Bill Text: NY S06840 | 2021-2022 | General Assembly | Introduced

Bill Title: Relates to professional misconduct by physicians, physician's assistants and specialist's assistants; enhances the ability of the department of education to investigate, discipline, and monitor such licenses.

Spectrum: Partisan Bill (Democrat 1-0)

Status: (Introduced - Dead) 2022-01-05 - REFERRED TO HIGHER EDUCATION [S06840 Detail]

Download: New_York-2021-S06840-Introduced.html

                STATE OF NEW YORK


                               2021-2022 Regular Sessions

                    IN SENATE

                                      May 19, 2021

        Introduced  by Sen. KAMINSKY -- read twice and ordered printed, and when
          printed to be committed to the Committee on Higher Education

        AN ACT to amend the education law and the public health law, in relation
          to professional misconduct by physicians, physician's  assistants  and
          specialist's assistants

          The  People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:

     1    Section 1. Subdivision 28 of section 6530 of  the  education  law,  as
     2  added  by chapter 606 of the laws of 1991, is amended and a new subdivi-
     3  sion 51 is added to read as follows:
     4    28. Failing to respond within [thirty] ten days  to  written  communi-
     5  cations from the department of health and to make available any relevant
     6  records  with  respect  to  an inquiry or complaint about the licensee's
     7  professional misconduct. The period of [thirty] ten days shall  commence
     8  on  the  date  when  such  communication was delivered personally to the
     9  licensee. If the communication is sent from the department of health  by
    10  registered  or  certified  mail,  with  return receipt requested, to the
    11  address appearing in the last registration, the period of  [thirty]  ten
    12  days  shall  commence  on the date of delivery to the licensee, as indi-
    13  cated by the return receipt;
    14    51. Except when shown to be medically appropriate,  repeated  acts  of
    15  clearly  excessive or inappropriate prescribing, furnishing, dispensing,
    16  or administering of controlled substances or treatment.
    17    § 2. Section 6532 of the education law, as added by chapter 606 of the
    18  laws of 1991, is amended to read as follows:
    19    § 6532. Enforcement, administration and interpretation of  this  arti-
    20  cle.  The board [of] for professional medical conduct and the department
    21  of  health  shall enforce, administer and interpret this article. Before
    22  issuing a declaratory ruling pursuant to section two hundred four of the
    23  state administrative procedure act with respect  to  this  article,  the
    24  department  of  health shall fully consult with the department of educa-

         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        S. 6840                             2

