tor's  license  has  been found by the commissioner to have committed in
    47  any combination three or more violations of the provisions  of  sections
    48  19-169  [and 19.169.1 of this code and any rules promulgated thereunder,
    49  or sections], 20-510, 20-512, 20-514, 20-515,  20-518,  20-519,  20-520,
    50  20-520.1  or  20-527  of this [subchapter] code or any rules promulgated
    51  thereunder;
    52    [e.] 5. the person holding a tow truck  operator's  license  has  been
    53  found  to have operated any motor vehicle in violation of section eleven
    54  hundred ninety-two of the vehicle and traffic  law  during  the  license
    55  term,  or  has  been  found to have operated a tow truck in violation of
    56  section eleven hundred eighty-two of the vehicle and traffic law.

        S. 7018                             4

     1    b. Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph two of subdivision a of
     2  this section, the commissioner, after due notice and opportunity  to  be
     3  heard,  shall  refuse  to  renew,  or  shall suspend or revoke a license
     4  required under this subchapter upon a finding that, in a one year  peri-
     5  od,  the  person holding a license to engage in towing or where applica-
     6  ble, any of such licensee's officers, principals, directors,  employees,
     7  or stockholders owning more than ten percent of the outstanding stock of
     8  the  corporation, committed any combination of two or more violations of
     9  section 19-169.1 or subdivision b of section 20-515 of this code.
    10    § 6. The opening paragraph of section  20-510  of  the  administrative
    11  code  of  the  city  of  New  York is designated subdivision a and a new
    12  subdivision b is added to read as follows:
    13    b. A tow truck operator is forbidden from using spotters  or  spotting
    14  techniques,  such  as  waiting and targeting drivers at parking lots, to
    15  tow vehicles on private or commercial property and must obtain the writ-
    16  ten consent of the owner or manager of the private or commercial proper-
    17  ty to conduct towing pursuant to section 19-169.1 of this code.
    18    § 7. Subdivision b of section 20-515 of the administrative code of the
    19  city of New York, as amended by local law number 94 of the city  of  New
    20  York for the year 1997, is amended to read as follows:
    21    b.  soliciting  or offering any inducements or making representations:
    22  (i) at the scene of a vehicular accident for the towing of  any  vehicle
    23  involved  in  an accident, (ii) at or near the scene of the removal of a
    24  vehicle pursuant to section 19-169.1 of this  code,  or  (iii)  for  the
    25  performance of any repairs on any vehicle involved in an accident except
    26  as  may  be reasonable and necessary at the scene of an accident for the
    27  towing of an accident vehicle on a segment of the arterial  highways  by
    28  an arterial tow permittee who has been authorized by the commissioner of
    29  transportation or the police commissioner to provide tow service on such
    30  segment.
    31    §  8.  Within one hundred eighty days after the effective date of this
    32  act, the tow advisory board, established pursuant to section  20-526  of
    33  the  administrative code of the city of New York, shall conduct at least
    34  one public hearing in each borough of the city of New  York  to  solicit
    35  and  receive  public  comments  on towing issues. Upon completion of the
    36  hearings, the tow advisory board, in consultation with  the  interagency
    37  advisory  council,  shall  make  recommendations to address this growing
    38  problem including how to improve enforcement of section 19-169.1 of such
    39  administrative code and the laws or rules prohibiting the soliciting  or
    40  making  representations at or near the scene of the towing or removal of
    41  a vehicle by a tow truck operator.
    42    § 9. Severability. If any clause, sentence, paragraph, section or part
    43  of this act shall be adjudged by any court of competent jurisdiction  to
    44  be  invalid  and  after  exhaustion  of all further judicial review, the
    45  judgment shall not affect, impair or invalidate the  remainder  thereof,
    46  but  shall  be  confined in its operation to the clause, sentence, para-
    47  graph, section or part of this act directly involved in the  controversy
    48  in which the judgment shall have been rendered.
    49    § 10. This act shall take effect immediately.