     1  tion. [Neither the commissioner of education, the board of  regents  nor
     2  the]  The commissioner of health may promulgate any rules or regulations
     3  concerning this article.
     4    § 3. Subdivision 4 of section 206 of the public health law, as amended
     5  by chapter 602 of the laws of 2007, is amended to read as follows:
     6    4. The commissioner may:
     7    (a)  issue  subpoenas,  compel  the attendance of witnesses and compel
     8  them to testify in any matter or proceeding before [him] the commission-
     9  er, and may also require a witness to attend and  give  testimony  in  a
    10  county where [he] the witness resides or has a place of business without
    11  the payment of any fees;
    12    (b)  require, in writing, the production of any and all relevant docu-
    13  ments in the possession or control of an individual or entity subject to
    14  an investigation or inquiry under this chapter. Unless a shorter  period
    15  is  specified  in  such  writing,  as  determined  for good cause by the
    16  commissioner, the required documents shall be produced no later than ten
    17  days after the delivery of the writing. Failure by the subject  individ-
    18  ual or entity to produce to the department the required documents within
    19  the  ten day or otherwise specified period shall be a violation or fail-
    20  ure within the meaning of paragraph (d) of this subdivision. Each  addi-
    21  tional day of non-production shall be a separate violation or failure;
    22    (c)  annul  or  modify  an order, regulation, by-law or ordinance of a
    23  local board of health concerning a matter which in his judgment  affects
    24  the  public  health  beyond the territory over which such local board of
    25  health has jurisdiction;
    26    [(c)] (d) assess any penalty prescribed for a violation of or a  fail-
    27  ure  to  comply  with  any  term  or provision of this chapter or of any
    28  lawful notice, order or regulation pursuant thereto, not  exceeding  two
    29  thousand  dollars for every such violation or failure, which penalty may
    30  be assessed after a hearing or an opportunity to be heard;
    31    [(d)] (e) assess civil penalties against a public water  system  which
    32  provides  water  to  the  public  for human consumption through pipes or
    33  other constructed conveyances, as further defined in the state  sanitary
    34  code  or,  in  the  case  of  mass  gatherings,  the person who holds or
    35  promotes the mass gathering as defined in subdivision  five  of  section
    36  two  hundred twenty-five of this article not to exceed twenty-five thou-
    37  sand dollars per day, for each violation of or failure  to  comply  with
    38  any term or provision of the state sanitary code as it relates to public
    39  water  systems  that serve a population of five thousand or more persons
    40  or any mass gatherings, which penalty may be assessed after a hearing or
    41  an opportunity to be heard; and
    42    (f) seek to obtain a warrant based on probable cause that  a  licensee
    43  has committed professional misconduct or a crime from a judicial officer
    44  authorized  to issue a warrant. Such warrant shall authorize the commis-
    45  sioner and any person authorized by the commissioner to have the author-
    46  ity to inspect all grounds, erections, vehicles, structures, apartments,
    47  buildings, places and the contents therein  and  to  remove  any  books,
    48  records,  papers,  documents,  computers,  electronic  devices and other
    49  physical objects.
    50    § 4. Subparagraphs (i) and (ii) of paragraph (d) of subdivision 10  of
    51  section  230  of the public health law, as amended by chapter 477 of the
    52  laws of 2008, are amended to read as follows:
    53    (i) A copy of the charges and the  notice  of  the  hearing  shall  be
    54  served  on  the  licensee either: (A) personally [by the board] at least
    55  thirty days before the hearing[. If  personal  service  cannot  be  made
    56  after due diligence and such fact is certified under oath, a copy of the

        S. 6840                             3

     1  charges and the notice of hearing shall be served]; (B) by registered or
     2  certified  mail  to  the  licensee's [last known] current residential or
     3  practice address [by the board] mailed at least fifteen days before  the
     4  hearing;  (C)  by  registered  or  certified mail to the licensee's most
     5  recent mailing address pursuant to section sixty-five hundred two of the
     6  education law or the licensee's most recent mailing address on file with
     7  the department of education pursuant to the notification requirement set
     8  forth in subdivision five of such section, mailed  at  least  forty-five
     9  days  before  the  hearing;  or  (D) by first class mail to an attorney,
    10  licensed to practice in the state, who has appeared  on  behalf  of  the
    11  licensee  and  who  has  been provided with written authorization of the
    12  licensee to accept service, mailed at least thirty days before the hear-
    13  ing.
    14    (ii) The charges shall be made public,  consistent  with  subparagraph
    15  (iv)  of  paragraph (a) of this subdivision, [no earlier than five busi-
    16  ness days] immediately after they are served, and the charges  shall  be
    17  accompanied  by  a statement advising the licensee that such publication
    18  will occur; [provided, however, that] charges may be made  public  imme-
    19  diately upon issuance of the commissioner's order in the case of summary
    20  action taken pursuant to subdivision twelve of this section and no prior
    21  notification of such publication need be made to the licensee.
    22    §  5.  Paragraph  (a)  of  subdivision 12 of section 230 of the public
    23  health law, as amended by chapter 477 of the laws of 2008, is amended to
    24  read as follows:
    25    (a) Whenever the commissioner, (i) after being presented with informa-
    26  tion indicating that a licensee is causing, engaging in or maintaining a
    27  condition  or  activity  which  has  resulted  in  the  transmission  or
    28  suspected  transmission,  or  is  likely to lead to the transmission, of
    29  communicable disease as defined in the state sanitary code or  HIV/AIDS,
    30  by  the state and/or a local health department and if in the commission-
    31  er's opinion it would be prejudicial to the interests of the  people  to
    32  delay  action  until  an  opportunity  for  a hearing can be provided in
    33  accordance with the prehearing and hearing provisions of  this  section;
    34  [or]  (ii)  after  being  presented  with  information indicating that a
    35  licensee is engaging in excessive or inappropriate prescribing, furnish-
    36  ing, dispensing, or administering of controlled substances or treatment,
    37  which in the commissioner's opinion presents a risk to the health of the
    38  people and that therefore appears to be prejudicial to the interests  of
    39  the  people  to  delay  action until an opportunity for a hearing can be
    40  provided in accordance with the prehearing  and  hearing  provisions  of
    41  this  section; or (iii) after an investigation and a recommendation by a
    42  committee on professional conduct of the state  board  for  professional
    43  medical  conduct, based upon a determination that a licensee is causing,
    44  engaging in or maintaining a condition or activity which in the  commis-
    45  sioner's  opinion  constitutes  an  imminent danger to the health of the
    46  people, and that it therefore appears to be prejudicial to the interests
    47  of the people to delay action until an opportunity for a hearing can  be
    48  provided  in  accordance  with  the prehearing and hearing provisions of
    49  this section; the  commissioner  may  order  the  licensee,  by  written
    50  notice,  to  discontinue  such  dangerous  condition or activity or take
    51  certain action immediately and for a  period  of  [ninety]  one  hundred
    52  twenty  days from the date of service of the order. Within ten days from
    53  the date of service of the said order, the state board for  professional
    54  medical  conduct  shall  commence  and  regularly  schedule such hearing
    55  proceedings as required by this section,  provided,  however,  that  the
    56  hearing  shall  be  completed within [ninety] one hundred twenty days of

        S. 6840                             4

     1  the date of service of the order. To the extent that the issue of  immi-
     2  nent  danger  can be proven without the attorney representing the office
     3  of professional medical conduct putting in its entire case, the  commit-
     4  tee of the board shall first determine whether by a preponderance of the
     5  evidence the licensee is causing, engaging in or maintaining a condition
     6  or  activity  which  constitutes an imminent danger to the health of the
     7  people. The attorney representing the  office  of  professional  medical
     8  conduct  shall have the burden of going forward and proving by a prepon-
     9  derance of the evidence that the licensee's condition, activity or prac-
    10  tice constitutes an imminent danger to the health  of  the  people.  The
    11  licensee  shall  have  an  opportunity to be heard and to present proof.
    12  When both the office and the licensee have completed  their  cases  with
    13  respect to the question of imminent danger, the committee shall promptly
    14  make  a  recommendation  to  the  commissioner  on the issue of imminent
    15  danger and determine whether the summary order should be left in effect,
    16  modified or vacated, and continue  the  hearing  on  all  the  remaining
    17  charges,  if any, in accordance with paragraph (f) of subdivision ten of
    18  this section. Within ten days of  the  committee's  recommendation,  the
    19  commissioner  shall  determine  whether  or not to adopt the committee's
    20  recommendations, in whole or in part, and shall leave in effect,  modify
    21  or  vacate  his  summary order. The state board for professional medical
    22  conduct shall make  every  reasonable  effort  to  avoid  any  delay  in
    23  completing  and  determining  such proceedings. If, at the conclusion of
    24  the hearing, (i) the hearing committee of the board finds  the  licensee
    25  guilty of one or more of the charges which are the basis for the summary
    26  order,  (ii)  the  hearing  committee  determines that the summary order
    27  continue, and (iii) the [ninety] one hundred  twenty  day  term  of  the
    28  order  has not expired, the summary order shall remain in full force and
    29  effect until a final decision has been rendered by the committee or,  if
    30  review  is  sought,  by the administrative review board. A summary order
    31  shall be public upon issuance.
    32    § 6. This act shall take effect on the one hundred eightieth day after
    33  it shall have become a law.